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The thresholds and behavior of bitterness perception over time were studied for quinoa saponins. The detection threshold was calculated in two ways using R-index values: linear equation (as previously used) and regression analysis (proposed hereby). Panelists were grouped depending on their bitterness sensitivity, and differences were found among dynamic panelist perceptions. At the threshold level, the sensation dynamic was lower than the caffeine threshold. By HPLC analysis, we identified three main types of saponins (A, B, and C), which positively correlated with the stimulus concentration. The saponin fractions were more related to the time-intensity parameters than the total saponins. Pearson's correlations showed that maximum intensity, total duration, area under the curve, and rising slope were best correlated with A, B, and C saponins. Interestingly, bitterness was perceived before chemical differentiation. It is important to study the saponin bitterness thresholds and perception, as they directly influence consumer choices and must be addressed before being used in quinoa products in the food industry.  相似文献   

We investigated certain properties of starch in raw and in heat-treated samples of quinoa, properties that are of importance to the nutritional quality of an infant food currently being developed. Scanning electron microscopy of the starch in raw seeds showed polygonal granules (0.6 to 2.0 µm diameter) to be present both singly and as spherical aggregates. Thermograms (DSC) of the flours showed one transition phase for gelatinisation of the starch and another for the amylose-lipid complex. The gelatinisation temperature of the starch was 67°C. Cooked samples manifested the highest degree of gelatinisation (97%), followed by the drum-dried (96%) and autoclaved (27%) samples. Separation of the starch on a SEPHAROSE CL-2B column showed the quinoa starch to be affected by the heat treatment, manifesting changes in the degree and extent of degradation. The amylograph viscosity of the quinoa flour showed no distinct peak for pasting, but the viscosity remained constant after gelatinisation. Cooking and autoclaving modified the viscosity of the paste. The drum-dried sample manifested a higher initial viscosity at 25°C. Thein vitro digestibility of raw quinoa starch determined by incubation for 60 min with -amylase was 22%, while that of autoclaved, cooked and drum-dried samples was 32%, 45% and 73%, respectively. Saponins did not affect the digestibility of the starch, though they tended to increase the amylograph viscosity. The total dietary fibre content in the cooked sample (11.0%) was significantly lower than that in the autoclaved (13.2%), drum-dried (13.3%) or raw samples (13.3%), while the insoluble dietary fibre fraction in the samples did not change with heat treatment. However, as compared with that of raw quinoa, the soluble dietary fibre fraction was reduced significantly both by cooking (0.9%) and by autoclaving (1.0%).  相似文献   

The nutritional quality of protein in quinoa seeds has been determined by amino acid assay and by animal feeding experiments. The amino acid composition of the protein in raw quinoa and washed quinoa show similar pattern. The first limiting amino acids were the aromatic amino acids thyrosine + phenylalanine giving a chemical score of 86 for protein in raw quinoa and 85 for protein in washed quinoa. Threonine was the next limiting amino acid followed by lysine. The amount of lysine and sulfur amino acids (methionine + cystine) was relatively high. In general, the content of essential amino acids in quinoa is higher than in common cereals. The animal experiments showed NPU values of 75.7, BV of 82.6 and TD value of 91.7 for the protein in raw quinoa. Results of the in-vitro enzymatic methods showed that the digestibility of the protein in quinoa is comparable to that of other high quality food proteins. The corresponding experiments carried out with samples of guinoa seeds, which have been processed to remove the saponins, showed that, the saponins do not exert any negative effect on the nutritive quality of the protein.  相似文献   

As it is well documented that the phytochemical composition and bioactive profile of quinoa are influenced by different phenotypes, we analyzed the physicochemical and functional characteristics of different quinoa soluble dietary fiber (SDF). SDF was prepared through ultrasound-assisted enzymatic extraction from three colored quinoa brans. After purification, the yield of SDF from white (W-SDF), red (R-SDF) and black quinoa bran (B-SDF) was 2.2%, 5.7% and 5.9%, respectively. Compared with R-SDF and B-SDF, W-SDF had a higher molecular weight (1.72 × 106 Da) and lower zeta-potential (- 32.16 mV), although their monosaccharide composition and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) results showed no obvious differences. The transmission electron microscope (TEM) image suggested that R-SDF exhibited a more complex and loose structure than W-SDF and B-SDF. Moreover, R-SDF exhibited higher thermal stability, gel forming capacity, bile acid binding capacity, water-holding capacity and glucose adsorption capacity than those of B-SDF and W-SDF. Taken together, SDF extracted from quinoa especially from red quinoa might be a promising candidate for the development of novel functional food ingredients.  相似文献   

