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Particle-size soils were fractionated for evaluating changes in the composition of bacterial community and enzyme activity in response to 13 years of fertilization. This study focused on Mollisol and its particle-size fractions of 200–2,000 μm (coarse sand sized), 63 to 200 μm (fine sand sized), 2 to 63 μm (silt sized), and 0.1 to 2 to μm (clay-sized). Long-term chemical fertilization lowered the pH of all particle fractions, whereas organic fertilizer application mitigated soil acidification. Nutrient concentrations depended on both fertilizer treatment and particle fractions and enzymes were unevenly active throughout the soil. Generally, the highest enzyme activities were observed in the silt and clay fractions of control soil and the soil treated with chemical fertilizer (N, P, and K (NPK)) and in the sand-sized fraction of soil treated with manure and chemical fertilizer (MNPK). Except for acid phosphomonoesterase, the other tested enzyme activities in coarse-sized fractions of MNPK soil were significantly higher than those of the control and NPK soils. Fertilization and soil fraction interactively (p?<?0.05) affected the enzyme activity. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis showed that the bacterial community structure significantly differed in different particle sizes with a higher bacterial diversity in small-sized than in coarse-sized fractions. Dominant bands were excised and sequenced. We have found the following bacterial groups: Actinobacteria, γ-proteobacteria, and Acidobacteria. In addition, enrichment of organic matter in coarser fractions was related to greater bacterial diversity than any other treatment. Principal component analysis showed a smaller variability among fractions of the organic amended treatment. Redundancy analysis showed that the tested properties significantly affected the composition of bacterial community with the exception of C/N and available P. No significant correlation between enzyme activity and bacterial community composition was detected, whereas positive correlations between other soil properties and enzyme activities were observed to various extents. Probably, enzyme activities might be affected by specific functional bacterial communities rather than by the overall bacterial community. We concluded that the long-term application of organic manures contributed to the increase of soil organic matter content of particles higher than 200 mm, with higher bacterial diversity and increases in most of the enzyme activities.  相似文献   

In this study, the influence of 10 years’ continuous application of organic manure at various rates combined with chemical fertilizer on microbial residues was evaluated in a highly fertile temperate soil. The presence and origin of microbial residues were indicated by amino sugar analysis. The treatments were: (1) CK, unfertilized control; (2) OM0, only chemical fertilizer, no manure added; (3) OM1, organic manure added at 7.5 Mg?ha?1?year?1 plus chemical fertilizer; (4) OM2, organic manure added at 15 Mg?ha?1?year?1 plus chemical fertilizer; and (5) OM3, organic manure added at 22.5 Mg?ha?1?year?1 plus chemical fertilizer. Fertilization significantly increased the total amino sugar concentrations, especially in the plots with higher manure addition rates (OM2 and OM3 plots, P?<?0.05). This suggests a positive effect of organic manure combined with chemical fertilizer on the accumulation of microbial residues in soil. However, the highest manure rate (OM3) did not lead to further increase in the total amino sugar pool as compared with the moderate manure rate (OM2). This suggests manure addition “saturates” in its effect on microbial residue build-up. The different patterns of individual amino sugars suggest a change in the quality of microbial-derived soil organic matter after 10 years.  相似文献   

