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C. Seropian  C. Planchon 《Euphytica》1984,33(3):757-767
Summary The responses of six wheat genotypes to water stress were analysed. Soil moisture (H), leaf water potential (w), photosynthesis (PN), stomatal resistance (rs) and transpiration (T) were measured during a water stress. The genotypes investigated differed in their stress avoidance (w-H relationship) and their stress tolerance (PN-w and rs-w relationships). The most important differences observed concern the mechanisms of tolerance at low leaf water potential: two varieties, Haurani 27 and Baalback, can then maintain a high photosynthetic activity. These observations are in agreement with the drought resistance characteristics already known for these genotypes. Possible applications to wheat breeding are considered  相似文献   

Summary Yield data obtained from a comparative small grain cereals trial, grown for five consecutive growing seasons at a total of 23 environments in Cyprus, were subjected to regression analysis. Within each environment, yield trials consisted of a standard set of three cultivars or elite lines of barley, triticale, durum and bread wheat. The regression coefficient (b) of crop mean on the environmental index (I) and the mean square deviation from regression (sd2) were calculated for each crop. Each crop tended to have its own characteristic value of sd2 and its magnitude was an excellent indicator of specific crop-environment interaction. The causes of large sd2, for two of the four crops, were the susceptibilith of barley to lodging, when favourable conditions were encountered at high yielding environments, and triticale dependence on late season precipitation. Durum wheat and triticale had an average response to different yielding environments (b>1.19) and both were significantly different from those of bread wheat (1.08) and barley (0.54). Hence, barley, bread and durum wheat are specifically adapted to low, average and high yielding Mediterranean environments, respectively. The cultivation of triticale at the expence of durum wheat is not feasible. Furthermore, interactions between crops and environments demonstrated by the regression parameters, should constitute the basis for decision making, regarding crop adaptation in a region. The average yield in all environments should not be considered as a proper criterion for adaptation. In this study, triticale had a similar mean grain yield (3,842 kg/ha) to that of bread wheat, but was significantly higher yielding than barley or durum wheat (5 and 7%, respectively).  相似文献   

Summary Among the cultivars of bread wheat, durum wheat and barley grown in the South of Italy, genetic variation for adaptation to the high temperature and drought stress conditions typical of the Mediterranean environment has been found.The basic data have been extrapolated from 5 years of Italian national network cultivar trials, where 20–30 cultivars were grown in replicated plot trials in 30–50 locations per year, including some where stress strongly affected grain yield.After careful identification of the most representative years and testing sites it was possible to characterise the cultivars on the basis of the grain yield in stress conditions and the Fischer & Maurer (1978) susceptibility index and to find genotypic differences sufficiently repeatable in years.The cultivars giving the best yield under stress associated with low susceptibility indices were in bread wheat: Etruria, Spada, Pandas, Centauro, Oderzo, Costantino and Gladio, in durum wheat: Aldura, Arcangelo, Adamello, Vespro and Capeiti, in barley: Fleuret, Barberousse, Jaidor, Express, Trebbia, Georgie, Dahlia, Criter and Magie.  相似文献   

Summary All crosses, except for reciprocals, were made among ten cultivars originating from crop improvement programs in North Africa and the Middle East. The entries varied widely in reaction to Septoria tritici. F1 and F2 progenies of the crosses were evaluated using eight S. tritici isolates from seven countries in the Mediterranean area. Thus, sixteen separate combining ability analyses were excecuted. General combining ability (GCA) was the major component of variation, although specific combining ability (SCA) was present in most cases. Additive variance thus appears to be of predominant importance. Nevertheless, non-additive variance may interfere when line selection in a breeding program is practiced. While differing greatly among cultivars, specific GCA effects for each cultivar separately were of similar magnitude for all isolates. Ranking statistics determined that cultivars were ranked in similar order for both means and specific GCA effects independent of the isolate used. Different isolates may therefore interact with similar or identical genetically controlled mechanisms in a particular cultivar. This could indicate the absence of differential gene-for-gene relationships and suggests that isolates vary in aggressiveness rather than in virulence.  相似文献   

