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吉林省三代玉米粘虫预警技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
孙嵬  程志加  陈晓  苏前富  周佳春  高月波 《玉米科学》2017,25(3):148-151,156
通过综合使用诱蛾器、探照灯、风场及降雨分析、扫描昆虫雷达观测、田间调查等监测手段及方法,探讨适用于吉林省三代粘虫的预测预报方法。结果表明,2015年度二代粘虫成虫数量较高,且有一定比例二代成虫滞留在当地并已产卵,气象条件不适宜于粘虫的向南回迁,扫描昆虫雷达直到7月29日始见粘虫向南聚集成层迁飞,田间调查发现较高密度的低龄期幼虫发生。2015年度三代粘虫在吉林省偏重发生,三代粘虫的实际发生情况验证了预报方式的有效性。  相似文献   

根据麦茎谷蛾的生物学特性及防治技术要求,所制定的测报办法是;在成虫羽化前,用麦秸草把诱捕成虫,并通内室内外成虫产卵及卵孵情况的观察,翌年早春用粘虫板诱集飘迁的初孵幼虫,可以较准确地预报该虫的发生期和发生程度,同时根据该虫的危害损失情况,制定适宜的防治指标,准确地指导大田防治。  相似文献   

随着大豆"症青"发生面积的逐步扩大,点蜂缘蝽已引起了大豆科研工作者与生产者的高度重视。为探讨高效的点蜂缘蝽诱捕技术,本研究于2019年8月份在安徽省当涂县用不同诱芯、诱捕器及其组合评价聚集信息素对点蜂缘蝽的诱捕效果。方差分析表明:诱芯、诱捕器及其互作间诱捕效果差异都达极显著水平。缓释包诱芯1-2和PVC诱芯2-2显著高于橡胶塞诱芯3-x和空白对照。小船型诱捕器和双向倒漏斗型诱捕器显著高于通用桶型诱捕器和绿色粘虫板。PVC诱芯2-2、缓释包诱芯1-2和小船型诱捕器的组合效果最佳,但小船型诱捕器底部组件粘虫板会粘住点蜂缘蝽导致点蜂缘蝽死亡。缓释包诱芯1-2、PVC诱芯2-2和双向倒漏斗型诱捕器的组合效果次之,且其能诱捕到点蜂缘蝽完整活体,可为进一步研究提供试虫。对诱捕到的昆虫种类分析表明:试验期间诱到的蛾类昆虫相对较多,特别是橡胶塞诱芯3-x对蛾类有较强的引诱效果;不同诱芯、诱捕器都只诱到少量蜂类昆虫;绿色粘虫板较其它诱捕器粘到显著更多的瓢虫类昆虫。PVC诱芯2-2、缓释包诱芯1-2和小船型诱捕器、双向倒漏斗型诱捕器组成的4种组合能引诱到较多点蜂缘蝽,且其它昆虫较少,说明有较高的专一性,实用性。  相似文献   

对性信息素粘胶诱捕器和频振式杀虫灯诱捕二代亚洲玉米螟成虫数量进行比较研究,结果表明:性信息素粘胶诱捕器比频振式杀虫灯对二代亚洲玉米螟有着更高的诱蛾效率,但变化规律不明显,频振式杀虫灯对二代亚洲玉米螟的诱蛾高峰在7月13—25日之间,而性信息素粘胶诱捕器的诱蛾高峰在7月20日—8月3日之间。  相似文献   

江浙麦区灰飞虱春季种群的发生消长和迁飞动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 对灰飞虱进行越冬调查、田间调查、卵巢解剖、逐时扑灯行为观察、迁飞轨迹和虫源地分析发现:1)灰飞虱以3~5龄若虫越冬,并以4龄为主;2)江苏北部麦田灰飞虱若虫于3月越冬结束,3-4月陆续发育羽化为越冬代成虫,4-5月在麦田繁殖为第1代若虫;3)浙江海宁春季第1代灯诱灰飞虱具有本地迁出和外地迁入两种性质与时期,并可依卵巢发育级别加以区分;4)春夏季浙江海宁灰飞虱可由本地越冬虫源繁衍而来,或由江苏、安徽、浙江、江西、福建等省迁入。无论从越冬寄主小麦向夏寄主水稻扩散转移,或6月初大量外地迁入,杂草充当了极其重要的中间寄主;5)逐时灯诱观察结果表明,迁出期灰飞虱起飞呈晨暮双峰型,迁入期在19:00至次日凌晨5:00,每1 h均有上灯,以上半夜居多; 6)利用美国NOAA的HYSPLIT轨迹模拟平台对主要迁入期进行数值模拟和虫源地分析,结果表明,2009年5月底至6月初迁入浙江海宁的灰飞虱虫源地来自江苏北部和中部、皖南、浙南、赣东北和闽西北等地区。  相似文献   

