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The first record of a “field” infestation of stored lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa) byTineola bisselliella (TB) is reported. The pest is able to consume almost the whole kernel ofL. sativa including the shell. The ability od TB to damage selected stored cereal, pulse and oil seeds under laboratory condition was evaluated. In maize and wheat, germ area was damaged preferably and the germination decreased considerably. TB was unable to infest and damage sound seeds of rape and beans ofPhaseolus vulgaris and soya. These findings enabled the development of a vegetarian diet for laboratory rearing of TB. The pest status and hazards resulting from cross-infestation is discassed.  相似文献   

性信息素引诱监测预报马尾松毛虫试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用人工合成的性信息素橡胶诱芯和船形诱捕器对马尾松毛虫成虫进行林间诱捕和幼虫虫口密度监测试验,结果表明:幼虫低虫口密度、成虫低诱捕量时(幼虫虫口密度100条/株以下,成虫诱捕量在65只以下),成虫诱捕量与幼虫虫口密度有较明显的相关性,可以用模拟的幂函数In(T)=2.278×1n(p)-2.521进行监测预报;幼虫高密...  相似文献   

通过对舞毒蛾性信息素诱捕器应用技术研究表明:三角型粘胶板诱捕器、奶盒型诱捕器和圆筒型诱捕器对舞毒蛾的诱捕效果不同,三角型粘胶板诱捕器的诱虫效果最好,圆筒型诱捕器次之;诱捕器设置高度对诱捕效果有明显的影响,设置高度为5.5 m的诱捕器诱捕作用最强,3.5 m次之,1.5 m最差;雄蛾对人工合成信息素的昼夜反应节律发生在白天,从8∶00持续到22∶00,反应高峰在14∶00,反应模式为"单峰式-白天型"。  相似文献   

模毒蛾Lymantria monacha是内蒙古大兴安岭林区重大森林害虫。通过对模毒蛾性信息素诱捕器应用技术的研究显示:不同类型的诱捕器诱虫效果不同,圆筒型和船型诱捕器的诱捕效果较好,方形的较差;诱捕器设置高度对诱虫效果的影响不同,设置在树冠下层和中层的诱捕器诱捕效果较好,上层的较差;不同设置距离的诱捕器的诱虫效果不同,随着设置距离的增加,诱捕器的诱捕量逐渐下降,设置于距林缘50 m的诱捕器诱虫效果最好,性信息素诱捕器的最远引诱距离可能为280 m。研究结果为利用性信息素对模毒蛾进行种群监测和防治提供了依据。  相似文献   

The braconid parasitoid Psyttalia concolor foraging for larvae of Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) uses olfactory cues from the larval microhabitat. However, it could rely on the sex pheromones of adults of its host, since B. oleae mating leks usually occur on olive plants and a high number of infested fruits can be easily located in their close proximity. We quantified the behavioural responses of P. concolor towards different doses of the two major sex pheromone components of B. oleae, the female-borne 1,7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane (DSU) and the male-borne (Z)-9-tricosene (ZT). Results showed that P. concolor females and males were attracted only to the highest amounts of ZT (10 B. oleae male equivalents), regardless of the mating status. Wasps remained longer on the surfaces treated with high ZT amounts over the control. P. concolor females could exploit the ZT produced by lekking olive fruit fly males as a foraging kairomone. This could allow them to rapidly track B. oleae-infested olive plants, thus raising their chances to locate host larvae during their lifespan. On the other hand, the perception of ZT by P. concolor males could raise their chances to locate receptive females emerging from parasitised B. oleae pupae or also ovipositing in olive fruits. This study increases the knowledge of the reproductive biology of P. concolor, highlighting a case of chemical espionage in which a sex pheromone component from adult stages of the host is exploited both as a foraging kairomone by female parasitoids and as a sexual kairomone by male wasps.  相似文献   

