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AIM: To determine, for a variety of environmental conditions, how long Mycobacterium bovis might remain viable inside the carcass of a brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) that died of bovine tuberculosis (Tb), and to measure the rate of contact between free-ranging possums and possum carcasses.

METHODS: Lesions of M. bovis were simulated by inoculating excised spleens weighing 0.5–1 g with 0.2 mL liquid culture containing approximately 5 x 107 cfu M. bovis/mL. Simulated lesions were inserted into possum carcasses (n=48) at the peripheral lymph nodes. Carcasses were placed in the field at two sites (a tussock grassland and a podocarp-broadleaved forest site) and in two seasons (summer and winter) for up to 62 days. Survival rates of M. bovis were estimated by sampling the simulated lesions over time, and culturing the recovered lesion to determine if any viable M. bovis bacteria were present.

The time taken for a free-ranging possum to first encounter a dead possum in its home range was estimated by live-trapping possums and fitting them with proximity loggers (n=13). A ‘contact’ was recorded if these possums came within 40–50 cm of proximity loggers fitted to possum carcasses.

RESULTS: There were strong seasonal and site effects in the survival rate of M. bovis in possum carcasses. In the grassland habitat, no viable bacilli were cultured from any carcass after 3 days in summer, whereas in winter all samples were culture-positive for the first 20 days, and some were still positive after 27 days. The survival rates for forest habitat were intermediate between the results for grassland, and there were no culture-positive carcasses after 9 days in summer or 27 days in winter.

In summer, infected carcasses (n=6) were first encountered by possums a mean 1.9 (range 0.4–6.7) days after placement.

CONCLUSIONS: Possum carcasses were contacted by free-ranging possums within the period that viable M. bovis were shown to survive in a carcass. The risk of such infection is likely to be most significant in winter or in areas with microhabitats where the survival of M. bovis is high. However, the generally low survival rate of M. bovis in possum carcasses and the low frequency of possum-to-carcass contacts indicate this route of transmission alone could not maintain Tb in a possum population.  相似文献   

Aim. To study the nature and development of experimentally induced respiratory tuberculosis in possums and compare the lesions observed with those seen in the natural disease.

Methods. Thirty-three adult possums were inoculated via the endo-bronchial route with 20–100 colony forming units of Mycobacterium bovis. The possums were killed at 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks after inoculation and the nature and distribution of the lesions studied in detail histopatbologically. Alveolar macrophages recovered from the infected possums were also studied ultrastructurally.

Results. Macroscopic lesions were largely confined to the respiratory tract, increasing in size and number with time. Histology greatly increased the detection of the total number of lesions. The most common sites affected outside the respiratory tract were the liver and hepatic lymph nodes, but lesions were less common in peripheral lymph nodes than is observed in the natural disease. Intra-pulmonary lesions were centred on blood vessels and their associated lymphatics. Peripheral blood lymphocyte blastogenic responses to M. bovis antigens were first detected at 3 weeks after inoculation, which was 1 week after lymphocyte infiltrations were detected in the lungs, but 1 week before the majority of infections became generalised.

Conclusions. Differences in the nature of pulmonary lesions and the distribution of lesions were observed between experimentally induced and the natural disease. Rapid haematogenous and lymphatic spread occurs early in the experimentally induced disease.  相似文献   

奶水牛牛分枝杆菌的分离与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从患疑似结核病的广西奶水牛群中进行牛分枝杆菌的分离和鉴定。共收集了238份临床样品(鼻黏液及牛奶),病料经1.25 mol/mL NaOH溶液预处理后,接种罗氏培养基进行细菌分离。分离菌经进一步纯化后进行抗酸性染色并镜检,镜检后判为阳性的细菌再接种到鉴别培养基上进行鉴别培养,同时,应用PCR方法对镜检为阳性的细菌进行进一步的鉴别检验。结果收集的所有临床样品,经37℃培养后共获得细菌12株。这12株菌经抗酸性染色后镜检都为分枝杆菌阳性,进一步经鉴别培养基鉴定12株菌中有2株为牛分枝杆菌,其余均为非典型分枝杆菌。2株牛分枝杆菌经PCR方法鉴定得以确诊。  相似文献   