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is a plant species of the Chenopodiaceae family, which originated in the Andean region and can adapt to different types of soil and climatic conditions. It is a pseudo grain with high nutritional value as it is rich in proteins, lipids, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and has an extraordinary balance of essential amino acids. Quinoa also contains a high amount of health-beneficial phytochemicals including saponins, phytosterols, phytoecdysteroids. It is known that quinoa has considerably positive effects on metabolic, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal health in humans. Despite all these health benefits, quinoa is not widely consumed due to several reasons, such as high import costs of the grain and lack of knowledge regarding its benefits among consumers. As we believe that further research is needed to provide more information about quinoa, this review was prepared to investigate its basic compounds and health effects.  相似文献   

Effects of photoperiod on phasic development, leaf appearance and seed growth in two cultivars of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), and of photoperiod × temperature interactions on seed growth in one cultivar, were examined. The cultivars were Kanckolla (an early-flowering cultivar from the Andean plateau in Southern Peru) and Blanca de Junín (an intermediate flowering cultivar from the tropical valleys of central Peru). The main objectives were to establish which developmental phases are sensitive to photoperiod and whether conditions during a particular phase had delayed effects on subsequent development. Plants were grown in naturally lit growth cabinets and photoperiods were given as 10 h of natural daylight followed by extensions with low intensity artificial light giving either a short (SD, 10.25 h) or long (LD, 14 or 16 h) photoperiod. Treatments were constant (SD or LD) photoperiods or involved transfers between photoperiods at different developmental stages. A quantitative SD response was observed for time to anthesis and total number of leaves, and more than 50% of leaf primordia were formed after floral initiation. With transfers effected during the reproductive phase, the maximum number of leaf primordia, total number of leaves and time to anthesis varied by up to 9%, 33% and 24%, respectively, in relation to controls under constant SD; and by up to 8%, 39% and 12%, respectively, in relation to controls under constant LD. Photoperiods applied after leaf primordia initiation had ceased affected duration of the reproductive phase and total number of leaves through effects on the proportion of primordia that remained unexpanded (range 7–33%). Plants grown in SD until anthesis produced seed, measured 66 days after anthesis, four-fold larger in diameter than seed on plants always grown in LD. Seed diameter was also reduced by 24% by LD applied after anthesis, and by 14% by high temperature (28°C cf. 21°C), but the combination of high temperature with LD gave the greatest inhibition of seed growth (73%). Clearly, photoperiod had strong effects on all stages of plant reproduction and often acted indirectly, as shown by delayed responses expressed in later phases of development.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1999,63(1):19-34
Two modelling approaches were used to quantify photoperiod and temperature responses of time from emergence to visible flower buds in nine quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) cultivars. The first, non-interactive model, considers temperature and photoperiod responses as independent, and the threshold photoperiod, critical photoperiod, and base temperatures as constants. The second, interactive model, considers these attributes as variable, and allows for interaction between photoperiod and temperature responses. Controlled-environment experiments with a factorial combination of temperature and photoperiod provided information on responses, and data from field experiments were utilized in tests of the predictive capacity of the models.The two models were very similar in their goodness of fit and predictive capacity, but testing revealed that some assumptions about the interactive model were not fulfilled, whereas the non-interactive model is more consistent with the data. Both the models failed to predict dates of visible flower buds when average temperatures during the phase were >20°C; it is proposed that interaction between irradiance receipt and high temperature in controlled environments result in lower optimum temperatures there than in the field. Differences between field data and predicted values were eliminated when predictions were recalculated assuming no optimum for the temperature response.All nine cultivars examined are short-day plants. A juvenile sub-phase was observed in the six cultivars for which it was tested; and its duration was negatively associated with the latitude of origin of the lines (R2 = 0.9, p < 0.05). Photoperiod sensitivity was negatively associated with the latitude of origin of the lines (R2 = 0.55, p < 0.05) and positively associated with duration of the basic vegetative phase (minimal time between emergence and visible flower buds) (R2 = 0.55, p < 0.05) using the non-interactive model. Photoperiod and temperature response parameters were not significantly associated with the latitude of origin for the interactive model (p > 0.05).  相似文献   

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition - This study aims at understanding the relation among sprouting time (from 12 up to 72&nbsp;h), changes in protein and starch components, and flour functionality...  相似文献   

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition - Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death throughout the world. A major risk factor for CVD is platelet aggregation. Various plant extracts...  相似文献   

Amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus), quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) and kañiwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule) are pseudocereals regarded as good gluten-free sources of protein and fiber. A co-rotating twin screw extruder was used to obtain corn-based extrudates containing amaranth/quinoa/kañiwa (20% of solids). Box–Behnken experimental design with three independent variables was used: water content of mass (WCM, 15–19%), screw speed (SS, 200–500 rpm) and temperature of the die (TEM, 150–170 °C). Milled and whole samples were stored in open headspace vials at 11 and 76% relative humidity (RH) for a week before being sealed and stored for 9 weeks in the dark. Hexanal content was determined by using headspace gas chromatography. Extrudates containing amaranth presented the highest sectional expansion index (SEI) (p < 0.01) while pure corn extrudates (control) presented the lowest SEI and greatest hardness (p < 0.01). SEI increased with increasing SS and decreasing WCM. In storage, whole extrudates exposed to 76% RH presented the lowest formation of hexanal. This study proved that it was possible to increase SEI by adding amaranth, quinoa and kañiwa to pure corn flour. The evaluation of lipid oxidation suggested a remarkable stability of whole extrudates after exposure to high RH.  相似文献   

Models can play an important role in agricultural planning and management. Thermal time accumulation is a common way of describing phenological development in crop models, but the sensitivity of this concept to water stress is rarely quantified. The effect of pre-anthesis droughts on the timing of anthesis and physiological maturity was assessed for quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) var. ‘Santa Maria’, with the help of two field experiments (2005–2006 and 2006–2007) in the central Bolivian Altiplano. Various treatments with different sowing dates and irrigation applications were considered. To evaluate the effect of drought stress on crop development, drought stress during the first 60 days after sowing was assessed with three different stress indicators: the number of days that the soil water content of the root zone was above a threshold, the average relative transpiration, and the sum of daily actual transpiration, standardized for reference evapotranspiration (∑(Ta/ET0)). The best indicator to quantify the effect of pre-anthesis drought stress on phenological development was ∑(Ta/ET0) cumulated until 60 days after sowing. This indicator showed a significant logarithmic relation with the time to anthesis and time to physiological maturity. Correlations of the drought stress indicator with thermal time accumulation were better than with calendar time accumulation. Due to an effect of post-anthesis droughts, the correlations of the drought stress indicator with the time to anthesis were stronger than with the time to physiological maturity. It was also demonstrated that deficit irrigation can contribute to a better agricultural planning due to a better control of the phenological development of quinoa. The proposed relations can be used for modeling phenological development of quinoa in drought prone regions and for efficient deficit irrigation planning.  相似文献   

The potential of quinoa to act as a source of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory and antioxidant peptides was studied. A quinoa protein isolate (QPI) with a purity of 40.73 ± 0.90% was prepared. The QPI was hydrolysed at 50 °C for 3 h with two enzyme preparations: papain (P) and a microbial papain-like enzyme (PL) to yield quinoa protein hydrolysates (QPHs). The hydrolysates were evaluated for their DPP-IV inhibitory and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) activities. Protein hydrolysis was observed in the QPI control, possibly due to the activity of quinoa endogenous proteinases. The QPI control had significantly higher DPP-IV half maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50) and lower ORAC values than QPH-P and QPH-PL (P < 0.05). Both QPH-P and QPH-PL had similar DPP-IV IC50 and ORAC values. QPH-P had a DPP-IV IC50 value of 0.88 ± 0.05 mg mL−1 and an ORAC activity of 501.60 ± 77.34 μmol Trolox equivalent (T.E.) g−1. To our understanding, this is the first study demonstrating the in vitro DPP-IV inhibitory properties of quinoa protein hydrolysates. QPHs may have potential as functional ingredients with serum glucose lowering properties.  相似文献   

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) is a Latin American food staple readily available in large quantities in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. The outer husk of the grain is removed prior to consumption to reduce its bitter taste. At present, quinoa husks are considered as a by-product with no commercial value, despite its high content of triterpenoid saponins (20–30%). Due to this, the present work was undertaken to test if quinoa saponins have antifungal properties against Botrytis cinerea and if this activity is enhanced after alkaline treatment, since recent reports indicate that alkaline treatment of quinoa saponins increase their biological activity. Six products were tested against B. cinerea: (1) non-purified quinoa extract, (2) purified quinoa extract, (3) alkali treated non-purified quinoa extract, (4) alkali treated purified quinoa extract, (5) non-purified quinoa extract treated with alkali but without thermal incubation and (6) purified quinoa extract treated with alkali but without thermal incubation.