为探索不同监测工具对棉盲蝽的诱测效果,确定可应用生产的监测工具,2011—2013年在江苏南通沿海地区棉田进行了3种不同监测工具诱集棉盲蝽的试验。试验表明,频振12#灯对盲蝽诱测效果好,诱虫量大,峰期峰次明显,能较准确地反映当地棉田主要种群绿盲蝽成虫的发生规律,且省工节时,降低了测报人员的劳动强度,值得在生产上推广使用。  相似文献   

性诱剂是雌虫在性成熟后释放出来引诱雄虫的一种化学活性物质,因此在田间设置一定数量的诱捕器可以消灭大量雄虫,或者在田间大量释放信息素的气味,破坏雌雄虫间的交配通讯联系(“迷向法”),以致雌雄虫间无法交尾繁殖下一代而达到防治目的。我县一九八四年已在棉虫测报上应用性诱剂,它具有灵敏度高,选择性强,使用方便和成本低廉等优点,可用于虫情侦查和预报,提高测报的准确性,做到及时合理用药,降低防治费用和减少农药对环境的污染。我县在测报上应用的性诱剂有小地老虎性诱剂、红铃虫高斯性诱剂、红铃虫性信  相似文献   

应用性信息素进行斜纹夜蛾测报和防治示范   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
 2010-2011年利用斜纹夜蛾性信息素和夜蛾类通用诱捕器诱杀雄蛾进行防治示范,并利用斜纹夜蛾性信息素诱捕器诱蛾与测报灯诱蛾相比较,结合冬后挖蛹,进行测报技术研究。结果:利用性信息素能有效防治斜纹夜蛾,在生产实践上,要与棉铃虫、甜菜夜蛾性信息素防治相结合,才能取得应有的效果。斜纹夜蛾发生规律:在安徽省宿松县一年发生6~7代,发生期在5-11月份;以3代、4代、5代为主害代,主要危害棉花;6代、7代危害蔬菜及油菜,7代为不完全代;在自然环境下,在宿松县冬前不进入休眠期,不作越冬准备,所以不能安全越冬。  相似文献   

从不同配方信息素诱芯、不同诱捕器悬挂高度两个方面进行测试,比较性引诱剂对稻纵卷叶螟的诱捕效果。结果表明,诱芯Ⅰ的总诱蛾、日均诱蛾量以及最高单次诱蛾量均显著高于其他三种诱芯;诱捕器底部与水稻叶面齐平或者诱捕器底部低于水稻叶面10 cm引诱效果最好。稻纵卷叶螟诱芯Ⅰ搭配倒圆锥形诱捕器可用于福建闽南地区稻纵卷叶螟的监测与绿色防控。  相似文献   

为筛选适宜推广应用的暗黑鳃金龟性诱剂的诱芯和诱捕器,对自主研发的四种诱芯和金龟甲型诱捕器的田间诱捕效果做了评价,为性诱剂防治蛴螬技术提供依据和参考。无纺布诱芯在每天更换的条件下,在整个成虫交配期平均单日单个诱捕器诱虫数283.4头。储藏瓶型诱芯在储存120d后诱虫效果无显著性变化。以药用淀粉和β-环糊精作为主要载体制备缓释型诱芯对暗黑鳃金龟性信息素均具良好的缓释作用;两种缓释型诱芯的持效期分别达19d和30d以上。自制金龟甲型诱捕器和常规漏斗型诱捕器均适用于暗黑鳃金龟的诱捕,其中自制金龟甲型诱捕效率最高。  相似文献   

