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 This review discusses the analysis of whole-community phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles and the composition of lipopolysaccharides in order to assess the microbial biomass and the community structure in soils. For the determination of soil microbial biomass a good correlation was obtained between the total amount of PLFAs and the microbial biomass measured with methods commonly used for determinations such as total adenylate content and substrate-induced respiration. Generally, after the application of multivariate statistical analyses, whole-community fatty acid profiles indicate which communities are similar or different. However, in most cases, the organisms accounting for similarity or difference cannot be determined, and therefore artefacts could not be excluded. The fatty acids used to determine the biomass vary from those which determine the community structure. Specific attention has to be paid when choosing extraction methods in order to avoid the liberation of fatty acids from non-living organic material and deposits, and to exclude the non-target selection of lipids from living organisms, as well. By excluding the fatty acids which were presumed to be common and widespread prior to multivariate statistical analysis, estimates were improved considerably. Results from principal component analysis showed that determining the levels of fatty acids present in both low and high concentrations is essential in order to correctly identify microorganisms and accurately classify them into taxonomically defined groups. The PLFA technique has been used to elucidate different strategies employed by microorganisms to adapt to changed environmental conditions under wide ranges of soil types, management practices, climatic origins and different perturbations. It has been proposed that the classification of PLFAs into a number of chemically different subgroups should simplify the evaluating procedure and improve the assessment of soil microbial communities, since then only the subgroups assumed to be involved in key processes would be investigated. Received: 24 August 1998  相似文献   

Quantifying microbial biomass phosphorus in acid soils   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
 This study aimed to validate the fumigation-extraction method for measuring microbial biomass P in acid soils. Extractions with the Olsen (0.5 M NaHCO3, pH 8.5) and Bray-1 (0.03 M NH4F–0.025 M HCl) extractants at two soil:solution ratios (1 : 20 and 1 : 4, w/v) were compared using eight acid soils (pH 3.6–5.9). The data indicated that the flushes (increases following CHCl3-fumigation) of total P (Pt) and inorganic P (Pi) determined by Olsen extraction provided little useful information for estimating the amount of microbial biomass P in the soils. Using the Bray-1 extractant at a soil:solution ratio of 1 : 4, and analysing Pi instead of Pt, improves the reproducibility (statistical significance and CV) of the P flush in these soils. In all the approaches studied, the Pi flush determined using the Bray-1 extractant at 1 : 4 provided the best estimate of soil microbial biomass P. Furthermore, the recovery of cultured bacterial and fungal biomass P added to the soils and extracted using the Bray-1 extractant at 1 : 4 was relatively constant (24.1–36.7% and 15.7–25.7%, respectively) with only one exception, and showed no relationship with soil pH, indicating that it behaved differently from added Pi (recovery decreased from 86% at pH 4.6 to 13% at pH 3.6). Thus, correcting for the incomplete recovery of biomass P using added Pi is inappropriate for acid soils. Although microbial biomass P in soil is generally estimated using the Pi flush and a conversion factor (k P) of 0.4, more reliable estimates require that k P values are best determined independently for each soil. Received: 3 February 2000  相似文献   

A CHCl3 fumigation and 0.03 M NH4F-0.025 M HCl extraction procedure was used to measure microbial biomass P (Pmic) in 11 acid red soils (pH <6.0) from southern China and the results compared to those obtained by the commonly-used CHCl3 fumigation and 0.5 M NaHCO3 extraction method. Extraction with NH4F-HCl was found to be more effective and accurate than NaHCO3 extraction for detecting the increase of P from microbial biomass P following chloroform fumigation due to its higher efficiency in extracting both native labile phosphate and added phosphate (32P) in the soils. This was confirmed by the recovery of 32P from in situ 32P-labeled soil microbial biomass following fumigation and extraction by the NH4F-HCl solution. Soil microbial biomass P, measured by the NH4F-HCl extraction method, was more comparable with soil microbial biomass C (with a more narrow C:P ratio range of 4.3 to 22.3 and a mean of 15.6 in the microbial biomass), than that obtained by NaHCO3 solution (with a mean C:P ratio of 30.7 and a wide range of 14.9 to 48.9). Kp, the fraction of soil microbial biomass P extracted after CHCl3 fumigation, by the NH4F-HCl solution was 0.34. The amount of microbial biomass P determined (using Kp =0.34) was 3–400% (mean 131%) higher than that obtained by the NaHCO3 extraction (using Kp =0.40) for the 11 red soils studied. The results suggest that the CHCl3 fumigation and NH4F-HCl extraction method is more reliable for measuring microbial biomass P than the NaHCO3 extraction method in acid red soils.  相似文献   

