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莴苣类蔬菜是常见的食用蔬菜。近年在云南发现生菜、莴笋、油麦菜有症状表现为叶片黄化、褪绿、坏死斑的病害流行危害,为确定其病原,通过电子显微镜观察、回接试验、ELISA检测、病毒基因分析,在典型症状病样组织粗汁液和超薄切片中均观察到有类似番茄斑萎病毒属病毒的粒体,该病毒粒体为球形,直径80~85 nm; ELISA检测和病毒基因分析显示,侵染莴苣类蔬菜的病毒为番茄斑萎病毒。  相似文献   

北京大兴区某蔬菜种植基地的辣椒和番茄发现疑似病毒感染,造成较大经济损失.经症状分析和RT-PCR检测,证实其感染番茄斑萎病毒(tomato spotted wilt virus,TSWV).基于TSWV序列特征对该地区TSWV进化及来源进行分析,结果显示其与北京顺义区已经报道TSWV毒株进化关系较近,但较国内其他地区株...  相似文献   

辣椒是云南省主要经济作物之一,近年来病毒病尤其是正番茄斑萎病毒属病毒发病严重,影响了辣椒产量和品质。利用RT-PCR技术对从云南辣椒主产区采集的疑似感染正番茄斑萎病毒属病毒的25份辣椒样品进行分子鉴定,结果显示,12份样品检测出正番茄斑萎病毒属病毒,检出率为48.0%,其中6份是番茄斑萎病毒tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV),检出率为24.0%;5份是番茄环纹斑点病毒tomato zonate spot orthotospovirus (TZSV),检出率为20.0%;有1份是TSWV和TZSV复合侵染,检出率为4.0%,这是在云南辣椒生产上首次发现TSWV和TZSV的复合侵染。通过鉴定,初步了解正番茄斑萎病毒属病毒在云南辣椒生产中的发生情况和种类,为制定云南地区该属病毒的防治策略提供理论依据。  相似文献   

北京地区发现番茄斑萎病毒   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过采用特异快速试纸条以及进一步的RT-PCR和序列测定证实,在北京局部地区的辣椒和茄子上已发生番茄斑萎病毒,这两种作物上同时发生的蓟马种类主要为西花蓟马,并且携带该病毒。番茄斑萎病毒病是极其危险的一种病害,可对作物造成毁灭性灾害。建议有关部门立即采取相应的预防与管理措施,防止其扩散蔓延。  相似文献   

番茄斑萎病毒的检疫技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪霓 《植物检疫》2006,20(6):389-392
番茄斑萎病毒为布尼亚病毒科(Bunyaviridae)番茄斑萎病毒属(Tospovirus)的代表成员,其寄主范围很广,可引起许多重要的园艺植物和农作物的严重病害,造成严重的经济损失。该病毒病在许多国家的局部地区有发生,为减轻其危害,各国对该病毒的发生和流行特点及控制措施等进行了较深入的研究,本文概述了该病毒的相关研究进展。  相似文献   

调查发现北京地区一温室栽培茄子Solanum melongena L.出现严重病毒病。利用基于小RNA的高通量测序技术和RT-PCR方法,明确了引起茄子病害的病毒种类为番茄斑萎病毒,将其命名为TSWV-eggplant分离物。进一步克隆了该病毒的基因组全长(S RNA、M RNA、L RNA),并构建其系统发育树。结果表明,该分离物的S RNA与美国分离物亲缘关系较近,M RNA与中国分离物亲缘关系较近,而L RNA与韩国分离物亲缘关系较近。因此,本研究发现的TSWV分离物与国内已发生报道的分离物不同,该分离物是否存在不同分离物之间基因组的重组需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

 正番茄斑萎病毒属病毒(orthotospoviruses)是严重危害云南蔬菜等重要农业经济作物的病毒病原之一。采用血清学检测、小RNA深度测序以及RT-PCR验证相结合的方法,从云南省昆明市晋宁区的主要作物寄主(番茄、辣椒、油麦菜)、重要中间寄主(鬼针草)和传毒介体(蓟马)中鉴定到TSWV、TZSV、PCSV和INSV 4种病毒,其中TSWV为该地区的主要优势病毒,而PCSV则是首次报道侵染鬼针草。通过对云南番茄斑萎病毒病害重病区作物寄主、中间寄主及蓟马三者进行病毒种类分析研究,明确TSWV为引起云南省昆明市晋宁区作物的主要病毒,TZSV、PCSV和INSV零星发生于不同寄主中。  相似文献   

