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岳根华 《水产学报》2019,(1):116-127
新加坡是一个小岛国,农业用地及用于养鱼的海域面积均很有限。但新加坡观赏鱼产业相当独特和成功,是世界第一观赏鱼出口国,向80多个国家出售超过1 000种鱼类,2016年的年收入达到4 300万美元。该产业的成功主要源于其在许可证颁发,生物安全控制,养殖,包装,运输和疾病控制等各方面所具有的独特特征。新加坡正在努力驯养和培育许多高价值的海洋物种和新的淡水物种,并开发新型的循环水养殖系统。上游研究侧重于开发和使用基因组工具来培育新品种并维持野外种类的遗传多样性。但由于养殖鱼类的空间有限,邻国竞争激烈,该行业面临诸多挑战,其市场份额正在减少。在这篇综述中,我们将总结新加坡观赏鱼产业的现状和发展,讨论其面临的挑战,并提出保持该产业领先地位的建议。  相似文献   

目前,热带观赏鱼和金鱼的养殖在新加坡颇为盛行,已成为该国养殖业的一大特色。50年代,观赏鱼养殖在新加坡还只是一种副业,但经过近40年的逐步发展,已经变成一个较为重要的产业。新加坡培育的热带观赏鱼畅销世界各地。而且她还收购并出口世界各地生产的观赏鱼,成了世界各国观赏鱼的集散地,每年可以赚取非常可观的外汇。该国观赏鱼养殖业及观赏鱼进出口贸易的成功,可归诸于如下几个因素:观赏鱼养殖方面得天独厚的地理和气候条件;国际海运、航空网络四通八达;更兼饲养的观赏鱼种类繁多,品质优异;养殖者和出口商经验丰富。  相似文献   

海水观赏鱼贸易是海洋水族馆贸易行业的重要部分,是一项价值十几亿美元的产业,每年交易量达数百万尾,且需求量逐年上升,但由于严重依赖野生资源捕捞而使该行业饱受争议。目前,90%~95%的海水观赏鱼由野生捕捞获得,在已知的数千种珊瑚礁鱼类中,有一半以上在缺乏或无监测情况下进行贸易,自然资源面临严重威胁。观赏性水产从业者和消费者有责任保护野生捕获物种的可持续发展,海水观赏鱼的养殖被认为是一种保护野生资源的有效手段,但仍有许多技术问题阻碍其发展。文章结合相关数据和文献,概述了国际海水观赏鱼产业现状及最新研究进展,讨论了海水观赏鱼产业中存在的问题,并提出了一些可行的解决方案,旨在为中国海水观赏鱼产业发展提供一定的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

新加坡热带观赏鱼的养殖颇为盛行,已成为该国养殖业的一大特点。然而50年代,观赏鱼养殖在新加坡只是一种副业,经过多年逐渐发展成为一种欣欣向荣的产业。新加坡培育的热带观赏鱼畅销世界各地,除本国生产的淡水观赏鱼外,还收购其他亚洲国家部分海水观赏鱼.再出口,成为世界各国观赏鱼的集散地,  相似文献   

中国观赏鱼产业发展概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
观赏鱼养殖从20世纪80年代开始在我国初具规模,其发展具有产业链延伸较广、产品附加值较高、生产要素集约性较强、产业运营模式较多、单位面积产出较高等五项独特的优点。本文对养殖较为广泛、产业发展带动较强的几大观赏鱼品种进行了剖析:①七彩神仙鱼作为中高档热带观赏鱼的代表种类之一,市场潜力巨大;②锦鲤是大众化的养殖品种,目前规模化的养殖初具规模,产业逐渐走上正轨,但产业附加值和技术含量有待提升;③龙鱼和其他热带观赏鱼品种较多,高端的龙鱼主要来自国外,部分热带观赏鱼可实现国内生产,销往国外。同时,提出了我国观赏鱼产业发展的深层次问题:①要以科技为先,加强新品种的开发;②增强大众意识;加速市场的整顿;③改进市场营销模式;④培育健康的生态养殖模式;⑤拓展市场,开发新领域等,以使观赏鱼产业更好更快地发展。  相似文献   

新加坡观赏渔业分析及对我国的借鉴意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今,在水族箱内饲养观赏鱼已遍及全球,已成为一种休闲时尚,可以说,每类观赏鱼的发展,都是一个长期文化交流和贸易交往的结果。从观赏鱼的出口量情况看,新加坡最大,而且新加坡观赏鱼管理制度化、组织化、规范化、普及化,重视观赏鱼养殖的可持续发展,是中国观赏鱼外向型发展应该吸取的;对于中国观赏鱼产业健康全面发展面临的挑战,更应值得深思,而且观赏渔业作为一个新兴产业,在促进社会主义精神文明建设和国民经济的快速发展等方面有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