The response of the soil microbial biomass to seasonal changes was investigated in the field under pastures. These studies showed that over a 9-month period, microbial biomass carbon, phosphorus and sulphur (biomass C, P, S), and their ratios (C:P, C:S, and P:S) responded differently to changes in soil moisture and to the input of fresh organic materials. From October to December (1993), when plant residues were largely incorporated into the soils, biomass C and S increased by 150–210%. Biomass P did not increase over this time, having decreased by 22–64% over the dry summer (July to September). There was no obvious correlation between biomass C, P, and S and air temperature. The largest amounts of biomass C and P (2100–2300μg and 150–190μgg–1 soil, respectively) were found in those soils receiving farmyard manure (FYM or FYM+NPK) and P fertilizer, whereas the use of ammonium sulphate decreased biomass C and P. The C:P, C:S, and P:S ratios of the biomass varied considerably (9–276:1; 50–149:1; and 0.3–14:1, respectively) with season and fertilizer regime. This reflected the potential for the biomass to release (when ratios were narrow) or to immobilize (wide ratios) P and S at different times of the year. Thus, seasonal responses in biomass C, P, and S are important in controlling the cycling of C, P, and S in pasture and ultimately in regulating plant availability of P and S. The uptake of P in the pasture was well correlated with the sum of P in the biomass and soil available pools. Thus, the simultaneous measurement of microbial biomass P and available P provide useful information on the potential plant availability of P. Received: 25 May 1996  相似文献   

Adenylate (i.e. adenosine tri- (ATP), di- (ADP) and monophosphates (AMP)) and microbial biomass C data were collected over a wide range of sites including forest floor layers and forest, grassland and arable soils. Microbial biomass C was measured by fumigation extraction and adenylates after alkaline Na3PO4/DMSO/EDTA extraction and HPLC detection. Our aims were (1) to test whether the sum of adenylates is a better estimate for microbial biomass than the determination of ATP, (2) to compare our conversion values with those proposed by others, and (3) to analyse whether soil properties or land use form affect the relationships between ATP, adenylates and microbial biomass C. A close relationship was found between microbial biomass C and ATP (r=0.96), but also with the sum of adenylates (r=0.96) within all appropriately conditioned soil samples (n=112). In the mineral soil (n=98), the geometric means of the ATP-to-microbial biomass C ratio and the adenylates-to-microbial biomass C ratio were 7.4 and 11.4 μmol g−1, respectively. The mean ratios did not differ significantly between the different texture classes and land use forms. In the forest floor, the ATP-to-microbial biomass C ratio and the adenylates-to-microbial biomass C ratio were both roughly two-thirds of those of the mineral soil. The average adenylate energy charge (AEC) of all soil samples was 0.79 and showed a strong negative relationship with the soil pH (r=−0.69). However, the AEC is presumably only indirectly affected by the soil pH.  相似文献   