Summary Expression of 17 rye traits in 24 bread wheat x rye and 8 durum wheat x rye crosses was studied, using a self-compatible, homozygous, dwarf rye. Rye showed epistasis for hairiness on the peduncle in all the crosses of Triticum aestivum and T. durum wheats with rye. Dark greenness of leaves of rye was expressed in all the durum wheat x rye and in some of the bread wheat x rye crosses. Similarly, absence of auricle pubescence, a rye trait, was expressed in most of the durum wheat x rye crosses but not in the bread wheat x rye crosses, indicating the presence of inhibitors for these traits frequently on the D genome and rarely on the A and/or B genome of wheat. Most of the wide hybrids resembled rye fully or partially for intense waxy bloom on the leaf-sheath and for the absence of basal underdeveloped spikelets. Similarly, most of the amphihaploids resembled rye for the anthocyanin in the coleoptile, stem and node. The presence of some inhibitors on A and/or B genome of wheat was indicated in some of the wheat genotypes for the expression of rye traits viz. intense waxy bloom, anthocyanin in node and absence of basal underdeveloped spikelets. Enhancement in the level of expression of the intensity and length of bristles on the mid-rib of the glume of the hybrids might be due to wheat-rye interaction. Less number of florets/spikelet as in rye showed variable expression in different wheat backgrounds. Some other rye traits like absence of auricles, terminal spikelet and glume-awn were not expressed in the wheat background. The expression of some of the rye genes might have been influenced by their interaction with Triticum cytoplasm and/or the environment.  相似文献   

Inheritance of cleistogamic flowering in durum wheat (Triticum durum)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Generally durum wheat flowers are chasmogamous but very rarely, cleistogamy may be observed. Genetic studies based on six crosses and back crosses showed that chasmogamy was determined by a single dominant gene Cl, plants homozygous for the recessive allele, cl, were cleistogamous. The flowering behaviour phenotypes were unaffected by environmental conditions. Cleistogamy was attributed to poorly developed lodicules and stiff perianth.  相似文献   

Summary Carbon isotope discrimination has been proposed to indirectly select for transpiration efficiency in several C3 species. To determine the effectiveness of carbon isotope discrimination to indirectly select for transpiration efficiency at flowering we measured: (i) variability for carbon isotope discrimination, (ii) the magnitude of the genotype-by-water regime interaction for carbon isotope discrimination, and (iii) the magnitude of the correlation between carbon isotope discrimination and both transpiration efficiency and dry matter at flowering. Ten lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) genotypes, ten wheat genotypes (eight spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and two durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.)), and ten canola (Brassica napus L.) genotypes were grown in a greenhouse at 80, 50 and 30% field capacity. Above ground dry matter was harvested at 80% flowering and dry matter at flowering, water used, and carbon isotope discrimination determined. Genotype variation for carbon isotope discrimination was observed in lentil, spring wheat and canola at each water regime, and when averaged over the three water regimes. The largest range in carbon isotope discrimination among lentil and spring wheat genotypes was observed using the wet regime; whereas, the dry regime provided the largest range for CID in canola genotypes. In all species the genotype-by-water regime interaction for carbon isotope discrimination was nonsignificant. The correlation between carbon isotope discrimination and dry matter at flowering was inconsistent across water regimes and years. In addition, in all three crops, no correlation was observed between carbon isotope discrimination and transpiration efficiency at any of the water regimes, and when averaged over water regimes and years. These results suggests that under the conditions reported here, carbon isotope discrimination cannot be used effectively to indirectly select for transpiration efficiency in lentil, spring wheat, and canola.Abbreviations CID carbon isotope discrimination - DMF dry matter at flowering  相似文献   

Summary Nineteen durum wheat landraces, cultivars or advanced lines of different origins in West Asia and North Africa (WANA), and three barley and two bread wheat varieties were evaluated for their boron (B) toxicity tolerance. Seedlings were grown at five levels of soluble soil B in a plastic house under controlled temperatures. Significant differences existed between the durum wheat entries in days-to-symptom appearance and foliar symptom score. Under the highest soil B treatment, large differences existed between entries for dry weight per plant (P<0.05) but differences were non-significant for shoot B concentrations. Days-to-symptom appearance was highly correlated with symptom score, which was not correlated with shoot B concentrations. Boron toxicity symptom scores of the durum wheat entries ranged from the sensitive barley check to the moderately sensitive bread wheat check. As expected, days-to-symptom appearance decreased and symptom severity increased as the soil B concentrations increased.The result of this study supported the preliminary finding that small, though statistically significant, variation in B toxicity symptom scores exist in durum wheat. The higher CV of symptom scores found here was mainly due to one sensitive entry, Cakmak. If Cakmak was excluded from the analysis, the CV would be reduced by half, to 10%. Durum wheat genotypes which are more tolerant to B toxicity should be sought. Based on the results of this study, and of soil surveys and information collected in WANA, germplasm collected from Algeria, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and the Anatolian Plateau of Turkey should be screened first.Abbreviations B boron - WANA West Asia and North Africa  相似文献   

