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Plant moisture loss during preplanting handling is considered one of the major elements in transplanting shock. The aim of the present study was to evaluate test parameters that may be suitable for assessment of the physiological condition of noble fir (Abies procera Rehd.) planting stock that has been subjected to desiccation stress. The transplanting-sensitive species was subjected to full exposure (roots and shoots) for 0, 0.5, 1.5, 3.0 and 6?h, or partial exposure (shoots) for 0, 3, 10, and 24?h before planting. The effects of desiccation on moisture content (MC), shoot water potential (ψ), root growth potential (RGP), root electrolyte leakage (REL), survival and height growth were evaluated. Desiccation effects on plant parameters and performance were generally significant after 1.5?h of full or 10?h of partial exposure to treatment. REL explained the largest percentage of performance variation in fully exposed plants, followed by MC and ψ. RGP tended to underestimate performance potential. Factors affecting the reliability of the test parameters, e.g. moisture loss rate, root rewetting and site conditions, are discussed.  相似文献   


Intraspecific variability in responses to temperature and shade was studied at Champenoux, north-eastern France, with seedlings from five Polish provenances of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.). Acclimation of photosynthesis to temperature was investigated in seedlings exposed to 10, 25 and 35°C in a climate chamber for 1 week. During two growth seasons, a population of seedlings was grown in the nursery under four different irradiance regimens: 100, 48, 18 and 8% of natural irradiance. Maximum carboxylation rate (V cmax), maximum light driven electron flow (J max) and maximum net carbon dioxide assimilation rate (A max) measured at 25°C increased with population altitude. One week of exposure to 35°C caused discoloration and massive needle shedding. After 2 years’ acclimation to different levels of irradiance, a significant interprovenance variability was evidenced in growth, total biomass, biomass allocation and photosynthetic performance. This study provided evidence for the existence of functional variation among the examined provenances.  相似文献   

We exposed momi fir (Abies firma Sieb. et Zucc.) seedlings to simulated acid fog of pH 3.0 for about 3 years (from July 1999). During the last year of acid fog exposure, half of the seedlings were subjected to rhizosphere Al stress (complex stress) and the nutrient status of seedlings was determined. Chronic acid fog exposure decreased Fe and Zn concentrations in current-year and 1-year needles, and Al in 1-year needles, but had little effect on major element concentrations. Aluminum treatment had a broad impact on nutrient status in fine roots and needles. In fine roots, increases in Al and Cu concentrations and decreases in B, Mn, and Zn concentrations were observed. In 1-year needles, Al treatment increased Al, B, and Mn concentrations and decreased Cu concentration. The complex effect of acid fog with aluminum on nutrient status was relatively slight. These results show that changes in nutrient status under chronic acid fog exposure and/or Al stress are induced before the decline of photosynthesis in momi fir seedlings, mainly due to Al stress.  相似文献   

The survival of bare-root and container-grown loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings exceeded 90% when outplanted in March at two sites in Lee County, Alabama. At both sites, soil moisture and seedling survival were greater in March than in May. A March herbicide application reduced weed biomass by 75–80% at both sites. At the moist site, herbicide application did not affect survival. However, at the drier site, a reduction in weed biomass increased both the percent soil moisture and the survival of May-planted bare-root seedlings. When soil moisture at planting time was less than 13% on a dry weight basis container-grown seedlings survived better than bare-root seedlings. At both sites, reduced weed competition resulted in greater seedling heights and diameters.Alabama Experiment Station Journal Series No. 9-85802.  相似文献   