The content levels and activities of the microbiota were estimated in topsoils and in one soil profile at agricultural and forest sites of the Bornhöved Lake district in northern Germany. Discrepancies between data achieved by fumigation-extraction (FE) and substrate-induced respiration (SIR), both used for the quantification of microbial biomass, were attributed to the composition of the microbial populations in the soils. In the topsoils, the active, glucose-responsive (SIR) versus the total, chloroform-sensitive microbial (FE) biomass decreased in the order; field maize monoculture (field-MM)>field crop rotation (field-CR) and dry grassland>beech forest. This ratio decreased within the soil profile of the beech forest from the litter horizon down to the topsoil. Differences between microbial biomass and activities suggested varying biomass-specific transformation intensities in the soils. The metabolic quotient (qCO2), defined as the respiration rate per unit of biomass, indicates the efficiency in acquiring organic C and the intensity of C mineralization, while biomass-specific arginine-ammonification (arginine-ammonification rate related to microbial biomass content) seems to be dependent on N availability. The qCO2, calculated on the basis of the total microbial biomass, decreased for the topsoils in the same order as did the ratio between the active, glucose-responsive microbial biomass to the total, chloroform-sensitive microbial biomass, in contrast to qCO2 values based on the glucose-responsive microbial biomass, which did not. There was no difference between the levels of biomass-specific arginine-ammonification in topsoils of the fertilized field-CR, fertilized field-MM, fertilized dry grassland and eutric alder forest, but levels were lower in the beech forest, dystric alder forest, and unfertilized wet grassland topsoils. Ratios between values of different microbiological features are suggested to be more useful than microbiological features related to soil weight when evaluating microbial populations and microbially mediated processes in soils.  相似文献   

 Analyses of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) were used to assess variations in soil microbial biodiversity, community structure and biomass, and consequently, the soil microbial successions in time along the climate gradient of the Judean Desert. Principal component analysis of the PLFA data revealed that the degree of time- and space-related variations in PLFA composition and microbial community structure was high among the desert habitats. Significant shifts of specific groups of fatty acids caused by climatic variations were observed. The biomass represented by the total amounts of PLFAs indicated that the greater the average amount of precipitation, the higher the biomass. The results indicate that at least three different microorganism strategies were probably followed: (1) in soils with a high biomass during the rainy period, a significant biomass decrease occurred during the dry period, mainly due to an extraordinary decrease of Gram-negative bacteria as indicated by the decrease of typical monounsaturated fatty acids and hydroxy-substituted phospholipid fatty acids in semi-arid climates; (2) in soils with low biomass content during the rainy period, a significant increase of biomass during the dry period occurred, due mainly to the increase of eukaryotes, Gram-positive, and Gram-negative bacteria characterized by polyunsaturated, branched chain and some of the monounsaturated fatty acids, respectively; and (3) relatively low and constant biomass during the entire observation period in the more arid zones of the Judean Desert. Received: 12 January 1998  相似文献   

Long-term effects of high Cd concentrations on enzyme activities, microbial biomass and respiration and bacterial community structure of soils were assessed in sandy soils where Cd was added between 1988 and 1990 as Cd(NO3)2 to reach concentrations ranging from 0 to 0.36 mmol Cd kg−1 dry weight soil. Soils were mantained under maize and grass cultivation, or ‘set-aside’ regimes, for 1 year. Solubility of Cd and its bioavailability were measured by chemical extractions or by the BIOMET bacterial biosensor system. Cadmium solubility was very low, and Cd bioavailability was barely detectable even in soils polluted with 0.36 mmol Cd kg−1. Soil microbial biomass carbon (BC) was slightly decreased and respiration was increased significantly even at the lower Cd concentration and as a consequence the metabolic quotient (qCO2) was increased, indicating a stressful condition for soil microflora. However, Cd-contaminated soils also had a lower total organic C (TOC) content and thus the microbial biomass C-to-TOC ratio was unaffected by Cd. Alkaline phosphomonoesterase, arylsulphatase and protease activities were significantly reduced in all Cd-contaminated soils whereas acid phosphomonoesterase, β-glucosidase and urease activites were unaffected by Cd. Neither changes in physiological groups of bacteria, nor of Cd resistant bacteria could be detected in numbers of the culturable bacterial community. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of the bacterial community showed slight changes in maize cropped soils containing 0.18 and 0.36 mmol Cd kg−1 soil as compared to the control. It was concluded that high Cd concentrations induced mainly physiological adaptations rather than selection for metal-resistant culturable soil microflora, regardless of Cd concentration, and that some biochemical parameters were more sensitive to stress than others.  相似文献   