目的探讨水貂源结核杆菌复合群的检测方法,并进行病原学调查。方法利用7H10培养基分离水貂结核病的病原,采用荧光探针PCR方法进行检测。结果经鉴定分离的病原菌为致病性牛分枝杆菌。结论通过荧光探针PCR能够直接对结核杆菌复合群进行亚种鉴定,该方法具有快速、敏感、特异性强的优点,能够减少动物检疫时间。  相似文献   

In South Africa, mycobacterial culture is regarded as the gold standard for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) infection in wildlife even though it is regarded as “imperfect.” We compared a novel decontamination and mycobacterial culture technique (TiKa) to the conventional mycobacterium growth indicator tube (MGIT) system using known amounts of bacilli and clinical samples from MTBC-infected African buffaloes (Syncerus caffer), white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum), and African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Use of the TiKa-KiC decontamination agent on samples spiked with 10,000 to 10 colony forming units (cfu) of M. bovis (SB0121) and M. tuberculosis (H37Rv) had no effect on isolate recovery in culture. In contrast, decontamination with MGIT MycoPrep resulted in no growth of M. bovis samples at concentrations < 1,000 cfu and M. tuberculosis samples < 100 cfu. Subsequently, we used the TiKa system with stored clinical samples (various lymphatic tissues) collected from wildlife and paucibacillary bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, trunk washes, and endotracheal tube washes from 3 species with known MTBC infections. Overall, MTBC recovery by culture was improved significantly (p < 0.01) by using TiKa compared to conventional MGIT, with 54 of 57 positive specimens versus 25 of 57 positive specimens, respectively. The TiKa mycobacterial growth system appears to significantly enhance the recovery of MTBC members from tissue and paucibacillary respiratory samples collected from African buffaloes, African elephants, and white rhinoceros. Moreover, the TiKa system may improve success of MTBC culture from various sample types previously deemed unculturable from other species.  相似文献   


It has long been established that rats can play an important part in the transference of infectious diseases to man. With this fact in mind, the late Dr J. H. Blakelock, former Director of the National Health Institute, Wellington, began a survey of the rat population in the Wellington district and of rats brought to the area by overseas ships. This work has been continued, the trapped rats being examined for the presence of Xenopsylla cheopis, a flea known to be the chief vector of plague, for Pasteurella pestis, the causative organism of plague, for organisms of the Salmonella group, and for evidence of leptospiral infection.  相似文献   

Aim. To investigate isolates of Mycobacterium bovis from the Castlepoint area of the Wairarapa using three different methods of DNA typing.

Methods. Isolates of M. bovis, obtained from animals in the Castlepoint area between 1982–l998, were characterised by restriction endonuclease analysis. An isolate representing each restriction type was characterised by two newer DNA typing methods based on the polymorphic GC-rich repetitive sequence (PGRS) and spoligotyping.

Results. Over 300 isolates were distinguished into 26 restriction types.The 24 available restriction types were differentiated into 11 PGRS types and 7 spoligotypes. The three most common restriction types had the same PGRS type and the same spoligotype.

Conclusions. The relatively large number of restriction types found, indicated that restriction endonuclease analysis was well suited for detailed epidemiological studies at Castlepoint. Spoligotyping was less discriminatory than PGRS typing but both methods could be used to group isolates with different restriction types.  相似文献   

AIMS: To develop an indirect ELISA based on recombinant nucleocapsid (rN) protein of wobbly possum disease (WPD) virus for investigation of the presence of WPD virus in Australian brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in New Zealand.

METHODS: Pre- and post-infection sera (n=15 and 16, respectively) obtained from a previous experimental challenge study were used for ELISA development. Sera were characterised as positive or negative for antibody to WPD virus based on western-blot using WPD virus rN protein as antigen. An additional 215 archival serum samples, collected between 2000–2016 from five different regions of New Zealand, were also tested using the ELISA. Bayesian modelling of corrected optical density at 450?nm (OD450) results from the ELISA was used to obtain estimates of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves to establish cut-off values for the ELISA, and to estimate the prevalence of antibody to WPD virus.

