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Takeyuki OZAWA Jiro NISHITANI Sachiko ODAKE Nicolas LOPEZ-VILLALOBOS Hugh T. BLAIR 《Animal Science Journal》2005,76(4):305-312
Three surveys and a sensory evaluation of goat meat were conducted in Japan to examine the current needs and future possibilities of goat meat consumption. The experimental results of the present study lead us to conclude the following: (i) improving the smell of goat meat and combining the sale of goat meat with recipes may increase goat meat demand among housewives; (ii) it seems to be difficult to disseminate Okinawa goat cuisine to non‐Okinawa residents because of the typical odor of goat meat, which is unlikely to be preferred by the public; (iii) the “chewiness” of goat meat is rated highly by young participants according to a sensory evaluation, and loin meat is rated highly compared with hind leg meat; and (iv) there is a rapidly increasing interest and a tremendous purchasing drive towards goat meat among university students. However, these facts call for further investigation of the goat meat demand in Japan. The following three further experiments are needed to solve this issue: (i) breeding to improve the taste of goat meat; (ii) expanding the marketing of goat meat combined with the invention of Japanese‐style goat recipes and tie‐in sales supermarkets; and (iii) implementing further sensory analyses to compare goat meat with other meat and carrying out market analysis in Japan. 相似文献
平凉境内塬面宽广,土质肥沃,降水量适中,气候宜人,饲草资源雄厚,是农业部划定的全国肉牛优质生产区。养牛是平凉农民的传统产业,在独有的自然环境、气候条件、特定的饲养方式下,饲养的肉牛具有出肉率高,肉质细嫩,肌内脂肪沉积能力强,大理石花纹肉品质优良等优点,是国内生产优质高档雪花肉的种质资源,也是唯一肉品具有独特芳香味的牛肉,被称为牛业“茅台”。保障肉品质量安全,让人民吃得放心,事关人民群众身体健康和生命安全,是重要的民生问题。笔者作为一名基层畜产品质量安全监管工作者,结合多年工作经验,现就平凉肉牛肉品兽药残留检测现状做以分析,并针对存在的问题,提出相应的对策和建议,望与各位同行探讨。 相似文献
Turkson PK 《Tropical animal health and production》2004,36(5):413-425
A study was designed to identify factors perceived by veterinarians and veterinary technicians as likely to promote private veterinary practice in Ghana. The participatory appraisal approach was used. The response rates were 88% (n = 90), 100% (n = 9) and 86% (n = 200) for government field veterinarians, private veterinarians and government veterinary technicians, respectively. Significant proportions of government field veterinarians (67%, n = 79), and veterinary technicians (64%, n = 167) were willing to go into private practice if the necessary push was given. Factors perceived as likely to motivate them to go into private practice included availability of capital to cover start-up costs; provision of a vehicle; prospect of higher income; availability of loans with low interest rates; availability of credit facilities from suppliers; stable macroeconomic environment with low interest and inflation rates; high pet, poultry and livestock populations at locations earmarked for private practice; leasing of vacant government premises for use as clinic and for accommodation; and enforcement of legislation on private practice, especially that against moonlighting by government veterinarians and technicians. These should be considered and used in the promotion of private veterinary practice in Ghana. 相似文献
