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Induction of resistance by salicylic acid (SA) exogenous treatment is a complementary approach to control plant diseases. SA effect on Potato virus X (SPCP1 strain) – infected tomato plants was examined by analyzing their physiological parameters and proteomic profiling at initial infection. PVX-SPCP1 altered photosynthesis and carbohydrate synthesis proteins and elicited stress proteins. SA partially offset reduction in photosynthetic rate during infection by increasing mesophyll conductance. SA counteracted these changes through stabilization of photosystem II, increased proteins related with thermotolerance and stress, and decreased proteins related with stomatal opening. The strongest effects of SA occurred at the beginning of the pathogenesis cycle.  相似文献   

本研究采用两种人工接种方法,以玉米成株期病情指数为指标,鉴定了63个转基因玉米株系的田间抗病性。结果表明,T4代转化株系‘47’和‘13h2-3’的抗病性达R抗级,超过抗病对照‘H9-21’。有82.5%(52/63)的转基因株系抗病性比未转化对照显著提高,表明用反向重复的RNA干涉表达载体转化玉米,可获得转基因抗病毒材料,且干涉片段适度延长可增加获得抗病材料的几率。另外,本文通过两种病毒接种方法的比较,发现采用玻璃纤维刷苗床穿刺接种比常规石英砂摩擦接种具有更小的误差。  相似文献   

The contents of free salicylic acid and conjugated salicylic acid were determined by using TLC and HPLC at different time after attack by Tetranychus urticae Koch in the first true leaf of frijole (Phaseolus vulgaris. L) plant. A maximal nine fold increase in the free salicylic acid content in the attacked leaves was observed. The increase of conjugated salicylic acid was also significant. The content of free salicylic acid in the systemic leaves increased about 500%, while the content of conjugated salicylic acid in the systemic leaves increased by two to three times.  相似文献   

Upon pathogen or insect attack, plants respond with production of a specific blend of the alarm signals salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA), which are recognized as key players in the regulation of the signaling pathways involved. SA and JA responsive genes and SA/JA cross talk were well characterized in dicotyledonous species, but little is known in monocotyledonous plants. Using qRT-PCR, the expression profiles of SA and JA responsive genes were investigated after SA and JA treatments in monocots wheat. The results showed that Glu2 and PR-2 responded almost exclusively to SA, PR-3 and LOX2 responded positively to methyljasmonate (MeJA) treatment, while Lipase and PR-1.1 were induced in response to treatment with SA or MeJA. Furthermore, either by pathogen infection or exogenous application of hormones can activate the antagonistic effect between SA and JA in wheat, which has been well elucidated in dicotyledonous species. The outcomes of SA-JA interactions could be affected by the relative concentration of each hormone. This study shed light on marker genes that can represent SA and JA pathways in wheat and provided some clues for better understanding their interactions in monocot.  相似文献   

The effects of zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) infection and pretreatments with salicylic acid (SA) on biomass accumulation of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo cv. Eskandarani) were investigated. The response of photosynthesis, transpiration and the activities of antioxidant enzymes in leaves was also considered. Significant reductions in growth parameters (i.e. leaf area, biomass and shoot height), photosynthesis and chlorophyll a and b content were detected in ZYMV-infected leaves in comparison to healthy controls. Antioxidant enzyme activities were increased up to 3-fold for peroxidase (POD), 2-fold for ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and catalase (CAT) activities and 1.3-fold for SOD activity by virus infection. ZYMV infection also caused increases in H2O2 and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents. These results suggest that ZYMV infection causes oxidative stress in pumpkin leaves leading to the development of epidemiological symptoms. Interestingly, spraying pumpkin leaves with SA led to recovery from the undesirable effects of ZYMV infection. Leaves treated with 100 μM SA three days before inoculation had the appearance of healthy leaves. No distinct disease symptoms were observed on the leaves treated with 100 μM SA followed by inoculation with ZYMV. In non-infected plants, SA application increased activities of POD and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and inhibited APX and CAT activities.In contrast, SA treatment followed by ZYMV inoculation stimulated SOD activity and inhibited activities of POD, APX and CAT. In addition, MDA displayed an inverse relation, indicating inhibition of lipid peroxidation in cells under SA treatment. It is suggested that the role of SA in inducing plant defense mechanisms against ZYMV infection might have occurred through the SA-antioxidant system. Such interference might occur through inhibition or activation of some antioxidant enzymes, reduction of lipid peroxidation and induction of H2O2 accumulation following SA application.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and population structure of Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) was examined by analysis of the full coat protein gene of 539 isolates collected from maize and Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) from eight different maize‐growing areas in Spain. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis revealed that the MDMV population consisted of 49 genetic variants, with the three most frequent accounting for 44% of the isolates. This population was spatially structured according to the establishment of maize crops in the area. The highest nucleotide diversity values were observed in the old maize‐growing areas in the northeast of Spain (>0·211) and the lowest in the new maize‐growing areas in the west (<0·019). Moreover, the major genetic variants differed between the old and new maize‐growing areas. Evidence of host‐associated selection was found in the endemic area of the virus (Lleida), and aphid‐transmission studies suggested vector selection pressure. Assessment of the temporal evolution of the MDMV population in northeastern areas indicated that time was only significant in Lleida, where it explained 4·8% of the total variation over nine consecutive years.  相似文献   

