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Soil respiration is controlled by soil temperature, soil water, fine roots, microbial activity, and soil physical and chemical properties. Forest thinning changes soil temperature, soil water content, and root density and activity, and thus changes soil respiration. We measured soil respiration monthly and soil temperature and volumetric soil water continuously in a young ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex P. Laws. & C. Laws.) plantation in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California from June 1998 to May 2000 (before a thinning that removed 30% of the biomass), and from May to December 2001 (after thinning). Thinning increased the spatial homogeneity of soil temperature and respiration. We conducted a multivariate analysis with two independent variables of soil temperature and water and a categorical variable representing the thinning event to simulate soil respiration and assess the effect of thinning. Thinning did not change the sensitivity of soil respiration to temperature or to water, but decreased total soil respiration by 13% at a given temperature and water content. This decrease in soil respiration was likely associated with the decrease in root density after thinning. With a model driven by continuous soil temperature and water time series, we estimated that total soil respiration was 948, 949 and 831 g C m(-2) year(-1) in the years 1999, 2000 and 2001, respectively. Although thinning reduced soil respiration at a given temperature and water content, because of natural climate variability and the thinning effect on soil temperature and water, actual cumulative soil respiration showed no clear trend following thinning. We conclude that the effect of forest thinning on soil respiration is the combined result of a decrease in root respiration, an increase in soil organic matter, and changes in soil temperature and water due to both thinning and interannual climate variability.  相似文献   

Due to increases in tree density and hazardous fuel loading in Sierra Nevadan forests, land management is focusing on fuel reduction treatments to moderate the risk of catastrophic fires. Fuel treatments involving mechanical and prescribed fire methods can reduce surface as well as canopy fuel loads. Mastication is a mechanical method which shreds smaller trees and brush onto the surface fuel layer. Little data exist quantifying masticated fuel beds. Despite the paucity of data on masticated fuels, land managers desire fuel loading, potential fire behavior and fire effects such as tree mortality information for masticated areas. In this study we measured fuel characteristics before and after mastication and mastication plus prescribed burn treatments in a 25-year old ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa C. Lawson) plantation. In addition to surface fuel characteristics and tree data collection, bulk density samples were gathered for masticated material. Regressions were created predicting masticated fuel loading from masticated fuel bed depth. Total masticated fuel load prior to fire treatment ranged from 25.9 to 42.9 Mg ha−1, and the bulk density of masticated fuel was 125 kg m−3. Mastication treatment alone showed increases in most surface fuel loadings and decreases in canopy fuel loads. Masticated treatment in conjunction with prescribed burning reduced both surface and canopy fuel loads. Detailed information on fuel structure in masticated areas will allow for better predictions of fire behavior and fire effects for fire in masticated fuel types. Understanding potential fire behavior and fire effects associated with masticated fuels will allow managers to make decisions on the possibility of mastication to create fuel breaks or enhance forest health.  相似文献   

