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春夏作物杂草防除技术襄南监狱植保站(441419)黎国翰1作物种类襄南地区为丘陵岗地,春夏旱地作物一般为棉花、花生、杂交高粱,玉米、芝麻、豆类、薯类、蔬菜等8种主要作物。2杂草种类与密度1980年至1995年的16年的调查,由于耕作制度不断的改进,作...  相似文献   

五要:1、首先要保证作物行内无持久性杂草,一旦出现,应反复、及时除去,要求4—6次。2、其次才是除去行间除草,要求1—2次。3、密植栽培,使土壤用于生长作物而不是生长杂草。  相似文献   

西藏青稞小麦田主要杂草及其防除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青稞麦田草害是西藏粮食生产中的一大障碍。60~80年代西藏自治区农科所(院)等单位对雅鲁藏布江中游、拉莎河及年楚河流域主要河谷农区的杂草种类、为害与耕作制度的关系,杂草生物学特性及综合防除技术措施进行研究并将研究结果应用于生产。1主要杂草种类及分布概...  相似文献   

西藏农田杂草的成因及农业防除对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西藏农田杂草的成因及农业防除对策王建林(西藏农牧学院农学系林芝860000)西藏高原地处我国西南边陲,位于东径78°25’~99°06’、北纬26°50’~36°53’之间,素以“世界屋脊”和“地球第三极”著称于世。为搞好西藏地区农田杂草的防除,笔者...  相似文献   

杂草对作物产量损失的经验模型   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
本文讨论一个描述杂草为害导致作物产量损失的经验模型。该模型能反映杂草与作物产量损失的关系特征,其参数具有显著的生物学意义。用不同来源的试验资料进行测试,结果表明,模型具有较高的预测可信度,其参数所反映的生物学意义与实际情况基本一致。  相似文献   

抗除草剂作物对杂草科学的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1前言二十世纪四十年代合成除草剂的出现 ,使杂草科学变成一门系统学科。伴随高活性的新除草剂及其应用的不断扩大而发展 ,许多成功的实例令农民和那些掌握杂草科学研究公共基金的人非常满意。与其它防治技术相比 ,在杂草管理的其它方法上投入较少。在美国所使用的农药中 ,除草剂所占的比例逐年增长 ,目前在农药市场中作物保护用的比例已接近75 %。多年来 ,主要作物的除草剂市场已经相当成熟 ,现在发现一个新的、能为农民提供比现在所使用的除草剂更好、更经济的除草剂是非常困难的 ,而且除草剂的登记注册费有了相当大的增加。尽管如此 ,…  相似文献   

刘晓蓓  张勇  陈巨莲 《植物保护》2023,49(5):181-189
小麦蚜虫是小麦上的重大害虫, 严重威胁小麦产量和粮食安全。种植抗虫品种为最经济有效的麦蚜防控措施之一, 充分了解小麦品种对蚜虫的抗性及其机制是培育与利用抗性品种的基础。本文对近10年来小麦抗蚜品种的鉴定筛选、抗蚜机理、抗蚜基因与抗性遗传, 以及转基因抗蚜小麦创制等研究进展进行了系统综述, 并对今后研究进行展望, 以期为深入研究小麦对蚜虫抗性机制, 促进抗虫小麦改良, 并为抗虫品种在麦蚜绿色防控中应用提供参考。  相似文献   

江苏麦田恶性禾本科杂草及其适用除草药剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,江苏省麦田禾本科杂草发生和危害较重,春季化除时田间杂草多,即使加量使用精恶唑禾草灵、异丙隆等麦田常用除草剂,除草效果与以前相比也显著下降.到小麦抽穗期,很多田块仍有较高密度的菵草、野燕麦等禾本科杂草耸立于小麦穗层之上,而株高较矮的硬草、早熟禾、棒头草等禾本科杂草,则在近地层和田埂上大量分布.  相似文献   

5%精旱作丰防除阔叶作物田禾本科杂草最佳时期为杂草3~5叶期,此时气温高、湿度大,用药量少,除草效果好。精旱作丰添加富华910增效剂,由于降低了药液表面张力,提高湿润性、渗透性、展着性、粘附性,通常可提高防效30%以上,降低用药量20%左右,即使在冬季低温情况下,杂草的死亡速度亦可提早10~15d。  相似文献   

Akobundu  & Ekeleme 《Weed Research》2000,40(4):335-341
Field studies were conducted in 1991 and 1992 on a sandy loam soil in the derived savanna zone of south-western Nigeria to assess the effect of the underground organs of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel on maize grain yield. Total dry matter of I. cylindrica in abandoned arable land averaged 16 t ha−1 and rhizomes contributed 56% of this. Rhizome removal from soil before planting maize significantly increased maize yield relative to hoe tillage or slashing of I. cylindrica shoots before planting maize. Digging up rhizomes before planting maize and weeding the crop twice gave a yield reduction of only 23% compared with weed-free crops with rhizomes removed. Grain yield reduction was 51% in plots where rhizomes were only fragmented by hoe tillage and the crop was weeded twice. Grain yield was 62% less when maize was grown in slashed plots with intact rhizomes that were weeded four times (farmers' practice). Slashing without additional weeding resulted in crop failure in maize.  相似文献   

