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Spawning and successful rearing of larvae of honeycomb grouper Epinephelus merra Bloch 1793 upto juvenile stage was accomplished at the finfish hatchery of Mandapam Regional Centre of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute during 2004. The fertilized eggs were free, spherical and buoyant with size ranging from 710 to 730 μm. Complete early embryonic development took place within 24–27 h and hatching occurred. The hatchlings measured 1.5 mm. Mouth opening (115 μm) appeared at 72 h when the larvae were 2.2 mm in size. Pectoral fin developed on the fifth day. Complete metamorphosis took place and by the 60th day the larvae transformed into juveniles (45 mm) and attained skin colouration and honeycomb pattern.  相似文献   

The present experiment was aimed at studying the conditioning, maturation and natural spawning of orange‐spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides, in a recirculatory aquaculture system (RAS). Thirty fish (n = 30; 3.35 ± 0.05 kg) were stocked in a circular tank of 125 m3 capacity fitted with an RAS for conditioning and broodstock development. After 15 days, 15 fish were implanted with 17 α methyl testosterone and letrozole at the rate of 5 mg and 0.2 mg/kg body weight, respectively, for conversion from female to male. The gonadal development started after 1 month, and by 90th day, 63.53 ± 3.78% and 2.07 ± 0.84% of the oocytes attained a size of 400–500 μm and 500–600 μm respectively. Natural spawning commenced in the RAS from 4th month onward after stocking and spawning continued round the year. The spawning pair showed courtship behaviour with a typical vertical burst of swimming just before release of gametes. The total number of eggs spawned during 1 year was 47.23 million with spawning frequency varying form 5 to 13 times per month. The association of spawning events with new moon day (lunar cycle) weakened as time progressed. The mean monthly fertilization and hatching rates varied from 77.80 ± 3.34% to 83.70 ± 1.76% and 82.80 ± 4.21% to 88.33 ± 1.39% respectively. The study proved that RAS is an efficient system that provides a stable, controllable and conducive environment for year‐round natural breeding of orange‐spotted grouper.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study clarifies the annual reproductive cycle and the lunar-synchronized spawning of the spiny rabbitfish ( Siganus spinus ) that inhabit the Okinawan waters. Annual and weekly changes in the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and the histological features of the ovaries were checked. Gonadosomatic index was high during the months of May to July, and yolk-laden oocytes were observed in the ovaries from March to July. Some of the ovaries collected during June and July contained oocytes at maturation stage or ovulatory follicles. These results suggest that the spiny rabbitfish undergo active vitellogenesis and spawning from May to July. During the reproductive season (May to July), collection of fish according to the lunar phase revealed that a high GSI occurred around the time of the new moon. Cyclic oocyte development with peaks around the time of the same moon phase was also observed, suggesting that, in Okinawan waters, this species is a lunar-synchronized spawner and spawns three times.  相似文献   

饥饿对斜带石斑鱼肝脏和肌肉脂肪酸组成的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在室外水泥池(4m×1.5m×1m)进行石斑鱼(62.3±0.6g)的饥饿实验,每池放养35尾,设3个重复,实验时间分别为0、1、2、3和4周。随着饥饿时间的延长,体重减轻,肥满度和肝体比显著降低;肌肉水分显著增加而蛋白质含量显著下降(P<0.05),脂肪含量在第1周下降后基本保持稳定。肝脏饱和脂肪酸在饥饿前3周基本保持不变,第4周显著下降。单不饱和脂肪酸在饥饿第1周保持不变,然后呈下降趋势。多不饱和脂肪酸和高不饱和脂肪酸的总和随着饥饿时间的延长,含量显著增加。与肝脏相比,肌肉中脂肪酸变化程度较小。随着饥饿时间的延长,肌肉中140减少而205增加。饥饿使肌肉中DHA/EPA比率呈下降趋势,但肝脏DHA/EPA比率显著上升;肌肉和肝脏中DHA EPA的百分比都随饥饿时间的延长而显著上升。  相似文献   