We review some of the unique features of biogeochemical cycling in forests of the eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains, USA. As is the case for most arid and semi-arid ecosystems, spatial and temporal variability in nutrient contents and fluxes are quite high. “Islands of fertility” are common in these forests, a result of spatial variations in both litterfall and decomposition rates. Dry summer conditions greatly inhibit biological activity in the O horizon, and thus most annual litter decomposition takes place beneath the snowpack when moisture is available. Snowmelt duration is shortened near tree boles because of local warming, resulting in earlier drying of the O horizon, significantly lower decomposition rates, and increased O horizon mass. Water and nutrient fluxes vary spatially because of snowdrift in winter and surface runoff over hydrophobic soils in summer and fall. Moisture variability in the vertical as well as the horizontal dimension has significant consequences for nutrient fluxes. Because of the very dry summers, rooting in the O horizons is absent in these forests, and thus competition between microbes and trees for nutrients in that horizon is non-existent. Nutrients mineralized from the O horizon and not taken up by plants enrich runoff through the O horizons over hydrophobic mineral soils, resulting in very high concentrations of inorganic N and P in runoff waters. Substantial temporal variations in water and nutrient fluxes occur on a seasonal (with snowmelt being the dominant hydrologic event of the year), annual, and decadal basis. The most significant temporal variation is due to periodic fire, which we estimate causes annualized N losses that are two orders of magnitude greater than those associated with leaching and runoff. We hypothesize that fire suppression during the 20th century may have contributed to the deterioration of nearby Lake Tahoe by allowing buildups of N and P in O horizons which could subsequently leach from the terrestrial ecosystem to the Lake in runoff. In general, we conclude that biogeochemical cycling in these forests is characterized by greater spatial and temporal variability than in more mesic forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The fisher (Martes pennanti) is a forest mustelid endemic to North America that has experienced range reductions in Pacific states that have led to their listing under the Endangered Species Act as warranted but precluded by higher priorities. The viability of the southern Sierra Nevada fisher population is of particular concern due to its reduced historical range, isolated nature, and low genetic variability. We located resting structures of radio-collared fishers in the southern Sierra Nevada and compared resting and available habitat to examine selection for specific features of resting sites. Resting structures provide protection from predators and unfavorable weather and are believed to be the most limiting habitat element across fisher home ranges. Resting structures were found primarily in live trees (76%) and snags (15%). Trees used by fishers for resting were among the largest available and frequently had mistletoe infestations. Ponderosa pines (Pinus ponderosa) were used more often than expected and incense cedars (Calocedrus decurrens) less than expected. Snags were also large and in fairly advanced stages of decay. Habitat at fisher resting sites had higher canopy cover, greater basal area of snags and hardwoods, and smaller and more variable tree sizes compared to random sites. Resting sites were also found on steeper slopes and closer to streams. Canopy cover was consistently the most important variable distinguishing rest and random sites. In western North America, fishers are generally associated with late-successional forests, but changes in these forests due to logging and fire suppression have resulted in a transition to forest stands characterized by fewer large trees and more small stems. These conditions are consistent with our finding that the large rest structures were surrounded by smaller than average trees. Management practices that support the growth and retention of greater numbers of large trees and snags, while maintaining a minimum of 61% (based on moosehorn) or 56% (generated via Forest Vegetation Simulator) canopy cover and a complex horizontal and vertical forest structure, can improve and provide for future fisher habitat.  相似文献   

Our first objective was to link the seasonality of fine root dynamics with soil respiration in a ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa P. & C. Lawson) plantation located in the Sierra Nevada of California. The second objective was to examine how canopy photosynthesis influences fine root initiation, growth and mortality in this ecosystem. We compared CO2 flux measurements with aboveground and belowground root dynamics. Initiation of fine root growth coincided with tree stem thickening and shoot elongation, preceding new needle growth. In the spring, root, shoot and stem growth occurred simultaneously with the increase in canopy photosynthesis. Compared with the other tree components, initial growth rate of fine roots was the highest and their growing period was the shortest. Both above and belowground components completed 90% of their growth by the end of July and the growing season lasted approximately 80 days. The period for optimal growth is short at the study site because of low soil temperatures during winter and low soil water content during summer. High photosynthetic rates were observed following unusual late-summer rains, but tree growth did not resume. The autotrophic contribution to soil respiration was 49% over the whole season, with daily contributions ranging between 18 and 87%. Increases in soil and ecosystem respiration were observed during spring growth; however, the largest variation in soil respiration occurred during summer rain events when no growth was observed. Both the magnitude and persistence of the soil respiration pulses were positively correlated with the amount of rain. These pulses accounted for 16.5% of soil respiration between Days 130 and 329.  相似文献   

The capacity of prescribed fire to restore forest conditions is often judged by changes in forest structure within a few years following burning. However, prescribed fire might have longer-term effects on forest structure, potentially changing treatment assessments. We examined annual changes in forest structure in five 1 ha old-growth plots immediately before prescribed fire and up to eight years after fire at Sequoia National Park, California. Fire-induced declines in stem density (67% average decrease at eight years post-fire) were nonlinear, taking up to eight years to reach a presumed asymptote. Declines in live stem biomass were also nonlinear, but smaller in magnitude (32% average decrease at eight years post-fire) as most large trees survived the fires. The preferential survival of large trees following fire resulted in significant shifts in stem diameter distributions. Mortality rates remained significantly above background rates up to six years after the fires. Prescribed fire did not have a large influence on the representation of dominant species. Fire-caused mortality appeared to be spatially random, and therefore did not generally alter heterogeneous tree spatial patterns. Our results suggest that prescribed fire can bring about substantial changes to forest structure in old-growth mixed conifer forests in the Sierra Nevada, but that long-term observations are needed to fully describe some measures of fire effects.  相似文献   