Pheromone-baited traps are an important sampling tool in integrated pest management programmes. Studies were conducted to determine the relationship between catches of male insects in these traps, and crop infestation. Numbers of male moths of the pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), caught daily in cotton fields at the University of Arizona Cotton Research Center, Phoenix, Arizona, in gossyplure-baited traps were variable. However, average catches of male moths for 3–7 days between boll-sampling periods were strongly correlated with oviposition on cotton bolls, percentages of infested bolls and numbers of larvae per boll. Average weekly numbers of moths emerging from infested cotton were also strongly correlated with the number of males caught: the number of females emerging was strongly correlated with oviposition on cotton bolls. Insecticide applications of carbaryl and fenvalerate reduced catches of male moths of pink bollworm in gossyplure-baited traps compared with catches in traps in untreated fields (average 56%). However, 13–48 male moths/trap per night were caught in the treated fields after applications. Thus, scheduling treatments on the basis of male moth trap catches, except for the initial treatment, was not feasible. Small field sizes, moth immigration and/or continuing emergence from the infested cotton in the fields may have obscured the impact of the insecticide treatments on adult moth populations.  相似文献   

The aggregation pheromone of strawberry blossom weevil [Anthonomus rubi Herbst (Col.: Curculionidae)], a 1:4:1 blend of Grandlure I, II and racemic lavadulol, has been available for pest monitoring for several years but shows low attractancy. Attempts to control A. rubi using the pheromone alone were also unsuccessful. This paper reports the finding that addition of the major flower volatile from wild strawberry flowers [Fragaria vesca L. (Rosaceae)], 1,4-dimethoxybenzene (comprising 98% of the volatiles emitted from wild strawberry flowers), to the aggregation pheromone increased trap catches by over two fold compared to the pheromone alone. There was no significant difference between the response of overwintered or summer emerged adults. Field trials in 2007–2008 in central and southern Norway, Denmark and southern England used green funnel traps with white cross vanes for the evaluations. (-)-Germacrene D, previously shown to be emitted by plants in increased amounts in the presence of pheromone producing weevils, did not improve trap catches. Thus, the combined use of the aggregation pheromone and 1,4-dimethoxybenzene is promising for improved monitoring and possibly control of this important pest of strawberry.  相似文献   

吉林省是玉米生产大省,为明确吉林省玉米穗期害虫种类、分布及发生情况,2013~2016年对吉林省9个地市,42个县(市/区),累计409个地点的玉米穗期害虫进行系统调查,为玉米穗期害虫的监测预警和制定合理防治策略提供科学依据。调查发现,吉林省玉米穗期有27种有害生物,隶属于3个纲,7个目,18个科。亚洲玉米螟、双斑长跗萤叶甲、叶螨和蚜虫的有虫田率均在80%以上,百株虫量和危害级别较高,是吉林省玉米的主要害虫。美洲黍潜叶蝇、古毒蛾、大青叶蝉、梨剑纹夜蛾、赤角盲蝽、白星花金龟等有虫田率在20%以下,且百株虫量<1头,尚未玉米生产造成威胁。此外,迁飞性害虫黏虫也是玉米穗期重要害虫,棉铃虫是潜在的玉米穗期重要害虫。  相似文献   

对不同剂量、不同保存期的性诱剂和几种常见诱捕器进行了田间诱蛾效果比较研究。结果表明,诱芯所含的性诱剂的剂量以300 μg为宜;在低温条件下保存1年对其诱蛾效果影响不大;泥盆诱捕器的诱蛾效果不理想,粘胶诱捕器的诱蛾效果也不及水盆诱捕器,但操作较为方便;在田间设置时,其适宜高度需随水稻高度而变化。  相似文献   

Yellow sticky traps (YSTs) are a key component of IPM programmes for several greenhouse pests. The development of YST-based decision-making tools, e.g. sampling protocols and economic thresholds (ETs), however, has been limited. This review assesses to what extent YST-counts comply with the four criteria of effective sampling (reliability, representativeness, relevance and practicality) as described by Binns et al. (2000) in an attempt to understand the feasibility of designing YST-based decision-making tools for managing whiteflies in greenhouse crops, particularly tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Many factors are known to affect whitefly flight behaviour and thus, trap catches. The possibility of manipulating such factors to improve YST efficiency and reliability or of interpreting whitefly catches in YSTs with automated tools is discussed. A few studies have shown the correlation between trap and direct visual pest counts from plants. These studies are discussed in the context of whiteflies and trap densities to enhance the representativeness of sampling with YSTs. Relevance implies that the results of sampling reflect crop loss to a sufficient degree. Only few YSTs-based action thresholds have been suggested in the literature, particularly for use with chemical control. There are a number of approaches and technological innovations that can improve the practicality of YSTs by decreasing the effort and time associated with counting insects, a method to facilitate the identification of species in mixed populations on the trap, and sampling methods such as sequential sampling for calculating appropriate sample size, which have been already put in practice to develop YSTs-based sampling protocols. Knowledge gaps are identified and discussed, and a route map for further research to advance YSTs as a decision-making tool is outlined, with geostatistical methods as the recommended approach for further increasing the usefulness of YSTs-based decision-making.  相似文献   

