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This study evaluates smallholder pig production systems in North Vietnam, comparing a semi-intensive system near a town with good market access, where a Vietnamese improved breed has replaced the indigenous pig breed, and an extensive system away from town, where the indigenous breed still prevails. Fieldwork was conducted in 64 households in four villages. Repeated farm visits yielded 234 structured interviews. Data were analysed by linear models and non-parametric tests. Production inputs and outputs were quantified, and feed use efficiency and economic efficiency were assessed. The gross margin was higher for semi-intensive production with the improved breed, while the benefit–cost ratio was higher under extensive conditions with the indigenous breed. The net benefit did not differ between systems. Twenty-four per cent of farmers yielded a negative net benefit. In one village under extensive conditions, live weight output from indigenous sows with crossbred offspring compared positively with the output from semi-intensive production with improved genotypes, but was associated with high inputs, making production inefficient. Results indicate that improved genotypes might not be an efficient production alternative for saving-oriented production with limited resource supply. Suitability of evaluation parameters, farmers’ production aims, and factors impacting the production success in different systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Village breeding programmes are being developed by an integrated long-term project for smallholders in Northwest Vietnam to improve pig production in different production systems. In total, 120 smallholders with 169 sows in 5 of the 9 project villages were approached in single person interviews, using a structured questionnaire. Frequency analysis of data on breeding management and ranking of smallholders' trait preferences and selection criteria used for pigs were performed with SAS 9.1, using the FREQ procedure. Survey results indicate that both improved local breeds and exotic genotypes should be incorporated in future village breeding programmes for market-oriented smallholder pig production, improving the reproductive and growth performance as well as the carcass quality. In a next step, a model reflecting the status quo at farms with market-oriented pig production was developed integrating data from farmers' survey and information from the project's current recording scheme. A deterministic approach was used to assess the profitability and genetic merit of the current recording scheme. Modelling results show that the current recording scheme is unprofitable (− 33.90 € sow− 1). As continued success of village breeding programmes depends on the profitability of breeding measures, the long-term sustainability of the current recording scheme seems unlikely. Genetic gains are achieved in production and carcass quality traits, while a small reduction in reproduction traits can be observed. In a last step, possible effects of increased pig performances on the profitability and genetic merit of the current recording scheme were evaluated. Effects of increased pig performances on the genetic and economic success of the recording scheme are generally limited. Further model calculations are necessary for finding possibilities to improve smallholder pig breeding in a profitable way.  相似文献   

Conserving pig genetic resources and improving their productivity is important to increase returns over investment in developing countries. The purebred, first‐cross, rotational cross and backcross matings representing production systems based on pig breeds indigenous to the country and exotic pig breeds were investigated. The number of pigs in the nucleus and commercial herds necessary to produce a defined quantity of pork was considered. The amount of heterosis between the indigenous and exotic breeds, superiority in meat production, and degree of inferiority in reproductive performance of the exotic breed compared with that of the indigenous breed were investigated. The number of breeding pigs in the whole system was in the following order: pure breeding (PB) > first‐cross (F1) > rotational cross (RC) > backcross (BC) systems. The number of breeding pigs in the nucleus herds of the RC and BC systems was smaller than that in the nucleus herds of the PB and F1 systems. The degree of inferiority in reproductive performance of the exotic breed compared with that of the indigenous breed affected the efficiency of the production system.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of supplementing maize meal and soybean meal, separately or mixed, on egg production performance of two breeds of scavenging hens under on-farm conditions. Treatments were: (1) confined, with a mixed feed (75% maize meal and 25% soybean meal) ad libitum (CMF); (2) scavenging, with a supplement of 60 g/bird per day of maize meal (ScM); (3) scavenging, with a supplement of 25 g/bird per day of soybean meal (ScS); (4) scavenging, with 54 g/ bird per day of the mixed feed (ScMF). Mean hen-day production was 21.8%, 19.8%, 17.7% and 22.8% for the CMF, ScM, ScS and ScMF treatments, respectively (p <0.05), and was significantly (p <0.001) higher for the improved Tamhoang breed (24.4%) than for the local Ri hens (16.7%). Mean egg weight was significantly higher for the Tamhoang (53.2 g) compared to the Ri hens (45.0 g) (p<0.01). Feed consumption per kilogram of eggs was significantly higher for the CMF treatment compared to the other treatments and was lower for the ScS compared to the other scavenging treatments (p <0.05). Feed cost per kilogram of eggs was lowest for the ScM treatment and was 30 to 40% higher for the confined treatment compared to the scavenging treatments. Feed consumption and cost of feed per kilogram of eggs were significantly lower for the Tamhoang than for the Ri hens.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the mineral status of pigs fed with local feed resources. The commonly used plants for feeding pigs and blood serum samples from Hampshire, Large White Yorkshire and indigenous pigs were analyzed for total protein, albumin and cholesterol levels. Processed plant and serum samples were also analyzed for calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, cobalt, manganese, iron and zinc. The incidence and extent of mineral deficiency in pigs was quantified. No significant difference was observed in total protein and albumin levels between any two breed/types of pigs, however the Indigenous pigs showed significantly (P < 0.05) higher cholesterol level compared to other two breeds. Among different plants, Spilanthus sp had majority of macro and micro nutrients in high levels. Regarding incidence of mineral deficiency in pigs, it was observed that 90, 67.1, 61.4, 48.6, 95.7% of the pigs were deficient in calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and potassium. An interesting finding was that all the pigs (100%) utilized in the study were deficient in zinc. From this study, it was inferred that there are good numbers of potential source of mineral that might be used more economically to improve the mineral availability to pigs.  相似文献   