Fire managers and researchers need information on fuel deposition rates to estimate future changes in fuel bed characteristics, determine when forests transition to another fire behavior fuel model, estimate future changes in fuel bed characteristics, and parameterize and validate ecosystem process models. This information is lacking for many ecosystems including the Sierra Nevada in California, USA. We investigated fuel deposition rates and stand characteristics of seven montane and four subalpine conifers in the Sierra Nevada. We collected foliage, miscellaneous bark and crown fragments, cones, and woody fuel classes from four replicate plots each in four stem diameter size classes for each species, for a total of 176 sampling sites. We used these data to develop predictive equations for each fuel class and diameter size class of each species based on stem and crown characteristics. There were consistent species and diameter class differences in the annual amount of foliage and fragments deposited. Foliage deposition rates ranged from just over 50 g m−2 year−1 in small diameter mountain hemlock stands to ∼300 g m−2 year−1 for the three largest diameter classes of giant sequoia. The deposition rate for most woody fuel classes increased from the smallest diameter class stands to the largest diameter class stands. Woody fuel deposition rates varied among species as well. The rates for the smallest woody fuels ranged from 0.8 g m−2 year−1 for small diameter stands of Jeffrey pine to 126.9 g m−2 year−1 for very large diameter stands of mountain hemlock. Crown height and live crown ratio were the best predictors of fuel deposition rates for most fuel classes and species. Both characteristics reflect the amount of crown biomass including foliage and woody fuels. Relationships established in this study allow predictions of fuel loads to be made on a stand basis for each of these species under current and possible future conditions. These predictions can be used to estimate fuel treatment longevity, assist in determining fuel model transitions, and predict future changes in fuel bed characteristics.  相似文献   

Understanding seasonal variations of photosynthetic parameters is critical for accurate modeling of carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake by ecosystems. Maximum carboxylation velocity (Vcmax), maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax), leaf respiration in the light (R(day)), light-saturated assimilation (Amax) and maximum quantum yield (Phi) were calculated from leaf gas exchange measurements made monthly throughout the year on leaves of three co-occuring evergreen species in a Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex P. Laws. & C. Laws. forest with shrubs in the understory (Arctostaphylos manzanita Parry and Ceanothus cordulatus Kellogg.). The seasonality and relationships of the photosynthetic parameters with environmental and physiological variables differed among the species. The nitrogen-fixing species, C. cordulatus had the highest values of the parameters and the largest seasonal variation, whereas A. manzanita exhibited the lowest seasonality and weaker correlations with environmental variables. In general, variations in Vcmax were highly correlated with light, leaf mass per area and leaf nitrogen content on an area basis. Temporal scaling of the parameters with each other seemed possible for C. cordulatus and P. ponderosa. However, lags between these variables and Vcmax likely reflect the influences of other factors. The acclimation relationships found along vertical light gradients within canopies in other studies cannot be applied to seasonal variations. The Jmax to Vcmax ratio varied seasonally for P. ponderosa and A. manzanita, being lower at high light, high air temperature and low soil water content.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of seasonal soil water deficit on the processes driving net ecosystem exchange of carbon (NEE) in old-growth and recently regenerating ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Doug. ex Laws.) stands in Oregon. We measured seasonal patterns of transpiration, canopy conductance and NEE, as well as soil water, soil temperature and soil respiration. The old-growth stand (O) included two primary age classes (50 and 250 years), had a leaf area index (LAI) of 2.1 and had never been logged. The recently regenerating stand (Y) consisted predominantly of 14-year-old ponderosa pine with an LAI of 1.0. Both stands experienced similar meteorological conditions with moderately cold wet winters and hot dry summers. By August, soil volumetric water content within the upper 30 cm had declined to a seasonal minimum of 0.07 at both sites. Between April and June, both stands showed similar rates of transpiration peaking at 0.96 mm day(-1); thereafter, trees at the Y site showed increasing drought stress with canopy stomatal resistance increasing 6-fold by mid-August relative to values for trees at the O site. Over the same period, predawn water potential (psi(pd)) of trees at the Y site declined from -0.54 to -1.24 MPa, whereas psi(pd) of trees at the O site remained greater than -0.8 MPa throughout the season. Soil respiration at the O site showed a strong seasonal correlation with soil temperature with no discernible constraints imposed by declining soil water. In contrast, soil respiration at the Y site peaked before seasonal maximal soil temperatures and declined thereafter with declining soil water. No pronounced seasonal pattern in daytime NEE was observed at either site between April and September. At the Y site this behavior was driven by concurrent soil water limitations on soil respiration and assimilation, whereas there was no evidence of seasonal soil water limitations on either process at the O site.  相似文献   

