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黑龙江省大豆田反枝苋Amaranthus retroflexus对ALS、PPO抑制剂类除草剂产生了严重抗性, 为明确化学防除失败的反枝苋对咪唑乙烟酸、氟磺胺草醚的抗性机理, 采用整株生物测定法测定了反枝苋抗性及敏感种群对除草剂的敏感性, 克隆了抗性和敏感种群的ALS、PPO基因(质体型PPX1及线粒体型PPX2), 查找突变位点, 将突变基因转入拟南芥Arabidopsis thaliana验证其功能, 明确抗性机理。结果显示:反枝苋抗性种群对咪唑乙烟酸、氟磺胺草醚抗性倍数分别为55.29倍和17.51倍, 抗性植株ALS存在Ala205Val或Ser653Asn突变, PPX2存在Arg128Gly突变。将抗性种群的PPX2转入拟南芥, 可导致拟南芥对氟磺胺草醚产生高水平抗性(10.3倍)。综上, 东北大豆田反枝苋对咪唑乙烟酸、氟磺胺草醚产生了高水平多抗性, ALS、PPO基因突变是导致此类抗性的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

卢向阳  徐筠 《农药学学报》2006,8(2):162-166
采用14C-氟磺胺草醚同位素标记法研究了喷雾助剂JFC 和ABS(十二烷基苯磺酸钠)对14C-氟磺胺草醚在反枝苋上的吸收和药效的影响。结果表明,在药液中添加2 g/L的JFC ,反枝苋对14C-氟磺胺草醚的吸收面积可增加1.4倍,吸收量增加3.2倍,药效提高28.5%;添加2 g/L的ABS ,反枝苋对14C-氟磺胺草醚的吸收面积增加1.3倍,吸收量增加1.0倍,药效提高19.2%。JFC不但具有促进药液在反枝苋叶面扩展的能力,还具有促进药剂渗透的能力,当添加2 g/L的JFC 时,反枝苋单位面积吸收强度增加75.7%;ABS基本上不能增加反枝苋单位面积的吸收强度,只具有促进药液扩展的能力。  相似文献   

反枝苋对咪唑乙烟酸抗性水平及分子机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为初步明确大豆田反枝苋对咪唑乙烟酸的抗药性水平,并从分子角度对抗药性机制进行解释,以我国四川成都和黑龙江嫩江采集的反枝苋种子为材料,通过琼脂法检测了反枝苋对咪唑乙烟酸的抗药性水平,并分别对R(嫩江抗性种群)和S(成都敏感种群)的乙酰乳酸合成酶(ALS)部分序列进行扩增和测序。皿内生测结果表明,成都种群的GI50为11.20,嫩江种群的GI50为52.26,其抗药性指数RI为4.67。分子检测结果表明,与S种群相比,R种群反枝苋ALS位于高度保守区Domain B编码574位氨基酸的基因发生突变,TGG突变为TTG,导致色氨酸被亮氨酸取代。ALS保守区域氨基酸的替换可能是嫩江反枝苋种群对咪唑乙烟酸产生抗性的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

刺苋和反枝苋在广西各地农田均有分布,综合运用培养皿种子检测法、整株生物测定法对广西4个不同地点的刺苋和反枝苋种群进行草甘膦敏感性测定。结果表明,桂林灵川的刺苋和桂林兴安的反枝苋对草甘膦表现出敏感性下降的情况。同时,使用生化指标测定法检测的植株体内莽草酸含量变化情况与其敏感性变化趋势基本一致。  相似文献   

反枝苋种子休眠解除方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了光照和黑暗两种条件下氢氧化钠(NaoH)、盐酸(HC l)、赤霉素(GA3)和乙烯利(ETH)处理对反枝苋种子萌发的影响。结果表明,氢氧化钠、盐酸、赤霉素和乙烯利浸泡处理均可以明显提高反枝苋种子的发芽率,且随着试剂浓度的提高,发芽率表现出单峰变化曲线,浓度过低或过高均不利于种子的萌发。其中,赤霉素对解除反枝苋种子休眠最有效,且以200 mg/L浸泡处理24 h效果最好,发芽率可达90.8%,比对照提高了52.5百分点。其次为4%NaOH和6%HC l处理1 h,与800 mg/L ETH处理24 h的效果相当,发芽率在70%~75%之间。黑暗条件不利于反枝苋种子的萌发,发芽率略低于光照条件。  相似文献   

反技苋的生物学特性及防治   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
反枝苋是世界性分布的一种恶性杂草,了解其生物学特性将有助于对其进行有效防治.本文从反枝苋的分布与危害、生长发育和繁殖等几个方面,详细综述了反枝苋的的生物学特性和防除措施,包括物理防治、化学防治及生物防治,并对综合治理反枝苋提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