保护性耕作对黑土微生物群落的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
耕作方式通过影响土壤微生物群落而影响土壤生态系统过程。本研究以传统耕作玉米连作处理为对照,通过测定土壤微生物量碳及磷脂脂肪酸含量,分析了保护性耕作(包括免耕玉米连作和免耕大豆-玉米轮作)对黑土微生物群落的影响。结果表明,保护性耕作可显著增加土壤表层(0~5cm)全碳、全氮、水溶性有机碳、碱解氮和微生物量碳(P0.05),为微生物代谢提供了丰富的资源。同时,保护性耕作显著提高了土壤表层(0~5cm)总脂肪酸量、真菌和细菌生物量(P0.05),提高了土壤的真菌/细菌值,有利于农田土壤生态系统的稳定性。研究结果对于探讨保护性耕作的内在机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Ergosterol and microbial biomass C were measured in 26 arable, 16 grassland and 30 forest soils. The ergosterol content ranged from 0.75 to 12.94 g g-1 soil. The geometric mean ergosterol content of grassland and forest soils was around 5.5 g g-1, that of the arable soils 2.14 g g-1. The ergosterol was significantly correlated with biomass C in the entire group of soils, but not in the subgroups of grassland and forest soils. The geometric mean of the ergosterol: microbial biomass C ratio was 6.0 mg g-1, increasing in the order grassland (5.1), arable land (5.4) and woodland (7.2). The ergosterol:microbial biomass C ratio had a strong negative relationship with the decreasing cation exchange capacity and soil pH, indicating that the fungal part of the total microbial biomass in soils increased when the buffer capacity decreased. The average ergosterol concentration calculated from literature data was 5.1 mg g-1 fungal dry weight. Assuming that fungi contain 46% C, the conversion factor from micrograms ergosterol to micrograms fungal biomass C is 90. For soil samples, neither saponification of the extract nor the more effective direct saponification during extraction seems to be really necessary.  相似文献   

The cell content of 12 bacterial phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) was determined in bacteria extracted from soil by homogenization/centrifugation. The bacteria were enumerated using acridine orange direct counts. An average of 1.40×10-17 mol bacterial PLFA cell-1 was found in bacteria extracted from 15 soils covering a wide range of pH and organic matter contents. With this factor, the bacterial biomass based on PLFA analyses of whole soil samples was calculated as 1.0–4.8 mg bacterial C g-1 soil C. The corresponding range based on microscopical counts was 0.3–3.0 mg bacterial C g-1 soil C. The recovery of bacteria from the soils using homogenization/centrifugation was 2.6–16% (mean 8.7%) measured by PLFA analysis, and 12–61% (mean 26%) measured as microscopical counts. The soil content of the PLFA 18:26 was correlated with the ergosterol content (r=0.92), which supports the use of this PLFA as an indicator of fungal biomass. The ratio 18:26 to bacterial PLFA is therefore suggested as an index of the fungal:bacterial biomass ratio in soil. An advantage with the method based on PLFA analyses is that the same technique and even the same sample is used to determine both fungi and bacteria. The fungal:bacterial biomass ratio calculated in this way was positively correlated with the organic matter content of the soils (r=0.94).  相似文献   

As an important component of organic fertilizers, animal faeces require methods for determining diet effects on their microbial quality to improve nutrient use efficiency in soil and to decrease gaseous greenhouse emissions to the environment. The objectives of the present study were (i) to apply the chloroform fumigation extraction (CFE) method for determining microbial biomass in cattle faeces, (ii) to determine the fungal cell-membrane component ergosterol, and (iii) to measure the cell-wall components fungal glucosamine and bacterial muramic acid as indices for the microbial community structure. Additionally, ergosterol and amino sugar data provide independent control values for the reliability of the microbial biomass range obtained by the CFE method. A variety of extractant solutions were tested for the CFE method to obtain stable extracts and reproducible microbial biomass C and N values, leading to the replacement of the original 0.5 M K2SO4 extractant for 0.05 M CuSO4. The plausibility of the data was assessed in a 28-day incubation study at 25 °C with cattle faeces of one heifer, where microbial biomass C and N were repeatedly measured together with ergosterol. Here, the microbial biomass indices showed dynamic characteristics and possible shifts in the microbial community. In faeces of five different heifers, the mean microbial biomass C/N ratio was 5.6, the mean microbial biomass to organic C ratio was 2.2%, and the mean ergosterol to microbial biomass C ratio was 1.1‰. Ergosterol and amino sugar analysis revealed a significant contribution of fungi, with a percentage of more than 40% to the microbial community. All three methods are expected to be suitable tools for analysing the quality of cattle faeces.  相似文献   