Manure application generally increases soil organic matter (SOM) and particulate organic matter (POM) content in soil. Free and occluded POM (fPOM and oPOM) can be quantified by combining density and ultrasonic dispersion approaches, but it remains unclear which fraction of POM is more responsive to manure application, and whether manure treated soils have a more pronounced effect on POM content than unmanured soils (no or chemical fertilizer treated soils). Because neutral sugars in POM can be attributed to either plant- or microbial-derived compounds, we analyzed the pattern and ratio of different neutral sugars to clarify effects of different fertilizations on quality of POM in a study over two decades. Soil samples (0–20 cm) were collected from six fertilization treatments in a 25-year long fertilization experiment including no fertilizer (CK), low manure (M1), high manure (M2), chemical nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (NPK), and combined manure and chemical fertilizers (M1NPK, M2NPK). Our results showed that manure application generally led to higher organic carbon concentrations in bulk soil (M2NPK > M2 > M1NPK > M1 > CK > NPK), fPOM (M2NPK > M2 > M1 > M1NPK > NPK > CK) and oPOM (M1 > M2 > M1NPK > M2NPK > NPK > CK), respectively. As compared with unmanured treatments, manure amendments induced 48, 21 and 107% greater increases on average in neutral sugar concentrations in bulk soil, fPOM and oPOM, respectively. More plant-derived organic compounds were enriched in fPOM than oPOM and bulk soil, and the enrichment was more pronounced in manure treated soils than the unmanured soils. This study suggests that long-term use of manure enhanced microbial routing of specific monosaccharides into different POM fractions. Clearly, manure amendments improved labile SOM content and SOM quality in the Mollisol thus maintaining soil productivity over decades.  相似文献   

Soil texture can be an important control on soil organic carbon (SOC) retention and dynamics. The (clay + silt)-sized SOC pool (SOC < 20 μm) in non-cultivated or grassland soils has been proposed to reach an equilibrium or maximum level named protective capacity. Proper knowledge of SOC in this size fraction in non-cultivated and cultivated Black soils is important to evaluate management-induced changes in SOC in NE China. Twenty-seven paired soil samples (non-cultivated vs. cultivated) were collected in the Black soil zone in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces. Bulk soil was dispersed in water with an ultrasonic probe and then soil size fractions were collected using the pipette technique for SOC analyses. Soil organic carbon in bulk soil and size fractions was measured by dry combustion. Average content of SOC < 20 μm was 23.2 g C kg−1 at the 0–30 cm depth for the non-cultivated soils, accounting for 75.1% of the total SOC at the same depth. There was significant positive relationship between soil clay plus silt content and SOC < 20 μm in non-cultivated soils. Accordingly, a model of the maximum SOC < 20 μm in 0–30 cm depth of non-cultivated Black soils was developed: y = 0.36x where y is the maximum SOC < 20 μm pool (g C kg−1) and x is the percentage of clay + silt (<20 μm) content. The average content of SOC < 20 μm was 18.7 g C kg−1 at 0–30 cm depth for cultivated soils, accounting for 81.5% of total SOC. This average value of SOC was 4.4 g C kg−1 less than the maximum value (23.1 g C kg−1) and accounted for 55.0% of the difference of SOC between non-cultivated and cultivated Black soils. Cultivation resulted in 45.0% loss of sand-sized (>20 μm) SOC concentration relative to SOC < 20 μm. This result indicates that SOC < 20 μm and sand-sized SOC both play important roles in SOC dynamics resulting from management practices. This model can be applied to calculate the actual potential to restore SOC for cultivated Black soils under conservation tillage in NE China.  相似文献   

