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Breeding beef heifers for the first time at 15 months of age has potential to increase the efficiency of the beef breeding-cow herd. An increased incidence of dystocia in heifers calving at 2 years of age, compared to mature cows, is a major reason many farmers in New Zealand have not adopted the practice. The predominant type of dystocia affecting 2-year-old heifers is feto-maternal disproportion, a condition in which the fetus is too large relative to the size of the heifer's pelvis. Reducing birthweight of the calf is a means of reducing the incidence of dystocia. Birthweight and length of gestation are determined by genotype of the calf, maternal genetic effects and environmental effects. Bulls with low estimated breeding values for birthweight have been selected for mating heifers; however, the positive genetic correlation between birthweight and mature weight meant that the progeny of these bulls tended to be lighter at finishing, making them less desirable in the beef industry. The genotype of the dam also plays a role in determining the risk of dystocia; the maternal ability of the dam to nurture the fetus influences birthweight, and the dam's genetic potential for growth influences the size of her pelvic area. Heavy heifers tend to produce high birthweight calves, counteracting the reduction in the incidence of dystocia resulting from the larger pelvis in larger heifers. Manipulating feeding level during pregnancy offers an alternative method for manipulating the birthweight of calves. Little is known about the effects of nutrition in early gestation on placental development or birthweight of calves. No differences in the birthweight of calves have been observed in response to variation in feeding in mid-pregnancy, and variable responses in birthweight and the incidence of dystocia to feeding in the third trimester of pregnancy have been reported. Differences in birthweight have not always resulted in differences in the incidence of dystocia, primarily due to differences in liveweight of the heifer also induced by feeding regimens. Variability in the incidence of dystocia in response to feeding level in the third trimester of pregnancy makes it difficult to make recommendations for the feeding of heifers at this stage of gestation. More research is needed into the effects of nutrition in early gestation on fetal and placental development in cattle.  相似文献   

AIM: To obtain an estimate of the incidence of assistance at calving in primiparous (first-calving) beef heifers and the prevalence of breeding heifers at 15 months of age in New Zealand in 2006,and to identify factors contributing to farmers' decisions regarding breeding strategies for heifers, using a survey of beef cattle farmers.

METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to farmers listed in a Massey University database and to members of selected breed societies, as well as published in an industry newspaper; 331 valid responses were received. Information was gathered on the age and number of primiparous heifers, number of heifers assisted, and the importance of various reasons for and against breeding heifers at 15 months of age. Respondents were also required to outline the criteria used for selecting bulls to join with heifers, and the strategies used to manage dystocia in primiparous heifers.

RESULTS: Sixty-five (95% CI=58–71)% of respondents had only 2-year-old primiparous heifers in 2006, whilst a further 11 (95% CI=8–16)% had both 2- and 3-year-old primiparous heifers. The mean reported incidence of assisted calving was 7.0 (95% CI=6.4–7.5)% for 2-year-old primiparous heifers and 1.7 (95% CI=1.2–2.2)% for 3-year-old primiparous heifers. The reported incidence of assistance at calving within individual herdsranged from 0 to 100% for 2-year-old heifers. Respondents with bull-breeding herds most commonly observed their primiparous 2-year-old heifers twice daily, whilst respondents with commercial herds most commonly observed them once daily during calving. The most important reason for breeding heifers at 15 months of age was “increased profit”, whereas the most important reason for not breeding them at that age was “concern about rebreeding performance of 2-year-old heifers”. Estimated breeding value (EBV) for birth weight was the factor considered most frequently when selecting bulls to join with maiden heifers; age of bull and body shape of bull were the next most frequently considered factors. Selection of an appropriate bull was the most common strategy used to manage dystocia in 2-year-old beef heifers.