采用喷雾接种的方法测定了不同浓度的水杨酸和壳聚糖对苹果斑点落叶病菌(Alternaria mali Roberts)的室内抑菌作用、诱导抗病效果及诱导苹果叶片后各种抗病性物质含量的变化.结果表明,不同浓度的水杨酸和壳聚糖对A.mali均无明显的抑制作用,其中100μ g/mL的水杨酸和500 μg/mL的壳聚糖对A.mali的抑制率较低,仅为5.33%和4.73%,但诱导抗病效果较显著,分别达到70.90%和77.77%.两种药剂诱导叶片后,叶片中POD、PAL活性以及木质素积累量明显高于对照,且随时间的增长,POD和PAL酶活性先升高后降低,在第3天,POD和PAL酶活性均达到峰值;而壳聚糖诱导后PPO活性随时间的增长呈升高的趋势,但水杨酸对PPO酶活性变化的影响较小.  相似文献   

Endophytic Pseudomonas putida BP25 (PpBP25) triggered density dependent alterations on Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 growth. Endogenous colonization of PpBP25 was found regulated within Arabidopsis that caused induction and repression of 131 and 74 plant genes, respectively. Induced genes like WRKY33, AtRLP19, ATL2, ATEXO70B2, pEARLI, RPS2, CBP60G, PLA2, CRK18, ATFBS1, DREB2A, TIR, RAP2.4, and MOS1 were components of defense and salicylic acid (SA) signaling. Development associated genes were found significantly repressed. Biased activation of phytohormone signaling with their associated fitness costs on plant growth was observed. The data suggests that PpBP25 colonization triggered expression of defense genes that restricted its own population in a feedback loop besides causing altered root phenotype.  相似文献   

 用外源茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)处理抗稻瘟病近等基因系水稻CO39和C101LAC,显著减轻了稻瘟病的发生,而对稻瘟病菌孢子萌发及菌丝生长均无明显抑制作用,证实MeJA处理后稻瘟病病情指数的下降是由于MeJA提高了水稻幼苗的抗瘟性。对水稻抗瘟性重要防御酶的活性测定结果表明,苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和脂氧合酶(LOX)活性均在MeJA处理早期上升,与亲和性互作水稻相比,高度非亲和性互作水稻中的诱导活性增加明显,且速度快。对病程相关蛋白β-1,3-葡聚糖酶和几丁质酶的活性测定结果表明,高度非亲和性互作水稻PR蛋白活性的高峰期出现和强度也明显要早且高于亲和性互作水稻。对内源水杨酸(SA)的测定结果表明,不同亲和性互作水稻的SA含量均没有明显的变化,表明MeJA诱导的水稻信号通路可能与SA信号通路无关。  相似文献   