The incidence of longitudinal drought cracks in coniferous trees may increase as a consequence of climate change. While larger diameter trees are more prone to splitting, it is unclear why only some of the larger trees within the same stand typically suffer damage. Matched pairs of trees of the same size with and without cracks were studied in two adjacent pole-stage mixed stands of Sitka spruce/grand fir (Picea sitchensis/Abies grandis) and Sitka spruce/noble fir (Picea sitchensis/Abies procera) located in North-East Scotland. A range of attributes were measured on 15 damaged and undamaged trees of each species. Length and position of cracks on stems were also recorded, and annual ring width and latewood percentage measured on cores. Noble fir had significantly longer cracks and these were located higher in the stem than the other species. Fewer cracks formed on east-facing side of stems in all species suggesting that prevailing westerly winds may place greater tensile forces on the damaged sides of stems. A higher proportion of latewood (associated with higher tangential shrinkage) was found in the firs and may explain the greater incidence of cracking on grand and noble fir stems (13% and 16%, respectively) in comparison with Sitka spruce (3%).  相似文献   

Kooistra  C.M.  Bakker  J.D. 《New Forests》2002,23(3):225-237
In temperate climates, conifer seedlings are often held in frozen storage (–2 °C) for extended periods and then placed in cool storage (+2 °C) so the root plug can thaw prior to outplanting. Two plug temperature treatments were used to test the hypothesis that thawing seedlings prior to outplanting may be unnecessary: seedlings were planted with frozen root plugs (frozen seedlings) and with thawed root plugs (thawed seedlings). The experiment was conducted under two watering regimes (irregular, regular) and with three conifer species (lodgepole pine [Pinus contorta var. latifolia], western larch [Larix occidentalis], interior spruce [Picea glauca × engelmannii]) to increase the generality of the results. The warming of root plugs after planting was examined. Thawed root plugs warmed to soil temperature rapidly (about 30 min) while frozen root plugs took longer (to 2 h) because ice in the plug had to melt before temperatures rose. Larger root plugs took longer to warm to soil temperature. Several aspects of seedling field performance were also assessed. For all species, variable fluorescence did not differ between frozen and thawed seedlings. Bud break was faster for thawed than frozen western larch seedlings but did not differ between frozen and thawed seedlings for either lodgepole pine or interior spruce. Height increment differed significantly between frozen and thawed seedlings that received the irregular watering regime; this effect was likely a response to the positioning of irrigation nozzles, which resulted in sporadic and non-uniform irrigation patterns. Height increment did not differ between frozen and thawed seedlings that received the regular watering regime. Root collar diameter and volume increments were not significantly affected by plug temperature treatment under either watering regime. Planting seedlings with frozen root plugs did not hinder field performance over one growing season under these watering regimes.  相似文献   

Abies nordmanniana and Abies lasiocarpa, established for Christmas tree production in southwestern Norway (58°44′N, 5°38′E), were treated with different weed control methods, including chemicals, use of black plastic mulch, grass or clover as ground cover, living mulch and mechanical hoeing. Ground cover with black plastic mulching resulted in the best growth and quality in A. lasiocarpa; the least favourable treatment was when grasses were allowed to grow close to the trees. Unless measures were taken to remove this competing vegetation, the ground cover grew over the trees, smothering 94% of them. A. nordmanniana plants grew to the same height on plots with no weed control as on plots with thorough weed eradication. Stem diameter decreased on plots with ground vegetation compared to seedlings grown in the weed-free environment. The use of Trifolium repens as ground cover decreased height growth by 30% compared to thorough weed control. Both grasses and clover sown as living mulch, damaged the trees more than did natural weed vegetation.  相似文献   

Two annual crops of container-grown loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings raised outdoors differed from those grown inside a covered chamber with a clear top. After a 90-day growth period, outside-grown container seedlings had shorter heights, smaller root collar diameters, and lower root, stem, foliage, shoot, and total dry weights than chamber-grown seedlings. Fall-planted, outside-grown seedlings raised the first year had up to 10% higher field survival than those from the chamber. However, chamber-grown container seedlings that survived retained their initial height and diameter advantages following one complete growing season. Fall-planted seedlings raised the second year showed no differences due to growth treatments when favorable weather for seedling growth occurred after field-planting. Container-grown seedlings raised outdoors during the summer months are well suited for fall-outplanting.  相似文献   

