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Abstract The peritrichous ciliate 'Epistylis sp.' involved in the'red-sore' disease of various North American freshwater fishes is identified as Heteropolaria colisarum Foissner & Schubert, 1977. Its morphology is redescribed from observations of living and silver-stained organisms and biometrically analysed individuals. Extended zooids can be easily identified by their highly characteristic (elongated) body. Silver impregnations show a very high number of silverlines and a band-like, irregularly formed macronucleus. The genus Heteropolaria belongs to the family Epistylididae and is characterized by the eccentric location of the scopula of the swarmer and a peculiar myoneme in the peristomal disc that branches off the myoneme of the peristomal collar. Autochthonous occurrences of this species are known only from North America. In Europe only the related species H. lwoffi has been found. Histological sections give some evidence that the terminal platelet of the stalk is embedded in the dermal epithelium. This suggests that H. colisarum could be a parasite rather than an epizoon and that the often associated bacterium Aeromonas hydrophila is a secondary invader. However, further studies are necessary. Experiments showed a high infectivity of the ciliate and no host specificity. These characteristics are supported by the observations of other researchers. Preliminary laboratory tests showed that a single treatment with salt solution (NaCl) at a rate of 1.5% for 3h controlled H. colisarum.  相似文献   

《Journal of fish diseases》2017,40(5):703-715
Freshwater fish farming contributes to more than two‐thirds of global aquaculture production. Parasitic ciliates are one of the largest causes of production loss in freshwater farmed fishes, with species from the genus Chilodonella being particularly problematic. While Chilodonella spp. include ‘free‐living’ fauna, some species are involved in mortality events of fish, particularly in high‐density aquaculture. Indeed, chilodonellosis causes major productivity losses in over 16 species of farmed freshwater fishes in more than 14 countries. Traditionally, Chilodonella species are identified based on morphological features; however, the genus comprises yet uncharacterized cryptic species, which indicates the necessity for molecular diagnostic methods. This review synthesizes current knowledge on the biology, ecology and geographic distribution of harmful Chilodonella spp. and examines pathological signs, diagnostic methods and treatments. Recent advances in molecular diagnostics and the ability to culture Chilodonella spp. in vitro will enable the development of preventative management practices and sustained freshwater fish aquaculture production.  相似文献   

Abstract. Up to 88-9% of five-bearded rocklings, Ciliata mustela L., from three localities in Wales harboured the coelozoic myxozoan parasite Zschokkella russelli Tripathi. Previously recorded only from the gall-bladder of British rocklings, Z. russelli was also found to produce proliferation, enlargement and thickening of hepatic ducts, lowering of the duct epithelium and pericholangitis. Histological, scanning and transmission electron microscopy techniques were used to examine the parasite, and comparisons were drawn between Z. russelli from Welsh fish and infections recorded elsewhere, particularly from Plymouth, Devon.  相似文献   

  • 1. The spread of the invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) outside its natural range is of widespread concern due to the threats posed to native biodiversity. To date, there is no standard protocol for determining signal crayfish presence or absence in a watercourse.
  • 2. For the purposes of this investigation, the crayfish detection ability of active sampling methods — hand‐netting, electrofishing (one, two and three runs), kick sampling and Surber sampling — was tested at 30 sites along the River Clyde, southern central Scotland.
  • 3. No single technique was successful in detecting crayfish in 100% of the sites known to contain crayfish and so the application of combinations of techniques was considered. The combination of techniques that resulted in a 100% detection rate was electrofishing (three runs) together with kick sampling. These results suggest that three‐run electrofishing and kick sampling are the best candidates for incorporation into a crayfish detection protocol.
  • 4. The mean time taken to apply electrofishing (three runs) was significantly greater than the mean time to apply kick sampling. Given the lower effort required for its application, kick sampling is recommended as the preliminary technique: if kick sampling yields a negative result, the application of electrofishing will decrease the chance of recording a false negative presence. If both kick sampling and electrofishing fail to detect crayfish, trapping may further decrease the risk of a false negative result.
  • 5. These findings have assisted in the development of a crayfish detection protocol, which will be applied across Scotland to determine the current distribution of signal crayfish. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