长期施肥对黑土磷和锌形态转化的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
【目的】东北黑土地为我国重要粮食生产基地高肥力的黑土仍需施用磷肥以保障粮食高产。探讨长期施肥对土壤磷和锌形态转化机制,为确保黑土区粮食和环境安全提供理论依据。【方法】本研究以设在典型黑土区13年的长期施肥定位试验为研究对象,设不施肥(CK)、施氮磷钾肥(NPK)、施氮磷钾加不同量有机肥(NPK+OM_1、NPK+OM_2、NPK+OM_3)共5个处理分析土壤不同形态磷和锌含量。【结果】长期施化肥对土壤有机磷含量影响不显著但土壤无机磷含量显著增加;长期不施肥黑土有效磷含量为32.6 mg/kg,长期施化肥加有机肥可显著增加土壤有效磷含量;连续13年施用磷肥,土壤中的磷每年平均累积16 kg/hm~2,其主要以铝磷(A1-P)和铁磷(Fe-P)的形态在土壤中储存,其中约20%仍为有效磷;而磷肥加有机肥的3个处理,连续施用13年后有机磷含量增加了47.2~67.9 mg/kg无机磷含量增加253.4~410.6 mg/kg,土壤全磷平均分别以每年49.4(NPK+OM_1)、64.2(NPK+OM_2)、70.4(NPK+OM_3)kg/hm~2的量累积在土壤中,其中15%~21%仍为有效磷主要以有效性较高的二钙磷(Ca_2-P)、八钙磷(Ca_8-P)、Al-P、Fe-P存在于土壤中,只有10%~21%的磷以有机磷的形态累积在土壤中,并且这个比例随有机肥施用量的增加而降低。黑土长期不施肥土壤有效锌(DTPA-Zn)含量可达1.96mg/kg,长期施化肥、化肥加有机肥均可显著增加土壤DTPA-Zn含量;长期施化肥使黑土酸化,改变了土壤锌形态增加了土壤交换态锌和无定型铁氧化物结合态锌的含量,化肥加有机肥显著增加了除矿物态锌以外的其他各形态锌的含量其中55%~88%以无定型铁氧化物结合态锌储存在土壤中。通径分析结果显示,Ca_2-P对DTPA--Zn影响最大,Ca_8-P、Al-P、Fe-P通过Ca2-P间接影响DTPA-Zn含量。【结论】长期施入黑土的磷主要以有效性较高的无机态磷储存在土壤中,锌主要以无定型铁氧化物结合态储存在土壤中。黑土中磷与锌未表现出拮抗作用且有效性高的Ca_2-P对DTPA-Zn含量的影响最大且二者呈正相关关系。  相似文献   

 The main objectives of this study were to determine: (1) the agronomic value of composted and noncomposted residues originated in the Andean-Patagonian region (APR), and (2) whether aerobic incubations provide a reliable index of nutrient availability to estimate application rates. A Xeric Mollisol of the transitional zone between the APR and the Patagonian steppe, amended with composted and noncomposted residues, was employed in laboratory incubations without plants and in a 5-month greenhouse trial with ryegrass. Noncomposted residues were biosolids and fish wastes (FW) collected under farming cages. Composts were obtained from fish offal and biosolids mixed with sawdust, woodshavings and yard trimmings. A commercial compost was also included. In laboratory incubations at similar rates of application (10 g kg–1), net N mineralization (Nmin) was about two-fold higher with the noncomposted (17–23%) than with the composted residues (0–12%) and P release was very high with the FW. Ryegrass yields were closely related to the total Kjeldahl N and mineralized N of the organic residues and weakly related to their P contents (total or extractable). Yields were increased even in the case of composts which exhibited very low values of Nmin (and slight N immobilization) during laboratory incubation, suggesting that the presence of plants enhanced Nmin at rates of 10–20 g kg–1. Soil residual extractable P after ryegrass removal was high for fish-derived amendments and the commercial product, suggesting a potential risk of P pollution when these are applied according to N requirements. Aerobic incubations provided a relatively good index with which to assess adequate rates of application. Received: 17 July 1999  相似文献   

Fatty acids, the most abundant class of soil lipids, indicate pedogenetic processes and soil management. However, their quantitative distribution in organo‐mineral particle‐size fractions is unknown. The concentrations of n‐C10:0 to n‐C34:0 fatty acids both in whole soil samples and in the organo‐mineral particle‐size fractions of the Ap horizon of a Chernozem were determined (i) to evaluate the effects of long‐term fertilization and (ii) to investigate their influence on the aggregation of organo‐mineral primary particles. Quantification by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) showed that long‐term fertilization with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) and farmyard manure (FYM) led to larger concentrations (25.8 µg g?1) of fatty acids than in the unfertilized sample (22.0 µg g?1). For particle‐size fractions of the unfertilized soil, the fatty acid concentrations increased from the coarse silt to the clay fractions (except for fine silt). Fertilization with NPK and FYM resulted in absolute enrichments of n‐C21:0 to n‐C34:0 fatty acids with a maximum at n‐C28:0 in clay (×2.2), medium silt (×2.0), coarse silt (×1.8) and sand (×2.9) compared with the unfertilized treatment (the factors of enrichment are given in parentheses). New evidence for the aggregate stabilizing function of n‐C21:0 to n‐C34:0 fatty acids was shown by the characteristic pattern in size‐fractionated, disaggregated and aggregated samples. Highly significant correlations of fatty acid concentrations with organic C concentrations and specific surface areas are interpreted as indicators of (i) trapping of fatty acids in organic matter macromolecules and (ii) direct bonding to mineral surfaces. This interpretation was supported by the thermal volatilization and determination of fatty acids by pyrolysis‐field ionization mass spectrometry (Py‐FIMS).  相似文献   

