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印度雷须螨(Raoiella indica)被许多国家列为检疫性有害生物,目前已有20多个国家报道其严重为害香蕉、椰子等植物.本文阐述了印度雷须螨的经济重要性、寄主植物、分布国家和传播途径等,以期引起相关部门的重视.  相似文献   

茶叶主要刺吸性害虫的科学防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>据调查,目前为害永泰县茶叶的刺吸性害虫有假眼小绿叶蝉、茶叶螨类(茶橙瘿螨、茶叶瘿螨、茶短须螨、茶跗线螨、咖啡小爪螨)、茶黑刺粉虱、茶蚜等。由于刺吸性害虫发生隐蔽、虫体小、世代重叠、繁殖速度快,无论是成虫或若虫均能刺吸茶叶汁液,阻碍茶叶营养物质的正常输送,使受害茶叶光合效率降低,发芽密度下降,育芽能力差,萌芽迟,芽梢生长停止。黑刺粉虱和茶蚜还排泄蜜露,诱发煤烟病,致使小虫成了大灾,严重影响茶叶的产量和品质。  相似文献   

植绥螨的培养与释放防治害螨的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植绥螨的培养与释放防治害螨的研究羊战鹰吴伟南(广东省昆虫研究所广州510260)近四十年来化学农药种类的激增及广泛使用,剌吸式口器的害虫已上升为主要害虫。如为害柑桔的全爪螨和柑桔瘿螨;为害苹果、梨、杏的榆全爪螨和山楂叶螨;为害棉花的朱砂叶螨等。受螨害...  相似文献   

李焱  陈伟利  杨丁 《植物检疫》2006,20(5):317-318
本文就喀什地区出口水果基地叶螨种类及为害特点进行了调查,从采到的标本中鉴定出叶螨科4属9种害螨。首次报道山楂叶螨、苹果全爪螨、柏小爪螨、朱砂叶螨在喀什分布。为便于检验检疫工作人员识别害螨、更好地开展出口果园注册、登记备案监管工作,对其形态特征、为害部位和为害状进行了观察记录。  相似文献   

伯氏嗜木螨Cologlyplus berieses Michael是贮藏物害螨之一,可为害贮藏期小麦、花生、椰干、亚麻等多种农产品,亦能引起人类的疾病。1993~1995年作者调查陕西关中大蒜的有害生物时,首次发现伯氏嗜木螨为害贮藏期大蒜鳞茎,致使蒜瓣坏死腐烂,在蒜头贮量较大、贮期较长及环境温、湿度较高时,害螨发生数量多,为害严重。目前对该螨的研  相似文献   

<正>茶园中常见的螨类有5种,即茶橙瘿螨、茶叶瘿螨、咖啡小爪螨、短须螨和茶黄螨,对茶叶生产影响大,造成茶叶减产。笔者介绍5种害螨的发生和防治技术。1发生与为害1.1茶橙瘿螨1.1.1为害特点该螨以成螨、若螨刺吸嫩叶或成叶汁液,叶背产生红褐色锈斑或叶脉变黄,芽叶萎缩,  相似文献   

瘿螨是植物病毒病的一类传播媒介。根据国内外大量最新资料,从瘿螨生物学,为害和病毒不的角度较为详尽地分析了小麦线条花叶病毒,小麦斑点花叶,黑麦草花叶病,冰草花叶病,葱属植物病毒,小麦糜疯病,黑醋栗退化病,无花果花叶病,桃花叶病,樱桃斑驳花叶,蔷薇丛簇病和木豆不孕花叶病这12种已被确认为瘿螨所传播的病毒病的特点,症状,病毒特性和防治方法,帮助人们进一步了解螨传病毒。  相似文献   

经5年系统观察,侧多食跗线螨的发生逐渐严重.该虫在绥阳县辣椒上1年可发生12~15代,每年6月至8月以成螨和若螨在辣椒上发生为害重.此虫以成螨在牛皮菜、狗牙根、空心莲子草等植株下部叶片凹陷处聚集越冬.采取消灭越冬虫源、适时施药防治,可减少其为害.  相似文献   