Livestock diversity contributes in many ways to human survival and well-being, while its loss reduces options for attaining sustainable agriculture and universal food security. The current rapid rate of loss of this diversity is the result of a number of underlying factors. While in some cases changes in production systems and consumer preferences reflect the natural evolution of developing economies and markets, in other cases production systems, breed choice and consumer preferences have been distorted by local, national and international policy. In the context of a widespread threat to local pig breeds in Vietnam, this paper identifies and quantifies the level of agricultural subsidies that are currently contributing to this process of breed substitution. Producer subsidies—which tend to improve the competitiveness of imported breeds and their crosses over local breeds—are shown to be considerable, and mitigating measures are now urgently needed to avoid an irreversible loss of livestock diversity.  相似文献   

The objective of this field study was to describe the temporal pattern of dairy cattle health and production and associated risk factors in rural smallholder communities in northern Vietnam, one of the target areas of the government's dairy development programme. A total of 99 dairy farms (11 per commune) were recruited from 9 of 32 communes in Ba Vi District, Ha Tay Province, using random two-stage cluster sampling. All dairy cattle present on the selected farms were included. After the initial questionnaire survey was conducted, farms were visited to collect follow-up information at 3-monthly intervals over a period of one year. The results suggest that offtake as well as mortality are important productivity indices because farmers sell or slaughter dairy cattle that are in poor health at low prices during summer months. Changes in relation to the farming operation suggest that for the farmers adopting dairy production it has become one of the main agricultural activities.  相似文献   

Household flocks of scavenging chickens were monitored from August 2002 to August 2003 in 27 villages in Lilongwe, Malawi. The objective was to evaluate the local chicken production system by investigating flock structure, utilization, management and constraints. Farmers and researchers jointly obtained data on household flocks. Mean flock size was 12.9, with a range of 1–61 chickens. The flock dynamics of chickens over 8 weeks old constituted 91% migrating out of flocks and 9% into the flocks. Primary functions based on flock dynamics were, in order of importance, household consumption, participation in socio-cultural ceremonies, selling, exchanging breeding stock and gifts. Of the flock exits, 43.9% were due to losses from diseases, predation and theft. Most flocks (85%) were housed in human dwelling units. Scavenging was the main source of feed. The majority (77.6%) of farmers supplemented their chickens erratically with energy-rich feeds, mostly maize bran. Most supplementation took place during the cold-dry season. Village chicken production offers diverse functional outputs but faces animal health (diseases, parasites, predation) and management (feeding) constraints, which require an integrated intervention approach at community and household level.  相似文献   