Johnson DM  Smith WK 《Tree physiology》2005,25(11):1379-1387
Fraser fir (Abies fraseri (Pursh) Poiret) is an endemic, high-elevation conifer confined to six relict mountaintop communities in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. High adult mortality has occurred over the past 50 years, possibly the result of an introduced insect (Adelges piceae Ratzeburg), air pollution, or both. Knowledge of the mechanisms of and limitations to seedling establishment may allow reestablisment and perpetuation of this unique community type, notwithstanding global climate change. We monitored seedling emergence and mortality in relation to photosynthetic performance and water relations in microsites differing in canopy openness (sunlight exposure) over the summer of 2004. Abundance of cotyledonous seedlings in early summer was 2.3 times greater (849 versus 366 seedlings m(-2)) in microsites with lower sky exposure (greater canopy closure) than in microsites with greater sky exposure (greater canopy openness). In contrast, late-season abundance and survival were greater in areas beneath more open canopies than in areas beneath less open canopies (3.3 times and 11.7 times greater, respectively). However, newly emerged seedling survival in a completely open site (no overhead canopy) was zero, despite an initial density of 124 seedlings m(-2). Seedling water status was similar in open- and closed-canopy sites (-0.52 and -0.74 MPa, respectively). Photosynthetic carbon gain was higher in newly emerged seedlings at open canopy than at closed canopy sites, especially during early morning. Based on photosynthetic light response curves and measured sunlight regimes, seedlings in open canopy sites were estimated to assimilate 3.3-4.5 times more carbon than seedlings at closed sites. Reductions in carbon gain of closed-site seedlings, primarily a result of limited sunlight, corresponded to substantial increases in seedling mortality (98 versus 79% in open canopy sites). Thus, sunlight exposure, which reflects overstory canopy structure, appears to be an important factor influencing newly emerged seedling survival and distribution.  相似文献   

Greenhouse-grown Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var.glauca [Beissn.] Franco) seedlings with roots infected with eitherFusarium oxysporum Schlect. orFusarium proliferatum (Matsushima) Nirenberg were outplanted on a forest site in northern Idaho, U.S.A. No residentFusarium populations were detected in the forest soil.Fusarium persisted the first four years on roots initiated during the greenhouse phase, but occurred sparingly or was absent on roots that grew after outplanting. Height growth was unaffected, and mortality was not often associated withFusarium. A seasonal pattern ofFusarium activity was observed. Low levels (10–40%) of initial root infection apparently have little adverse effect on outplanting performance of Douglas-fir seedlings.University of Idaho, Idaho Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station Contribution No. 640.  相似文献   

To study the bark beetle attacks on Turkish fir stands and to determine the principle site and stand factors influencing beetle attacks, trap log method was used in the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey. The study was carried out in ten different locations prior to flying time in February 2003. On each experimental plot, three healthy fir trees with 30–50 cm diameter and 200 m apart were cut down with a chainsaw. From each sampling tree, needles were sub-sampled for determination of specific leaf-area and macro-nutrient concentrations. In addition, on each experimental plot, crown closure, basal-area, and stand density were measured. To determine the bulk density and nutrient concentrations of the soil, samples were taken around trees on each plot. The relationship between measured stand variables, the number of beetle species and beetle populations were evaluated using correlation and stepwise multiple regression procedure. Eight different species belonging to four different families from Coleoptera were identified in examining the trap logs. Six of these eight species (Pissodes piceae Illig., Pissodes notatus Fabr., Cryphalus piceae Ratz., Pityophthorus pityographus Ratz., Xyloterus lineatus Oliv., Pityokteines curvidens Germ.) were identified as harmful beetles (HB). The other two (Thanasimus formicarius L. and Rhizophagus dispar Payk.) were identified as predator species. The analysis showed that the total number of HB increased as the site’s slope and needle specific leaf area increased. However, as needle N concentrations increased, HB population decreased. Increased Ca concentration in fir needle reduced total insect attack.  相似文献   