The soil water regime from planting to age seven years beneath plantations of Pinus radiata D. Don on first and second rotation sites has been studied by measuring changes in water-table depth and soil water content. Both plantations received intensive management, which produced very high growth rates.Magnitude and, to a lesser extent duration, of groundwater peaks decreased from planting, and by the time plantations were 5 years old the winter rise was negligible. Within 2 years of planting, soil water in the uppermost 1 m was largely depleted during summer periods, and by the fifth summer available water to 3 m depth was exhausted. A model relating change in water content to time from planting, and cumulative rainfall explained over 95% of the variation in water content. Daily changes in water content, which varied from 1.7 to 5.3 mm from winter to summer, related strongly to rainfall but weakly to pan evaporation. No relationship between evapotranspiration and soil water content was found.A rapid early depletion of soil water through vigorous plantation growth resulting from intensive silviculture was observed. This could cause problems in sustaining rapid growth rates beyond canopy closure, where access to groundwater is not possible. A judicious balance of fertilization and crop density, related to site characteristics, would be necessary to achieve optimum productivity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate how competition would affect the physiology, and thus productivity of American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana L.), wax myrtle [Morella cerifera (L.) Small] and inkberry [Ilex glabra (L.) A. Gray] when intercropped in a longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) plantation in the southeastern United States. The effect of competition was assessed via comparisons of mortality, biomass, light transmittance, gas exchange and soil moisture between intercropping and monoculture (treeless) treatments. Overall, shrubs in the intercropping treatment performed worse than those in the monoculture, with higher mortality, and reductions in biomass of 75.5, 50.6, and 68.7% for C. americana, M. cerifera and I. glabra, respectively. Root–shoot ratios for all species were significantly higher and soil moisture during dry periods was significantly lower in the intercropping treatment. Light transmittance below the pine canopy was high (57.7%) and I. glabra was the only species that exhibited reduced A max when belowground resources were not limiting. These results suggest that the effect of shading is minimal and belowground competition is likely the most important determinant of productivity in this system.  相似文献   

Partitioning the respiratory components of soil surface CO_2 efflux is important in understanding carbon turnover and in identifying the soil carbon sink/source function in response to land-use change. The sensitivities of soil respiration components on changing climate patterns are currently not fully understood. We used trench and isotopic methods to separate total soil respiration into autotrophic(RA) and heterotrophic components(R_H). This study was undertaken on a Robinia pseudoacacia L. plantation in the southern Taihang Mountains, China. The fractionation of soil~(13)CO_2 was analyzed by comparing the δ~(13) C of soil CO_2 extracted from buried steel tubes with results from Gas Vapor Probe Kits at a depth of 50 cm at the preliminary test(2.03%). The results showed that the contribution of autotrophic respiration(f R_A) increased with increasing soil depth.The contribution of heterotrophic respiration(f R_H) declined with increasing soil depth. The contribution of autotrophic respiration was similar whether estimated by the trench method(f RA, 23.50%) or by the isotopic method in which a difference in value of~(13) C between soil and plant prevailed in the natural state(R_C, 21.03%). The experimental error produced by the trench method was insignificant as compared with that produced by the isotopic method, providing a technical basis for further investigations.  相似文献   