我国12省市玉米矮花叶病病原鉴定及病毒致病性测定   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
 利用甘蔗花叶病毒(Sugarcane mosaic virus,SCMV)单克隆抗体细胞株2B5腹水和SCMV、玉米矮花叶病毒(Maize dwarf mosaic virus,MDMV)、高粱花叶病毒(Sorghum mosaic virus,SrMV)和约翰逊草花叶病毒(Johnsongrass mosaic virus,JGMV)的特异性引物对我国浙江、江苏、上海、山东、河南、河北、北京、山西、陕西、甘肃、四川、云南12省市15个地点的176株玉米矮花叶病病样分别进行了间接ELISA和免疫捕获反转录PCR (IC-RT-PCR)检测,结果表明这些病样均含有SCMV,而无MDMV、SrMV或JGMV存在,表明上述12省市的玉米矮花叶病病原为SCMV。进一步对甘肃(GS)、四川(SC)、云南(YN)3个SCMV分离物的近全长CP基因进行了序列测定,并测定了浙江分离物(ZJ)和甘肃分离物(GS)在13个玉米品种上的致病性。  相似文献   

侯珲  周增强  王丽  王生荣 《植物保护》2020,46(1):118-124
以对苹果轮纹病抗病性不同的两个苹果品种‘北之幸’和‘礼泉短富’为材料,利用高通量测序技术对水杨酸(SA)处理后的苹果叶片cDNA文库进行差异基因表达谱分析。结果表明,经SA诱导后,抗病品种‘北之幸’的差异表达基因有257个;感病品种‘礼泉短富’的差异表达基因有150个;不同品种间得到差异表达基因828个。经GO分析,大部分差异基因参与代谢过程、应答刺激、生物学调控、免疫系统过程和抗氧化活性等。与抗性相关的功能注释主要涉及信号转导机制、防御机制和能量产生与转导等,但感病品种‘礼泉短富’没有注释到有关防御机制的差异基因。推测这些基因可能在SA诱导苹果抗轮纹病的过程中起重要作用。差异基因参与抗病相关的代谢通路涉及过氧化物酶体途径、苯丙烷生物合成途径、苯丙氨酸代谢途径、植物与病原菌互作途径和植物激素信号转导途径等。且抗性品种产生的差异基因数量、涉及的代谢通路均较感病品种多,说明抗病品种的抗性相关基因更易受到SA的诱导。  相似文献   

In order to study the defense response to turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) infection in non-heading Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis Makino), we cloned the LRR II subfamily genes which comprises six members. They were high homologous to the function-known LRR II genes of Arabidopsis. We investigated their expression through quantitative real-time PCR analysis. TuMV infection induced the expression of these genes locally and systematically, and regulated the endogenous accumulation of salicylic acid (SA). Exogenous SA spraying was able to induce resistance to the susceptibility of the TuMV-infected plants, which might function via inhibiting the viral duplication. Though TuMV-induced SA accumulation was not the determinant in regulating gene expression, it mediated the reaction oxygen species (ROS) burst as a channel of defense.  相似文献   

Endogenous levels of free and conjugated salicylic (SA) and gentisic (GA) acids, both putative signal molecules in plant defence, were analysed in order to investigate their involvement in the resistance of four potato ( Solanum tuberosum ) genotypes with different susceptibilities to Potato virus YNTN (PVYNTN) infection: the highly susceptible cv. Igor and its extremely resistant transgenic line, the extremely resistant cv. Sante and the tolerant cv. Pentland Squire. The lowest levels of free and conjugated SA were observed in the extremely resistant cv. Sante, while free GA, which was detected in all the other varieties, was absent. The extremely resistant transgenic cv. Igor contained the highest basal total SA level and the lowest level of total GA of all four cultivars. In susceptible cv. Igor, but not in resistant transgenic cv. Igor, a systemic increase of free SA was measured 1 day postinfection (dpi). Even more significant increases of free and conjugated SA and GA were detected 11 dpi when systemic symptoms appeared. In inoculated but not in upper noninoculated leaves of resistant transgenic cv. Igor, significant increase of SA conjugates occurred, but not before 11 dpi. The increase of SA and GA in susceptible cv. Igor could contribute to the general elevated levels of phenolic compounds as a response to stress caused by virus infection. It appears that basal levels of SA and GA do not correlate with resistance to PVYNTN in potato plants.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of novel unidentified viral plant diseases can be problematic, as the conventional methods such as real‐time PCR or ELISA may be too specific to a particular species or even strain of a virus, whilst alternatives such as electron microscopy (EM) or sap inoculation of indicator species do not usually give species level diagnosis. Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) offers an alternative solution where sequence is generated in a non‐specific fashion and identification is based on similarity searching against GenBank. The conventional and NGS techniques were applied to a damaging and apparently new disease of maize, which was first identified in Kenya in 2011. ELISA and TEM provided negative results, whilst inoculation of other cereal species identified the presence of an unidentified sap transmissible virus. RNA was purified from material showing symptoms and sequenced using a Roche 454 GS‐FLX+. Database searching of the resulting sequence identified the presence of Maize chlorotic mottle virus and Sugarcane mosaic virus, a combination previously reported to cause maize lethal necrosis disease. Over 90% of both viral genome sequences were obtained, allowing strain characterization and the development of specific real‐time PCR assays which were used to confirm the presence of the virus in material with symptoms from six different fields in two different regions of Kenya. The availability of these assays should aid the assessment of the disease and may be used for routine diagnosis. The work shows that next‐generation sequencing is a valuable investigational technique for rapidly identifying potential disease‐causing agents such as viruses.  相似文献   

