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岳根华 《水产学报》2019,(1):116-127
新加坡是一个小岛国,农业用地及用于养鱼的海域面积均很有限。但新加坡观赏鱼产业相当独特和成功,是世界第一观赏鱼出口国,向80多个国家出售超过1 000种鱼类,2016年的年收入达到4 300万美元。该产业的成功主要源于其在许可证颁发,生物安全控制,养殖,包装,运输和疾病控制等各方面所具有的独特特征。新加坡正在努力驯养和培育许多高价值的海洋物种和新的淡水物种,并开发新型的循环水养殖系统。上游研究侧重于开发和使用基因组工具来培育新品种并维持野外种类的遗传多样性。但由于养殖鱼类的空间有限,邻国竞争激烈,该行业面临诸多挑战,其市场份额正在减少。在这篇综述中,我们将总结新加坡观赏鱼产业的现状和发展,讨论其面临的挑战,并提出保持该产业领先地位的建议。  相似文献   

新加坡热带观赏鱼的养殖颇为盛行,已成为该国养殖业的一大特点。然而50年代,观赏鱼养殖在新加坡只是一种副业,经过多年逐渐发展成为一种欣欣向荣的产业。新加坡培育的热带观赏鱼畅销世界各地,除本国生产的淡水观赏鱼外,还收购其他亚洲国家部分海水观赏鱼.再出口,成为世界各国观赏鱼的集散地,  相似文献   

何京 《科学养鱼》2002,(9):59-59
新加坡养殖观赏鱼已有五六十年的历史了,目前共有126家养鱼场,养殖面积为165公顷,观赏鱼的产值为3220万新币。该国是世界最大的观赏鱼输出国,占世界总出口值三分之一。外销至美国25.3%、日本19.9%、英国11.4%、德国8.7%、法国7.9%。由于过去新加坡的农场散布各地,且大小差别极大,政府单位为了施政及管理上的方便,将所有的农场集中在几个地方,即所谓的“高科技农业区”内,由政府规划及提供电、水、通讯及道路等公共设施及管理机制,国内所有农产品的生产,如鱼、兰花、鸡等的养育均必须在农业区内…  相似文献   

新加坡观赏鱼产业与新加坡水族游乐业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新加坡是一座美丽的花园城市,风景秀丽,在新加坡330多万人口的社会生活中,优美的观赏鱼十分有地位。随着观赏鱼产业的发展,新加坡从观赏鱼的生产、经销、贸易直到欣赏、消费、游乐,逐步形成一个观赏鱼产业链。正因为新加坡观赏鱼生产与消费,前后呼应,紧密结合,才使新加坡观赏鱼事业不断推进和繁荣。本文简单介绍新加坡观赏鱼产业与新加坡水族游乐业的组成和特点,供业内人士参考。  相似文献   

新加坡观赏鱼的出口及其包装   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
热带观赏鱼养殖在新加坡颇为盛行,现已成为该国养殖业的一大特色。上世纪50年代,观赏鱼养殖在新加坡还只是一种副业,经过近半个世纪的发展,形成了欣欣向荣的产业。  相似文献   

杨卫  平瑛 《中国水产》2010,(12):73-75
<正>新加坡的观赏鱼饲养起步较晚,直到19世纪,其居民才从中国引进金鱼从事消遣性的家庭饲养,直至上世纪五十年代,新加坡专业饲养观赏鱼的人员也不超过10人。1976年新加坡观赏鱼的出口额仅为676万美元,进口额只有196.5万美元,2007年出口额即达到6607.9万美元,进口额2346.5万美元,出口增长了近10倍,进口增长了近12倍。  相似文献   

新加坡观赏鱼养殖规范、信誉好、诚信度高,产品容易进入国际市场,每年大约出口观赏鱼5000万美元,约占世界出口总金额的25%~30%。全世界每年出口观赏鱼数量约10亿尾,新加坡约为3亿尾。新加坡出口观赏鱼的44%依靠当地渔场自产,还有56%则依靠进口再转出口,成为“全球观赏鱼中转贸易中心”。  相似文献   