Our primary objective was to present and test a new technique for in vitro estimation of respiration of cores taken from old trees to determine respiratory trends in sapwood. Our secondary objective was to quantify effects of tree age and stem position on respiratory potential (rate of CO2 production of woody tissue under standardized laboratory conditions). We extracted cores from one to four vertical positions in boles of +200-, +50- and +15-year-old Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws. trees. Cores were divided into five segments corresponding to radial depths of inner bark; outer, middle and inner sapwood; and heartwood. Data suggested that core segment CO2 production was an indicator of its respiratory activity, and that potential artifacts caused by wounding and extraction were minimal. On a dry mass basis, respiratory potential of inner bark was 3-15 times greater than that of sapwood at all heights for all ages (P < 0.0001). Within sapwood at all heights and in all ages of trees, outer sapwood had a 30-60% higher respiratory potential than middle or inner sapwood (P < 0.005). Heartwood had only 2-10% of the respiratory potential of outer sapwood. For all ages of trees, sapwood rings produced in the same calendar year released over 50% more CO2 at treetops than at bases (P < 0.0001). When scaled to the whole-tree level on a sapwood volume basis, sapwood of younger trees had higher respiratory potential than sapwood of older trees. In contrast, the trend was reversed when using the outer-bark surface area of stems as a basis for comparing respiratory potential. The differences observed in respiratory potential calculated on a core dry mass, sapwood volume, or outer-bark surface area basis clearly demonstrate that the resulting trends within and among trees are determined by the way in which the data are expressed. Although these data are based on core segments rather than in vivo measurements, we conclude that the relative differences are probably valid even if the absolute differences are not.  相似文献   

Little is known about ponderosa pine forest ecosystem responses to restoration practices in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA. In this study, restoration treatments aimed at approximating historical forest structure and disturbances included modified single-tree selection cutting, with and without prescribed burning. We compared the effectiveness of restoration treatments on growth, vigor, and composition of recruitment responses with untreated controls. We used a randomized block design to detect treatment differences in mean individual tree basal area increment (BAInc10), growth efficiency (GE), and recruitment abundance between two restoration treatments (Cut-only and Cut-burn) and a Control. We further examined treatment effects by tree age-class (Young, Mature, Presettlement) using a spatial ANOVA model that incorporates the spatial autocorrelation among trees within experimental units. Ten years after implementing restoration treatments, mean individual tree BAInc10 and GE were significantly higher for treated units relative to Control units; all three age-classes benefited similarly from restoration treatments relative to the Control, with the greatest response in the Cut-only and moderate response in the Cut-burn. When treated units were compared, Cut-burn negatively affected BAInc10 and GE relative to Cut-only. Presettlement trees responded positively to treatment relative to the Control, particularly for BAInc10, demonstrating the potential of these old trees to respond to reduced competition. The Cut-burn treatment, in contrast, negatively affected the BAInc10 and GE response of postsettlement trees when compared to Cut-only. Restoration treatments did not reduce the amount of Douglas-fir recruits. In addition, the recruitment of both ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir species was associated with the proximate cover of woody debris in Cut-only and Control treatments. Finally, special consideration needs to be taken for spring Cut-burn treatments, which appeared to dampen growth and vigor, relative to Cut-only, particularly for Young and Mature trees, and increased recruitment of ponderosa pine and particularly Douglas-fir.  相似文献   

Previous studies of afforestation in Patagonia indicate that 30–50 % tree cover produces positive effects on the pasture. This coverage level is achieved by applying pruning and strong thinning to reduce the volume of timber production per area unit. From an economic standpoint, in order to not reduce the income level of the system, it is necessary to find tree species that could replace ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) and maximize income per volume unit of wood. We evaluated the feasibility of implementation of five broadleaved tree species (native and exotic) with higher intrinsic wood quality than ponderosa pine. We tested the influence of tree cover generated by a framework of silvopastoral plantation on the increase in survival, regrowth and absolute increase in height, and compared ecophysiological variables (net photosynthetic activity, stomatal conductance, intrinsic water use efficiency) of different species to the status of a traditional plantation without tree cover. Additionally values of air temperature and relative humidity were registered under both cover conditions. Preliminary results support the conclusion that three of these five species could be considered as alternatives to ponderosa pine species for establishing silvopastoral systems with higher timber value. Our Based on the results, the use of tree cover generated under the current plantations of P. ponderosa could increase the success of the establishment of these species.  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to alter global precipitation regimes.However,the response of soil carbon and nitrogen cycles and soil microorganisms to precipitation reduction is poorly understood but is dependent on ecosystem type.To evaluate the impacts of reduced precipitation on soil respiration,soil inorganic nitrogen(i.e.,NH4^+–N and NO3^-–N),nitrogen mineralization,and soil microbial community composition,a precipitation manipulation experiment was initiated in a Mongolian pine plantation and a naturally restored grassland in semi-arid northeast China.Precipitation reduction led to decreases of soil respiration rates by 14 and 8%in 2014 and 2015 in the Mongolian pine plantation but no changes in the grassland.Soil inorganic nitrogen,ammonification and nitrification rate,and soil phospholipids fatty acids were not significantly changed by reduced precipitation but significantly differed between the two ecosystems and among growing seasons.Our results suggest that the impacts of precipitation reduction on soil respiration were different between the Mongolian pine plantation and the grassland,and that ecosystem type and growing season had more pronounced impacts on soil carbon and nitrogen cycles.  相似文献   

