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新世纪包装与食品机械发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新世纪食品工业要发展,必然要有先进的机械设备作为辅助;食品要走出国门,必须要有美观得体的包装。因此,包装与食品机械工业的发展对于食品工业来说是必要的前提条件。本文根据包装与食品机械的市场需求以及国内外包装与食品机械的发展动态,探讨了包装与食品机械的发展方向。  相似文献   

A comparison of the proteins encoded in the recently (nearly) completed human genome to those from the fly and nematode genomes reveals a major increase in the complexity of the apoptotic molecular machinery in vertebrates, in terms of both the number of proteins involved and their domain architecture. Several components of the apoptotic system are shared by humans and flies, to the exclusion of nematodes, which seems to support the existence of a coelomate clade in animal evolution. A considerable repertoire of apoptotic protein domains was detected in Actinomycetes and Cyanobacteria, which suggests a major contribution of horizontal gene transfer to the early evolution of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Findings in cognitive science suggest new approaches to teaching in science and mathematics.  相似文献   

Infant rats rewarded for crawling by being allowed to suckle on the dry nipple of an anesthetized dam showed a decreasing rate of ultrasound production during acquisition and an increasing rate during extinction. These results suggest that infant rats can be stressed and are aroused as a result of successive nonrewards just as adult rats are. In addition, these results do not support the hypothesis that infant rats lack inhibitory mechanisms related to poorly developed neural centers.  相似文献   

A Leslie matrix population model supported by carbon-14 dating of early occupation layers lacking moa remains suggests that human hunting and habitat destruction drove the 11 species of moa to extinction less than 100 years after Polynesian settlement of New Zealand. The rapid extinction contrasts with models that envisage several centuries of exploitation.  相似文献   

Results of a three-year field study of family-level patterns of ecological diversity of dinosaurs in the Hell Creek Formation of Montana and North Dakota show no evidence (probability P < 0.05) of a gradual decline of dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous. Stratigraphic reliability was maintained through a tripartite division of the Hell Creek, and preservational biases were corrected for by comparison of results only from similar fades as well as through the use of large-scale, statistically rigorous survey and collection procedures. The findings are in agreement with an abrupt extinction event such as one caused by an asteroid impact.  相似文献   

The medial temporal lobe is crucial for the ability to learn and retain new declarative memories. This form of memory includes the ability to quickly establish novel associations between unrelated items. To better understand the patterns of neural activity during associative memory formation, we recorded the activity of hippocampal neurons of macaque monkeys as they learned new associations. Hippocampal neurons signaled learning by changing their stimulus-selective response properties. This change in the pattern of selective neural activity occurred before, at the same time as, or after learning, which suggests that these neurons are involved in the initial formation of new associative memories.  相似文献   

Over the past 50 million years, successive clades of large carnivorous mammals diversified and then declined to extinction. In most instances, the cause of the decline remains a puzzle. Here we argue that energetic constraints and pervasive selection for larger size (Cope's rule) in carnivores lead to dietary specialization (hypercarnivory) and increased vulnerability to extinction. In two major clades of extinct North American canids, the evolution of large size was associated with a dietary shift to hypercarnivory and a decline in species durations. Thus, selection for attributes that promoted individual success resulted in progressive evolutionary failure of their clades.  相似文献   

A comparison of the percentage-performance curve of a classical conditioning group with those of three control groups provided unequivocal evidence of successful conditioning of the retractor bulbi response to an auditory conditioned stimulus.  相似文献   

Inaccurate stratigraphic correlations in the Hell Creek area, Montana, have led to the assumption that transitional vertebrate faunas (Bug Creek Anthills) exist in the latest Cretaceous, refuting a catastrophic turnover at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. Establishment of the transitional faunas in Paleocene channels that cut down through the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary renders the terrestrial faunal record compatible with the marine record and with catastrophic extinction.  相似文献   

There is growing concern about increased population, regional, and global extinctions of species. A key question is whether extinction rates for one group of organisms are representative of other taxa. We present a comparison at the national scale of population and regional extinctions of birds, butterflies, and vascular plants from Britain in recent decades. Butterflies experienced the greatest net losses, disappearing on average from 13% of their previously occupied 10-kilometer squares. If insects elsewhere in the world are similarly sensitive, the known global extinction rates of vertebrate and plant species have an unrecorded parallel among the invertebrates, strengthening the hypothesis that the natural world is experiencing the sixth major extinction event in its history.  相似文献   

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