以6月龄和12月龄广西本地黑山羊为对照,研究广西丰肉型新品系黑山羊的产肉性能和肉品质,综合测定和分析其屠宰性能、肉质、化学成分和风味影响因子。结果表明:6月龄和12月龄广西丰肉型新品系黑山羊与广西本地黑山羊两者相比较,胴体重、屠宰率、净肉率、胴体净肉率、眼肌面积指标差异极显著(P<0.01),且前者大于后者;肌肉中肉质的肉色和大理石纹指标差异极显著(P<0.01),前者大于后者;嫩度剪切值差异显著(P<0.05,6月龄)和极显著(P<0.01,12月龄),前者小于后者;化学成分方面,粗蛋白、脂肪和磷测定指标两者差异显著(P<0.05),且前者大于后者;粗纤维指标两者差异显著(P<0.05),前者小于后者;风味影响因子方面,氨基酸总量、谷氨酸两者差异极显著(P<0.01),前者大于后者,其余种类氨基酸含量(除12月龄试验羊甘氨酸含量外)两者差异不显著(P>0.05);脂肪酸中饱和脂肪酸和不饱和脂肪酸含量两者差异显著(P<0.05),前者大于后者;胆固醇含量两者差异不显著(P>0.05),但均低于羊生产学推荐值;硫胺素和肌苷酸两者相比差异显著(P<0.05),前者大于后者。综合以上测定结果可以得出,广西丰肉型新品系黑山羊产肉性能高,营养成分全面,可提供丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸;且肉质鲜嫩多汁,膻味小,口感好,风味独特;其羊肉中胆固醇含量低,富含不饱和脂肪酸。广西丰肉型新品系黑山羊是适合南方地区生产高端黑山羊的首选品种,开发潜力巨大。 相似文献
驴肉品质及其影响因素的研究进展 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
随着社会的发展和生产方式的转变,驴的役用功能逐渐消失,而驴肉功效的明确与开发利用则使驴产业在近几年有了迅猛发展。作者针对驴肉的营养特点及驴肉品质和营养价值的影响因素,如驴的品种、年龄、饲料营养、屠宰加工、驴肉质量鉴别等方面进行了综述。已有研究表明,驴肉是优质的蛋白质来源,具有高蛋白质、高必需氨基酸、高不饱和脂肪酸和低脂肪、低胆固醇、低热量的三高三低特点;对不同品种及不同屠宰年龄驴肉的营养及化学组成分析发现,不同品种驴肉的蛋白质和脂肪含量不同,不同年龄的驴肉化学组成不同,即品种和年龄对驴肉品质有很大的影响;在驴饲料中添加植物提取物可以改变饲料消化率进而使肉品质得到改善;不同部位驴肉的营养成分含量有所差别,通过对比蛋白质、脂肪、剪切力和熟肉率发现,背最长肌的食用品质高于臀肉;通过施加电刺激可加快驴肉排酸进度,改变肌纤维结构和钙蛋白酶降解,进而改善肉嫩度;使用傅里叶红外光谱分析可提高真假驴肉的辨别率。作者对驴肉肉品质及营养价值影响因素进行总结,旨在为制定规范的驴肉生产标准,保障驴肉品质提供参考依据。 相似文献
Maria Federica Trombetta Francesco Nocelli Marina Pasquini 《Animal Science Journal》2017,88(8):1107-1112
In order to extend scientific knowledge on autochthonous Italian equine meat, the physical–chemical parameters of Catria Horse Longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle and its nutritional characteristics have been investigated. Ten steaks of Catria foal raised at pasture and fattened indoors for 2 months were dissected, and LT muscle was analyzed for chemical composition, total iron, drip loss, colorimetric characteristics, intramuscular fat, fatty acid profile and nutritional indexes. Steak dissection showed that LT muscle accounted for 36.78% and fat accounted for 9.19% of weight of steak. Regarding chemical composition, protein and fat content was 20.31% and 2.83%, respectively. Total iron content (1.95 mg/100 g) was lower than data reported in the literature. Color parameters showed a luminous and intense red hue muscle. The sum of unsaturated fatty acid composition (50.3%) was higher than the sum of saturated fatty acids (46.64 %). The fatty acid profile and nutritional values of Catria Horse meat could be modified adopting extensive rearing systems and grazing. The data suggests that further investigation on the composition of Catria Horse meat should be carried out to valorize this autochthonous breed, reared in sustainable livestock systems, and its meat in local short‐chain systems. 相似文献
规模化养鸡场的用药现状及对策 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
简述了山东省规模化养鸡场的卫生管理、防疫与用药的现状,分析了由于不规范用药带来的病原微生物扩散、水土面源污染等问题,并对控制环境污染,加强生态与食品安全提出了对策与建议。 相似文献
鸡肉嫩度评定方法及其指标间的相关分析 总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38
