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平胸类鸟油的开发与利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在动物学分类中,鸟纲(Aves)中的新鸟亚纲分为平胸总目(Ratite)、突胸总目(carinate)和企鹅总目(Impennes),我们把平胸总目中的鸟类称作平胸类鸟。平胸总目有4个目:鸵形目(Struthioniformes)、鹤鸵目(Casuariitforms)、美洲鸵目(Rheiformes)和无冀目(Apterygiformes)。被人类驯化的平胸类鸟,包括鸵形目的鸵鸟(ostrich);美洲鸵目的美洲鸵(rhea);鹤鸵目的鸸鹋(emu)和鹤鸵(cassowary)以及无翼目的叽维(kiwi)等。  相似文献   

对虾的养殖种类很多,国内外对于对虾营养的系统研究报道却非常少,美国NRC(1993年版)关于对虾的营养需要量也很不系统。现将美国Addison Lawrece博士发表于《国际饲料》杂志上的对虾及其实用饵料的营养参数介绍给读者,供参考。  相似文献   

土鸡的营养需要量   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
徐阿里 《禽业科技》1997,13(7):11-13

普宁 《饲料广角》2003,(19):49-50
1 设牧草的颗粒尺寸足够大,以碎干玉米为淀粉来源; 2 非纤维质碳水化合物=100-(中性洗涤纤维+粗蛋白+脂肪+乙醚萃取物); 3 TNDF(总中性洗涤纤维),FNDF(牧草中性洗涤纤维),ADF(酸性洗涤纤维),NFC(非纤维质碳水化合物); 所有各项分析均以干物质为基准。  相似文献   

Critical evidence on the nutrient requirements of the high yielding dairy cow (7000 + kg/lactation) is very limited. A consensus of this evidence plus the histories of well-documented individual animals indicates the high yields to have been achieved without recourse to abnormally high rates of feeding concentrates/kg milk produced. Such animals as these have above average food intakes with an extra 0.16 kg dry matter/additional kg milk produced. A high standard of management — including for instance frequent feeding per day — favours greater food intakes. Even so, their intakes do not match the need for nutrients. Hence high energy density rations (12.5 MJ metabolizable energy with 150–170 g crude protein/kg dry matter) are necessary and the large milk output is accompanied by mobilization of body reserves to bridge the gap between intake of, and need for, nutrients. This role of body reserves and the need to extend intakes as far as possible must be catered for in the nutrition and management, both current and long term of the cow, as must the risks of metabolic disorders attendant on such high outputs.  相似文献   

近几年来海区网箱养殖业发展迅速 ,养殖面积逐年增加 ,养殖品种大部分是中、高档名优鱼类。养殖鱼质量与天然鱼比较 ,体色变灰暗 ,肉质较差 ,这与当前海区网箱养殖以投喂小杂鱼为主有很大关系 ,所使用的配合饲料也没有针对海水鱼的营养需要特点来配制。本文就几种海水鱼的营养需要与适宜的配合饲料作一介绍 ,以供读者参考。1 蛋白质蛋白质是维持海水鱼机体代谢、正常生长发育的主要营养素。目前养殖的海水鱼类大多数是肉食性的 ,对蛋白质的需求量较高。表 1列举了几种海水鱼类对蛋白质的最适需求量。这些研究是以实用或半纯合饲料投喂的试…  相似文献   

Cattle encounter numerous stressors during movement to feedlot or pastures for growing and finishing. Of utmost importance are diets that will be consumed and furnish the essential nutrients. Different diets and management systems may be required for different groups of cattle, and in this article, some nutrient requirements for these different groups are discussed.  相似文献   

Since hemolysis has been a common problem in submitted ratite serum samples, a study was performed to determine interference by hemolysates. Nine chemistry analytes including glucose, total protein, albumin, creatine kinase (CK), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), aspartate aminotransferase (AS7), calcium (Ca), phosphorus, and uric acid were evaluated on a wet reagent analyzer (Ciba Corning Express 550) and on a dry slide reagent analyzer (VetTest 8008). In emus, increasing hemoglobin concentrations increased total protein, albumin, and CK for both analyzers. With increasing hemoglobin concentrations, the Ciba Corning 550 analyte values were increased for AST, Ca, and uric acid and decreased for glucose and phosphorus, the opposite effect was seen in values from the VetTest 8008. GGT levels were variable or sometimes undetectable. Changes in ostrich analytes with hemolysis were similar to emus using the same analyzer. The effects of serum hemolysis often differed in magnitude and direction between the two chemistry analyzers. Interferographs were constructed to aid in rapid assessment of the effects of hemolysis on submitted serum samples.  相似文献   

军曹鱼的养殖生物学特性及营养需求   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
军曹鱼 (RachycentroncanadumLinnaeus) ,亦称海鲡、竹五、海鲤、海竺鱼 ,隶属鲈形目 ,军曹鱼科 ,军曹鱼属。它是热带和亚热带海域的肉食性洄游鱼类 ,野生军曹鱼寿命可达 15年 ,主要分布于大西洋、印度洋和太平洋 (东太平洋除外 )等沿岸海域及港湾 ,我国沿海亦有分布 ,但产量较低 ,巴基斯坦、菲律宾、墨西哥等为主要捕捞生产国。军曹鱼具有个体大、生长快 (养殖半年可达 1~ 2kg ,1年可达 3~ 5kg ,2年可达 10kg)、产量高、易于驯化摄食人工饲料、抗病力强、肉厚质细、味鲜美、且无肌间刺骨 (是作生鱼片的上好材料 )、营养价值高、经济效益…  相似文献   

It is important to remember when performing health examinations and clinical diagnostic procedures on ratites that all protocols mentioned in this article should be followed; this includes reviewing history, environmental evaluation, proper handling, complete hands-on physical examination, diagnostic testing, and postmortem examination. The individual ratite examination is becoming rare, but veterinarians and producers must remember that individual birds make up the flock. Flock health is maintained by diagnosing disease and health problems early in the most susceptible animals. The most successful producers will use veterinarians as a major element to their management program to raise the most desirable birds for the future of the industry.  相似文献   

The NRCNutrient Requirements of Poultry has been a benchmark publication for the research, judicial, and regulatory communities domestically and abroad since the first published edition in 1944. The poultry scientific community has looked to this publication for benchmark diet formulation. With extraordinary changes in growth and productive potential of modern poultry strains, as well as changes to body composition and egg output, it follows that nutrient needs have changed beyond what the bird can compensate for with increasing intake per unit of BW. Research publications used for amino acid and phosphorus recommendations in the last NRC are now, at best, from 1991 and at worst from 1947. To our collective credit, the poultry science community has published substantial amounts of data in those areas to warrant an update to the ninth revised edition of the NRCNutrient Requirements of Poultry. Historically, our perception and definition of a nutrient requirement has changed from first being a requirement, as a percent of a diet, to preventing a nutrient deficiency, to now being a requirement to optimize growth or egg production response per unit of nutrient intake. As economics becomes an increasingly more important driver for the implications of research, the scientific community has begun to embrace the concept of return on investment of nutrient used for compositional growth or egg production. As these concepts take shape, the current edition's format will have to undergo a substantial creative revision; possibly even embracing the concept of modeling of nutrient responses. Funding for such a revision will require a large financial investment from the NRC, the feed industry, commodity associations, as well as time investment by the scientific community.  相似文献   

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