虚伪钝绥螨的食性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在26℃恒温、相对湿度75%的条件下,虚伪钝绥螨取食朱砂叶螨、山楂叶螨和苹果叶螨的发育历期分别为6.08、6.68、6.54天,一生产卵总量分别为47.52、48.75、48.12粒。上述食料对虚伪钝绥螨的发育和生殖无明显差别。通过对22种植物花粉的筛选,证明其中18种花粉可使虚伪钝绥螨完成发育,12种可以使其产卵,而以苹果、桃的花粉最能满足虚伪钝绥螨的生育要求,如进一步明确这两种花粉对虚伪钝绥螨的后代生育能力无不良影响,就有可能用花粉来取代叶螨,在室内大量繁殖。  相似文献   

水文研究智利小植绥螨 Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriat 大量繁殖与低温贮藏。结果表明:一、利用早春草莓上的叶螨作为繁殖基地,繁殖了大量的智利小植绥螨,供释放田间之用,消灭叶螨初期发生的为害;4~10月分期盆播云豆与不同栖息植物季节性衔接繁殖叶螨与智利小植绥螨;越冬繁殖保种,用塑料小拱棚繁殖叶螨与智利小植绥螨与贮藏相结合可提供早春螨种。二、低温贮藏,将益、害螨分别放于4℃、8℃低温下冰箱贮藏16~48天,能延缓其生长发育,达到保种和积累数量待急时需用。  相似文献   

平脐蠕孢属(Bipolaris)和弯孢属(Curvularia)真菌可引起多种玉米叶斑病。为了解当前玉米生产上此类病害的发生情况,2014年8-9月对我国玉米主产区北京、河北、河南、黑龙江和吉林5省市玉米上疑似由该两属真菌引起的叶部病斑样品进行了采集,随后进行了真菌的分离和鉴定。共采集样品42份,根据其形状特点归为4类:长条形、椭圆形、小点状和梭形病斑。经组织分离获得平脐蠕孢属和弯孢属真菌28株,基于形态学和rDNA-ITS序列的系统发育分析共鉴定出5个种:玉蜀黍平脐蠕孢(B.maydis)、玉米平脐蠕孢(B.zeae)、玉米生平脐蠕孢(B.zeicola)、新月弯孢(C.lunata)和穂状弯孢(C.spicifera)。从长条形病斑和椭圆形病斑上分离到的主要是B.maydis和B.zeicola,从小点状病斑分离到的主要是C.lunata,其次是B.zeae。分离出C.lunata的样品病斑较为稀疏、颜色略浅、呈苍白色,分离出B.zeae的样品病斑更为密集、颜色较深。从梭型病斑分离到的是C.spicifera。有少数样品可分离到上述两种菌。采用孢子悬浮液喷雾法对温室玉米苗接种,上述5种真菌均可致病。以接种B.maydis发病最快,发病最重;接种B.zeicola、C.lunata或C.spicifera发病较慢,症状明显;接种B.zeae发病最慢,仅引起小点状病斑。研究结果可为玉米叶斑病的正确诊断提供资料和依据。  相似文献   

松材线虫是进境木质包装中的重要检疫对象之一。本研究以进境木质包装中截获的12种伞滑刃属线虫,包括4种不同来源的松材线虫、3种不同来源的拟松材线虫、豆伞滑刃线虫、大尖尾伞滑刃线虫、阿苏里伞滑刃线虫、伯氏伞滑刃线虫及拟小刺伞滑刃线虫为材料,进行实时荧光PCR检测。结果显示,仅松材线虫可观察到明显的荧光强度变化,而其他线虫的荧光强度没有变化。通过研磨样品的方法,提取单条松材线虫的DNA,进行实时荧光PCR试验,检测成功率为100%,且不论是雄虫、雌虫或幼虫均能检测出来。该研究对于我国口岸进境木质包装中松材线虫的检测具有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   