《Soil & Tillage Research》2005,80(1-2):201-213
Minimum tillage practices are known for increasing soil organic carbon (SOC). However, not all environmental situations may manifest this potential change. The SOC and N stocks were assessed on a Mollisol in central Ohio in an 8-year-old tillage experiment as well as under two relatively undisturbed land uses; a secondary forest and a pasture on the same soil type. Cropped systems had 51±4 (equiv. mass) Mg ha−1 lower SOC and lower 3.5±0.3 (equiv. mass) Mg ha−1 N in the top 30 cm soil layer than under forest. Being a secondary forest, the loss in SOC and N stocks by cultivation may have been even more than these reported herein. No differences among systems were detected below this depth. The SOC stock in the pasture treatment was 29±3 Mg ha−1 greater in the top 10 cm layer than in cultivated soils, but was similar to those under forest and no-till (NT). Among tillage practices (plow, chisel and NT) only the 0–5 cm soil layer under NT exhibited higher SOC and N concentrations. An analysis of the literature of NT effect on SOC stocks, using meta-analysis, suggested that NT would have an overall positive effect on SOC sequestration rate but with a greater variability of what was previously reported. The average sequestration rate of NT was 330 kg SOC ha−1 year−1 with a 95% confidence interval ranging from 47 to 620 kg SOC ha−1 year−1. There was no effect of soil texture or crop rotation on the SOC sequestration rate that could explain this variability. The conversion factor for SOC stock changes from plow to NT was equal to 1.04. This suggests that the complex mechanisms and pathways of SOC accrual warrant a cautious approach when generalizing the beneficial changes of NT on SOC stocks.  相似文献   


Soil aggregate-size distribution and soil aggregate stability are used to characterize soil structure. Quantifying the changes of structural stability of soil is an important element in assessing soil and crop management practices. A 5-year tillage experiment consisting of no till (NT), moldboard plow (MP) and ridge tillage (RT), was used to study soil water-stable aggregate size distribution, aggregate stability and aggregate-associated soil organic carbon (SOC) at four soil depths (0–5, 5–10, 10–20 and 20–30 cm) of a clay loam soil in northeast China. Nonlinear fractal dimension (Dm) was used to characterize soil aggregate stability. No tillage led to a significantly greater aggregation for >1 mm aggregate and significant SOC changes in this fraction at 0–5 cm depth. There were significant positive relationships between SOC and >1 mm aggregate, SOC in each aggregate fraction, but there was no relationship between soil aggregate parameters (the proportion of soil aggregates, aggregate-associated SOC and soil stability) and soil bulk density. After 5 years, there was no difference in Dm of soil aggregate size distribution among tillage treatments, which suggested that Dm could not be used as an indicator to assess short-term effects of tillage practices on soil aggregation. In the short term, > 1 mm soil aggregate was a better indicator to characterize the impacts of tillage practices on quality of a Chinese Mollisol, particularly in the near-surface layer of the soil.  相似文献   

Tendencies in the formation of organomineral profiles of arable agrosoddy-podzolic soils on slopes in different denudation and accumulation zones were characterized on the basis of an integrated study of the humus status of the soils (using the granulodensimetric fractionation method), the content of clay, and the composition of clay minerals. It was shown that the organomineral and mineralogical parameters of the surface-horizon transformation could be used for improving the diagnostic accuracy of soils on the slopes basing on their conventional characteristics.  相似文献   