小麦连作、迎茬和轮作对麦田杂草群落的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过定位试验,研究了小麦8-12年长期连作、小麦-大豆-小麦迎茬和玉米-大豆-小麦轮作条件下麦田杂草群落变化。结果表明,小麦长期连作区杂草密度最大,杂草最多,小麦-大豆-小麦迎茬次之,玉米-大豆-小麦轮作杂草最少。小麦-大豆-小麦迎茬和玉米-大豆-小麦轮作区之间差别小于两者与连作区的差别。3种茬口杂草密度、杂草数量顺序为连作区>小麦-大豆-小麦迎茬>玉米-大豆-小麦轮作。随着连作年限的增加,小麦连作区一些杂草种类增加,同时也有些杂草种类减少。小麦连作10年增加的杂草有龙葵、鸭趾草、鬼针、苋及野苏,连作12年增加的杂草有问荆、扁竹菜和猪秧秧,而减少了龙葵、鬼针、野苏和苣荬菜。小麦连作区主要杂草为藜、龙葵、荠、稗、鬼针、鸭趾草和卷茎蓼。  相似文献   

为明确新型除草剂喹草酮应用于小麦田的除草效果及对小麦的安全性,在温室内采用共毒系数法对喹草酮与辛酰溴苯腈联合作用进行测定,并验证喹草酮与辛酰溴苯腈两者混用以及与双氟磺草胺三者混用时对小麦田杂草的防效,以及对小麦的安全性。温室试验结果表明,喹草酮对阿拉伯婆婆纳Veronica persica防效优,试验剂量下全部死亡,对播娘蒿Descurainia sophia和麦家公Lithospermum arvense的GR50分别为12.67 g (a.i.)/hm2和152.99 g (a.i.)/hm2;辛酰溴苯腈对播娘蒿和麦家公防效优,其GR50分别为26.22 g (a.i.)/hm2和13.36 g (a.i.)/hm2,对阿拉伯婆婆纳防效略差,GR50为85.12 g (a.i.)/hm2。喹草酮与辛酰溴苯腈按有效成分用量1∶1~1∶2.5配比时,阿拉伯婆婆纳全部死亡,对播娘蒿的共毒系数在140.34~202....  相似文献   

为明确小麦田不同杂草群落及防除时间对小麦产量的影响,于2013—2015连续两年在山东省聊城市高唐县小麦田中设无草对照区、禾本科杂草区、阔叶杂草区以及混合杂草自然发生区4种不同杂草群落以及不同的杂草防除时间,测定在不同条件下小麦产量及各项产量构成指标的情况。结果表明,阔叶杂草对小麦产量的影响大于禾本科杂草,冬小麦田杂草的最佳防除时间为4月1日之前,在此期间除草对小麦产量影响均不大,但之后防除或不除草会造成小麦严重减产甚至绝产,2014年4月15日除草可造成在阔叶杂草区和杂草混合生长区的小麦减产30.5%和32.6%,不除草可造成在禾本科杂草区、阔叶杂草区和杂草混生区的小麦减产8.6%、91.4%和94.3%,2015年趋势和2014年一致。从构成小麦产量的3个指标来看,杂草危害主要影响小麦的总穗数,其次为穗粒数,对千粒重影响最小。  相似文献   

布顿大麦草为麦田入侵杂草, 为尽早建立对该杂草的化学防除技术, 本研究采用室内盆栽法测定了布顿大麦草对21种除草剂的敏感性?结果表明:土壤处理剂41%氟噻草胺悬浮剂对布顿大麦草具有良好的防除效果, 42%氟啶草酮悬浮剂?60%丁草胺乳油?40%砜吡草唑悬浮剂?960 g/L精异丙甲草胺乳油对布顿大麦草的防除效果一般, 50%扑草净可湿性粉剂?50%异丙隆可湿性粉剂?45%二甲戊灵微囊悬浮剂?50%吡氟酰草胺可湿性粉剂防除效果不理想; 茎叶处理剂7.5%啶磺草胺水分散粒剂?12.5%烯禾啶乳油?41%草甘膦异丙胺盐水剂对布顿大麦草防除效果好, 5%咪唑乙烟酸水剂?8%炔草酯水乳剂?30 g/L甲基二磺隆可分散油悬浮剂?8%烟嘧磺隆可分散油悬浮剂?7%双唑草腈颗粒剂?70%氟唑磺隆水分散粒剂对布顿大麦草的防除效果一般, 5%唑啉草酯乳油?7.5%双环磺草酮颗粒剂?69 g/L精噁唑禾草灵水乳剂防除效果不理想?氟噻草胺?在推荐剂量492 g/hm2下, 处理21 d后对布顿大麦草的鲜重抑制率为75.40%; 啶磺草胺?草甘膦异丙胺盐?烯禾啶在推荐剂量14?1 500?187.5 g/hm2下, 处理21 d后对布顿大麦草的鲜重抑制率分别为73.96%?60.60%?65.07%?综合本研究结果及除草剂使用特性, 麦田布顿大麦草可采用氟噻草胺土壤封闭或者啶磺草胺茎叶喷雾处理进行有效防除; 油菜田布顿大麦草可采用烯禾啶进行防除; 非耕地布顿大麦草可采用草甘膦异丙胺盐进行防除?  相似文献   