目前,热带观赏鱼和金鱼的养殖在新加坡颇为盛行,已成为该国养殖业的一大特色。50年代,观赏鱼养殖在新加坡还只是一种副业,但经过近40年的逐步发展,已经变成一个较为重要的产业。新加坡培育的热带观赏鱼畅销世界各地。而且她还收购并出口世界各地生产的观赏鱼,成了世界各国观赏鱼的集散地,每年可以赚取非常可观的外汇。该国观赏鱼养殖业及观赏鱼进出口贸易的成功,可归诸于如下几个因素:观赏鱼养殖方面得天独厚的地理和气候条件;国际海运、航空网络四通八达;更兼饲养的观赏鱼种类繁多,品质优异;养殖者和出口商经验丰富。  相似文献   

新加坡观赏渔业分析及对我国的借鉴意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今,在水族箱内饲养观赏鱼已遍及全球,已成为一种休闲时尚,可以说,每类观赏鱼的发展,都是一个长期文化交流和贸易交往的结果。从观赏鱼的出口量情况看,新加坡最大,而且新加坡观赏鱼管理制度化、组织化、规范化、普及化,重视观赏鱼养殖的可持续发展,是中国观赏鱼外向型发展应该吸取的;对于中国观赏鱼产业健康全面发展面临的挑战,更应值得深思,而且观赏渔业作为一个新兴产业,在促进社会主义精神文明建设和国民经济的快速发展等方面有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

海水观赏鱼贸易是海洋水族馆贸易行业的重要部分,是一项价值十几亿美元的产业,每年交易量达数百万尾,且需求量逐年上升,但由于严重依赖野生资源捕捞而使该行业饱受争议。目前,90%~95%的海水观赏鱼由野生捕捞获得,在已知的数千种珊瑚礁鱼类中,有一半以上在缺乏或无监测情况下进行贸易,自然资源面临严重威胁。观赏性水产从业者和消费者有责任保护野生捕获物种的可持续发展,海水观赏鱼的养殖被认为是一种保护野生资源的有效手段,但仍有许多技术问题阻碍其发展。文章结合相关数据和文献,概述了国际海水观赏鱼产业现状及最新研究进展,讨论了海水观赏鱼产业中存在的问题,并提出了一些可行的解决方案,旨在为中国海水观赏鱼产业发展提供一定的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

观赏鱼类疾病及其诊断方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李向勇  李娟 《河北渔业》2007,(11):41-45
观赏鱼因经长期驯化变种而来比较娇贵,且所处环境也相对稳定,一旦管理不善很容易引起疾病。本文主要讨论了观赏鱼饲养过程中常见疾病的种类、发病原因、诊断方法等,重点介绍了:免疫学诊断技术、核酸诊断技术、核酸技术与免疫学相结合的方法。免疫学诊断技术包括单克隆抗体技术、荧光抗体技术等。核酸诊断技术包括核酸杂交技术、PCR(聚合酶链式反应)技术、16S rRNA检测技术。核酸技术与免疫学相结合的方法有PCR-ELISA法等。  相似文献   

The occurrence of Mycobacterium spp. in freshwater and marine ornamental fish was studied in Italy from June 2002 to May 2005. Two surveys were carried out, one of aquarium fish sent to the Laboratory for diagnosis, and the other of prevalence of infection by mycobacteria in ornamental fish imported into Italy. Bacterial isolation was carried out from the spleen, kidney and liver, and the isolates were subsequently identified by biochemical tests. In the first survey, 387 fish were examined and Mycobacterium spp. were isolated from 181 (46.8%) fish. In the second survey 127 batches of ornamental fish from different countries were examined. Mycobacterium spp. were isolated from 38 (29.9%) batches. The following species were found: M. fortuitum, M. peregrinum, M. chelonae, M. abscessus, M. marinum, M. gordonae, M. nonchromogenicum and M. interjectum. There was a high prevalence of infection independent of the presence of macroscopic lesions. Mycobacterium fortuitum and M. chelonae were more prevalent than M. marinum in the samples examined.  相似文献   