Pratt RG 《Phytopathology》2005,95(10):1183-1190
ABSTRACT Leaf samples of forage bermudagrass with symptoms of infection by species of Bipolaris, Curvularia, and Exserohilum (dematiaceous hyphomycetes) were collected from three swine waste application sites in Mississippi at eight sampling times during each of 3 years. Samples were assayed for pathogens by observing sporulation on plated leaf tissue. Among 3,600 leaves assayed, eight species of the three genera were observed. Features and criteria for the practical identification of species on plated leaf samples are described. Sporulation by dematiaceous hyphomycetes was observed on 97% of leaves; a single pathogen was observed on 20% and two to five pathogens were observed on 77% of leaves. Distributions of leaves among classes with one to five pathogens per leaf, for sites within years, always differed significantly (P = 0.01) from a Poisson distribution and usually included fewer leaves than expected with four or five pathogens. Significant (P = 0.05) variation in frequencies of occurrence of pathogens among 72 samples of 50 leaves each was attributed to pathogen species, sampling times, and species-time interactions. Exserohilum rostratum, Curvularia lunata, and Bipolaris cynodontis were the most frequent pathogens across years and sites; B. spicifera and C. geniculata were intermediate; and B. hawaiiensis, B. sorokiniana, and B. stenospila were least frequent. For the five most common pathogens, significant differences in frequency among locations were commonplace. Six pathogens exhibited significant (P = 0.05) positive and negative correlations with others in overall frequencies of occurrence across years, sampling times, and sites. However, chi(2) tests of dual occurrence indicated that interactions between specific pairs of pathogens in or on leaves are not likely to be major causes for overall frequency correlations. Results indicate that dematiaceous hyphomycetes typically infect forage bermudagrass on swine waste application sites in complexes rather than as individual species; that E. rostratum, C. lunata, and B. cynodontis are the predominant pathogens; and that frequencies of pathogens often differ significantly between locations.  相似文献   

An overview of the occurrence of species of the genus Bursaphelenchus in Romania is presented. The data is based on recent surveys conducted for the first time throughout the country, to monitor and evaluate the potential entry of the pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Wood samples were collected from declining trees, wood‐processing companies and imported wood packaging material. Of the 895 wood samples examined, 11 contained Bursaphelenchus specimens. Morphological and molecular analyses were carried out to characterize the species detected. With respect to the possible presence of B. xylophilus, all samples were negative, confirming the absence of this quarantine pest in Romania. Nevertheless, five Bursaphelenchus species were found: B. hofmanni, B. poligraphi, B. vallesianus, B. willibaldi, and one putative new species belonging to the sexdentati group, classified here as Bursaphelenchus sp. NR512. These results constitute the first report of the genus Bursaphelenchus in Romania.  相似文献   

瑞丽口岸检疫性实蝇疫情监测研究初报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过寄主果实的采集饲养和诱剂诱集实蝇的方法,发现检疫性实蝇12个种(其中4种种名待定),其中桔小实蝇和南瓜实蝇为本口岸优势种群。  相似文献   

为明确天津市烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci隐种的类别及其寄主适应性、传毒能力、携带内共生菌情况和抗药性,采用mt COI酶切法对从武清、西青、蓟州和宁河4个区的番茄、黄瓜及辣椒3种寄主上采集的12个烟粉虱种群进行隐种鉴定,采用PCR检测其携带番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl virus,TYLCV)和内共生菌情况,并采用浸叶法测定其对4种常用药剂的抗性。结果表明,采集的烟粉虱种群以MED隐种为主,占所有检测个体的93.33%,有3个种群为MED和MEAM1隐种混合发生。所有检测个体中有36.25%的个体携带TYLCV,在6个种群中检测到TYLCV,其中5个种群有超过50%的个体携带TYLCV。在12个种群中共检测到Hamiltonella、立克次氏体Rickettsia、Cardinium和杀雄菌属Arsenophnus共4种内共生菌,携带个体比例分别为90.63%、48.96%、43.75%和8.33%,进一步对内共生菌协同感染情况进行分析,发现有HARC、HRC、HAC、HR、HC和AC共6个协同感染型,感染率分别为4.17%、28.13%、3....  相似文献   