Precommercial thinning (PCT) is often used to improve stand growth and value. While PCT may accelerate tree growth and reduce mortality, it may also have a negative effect on product quality. This study examined the effect of moderate and heavy thinning on tree growth, lumber recovery and quality in a natural balsam fir [Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.] PCT trial 35 years after thinning. Compared with the control, the heavy thinning increased merchantable tree diameter, stem volume per tree and lumber volume recovery per tree by 41.1%, 100.9% and 92.7%, respectively, reduced the Select Structural grade (the best grade) recovery by 33.7%. Thinning did not affect the no. 2 and better grade yield. There was a 12.2% and 15.0% difference, respectively, in the lumber bending modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) between the control and heavy thinning. Moderate thinning had little impact on the visual grade recovery, lumber bending MOE and MOR. Heavy thinning is recommended if the goal is to get sizeable sawlogs in the shortest time, whereas moderate thinning is preferable if the intention is to minimize the negative effects on lumber quality while retaining modest tree growth and lumber recovery. Overall, PCT of very dense young balsam fir stands appears to be an effective and viable silvicultural treatment.  相似文献   

Abies fabri (Mast.) Craib is an endemic and dominant species in typical sub-alpine dark coniferous forests distributed in mountainous regions of the eastern Tibetan Plateau, China. We investigated the ecophysiological responses of A. fabri seedlings to short-term artificially-applied drought, nitrogen addition alone, and the combination of these treatments. Drought was created by excluding natural precipitation with an automatically controlled plastic roof that covered the seedlings. Nitrogen fertilization was applied weekly by spraying over seedlings with ammonium nitrate solution. Experiment results showed that drought caused a reduction in photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency and leaf mass per area. Nitrogen addition enhanced photosynthetic performance by increasing net photosynthetic rate. In the drought plots, nitrogen addition increased net photosynthetic rate and instantaneous water use efficiency. These results showed that applied nitrogen improved plant water use efficiency and N accumulation in plant organs under drought conditions. Especially under drought conditions more N was concentrated into needles by applied nitrogen as compared with other organs. In conclusion, our results indicated that the combination of nitrogen addition and drought may result in positive effects on A. fabri seedlings in the short-term.  相似文献   


Few studies tried to isolate the influence of plant roots on the soil characteristics including soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) storage. We evaluated the impact of root trenching on soil characteristics of coniferous (Abies holophylla) and deciduous (Quercus spp.) stands 4 years after trenching. Trenching treatment significantly increased the soil water content and nitrate concentration in both stand types. Soil pH, cation exchange capacity, soil C and N pools and isotopic compositions of C and N were significantly different between two stands, but trenching was not found to have significant impact on these soil properties. Our results indicated that root trenching in coniferous and broad-leaved deciduous forests of temperate region could significantly alter soil moisture regime and inorganic N levels, but not C and N stabilization in soils.  相似文献   

Using a strip transect sampling method, the density, height (≤ 100 cm), basal diameter and components of biomass of Abies faxoniana seedlings, living in a forest gap (FG) and under the forest canopy (FC) of subalpine natural coniferous forests in western Sichuan, were investigated and the relationships among different components of biomass analyzed. The results indicated that the density and average height (H) of A. faxoniana seedlings were significantly different in the FG and under the FC, with the values being 12903 and 2017 per hm2, and 26.6 and 24.3 cm. No significant differences were found in the average basal diameter (D) and biomass. The biomass allocation in seedling components was significantly affected by forest gap. In the FG, the biomass ratio of branch to stem reached a maximum of 1.54 at age 12 and then declined and fluctuated around 0.69. Under the FC, the biomass ratio of branch to stem increased with seedling growth and exceeded 1.0 at about age 15. The total biomass and the biomass of leaves, stems, shoots and roots grown in the FG and under the FC were significantly correlated with D 2 H. There were significant and positive correlations among the biomass of different components. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2007, 18(4): 721–727 [译自: 应用生态学报]  相似文献   