Extensive ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) mortality associated with a widespread severe drought and increased bark beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) populations occurred in Arizona from 2001 to 2004. A complex of Ips beetles including: the Arizona fivespined ips, Ips lecontei Swaine, the pine engraver beetle, Ips pini (Say), Ips calligraphus (Germar), Ips latidens (LeConte), Ips knausi Swaine and Ips integer (Eichhoff) were the primary bark beetle species associated with ponderosa pine mortality. In this study we examine stand conditions and physiographic factors associated with bark beetle-caused tree mortality in ponderosa pine forests across five National Forests in Arizona. A total of 633 fixed-radius plots were established across five National Forests in Arizona: Apache-Sitgreaves, Coconino, Kaibab, Prescott, and Tonto. Prior to the bark beetle outbreak, plots with mortality had higher tree and stocking compared with plots without pine mortality. Logistic regression modeling found that probability of ponderosa pine mortality caused by bark beetles was positively correlated with tree density and inversely related with elevation and tree diameter. Given the large geographical extent of this study resulting logistic models to estimate the likelihood of bark beetle attack should have wide applicability across similar ponderosa pine forests across the Southwest. This is particularly true of a model driven by tree density and elevation constructed by combining all forests. Tree mortality resulted in significant reductions in basal area, tree density, stand density index, and mean tree diameter for ponderosa pine and for all species combined in these forests. Most of the observed pine mortality was in the 10–35 cm diameter class, which comprise much of the increase in tree density over the past century as a result of fire suppression and grazing practices. Ecological implications of tree mortality are discussed.  相似文献   

We measured dormant season (November through February) maintenance respiration rates (R(m)) in stems and branches of 9-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) growing in plots under conditions of controlled nutrient and water supply in an effort to determine the relationships between R(m) and tissue size (surface area, sapwood volume, sapwood dry weight), tissue nitrogen content and temperature. Dormant season R(m) per unit size (i.e., surface area, &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1); sapwood volume, &mgr;mol m(-3) s(-1); or sapwood dry weight, nmol g(-1) s(-1)) varied with tissue size, but was constant with respect to tissue nitrogen content (&mgr;mol mol(-1) N s(-1)). Cambium temperature accounted for 61 and 77% of the variation in stem and branch respiration, respectively. The basal respiration rate (respiration at 0 degrees C) increased with tissue nitrogen content, however, the Q(10) did not. Improved nutrition more than doubled stem basal respiration rate and increased branch basal respiration by 38%. Exponential equations were developed to model stem and branch respiration as a function of cambium temperature and tissue nitrogen content. We conclude that failure to account for tissue nitrogen effects on respiration rates will result in serious errors when estimating annual maintenance costs.  相似文献   

In order to determine the changes in the characteristics of the vegetation and soil following agricultural abandonment and compare the effects of different restoration approaches on ecosystem recovery, we studied the vegetation community and soil characteristics (nutrients, bulk density, water content and pH) of Pinus tabulaeformis plantations and abandoned croplands in different successional stages in the Foping National Nature Reserve, located in the Qinling Mountains, northwest China. The results indicated that natural vegetation and habitat could be restored via natural regeneration. These spontaneous restoration forests were characterized by high diversity, high soil fertility and rich unique species. The soil organic matter, total carbon, total nitrogen, available potassium, community cover, depth of litter, depth of humus and soil water content increased significantly with years after abandonment, while the total potassium, total phosphorus, available phosphorus, soil pH did not seem to change significantly with abandonment time. The soil mineral nitrogen (NH4-N + NO3-N) tended to increase during the first 50 years after abandonment and then decreased. The pine plantations tended to show a low level of biodiversity in tree and herb layer, but the shrub layer (including sapling) composition and diversity were similar to secondary forests. Although the pine plantation showed lower soil fertility, they did not seem to result in the habitat-degradation.  相似文献   

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