Acid-solubilized collagen (ASC) and pepsin-solubilized collagen (PSC) were extracted from the skin of giant groupers (Epinephelus lanceolatus) with yields of 39.51 and 19.12%, respectively. ASC and PSC consisted of two different α chains (α1 and α2) and were characterized to be type I collagen with no disulfide bond. The imino acid contents of the ASC and PSC from giant grouper skin were 189 and 181 per 1,000 residues, respectively. The maximum endothermic temperatures (Tmax) of ASC and PSC measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were 31.71 and 31.33°C, respectively. The denaturation temperatures of ASC and PSC measured by viscometry were 29.84 and 29.05°C, respectively. The maximum solubility in 0.5 M acetic acid was observed at pH 5 and pH 6 for ASC and PSC, respectively. A sharp decrease in solubility was observed for both ASC and PSC in the presence of NaCl above 3% (w/v).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   A histological examination was made of the ontogenetic development of the digestive and immune systems of the larval and juvenile kelp grouper Epinephelus bruneus reared in the laboratory. The liver, gall bladder, pancreas and the demarcating region between the intestines and rectum were formed within 3 days post-hatch (dph). During the preflexion phase (within 16 dph), revolution of the intestine concluded, and pharyngeal teeth and the mucous cells of the esophagus were differentiated. In the transitional period to the juvenile stage (25 dph), the blind sac of the stomach, gastric glands and pyloric caeca began to form. From the viewpoint of the differentiation phase of the adult-type digestive system, the kelp grouper is similar to Heterosomata, hitherto reported. The primordial thymus, kidney and spleen were present at 12, 1 and 6 dph, and the small lymphocytes in these lymphoid organs appeared at 21, 30 and 33 dph, respectively. The developmental sequence of the lymphoid organs and the appearance ages of the lymphoid organs and small lymphocytes in the lymphoid organs in the kelp grouper are similar to those of other marine fish previously reported, except for the Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis .  相似文献   

Cues from the moon influence synchrony in growth, feeding, migration, behaviour and reproduction of many reef fishes. Compared with comprehensive studies on the annual and daily activities of fish, few physiological studies have paid attention to the importance of lunar cues in reproductive activities. We review mutual and interesting relationships between fish reproduction and environmental changes induced by the moon, with particular emphasis on the reproductive activity of the rabbitfishes (Siganidae). Rabbitfish species exhibit, in nature, a definitive reproductive season, which differs among the tropical areas. During the reproductive season, synchronous spawning of rabbitfish is associated with a particular lunar phase. The lunar phase used by the respective species is similar in different regions on the earth. Histological observations revealed that gonads develop synchronously towards a peak around the spawning lunar phase, after which the gonads return to spent condition. Concomitant with gonadal development, sex steroid hormones were produced under the influence of gonadotropin (GtH). Injections of human chronic gonadotropin (hCG) to the fish that are undergoing active spermatogenesis accelerated testicular maturation. These results suggest that hormonal response in maturing the gonads in rabbitfish is under the regulation of GtH, and that pituitary secretion of GtH according to the lunar cycle accounts for the lunar rhythm in gonadal development. We speculate that the cues from the moon can be recognized by the higher parts of the hypothalamus–pituitary–gonadal axis. Possible relationships between exogenous environmental factors and the lunar‐reproductive rhythm are also discussed.  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle of picnic seabream, Acanthopagrus berda (Forsskål, 1775), one of the potential aquaculture candidate from estuarine waters of Calicut, Kerala (India) was studied. Based on the morphological and histological studies, the ovotestes of A. berda were classified as active male, active female, inactive male, inactive female, transitional and undifferentiated. Histological observation of transitional gonads showed signs of degeneration in the testicular lobe, proliferation of connective tissue and empty sperm ducts indicating protandrous hermaphroditism in A. berda. Ovary was classified into seven maturity stages (virgin, developing virgin, developing, maturing, mature, running, spent) and testis into five maturity stages (resting, maturing, mature, running, spent). Gonadal development in A. berda indicated resting phase (February–July), pre‐spawning phase (March–August) and spawning phase (August–December). Inactive (24.6%) and active males (21.6%) were observed as dominant in smaller length classes (140–250 mm TL), whereas inactive (18%) and active females (51%) were observed as dominant in larger length classes (251–450 mm TL). Few primary females (28.1%) were observed in smaller (below 250 mm TL) and few primary males (28.5%) were observed in larger length classes (above 250 mm TL). From the present study, it can be concluded that in A. berda, most of the individuals function first as males and then change sex to female, but few continue to function as either male or female throughout their lifespan indicating digynous protandrous hermaphroditism.  相似文献   