Diadegma semiclausum was reared in the laboratory on 2nd and 3rd instar larvae ofPlutella xylostella. At 25°C, the incubation period of the parasite's egg was 38h; the following stages lasted 5.4 days (5 instars), 33h (pre-pupa), and 5.9 days (pupa). Superparasitism occurred but only one parasite developed from one host larva. Sex ratio inD. semiclausum was found to be 11 in nature as well as in laboratory. The daily and total rate of eggs deposited per female were 13.6 and 164.2, respectively. The parasite male and female, fed on honey, lived for 11.2 and 14.6 days, respectively. Laboratory trials failed to rearD. semiclausum on certain lepidopterous larvae other thanP. xylostella. Percentages of parasitism byD. semiclausum inP. xylostella larvae collected from cabbage fields during 1982 ranged between 0 and 66%.
Zusammenfassung Diadegma semiclausum wurde im Labor in L2- und L3-Raupen vonPlutella xylostella gezüchtet. Bei 25°C dauerte die Entwicklung 1,6 (Ei), 5,4 (L1–L5), 1,4 (Präpuppe) und 5,9 (Puppe) Tage. Superparasitismus kam vor, doch entwickelte sich nur jeweils eine Parasitenlarve. Das Geschlechterverhältnis vonD. semiclausum betrug im Freiland und im Labor 11. Die tägliche und die Gesamtzahl an abgelegten Eiern betrugen 13,6 und 164,2. Bei Fütterung mit Honig lebten die männlichen Parasiten i.M. 11,2, die weiblichen i. M. 14,6 Tage. Die Laborversuche zeigten, daßD. semiclausum sich ausschließlich ausP. xylostella-Raupen ziehen ließ. Die Parasitierungsquoten vonD. semiclausum inP. xylostella variierten bei Raupen von Kohlfeldern aus verschiedenen Landesteilen 1982 zwischen 0 und 66%.

为了明确梨小食心虫在河北保定桃园的发生情况和4种性诱捕器的田间诱捕效果,对桃园梨小食心虫进行田间性诱捕试验,结果表明:水盆式诱捕器效果最好,一共诱捕到1 293头;其次为桶型诱捕器,一共诱捕到949头;最后为蓝色粘虫板和自制水瓶诱捕器,分别诱捕到489头和153头;在保定满城地区,梨小食心虫2014年出现3个危害高峰,分别是6月下旬、7月中下旬、8月下旬;建议推广使用水盆和桶型诱捕器并在高峰期进行药剂防控。  相似文献   

Tineola bisselliella is a common pest on natural fabrics of economic importance. Two commercially available repellents for use against adult webbing clothes moths were tested for their efficacy in dual- and no-choice bioassays. Oil of cloves and citral in combination, as well as citronellol scented with oil of lavender showed promising repellent effects for 4 weeks when applied in small compartments of a wardrobe. Although the repellent efficacy was not 100% under the conditions tested, the usage of essential oils in combination with other infestation prevention techniques is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die KleidermotteTineola bisselliella Hum. ist einer der wirtschaftlich bedeutenden tierischen Wollzerstörer. Auch Pelze, Felle, Polsterhaare und Federn werden von dem weit verbreiteten Kleinschmetterling aus der Familie der Tineidae befallen. In der Praxis gilt es vor allem Kleidungsstücke, die z. B. saisonbedingt für längere Zeit ungenutzt in einem Kleiderschrank aufbewahrt werden, vor dem Befall durch die Kleidermotte zu schützen. Hierfür stehen dem Verbraucher neben den konventionellen Bekämpfungsmitteln mit den Wirkstoffen Kampfer, Naphthalin und Paradichlorbenzol sowie pyrethrum- und pyrethroidhaltige Mittel auch Präparate zur Verfügung, die auf die repellierende Wirkung von ätherischen Ölen zurückgreifen. Die abstoßende Wirkung von Nelkenöl in Kombination mit Citral und von Citronellol parfümiert mit Lavendelöl auf die Falter der Kleidermotte wurde auf vergleichbare Eigenschaften untersucht. In Wahlversuchen wurden deutliche Repellent-Wirkungen der Mottenschutz-Präparate sichtbar. Die Präparate zeigten gute Wirkungen, wenn sie zum Schutz gegen den Zuflug von Kleidermotten an wollhaltigen Stoffen in kleinen Kompartimenten eines Kleiderschrankes ausgelegt waren. Auch in Zwangsversuchen hatte dieser Befund zum Teil Bestand. Bei längeren Versuchszeiten wurden allerdings verstärkt Fraßschäden durch Larven an den Wollstoffen festgestellt. Dies ist darauf zurückzuführen, daß Mottenweibchen nicht mehr in dem Maße repelliert wurden und ihre Eier an den Stoffen ablegten.

This article reports the results of research only. Mention of a proprietary product or pesticide does not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation for its use by the Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry or by the USDA-ARS.  相似文献   