Current ornamental fish packaging systems are characterized by very high fish loading densities and high metabolic wastes in the transport water after shipment. They focus mainly on management of the quality of transport water. Recent studies using the guppy as a model fish showed that post‐shipment mortality could be reduced through enhancement of the stress resistance of the fish, and hence emphases should also be placed on the preparation of the fish for transport and recovery of the fish after shipment. Farmers can contribute significantly by applying nutritional prophylaxis before harvesting. Exporters may use the salinity stress test to identify fish lots of good quality for transport, apply health prophylaxis to eradicate parasites and optimize other techniques such as starvation of the fish or addition of salt to the transport water to enhance the stress resistance of the fish. Importers may adopt proper acclimation procedure and allow fish to recover in low salinity water to reduce post‐shipment mortality. As the main bulk of post‐shipment mortality is stress‐mediated and occurs during the 1‐week recovery period, the industry should consider revising the basis of the current warranty system for their customers, from death on arrival to cumulative mortality at 7 days post shipment (or death after 7 days, DA7), in order to cut down fish losses after shipment.  相似文献   

A survey was performed on ornamental fish imported into the EU to detect viral agents belonging to the genus Ranavirus. The objective was to gain knowledge of the potential for these systemic iridoviruses to gain entry into the EU via international trade in ornamental fish. A total of 208 pooled samples, representing 753 individual fish, were tested. The samples included 13 orders and 37 families, originating from different countries and continents. Tissues from fish that died during or just after transport were collected and examined by standard virological techniques in epithelioma papulosum cyprini cells, by transmission electron microscopy and by PCR for the detection of the major capsid protein and DNA polymerase gene sequences of ranaviruses. Virus was isolated from nine fish species but ranavirus was not identified in those samples. The results suggest that ranaviruses are not highly prevalent in ornamental fish imported into the EU.  相似文献   

Megalocytiviruses have been associated globally with severe systemic disease and economic loss in farmed food fish and ornamental fish. The viruses have been spread internationally by translocation of live fish. In New Zealand, megalocytiviruses are regarded as exotic. A potential pathway for introduction has been identified, namely imported ornamental fish. In the present study, real‐time PCR assays were developed for detection of megalocytiviruses using a conserved major capsid protein gene. A SYBR green assay was developed to target all known megalocytiviruses. A second real‐time PCR assay using a molecular beacon was developed to specifically target gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus, iridovirus, a species of iridovirus previously linked to ornamental fish imports in Australia. The analytical sensitivity for the SYBR green and molecular beacon assays were 10 and 100 fg, respectively. The analytical specificity of the real‐time PCR assays determined using genomic DNA templates from three target viruses, 12 non‐target viruses and 25 aquatic bacterial species were 100%. The intra‐run and inter‐run coefficients of variation of both assays were <5%. The real‐time PCR assays developed in this study provide rapid, sensitive, and specific detection of megalocytiviruses and gourami iridovirus.  相似文献   

硝化细菌对淡水水族箱水质及养殖观赏鱼影响的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本试验设立硝化细菌、水生观赏植物对照组与空白对照组进行对比试验。结果表明硝化细菌对降低淡水水族箱中COD、NH4^ -N、NO^2 -N效果显。有利于提高蓝毛足鲈等的相对生长率,对孔雀鱼、七彩神仙鱼增色有益。实验中还发现硝化细菌有明显预防细菌性肠炎病发生的作用。硝化细菌在淡水水族箱中固着种群稳定需要25—28天,在施用硝化细菌3—4周后水体COD、NH4^ -N、NO^2 -N达到稳定水平。  相似文献   

The suitability of decapsulated cysts of the fairy shrimp, Streptocephalus dichotomus as a sole diet was evaluated for the ornamental angelfish Pterophylum scalare larvae. Brine shrimp, Artemia sp., and microworms, Panagrellus redivivus, were used as comparison foods. The results indicate an appreciable weight gain of 15.22±1.69 mg and a growth (length) of 0.876±0.03 cm in experimental fish fed decapsulated fairy shrimp cysts compared with the growth and weight of fish fed other foods. The influence of the experimental diets was further reflected in the composition of fatty acid and amino‐acid profiles of the experimental fish. Angelfish larvae readily consumed the decapsulated cysts and utilized them efficiently during the early days of exogenous feeding.  相似文献   

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