番茄斑萎病毒Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus(TSWV)是严重危害世界经济作物的一种病毒,寄主范围广泛。我们在研究中发现番茄斑萎病毒能侵染我国大蒜Allium sativum L.。利用摩擦接种法将TSWV接种到健康大蒜上,结果显示:接种14 d后大蒜新生叶片出现褪绿和白色斑点症状。ELISA检测显示大蒜叶片汁液与TSWV的单克隆抗体产生血清学反应,采用TSWV N基因的引物对大蒜叶片总RNA进行RT-PCR,结果扩增出约800 bp的条带,在NCBI上BLAST显示与TSWV YN5576的同源性最高,为98.52%。这些数据表明番茄斑萎病毒系统侵染我国大蒜。  相似文献   

 调查发现四川省汶川县当地辣椒的病毒病严重且症状多样,病样粗提液摩擦接种辣椒、矮牵牛和三生烟,出现辣椒系统性花叶焦枯和茎尖坏死,指示植物表现局部枯斑。对3个不同症状的病果进行sRNA深度测序鉴定,发现均含有番茄斑萎病毒(Tomato spotted wilt virus,TSWV)和辣椒轻斑驳病毒(Pepper mild mottle virus,PMMoV)。通过RT-PCR技术进行验证,结果显示所有病样的果皮和部分新鲜种子以及回接寄主的病叶均检测到TSWV和PMMoV,表明该地辣椒病毒病是由TSWV和PMMoV复合侵染引起。这是TSWV侵染四川辣椒的首次报道。分别基于TSWV N基因序列和PMMoV CP基因序列构建系统发育树,汶川分离物TSWV-WC(MK468469)与贵州分离物(KP684518)亲缘关系最近,PMMoV-WC(MK408614)与北京分离物(AY859497)亲缘关系最近。推测该地辣椒病毒病可能与品种引进有关。  相似文献   

黑龙江地区番茄斑萎病毒的鉴定及其部分生物学特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,番茄斑萎病毒Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (TSWV)在我国多个地区发生严重危害。本研究采用小RNA深度测序和RT-PCR相结合的方法对采自黑龙江的番茄病毒病样品中的病毒进行了鉴定。提取番茄样品的RNA并构建小RNA文库进行测序,数据分析发现比对至TSWV基因组的reads数占比对到病毒核酸总reads数的92.64%,表明侵染此番茄样品的病原物可能是TSWV。利用RT-PCR方法进一步确定侵染此番茄样品的病毒为TSWV,将其命名为TSWV-HLJ1。对TSWV-HLJ1的核苷酸序列进行分析并构建系统进化树,结果表明TSWV-HLJ1与TSWV云南甜椒分离物(TSWV-YNgp)的亲缘关系最近。介体传毒试验表明,西花蓟马可将TSWV-HLJ1传播感染健康寄主植物。摩擦接种试验表明,TSWV黑龙江分离物能够侵染本氏烟、辣椒和番茄。这是我国首次报道在黑龙江地区发现TSWV的危害。  相似文献   

Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) has been present in Argentina since 1938 and had limited sweet pepper and tomato production until the introduction of resistant cultivars bearing Tsw and Sw-5b genes. However, the wide use of TSWV-resistant pepper plants in La Plata Horticultural Belt (LPHB) triggered the emergence of resistance-breaking isolates (RB), increasing the economic impact of TSWV in pepper. This work characterized 11 natural RB pepper isolates from LPHB that have overcome the Tsw resistance gene in Capsicum sp. but are unable to break the Sw-5b-mediated resistance in tomato. Phylogenetic analysis of the N gene showed that the LPHB isolates are most closely related to isolates from Asia, indicating that Argentine TSWV isolates might have emerged from the Asian continent. The NSs sequence analysis reinforces the hypothesis that the appearance of an RB phenotype is a consequence of a number of different single amino acid substitutions spread along the NSs gene that lead to multiple independent evolutionary events. These results provide information on the current situation of the tospovirus–pepper/tomato pathosystems in LPHB, which represents a fundamental prerequisite to include these RB isolates in future screening programmes in order to select new and durable sources of resistance to TSWV in pepper.  相似文献   