Inter‐row hoeing is known to control tap‐rooted and erect weed species more effectively in winter wheat than weed harrowing. However, little is known about its effectiveness for use in the spring in winter wheat grown at wide row spacing (240 mm) under the influence of different placement of fertilizer. Two field experiments, one in 1999 and one in 2000, were conducted to study the influence of fertilizer placement, timing of inter‐row hoeing, and driving speed on the weeding effect on different weed species and crop growth. Placement of fertilizer below the soil surface improved crop growth and grain yield in both years compared with placement on the surface, but the more vigorous crop did not give any better suppression of the weeds surviving hoeing. Timing was not important in one experiment, whereas hoeing twice beginning in early April was more effective in the other experiment where weed growth over the winter had been vigorous. Driving speed had no influence on either the weeding effect or the yield, except for one case where increasing speed reduced the control of well‐developed weeds. Compared with unweeded reference treatments, inter‐row hoeing reduced total weed biomass by 60–70% and tap‐rooted and erect weed species in particular by 50–90%. Sowing at 240 mm row spacing yielded less than 120 mm (Danish standard), and inter‐row hoeing for winter wheat needs to be adapted to narrower row spacing to avoid such yield decreases.  相似文献   

Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel is a dominant and infamous grass weed in the savannah of West Africa. Research to reduce the weed to non-damaging levels is a priority activity at many agricultural institutions. The successful development and implementation of long-term I. cylindrica management strategies depend on the ability to predict changes in weed composition after I. cylindrica has been controlled effectively. The weed flora and soil seedbank were assessed from 329 fields dominated by this species in the fringes of the humid forest (HFF), coastal/derived savannah (CDS) and in the southern Guinea savannah (SGS) in 1996 and 1997. The objectives of the study were to correlate species composition of the weed flora with that of the soil seedbank and to determine the effect of management factors and soil properties on the composition of the weed flora. Species richness in the weed flora and in the weed seedbank was higher in the SGS than in the CDS and HFF. Mean weed density per field was generally higher in the HFF (156 ± 25.0 weeds m–2) than in the CDS (108 ± 8.1 weeds m–2) and in the SGS (92 ± 6.3 weeds m–2). Weed composition varied with agroecological zone as well as with management factors and soil properties. Sørenson's index of similarity was low (mean=0.20) in all zones, indicating poor similarity between the weed flora above-ground and the soil seedbank.  相似文献   

吴翠霞  张勇  殷复伟  周超  马冲 《植物保护》2022,48(2):278-282
针对我国黄淮海冬麦部分区域恶性杂草阿拉伯婆婆纳,开展了田间茎叶处理除草剂筛选试验,并比较了不同施药时期防效的差异.结果表明,防除阿拉伯婆婆纳,越冬前施用除草剂的防效优于返青期施药,可选择10%苯磺隆可湿性粉剂27.00 g/hm2,或56%2甲4氯钠可溶粉剂1 260.00 g/hm2,或40%唑草酮水分散粒剂36.0...  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted at five locations in the major wheat production regions of Iran to evaluate the efficacy of sulfosulfuron in controlling weed barley species (including Hordeum spontaneum , Hordeum murinum , Hordeum distichon , and Hordeum vulgare ) in the 2004–2005 and 2005–2006 growing seasons. Sulfosulfuron was applied either postemergence (POST) or preplant-incorporated (PPI) at 0, 20.25, 30.75, 40.5, 51.0, 60.75 or 71.25 g ai ha−1 to plots arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Sulfosulfuron at the recommended rate (20.25 g ai ha−1) failed to provide acceptable control of the weed barley species. However, the level of control increased with the application rate, particularly at rates >51.0 g ai ha−1. Generally, PPI-applied sulfosulfuron resulted in markedly greater control levels than those of a POST application and complete control of H. murinum and H. vulgare was achieved with PPI-applied sulfosulfuron at all rates >20.25 and 30.75 g ai ha−1, respectively. In most cases, the wheat yield increased with the application rate without any crop injury. The highest yield increase (186%) was obtained with a PPI application of 71.25 g ai ha−1.  相似文献   

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