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Studies of the effects of host-immunity on the life cycle of Hyalomma rufipes were carried out by allowing the ticks to feed on New Zealand white rabbits under laboratory conditions. The immunity of the rabbit host significantly affected the life cycle of this tick, reducing the percentage recovery of engorged females, their engorged weights and the total number of eggs laid by these females. The viability of the eggs laid by them was also considerably reduced compared to the eggs laid by females fed on naive rabbit hosts. The effects of host immunity were also revealed in the tendency towards three-host development of this species, which otherwise behaved as a two-host tick when fed on non-immune rabbit hosts.  相似文献   

为了解近年我国水稻主产区水稻干尖线虫Aphelenchoides besseyi种群的生物学特性,并为寻找新的水稻干尖线虫病害防控方法,通过在胡萝卜愈伤组织、灰葡萄孢菌Botrytis cinerea和水稻中培养水稻干尖线虫的方法对其生殖方式、生活史和温度对其存活能力的影响及其在水稻中的分布进行研究。结果表明,在供试的12个水稻干尖线虫种群中,只有G8-315种群可孤雌生殖;在25℃下,水稻干尖线虫在胡萝卜愈伤组织和灰葡萄孢菌上生活史均约为12 d,在水稻苗上生活史约为11 d;-20℃以下低温或42℃以上高温处理12 h,在清水、胡萝卜愈伤组织和灰葡萄孢菌中水稻干尖线虫存活率均显著下降,处理72 h水稻干尖线虫存活率均为0;带虫干燥谷粒在-80、-20和4℃低温保存6个月后,谷粒内水稻干尖线虫存活率均显著低于25℃(对照),其中-80℃保存的谷粒内水稻干尖线虫存活率为0;56、70和80℃高温处理12 h后,2个水稻品种谷粒内水稻干尖线虫存活率均显著下降,80℃处理16 h后2个水稻品种谷粒内水稻干尖线虫存活率均为0;水稻幼苗各部位均可检测出水稻干尖线虫,其中假茎部位水稻干尖线虫数量...  相似文献   

瘤缘蝽的生活史及防治简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俞满根 《江西植保》2001,24(2):58-58,57
瘤缘蝽 Acanthocoris scaber ( Linnaeus) ,属半翅目缘蝽科 ,分布于我国华东、华南、华中、西南 ,国外印度、马来西亚。以成虫、若虫为害马铃薯、蕃茄、茄子、蚕豆、瓜类、红茹、辣椒等作物。成、若虫常群集为害 ,吸食作物嫩梢、叶柄、花梗的汁液 ,受害部变色 ,有斑点 ,严重影响结实 ,甚至整株枯死。 1 998~ 2 0 0 0年瘤缘蝽在江西农大校园附近的辣椒上严重发生 ,笔者进行了观察和防治 ,现报道如下 :1 生活史及习性1 .1 生活史 瘤缘蝽在江西南昌一年发生 1~ 2代 ,以 2代为主。以成虫在菜地周围土缝、砖缝、石块下及枯枝落叶中越冬。越…  相似文献   

Dhall  Heena  Jangra  Sumit  Basavaraj  Y. B.  Ghosh  Amalendu 《Phytoparasitica》2021,49(4):501-512
Phytoparasitica - Thrips palmi, an important pest of vegetables and ornamentals, transmits several tospoviruses. Effect of tospovirus on host plant and vector is well studied. Little is known about...  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the transmission and dispersion routes used by the myxozoan parasite Enteromyxum scophthalmi Palenzuela, Redondo et Alvarez-Pellitero, 2002 within its host (Scophihalmus maximus L.), a detailed study of the course of natural and experimental infections was carried out. Purified stages obtained from infected fish were also used in in vitro assays with explants of uninfected intestinal epithelium. The parasites can contact and penetrate loci in the intestinal epithelium very quickly. From there, they proliferate and spread to the rest of the digestive system, generally in an antero-posterior pattern. The dispersion routes include both the detachment of epithelium containing proliferative stages to the intestinal lumen and the breaching of the subepithelial connective system and local capillary networks. The former mechanism is also responsible for the release of viable proliferative stages to the water, where they can reach new fish hosts. The finding of parasite stages in blood smears, haematopoietic organs, muscular tissue, heart and, less frequently, skin and gills, suggests the existence of additional infection routes in transmission, especially in spontaneous infections, and indicates the role of vascular system in parasite dispersion within the fish. The very high virulence of this species in turbot and the rare development of mature spores in this fish may suggest it is an accidental host for this parasite. This may also question the existence of a two-host life cycle involving an actinosporean stage in this species. Further studies are needed to clarify this open point of the life cycle.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Identification of Heterodera carotae (carrot cyst nematode), first reported from the Tarlton area in South Africa in 2008, was based on morphometrical and...  相似文献   