观赏鱼以其独特的魅力受到人类宠爱,迅速融入人们的家庭生活。顺应观赏鱼发展的潮流,新加坡把握自身优势,经过了几十年不懈的努力,观赏鱼产业取得优异的经济成果。本人通过考察新加坡观赏鱼业之后,特撰此文,着重分析新加坡观赏鱼产业及其产业经济链的发展背景和发展特征,希望对正在发展的中国观赏鱼业和都市型渔业有所启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>观赏鱼是指具有观赏价值的鱼类,它们往往具有鲜艳的体色或独特的体态。根据观赏鱼原产地的不同可被分为温带淡水观赏鱼、热带淡水观赏鱼和热带海水观赏鱼。据不完全统计,迄今为止,世界上的观赏鱼品种已经有1600多种。由于观赏鱼业的兴起,世界许多国家的研究人员从品种培育、饲养技术和资源开发利用等多个方面对观赏鱼进行了研究。观赏鱼之所以受到广大消费者的喜爱,是因为其优美独特的体态和五彩斑斓的体色。观赏鱼  相似文献   

在观赏类水产动物中,锦鲤以其多彩的花色和矫健的游姿赢得人们的喜爱,是广大观赏鱼爱好者最为欣赏且养殖持续时间最长的品种之一。该鱼与传统鲤鱼最大的差异在于其独特的体色,这也是决定其市场价格最为主要的因素,因此,如何培育色泽鲜艳的锦鲤是养殖该品种成功与否的关键。  相似文献   

新加坡观赏鱼的出口及其包装   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
热带观赏鱼养殖在新加坡颇为盛行,现已成为该国养殖业的一大特色。上世纪50年代,观赏鱼养殖在新加坡还只是一种副业,经过近半个世纪的发展,形成了欣欣向荣的产业。  相似文献   


In contrast to freshwater aquaculture and the culture of anadromous species such as salmon, marine fish culture is in its infancy. The small larval size of many marine species presents significant challenges to culture, however, these highly valuable fish offer considerable promise for aquaculture. A particularly attractive group for marine aquaculture is the flatfish. The California halibut, Paralichthys californicus, with a range in nature from Washington State south to Baja California Sur, Mexico is one such species.

With the goal of enhancing the fishery for this species, a hatchery program was developed over a decade ago. The hatchery at Redondo Beach, California, maintains a group of adults that routinely spawn throughout most of each year. Further development of routine culture and juvenile growout techniques ultimately aimed at commercial aquaculture was initiated last year with support from the California Sea Grant College Program.

Profitable commercial ventures culturing various flatfish species already exist in other parts of the world, but development of a flatfish culture industry in California confronts unique challenges. Two challenges in particular are the relatively high cost of energy and stringent environmental regulations. To meet these challenges, a culture system built around recirculation technology is being developed that would allow for an energy-efficient industrial-like approach to the culture of California halibut while minimizing environmental impacts.  相似文献   

The long-term sustainability of the marine ornamental industry is being threatened by environmental pressures that are severely degrading the health of coral reef ecosystems. There is now a compelling need to practice resource conservation through the development of 'reef friendly' aquaculture technologies as an alternative to wild collection practices and to restore degraded wild populations. The commercial culture of marine ornamental finfish is very much in its infancy, but advances can be made more rapidly using insights from years of research and development with marine foodfish species. Many of the bottlenecks and constraints to developing marine ornamental fish culture are those now being addressed with the more challenging species of foodfish being attempted. The two key bottlenecks that currently limit expansion of the marine ornamental industry are the control of captive maturation and spawning and the identification of appropriate first-feed items for marine ornamental fish larvae. This paper highlights basic principles and recent achievements in marine foodfish culture that might be applicable to rapid development of controlled reproduction and propagation techniques for marine ornamental finfish.  相似文献   

1. The most important area in Singapore for native aquatic fauna and flora is a relatively intact 5 km2 patch of freshwater swamp forest in Nee Soon. 2. The Nee Soon Swamp Forest contains 48% of the primary freshwater fish, 71% of the amphibian, 28% of the reptile and 34% of the bird fauna of Singapore. The swamp also has the highest percentage of native and threatened freshwater fish and crustacean species on the island, as well as being the main (if not the only) habitat of the aquatic plant Hydrostemma. It is also the last refuge of two mammals, the Banded Leaf Monkey, Presbytis femoralis femoralis, and the Cream-coloured Giant Squirrel, Ratufa affinis affinis. 3. The threats to the swamp forest are discussed, and proposals are made to establish the swamp forest as Singapore's second major nature reserve. 4. Study of the swamp forest is essentially still at a survey and discovery phase. The research priorities are to establish detailed species lists, the status of endangered species and the extent of buffer zones. 5. The swamp forest is administered primarily by the newly established National Parks Board, but several other government organizations also have jurisdiction over the land, causing some problems in the management of the swamp. The roles of the university and non-governmental organizations in conducting surveys, drafting recommendations and educating the general public are detailed.  相似文献   