采用剪切值、胶原蛋白(总胶原蛋白、热溶性胶原蛋白、热残留胶原蛋白)和肌纤维结构(肌纤维密度、肌纤维直径)3种方法,分别评定了7个不同鸡种的嫩度。结果表明,应用3种评定方法可以划分出鸡种间的嫩度等级,但各指标间的嫩度排序有差异。相关分析表明,剪切值、总胶原蛋白、热残留胶原蛋白和肌纤维直径是嫩度评定的主要指标。其中剪切值与热残留胶原蛋白、热残留胶原蛋白与肌纤维直径和总胶原蛋白与热残留胶原蛋白为极显著正相关(P<0 01),剪切值与肌纤维直径为显著正相关(P<0 05)。经综合分析,剪切值的分辨率最高,热残留胶原蛋白、肌纤维直径综合代表性较强。以上评定结果与感官评定的嫩度对比有一定差异,感官评定与组织结构评定的结果相近,与剪切值、胶原蛋白两种方法差异较大。胸腿肌的嫩度不同方法存在差异,鸡种间比较建议采用胸肌为代表进行嫩度比较。 相似文献
绵羊MyoG基因外显子1的多态性及其与肉质性状的关联分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
肌细胞生成素(myogenin,MyoG)基因在肌细胞分化过程中起着中心调节作用,直接影响着动物的产肉能力。本研究以大尾寒羊、小尾寒羊、豫西脂尾羊、兰州大尾羊、蒙古羊、同羊6个绵羊品种为试验材料,利用非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测MyoG基因外显子1的多态性,并与绵羊的肉质性状进行关联分析,探讨MyoG基因外显子1对绵羊肉质性状的影响。结果表明,MyoG基因外显子1在6个绵羊群体中均检测到3种基因型(AA、BB、AB)和2个等位基因(A、B),在小尾寒羊、大尾寒羊、豫西脂尾羊、兰州大尾羊、蒙古羊、同羊群体中检测到MyoG基因外显子1的A等位基因频率分别为:0.5167、0.2500、0.4375、0.6500、0.5750和0.7125,MyoG基因外显子1的B等位基因频率分别为:0.4833、0.7500、0.5625、0.3500、0.4250和0.2875。MyoG基因外显子1主要对羊肉的水分和色泽有影响,主要表现为BB基因型水分极显著高于AB基因型(P< 0.01),显著高于AA基因型(P< 0.05);AB基因型的色泽极显著高于BB基因型(P< 0.01),显著高于AA基因型(P< 0.05)。 相似文献
BAI Jun-yan YANG You-bing WANG Yu-qin PANG You-zhi WANG Xu YANG Shuai WANG Huan-ling 《中国畜牧兽医》2017,44(6):1778-1783
Myogenin (MyoG) gene plays a central regulatory role in the process of muscle cell differentiation, which directly affects meat production capacity of animal. In this study, 6 sheep varieties including Large-tail Han sheep, Small-tail Han sheep, Yuxizhiwei sheep, Lanzhou fat-tailed sheep, Mongolia sheep and Tong sheep were selected as experimental materials to detect the polymorphism of MyoG gene exon 1 by non denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and analyze the association analysis between the polymorphism of MyoG gene exon 1 and meat quality traits in sheep. The results showed that 2 alleles (A, B) and 3 genotypes (AA, BB, AB) were detected in MyoG gene exon 1 of six sheep populations. The A allele frequency in Small-tail Han sheep, Large-tail Han sheep, Yuxizhiwei sheep, Lanzhou fat-tailed sheep, Mongolia sheep and Tong sheep were 0.5167, 0.2500, 0.4375, 0.6500, 0.5750 and 0.7125, respectively, the B allele frequency of six sheep populations were 0.4833, 0.7500, 0.5625, 0.3500, 0.4250 and 0.2875, respectively. MyoG gene exon 1 mainly affected the moisture and color of mutton, the moisture content of BB genotype was significantly higher than that of AB genotype (P< 0.01) and AA genotype (P< 0.05). The color of AB genotype was significantly higher than that of BB genotype (P< 0.01) and AA genotype (P< 0.05). 相似文献
LIU Jie WANG Jie LIU Ran-ran ZHAO Gui-ping ZHENG Mai-qing LI Qing-he CUI Huan-xian WEN Jie 《中国畜牧兽医》2017,44(9):2675-2681
The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between residual feed intake (RFI) and some production performances including slaughter performance and meat quality. The RFI and production performances from 400 Beijing-You chickens were used to analyze the correlation of these traits. The results showed that the average daily feed intake (ADFI) and the average daily gain(ADG)of male chickens were extremely significantly higher than female ones (P<0.01), while