Summary A durum wheat cultivar Langdon (LDN) and fourteen disomic D genome chromosome substitution lines of Langdon, where A or B genome chromosomes were replaced with homoeologous D genome chromosomes of Chinese Spring (CS), were used to assess the compensatory effect of the D genome chromosomes on photosynthetic rates at tetraploid level. The LDN 1D(1B) and LDN 3D(3B) lines showed significantly higher photosynthetic rates than Langdon, whereas LDN 1D(1A) and LDN 3D(3A) lines were not greatly different from Langdon. It appears that chromosomes 1B and 3B decrease photosynthesis. This suggests the differentiation of the effects on the photosynthesis within the first and third homoeologous groups. Substitution with the 2D chromosomes did not compensate the effects of either 2A or 2B chromosomes as it reduced photosynthetic rate compared to plant with either chromosomes 2A or 2B. Tetra CS had a higher photosynthetic rate than CS and Penta CS. The photosynthetic rate of CS was similar to that of Penta CS, which lacked one set of D genome. The results suggest that it may be possible to increase photosynthesis, if both sets of the D genome were entirely removed from hexaploid wheat. However, it is difficult to conclude that the lower rate of photosynthesis of the hexaploids was mainly attributable to D genome chromosome effects, because we did not find a dose dependent effect of D genome. Homoeologous differentiation of chromosomes may be involved in photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Hugh Wallwork 《Euphytica》1989,40(1-2):103-109
Summary Fifteen triticale and wheat-triticale hybrid lines were evaluated for resistance to the take-all fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici and compared with five wheat and two rye lines in inoculated field and pot trials. The triticale and wheat-triticale hybrid lines varied in rye chromosome number and degree of resistance expressed. One line, Venus with seven pairs of rye chromosomes consistently showed levels of resistance intermediate between wheat and rye. A trend was observed where increasing rye chromosome content led to greater resistance but exceptions showed that variation within triticales could not be ascribed to rye chromosome content alone.  相似文献   

Summary Grain yield reductions of both breadwheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) caused by attacks of Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor Say) are second perhaps only to those caused by inadequate soil moisture in Morocco. To identify effective sources of resistance, 817 entries of common wheat and durum wheat reported to be resistant to Hessian fly were evaluated under natural infestations in Morocco. A large number of genes conferring virulence are present in populations of Moroccan Mayetiola. The genes H1, H2, H3, h4, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11, H14, H15, and H16 as well as the Marquillo, Kawvale and PI 94587 resistance sources are not useful for cereal improvement in North Africa. Luso, which has the gene H12, also appeared susceptible in limited testing. Genotypes having the genes H5 and H13 were identified as significantly reducing larval survial in natural populations of Mayetiola. Of 11 resistant breadwheats identified with unknown genes, seven were from Portugal and three were from the Soviet Union. Although none of the durums tested had high levels of reistance, the two most promising durums were from Portugal. It is proposed that initially H5 be deployed in durum wheats and H13 be used in common wheat improvement. Leaf pubescence appears of little use in reducing the larval survival of Mayetiola.  相似文献   

Summary One durum wheat line (Triticum durum), cv. 82PCD476, with useful BYDV tolerance or resistance, was singled out of 5 152 lines evaluated between 1979 and 1986. A few other lines such as cv. Boohai and cv. 12th IDSN 227, slightly inferior to cv. 82PCD476, also showed some value. With an hybrid of cv. 12th IDSN227 with the susceptible cv. 84PCY-S531, broad-sense heritability values of 0.37–0.41 were obtained for symptoms and a heritability value of 0.55 was obtained for the total weight of spikes. The weight of spikes was considered as a good indicator of wheat tolerance to BYDV. Although BYDV resistance or tolerance genes are not very common in durum wheat, sources of heritable resistance could be found. However, the resistance ofT. aestivum to BYDV was superior to the one found inT. durum.Cintribution no. 323  相似文献   