占今舜  张彬  赵越 《中国饲料》2012,(7):11-13,19
本文主要介绍了蜂胶的作用及其在猪生产中的应用。  相似文献   

This study aimed to characterize the local chickens and their production systems and to investigate the opportunities for improvement. The study was carried out in 18 villages in northern Jordan with the participation of 120 households. Data were collected by individual interviews and surveys supported with structured questionnaires. A scoring system was developed to study the effect of different levels of management on chicken performance. The main reasons for keep local chickens were egg production and generation of income. The main features of the production systems were improper housing and inadequate hygiene. Newcastle disease, predators, and parasites were the main causes of flock losses. Purchasing rate was controlled by the chickens’ phenotype, sex and age, and by season of year. The average flock size was 41.6 (±32.9) chickens per household, with a hen:cock ratio of 6.4:1. The average effective population size was 15.35, which indicated a high rate of inbreeding (5.52%). The main selection criterion adopted by farmers was egg production. There were positive significant correlations (p < 0.001) between management level and chickens’ performance. Hatchability, survivability, flock size, number of clutches, egg weight and egg mass were the major parameters that improved significantly with improvement in management level. Local chickens fulfil significant functions in the livelihood of rural smallholders; however, many constraints affected the efficiency of the production systems. Solutions should start with improving the management practices and establishing an effective breeding system.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to know the smallholder pig production system in tribal areas of Sikkim State, India. Two hundred tribal farmers were selected randomly from the North and East District of the state. Information on socio-economic characteristics of farmers (gender, occupation, educational status, and farming experience), management practices, disease prevalence, and economics in pig production was collected. The study recorded the mean land holding as 1.2?±?0.8 ha, and the number of pigs per farm was 5.0?±?0.28. Pigs were mainly kept as a source of income, and 70 % of farmers reared crossbreed pigs. Ninety percent (90 %) of respondents practiced the intensive system of management whereby kitchen wastes along with cooked mixture comprising maize bhusa, mustard oil cake, pseudostem of banana, tuber, stem, and plant leaves were used to feed their animals. About 40.5 % of farmers procured their breeding stock from government farms that had good records and utilized veterinary services like timely vaccination and deworming. The diseases prevalent in the study area were swine fever, diarrhea, helminthoses, sarcoptic mange, pneumonia, etc. The litter sizes at birth (local, 4.3?±?0.45; crossbreed, 7.2?±?0.33), at weaning (local, 2.79?±?0.24; crossbreed, 6.1?±?0.21), and age at first farrowing (local, 365.39?±?7.96 days; crossbreed, 337.24?±?8.79 days) were recorded. Production costs of meat extracted from local and crossbred pigs were 1.08 $/kg and 0.86 $/kg, respectively.  相似文献   

This study investigated the comparative susceptibility of indigenous Moo Laat and improved Large White/Landrace pig breeds to infection with classical swine fever virus (CSFV) under controlled conditions in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR). The Moo Laat (ML) and Large White/Landrace crossbreed (LWC) pigs were inoculated with a standard challenge strain designated Lao/Kham225 (infectivity titre of 102.75 TCID50/ml). The results demonstrated that both the native breed and an improved pig breed are fully susceptible to CSFV infection and the mortality rate is high. LWC pigs demonstrated lower (or shorter) survival times (50% survival time: 11 days), earlier and higher pyrexia and earlier onset of viraemia compared to ML pigs (50% survival time: 18 days). In the context of village-based pig production, the longer time from infection to death in native ML pigs means that incubating or early sick pigs are likely to be sold once an outbreak of CSF is recognized in a village. This increased longevity probably contributes to the maintenance and spread of disease in a population where generally the contact rate is low.  相似文献   

The extensive pig production in Spain is traditionally characterised by: the use of the Iberian pig, an autochthonous breed perfectly integrated into the environment in which they have developed; a long duration of the productive cycle for about 23–24 months; a high level of animal welfare level, specially in the fattening process with freedom of movement and feeding base on natural sources: acorns and grass, and an equilibrated “dehesa” agro-forestry system where this activity has been developed. Nowadays, the introduction of more intensificated methods due to the increasing demand led to important changes, such as: the shortening of the productive cycle (10–12 months); freeing from the territorial base; changes during the fattening period, fattening with mixed feed and less animal freedom. All these facts may implicate a loss of the animal welfare condition. These circumstances lead us to question it from an ethical point of view.  相似文献   

Collection efficacy and in vitro embryo developmental ability of oocytes obtained from Duroc‐breed ovary donors at different stages of the estrous cycle (days 6, 12 and 16 after estrus) were performed. The numbers of collected oocytes did not differ significantly among the different estrous cycle groups (total 72–90 oocytes per gilt). However, the blastocyst rates of oocytes collected on days 12 and 16 (9.2% and 19.4%, respectively) were significantly higher than those on day 6 (1.1%). More oocytes were obtained on day 16 from small follicles (<2 mm in diameter; 85.3 oocytes per gilt) than from medium‐sized (≥2–<6 mm) and large (≥6 mm) follicles (17.5 and 12.8 oocytes, respectively). The blastocyst rates in both the medium‐sized and large follicle groups (20.0% and 19.2%, respectively) were significantly higher than that in the small follicle group (6.3%). The blastocyst cell numbers in both the medium‐sized and large follicle groups (39.4 and 43.3 cells, respectively) were significantly higher than that in the small follicle group (30.6 cells). The results suggest that oocyte collection from cycling Duroc pigs can be carried out efficiently from the late luteal to follicular stage. Those oocytes collected from medium‐sized and large follicles show better embryo development.  相似文献   

随着现代科技的发展,物联网、区块链、人工智能、云计算、5G通信技术已经融入到人们的生活中,智能化设备将逐步解放劳动力资源,代替人类开展各项智慧化的复杂工作.在社会经济大发展和国家乡村振兴战略大背景下,为了更好地适应智慧畜牧业的发展趋势,文章以养猪生产为例,主要从现代化技术应用方面综述了国内外智慧畜牧的发展过程,描述了智...  相似文献   

