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2021年3月15日,在大连森林动物园的1只南浣熊母兽难产,手术剖出3只幼崽,存活3只,为保证南浣熊幼崽的存活率,园区选择对3只南浣熊幼崽进行人工育幼。存活的3只南浣熊幼崽中1只因为身体孱弱在20日龄时死亡,剩余2只南浣熊幼崽顺利成活,至今发育良好。该文以成活的2只南浣熊幼崽为研究对象进行总结分析,育幼选取新生幼犬奶粉喂养南浣熊幼崽,根据南浣熊幼崽的发育条件和特点进行辅食的合理搭配,合理满足南浣熊生长所需要的环境条件,通过持续精细的记录南浣熊幼崽的生长数据,科学有效地提高人工育幼的可行性,为今后南浣熊的人工育幼工作提供可靠参考。  相似文献   

李婧 《兽医导刊》2019,(4):221-222
2017年4月,唐山动物园小羊驼在生产幼崽2日后因子宫部分脱出严重,感染继发肾衰死亡。随即对小羊驼幼崽进行全人工育幼。文章浅述了人工育幼奶源及方式方法的选择、诱导采食的注意点、饲喂种类及量的改变、发生疾病的诊治,并对出现的问题加以总结概括,为食草反刍兽的全人工育幼提供了借鉴案例。  相似文献   

2007年3月11日,南京市红山森林动物园的黄颊长臂猿"园园"出生不久便被亲代遗弃,该园首次尝试人工育幼并成功。南京市红山森林动物园至今尝试人工育幼并成功9只。对黄颊长臂猿的人工育幼做出研究总结,描述了幼龄黄颊长臂猿对温度、湿度的要求,对人工育幼黄颊长臂猿的育幼方法、人工乳的配制、饲养管理以及疾病防治方面给出了建议,并对1~180日龄的黄颊长臂猿幼仔体重进行了测量。  相似文献   

从2006~2010年,对石家庄市动物园古巴火烈乌的饲养繁殖情况进行了研究。主要从古巴火烈鸟的饲养环境、日粮配制、繁殖行为、自然育幼、人工育幼以及各阶段的注意事项等,对于圈养条件下火烈鸟的饲养繁殖进行了比较系统的阐述,同时提出相应的手段和措施,对饲养繁殖提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

本文对大连森林动物园圈养条件下黑猩猩的饲养管理、繁殖及幼仔人工育幼等方面进行了总结与分析,为黑猩猩在动物园的饲养繁殖,尤其在人工育幼方面提供了技术支持,希望对黑猩猩的圈养繁殖起到一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

2016年4月16日,上海动物园的1只领狐猴产下2只幼崽后弃崽,工作人员以婴幼儿奶粉(二段)调配人工乳进行人工育幼。期间工作人员记录了幼崽1~240日龄的体重变化和1~148日龄的食乳量变化。结果表明:经过工作人员科学喂养,幼崽生长良好,在149日龄时结束哺育,放归后场饲养。说明前期人工乳配制合理,后期饲料转换较为成功。提示饲养人员应注意在母猴孕期、生产、哺乳期间创造安静、不受干扰的环境,防止母猴弃崽。  相似文献   

圈养条件下北极熊的饲养繁殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毕延台  于淼  姚琳  韩晶晶 《野生动物》2010,31(3):121-123
对大连森林动物园圈养条件下北极熊的饲养管理、发情交配、繁殖及幼仔人工育幼等方面进行了研究与分析,为北极熊在动物园的饲养与繁殖,尤其在人工育幼方面取得了大量的基础数据,希望对北极熊的圈养繁殖起到一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

2011年7月中旬至9月初北极熊白龙与欢欢多次交配。2012年3月5日欢欢(♀)顺利产下双胞胎姊妹。人工育幼是保证北极熊幼崽健康成活成长的关键。笔者等在保证育幼环境条件、育幼前中后期饲料制备、饲喂保育细节以及消毒检疫等方面做了大量的研究工作。北极熊双胞胎幼崽在驯养员的细心照料下育幼成功,并于2012年6月30日正式对游客开放展示。  相似文献   