The genus Crystallospora was established by Labbé (1896) for a coccidium that Thélohan (1893) had found in the Atlantic Ocean off France. Dogel' (1948) later found it in Peter the Great Gulf (Pacific Ocean) off Japan. It was transferred to Eimeria by Doflein (1909) and remained there until Dyková & Lom (1981) revived it because of its unique sporocyst structure. Actually, its structure necessitates its removal from the family Eimeriidae and placement in the family Barrouxiidae (see Levine [1983] for a review of this family). The pertinent taxa and their diagnoses therefore become:  相似文献   

Abstract – Using the Bayesian coalescent methodology and mitochondrial control region sequence data, the present study reconstructs the dynamics of effective population size of a temperature‐driven seasonal migratory North American freshwater fish, Ictalurus furcatus, during the last glacial cycle. The trend in effective population size is directly associated with the trend in surface air temperature; it is inversely associated with the accumulation of ice sheets in North America during the contemporary period. The long‐term decrease in effective population size during the cold period followed by rebound during the warmer period could be explained by this species’ preference for relatively warmer temperatures for its optimal growth and survival.  相似文献   

SLICE? (active ingredient 0.2% emamectin benzoate (EMB)), a feed premix developed by Schering‐Plough Animal Health for the control of sea lice on cultured salmonids, is registered for use in several countries and is being prescribed on an emergency basis in Canada and the United States. The concentration of EMB in feed administered to farmed salmon ranges from 1 to 25 μg g?1. To determine the acute toxicity of the compound to juvenile and adult American lobster (Homarus americanus), commercial salmon feed was coated with SLICE? at a range of concentrations and provided to the animals for 7 d in the laboratory. The LC50 is estimated to be 644 μg g?1 (95% CI=428, 1275) for adult lobsters and >589 μg g?1 for stage V and VI juvenile lobsters. The consumption of medicated pellets by adult lobsters decreased significantly with increasing concentration of EMB. Adult lobsters that died during the study had a significantly greater concentration of emamectin B1a in their muscle tissue than those that survived. These results support the conclusion that salmon feed medicated with EMB at the concentrations used by the aquaculture industry is unlikely to pose an acute lethal threat to adult and small juvenile American lobsters.  相似文献   

粘孢子虫(粘体门:粘孢子纲)的研究现状   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
粘孢子虫是变温动物体内常见的原生动物类寄生虫 ,除少数种类寄生在两栖动物、爬行动物、环节动物和昆虫外 ,其寄主范围基本上是鱼类 ,可以说粘孢子虫是鱼类所特有的一类寄生虫 ,并给渔业生产造成极大的危害。自从 1 82 5年Ju rine首次发现粘孢子虫所引起的鱼病以来 ,粘孢子虫及其所引发病害的研究已走过了 1 70多年的历程 ,取得了丰硕的研究成果 ,尤其是在分类学、生活史和免疫学方面。在分类上 ,国内以陈启鎏等的专著《中国动物志粘体门粘孢子纲 (淡水 )》[1] 为标志而达到系统化阶段 ;在生活史和免疫学方面 ,国外应用分子生物学手…  相似文献   

Abstract. The microsporidian Pleistophora senegalensis sp. nov. parasitizes the gilt-head sea bream, Sparus aurata L, The parasite is found in the intestinal wall where it forms small xenomas in the muscularis. The development cycle of this species is described by light and electron microscopy. Meronts are rounded plasmodia dividing by plasmotomy and bounded by an amorphous and very regular wall. At the onset of sporogony, sporophorous vesicles are formed by separation of the plasma membrane from the external wall which then becomes a characteristic mesh. Mature spores (4.45 × 2.37μm) are ovoid and slightly pyriform with a large posterior vacuole.  相似文献   