RESULTS: Western blot analysis showed 5/14 (36%) pre-infection sera and 11/11 (100%) post-infection sera from experimentally infected possums were positive for antibodies to WPD virus. Bayesian estimates of the ROC curves established cut-off values of OD450≥0.41 for samples positive, and OD450<0.28 for samples negative for antibody to WPD virus, for sera diluted 1:100 for the ELISA. Based on the model, the estimated proportion of samples with antibodies to WPD virus was 0.30 (95% probability interval=0.196–0.418). Of the 230 archival serum samples tested using the ELISA, 48 (20.9%) were positive for antibody to WPD virus, 155 (67.4%) were negative and 27 (11.7%) equivocal, using the established cut-off values. The proportion of samples positive for WPD virus antibody differed between geographical regions (p<0.001).

CONCLUSION: The results suggested that WPD virus or a related virus has circulated among possums in New Zealand with differences in the proportion of antibody-positive samples from different geographical regions. Antibodies to WPD virus did not seem to protect possums from disease following experimental infection, as one third of possums from the previous challenge study showed evidence of pre-existing antibody at the time of challenge. These results provide further support for existence of different pathotypes of WPD virus, but the exact determinants of protection against WPD and epidemiology of infection in various regions of New Zealand remain to be established.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Availability of the indirect ELISA for detection of WPD virus antibody will facilitate prospective epidemiological investigation of WPD virus circulation in wild possum populations in New Zealand.  相似文献   

牛分支杆菌热休克蛋白65基因的分子克隆和表达   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以牛型分枝杆菌Vallee菌株基因组DNA为模板,应用PCR方法扩增热休克蛋白65(Hsp65)基因,PCR产物经纯化与EcoRⅠ/SaⅠ双酶切后与经同样处理的原核表达载体pGEX-6P-1进行连接,转化感受态细胞BL21中,筛选和构建了原核重组表达质粒pGEX-H65,核苷酸序列测定验证其正确性.以1 Mol/LIPTG诱导,进行SDS-PAGE电泳.结果表明,Hsp65基因表达的融合蛋白GST-H65裂解为两部分;即64 kD和22 kD,两个蛋白分子量相加与预测的86 kD(HsP60 kD GST26 kD)相符.牛分支杆菌热休克蛋白HSP65的成功表达为其功能的研究打下基础.  相似文献   

为建立快速检测牛分枝杆菌(M.bovis)的TaqMan荧光定量PCR方法,本研究以GenBank登录的M.bovis特有229 bp基因为研究对象,设计并合成引物及探针。该方法具有较好的特异性,与标准质控菌株呈阳性反应,与其他微生物样品呈阴性反应;灵敏性最低检测值可达1 pg/mL;对20阳性临床样品进行荧光定量PCR检测,均为阳性;而对培养为阴性的20份临床样品进行检测,6份为阳性。该研究结果表明,建立的方法特异性强,敏感性高,稳定性好,能够用于M.bovis的鉴别检测,对牛分枝杆菌病的快速检测和早期诊断具有重要意义。  相似文献   

牛结核病是一种人兽共患病,是世界动物卫生组织(OIE)列为必须上报的传染病,主要由牛分支杆菌引起,其蛋白可以诱导动物机体产生相应抗体.这些蛋白可以用来诊断结核病,对新型疫苗的研制也具有重要意义.因此,这些蛋白一直是分子生物学研究领域中的热点.论文就牛分支杆菌主要保护性抗原的特性及其在诊断中的应用进行了综述.  相似文献   

为了对牛结核分支杆菌引起的牛消化道如肝、肠道的病理变化进行研究。本试验采用滴鼻吸入的方式感染犊牛,七个月后进行剖检和显微镜下的病理组织学观察。结果发现,肝脏可观察到肉芽肿结节,中心为干酪样坏死或者钙化,外周为上皮样细胞和郎罕氏细胞,最外层是淋巴细胞和成纤维细胞;肠道病变不明显,多为局灶性炎性细胞聚集。此次试验可为牛分枝杆菌对消化道的影响提供参考。  相似文献   