In respect of its morphology, biology and epidemiology, Hyaloomma (Euhyalonuna) impressum Koch, 1844 is one of the more poorly studied ticks of the genus Hyalomma Koch, 1844. No comprehensive morphological study has been done to date, and the nymph has not been described. Here the adults and larva are redescribed, and the nymph is described for the first time. Data on hosts, geographical distribution and disease relationships are provided.  相似文献   

药材甲[Stegobium paniceum(L.)]是中药材储藏期害虫优势种,对我国储藏中药材造成极大危害。此虫卵小,椭圆形,长径296.80~380.80μm,短径224.00~313.60μm。幼虫有4个龄期,1~2龄体小,3~4龄体长迅速增加,整个幼虫期蛀食生存于药材中。蛹被蛹室,长5~10 mm,发育过程中伴随颜色变化。成虫体长2~6 mm,羽化后2~3 d交配产卵,单雌卵量(55.78±3.01)粒,寿命(22.22±1.39)d。1年发生3~4代,世代重叠明显,多以当年第4代幼虫越冬。  相似文献   

The life cycle of E. bolschewense, the species with 37 collar spines and closely related to E. revolutum, was experimentally studied. The following developmental stages are described: mother and daughter rediae, cercaria, metacercaria, and adult. The freshwater prosobranchiate snail Viviparus contectus was found to be the first intermediate host in nature. Under experimental conditions, the miracidia developed in V. contectus. They did not, however, penetrate into Bithynia tentaculata or into any of the pulmonate snails tested. The cercariae encysted in various Prosobranchia and Pulmonata. Adult worms were commonly obtained from hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) and only exceptionally from chickens (Gallus gallus f. dom.). The species studied is considered to be conspecific with Cercaria bolschewensis described by Kotova (1939).  相似文献   

The sanguinicolids Paracardicoloides yamagutii Martin, 1974 and Plethorchis acanthus Martin, 1975 were obtained from their definitive hosts, Anguilla reinhardtii Steindachner and Mugil cephalus Linnaeus (respectively) in the tributaries of the Brisbane River, Queensland, Australia. Two putative sanguinicolid cercariae were collected from a hydrobiid gastropod, Posticobia brazieri Smith, in the same waters. The two cercariae differ markedly in size and the form of their sporocysts. Both putative cercariae develop in the digestive gland of Po. brazieri. The ITS2 rDNA region from these sanguinicolids and a Clinostomum species (utilised as an outgroup due to the close morphological similarities between the cercarial stages of the Clinostomidae and the Sanguinicolidae) were sequenced and aligned. Comparison of the ITS2 sequences showed one cercaria to be that of P. yamagutii. This is the first sanguinicolid life history determined by a molecular method. P. yamagutii is the fourth sanguinicolid known to utilise a freshwater hydrobiid gastropod as its intermediate host. ITS2 rDNA is effective in distinguishing sanguinicolids at the species level.  相似文献   

Seven species of fishes, Catostomus commersonii (Lacépède), Etheostoma nigrum Rafinesque, Micropterus dolomieu Lacépède, Notemigonus crysoleucas (Mitchill), Notropis hudsonius (Clinton), Perca flavescens (Mitchill), and Percina caprodes (Rafinesque) from the St. Lawrence River, Quebec, Canada, were found infected with progenetic specimens of Neochasmus spp. in the orbits and/or the body musculature. Worms displayed varying degrees of maturation. Eggs occupied the entirety of the worm in late stages of development and persisted as distinct clusters in situ after worm death. Populations of parasites were studied monthly in E. nigrum from one site between May and October in order to follow parasite recruitment, development and maturation. Recruitment of parasites was observed in young-of-the-year fish primarily in July and continued through October. Worms matured rapidly, displaying egg production within a month. Later developmental stages, in which eggs occupied most of the worm, and clusters of eggs became abundant by September. Infections in overwintered fish collected in May consisted mainly of worms in early stages of egg production and of clusters of eggs. When hatched artificially, eggs from the clusters released viable miracidia, indicating that they survive beyond the lifespan of the adult worm. It is suggested that progenesis is a fixed characteristic of the life cycle of these species, that egg dispersal requires the death of the host and that it is facilitated by predation. All prior records of Neochasmus spp. are examined, leading us to conclude that the role of the putative definitive host (primarily basses) has been reduced to that of a dispersal agent. Current hypotheses concerning the evolution and maintenance of progenesis are considered, but it is concluded that they do not apply to this host-parasite system.  相似文献   