茶蚕(Andraca bipunctata Walker)是我国一种重要的茶树食叶害虫,严重时其幼虫可将整株茶树的叶片取食殆尽,造成极大危害。本研究对我国茶蚕大陆种群性信息素进行了鉴定,利用正己烷浸提法对求偶高峰期的茶蚕雌虫性信息素进行了提取,利用气相色谱-触角电位联用仪(GC-EAD)筛选性信息素提取物中的活性成分,运用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对活性成分进行分析,采用触角电位技术(EAG)测试了性信息素成分的电生理活性,并通过田间诱捕试验筛选出性信息素最佳剂量,最后利用性信息素对海南五指山地区的茶蚕种群进行了监测。GC-EAD结果显示,茶蚕性信息素提取物中只有1种成分可引起雄虫的触角电位反应。GC-MS分析结果初步确定该活性成分为顺11,顺14-十八碳醛(E11,E14-18Ald)。EAG测试和田间引诱试验验证了性信息素鉴定结果,田间诱捕数据显示不同剂量的性信息素在田间的引诱效果不同,当剂量为0.9 mg时,田间引诱效果最佳。虫口监测结果表明,茶蚕性信息素是一种理想的虫口监测方法,利用该方法明确海南五指山地区5—10月共有两代茶蚕,成虫高峰期为6月17日和8月27日。本研究结果为我国茶叶主产区利用性信息素进行诱杀防治或虫口监测提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

本研究对太阳能自控多方式诱虫灯诱捕槟榔害虫的效果进行了评价。结果表明,经过240 d,诱虫灯共诱捕害虫255 924头,共计8个目、26科、46种昆虫,其中鳞翅目害虫达到64.33%;诱虫灯诱虫数量、重量在8—11月增加,12—2月减少,3月后再增加,其诱虫数量变化与当地虫害发生规律相一致,且益虫仅占总虫量的0.80%;灯控区槟榔受虫害等级比非灯控区少1~3个等级,虫害发生等级控制在++以内。灯控区坐果率在开花结果初期、收获期明显高于非灯控区,明显降低落果率,单株产量达到10.96 kg,比非灯控区提高36.61%。因此,该型诱虫灯在槟榔园使用具有诱虫谱广,诱杀作用强的特点,可大幅减少虫害发生,提高坐果率,增加产量。  相似文献   

迁入种群对褐飞虱种群动态影响的模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 历史资料分析表明,浙江嘉兴8月上旬灯下褐飞虱诱虫量和连晚田间迁人代高峰虫量与四代高峰虫量显著相关,但与主害代高峰虫量的相关性不显著。模拟研究揭示迁人种群的初始迁入时间、迁入总虫量和迁入格局等三个特征均可通过密度制约作用和改变迁入成虫及其后代所处生态条件而直接或间接地影响到迁入后种群的增长动态。因此,加深对迁人种群与环境因子综台作用的理解,将有助于提高预测准确性。  相似文献   

Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Noctuidae: Lepidopetra) is a polyphagous pest of major crops grown in India. To prevent the damage caused by H. armigera farmers rely heavily on insecticides of diverse groups on a regular basis which is not a benign practice, environmentally and economically. To provide more efficient and accurate information on timely application of insecticides, this research was aimed to develop a forecast model to predict population dynamics of pod borer using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The data used in this study were collected from the randomly installed sex pheromone traps at International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, Hyderabad. Several ARIMA (p, d, q) (P, D, Q) and ANN models were developed using the historical trap catch data. ARIMA model (1,0,1), (1,0,2) with minimal BIC, RMSE, MAPE, MAE, and MASE values and higher R2 value (0.53) was selected as the best ARIMA fit model, and neural network (7-30-1) was found to be the best fit to predict the catches of male moths of pod borer from September 2021 to August 2023. A comparative analysis performed between the ARIMA and ANN, shows that the ANN based on feed forward neural networks is best suited for effective pest prediction. With the developed ARIMA model, it would be easier to predict H. armigera adult population dynamics round the year and timely intervention of control measures can be followed by appropriate decision-making schedule for insecticide application.  相似文献   

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