To clarify the nutrient status in momi fir (Abies firma Sieb. et Zucc.) seedlings under complex stress conditions of acid fog with soil acidification or nitrogen loading, we exposed seedling shoots to simulated acid fog (pH 3) and simultaneously loaded the soil with acid or excess nitrogen for 17 months. Proton and nitrogen loading reduced K concentration in soil, but these treatments had little effect on the nutrient status of fine roots in momi fir seedlings. Acid fog exposure resulted in reduced concentrations of Mg, Al, and Fe in current-year needles and Mg, Al, Cu, Fe, and Zn in 1-year-old needles. The complex effects of acid fog exposure with proton or nitrogen loading on nutrient status were relatively slight. However, elements such as Al and Cu notably reflect the effects of proton loading. These results show that the nutrient status of trace elements, rather than major elements, in needles of momi fir seedlings is sensitive to exposure to acid fog or proton loading.  相似文献   

Red pine seedlings were grown for 16 weeks under contrasting fertilizat (conventional, exponential) and moisture (wet, moist, dry) regimes to assess preconditioning effects of treatments on biomass production, nutrient uptake and allocation, and water relations. Growth, nutrient status, and water relations were affected more by moisture availability than by fertilization regime. Exponential fertilization under limited irrigation lowered shoot/root mass ratio, increased root nutrient reserves, and enhanced drought avoidance compared to conventional fertilization regimes. Drought treatments decreased nutrient uptake in the shoots of both fertilization regimes by 24%, but increased nutrient accumulation in the roots by 39% in the exponential regime compared to 17% in the conventional. These results may explain improved outplanting performance noted for exponentially fertilized container stock.  相似文献   

以2年生红椿盆栽幼苗为对象,开展干旱胁迫及复水试验,对各观测日的土壤含水率、叶片伤害指数及植株萎蔫度进行分析,结果表明:(1)各时间段受试盆栽土壤含水率及叶片伤害指数差异均呈极显著差异;(2)复水一定程度上改善了胁迫伤害;(3)土壤含水率与植株受伤害程度呈极显著的负相关关系。(4)要保证2年生红椿幼苗的正常生长,必须将土壤含水率保持在25%以上。  相似文献   

Surveys were made at the end of the 1990 and 1991 growing seasons for root-inhabiting fungi in the genera Fusarium, Cylindrocarpon and Pythium from the roots of one year-old container-grown Douglas-fir and spruce seedlings grown under greenhouse conditions. In the 1990 survey of four nurseries, it was found that 61–97% of both Douglas-fir and spruce roots were colonized with Fusarium, Cylindrocarpon or Pythium. There were significantly (p0.05) more Douglas-fir roots than spruce roots colonized by Fusarium at all nurseries, however, there were significantly (p0.05) more spruce roots than Douglas-fir roots colonized by Cylindrocarpon and Pythium. Root colonization of Douglas-fir and spruce by the three fungal genera during 1991 varied from 0–82% at three nurseries, however, only at a south coastal nursery was there significantly (p0.05) more spruce than Douglas-fir roots colonized by Cylindrocarpon. Significantly more seedlings were infected in 1990 than in 1991. In 1991, there were few significant differences between Douglas-fir and spruce, in the percentage of seedlings with colonized roots and in the percentage of growth medium colonized by the fungi. However, there were significant differences between nurseries.  相似文献   

通过对湖南省绥宁县堡子岭国有林场4个不同林龄阶段杉木人工林的调查,研究了不同林龄阶段杉木人工林生物量和碳储量的分布特征.结果表明:不同林龄阶段杉木林单株各器官之间存在极显著性差异(P<0.001),杉木林及单株各器官生物量和碳储量随着林龄的增长而增加,树干、树根和树枝在碳累积方面优势较大,成熟林和近熟林的乔木层碳储量较...  相似文献   

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