field attraction test of (7R,8S)-cis-7,8-epoxy-2- methyloctadec-17-ene (= 7R,8S-epo-2me-17ene-18Hy), a trace component of the sex pheromone gland of the Asian gypsy moth,(Lymantria dispar), traps that were baited with the trace component attracted more L. dispar than traps baited with (7S,8R)-cis-7,8-epoxy-2-methyloctadec-17-ene (= 7S,8R-epo-2me-17ene-18Hy) and unbaited traps. However, traps baited with 7R,8S-epo-2me-17ene-18Hy were less attractive than traps baited with (+)-disparlure [=(7R,8S)-cis-7,8-epoxy-2-methyloctadecane], the sex pheromone of L. dispar. Combination tests with (?)-disparlure, 7R,8S-epo-2me-17ene-18Hy, and 7S,8R-epo-2me- 17ene-18Hy revealed that 7R,8S-epo-2me-17ene-18Hy acted synergistically with (?)-disparlure.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to verify the efficacy of a mating-disruption system (MD) applied in a confectionary factory infested by almond moths, Ephestia (Cadra) cautella (Walker), using pheromone traps and the presence of spermatophores in females caught with water traps. Results obtained confirmed that water is a considerable attractant for E. cautella, as a great number of males and females were caught. The presence of spermatophores in females allowed determination of mating status: most captured females were mated; in the area where MD was applied to the percentage of unmated females was lower as compared to the control area (the proportion of unmated females was much higher in the control area). In an integrated pest management programme, the combined use of MD and water traps eliminates large numbers of male and female almond moths. This information will be useful in developing strategies for suppressing E. cautella infestation.  相似文献   

舞毒蛾不同地理种群基于AFLP分子标记的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
舞毒蛾是一种食性很广、危害很大的世界性林木害虫,根据其地理分布和生活特性,现在被分为亚洲型和欧洲型2种。对来自俄罗斯远东地区、蒙古、日本、美国和中国5个地理种群,共26份舞毒蛾样品进行AFLP分子标记研究。成功建立并优化舞毒蛾AFLP分析体系,从16对引物组合中筛选出3对扩增条带多、多态检出率高的荧光标记引物组合,利用CEQ-8000遗传分析仪进行毛细管电泳及数据分析,共检测到507个多态性位点。通过PAUP软件对AFLP数据进行UPGM和NJ树的聚类分析以及遗传距离分析,结果表明:5个地理种群舞毒蛾明显分成欧洲型(美国种群)和亚洲型,其中亚洲型又可分成俄罗斯、日本、中国及蒙古3个类群。美国种群间遗传变异比其他种群较大,中国种群与美国种群遗传距离最大,而与蒙古种群遗传分化最小。从分子水平上研究舞毒蛾不同种群的遗传分类情况,揭示利用AFLP分子标记技术可以区分舞毒蛾不同地理种群的基因型,为研究舞毒蛾的起源、入侵与扩散、遗传与变异以及检疫措施的制定等方面提供科学依据。  相似文献   

In 1974–76 164 permanent 10x10 m plots were recorded atalternate intersections of a 100x100 m grid in Wytham Woods,Oxfordshire. Tree and shrub data were collected from all theplots in 1974–76, from 27 in 1984–85 and from allbut one in 1991–92. Changes in the structure and composition of the wood were assessedin terms of canopy cover, mean tree diameter, basal area andspecies occurrence. The wood has become more open (reduced canopycover) partly through management, partly through natural processessuch as windthrow and disease. The shrub cover has also declinedgreatly, probably because of increased deer browsing. Most standsare predominantly young growth and for the wood as a whole meantree diameter, basal area and tree height have increased. Theoverall composition of the wood has changed little, but therehas been a significant decline in mean woody species numberper plot from 5.8 to 4.1, mainly through declines in understoreyspecies and young oak (Quercus spp.). Elm (Ulmus spp.) coverhas been reduced by disease and birch (Betula spp.) sufferedpreferentially from windthrow. The results are used to indicate gains and losses in natureconservation terms for the wood as a whole. The strengths andweaknesses of this system may hold lessons for future woodlandmonitoring exercises.  相似文献   

A simulation model of the flight activity ofCydia funebrana was constructed on the basis of data on male captures in pheromone traps placed in a plum orchard in Central Bohemia in 1988 to 1990. The model was verified from 1991 to 1993 as a method of predicting the course of the emergence flight activity of particular generations in dependence on degree day values. The nonlinear model based on Richards' transformation was more suitable for the simulation than the linear one based on probit transformation. A technique has been proposed to use the model ofC. funebrana flight activity for optimal timing of ovicide applications based on fenoxycarb and diflubenzuron in systems of integrated pest management in plum orchards.With 3 figures and 4 tables  相似文献   

竹箩舟蛾的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
竹箩舟蛾是竹子的重要食叶害虫,分布于我国南方产竹各省,在浙江省1a3~4代,均以蛹于土表下越冬。成虫发生期分别为4月上旬~5月上旬、6月上旬~7月上旬、7月下旬~8月下旬、9月下旬~10月中旬。幼虫危害期分别为4月下旬~6月中旬、6月中旬~8月上旬、8月中旬~10月上旬,以第3代蛹越冬者幼虫可延至10月下旬,第4代为10月中旬、11月下旬。第3代幼虫各龄食叶量分别为1.57、7.73、16.36、57.02、579.78cm^2,幼虫期共取食竹叶662.46cm^2。雌性幼虫期食叶量比雄性多12%~15%,每头成虫产卵量为161~286粒。天敌有赤眼蜂、黑卵峰、姬蜂、寄蝇等。并提出了相应的防治方法。  相似文献   