CONCLUSIONS: The majority of respondents calved their heifers at 2 years of age, and “increased profit” was the primary motivator. Concern about the rebreeding performance of 2-year-old heifers was the most important reason among the remainder of respondents for not breeding heifers at 15 months of age. Dystocia in 2-year-old heifers was “not a problem” or “a minorproblem” in most herds, but there was much variation amongst herds.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the transfer side, transfer location, cervix transfer score, type and diameter of corpus luteum (CL) during embryo transfer on pregnancy rates in beef heifers. Progesterone-based synchronization and superovulation protocol were applied to Simmental cows used as donors (n = 168). Uterine flushings were performed on day 7 following artificial insemination. Obtained Code I (excellent or good) and II (fair) quality embryos were transferred to recipient beef heifers (n = 561). During embryo transfer, side of transfer (right or left), transfer location (the cranial or middle third of uterine horn), cervix transfer score (easy, moderate or difficult) and type (CLa, CLb and CLc) and diameter of CL were determined. Pregnancy rates following the transfer of Code I and II embryos were 44.66% and 33.07%, respectively (p < .05). The rates of pregnancy after transfers to the right and left uterine horn were 37% and 42.2%, respectively (p > .05). The pregnancy rates were 41.2%, 34.9% and 30.3% for cervix transfer scores as easy, moderate and difficult, respectively (p > .05). Pregnancy rates after transfer to the cranial third and middle third were 41.06% and 29.67%, respectively (p < .05). According to types of CL, pregnancy rates were 31.7%, 40.4% and 45.3% for CLa, CLb and CLc, respectively (p < .05). Moreover, it was found that as the CL diameter increased, the pregnancy rates increased. As a result, it was concluded that there was no effect of side of transfer and cervix transfer score, but embryo quality, transfer location, type and diameter of CL had significant effects on the pregnancy rate during embryo transfer in beef heifers.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) treatment and subsequent withdrawal on uterine proliferation and estrogen receptor (ESR), Brahman crossbred heifers (n = 12) were twice daily injected with FSH (4, 3, and 2 mg/injection) on Days 17–19 of the estrous cycle (FSH 3 days) and (4 and 3 mg/injection) on Days 17–18 (FSH 2 days) and withdrawal with saline on Day 19 and (4 mg/injection) on Day 17 (FSH 1 day) and withdrawal with saline on Days 18–19. Uterine tissue was subjectively collected on Day 20 and microscopically classified to four regions: endometrial stroma (ES), surface endometrial gland (EG), deep endometrial gland (DG), and myometrium (Myo). The cell proliferation marker, Ki-67, was quantified as labeling index (LI) in uterine regions, and tissues were immunostained to detect ESR2 followed by image analysis. The LI of ES, EG, and DG was greater (P = 0.0018, P = 0.0005, and P = 0.0103; respectively) in heifers received FSH for 3 days. The expression of ESR2 protein on ES and EG was greatest (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0036, respectively) in FSH 3 days-treated group. Thus, FSH administration during proestrus stimulates uterine cell proliferation, and ESR2 expressions are affected by FSH during proestrus and differentially distributed in the uterine regions.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non‐coding RNAs that participate in the regulation of gene expression. Their role during mammary gland development is still largely unknown. In this study, we performed a microarray analysis to identify miRNAs associated with high mammogenic potential of the bovine mammary gland. We identified 54 significantly differentially expressed miRNAs between the mammary tissue of dairy (Holstein‐Friesian, HF) and beef (Limousin, LM) postpubertal heifers. Fifty‐two miRNAs had higher expression in the mammary tissue of LM heifers. The expression of the top candidate miRNAs (bta‐miR‐10b, bta‐miR‐29b, bta‐miR‐101, bta‐miR‐375, bta‐miR‐2285t, bta‐miR‐146b, bta‐let7b, bta‐miR‐107, bta‐miR‐1434‐3p) identified in the microarray experiment was additionally evaluated by qPCR. Enrichment analyses for targeted genes revealed that the major differences between miRNA expression in the mammary gland of HF versus LM were associated with the regulation of signalling pathways that are crucial for mammary gland development, such as TGF‐beta, insulin, WNT and inflammatory pathways. Moreover, a number of genes potentially targeted by significantly differentially expressed miRNAs were associated with the activity of mammary stem cells. These data indicate that the high developmental potential of the mammary gland in dairy cattle, leading to high milk productivity, depends also on a specific miRNA expression pattern.  相似文献   