There has been growing concern about the overuse of antibiotics in the ornamental fish industry and its possible effect on the increasing drug resistance in both commensal and pathogenic organisms in these fish. The aim of this study was to carry out an assessment of the diversity of bacteria, including pathogens, in ornamental fish species imported into North America and to assess their antibiotic resistance. Kidney samples were collected from 32 freshwater ornamental fish of various species, which arrived to an importing facility in Portland, Oregon from Colombia, Singapore and Florida. Sixty‐four unique bacterial colonies were isolated and identified by PCR using bacterial 16S primers and DNA sequencing. Multiple isolates were identified as bacteria with potential to cause disease in both fish and humans. The antibiotic resistance profile of each isolate was performed for nine different antibiotics. Among them, cefotaxime (16% resistance among isolates) was the antibiotic associated with more activity, while the least active was tetracycline (77% resistant). Knowing information about the diversity of bacteria in imported ornamental fish, as well as the resistance profiles for the bacteria will be useful in more effectively treating clinical infected fish, and also potential zoonoses in the future.  相似文献   

There has been rapid development in the marine foodfishlarviculture technology in Europe since the early eighties,especially in the flat fish, turbot and halibut, and the bass andbream species. The most significant improvements in the eightieswere the introduction of light control, artificial reproductiontechniques, appropriate water treatment and the use of rotifersand Artemia nauplii of specific sizes and in the late eightiesand early nineties the quality enhancement of live food organismsusing specific enrichment techniques. Present research is focusedon the implementation of several microbial techniques to improvethe hygiene of live prey and fish.Many of the modern larviculture techniques being used in marine foodfish could be adapted for application in the ornamental fish industry. For examples, research in the Onamental Fish Section, Primary Production Department, Singapore has demonstrated that the use of freshwater rotifers and Artemia nauplii would enable artificial rearing of Discus in the absence of the parent fish and improve the larval performance of Gouramis and Tetra larvae. The use of such small live food organisms is likely to facilitate breeding of new fish species with small larvae. Research has also indicated that the use of diets containing vitamin C and certain immuno-stimulants improved the stress resistance of guppy. Such techniques would have important application in the fish transport, an important aspect in the ornamental fish industry  相似文献   

Populations of tropical and subtropical marine fish are being depleted worldwide to supply increasing demands of the aquarium industry and fresh seafood market. Overfishing and destructive harvest techniques have left some marine fish populations virtually extirpated in a number of primarily underdeveloped countries. In situations where only small remnant populations and significantly degraded habitat remain, population recovery even under the complete absence of collection will be slow, with the high potential for population loss due to natural environmental and recruitment variability. Stock enhancement, supplementing natural recruitment with hatchery produced fry, has the potential to significantly increase the rate of population recovery while maintaining population vigor.Stock enhancement research on Pacific threadfin has demonstrated measurable positive impacts on recreational and commercial fisheries for this species in experimental scale releases; similar successes can be expected for enhancement efforts directed toward species of ornamental value. The major technological barrier to ornamental fish enhancement, the development of appropriate culture capabilities, is being addressed in research directed to the commercial production of fish for the aquarium trade.  相似文献   

The marine ornamental fish trade (MOFT) is a worldwide industry that targets a remarkable quantity and diversity of reef fish species and provides an important source of revenue for exporting countries, particularly developing nations in Southeast Asia. Here we provide, for the first time, an economic assessment of the MOFT to the European Union (EU), one of the key players of the marine aquarium trade, along with the USA and Japan. Data from EUROSTAT (the European Statistical System) was analysed for the MOFT between 2000 and 2011. Results show that this industry was not affected by the economic crisis and accounted for a total of 135 million Euros during the study period. Both the UK and Indonesia have been reinforcing their importance as leading importer and exporter countries, respectively. The long‐term temporal pattern of the MOFT by EU and non‐EU countries is described, as well as its diversity and evenness between importing and exporting countries. The present economic assessment also identifies the key players of this industry, and ultimately contributes to management and conservation practices that may enhance the sustainable use of world's coral reefs.  相似文献   

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