Determination of the sex and gonadal maturity of fish is necessary for successful commercial aquaculture operations. Sex identification is problematic in grouper fish, because they change sex at certain ages or sizes. Here we represent an accurate and reliable method for sex determination of the live grouper, using 5–10 mg gonadal tissue samples, harvested using non-lethal gonadal biopsy. Sex and sexual maturity of biopsied individuals were determined using standard histological method. All biopsied fish survived and there were no serious infections resulting from the surgery. Therefore, this biopsy technique is a simple and cost-effective tool for grouper fishery management.  相似文献   

The white‐streaked grouper, Epinephelus ongus (Serranidae), which forms spawning aggregations at specific times and sites, has been traditionally targeted by local fishers in the Yaeyama Islands, Okinawa. This study examined the long‐term dynamics of the population and the spawning aggregation of E. ongus, based on the historical catch data for a 20‐yr period. The continuous declines of the catch data suggested a substantial decrease in the population. The analysis of the daily catch data, which reflect the approximate volumetric fluctuation of the spawning aggregation, demonstrated that the distinctive peaks of daily catches appeared consistently over a 20‐yr span at the last quarter moon in the spawning season, in synchrony with the lunar phase as a spawning cue of the species. Contrary to this consistency, there were inter‐annual variations of spawning aggregation formation, which formed once or twice in the two consecutive months in the lunar calendar. The present study indicated that the water temperature before the aggregation period dictated not the only timing of the first spawning aggregation, but also the frequency of spawning aggregation and that the abundance between the first and the second spawning aggregation, represented by catch data, were negatively correlated. Together with previous evidence of gonadal histology, the findings indicated that water temperatures affect the gonadal maturation in the spawning population and control spawning aggregation formation. These facts imply that most individuals join in only a single spawning aggregation in the course of the year and highlight the importance of the spawning aggregation for reproduction of E. ongus.  相似文献   

Hogfish, Lachnolaimus maximus (Walbaum), have multiple traits that confound measuring reproductive potential: they are protogynous, relatively long‐lived harem‐forming fish that spawn daily for months. Additionally, recent evidence demonstrates that size, age and timing of sex change vary on a spatial scale within the study area (West Florida shelf, USA). This study investigates the effect of this spatial variation on hogfish reproductive potential by evaluating spawning seasonality, spawning frequency and batch fecundity using an indeterminate egg production model. Offshore females were larger than nearshore females, and batch fecundity was related in a log‐linear manner to female size. Gonad histology demonstrated a more protracted reproductive period for females offshore (8 months) than nearshore (4 months). Spatial variations in size coincide with ontogeny because hogfish move offshore with growth; however, even after accounting for fish size, offshore females spawned more. In areas where male removal rates are elevated, spawning harems are disrupted; thus, greater fishing effort nearshore may further reduce the reproductive potential of these females. These nearshore and offshore spawning components of the population are not genetically distinct, but instead represent two contingent spawning strategies that likely enhance total population stability and resilience of this stock in the eastern Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

丹江口水库太湖新银鱼不同繁殖群体的繁殖特征比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年6月—2011年6月,对丹江口水库太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensis)不同繁殖群体的繁殖生物学特征进行了比较研究。结果表明:太湖新银鱼在该水库产卵时间为1—5月(春群)和9—10月(秋群);其中春季群体的体长(65.79 mm±6.05 mm)、性腺成熟指数(17.26±6.42)、繁殖力(1851粒±342粒)和成熟卵径(0.62 mm±0.05mm)均显著高于秋季群体(体长(55.04 mm±3.18 mm)、性腺成熟指数(11.72±5.01)、繁殖力(1 067粒±190粒)和成熟卵径(0.53 mm±0.04 mm))(P<0.05);但是两个群体的丰满度指数(101.43±19.71,101.87±11.85)差异并不显著(P>0.05)。春群是丹江口水库太湖新银鱼种群的主要补充者,春群管理与控制应是银鱼种群管理的重点。  相似文献   

Demography can have a significant effect on reproductive timing and the magnitude of such an effect can be comparable to environmentally induced variability. This effect arises because the individuals of many fish species spawn progressively earlier within a season and may produce more egg batches over a longer period as they get older, thus extending their lifetime spawning duration. Inter‐annual variation in spawning time is a critical factor in reproductive success because it affects the early environmental conditions experienced by progeny and the period they have to complete phases of development. By reducing the average lifetime spawning duration within a fish stock, fishing pressure could be increasing the variability in reproductive success and reducing long‐term stock reproductive potential. Empirical estimates of selection on birth date, from experiments and using otolith microstructure, demonstrate that there is considerable variation in selection on birth date both within a spawning season and between years. The few multi‐year studies that have linked egg production with the survival of progeny to the juvenile stage further highlight the uncertainty that adults face in timing their spawning to optimize offspring survival. The production of many small batches of eggs over a long period of time within a season and over a lifetime is therefore likely to decrease variance and increase mean progeny survival. Quantifying this effect of demography on variability in survival requires a focus on lifetime reproductive success rather than year specific relationships between recruitment and stock reproductive potential. Modelling approaches are suggested that can better quantify the likely impact of changing spawning times on year‐class strength and lifetime reproductive potential. The evidence presented strengthens the need to avoid fishing severely age truncated fish stocks.  相似文献   