人们普遍认为,设计结构化育种方案的首要步骤是肉牛的育种目标,其发展可分为以下阶段:规范的育种、生产和销售系统,商业收入和费用支出来源,确定生物性状对收入和费用支出的影响,衍生的经济价值,育种选择标准,预估的表型特征和遗传参数。本文旨在综述肉牛养殖目标的发展及经济价值的导向。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine (i) factors influencing calf temperament at weaning, (ii) association between heifer–calf temperament at weaning and temperament at breeding and (iii) effect of heifer–calf temperament on pregnancy rate per artificial insemination (P/AI). In experiment 1, beef cows and their calves (n = 285) from three farms were used. Sire docility estimated progeny difference (EPD) score, birth type (normal or assisted), calf gender, calf behaviour (during 1st 4 weeks) and calf health status (until weaning) were recorded. Cows and calves were assigned a temperament score (0—calm; 1—excitable), and all cows were given a body condition score (BCS, 1–9; 1—emaciated; 9—obese) at weaning. Calf's illness (< .05), low sire docility EPD score (< .05), altered gait (< .05), altered resting behaviour (< .01), reduced/no play behaviour (< .05) and cow excitable temperament (< .001) increased calf excitable temperament at weaning. In experiment 2, replacement heifer–calves (n = 758) from 12 farms were assigned a temperament score at weaning and later at breeding. Blood from 40 calves at weaning and 31 heifers at initiation of synchronization (same animals) was collected by coccygeal venipuncture for determination of circulating cortisol and substance P concentrations. Heifers were assigned a BCS and reproductive tract score (RTS, 1–5; 1—immature, acyclic; 5—mature, cyclic), synchronized for fixed time AI, observed for oestrus and were artificially inseminated. Cortisol concentrations were increased in excitable heifer–calves compared to calm heifer–calves at weaning (< .05), and substance P was increased in excitable compared to calm females both at weaning and breeding (< .05). Low sire EPD docility score (< .01), heifer–calf excitable temperament at weaning increased excitable temperament at breeding (< .01). Controlling for BCS categories (< .01), oestrous expression (< .0001) and temperament at breeding by oestrous expression (< .05), the calf's excitable temperament at weaning (< .001) reduced P/AI (Calm, 62.7 (244/389) vs. Excitable, 53.4% (197/369); < .01). In conclusion, selection of docile cows and sires with greater docility EPD score should be given consideration to reduce calf excitement. Temperament in beef female can be detected earlier in their life and could be used as a tool in the selection process and to improve their performances.  相似文献   

文章旨在了解饲料与营养对肉牛生产性能、消化性能、瘤胃发酵以及甲烷(CH4)排放的影响.文章综述了2019年国外的相关文献报道,主要从精饲料、粗饲料及饲养营养综合评价3个方面进行综述.精饲料集中于各种蛋白质饲料和能量饲料的研究.粗饲料研究侧重于粗饲料品种和加工方式对不同生理阶段肉牛生产性能、消化性能和CH4产生的影响.饲...  相似文献   

The objective was to conduct a systematic review to evaluate the effects of dietary supplementation with beta-adrenergic agonists on calpains and calpastatin activity in bovine muscle and changes in meat tenderness. A survey was conducted in June 2019 on Science Direct, Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed and Capes Periodicals, using four keyword combinations: agonist and calpain and cattle; agonist and calpain and bovine; agonist and calpain and heifers; agonist and calpain and steers. Thirteen studies were selected, 54% concluded that supplementation with beta-adrenergic agonists increases calpastatin activity, 23% observed increase in their gene expression and 23% reported no effect on activity or expression of this enzyme. Nine studies evaluated the influence of beta-adrenergic agonists supplementation on meat texture and all found an increase in shear force values. There is strong evidence that beta-adrenergic agonists may increase calpastatin activity in the muscle, causing damage to meat tenderness.  相似文献   