The attraction of nocturnal moths to candles and other sources of light has long been observed, but fire as a potential source of mortality to moths in ecosystems with frequent fire regimes has been overlooked. A prescribed burn was conducted shortly after dark in a central Oregon ponderosa pine forest during the flight period of the endemic defoliator Coloradia pandora (Blake). Attraction to the fire and partial consumption by flames caused direct mortality estimated at 2.2% to 17.1% of the local pandora moth population. In field tests with projected light, pandora moths did not discriminate among colors in the visible spectrum. Moths did not respond to projected light for at least 1 h after dusk, indicating that timing and duration of the prescribed fire may have limited the mortality.  相似文献   

1993年在大邑县共收集到舞毒蛾天敌30种,其中寄生性昆虫19种,捕食性昆虫9种,病毒和虫霉菌各1种。卵期平均寄生率为27.06%±0.54%,大蛾卵跳小蜂是主要天敌。幼虫期天敌有病毒、斑痣悬茧蜂、毒蛾镶颚姬蜂和绒茧蜂等,平均杀死幼虫51.59%±6.48%。蛹期主要天敌有寄蝇、广大腿小蜂和脊腿囊爪姬蜂等,平均寄生率达32.91%±26.40%。在舞毒蛾卵-蛹期,累计约有87.62%的个体被天敌致死。  相似文献   

WINTER  T. G.; SCOTT  T. M. 《Forestry》1977,50(2):161-164
In 1970 and 1971 a high population of Rhyacionia buoliana (Denisand SchiffermÜller), the Pine shoot moth, appeared in aseed orchard of Pinus contorta Douglas ex Loud, in Wiltshire.The opportunity was taken to compare several alternative insecticideswith DDT. Field trials in March and August showed that fenitrothioncan be used as an alternative to DDT to control the Pine shootmoth.  相似文献   

The calling behaviour of virgin females Condylorrhiza vestigialis Guenée, 1854 (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and the female pheromone gland extract activity were studied under laboratory conditions. Most of the females started calling from their first scotophase period after emergence. Maximum calling occurred between the seventh and tenth hours of the scotophase period. The length of the calling increased with age until the fourth scotophase, but the onset of calling time did not differ with age. The number of calling bouts increased significantly with age, but the mean duration of each calling bout (20.8 min) did not vary with age. Extracts of pheromone glands evaluated in a Y-tube olfactometer attracted significantly more males than control, 70 and 30%, respectively. Gas chromatographic–electroantennogram detection (GC–EAD) analysis of these extracts indicated the presence of a single EAD-active peak, the putative sex pheromone of the species. This pheromone compound may be suitable for monitoring populations densities of C. vestigialis, and for detection of the onset of the seasonal flight period. An efficient pheromone is of importance also with respect to current attempts to develop new control methods for this important pest of Populus spp. in Brazil.  相似文献   

The tarnished plant bug (Lygus rugulipennis) and occasionally L. punctatus were found to feed on pine seedlings in central Finland. Both the nymphs and adults of Lygus bugs injured the apical meristem of the seedlings. This led to the death of the apex, and the opening of the lateral buds, resulting in a seedling with multiple leaders. L. rugulipennis may also oviposit on pine seedlings and the development from egg to adult on pine alone is possible. In laboratory experiments it was shown that the main factor in the apical meristem injury is the mechanical damage caused by the bug's stylet. The feeding damage and artificial mechanical damage caused by needles to the apical meristem of pine seedlings resulted in increased numbers of multiple‐leader seedlings and reduced shoot length and dry weight of the shoot and root.  相似文献   

Dendrolimus punctatus Walker has been one of the most serious pests of the pine trees Pinus luchuensis, P. elliottii and P. massoniana in northern Taiwan. It develops three generations each year. A combination of locally isolated species of fungus (Isaria farinosa), Bacillus thuringiensis, and a cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) isolated from D. spectabilis Butler in Japan was used to control the pest in different plantations during 1966–1971. The I. farinosa in combination with B. thuringiensis was applied for the first generation larvae (October–March) when it was cool and wet, and temperature and humidity were most suitable for the fungus. CPV and B. thuringiensis were applied in the second (May–June) or third generation (July–August) when conditions were favourable for the development of the virus, Since the applications, yearly observations have been made, and there was no occurrence of the pest until 1982, when outbreaks were seen in some of the plantations, and again in 1983. It is believed that the successful control was due to the microbial agents, and that their effectiveness had lasted for some 10–12 years.  相似文献   

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