Untreated quinoa extracts showed minimum activity against mycelial growth of B. cinerea. Also, no effects were observed against conidial germination, even at 7 mg saponins/ml. However, when the saponin extracts were treated with alkali, mycelial growth and conidial germination were significantly inhibited. At doses of 5 mg saponins/ml, 100% of conidial germination inhibition was observed, even after 96 h of incubation. Fungal membrane integrity experiments based on the uptake of the fluorogenic dye SYTOX green showed that alkali treated saponins generate membrane disruption, while non-treated saponins had no effects.

The higher antifungal activity of alkaline treated saponins is probably due to the formation of more hydrophobic saponin derivatives that may have a higher affinity with the sterols present in cell membranes.  相似文献   

The proportion of growth allocated to reproductive organs can be an important determinant of yield variation between cultivars and environments. The main aim of this paper was to evaluate the adequacy of a model assuming constancy in partitioning coefficients (PC, the slope of organ weight to total weight relationship) within periods whose limits are associated with phenological phases to describe variation in reproductive growth (including seeds when present) in the Andean seed crop quinoa. A second objective was to analyze the dynamics of panicle and stem growth to advance our understanding of factors determining yield in this species. To do this, we used data from two experiments conducted in 2 years under field conditions in the Argentinean pampas, using four cultivars belonging to the Sea Level Type and adapted to temperate environments, under three densities. Reproductive partitioning followed a bi-phasic pattern; panicle biomass increased gradually until reaching a total biomass value, and then there was an increase in the slope of panicle vs. total aerial biomass relationship. Partitioning coefficients for the initial stage varied between some cultivars and densities in the first year, but not in the second. No significant differences were detected when PCs for the second stage were considered. The start of panicle growth was associated with thermal time to first anthesis (R2 = 0.62) while thermal time to change in partitioning from low to high PC and that to end of flowering were strongly related (R2 = 0.93). Combining data across cultivars, years and densities gave a PC of 0.15 for the initial stage and 0.90 for the second stage. Using these relationships and parameters dynamics of panicle biomass accumulation was predicted satisfactorily in an independent data set for a different environment, confirming the usefulness of a single model approach to describe partitioning across cvs. and environments in this crop. Besides, crop yield estimations improved when compared to those obtained by a seed number estimation model, predictions were only 7.25% lower than observed values compared to −24.5% using a seed number approach. There is a trade-off between final partitioning to reproductive structures (higher in short-cycle cvs.) and total crop biomass, one of the factors contributing to this trade-off being a negative association between the panicle–stem relationship at harvest and duration in thermal time units of stem growth; so, selection for high partitioning rate should be targeted at long duration cvs. within this germplasm.  相似文献   

Brewer's spent grain (BSG) is the main by-product of the brewing industry. The incorporation of BSG into ready-to-eat expanded products and its effects on the textural and functional properties of extrudates have been studied. Dried and milled BSG at levels of 10–30% was added to the formulation mix made of wheat flour, corn starch and other ingredients. The results obtained from the analysis of the extrudates are discussed in terms of the interaction between the ingredients and effects of processing conditions. The samples were processed in a twin-screw extruder with a combination of parameters including constant feeding rate of 25 kg/h, process temperatures 80–120 °C and screw speeds of 150–350 rpm. Pressure, torque and material temperature during extrusion were recorded. The extrudate properties of nutritional and textural characteristics were measured. Image technique investigations provided useful information on internal structure of the extruded products, total cell area, and their contribution to the appearance and texture. It was found that addition of BSG significantly increased protein content, phytic acid and bulk density, decreased sectional expansion index, individual area and total area of the cells. The higher level of BSG resulted in cells with thicker walls with a rougher surface.  相似文献   

Evaluation of seed yield, morphological variability and nutritional quality of 27 germplasm lines of Chenopodium quinoa and 2 lines of C. berlandieri subsp. nuttalliae was carried out in subtropical North Indian conditions over a 2-year period. Seed yield ranged from 0.32 to 9.83 t/ha, higher yields being shown by four Chilean, two US, one Argentinian and one Bolivian line. Two lines of C. berlandieri subsp. nuttalliae exhibited high values for most of the morphological traits but were low yielding. Seed protein among various lines ranged from 12.55 to 21.02% with an average of 16.22 ± 0.47%. Seed carotenoid was in the range of 1.69–5.52 mg/kg, while leaf carotenoid was much higher and ranged from 230.23 to 669.57 mg/kg. Genetic gain as percent of mean was highest for dry weight/plant, followed by seed yield and inflorescence length. All morphological traits except days to flowering, days to maturity and inflorescence length exhibited significant positive association with seed yield. The association of leaf carotenoid with total chlorophyll and seed carotenoid was positive and highly significant. The path analysis revealed that 1000 seed weight had highest positive direct relationship with seed yield (1.057), followed by total chlorophyll (0.559) and branches/plant (0.520). Traits showing high negative direct effect on seed yield were leaf carotenoid (−0.749), seed size (−0.678) and days to flowering (−0.377). Total chlorophyll exerted strongest direct positive effect (0.722) on harvest index, followed by seed yield (0.505) and seed protein (0.245).  相似文献   