The addition of natural plant secondary compounds to ruminant feed has been extensively studied because of their ability to modify digestive and metabolic functions, resulting in a potential reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, among other benefits. Condensed tannin (CT) supplementation may alter ruminal fermentation and mitigate methane (CH4) emissions. This study’s objective was to determine the effect of quebracho CT extract [QT; Schinopsis quebracho-colorado (Schltdl.) F.A. Barkley & T. Meyer] within a roughage-based diet on ruminal digestibility and kinetic parameters by using the in situ and in vitro gas production techniques, in addition to blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and ruminal (volatile fatty acid [VFA], NH3-N, and protozoa count) parameters. Twenty rumen-cannulated steers were randomly assigned to four dietary treatments: QT at 0%, 1%, 2%, and 3% of dry matter (DM; QT0: 0% CT, QT1: 0.70% CT, QT2: 1.41% CT, and QT3: 2.13% CT). The in situ DM digestibility increased linearly (P = 0.048) as QT inclusion increased, whereas in situ neutral detergent fiber digestibility (NDFD) was not altered among treatments (P = 0.980). Neither total VFA concentration nor acetate-to-propionate ratio differed among dietary treatments (P = 0.470 and P = 0.873, respectively). However, QT3 had lower isovalerate and isobutyrate concentrations compared with QT0 (P ≤ 0.025). Ruminal NH3 and BUN tended to decline (P ≤ 0.075) in a linear fashion as QT inclusion increased, suggesting decreased deamination of feed protein. Ruminal protozoa count was reduced in quadratic fashion (P = 0.005) as QT inclusion increased, where QT1 and QT2 were lower compared with QT0 and QT3. Urinary N excretion tended to reduce in a linear fashion (P = 0.080) as QT increased. There was a treatment (TRT) × Day interaction for in vitro total gas production and fractional rate of gas production (P = 0.013 and P = 0.007, respectively), and in vitro NDFD tended to be greater for QT treatments compared with no QT inclusion (P = 0.077). There was a TRT × Day interaction (P = 0.001) on CH4 production, with QT3 having less CH4 production relative to QT0 on day 0 and QT2 on days 7 and 28. Feeding QT up to 3% of the dietary DM in a roughage-based diet did not sacrifice the overall DM digestibility and ruminal parameters over time. Still, it is unclear why QT2 did not follow the same pattern as in vitro gas parameters. Detailed evaluations of amino acid degradation might be required to fully define CT influences on ruminal fermentation parameters and CH4 production.  相似文献   

采用完全随机单位组设计方法,设计并开展试验,评价TMR营养水平对肉牛增重效果、产肉性能和经济效益的影响,结果表明:提高TMR营养水平可以提高肉牛日增重8.79%、采食速度、降低采食量0.65%;可以改善屠宰性能,提高肉牛屠宰率0.47%、净肉率1.28%、胴体产肉率1.46%及优质切块肉的比重;可以提高饲料报酬;两种经济效益分别提高159.53元、385.79元。综合以上结果得出,提高TMR营养水平可以提高肉牛增重效果、产肉性能及经济效益。  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were (experiment 1) to characterized development and dynamics of the dominant follicles (DF) and the corpus luteum (CL) to determine patterns of two (W2) and three (W3) follicular waves in beef heifers, and (experiment 2) to determine gene expression of growth factors gene expression in follicular cells of W2 and W3 heifer. Twenty-eight Braford heifers were used. Dominant follicular and CL were monitored daily by ultrasonography to identify the development W2 and W3 in heifers. Pre-ovulatory DF were aspirated on day 19 in W2 and on day 22 in W3 heifers. In W2 and W3, follicular cells (FC) of gene expression of growth differentiation factor 9, bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15), fibroblast growth factor basic, transforming growth factor beta receptor 1, bone morphogenetic protein receptor type IB and fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 were evaluated. The regression of the DF of the first follicular wave and the emergency of the DF of the second follicular wave began later in the heifers W2 than in W3 (p = .02 and p < .01). The regression of the CL began earlier in the W2 than in W3 group (p < .01). Gene expression of growth factors and receptors was similar between groups. However, higher relative levels of BMP15 was observed in W2 group (p = .07). Results propose that wave patterns were regulated by the development time of the DF in the first wave and the life of the CL. Furthermore, higher levels of BMP15 could produce shorter life of CL. The present work suggest that ultrasonography associated with molecular assays could be used as an easy and effective tool to characterize follicular wave patterns.  相似文献   