为了解鹿源牛分枝杆菌(M.bovis)基因多态性,初步建立适合吉林省鹿源M.bovis的基因分型方法,本研究利用12个分枝杆菌散在重复单位(MIRU)位点,对96株鹿源M.bovis吉林分离株进行MIRU基因分型研究.结果显示,12个位点中有8个位点(MIRU2、4、16、23、27、31、39及40)具有多态性,可以将96株菌株分为1 1个基因型,分辨力指数(H)为0.893,其中6个中度多态性位点的分辨力为0.877.其余4个位点(MIRU 10、20、24及26)未显示多态性.研究结果表明,鹿源M.bovis与其他宿主来源的M.bovis在基因分型上存在差异.MIRU位点对鹿源M.bovis具有良好的分辨力,该分型方法可以作为鹿结核病分子流行病学研究的有效方法.  相似文献   

Thirty‐five lymph node samples were taken from animals with macroscopic lesions consistent with Mycobacterium bovis infection. The animals were identified by postmortem examination in an abattoir in the northwestern region of state of Paraná, Brazil. Twenty‐two of the animals had previously been found to be tuberculin skin test positive. Tissue samples were decontaminated by Petroff’s method and processed for acid‐fast bacilli staining, culture in Stonebrink and Lowenstein‐Jensen media and DNA extraction. Lymph node DNA samples were amplified by PCR in the absence and presence (inhibitor controls) of DNA extracted from M. bovis culture. Mycobacterium bovis was identified in 14 (42.4%) lymph node samples by both PCR and by culture. The frequency of PCR‐positive results (54.5%) was similar to that of culture‐positive results (51.5%, P > 0.05). The percentage of PCR‐positive lymph nodes increased from 39.4% (13/33) to 54.5% (18/33) when samples that were initially PCR‐negative were reanalysed using 2.5 μl DNA (two samples) and 1 : 2 diluted DNA (three samples). PCR sensitivity was affected by inhibitors and by the amount of DNA in the clinical samples. Our results indicate that direct detection of M. bovis in lymph nodes by PCR may be a fast and useful tool for bovine tuberculosis epidemic management in the region.  相似文献   

In New Zealand, the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is the major wildlife reservoir of Mycobacterium bovis. Procedures for experimentally infecting possums are required to study the pathogenesis of the disease and to challenge possums in vaccine efficacy studies. Conjunctival instillation of a suspension of M. bovis was effective in producing bovine tuberculosis in captive possums. The experimental disease progressed slowly with the development of palpable lesions in superficial lymph node lesions, both characteristics of the disease in wild, naturally infected possums. At necropsy there was widespread distribution of macroscopic and microscopic lesions. The proportion of possums that became diseased, the rate of development and severity of lesions, the severity of clinical signs, all increased when the dose of M. bovis was increased. Of the three doses used, the medium dose (1000-2000 colony forming units) produced the disease with the most desired characteristics. As a procedure for exposing possums to infection with M. bovis the conjunctival route has advantages in that it is simple and safe to perform, and possums need only to be sedated for infection.  相似文献   

The brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is the principal wildlife reservoir of Mycobacterium bovis in New Zealand (Morris and Pfeiffer 1995). Tuberculosis in possums is a progressive, fatal infection. The complete resolution of infection in possums has not been reported. The purpose of this communication is to present two cases of complete and spontaneous resolution of tuberculosis in wild, naturally infected possums. During an 11-year (1989-2000) longitudinal study of a possum population at Castlepoint in the Wairarapa, 90 bacteriologically-confirmed cases of M. bovis infection were observed, and 88 of the tuberculous possums were either found dead or were presumed to have died when they ceased to be trapped. As the home range of adult possums is stable (Efford et al 2000) it was assumed that if an adult possum could no longer be trapped, it had died. In many cases, the declining physical condition of a tuberculous possum prior to its disappearance supported the assumption. However, two cases survived and were euthanised, one 15 months and the other 30 months after they first showed clinical signs of infection. When examined post mortem, neither showed evidence of M. bovis infection. The case histories are described and the significance of the observations discussed.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe the mortality rate and movements of brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) with clinical tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) from a site in native podocarp/hardwood forest, in the Orongorongo Valley, Wellington. METHODS: Possums with clinical tuberculosis (Tb) were identified through routine trapping on live capture grids and were fitted with radio-collars, and located at approximately monthly intervals for 2.5 years. The survival times of radio-collared tuberculous and non-diseased possums were used to estimate the instantaneous additional mortality rate due to clinical Tb. The spatial behaviour of clinically tuberculous possums was compared with that of non-diseased possums, using both den and trap locations. The frequency of long-distance movements of both tuberculous and non-diseased possums was also determined. A possum was defined as having undertaken along-distance movement when it moved at least 200 m from the centre of its activity range and then returned to its established activity range or died. RESULTS: The mean survival time of clinically tuberculous possums was 4.7 (SE 0.79) months. The instantaneous additional mortality rate due to clinical Tb was estimated to be between 1.08 year-1 and 2.38 year-1, with the lower figure including an unknown portion of the incubation period in the estimate. Estimates of denning and activity ranges of tuberculous possums were approximately 22-30% larger, on average, than the ranges of non-diseased possums, but the differences were not significant. Both tuberculous and non-diseased possums undertook long-distance movements up to 700 m from the centre of their activity range. However, the majority of tuberculous possums died within or near their established activity range. CONCLUSIONS: This study estimated the mortality rate during the clinical stages of Tb and, as such, did not represent a true estimate of the disease-induced mortality rate (alpha) used in most epidemiological models of possums and Tb. However, the lower estimate of the additional mortality rate due to clinical disease could be considered an approximation to alpha. The movement patterns of clinically tuberculous possums were, overall, not substantially different from non-diseased possums. The occurrence of long-distance movements by tuberculous possums sometimes coincided with the advanced stage of clinical disease. However, the majority of tuberculous possums died within their established activity area. Long-distance movements by resident possums during the terminal stages of disease represent a direct risk for transmission of Tb to livestock on farms within approximately 1 km of infected possum populations.  相似文献   

dAim: To describe the clinical course of a dog infected with Mycobacterium bovis causing a granulomatous pneumonia.

dClinical findings: The dog initially presented with a persistent cough, inappetence and weight loss. Clinical findings included a fever, dyspnoea and tachypnoea, with haematological evidence of a mild neutrophilia and hypoalbuminaemia. Radiographs of the chest demonstrated a concomitant pneumothorax, pleural effusion, and a consolidated area within the left caudal lung lobe. An exploratory thoracotomy revealed this to be a ruptured granulomatous lesion. Subsequent histopathological, microbiological and genetic studies identified M. bovis as the causal agent.

dClinical significance: Mycobacterium bovis infections should be included in the differential diagnosis of pulmonary disease and pleural effusions in dogs living in regions of New Zealand known to have a high incidence of mycobacterial infection in wildlife and farm animals.  相似文献   

为建立可应用于快速检测奶牛结核病、评估鲜乳污染状况、追溯传播途径的试验方法,本研究根据牛结核分枝杆菌基因组设计合成特异性引物,建立实时荧光定量PCR方法,并对反应条件进行优化,构建标准曲线,评价该方法的性能。结果显示,本研究所建立的实时荧光定量PCR方法能有效检测牛结核分枝杆菌目的基因,其最佳引物浓度为400 nmol/L,最佳退火温度为52 ℃。所构建的标准曲线相关性好,可用于样本的定量检测。该方法的性能评价显示,其最小检出模板浓度为80.24 ng/L,且该方法具有较好的特异性、可重复性,可对鲜乳样本进行检测。试验结果表明,本研究所建方法可用于牛结核分枝杆菌的定性和定量检测,这为奶牛结核病的诊断与净化及鲜乳食品安全评估提供重要技术。  相似文献   

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