Quinoa is an Andean seed crop of many potential uses. In 2009 a field trial was carried out to explore the potential for quinoa growing in climatic conditions of South Eastern Europe. Even under rainfed conditions, without fertilization, a seed yield as high as 1.721 t ha−1 was obtained. Seed quality was remarkably good, with protein content ranging from 15.16 to 17.41 % on a dry weight basis, depending on whether seeds were processed. Amino acid and mineral composition revealed the potential of quinoa seeds as a valuable ingredient in the preparation of highly nutritious foods. Quinoa seeds had higher contents of most essential amino acids, especially lysine, than wheat flour. Dehulled quinoa seeds, devoid of saponins, were included into wheat bread formulations, with up to 20%, which resulted in a positive effect on the rheological characteristics of dough. Furthermore, protein content in bread was increased by around 2%. Sensory characteristics of breads were excellent also at the 20% supplementation level. The study of bread supplemented with quinoa seeds could enable the development of a range of new baking products with enhanced nutritional value.  相似文献   

The high content of amino acids of the quinoa, especially essential amino acids (higher than other cereals) makes a food increasingly demanded by consumers. A total of twelve amino acids (arginine, cystine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine and valine) were analyzed in quinoa samples from Chile by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) with direct application to the samples of a remote fiber-optic reflectance probe. The calibration results using modified partial least squares (MPLS) regression satisfactorily allowed the determination of the concentrations of this amino acid group with high multiple correlation coefficients (RSQ = 0.97–0.71) and low standard prediction errors (SEPC = 0.07–0.20). The prediction capacity (RPD) for the arginine, the cystine, the isoleucine, the lysine, the serine, the threonine, the tryptophan, the tyrosine and the valine ranged between 2.6 and 5.2, for the rest of amino acids were higher to 1.8, indicating that the NIRS equations obtained were applicable to unknown samples. It has confirmed that NIRS technology is a method that may be useful to replace the traditional methods for routine analysis of some amino acids.  相似文献   

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) and kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus) are nutritious pseudocereals that originate from the Andean region. The aim of this research was to study the effect of germination and the subsequent kilning on the phenolic compounds and proximate composition in selected Peruvian varieties of quinoa (“Chullpi”) and kiwicha (“Oscar Blanco”). The germination process was carried out for 24, 48 and 72 h at 22 °C, and the kilning was performed with samples germinated for 72 h by drying the seeds at 90 °C for 5 min. Both processes increased the protein content of the samples. However, lipid content was reduced during germination. On the other hand, germination and kilning clearly increased the concentration of total phenolic compounds in both quinoa and kiwicha. Germination for 72 h either with or without kilning process resulted in a significant (p < 0.05) increase in the total content of phenolics compared to untreated materials, which was especially due to coumaric acid and a kaempferol tri-glycoside in quinoa and caffeoylquinic acid in kiwicha. Based on the results, germination and kilning may improve the nutritional quality of the Andean grains, encouraging the usage of the processed grains as ingredients in functional products for people with special gluten-free or vegetarian diets.  相似文献   

葛根药用成分异黄酮的HPLC指纹图谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用高效液相色谱法对葛属植物野葛和粉葛块根的主要药用成分异黄酮化合物的指纹图谱进行了研究.结果表明,以乙腈-0.5%乙酸为流动相,采用梯度洗脱的方法,葛根异黄酮化合物的各种组分可得到良好的分离;通过对10批次野葛药材HPLC图谱的检测,共确定了15个色谱峰作为野葛的共有指纹峰,根据中药指纹图谱技术的基本原则和方法,建立了野葛的HPLC指纹图谱;与不同产地野葛的HPLC图谱的比较,供试样品的指纹图谱基本一致;而与粉葛样品的HPLC图谱存在较大的差异;表明得到的色谱图可以作为野葛药材专属性的指纹图谱,为葛根的药材鉴别和质量控制提供了实验依据.  相似文献   

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