The sorption and desorption capacities of two soils (a loamy soddy-podzolic soil and a sandy clay chernozem) were analyzed. Both the entire soils and their particle-size fractions were studied. Samples were taken from the soils of long-term field experiments with fertilizers. A 0.01 M CaCl2 solution was used as the extractant. The soil fractions <10 ??m were found to have the maximum capacities for sorption-desorption of potassium. The soil fractions <0.2 ??m were the most enriched with potassium. The use of kinetic methods of analysis allowed assessing the contributions of the particle-size fractions to the potassium status of soils with different degrees of fertilization. It was noted that different fertilizing systems had no effect on the rates of potassium desorption from the colloidal fraction, while appreciable differences among the different treatments were observed for the fractions of 0.2?C1.0 and 1?C10 ??m.  相似文献   

The composition of organic matter was studied in clay (< 2 μm), fine silt (2-6.3 μm), medium silt (6.3-20 μm), coarse silt (20-63 μm) and sand (63-2000 μm) fractions of the Ap-horizon of a clay loam (Orthic Humic Gleysol) from Bainsville (Ottawa, Canada) by organic C and total N analyses and pyrolysis-field ionization mass spectrometry (Py-FIMS). The C and N contents were largest in fine silt and medium silt and smaller in coarse silt and sand. Differences in the contents of organic matter and absorbed water were significantly (r= 0.945***) reflected by the amounts of volatilized matter during Py-FIMS. The Py-FI therniograms and mass spectra showed clear differences in thermal stability and molecular composition of organic matter between the organo-mineral size-fractions. Abundances of carbohydrates, phenols and lignin monomers, alkylaromatics and N-containing compounds decreased, whereas abundances of lignin dimers and lipids increased with increasing equivalent diameters. An exception was the sand fraction which was dominated by the characteristic features of plant residues. The six compound classes, calculated using signals of biomarkers, accounted for 35% to 60% of the recorded total ion intensity. The thermal evolution of the selected compound classes, which are important constituents of soil organic matter (SOM), indicated the stability of humic and organo-mineral bonds in particle-size fractions, Moreover, the influence of mineral matrix on organic matter composition was shown by significant correlations between relative abundances of carbohydrates, N-containing compounds, lipids, lignin dimers, and proportions of phyllosilicates.  相似文献   

保护性耕作对黑土微生物群落的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
耕作方式通过影响土壤微生物群落而影响土壤生态系统过程。本研究以传统耕作玉米连作处理为对照,通过测定土壤微生物量碳及磷脂脂肪酸含量,分析了保护性耕作(包括免耕玉米连作和免耕大豆-玉米轮作)对黑土微生物群落的影响。结果表明,保护性耕作可显著增加土壤表层(0~5cm)全碳、全氮、水溶性有机碳、碱解氮和微生物量碳(P0.05),为微生物代谢提供了丰富的资源。同时,保护性耕作显著提高了土壤表层(0~5cm)总脂肪酸量、真菌和细菌生物量(P0.05),提高了土壤的真菌/细菌值,有利于农田土壤生态系统的稳定性。研究结果对于探讨保护性耕作的内在机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The organic matter in soils may be stabilized by its interactions with minerals. We have studied such interactions in a Haplic Alisol under forest in which clay and organic matter have migrated from an eluvial A horizon to accumulate in an illuvial B horizon. We have tried to trace the fate of organic matter in these horizons (Ah and Bvt) by determining clay mineralogy, carbon and nitrogen content, hydrolysable amino acids, lignin signature by alkaline CuO oxidation and carbon species by 13C CPMAS NMR of bulk soils and particle‐size fractions. In both horizons, most of the organic matter was present in O–alkyl and methylene structures, each contributing one‐third to the bulk organic matter. In the Ah horizon the ratios of carbon‐to‐nitrogen, and yields for lignin and hydrolysable amino acids decreased as the particle‐size class decreased, but side‐chain oxidation of lignin compounds increased with decreasing particle size. In contrast to previous observations, the proportions of O–alkyl carbon increased as particle size decreased, constituting a major proportion of the organic carbon in the clay‐size fractions from both the Ah and Bvt horizons (≥ 38%), while proportions of methylene carbon decreased. Illite was the dominant mineral in the fraction ≤ 6 μm, whereas the mobile fine clay fraction (<0.2 μm) was rich in smectites – minerals with large surface areas. Our results support the hypothesis that potentially labile organic matter, such as O–alkyl carbon typically present in polysaccharides, may be stabilized against further degradation in organomineral complexes.  相似文献   