正白颊长臂猿为我国一级保护动物,是类人猿之一。关于长臂猿人工育幼及饲养方面的报道不多[1-2]。笔者在整理杭州动物园白颊长臂猿育幼记录时发现,有些饲养过程与文献报道不尽相同,因此将该白颊长臂猿的育幼过程进行整理,供同行探讨。1动物个体及方法1.1白颊长臂猿幼仔和育幼环境情况2015年1月22日,1只35日龄白颊长臂猿幼仔被首次繁殖的母猿抛弃,只能取出进行人工饲养。幼  相似文献   

笔者根据南京市红山森林动物园高淳湿地动物园的笼舍条件、饲养方式、饲料和繁殖育幼等饲养管理情况,结合红吼猴的饲养实践,总结在南京地区人工饲养条件下,提高红吼猴的饲养效果的管理要点和建议,供参考。  相似文献   

A captive-bred white lion cub was presented with hindquarter pain, lameness and reluctance to move. Radiographs revealed generalised osteoapenia, multiple fractures, a severely collapsed pelvic girdle, bilateral lateral bowing of the scapulae and mild kyphosis of the caudal vertebrae. A double cortical line, a distinct sign of osteopaenia, was repeatedly seen on the pelvic limbs, most strikingly along both femurs. Based on radiographic findings and a history of an exclusive meat diet since weaning, a diagnosis of nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism was made. The diet was changed to a commercial kitten food and the cub was given cage rest for 6 weeks. Signs of pain abated and the cub became more active. A guarded prognosis was given for full recovery, as changes to the pelvis were considered potentially irreversible.  相似文献   

以江苏省淮安市樱花园(苏北野生动物园)内人工饲养的1对猞猁为研究对象,对其在人工饲养条件下的日粮组成、饲养环境、日常管理、常见疫病防治及繁殖育幼情况的初步小结,以期为今后猞猁在人工饲养条件下的饲养、繁殖工作提供一定的实践依据。  相似文献   

Preductal aortic coarctation and patent ductus arteriosus are described in a neonatal Sumatran tiger, Panthera tigris sumatrae. Eight days postpartum, the cub appeared weak, and it was separated from the dam for hand rearing. On examination it was dehydrated and hypothermic. Despite treatment, the animal's condition worsened and the cub died 12 days postpartum. Gross postmortem and histologic examinations revealed a preductal aortic coarctation and patent ductus arteriosus with a patent foramen ovale and moderate dilatation of the right ventricle of the heart. Focal pneumonia and mild hepatitis were also present; however, diffuse pulmonary congestion and edema were considered to be the proximate cause of death.  相似文献   

迟俊 《野生动物》2014,(3):277-281
对东黑白疣猴的饲养、繁殖和人工育幼进行了初步研究。描述了东黑白疣猴的饲养环境需求,安全越冬的温度要求为18℃以上,对东黑白疣猴饲料的组成和日粮配制进行了阐述,对常见疾病预防给出了建议;对东黑白疣猴的发情、交配、妊娠和产仔等行为进行了描述,通过测量和计算得出东黑白疣猴幼仔1-10月龄身长、尾长、臂长、腿长、头围、肩毛和尾毛的长度,对东黑白疣猴幼仔1-150日龄的外部发育特征做了描述;对人工育幼东黑白疣猴的环境、育幼方法、疾病防治、人工乳的配制给出了建议,并对其体重进行了测量。  相似文献   

Two polar bear (Ursus maritimus) cubs born at the Denver Zoological Gardens were abandoned by a primiparous mother. Lethargic and extremely chilled, the cubs were transported to the zoo hospital for intensive care and hand rearing. Both cubs developed rickets. Dietary changes were instituted, and both cubs completely recovered with the exception of a bowed right femur (genu varum) in the female cub.  相似文献   