A total of 210 Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (brown‐marbled grouper) was examined for parasites. During three consecutive seasons (two rainy and one dry season from 2002 to 2004), 35 specimens each taken from floating net cages of the National Sea Farming Development Centre (Balai Budidaya Laut) and from wild catches in Lampung Bay, South Sumatra, Indonesia were studied. Twenty‐five (cultured grouper) and 30 (wild grouper) parasite species/taxa were identified, with an infracommunity ranging from one to nine (cultured) and three to 14 parasite species (wild), demonstrating a species‐rich parasite fauna even in the cultured fish. Protozoans (1 species), microsporeans (1), myxozoans (1), digeneans (8), monogeneans (5), cestodes (3), nematodes (8), acanthocephalans (2) and crustaceans (6) were found. The most abundant parasites were the monogeneans Pseudorhabdosynochus epinepheli and Pseudorhabdosynochus lantauensis for both, cultured and wild grouper during all seasons. For the cultured fish, the prevalence of monoxenous ectoparasites (e.g. P. epinepheli, P. lantauensis, Capsalidae gen. et sp. indet., Benedenia epinepheli) was in most cases higher than that of heteroxenous endoparasites. This contrasts the wild grouper, where heteroxenous parasites such as Allopodocotyle epinepheli and Raphidascaris sp. occurred at a similar prevalence compared with the fairly abundant Pseudorhabdosynochus spp. No seasonality of infestation was observed for both cultured and wild fish. The high levels of infestation of potentially pathogenic monogeneans throughout the year could result in significant parasite outbreaks at the locality studied.  相似文献   

The social media network Facebook? was used to gather information on the occurrence and geographical distribution of dusky grouper dermatitis, a skin lesion affecting the dusky grouper, Epinephelus marginatus. Dusky grouper are common targets for spear fishermen in the Mediterranean and by monitoring spearfishing activity in Libyan waters, it was possible to document skin lesions from their entries on Facebook. Thirty‐two Facebook accounts and 8 Facebook groups posting from 23 Libyan coastal cities provided a retrospective observational data set comprising a total of 382 images of dusky grouper caught by spearfishing between December 2011 and December 2015. Skin lesions were observable on 57/362 fish, for which images were of sufficient quality for analysis, giving a minimal prevalence for lesions of 15.75%. Only dusky grouper exceeding an estimated 40 cm total length exhibited lesions. The ability to collect useful data about the occurrence and geographical distribution of pathological conditions affecting wild fish using social media networks demonstrates their potential utility as a tool to support epidemiological studies and monitor the health of populations of aquatic animals. To our knowledge, this represents the first time that such an approach has been applied for assessing health in a wild population of fish.  相似文献   

Adult ayu Plecoglossus altivelis were sampled from the Nezugaseki River, Yamagata Prefecture to investigate the reproductive parameters and analyze their variations related to multiple spawning. Ovarian histology (mainly based on the occurrence of postovulatory follicles) indicated that female ayu can be divided into four groups, which are considered to correspond with unspawned, once spawned, twice spawned, and three (or more) times spawned individuals. Comprehensive analysis of the ovarian state with field surveys revealed that most of the female ayu achieve second spawning and that third spawning is very common in this river. Mean relative batch fecundity (RBF) for the second, third, and fourth spawning indicated 69, 42, and 22%, respectively, of the value for the first spawning, showing a decline with the number of spawning batches. Mean gonadosomatic index (GSI) values of non-ovulating fish showed a similar decline during the main spawning period (October). Condition factor (without gonads) during autumn also decreased with the number of batches spawned, suggesting that multiple spawning is achieved partly by transfer of body mass nutrients to the ovary. Size dependency in reproductive parameters such as occurrence of the multiple spawning, RBF values, and GSI values of the unspawned fish, was not evident except for GSI values in early September (generally during the early phases of ovarian development), when larger fish had larger GSI.  相似文献   

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