刘国信 《猪业科学》2020,37(2):44-46
2019年是真正的金猪年。由于非洲猪瘟疫情影响,生猪产能持续下降,导致生猪价格年内一度创下出栏均价40元/kg以上的罕见高位,并维持较长时间,行业盈利达到历史最好最高水平。目前,年关将至,已进入猪肉的传统消费旺季,加之“灌香肠、制腊肉”相继启动,元旦、春节来临,或将再度推动全国猪价阶段性上行。而随着一系列稳定生猪生产的扶持政策落实显效,目前全国生猪生产呈现整体趋稳向好态势。预计,2020年猪价仍将在高位区间波动运行,后市或将逐渐震荡回调。  相似文献   

齐飞  李浩  施正香  韩华 《猪业科学》2020,37(10):95-99
地域气候差异、环境控制措施的选择对猪场设计及运行影响巨大。针对不同的养猪生产区,如何综合考虑气候特点对猪场进行标准化设计是满足猪场建成后正常运营的重要条件。海口市属华南地区,地处低纬度热带区域,年平均气温24℃,极端最高气温可达约41℃,平均相对湿度85%。文章针对海口地区特有的气候和地理环境特点,探讨了海口地区商品猪场在工艺设计、建筑设计和环境控制设计方面的设计思路,并通过案例分析进行了详细的说明。  相似文献   

The right and left lungs of 5 healthy Minipigs and of 13 healthy Landrace piglets were isolated, perfused at constant pressure and maintained in an isogravimetric state under zone III conditions (pulmonary venous pressure>alveolar pressure). By applying the double, arterial and venous, occlusion technique, the total blood flow resistance (R t) was partitioned into four components: arterial (R a), pre-(R a) and post-capillary (R v) and venous (R v). The capillary filtration coefficient (K f,c) was evaluated by measuring the weight gained by the lungs when the arterial and venous pressures were suddenly increased. In the youngest Landrace piglets (5 weeks old), there was an uncontrolled vasoconstriction which sometimes prevented perfusion of the lungs and induced a large increase inR t. These high values ofR t were decreased by tolazoline administration. The values ofR t recorded in older pigs (12–13 weeks old) were lower in Minipigs (33.66±3.77 cmH2O min L–1 per 100 g of lungs;n=5) than in Landrace piglets (55.20±6.18 cmH2O min L–1 per 100 g;n=5). This breed difference was due to the differences inR a andR v. The mean values ofK f,c were 0.193±0.015 and 0.202±0.029 ml min (cmH2O)–1 per 100 g of the lungs in Minipigs and Landrace piglets respectively. All these parameters were stable for the 3 hours following the equilibrium period. It was concluded that: (1) There is an age-related maturation of the control of the vasomotor tone in porcine lungs. (2) Pulmonary microvascular haemodynamics are influenced by the breed of the pigs. (3) There was no difference in theK f,c values between both the breeds. (4) A comparison of the values reported for dogs and rabbits with our data shows that the pre- and post-capillary resistances and, to a lesser extent, the arterial and venous resistances are relatively high in pigs.  相似文献   

The Vietnamese Ban pig is a precious genetic resource that needs to be preserved. In vitro embryo production from in vitro matured (IVM) oocytes is an important tool for the utilization of cryopreserved porcine sperm. The aim of this study was to compare two media for the IVM of Ban pig oocytes. Immature oocytes were subjected to IVM either in a non‐defined (TCM‐199 + pig follicular fluid) or in a defined base medium (POM + epidermal growth factor). At the end of IVM, the oocytes were in vitro fertilized (IVF) with frozen Ban sperm. Ten hours after IVF, the oocytes were either subjected to orcein staining to check fertilization and maturation status or cultured in vitro for 7 days. There was no difference between the two IVM media in terms of percentages of oocyte maturation and blastocyst production. However, the percentage of male pronuclear formation after IVF and the total cell numbers in blastocysts were higher with the defined system. Zygotes obtained by the two IVM systems survived vitrification at similar rates. In conclusion, the two IVM systems were both effective for the production of Ban pig embryos; however, better embryo quality was achieved with the defined one.  相似文献   

合理的猪群结构、猪群组成及其周转是猪场均衡生产和提高效率的关键因素。目前,母猪批次化生产技术在猪场实施的过程中,各种参数的制定、各类猪群存栏数及占栏数的计算依据不清晰,容易出现错误。文中的研究以600头基础母猪、7 d为一个生产周期猪场为例,详细地阐述了生产参数的制定、不同猪群的存栏数和占栏数的计算依据和过程,以期为猪场设计人员的猪场设计与建设和养猪生产者生产工艺的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

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