Summary Glasshouse and field experiments were carried out to compare root growth of eight durum wheat genotypes at different stages of development with different moisture levels and in different soils. Genotypic differences were found, particularly at the stem elongation and heading stages of development, but the ranking of genotypes varied in relation to soil moisture level and fertility. Differences under optimal moisture level were mainly due to differences in tillering and disappeared by considering the root number and weight per culm. Drought caused an increase in the root-to-total-plant weight ratio (18.5 vs 14.3% at heading) but also an increase in absolute root weight. Karel, the genotype with the largest root mass under drought and the greatest proportion of roots in the upper soil layers (more than 50% in the 0–20 cm layer from heading onwards), showed the lowest yield reduction under severe stress. A large root system with a high density of roots in the upper layers of the soil profile may be beneficial in Mediterranean climates.Research supported by a grant of Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione (40%).  相似文献   

Near-isogenic Rht lines of ten modern bread wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) and six durum wheat (T. turgidum L.) cultivars weredeveloped and evaluated in replicated trials under three soil moisturetreatments for two years in northwestern Mexico. The three soil moisturetreatments were created by providing one, two or six irrigations during eachcrop season. Grain yield and other traits were measured for each line ineach trial. Mean grain yields of short and tall T. aestivum or T.turgidum isolines were similar in the lowest yielding environment whenmean grain yields (0% grain moisture) of T. aestivum and T.turgidum were 2,232 and 1,870 kg ha-1, respectively. Mean grainyield of dwarf T. aestivum was significantly higher than that of tallgenotypes in another five trials with moderate to high yields. Theperformance of dwarf and tall T. turgidum isolines was unpredictablein moderate yielding trials, and the dwarf isolines yielded significantly morein trials that received six irrigations. Given that the tall isolines producedsignificantly more straw than their shorter counterparts, cultivation of tallwheats may be beneficial in semiarid environments where farmers' yields areclose to 2.5 t ha-1 or lower, and straw has value.  相似文献   

A. A. Jaradat 《Euphytica》1991,52(3):155-164
Summary Landrace genotypes of durum wheat, from 10 districts in Jordan, have been evaluated for 18 morphological and yield related traits. Results of multivariate analysis, including analysis of variance, cluster analysis and canonical discriminant analysis, indicate that the magnitude of phenotypic divergence in these landrace genotypes is large, especially when compared with a world collection of durum wheat. These results provide an experimental evidence for phenotypic differentiation as a result of variation in altitude and long-term average rainfall of collection sites, but not on the basis of district of collection. R2-values for fit to least squares model ranged from 67.0–78.0%, and from 18.5–30.0%, for the first and second cases, respectively. Landrace genotypes from different districts formed 5 clusters on the basis of altitude and long-term average rainfall of collection site. Three canonical factors accounted for 92% of total variance in these clusters. The first canonical factor accounted for 57% of total variance and was mainly correlated with spike length, awn length and spikelets/spike. The second canonical factor accounted for 22% of total variance and was positively correlated with peduncle length, seed weight per plant, kernel weight and ratio of peduncle length to plant height. However, it was negatively correlated with awn length. The phenotypic diversity found in these landrace genotypes could help identify genetically different genotypes for durum wheat improvement.  相似文献   

Nobuyoshi Watanabe 《Euphytica》1993,72(1-2):143-147
Summary The effect of specific plant characteristics on the grain and biomass yield of durum wheat can be accurately determined by using isogenic lines, which, however, were not usually available. This study reported the effects of long glume, glaucousness, glume pubescence, black glume and purple culm on the yield and its associated characteristics in near-isogenic lines of durum wheat cv. LD222, which were developed by continuous backcrossing. The long glume trait which resulted in a large photosynthetic area did not enhance yield. Increased glume size associated with the P gene tended to increase the main culm dominance, characterized such as vigorous main culm and weak tillers, and plant height, but to reduce tillering and spike number. Consequently, grain yield and harvest index declined. Under the adequate water supplying condition of the present study, the glaucous trait was beneficial for grain yield. The trait of glume pubescence did not excert any significant effect on the yield related characteristics in the LD222 background. The traits of black glume and purple culm reduced the number of spikes per unit area and the number of kernels per unit area.  相似文献   