Arginine was hypothesized to be a model compound in the present study on molecular forms of indispensable amino acid (IAA) dietary supplementation. Juvenile South American pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) were fed diets containing arginine in a protein base (casein‐wheat gluten or casein‐gelatin), or the casein‐wheat gluten base supplemented with dipeptide or free arginine at two levels (5 and 10 g kg?1). Growth and protein efficiency ratios were significantly affected by diets, but not by arginine molecular form. Three free dispensable amino acids (DAA) and four IAA in plasma were affected by diet, but plasma arginine concentrations did not differ. Plasma urea concentrations, being very low in the pacu, and hepatic arginase activities, were not affected by diet (P = 0.10–0.11), but together with plasma ornithine, mirrored the growth data. Molecular form of arginine supplementation, free or dipeptide, significantly changed several free IAA (Phe, Leu, Ile, His) and urea, with a higher mean plasma concentration in dipeptide fed fish. The dietary treatments, or molecular form of the arginine supplementation, did not change proximate composition, except that calcium levels decreased with higher dietary arginine supplementation level. The present study indicates that dipeptides can provide IAA to pacu, and that arginine supplemented in this form is utilized as efficiently as in free form.  相似文献   

Columnaris disease was induced in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), by bath exposure to four highly virulent isolates of Flavobacterium columnare. In untreated controls, mortality began 20 h after exposure and reached 100% by 48 h. Mortality in channel catfish given antibiotic treatments with oxytetracycline or a combination of sulphadimethoxine and ormetoprim in feed prior to bacterial challenge was zero with all four strains of F. columnare. Diquat (Zeneca Agricultural Products, Wilmington, DE, USA) was the most effective bath treatment; mortality with all four strains was zero. With potassium permanganate, chloramine-T, hydrogen peroxide and copper sulphate, bath treatment efficacy varied significantly among strains (P = 0.0346) and among treatments (P = 0.0033). Bath treatments with chloramine-T and potassium permanganate significantly reduced (P < 0.05) mortality from 100 to 75 and 69%, respectively, but copper sulphate and hydrogen peroxide treatments were not effective. Based on our results, oral antibiotics prevented columnaris disease but, of the bath treatments, only Diquat produced a dramatic reduction in the mortality of acutely infected fish. Diquat is labelled for aquatic use as an herbicide in the USA but in large ponds it is prohibitively expensive.  相似文献   

. A marine fish farm (production ~ 100 tonnes per year) located in the Orbetello lagoon area (Tuscany, Italy) was selected to study the waste water quality discharged. The aims of study were: a) quantify the nitrogen and phosphorus discharged from the fish farm at the beginning and the end of feeding time; b) verify nutrient trend during a daily cycle, and difference of release between nitrogen and phosphorus by reared biomass. From June 1999 to May 2000, water temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen and redox were hourly recorded in output wastewater station (E). Two water sampling strategies were adopted: monthly and daily. Monthly, in E, two field water samples at 8:00 a.m. (E8), at the beginning of feeding, and at 4:00 p.m. (E16), at the end of feeding, were collected. The dissolved and particulate nitrogen and phosphorus were analysed. With respect to total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), the total ammonia (NH3 + NH4+) concentration constituted more than 64%. With respect to total nitrogen and phosphorus, the particulated component represented, respectively, the 16% and 29–36%. A 24 h water sampling, at 4:00, 10:00, 12:00 a.m and at 4:00, 8:00, 12:00 p.m., was carried out. The results showed that TDN was excreted shortly after feeding, with a peak 4 h after the end of feeding. Most of the total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) was excreted after many hours, with a peak 8 h after the end of feeding.  相似文献   

Abstract. Myxobolus insidiosus from the striated musculature of chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), was studied in disease free and naturally contaminated waters. Infection could not be induced in susceptible fish in a disease free water supply by any means triad. Experiments in naturally contaminated waters provided data on minimum and other exposure times. Studies were also carried out on the effect of water temperature, different substrates and flow rates, time of year and size of fish on infection. The rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, was also checked for infection and not found with this disease in naturally contaminated waters. Transovarian infection was ruled out.  相似文献   

Abstract. The isolation and characterization of infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) virus from a goldfish, discus fish and bream is described. The fish from which the isolates were recovered showed no pathological signs of IPN. All three virus isolates were neutralized by antiserum to IPN, strain Ab, but not by antiserum to the Sp or VR-299 strains. They were morphologically identical to IPN virus in negative stain electron microscopy, grew in the cytoplasm of BF-2 cells, as shown by immuno-fluorescence and, like IPNV, were stable to heating, lipid solvents and acid pH.  相似文献   

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