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小麦品种的抗赤霉病性与PGIP含量和分布的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究了小麦品种的抗赤霉病性与多聚半乳糖醛酸酶抑制蛋白(PGIP)含量和分布的关系。斑点免疫结合测定(Dot-immunobinding assay)和蛋白质印迹分析(Western blotting analyze)结果显示,SW89-2589品种的PGIP含量高于89-106-2-9-24、80-8及3625品种;免疫组织化学定位表明,SW89-2589品种PGIP分布比80-8品种更为广泛。由此可见,小麦品种对赤霉病的抗性愈强,PGIP含量愈高、分布愈广。此研究结果为选育小麦抗性品种提供了一种新的鉴定方法。 相似文献
应用计算机分析小麦品种抗赤霉病指标及批量鉴定的初步研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
应用主成分分析方法在电子计算机上对55个小麦品种的8个赤霉病指标进行了分析,认为鉴定小麦对赤霉病的抗性要同时考虑静态的和动态的指标。各种指标对抗病性差异的形成所起的作用不同,不能同等对待。发病率增长率,千粒重降低率,发病日及病小穗增长率均为鉴定小麦抗赤霉病性的主要指标。利用主成分分析结果对55个品种进行了抗病性的模糊聚类鉴定,结果与实际相符。 相似文献
以47个旱地小麦品种(系)为材料,测定了其全籽粒蛋白质含量、硬度、沉淀值、色度以及面粉谷蛋白溶涨指数(SIG)和面粉膨胀体积(FSV),并进行了品质性状相关分析和品种(系)品质综合聚类分析。结果表明:全籽粒蛋白质、硬度、沉淀值、色度L、色度a、色度b、面粉谷蛋白溶涨指数(SIG)、面粉膨胀体积(FSV)的平均值分别为14.78%、62.63%、44.39ml、56.46、-1.90、16.67、5.86、13.44ml/g,不同品种(系)之间的变异系数分别为5.71%、4.61%、12.70%、7.48%、12.44%、7.26%、14.77%、6.30%。籽粒蛋白质含量、硬度、沉淀值、色度、FSV、SIG值之间均存在极显著相关性。47个小麦品种(系)综合品质性状可聚为6类。 相似文献
2004-2006年利用一套较完整的田间抗性鉴定方法,对425份生产推广品种(审定品种)、区试品种及品种资源进行了抗麦红吸浆虫鉴定。结果表明,不同小麦品种(系)对麦红吸浆虫的抗性差异显著,高抗品种(系)有56份,占供鉴品种的13.18%、中抗品种54份,占12.71%、低抗品种99份,占23.29%。在近年已审定品种中,石7221、良星99、1457、衡71-3、中麦9、石新822、石家庄11号等7个小麦品种对麦红吸浆虫均表现出稳定的抗性。 相似文献
过氧化物酶及其同工酶与小麦抗赤霉病性的关系 总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24
本文报道了对赤霉病抗性不同的五个小麦品种的过氧化物酶比活力及其同工酶的差异。种子过氧化物酶比活力的大小及其pI10.3酶带颜色的深浅与品种的抗病性呈正相关。各品种的叶片过氧化物酶比活力及其同工酶谱的差异与品种的抗病性无明显相关。各品种的接种穗与其对照穗比较,抗病品种接种穗的过氧化物酶比活力持续上升,感病品种的酶比活力先上升后下降。抗病品种接种穗的过氧化物酶同工酶PI6.3、9.5和10.3三条酶带的颜色比对照深,感病品种的浅或消失,与品种的抗病性呈正相关。 相似文献
本研究明确了黄淮冬麦区主栽小麦品种对赤霉病的抗侵染、抗扩展、抗毒素积累和抗籽粒侵染能力以及几种抗性之间的相互关系,并检测了各品种是否带有FHB1抗性基因,旨在为该区小麦赤霉病抗性鉴定评价、抗性品种培育和利用提供科学依据。小麦赤霉病综合抗性鉴定结果表明:22个黄淮冬麦区主栽品种中,有20个为感病品种,只有‘郑麦9023’和‘西农979’为中感品种,所有品种均不含FHB1基因;长江中下游麦区的9个品种中,‘扬麦17’和‘宁麦9号’等6个品种表现中抗,‘扬麦23’表现中感,‘苏麦3号’和‘扬麦21’表现抗,‘扬麦14’‘扬麦17’和‘扬麦23’不含有FHB1基因,其他品种均含FHB1基因。小麦品种的抗扩展能力与抗侵染能力无显著相关性(r=0.27,P0.05);两种接种条件下小麦品种的病粒率与抗脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(DON)毒素积累能力呈极显著正相关(r=0.86,P0.01;r=0.88,P0.01);单小花滴注法接种条件下,小麦品种的平均病级与病粒率和籽粒中DON含量都呈极显著正相关(r=0.71,P0.01;r=0.81,P0.01);喷雾接种条件下,小麦品种的病小穗率与平均病级、病粒率、籽粒中DON含量和ZEN含量都呈极显著正相关(r=0.78,P0.01;r=0.73,P0.01;r=0.78,P0.01;r=0.63,P0.01)。在毒素积累抗性上,DON含量和ZEN含量呈极显著正相关(r=0.70,P0.01)。在目前黄淮冬麦区没有中抗品种的情况下,可以增加育种和鉴定目标为抗籽粒侵染和抗毒素积累的品种,在小麦品种推广过程中加以运用,可以达到较好的效果。 相似文献
Evaluation and characterization of resistance to fusarium head blight caused by Fusarium culmorum in UK winter wheat cultivars 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance of 50 cultivars from the National List of winter wheat cultivars approved for sale (or were undergoing trails for approval in 2003) in the UK was compared with 21 reference cultivars from continental Europe which had previously been characterized for resistance. Only three UK National List cultivars (Soissons, Spark and Vector) had stable resistance over trial sites that was significantly greater than that of the FHB susceptible cultivar Wizard. In addition, under moderate disease pressure, 21 of the National List cultivars had levels of the trichothecene mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) above the proposed European Union limit of 1·25 ppm in grain. Surveys show that levels of FHB and DON in the UK crop are currently very low, however, should disease pressure increase for any reason, then an improvement in the overall levels of FHB resistance of UK winter wheat germplasm will be required. In order to infer the origin of resistance and to identify potentially novel resistance, allele sizes of microsatellite (simple sequence repeat, SSR) markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTL) for FHB resistance were compared between the test cultivars and known, characterized resistance sources. The major FHB resistance QTL from the Chinese cv. Sumai-3 (3BS, 5A and 6B), the Romanian cv. Fundulea F201R (1B and 5A) and the French cv. Renan (5AL) were screened with 17 SSRs. No National List cultivar had haplotypes similar to any of these QTL. However, the highly resistant German reference cultivar Petrus had an identical haplotype to cv. Fundulea F201R on 1B indicating that this cultivar has an allelic FHB resistance QTL at that location. 相似文献