A. A. Jaradat 《Euphytica》1990,51(3):265-271
Summary A germplasm collection comprising 132 landrace genotypes of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum) ssp. turgidum L. conv. durum (Desf.) MK., from 10 districts in Jordan was evaluated for days to booting (DB), days to heading (DH), days to anthesis (DA), days to maturity (DM), filling period (FP) and grain yield (GY). In spite of the relatively strong genetic (Gr) and phenotypic (Pr) correlation coefficients between the developmental traits, the variation among genotypes was significant. GY was only positively and significantly correlated with DA and FP, while it was negatively correlated with DH. Genotypes with different combinations of early, medium and late developmental traits have been identified. Different combinations of DH and FP may or may not lead to differences in DM and GY. However, genotypes with long FP and medium-late DH gave the highest grain yield. Multiple linear regression of the duration of maturity (M) stage on the duration of booting (B), heading (H) and anthesis (A) stages (M = –260.87 + 2.09 B + 1.23 H + 0.9 A, R 2 = 0.92) indicates that it is possible to manipulate the duration of these developmental stages and develop genotypes with high yield potential and early maturity, a highly desirable in drought-prone environments.  相似文献   

An evaluation of seed and seedling drought tolerance screening tests in wheat   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A. Blum  Bebi Sinmena  O. Ziv 《Euphytica》1980,29(3):727-736
Summary A series of experiments was performed in order to evaluate the significance of seed germination and seedling growth in osmotic media as screening methods for drought tolerance.Ten spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell.) and one durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) were tested under controlled environments, using polyethylene glycol-6000 (PEG) solutions as the moisture stress inducing media.Tolerance in the rate of endosperm utilization, under stress, prior to the onset of germination varied among cultivars.Germination rate or injury to germination at various concentrations of PEG differed significantly among cultivars. Cultivar rating with respect to injury to germination changed with stress levels. Injury to germination did not correlate with endosperm utilization rate in PEG or in water.Germinating seedlings were tolerant to extreme desiccation up to the stage of emergence of the first leaf from the coleoptile.Growth of photosynthesizing seedlings was monitored as they were carried through an increasing concentration gradient of PEG solutions, ranging from –5.9 to –11.3 bars of water potential. Cultivars significantly differed in seedling growth tolerance to increasing levels of water stress. Seedling growth tolerance across cultivars was not correlated with their germination responses under srress.It is concluded that tolerance to water stress in growing seedlings can be screened for by using PEG-containing nutrient solutions. It can not be predicted from germination tests in osmotica.Work was done under a US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) Grant no. 1654/78.Contribution from Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel, No. 192-E, 1979 series.  相似文献   

Summary The correlation between glume color and gluten strength and the heritability of each trait was estimated in two durum wheat crosses. Brown glume color appeared to be dominant to white in both crosses. In one cross, glume color was clearly controlled by one gene while in the other cross it appeared to be controlled by one or two genes with modifiers. The heritability of gluten strength was moderately high. The correlation of F2 glume color and F3 gluten strength was high (r=0.66 and 0.78) indicating that F2 glume color was a good predictor of gluten strength in the F3 generation. Selection for glume color appears to be an effective breeding strategy for improving gluten strength in those environments where glume color differences are easily detected.  相似文献   

Summary In a field experiment, plant (excluding roots) and grain nitrogen at harvest were estimated in 15 durum wheat cultivars varying in their grain protein concentration. They showed significant variation in grain yield, grain protein concentration, biological yield, total plant nitrogen at harvest and residual nitrogen in straw. Harvest index and nitrogen harvest index were calculated from this primary data. Nitrogen harvest index varied from 57 to 83%. Plant nitrogen showed significant positive correlation with biological yield, grain yield and grain protein yield, but the correlations with grain protein concentration, harvest index and nitrogen harvest index were not significant. Nitrogen harvest index was positively correlated with harvest index indicating that the distribution of N between straw and grain to a large extent, but not entirely, depends upon the partitioning of dry matter between the two. Grain protein concentration was neither correlated significantly to plant nitrogen nor to nitrogen harvest index.  相似文献   

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