肌内脂肪在骨骼肌中的含量包括长背肌,也称为大理石花纹脂肪,是决定牛肉质量最重要的因素之一。基因、品种、管理和营养影响肌内脂肪沉积。在此,本文综述了影响肌内脂肪沉积的遗传因素(品种、性别差异和遗传力)和管理因素。阉割公牛会增加大多数品种牛的肌内脂肪沉积。本文还综述了断奶日龄、阉割、屠宰体重、年龄和环境条件等因素对肌内脂肪沉积的影响。营养因素包括脂肪代谢,饲料消化、吸收,葡萄糖、淀粉的有效性,维生素水平。因此,根据消费者对牛肉的偏好,可能需要多种策略的组合来调控肌内脂肪的沉积。  相似文献   

[目的]试验旨在研究不同蛋白源饲料对秦川肉牛日增重、屠宰性能及肉品质的影响。[方法]选择20头体重相近、健康状况良好的12月龄左右的秦川肉牛(母牛)为试验动物,随机将试验牛分为5组,各组分别饲喂5种不同精饲料。试验结束后,对照组(31%豆粕组)、试验Ⅰ组(36%菜籽粕组)和试验Ⅳ组(42%紫苏饼组)各选3头参试牛进行屠宰。[结果]试验Ⅳ组的全期总增重、平均日增重和屠宰率均显著高于对照组(P<0.05);试验Ⅳ组背最长肌中干物质和粗蛋白含量均高于其他两组,但各组间均差异不显著(P>0.05);对照组和试验Ⅰ组大理石花纹均是3级,试验Ⅳ组大理石花纹是4级。[结论]本试验条件下,精饲料中添加42%的紫苏饼能够提高肉牛日增重和屠宰率,能够提高牛肉中氨基酸的含量和粗蛋白水平。  相似文献   

随着肉牛养殖业的不断发展,养殖户越来越注重精粗饲料的高效利用以及饲养管理水平的提升,往往容易忽视养殖过程中最基础同时也是非常重要的环节——饮水管理。适宜的饮水条件不仅可以降低肉牛疾病的发生,还可提高饲料消化率及生产性能,从而提高经济效益。  相似文献   

Objective   To determine the cause of exceptionally high mortality (41.4%) in perinatal calves on a beef cattle property 50 km south-west of Julia Creek in north-western Queensland.
Design   Investigations were based on clinical assessment of affected calves and laboratory analysis of pre- and postmortem specimens taken from 12 calves aged from 6 to 36 h of age.
Methods   Associations between gross and histopathological findings and biochemical analyses conducted on serum and tissue samples were examined in relation to clinical observations.
Results   Clinical signs varied, but commonly included mild to severe ataxia, difficulty finding a teat and sucking, blindness (partial or complete, as judged by avoidance of obstacles) and depression with prominent drooping of the head. Gross and histopathological findings included herniation of the cerebellar vermis through the foramen magnum, squamous metaplasia of interlobular ducts in the parotid salivary glands and Wallerian degeneration of the optic nerves. Biochemical analysis of serum and liver samples available from four of the calves revealed low or undetectable levels of both vitamin A and vitamin E.
Conclusion   Although vitamin E is known to have a sparing effect on vitamin A, the role (if any) played by deficiency of this vitamin was uncertain. The combination of clinical signs, postmortem findings, histopathological features and biochemical findings indicate that gestational vitamin A deficiency was highly likely to have been an important contributor to perinatal calf mortalities in this herd.  相似文献   

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