The life cycle of Rubenstrema opisthovitellinum So?tys, 1954, a parasite of shrews, is elucidated. The following developmental stages are described in detail: daughter sporocyst, cercaria, metacercaria, and adult. The freshwater snail Planorbarius corneus was found to be the first intermediate host in nature. The metacercariae were obtained from the larvae of mosquitoes Culex molestus and only exceptionally from snails Physa acuta. The adults were obtained from the small intestine of hamsters Mesocricetus auratus. The life cycle and the larval stages of R. opisthovitellinum are described for the first time.  相似文献   

Hyalomnma (Euhyalomma) lusitanicum Koch, 1844 and Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) franchinii Tonelli Rondelli, 1932 are amongst the most poorly studied of those species within the genus Hyalomma Koch, 1844 that are restricted to the Mediterranean region. No comprehensive morphological study has been done to date, and the immature stages of H. (E.) franchinii have not been described. Here all the parasitic stages of H. (E.) lusitanicum and the adults of H. (E.)franchinii are redescribed, and the immature stages of the latter species are described for the first time. Data on hosts, geographic distribution and disease relationships are provided.  相似文献   

Systemic ciliatosis caused by histophagous ciliates constitutes a serious disease of cultured turbot. Six ciliate isolates were obtained from parasitized turbot during six epizootics at four different farms located in Spain, France and Portugal. Axenic cultures of the six isolates were obtained by periodical subculturing in ATCC 1651MA or supplemented L-15 media. In basal media or seawater, the parasites could survive starving for long periods with no apparent proliferation. In adequate media, growth kinetics was found to be very similar for isolates A and B, with a clear influence of temperature. Morphological studies demonstrated that all isolates share common features that allows their assignment to either Philasterides Kahl, 1931 or Miamiensis Thompson et Moewus, 1964. However, statistically significant differences were evident in pairwise comparisons of the isolates from the four farm sites in 16 taxonomically relevant morphometric features. This could allow the discrimination of different species or strains. Virulence of isolates A and B for healthy turbot was tested in several experiments. Differences in the virulence were especially evident after long-term in vitro culturing, isolate A being clearly attenuated after 35-42 passages, whereas isolate B became more virulent after 20-42 passages. The need of further studies to confirm such virulence variability and its implications in pathogenesis and prevention of turbot scuticociliatoses is stressed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Testing the compatibility of chemical pesticides and fungal biocontrol agents is necessary if these two agents are to be applied together in the integrated management of plant pests and diseases. In this study, the fungicides azoxystrobin (a strobilurin) and flutriafol (a triazole) were tested in vitro for their effects on germination of conidia and mycelial growth of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. and in bioassay for their effect on fungal activity against Tetranychus urticae Koch. The fungicides were tested at three different concentrations [recommended rate for field use (1 × X) and the dilutions 10?1× X and 10?2× X]. RESULTS: Flutriafol inhibited growth of mycelia and germination of the fungal conidia at all concentrations tested in vitro, and also reduced the efficacy of B. bassiana in bioassays against mites. The inhibitive effect of azoxystrobin in vitro varied with the concentration applied. A significant effect was observed at 1 × X and 10?1× X concentrations on both the germination of conidia and mycelia growth. At 10?2× X concentration, azoxystrobin showed little effect on B. bassiana. However, when this fungicide was tested in bioassays, none of the concentrations reduced B. bassiana activity against mites. CONCLUSION: Azoxystrobin was most compatible with B. bassiana, while flutriafol was the most harmful. Further studies are required to confirm the negative effect of flutriafol on B. bassiana activity. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In the late 1990s, commercial garlic fields in California (CA) were devastated by an outbreak of rust caused by Puccinia allii. We compared collections of the pathogen from garlic (Allium sativum) and chives (A. schoenoprasum) in central CA and Oregon (OR) to collections from garlic and leek (A. porrum and A. ampeloprasum) in the Middle East. Teliospores from the CA and OR collections were smaller in length, width, and projected cross-sectional area compared with collections from the Middle East. CA and OR collections had a shortened life cycle, in which pycnia and aecia were not formed. Germinating teliospores produced a two-celled promycelium, resulting in two basidiospores, each initially with two nuclei, indicating that this rust was homothallic. In addition, the morphology of the substomatal vesicles was different between the CA-OR (fusiform) and the Middle Eastern (bulbous) collections. DNA sequence analysis of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region showed that the CA and OR rust collections formed a well-supported cluster distinct from the Middle Eastern and European samples. These results suggest that the rust on garlic and chives in CA and OR is a different species than the rust fungus on garlic and leek in the Middle East.  相似文献   