Land use affect soil C and microbial structure, especially in tropical dry areas. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the land use on physical, chemical, and microbiological attributes of soils from Brazilian semiarid. We analyzed soil physical, chemical, total carbon stocks (TCS), water-soluble carbon (WSC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and microbial structure of soil from forest, no irrigation maize, succession areas (Anadenanthera falcate and Tabebuia alba) and secondary shrubby vegetation. The use of soil influences C stock. The forest soil showed higher TCS and MBC. The conversion in T. alba reduced in 9% soil total bacteria. The multivariate analysis showed that TCS, MBC and FAMEs contributed to separation of natural forest and other areas in the superficial layer. This study indicates that the conversion of forest into successional areas can decrease by up to 44% TCS and 68% MBC. The present study provided alarming data concerning the impact of land use on quality of soil in a tropical dry region in Northeastern Brazil. Our results provide an alternative tool for the management of deforested dry areas that could serve as guideline for management plan to sustainability for agricultural impacted dry areas.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the potential harmful effects of novaluron on soil microbiological parameters in clay loam alluvial soil (Typic udifluvent) and coastal saline soil (Typic endoaquept) under controlled laboratory tests. The applications of novaluron were made at or above the recommended rates, which includes field rate (FR), two times (2FR), and ten times (10FR) the FR. The laboratory incubation study was carried out at 60% of maximum water holding capacity of soils and at 30°C. Novaluron application rate even up to 10FR resulted in a short-lived and transitory toxic effect on soil microbial biomass C and fluorescein diacetate-hydrolyzing activity. Microbial metabolic quotient changed but for a short period. It can be concluded that novaluron had a transient and negligible harmful effect on the soil microbiological parameters studied at higher rates than those usually used in the field.  相似文献   

PH对红壤微生物生物量碳和生物量磷的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
The impact of pH changes on microbial biomass carbon (Cmic) and microbial biomass phosphorus (Pmic) were examined for 3 red soils under citrus production with different lengths of cultivation. Soil pH significantly affected Cmic and Pmic. The Cmie and Pmic changes, as a function of soil pH, appeared to follow a normal distribution with the original soil pH value at the apex and as pH increased or decreased compared to the original soil pH, Cmic and Pmic declined. Moreover, there were critical pH values at both extremes (3.0 on the acidic side and 8.0 to 8.5 on the alkaline side), beyond which most of microorganisms could never survive. The effect of pH on Cmic and Pmic was also related to the original soil pH. The higher the original soil pH was, the less Cmic or Pmic were affected by pH change. It is suggested that soil microorganisms that grow in a soil environment with a more neutral soil pH range (i.e. pH 5.5-7.5) may have a greater tolerance to pH changes than those growing in more acidic or more alkaline soil pH conditions.  相似文献   

The significance of microbial biomass sulphur in soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The soil microbial biomass S fraction of total organic S in soil is considered to be relatively labile and the most active S pool for S turnover in soil. Its significance has been demonstrated in studies of S deficiency in agronomic situations and in those of S pollution from high atmospheric inputs. The utility of the CHCl3 fumigation-extraction technique for the measurement of microbial S has been proved for a range of soils and conditions. The various methodologies currently available are discussed, including the need for determination of the conversion (K s) factor. Microbial S values, summarized from the available literature, ranged from 3 to 300 g S g-1 dry weight soil. They were generally greater in grassland than in arable systems, though the greatest values were obtained in the few examples from forest and peatland soil systems. Microbial S values showed direct relationships with both microbial C and with total soil organic S. Again, there were significant differences between arable and grassland systems. The effect of factors such as organic and inorganic inputs as well as soil physical conditions on microbial S are described. Microbial S turnover rates were estimated from seasonal, 35S-labelling and modelling studies. These rates varied between an approximately annual turnover rate in undisturbed soils up to 80 year-1 following the addition of readily available substrates. Prospective future research areas are also outlined.  相似文献   