Skin of mammals vulnerable to extinction, such as the jaguar, is used as a source of material in conservation strategies. The composition of skin is not uniform among species, and the ability to distinguish similarities in skin morphology in animal groups is fundamental in the application of skin tissue for use in biobanks. The aim of our study was to evaluate the structure, composition and capacity for culture of ear skin from the yellow and black jaguars. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used, focusing on skin thickness, cell quantification and distribution, collagen density, proliferative activity and viability. Histomorphometrical study of the skin showed a total thickness of 273.2 and 274.6 µm for the yellow and black jaguars, respectively. Melanocytes and fibroblasts were, respectively, 9.7 and 23.0 for the yellow jaguar and 11.3 and 26.8 for the black jaguar. A collagen density of 67.0% and 49.0% was observed for yellow and black jaguars, respectively. Both animals presented a proliferative activity varying between 1.20 and 1.30. All tissues could promote cellular detachment, reaching subconfluence in 10–15 days. This kind of information from histomorphometrical features and cell cultures can be essential for a more targeted application of ear skin cryopreservation in this species, as such information will enable understanding the action of substances on tissues during the conservation process.  相似文献   

崔多英  杨静  卢岩  李俊祥  张桂军 《野生动物》2012,33(6):320-322,341
2005—2011年,持续对北京动物园的3只圈养东北虎进行了医疗管理训练,相继完成串笼、体尺体重测量、后肢力量增强、肌肉注射、尾部采血、尿液收集、口腔及牙齿检查、修剪前爪等训练项目。通过训练,减少了日常饲养管理中动物对环境改变和人类干扰的应激反应;以往需要麻醉动物才能进行的肌肉注射、采血、口腔及牙齿检查和修爪等操作,现在可以引导动物在放松状态下主动完成,去除了麻醉对动物造成的伤害。圈养野生动物医疗管理训练不同于驯兽表演,是提高动物福利的有效手段。  相似文献   

Little is known about neoplasia in the jaguar (Panthera onca), the largest American feline. A captive black jaguar was diagnosed at necropsy with a mastocytic form of visceral mast cell tumor similar to that which occurs in domestic cats. This animal had no previous clinical disease and died during anesthesia for a routine dental treatment.  相似文献   

对1窝4只白化孟加拉虎从1日龄到70日龄的人工育幼全过程进行了详细记述,对代乳犬和幼虎的饲养,幼虎的脐部护理,视觉器官发育、听觉器官发育、牙齿发育、行为观察、体重增长情况、体长和尾长增长情况、室温判定等进行了全面记述和分析讨论。结果显示:幼虎4—6日龄脐带脱落,8~10日龄眼睛睁开,12~16日龄具有防御意识,50日龄能够看15~20m,65日龄30颗牙齿基本长出。随着日龄增加,幼虎体重、体长、尾长均呈现线性增长,且在1月龄内增长速度受初生重影响很大。  相似文献   

为了探讨高生产性能的蛋鸭饲养模式,以替代传统饲养方式,试验研究了3种不同饲养方式(网上平养、笼养和散养)对山麻鸭产蛋期生产性能的影响。结果表明:经过231 d的饲养试验,笼养组每只山麻鸭的产蛋量和总蛋重分别为179.3枚和11.95 kg,极显著低于散养组(189.9枚和12.75 kg)和网上平养组(192.2枚和12.54 kg)(P〈0.01),散养组与网上平养组差异不显著(P〉0.05);网上平养组全期料蛋比为3.68,与散养组(3.58)差异不显著(P〉0.05),二者极显著低于笼养组(4.56,P〈0.01);网上平养组畸形蛋率为3.21%,极显著低于笼养组(5.44%)和散养组(4.12%,P〈0.01),而笼养组极显著高于散养组(P〈0.01)。说明网上平养的饲养方式不仅不影响山麻鸭的产蛋性能,而且能降低饲料消耗,可以替代传统的饲养方式。  相似文献   

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