The effects of zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) infection and pretreatments with salicylic acid (SA) on biomass accumulation of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo cv. Eskandarani) were investigated. The response of photosynthesis, transpiration and the activities of antioxidant enzymes in leaves was also considered. Significant reductions in growth parameters (i.e. leaf area, biomass and shoot height), photosynthesis and chlorophyll a and b content were detected in ZYMV-infected leaves in comparison to healthy controls. Antioxidant enzyme activities were increased up to 3-fold for peroxidase (POD), 2-fold for ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and catalase (CAT) activities and 1.3-fold for SOD activity by virus infection. ZYMV infection also caused increases in H2O2 and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents. These results suggest that ZYMV infection causes oxidative stress in pumpkin leaves leading to the development of epidemiological symptoms. Interestingly, spraying pumpkin leaves with SA led to recovery from the undesirable effects of ZYMV infection. Leaves treated with 100 μM SA three days before inoculation had the appearance of healthy leaves. No distinct disease symptoms were observed on the leaves treated with 100 μM SA followed by inoculation with ZYMV. In non-infected plants, SA application increased activities of POD and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and inhibited APX and CAT activities.In contrast, SA treatment followed by ZYMV inoculation stimulated SOD activity and inhibited activities of POD, APX and CAT. In addition, MDA displayed an inverse relation, indicating inhibition of lipid peroxidation in cells under SA treatment. It is suggested that the role of SA in inducing plant defense mechanisms against ZYMV infection might have occurred through the SA-antioxidant system. Such interference might occur through inhibition or activation of some antioxidant enzymes, reduction of lipid peroxidation and induction of H2O2 accumulation following SA application.  相似文献   

Cassava common mosaic virus (CsCMV) is a potexvirus that causes systemic infections in cassava plants, leading to chlorotic mosaic and producing significant yield losses. To date, the physiological alterations and the mechanism underlying biotic stress during the cassava–CsCMV compatible interaction remains unknown. In this study, we found that CsCMV infection adversely modified chloroplast structure and had functional effects on chloroplasts in source leaves during the course of viral infection. Extrusion of the chloroplast membrane with amoeboid-shaped appearance and disorganized grana stacks were observed in infected mesophyll cells. These alterations were associated with up to 35% reduction of relative chlorophyll content, and a decline of CO2 fixation (13.5% and 24.2% at 90 and 210 days after planting, respectively). The effects of CsCMV infection on the performance index on absorption basis dropped up to 37%. The analysis of chlorophyll a fluorescence showed a progressive loss of both oxygen evolving complex activity and “connectivity” within the tripartite system (core antenna-LHCII-reaction centre). Here, we report the latter phenomenon for the first time in a viral infection. The oxidative stress process was observed in CsCMV-infected plants (20.8% reduction of antioxidant capacity with respect to noninfected plants). Other effects of the pathogen included reduction of starch and maltose content in source leaves, and a significant increase (24.7%) of the sucrose:starch ratio, which indicates an altered pattern of carbon allocation. Our results suggest that CsCMV induces chloroplast distortion associated with progressive chloroplast function loss and diversion of carbon flux in source leaf tissue, leading to the loss of cassava tuber yield.  相似文献   

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