长期施肥对红壤性水稻土微生物生物量与活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
吴晓晨  李忠佩  张桃林  车玉萍 《土壤》2009,41(4):594-599
土壤微生物及其活性是指示土壤增肥过程和土壤环境变化的灵敏指标.本文研究了红壤荒地开垦为水田后不同施肥制度定位施肥 16 年后水稻土的微生物生物量与活性特征,结果表明:经 16 年水稻耕植,不同施肥措施下土壤的微生物生物量和活性还处于较低水平.施肥制度显著影响了水稻土的微生物生物量 C 和基质诱导呼吸,但对基础呼吸的影响还不明显.只施用 N、K 肥对提高土壤微生物生物量和活性没有显著效果,在不施肥或施用化肥的基础上配合有机循环可以显著提高土壤微生物的生物量、代谢活性和微生物呼吸的温度敏感性,N、P、K 肥配合有机循环的施肥制度对提高土壤微生物生物量和代谢活性的作用最好.  相似文献   

No-till (NT) management greatly reduces soil physical disturbance and can result in a stratification of nutrients and organic matter in the soil profile due to the retention of crop residues on the soil surface potentially affecting the dynamics of microbial interactions in the soil. Microbial abundance and diversity can be used to assess the relative impact of management on the long-term sustainability of cropping systems. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of long-term NT vs. conventional tillage (CT) management on soil microbial community structure at four different sites on the Canadian prairies using phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA) and DNA fingerprinting. Analysis of 16S and 18S rDNA using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis revealed high inherent variability within bacterial and fungal community fingerprints among replicate field plots. Differences in bacterial and fungal phylogeny were related to depth in the soil profile but not to tillage management. Abundance of individual PLFA biomarkers were 7 to 86% greater in NT surface soils (0- to 5-cm depth), except at the Ellerslie site in 2005 where biomass was greater in CT. Responses at the 5- to 10-cm and 10- to 15-cm depths were more varied, in some cases with greater biomass in CT than NT soils. Ordination analysis of PLFA profiles showed clear community separation with depth but not tillage. Physiological stress biomarkers were correlated with simple measures of nutrient concentration and indicated that resource availability was likely the main factor determining community structure. It was concluded that tillage disturbance was not an overriding factor in determining microbial community composition in the long-term NT and CT soils studied. Further study of the interaction of cropping frequency with tillage management is needed to understand the effects of tillage disturbance on microbial turnover of plant derived residues.  相似文献   

In agricultural ecosystems that have had consistent cropping histories, standard microbial methods may be used to evaluate past and present practices. Our objective was to evaluate several microbial methods that best indicate cropping histories and soil quality on long-term plots. We selected soil microbial carbon (C), phospholipid analyses, direct counts of total fungal and bacterial biomass, and soil enzymes (phosphatases) to measure direct and indirect microbial activity on the Sanborn Field and Tucker Prairie. The Sanborn Field has been under various cropping and management practices since 1888 and the Tucker Prairie is an uncultivated site. Seven different plots were chosen on the Sanborn Field and random samples were taken in the summit area on the Tucker Prairie, which represented a reference site. Soil microbial biomass C, phospholipids, and enzyme activity were reflective of the cropping and management histories observed on the Sanborn Field. Enzymatic activity was highly correlated to soil organic matter. The direct counts of fungal and bacterial biomass showed that fungal populations dominated these soils, which may be attributed to soil pH. Soil microbial biomass C and enzyme assays seemed to be better potential indicators of cropping histories than the other methods tested in the long-term plots.This paper has been assigned by the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station to Journal Series no. 12043  相似文献   

The changes in size, activity and structure of soil microbial community caused by N fertilization were studied in a laboratory incubation experiment. The rates of N fertiliser applied (KNO3) were 0 (control), 100 and 2,000 μg N g−1 soil. Despite no extra C sources added, a high percentage of N was immobilized. Whereas no significant increase of microbial C was revealed during incubation period, microbial growth kinetics as determined by the substrate-induced growth-response method demonstrated a significant decrease in the specific growth rate of microbial community in soil treated with 2,000 μg N g−1 soil. Additionally, a shift in microbial community structure resulting in an increase in fungal biomarkers, mainly in the treatment with 2,000 μg N g−1 soil was visible.  相似文献   

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