Fusarium culmorum causes head blight, produces toxins and reduces yield and quality of cereals. To prevent damage caused by fusarium head blight (FHB), azole fungicides are mainly applied. The occurrence of insensitivity to azoles is a major problem in agriculture. The present study shows that a tebuconazole insensitive strain of F. culmorum can be readily produced in the laboratory, but that the resulting strain of the fungus is of lower fitness in vitro. Insensitivity was confirmed microscopically and by cell viability and metabolic activity. The tebuconazole insensitive strain shows cross insensitivity to nine important azoles. In addition, plants inoculated with the insensitive F. culmorum strain showed no reduction of FHB symptoms and deoxynivalenol (DON) content after tebuconazole treatment, compared to an inoculation with the sensitive strain. Use of wheat cultivars carrying a high resistance level (i.e. cv. Toras) was the most effective method for reducing symptoms and decreasing DON content, independent from the level of fungicide insensitivity of the F. culmorum strain. In conclusion, resistant cultivars and a fungicide mixture which combines different mechanisms of action in fungal metabolism should be applied to avoid fungicide insensitivity of Fusarium spp. in future. 相似文献
2015年从河南省田间小麦赤霉病病穗上分离得到一种生长速度较慢的镰刀菌, 通过形态学和分子鉴定明确其分类地位, 通过田间单小花滴注法和喷雾法接种测定其致病力, 并通过高效液相色谱串联质谱分析对麦穗中的毒素种类进行测定, 明确其产毒特征?结果表明:分离得到的8个菌株均为梨孢镰刀菌, 在马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂(PDA)培养基上为白色菌落, 菌落底部产生少量红色色素, 平均生长速度为13.3 mm/d; 小型分生孢子为椭球形葡萄状, 平均大小为7.1 μm×5.8 μm, 未见大型分生孢子和厚垣孢子; 致病力弱, 且不侵染穗轴, 单小花滴注法接种条件下平均病级为0.1, 喷雾法接种条件下平均病小穗率为6.5%; 供试的8个镰刀菌菌株均不产生T-2和HT-2毒素, 均产生雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(NIV)毒素, NIV毒素含量水平为371.74~5 282.80 μg/kg, 其中3个菌株产生少量脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(DON)毒素(86.13~227.22 μg/kg)? 相似文献
A significant negative relationship between tiller height and resistance to Fusarium ear blight (FEB), following inoculation, was observed in 17 cultivars of winter wheat in the 1995/96 growing season. Tall cultivars such as Kraka and Spark showed fewer symptoms of FEB (6 and 4%) than the shorter cultivars Brigadier and Virtue (35 and 51%). To determine if this relationship was caused by a genetic association or an effect of the microclimate, height and disease were measured in segregating populations derived from tall × short cultivars and humidity was measured in near-isogenic lines with and without the Rht1 and Rht2 dwarfing genes. Among random F3 populations there was a clear tendency for tall strawed lines to show less severe disease symptoms than shorter strawed lines following inoculation. The effect of the individual dwarfing genes Rht1 and Rht2 on the severity of FEB was also studied in an inoculation trial using a number of near-isogenic lines of Maris Huntsman and Maris Widgeon. Within isogenic lines of Maris Huntsman, there was a clear tendency for tall straw to be associated with fewer symptoms, but this was not apparent within lines of Maris Widgeon. Monitoring relative humidity at ear height in a short and tall isogenic line of Maris Huntsman revealed no significant differences between these genotypes from GS 65 to GS 85, suggesting that microclimate cannot explain differences in severity of FEB between these lines. It is suggested that there are independent genes affecting the severity of FEB that may allow plant breeders to select resistant cultivars of any height. 相似文献