马唐和反枝苋在棉田中的竞争试验初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用二次通用旋转组合设计进行马唐、反枝苋竞争试验,得出两种杂草竞争的数学模型,分析了杂草的种内竞争相种间竞争的天系,并对杂草竞争试验的研究方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

为明确玉米田主要杂草反枝苋对烟嘧磺隆的抗性水平及靶标抗性分子机理,采用整株水平测定法检测了黑龙江省玉米田反枝苋对烟嘧磺隆的抗性水平,通过靶标酶离体活性测定,分析了抗性和敏感种群反枝苋乙酰乳酸合成酶 (ALS) 对烟嘧磺隆的敏感性,并通过靶标ALS基因克隆测序进行了序列比对分析。结果显示:黑龙江省反枝苋疑似抗性种群 (HLJ-R) 对烟嘧磺隆已产生较高水平抗性,其抗性倍数达13.7;酶活性测定结果表明:烟嘧磺隆对HLJ-R种群ALS活性的抑制中浓度 (IC50) 值是对敏感种群 (TA-S) IC50值的43.9倍;与TA-S种群相比,HLJ-R种群ALS基因205位丙氨酸突变为缬氨酸,574位色氨酸突变为亮氨酸。研究表明,黑龙江省玉米田反枝苋对烟嘧磺隆已产生较高水平抗性,且靶标ALS基因的突变可能是其抗性产生的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

反枝苋的生物学特性及防治   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
反枝苋是世界性分布的一种恶性杂草.了解其生物学特性将有助于对其进行有效防治。本文从反枝苋的分布与危害、生长发育和繁殖等几个方面,详细综述了反枝苋的的生物学特性和防除措施,包括物理防治、化学防治及生物防治,并对综合治理反枝苋提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

小麦提取物对反枝苋,繁缕生长的化感效应研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
接受抽穗期小麦提取物进行化感效应测定的10种作物和杂草中,反枝苋和繁缕的生长受到显著影响:提取物浓度500mg/kg时,反枝苋种子发芽率为14%。用小麦提取物50mg/m2进行土壤处理,2个月后反枝苋干重抑制率达82%,用同样剂量对繁缕进行了茎叶处理,30天后有76%~85%的繁缕死亡  相似文献   

Field experiments were made in 1998 and 1999 to determine the influence of tillage and soyabean (Glycine max) row width on predispersal weed seed predation in Amaranthus retroflexus L. (redroot pigweed) and Chenopodium album L. (common lambsquarters). Soyabean was planted in wide (76 cm) and narrow (19 cm) rows with conventional or conservation tillage. Additional control plots without soyabean were also established. The two objectives were to determine (1) whether predispersal seed predation occurs in A. retroflexus or C. album, and (2) whether disturbance (soil tillage) or microclimate (planting pattern) influence predation level. Mean rates of seed predation were 26% and 4% in A. retroflexus and C. album, respectively. Although these levels were low at the population level, individual plants of both species had predation levels ranging from 0% to 80%, however, very few individuals of C. album had levels of predation above 10%. Differences among tillage and row width treatments occurred for A. retroflexus, but not for C. album. Amaranthus retroflexus and C. album growing within the soyabean crop received less light than those in the no‐crop plots, and produced less above‐ground biomass, smaller terminal inflorescences, and fewer seeds per inflorescence. Plant height, terminal inflorescence weight, and total seeds were correlated with predation in both weed species.  相似文献   

A biotype of Amaranthus retroflexus L. is the first weed in Israel to develop resistance to acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicides. The resistant biotype (Su-R) was collected from Ganot, a site that had been treated for more than 3 consecutive years with sulfometuron-methyl + simazine. On the whole-plant basis, the resistance ratio ( ED50 Su-R)/( ED50 Su-S) was 6–127 for sulfonylureas, 4–63 for imidazolinones, 20–35 for triazolopyrimidines and 11 for pyrithiobac-sodium. Similar levels of resistance were found also when the herbicides were applied before emergence. Based on a root elongation bioassay, Su-R was 3240-fold more resistant to sulfometuron-methyl than Su-S. In vitro studies have shown that the Su-R biotype was resistant at the enzyme level to all ALS inhibitors tested. The nucleotide sequences of two amplified regions between the Su-S and the Su-R differed in only one nucleotide. One substitution has occurred in domain A, cytosine by thymine (C C C to C T C) at position 248, that confers an exchange of the amino acid proline in the susceptible to leucine in the Su-R. The proline to leucine change in domain A is the only difference in the amino acid primary structure of the regions sequenced, indicating that it is responsible for the ALS-inhibitor resistance observed.  相似文献   