Zhao  Zhizhong  Zhao  Zeyang  Fu  Bo  Wang  Junguang  Tang  Wei 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2021,21(2):689-697
Journal of Soils and Sediments - To explore the effects of land use patterns on the accumulation of soil organic carbon (SOC) fractions in tropical areas, soil samples from paddy fields, abandoned...  相似文献   

土地利用对水体营养物影响的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
日益严重的水质污染威胁到人类健康与生存,水体富营养化是其中一大治理难题。流域土地利用深刻影响水体中的营养物,定量刻画两者关系,可有效指导土地利用优化以改善水体质量。在国内外研究的基础上,本文梳理了样地实验、统计分析、经验模型和机理模型等4类研究土地利用和水体营养物关系的方法,并分析了不同方法应用的优缺点。以往研究多侧重土地利用数量结构,对强度和空间分布的量化及其与水体营养物关系的模型构建等研究尚显不足,多从单一或部分信息进行松散研究,导致不同研究中土地利用对水体营养物的解释能力差异显著。本文着重综述土地利用类型、强度差异和空间分布等3个方面对水体营养物影响的研究进展,并阐述关于两者定量关系尺度效应的争议和不确定性。目前主要存在问题包括现有研究土地利用和水体营养物的关系手段不足、土地利用多组分信息和水体营养物关系规律不清和尺度效应不确定性等3方面。因此,本文以水体污染物的产生、迁移、转化等的生态水文过程为线索,提出土地利用多信息空间综合表达和量化研究框架作为核心突破口。应用该框架,未来围绕融合过程机理与经验统计的模型开发、富营养化过程关联的土地利用多信息综合量化和多尺度结构的构建等3个方面开展研究,旨在为丰富土地利用对水体营养物影响研究提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

黄土台塬不同土地利用方式下土壤碳组分的差异   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为探讨土地利用方式对土壤碳固定的影响,以乔木、灌木、草和农田等不同植被类型,纯林和混交两种栽培模式的黄土台塬为对象,进行了土壤碳组分研究。结果表明,不同利用方式下林地和天然草地在0—100 cm土层总碳,轻组、重组、可溶性有机碳以及轻组有机碳分配比例(LFOC/SOC)均不同程度高于耕地,而其有机无机复合度(HFOC/SOC)则低于耕地,灌木林地和天然草地这种趋势尤为突出;各种土地利用方式间,土壤总碳和HFOC/SOC在0—20cm差异显著,总碳在60—100 cm也差异明显,轻组、重组及可溶性有机碳在0—40 cm,而无机碳则在40—100 cm差异明显;LFOC/SOC和DOC/SOC在各土层均存在一定差异。土壤总碳、有机碳以及各组分有机碳之间呈极显著正相关,而无机碳则与其呈负相关。轻组和可溶性有机碳均与粗颗粒、易氧化有机碳以及2—0.25 mm团聚体有机碳的相关性高于与细颗粒、稳态有机碳和2 mm团聚体有机碳;而重组有机碳则与之相反。轻组有机碳较有机碳、总碳、重组以及可溶性有机碳能更敏感地反映利用方式之间的差异,可作为土壤质量变化的评价指标。  相似文献   

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