不同侵染时期对小麦赤霉病发生和籽粒中DON积累的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为明确不同侵染时期对小麦赤霉病发生和籽粒中DON的积累情况,在2015年和2016年于河南省焦作市温县黄庄镇西虢村田间进行小麦(‘豫保1号’和‘周麦18’)不同生育期接种对病穗率、病情指数、病粒率和籽粒中DON毒素积累的影响试验。结果表明:小麦赤霉病菌在抽穗盛期(DAA=-6,Zadoks=55~57)至灌浆中期(DAA=14或15,Zadoks=75)都能侵染麦穗,但在始花期前3~4 d的齐穗期(DAA=-3或-4,Zadoks=59)至始花期后4 d的灌浆初期(DAA=4,Zadoks=71)处理的病穗率、病情指数和病粒率显著高于其他处理(P0.05),其中盛花末期(DAA=1,Zadoks=69)处理的侵染率最高,为小麦赤霉病菌侵染发病的关键生育期。此外,在套袋保湿2 d的条件下赤霉病菌在小麦始花期前6 d的抽穗盛期(DAA=-6,Zadoks=55~57)和始花期后10 d的乳熟期(DAA=10,Zadoks=73)也能有较高的侵染率。在籽粒中DON积累方面,‘豫保1号’所有处理的籽粒中DON含量与病穗率、病情指数和病粒率的趋势一致,都是盛花末期(DAA=1,Zadoks=69)处理的籽粒中DON含量最高(P0.05),且间隔时间离盛花末期(Zadoks=69)越近籽粒中DON含量越高;而‘周麦18’齐穗期(DAA=-4,Zadoks=59)至灌浆中期(DAA=14,Zadoks=75)处理的没有显著性差异,说明小麦赤霉病菌在始花期后14 d的灌浆中期侵染也能引起籽粒中DON的大量积累。 相似文献
分子标记辅助选择小麦抗白粉病兼抗赤霉病聚合体 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Sumai 3, a wheat variety resistant to Fusarium head blight(FHB), was crossed with Neimai 9, a commercial wheat cultivar with the resistance to powdery mildew.The SCAR(sequence characterized amplified region) markers of powdery mildew resistance gene Pm21 and four SSR(simple sequence repeats)markers flanking the major FHB resistance QTL(Qfhs.ndsu-3BS) in Sumai 3 were used to detect the resistance loci by marker assisted selection(MAS) in the plants of the F2 population.Identification of resistance to both powdery mildew and FHB in field showed that 12 plants resistant to both diseases were obtained.In addition, the agronomic traits of these plants were better than those of Sumai 3, and are perhaps the excellent parental materials for wheat breeding. 相似文献
P. Jiang X. Zhang L. Wu Y. He W. Zhuang X. Cheng W. Ge H. Ma L. Kong 《Plant pathology》2020,69(2):249-258
Fusarium head blight (FHB) of wheat is a destructive fungal disease worldwide and has become more severe over the last two decades. Development of FHB resistant wheat varieties is the most effective way to manage FHB. The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are the traditional FHB epidemic areas in China. The landraces and germplasms with resistance to FHB originating from this region were used to identity FHB resistance quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Yangmai 158 and Ningmai 9 are the most popular varieties for commercial wheat production in this region and both have moderate FHB resistance. A high-density genetic map was constructed using 282 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a cross between Ningmai 9 and Yangmai 158. Ten QTLs related to Type II FHB resistance were identified, and QFhb-3B.1 and QFhb-5A were stably detected across all environments. Based on position alignment, QFhb-3B.1 from Ningmai 9 is likely to be Fhb1 and QFhb-5A from Yangmai 158 is a novel QTL not previously described. A competitive allele-specific PCR (KASP) marker closely linked to QFhb-5A was developed and could be used for marker-assisted selection. Distribution of QFhb-5A was tested with numerous accessions from a widespread core collection. The results suggest that QFhb-5A has undergone both natural and artificial selection. Some RILs with both Fhb1 and QFhb-5A presented better FHB resistance than the parents and could be used in FHB resistance breeding. 相似文献