Weeds that emerge along with or immediately after crop plants usually can reduce the yield of those crops. Two randomized complete block design experiments were conducted during 2006 and 2007 in Tabriz, Iran to determine the critical period of redroot pigweed control in the green bean hybrid “Cantander”. The treatments were weed‐infested and weed‐free plots at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 14 weeks after bean emergence (WABE). The green bean biomass was affected by the early emergence of redroot pigweed, but it was not reduced when redroot pigweed emerged at 10 weeks after crop emergence, along with crop emergence, and grew with green bean until 4 WABE. The redroot pigweed biomass decreased by 2.7 g m?2 per day when weed emergence was delayed. Each 100 g m?2 of weed biomass that was produced resulted in a 1.4 kg ha?1 loss in the green bean yield. When redroot pigweed interference lasted for ≥4 weeks after green bean emergence, the green bean yield was reduced significantly. Weeds, which emerged 2 weeks after green bean and thereafter were controlled, did not decrease crop productivity significantly. The highest crop yield was obtained when the weed emerged at 14 WABE. The critical period of redroot pigweed control, considering a 10% yield loss, was between 19 and 55 days after green bean emergence. Thus, weed control practises should be begun no later than 3 WABE and should continue until at least 8 WABE in order to obtain the maximum green bean yield.  相似文献   

为了明确烟田主要杂草反枝苋对贵州烤烟农艺性状、产量、产值的影响,反枝苋按0~25株/m~2的密度栽种,共设置13个处理,在烤烟成熟期记录株高、茎粗、叶片数、叶长、叶宽、叶鲜质量、地上植株鲜质量、茎秆鲜质量、叶干质量、产值等一系列指标参数,通过11种曲线方程进行拟合、回归分析。结果发现三次方程(y=b_0+b_1×x+b_2×x~2+b_3×x~3)具有最高的拟合度和实用性,建议生产上可以用该三次方程预测反枝苋对烟草农艺性状、产量、产值的影响。  相似文献   

Omami  Haigh  Medd  & Nicol 《Weed Research》1999,39(5):345-354
Changes in dormancy and viability of Amaranthus retroflexus seeds were examined after placement in pots that were buried in the field. Seeds were placed in woven nylon envelopes on the soil surface or buried at depths of 2.5, 5 or 10 cm. After 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months seeds were exhumed and their germinability was tested to assess changes in dormancy and viability. Depletion of seed stocks placed on the soil surface was partly because of in situ germination that did not exceed 21% and did not vary significantly over the 12-month study period. Less germination of buried seeds occurred in situ , and seeds that did not germinate appeared to acquire dormancy. Exhumed seeds germinated readily; germinability was linearly related to the depth of burial, with those retrieved from the surface germinating least. Cyclical changes in germinability occurred during the 12-month burial period, but this influence was identical for seeds buried at all depths. Germinability was greatest after periods with the lowest mean monthly temperatures and least during the hottest periods. The stimulation of remaining ungerminated seeds exhumed at each period, by the addition of ethephon to the germination medium, provided further evidence of a seasonal acquisition of dormancy, and it was concluded that other unknown factors besides cyclical changes in seasonal temperature were responsible. Irrespective of placement, all seeds lost viability at an exponential rate over time. However, the decline was most rapid for those placed on the surface, whereas the loss in viability became less with increased depth of burial. Possible explanations for this adaptation of enhanced survival when buried are discussed.  相似文献   

筛选和评价植物资源的除草活性可为新型植物源除草剂的研发提供候选材料和理论依据。本研究用种子萌发法和平皿法,评价了56科113种植物提取物对反枝苋和马唐种子萌发和生长的抑制活性。结果表明,在125 mg DW/mL的供试浓度下,大黄、牡丹皮、大叶三升麻、木香、佩兰、楸树、安息香树、泡桐、短叶罗汉松和杜衡提取物对马唐种子萌发和生长的抑制作用最为明显;牡丹皮、佩兰、木香、鹿藿和短叶罗汉松提取物对反枝苋种子萌发和生长的抑制活性最为明显。毒力测定表明,楸树、木香、杜衡、泡桐、佩兰、安息香树和大叶三升麻提取物对马唐幼根的抑制中浓度(IC50)分别为39.30、5.93、13.93、28.69、8.72、19.19和15.19 mg DW/mL;对马唐幼芽的IC50分别为48.22、8.13、15.28、42.12、22.39、7.78、23.43和12.92 mg DW/mL。木香、牡丹皮、短叶罗汉松、鹿藿、佩兰和紫背浮萍对反枝苋幼根的IC50分别为2.46、2.85、2.59、1.03、2.24和2.79 mg DW/mL;对反枝苋幼芽的IC50分别为7.05、31.21、24.17、4.52和...  相似文献   

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