Archived blood smears from 32 of 113 fishes in 18 families and 12 orders, trawled from deep North Atlantic waters off the Cape Verde Islands in 1999 and over the Porcupine Seabight in 2001 were found to harbour haematozoans. These included four species of haemogregarines (Adeleorina, Haemogregarinidae) and a species of trypanosome (Trypanosomatina, Trypanosomatidae) located in Porcupine Seabight fishes. Also present were Haemohormidium-like structures of uncertain status found in samples from this location and from the Cape Verde Islands. Although material was limited, two of the haemogregarines were provisionally named Desseria harriottae sp. n. from Harriotta raleighana Goode et Bean (Chimaeriformes, Rhinochimaeridae), and Haemogregarina bathysauri sp. n. from Bathysaurus ferox Günther (Aulopiformes, Bathysauridae). The two remaining haemogregarines were identified as Desseria marshalllairdi (Khan, Threlfall et Whitty, 1992) from Halosauropsis macrochir (Günther) (Notacanthiformes, Halosauridae), and Haemogregarina michaeljohnstoni (Davies et Merrett, 2000) from Cataetyx laticeps Koefoed (Ophidiformes, Bythitidae). The name H. michaeljohnstoni was proposed to replace Haemogregarinajohnstoni Davies et Merrett, 2000 from C. laticeps and to avoid confusion with Hepatozoon johnstoni (Mackerras, 1961) Smith, 1996 from varanid lizards, originally named Haemogregarina johnstoni Mackerras, 1961. The trypanosome formed a mixed parasitaemia with D. harriottae in H. raleighana and was provisionally named Trypanosoma harriottae sp. n. No blood parasites had been described previously from cartilaginous fishes of the Holocephali, making the finds in H. raleighana unique. Haemohormidium-like structures were located in erythrocytes in one fish, Coryphaenoides armatus (Hector), among the Cape Verde Islands samples and in 12 species of fishes from the Porcupine Seabight; all these hosts were bony fishes. Finally, the haemogregarine species listed in the genus Desseria Siddall, 1995 were reassessed. Of the original list of 41 species, 30 were retained and 5 species added, including D. harriottae, so that the genus now contains 35 species.  相似文献   

本文首次报道新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐周围地区的盘星藻属5种,4变种,其中4株,4变种为新疆新记录,这些结果是对1991年7月和1995年4-6月所采集的87号标本鉴定后获得的。  相似文献   

A survey was conducted in the northern conifer forests of Turkey in 2003 and 2004 for the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus . Wood samples were collected from declining pine trees, located in the following target areas: Düzce, Ankara, Bolu, and Artvin. Nematodes were extracted from over 310 samples and were observed and identified. B. xylophilus was not detected in any samples. Bursaphelenchus species were only found in 6% of the samples. From the B. xylophilus -group, only the species B. mucronatus was reported. Species identification was performed from morphological characters, particularly male spicules, and by molecular analysis with ITS-RFLP.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea is a major crop pathogen infesting >220 hosts worldwide. A cryptic species has been identified in some French populations but the new species, B. pseudocinerea, has not been fully delimited and established. The aim of this study was to distinguish between the two species, using phylogenetic, biological, morphological, and ecological criteria. Multiple gene genealogies confirmed that the two species belonged to different, well-supported phylogenetic clades. None of the morphological criteria tested (spore size, germination rate, or mycelial growth) was able to discriminate between these two species. Sexual crosses between individuals from the same species and different species were carried out. Only crosses between individuals from the same species were successful. Moreover, population genetics analysis revealed a high level of diversity within each species and a lack of gene flow between them. Finally, a population survey over time showed that B. cinerea was the predominant species but that B. pseudocinerea was more abundant in spring, on floral debris. This observation could not be explained by temperature adaptation in tests carried out in vitro or by aggressiveness on tomato or bean leaves. This study clearly establishes that B. cinerea and B. pseudocinerea constitute a complex of two cryptic species living in sympatry on several hosts, including grapevine and blackberry. We propose several biological or molecular tools for unambiguous differentiation between the two species. B. pseudocinerea probably makes a negligible contribution to gray mold epidemics on grapevine. This new species has been deposited in the MycoBank international database.  相似文献   

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