The metabolism and transport of [14C]-naphthol were investigated in sacs of rat small intestine to better understand metabolism of the pesticide carbaryl (which contains naphthol) in the intestine. The capacity to synthesize polar 14C-labeled metabolites was approximately saturated at 50 μM naphthol. The metabolic capacity of the cranial small intestine was about two times the capacity of the caudal. Anaerobic incubation severely suppressed naphthol metabolism. Sodiumfree medium suppressed metabolism only slightly but altered transport of water and of the polar 14C-labeled metabolites to serosal and mucosal fluids; the effect on metabolite transport cannot be explained by the effects of sodium on water movements, however. Calcium-free medium did not affect metabolism or metabolite transport; 2,4-dinitrophenol, and possibly phlorizin, but not ouabain, suppressed naphthol metabolism in specific regions of the intestine. Each of the three inhibitors altered metabolite transport. It is concluded that the capacity to conjugate naphthol in the small intestine is greater in the cranial than caudal regions; the quantity of naphthol taken up from the medium is proportional to the rate of formation of the polar metabolite, naphthyl glucuronide; addition of 2,4-dinitrophenol, phlorizin, or ouabain, or deletion of sodium, perturbed the transport of the polar metabolite, but the perturbance could not be explained by the effect on rate or direction of fluid transfer and indicated an effect on cellular permeability or on transport mechanisms; the effect of the three inhibitors and possibly of elevated naphthol concentrations (to 520 μM) in the medium on metabolite transport may be by a sodium interaction; the latter suggests that naphthol may be toxic to the intestine at concentrations approaching 100 to 1000 μM.  相似文献   

Three polyphagous looper caterpillars, Buzura suppressaria Guenée, Hyposidra talaca Walker and Hyposidra infixaria Walker, have established themselves as severe pests of tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze] in the plantations of sub Himalayan West Bengal (Terai region). Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth. is a naturally occurring alternative host of all these looper species. To gain an insight into looper and host plant relationships, the present work contemplates studies on host preference, host-based life cycle traits and levels of detoxification enzymes, such as general esterases (GEs) and glutathione S-transferases (GSTs). From the study, host-induction of feeding preference was evident in all the three looper species. Hyposidra spp. exhibited similar post-embryonic development periods both on tea and S. wallichii, whereas B. suppressaria reared on tea needed a longer development period than on S. wallichii. Tea-reared caterpillars of Hyposidra spp. were significantly heavier, having higher quantities of GEs and GSTs than S. wallichii-reared ones. B. suppressaria, however, exhibited similar body weights on tea and S. wallichii. While GST level was higher in tea-reared B. suppressaria, its GE quantity was higher on S. wallichii. Although tea was found to be a more suitable host for Hyposidra spp., the host S. wallichii proved marginally better than tea for supporting B. suppressaria. However, all the three looper species could utilize the foliage of tea and S. wallichii successfully. So S. wallichii trees can act as a sylvan reservoir of the looper species, prompting their possible invasion of tea plantations and thus making management of looper pests in tea more difficult.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Carbamate and organophosphate nematicides are routinely used for control of root-knot nematodes (RKN, Meloidogyne spp.) in greenhouses of Crete, Greece....  相似文献   

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