番茄斑萎病毒(tomato spotted wilt virus, TSWV)和烟草花叶病毒(tobacco mosaic virus, TMV)是2种重要的植物病原病毒, 对多种经济作物的产量和品质均造成严重影响。2021年-2022年, 在云南省丽江市烟草种植区不同烟区采集叶片黄化、皱缩以及无症状的青蒿Artemisia caruifolia样品共计14份, 利用免疫金标速测卡和RT-PCR对其病原病毒进行检测。利用免疫金标速测卡检测结果显示, 在所检样品中有9份样品检测出TSWV, 检出率为64.28%, 有3份样品检测出TMV, 检出率为21.43%, 2种病毒复合侵染的检出率同样为21.43%;利用RT-PCR对复合侵染的3份样品进行分子检测, 结果显示, 在3份复合侵染青蒿样品中获得3条TSWV N基因序列、3条TMV cp基因序列和2条TMV RdRp部分序列。TSWV青蒿分离物与分离自云南的TSWV-2分离物相似性最高, 为99.6%;TMV青蒿分离物与分离自辽宁的TMV-Shenyang分离物和分离自云南的TMV-Yongren-1相似性最高, 均大于99.4%。这是首次发现TSWV和TMV 2种不同属病毒复合侵染青蒿。  相似文献   

The transmission of tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (TSWV) by Thrips tabaci collected from leek was studied using the petunia local-lesion leaf-disc assay. After an acquisition-access period of 72 h given to newborn larvae up to 8 h old, the efficiency of transmission by adults was determined in three inoculation-access periods of 48 h. This efficiency varied for six T. tabaci populations from 0.7 to 11.6% in experiments using the Greek TSWV isolate GR-04. Males were more efficient transmitters than females (19 out of 176 versus five out of 494). Frankliniella occidentalis transmitted the same virus with a higher efficiency (34.8%). The transmission rate differed also among TSWV isolates, as shown in tests with four T. tabaci using two isolates. The virus was more efficiently acquired from infected leaf material of Datura stramonium than from that of Emilia sonchifolia . Plants of the latter species were more susceptible than Nicotiana tabacum in thrips transmission tests.  相似文献   

Three methods were compared to assess the susceptibility of vegetatively propagated chrysanthemum to tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (TSWV): mechanical and thrips-mediated inoculation of whole plants, and a leaf-disc assay. As symptom expression was often poor or even absent, TSWV infections and subsequent susceptibility to TSWV were determined by ELISA. All 15 chrysanthemum cultivars tested were susceptible to TSWV, irrespective of their degree of vector resistance (based on feeding-scar damage rates). Thrips-mediated inoculation using different numbers of thrips revealed that 100% infection was obtained when plants were challenged by six thrips per plant, whereas 80 and over 50%, respectively, of the plants became infected when inoculated by a single male or female thrips. However, false negatives were scored even after intensive sampling because of erratic, cultivar-specific and time-dependent virus distribution after inoculation in the plants. Labour-intensive samplings and long incubation periods could be overcome by a readily applicable leaf-disc assay. This assay was as reliable as thrips-mediated inoculation of whole plants, and its use is therefore favoured to assess chrysanthemum cultivars for TSWV susceptibility.  相似文献   

西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis是世界性重要检疫性害虫之一,不仅直接取食危害作物而且传播病毒,从而造成极为严重的经济损失。由于西花蓟马在我国具有广泛的适生范围,随其入侵我国并随之传播的番茄斑萎病毒(Tomato spotted wilt virus)已在我国不同地域发现,对经济作物已形成严重威胁。本文综述了西花蓟马对番茄斑萎病毒的获取、携带和传播扩散过程及其病毒在蓟马体内的循环过程和机理,总结了影响西花蓟马传播番茄斑萎病毒效率的因素,并评述了西花蓟马-病毒-植物这一互作系统及其对西花蓟马生长发育适合度的影响,以期为我国西花蓟马传播番茄斑萎病毒的基础研究和防控提供理论依据与指导。  相似文献   

In 1997, virus-like symptoms were observed in dimorphotheca plants(Dimorphotheca sinuata) at two different locations in Greece. In a greenhouse near Heraklion (Crete), plants showed chlorotic patches mainly in the older leaves, and a mild stunting; near Katerini (Macedonia), garden plants showed chlorotic rings. Sap inoculation of healthy dimorphotheca plants with extracts from diseased plants from the two regions, reproduced each of the two diseases. Examination by electron microscopy (EM) of samples from diseased plants from the first region revealed filamentous particles, whereas samples from the second region showed quasi-spherical particles. The filamentous particles were decorated in EM with antibodies specific to lettuce mosaic potyvirus (LMV). Samples from the second location reacted with antibodies specific to tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (TSWV) in EL1SA tests. It is concluded that LMV and TSWV are the causal agents of the disease noticed in Heraklion and in Katerini, respectively. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 31, 1999.  相似文献   

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