the feed conversion ratio (FCR) was decreased extremely significantly (P<0.01). The percentage of carcass and thigh muscle as well as the redness (a*) were extremely significantly higher in male chickens than female ones (P<0.01). In male chickens, RFI had positive correlation with FCR, ADFI (P<0.01)and percentage of abdominal fat(P<0.05) and negative correlation with percentage of breast muscle and percentage of thigh muscle(P<0.01). In female chickens, RFI had positive correlation with FCR, ADFI (P<0.01) and ADG (P<0.05), but negative correlation with percentage of thigh muscle (P<0.01). In male chickens, RFI was correlated positively with lightness (L*) (P<0.01) and chroma (C*) (P<0.05). While in female chickens, RFI had positive correlation with L*, yellowness (b*) (P<0.05), a* and C*(P<0.01), but had extremely negative correlation with Hue (H*) and pH (P<0.01). Therefore, RFI had correlation with some production performances including slaughter performance and meat quality. 相似文献
本研究旨在探讨北京油鸡剩余采食量(RFI)与屠宰性能和肉质性状的关系。试验测定了400只北京油鸡70~98日龄的RFI及98日龄屠宰性能和肉品质,并对RFI与屠宰性能和肉品质的相关性进行了分析。结果显示,试验公鸡的平均日采食量(ADFI)、平均日增重(ADG)极显著高于母鸡(P<0.01),饲料转化率(FI/GW,FCR)极显著低于母鸡(P<0.01)。公鸡半净膛率、腿肌率和胸肌红度(a*)极显著高于母鸡((P<0.01)。公鸡的RFI与FCR、ADFI极显著正相关(P<0.01),与腹脂率显著正相关(P<0.05),与胸肌率和腿肌率极显著负相关(P<0.01);母鸡RFI与FCR和ADFI极显著正相关(P<0.01),与ADG显著正相关(P<0.05),而与腿肌率极显著负相关(P<0.01)。公鸡RFI与胸肌亮度(L*)极显著正相关(P<0.01),与色度(C*)显著正相关(P<0.05);母鸡RFI与胸肌a*和C*极显著正相关(P<0.01),与色调(H*)和pH极显著负相关(P<0.01),与L*和黄度(b*)显著正相关(P<0.05)。由以上结果可见,北京油鸡公鸡的饲料利用效率优于母鸡,且部分屠宰性状和肉质性状与RFI存在显著相关性。 相似文献
【目的】 研究中国草原红牛丙酮酸脱氢酶激酶4(pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4,PDK4)基因多态性与肉质性状的关系。【方法】 挑选120头中国草原红牛为研究对象,采用Sanger测序法检测PDK4基因第1~11外显子的单核苷酸多态性(SNP)位点,分析SNP位点的基因型频率、基因频率及群体遗传参数等。利用SPSS 21.0软件对中国草原红牛PDK4基因SNP位点多态性与肉质性状(熟肉率、肉嫩度、失水率、pH、滴水损失、肌内脂肪含量、初水分含量、蛋白质含量)进行关联分析。【结果】 在中国草原红牛PDK4基因外显子8和外显子11上共检测到3个SNPs;PDK4基因第8外显子57 bp处存在1个SNP位点(G57C),且引起编码氨基酸的改变,存在GG、GC和CC 3种基因型;PDK4基因第11外显子在330和389 bp处存在2个SNPs位点(G330T和C389T),在G330T位点上存在GG、GT和TT 3种基因型;在C389T位点上存在CC、CT和TT 3种基因型。卡方适合性检验结果显示,中国草原红牛第8外显子G57C位点偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P<0.05),第11外显子的G330T和C398T符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P>0.05);群体遗传参数分析发现,第8外显子G57C突变位点属于低度多态性位点(PIC<0.25),等位基因数为1.1429,表明其在中国草原红牛中的变异较小;第11外显子G330T和C398T属于中度多态性位点(0.25<PIC<0.5),等位基因数分别为1.6431和1.6447,说明该遗传标记能够提供遗传信息。关联分析结果表明,PDK4基因第8外显子中G57C位点GG和CC基因型个体肌内脂肪含量显著高于GC基因型(P<0.05);第11外显子G330T位点GG基因型滴水损失和初水分量显著高于GT基因型(P<0.05);GG基因型肉嫩度显著高于TT基因型(P<0.05);GT基因型肌内脂肪含量显著高于TT基因型(P<0.05),C389T处CT基因型失水率显著低于TT基因型(P<0.05)。【结论】 PDK4基因多态性与中国草原红牛肉质性状相关,可作为肉质性状的候选基因。 相似文献
采用RACE技术从日本结缕草中克隆得到ZjNAC1转录因子(GenBank No. MH428376),其开放阅读框为945bp,编码314个氨基酸。ZjNAC1编码的蛋白在N端有1个典型的NAM保守结构域,属于NAC转录因子家族。通过染色体步移的方法,获得ZjNAC1基因ATG上游1635bp序列,分析发现其包含响应脱落酸(ABA)、茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)及逆境胁迫的作用元件。构建pGBKT7-ZjNAC1载体,转化Y2HGold酵母感受态细胞,发现ZjNAC1具有转录激活活性。农杆菌介导的35S-ZjNAC1-YFP载体注射本生烟草叶片瞬时表达结果显示,ZjNAC1定位于细胞核。实时荧光定量结果表明,ZjNAC1在日本结缕草根中表达量最高;此外,ZjNAC1的表达受10μmol/L MeJA和20%PEG4000处理的诱导,但受200μmol/L乙烯(ET)、10μmol/L ABA和300mmol/L NaCl处理的抑制。 相似文献