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Computer processing of electroencephalographic data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Quality assurance of the data generating processes in epidemiologic studies is a prerequisite for the internal validity of study results. This paper presents practical aspects of such a quality assurance system pertaining to the planning, data gathering, data entry and data processing phase of a study. It is concerned with data obtained in the framework of a project rather than with data accumulating continuously in private practices, research institutes or veterinary faculties. During the planning phase of a project, standard operating protocols should be developed that assure a reliable performance of observation, coding and data entry. The data base structure, consisting of tables, input validation rules and queries, should be predefined and well documented. A data safety concept will provide the necessary integrity, physical safety and availability of the data. The paper presents technical solutions to common data processing problems with emphasis on re-coding and relational data base facilities (Microsoft-ACCESS) using a hypothetical study on risk factors for mastitis.  相似文献   

Modern animal breeding data sets are large and getting larger, due in part to recent availability of high-density SNP arrays and cheap sequencing technology. High-performance computing methods for efficient data warehousing and analysis are under development. Financial and security considerations are important when using shared clusters. Sound software engineering practices are needed, and it is better to use existing solutions when possible. Storage requirements for genotypes are modest, although full-sequence data will require greater storage capacity. Storage requirements for intermediate and results files for genetic evaluations are much greater, particularly when multiple runs must be stored for research and validation studies. The greatest gains in accuracy from genomic selection have been realized for traits of low heritability, and there is increasing interest in new health and management traits. The collection of sufficient phenotypes to produce accurate evaluations may take many years, and high-reliability proofs for older bulls are needed to estimate marker effects. Data mining algorithms applied to large data sets may help identify unexpected relationships in the data, and improved visualization tools will provide insights. Genomic selection using large data requires a lot of computing power, particularly when large fractions of the population are genotyped. Theoretical improvements have made possible the inversion of large numerator relationship matrices, permitted the solving of large systems of equations, and produced fast algorithms for variance component estimation. Recent work shows that single-step approaches combining BLUP with a genomic relationship (G) matrix have similar computational requirements to traditional BLUP, and the limiting factor is the construction and inversion of G for many genotypes. A na?ve algorithm for creating G for 14,000 individuals required almost 24 h to run, but custom libraries and parallel computing reduced that to 15 m. Large data sets also create challenges for the delivery of genetic evaluations that must be overcome in a way that does not disrupt the transition from conventional to genomic evaluations. Processing time is important, especially as real-time systems for on-farm decisions are developed. The ultimate value of these systems is to decrease time-to-results in research, increase accuracy in genomic evaluations, and accelerate rates of genetic improvement.  相似文献   

The data involved, and the steps taken, in establishing a fertility control programme are discussed. The incorporation of this fertility control programme into a computer programme is described. This involves the processing of data on reproduction (on calving, oestrus, insemination and pregnancy diagnosis) by computer system. This programme is designed to provide the dairy farmers with information to facilitate herd management. Thus, each month the farmer is sent an advisory list stating which cows should be inseminated, which should be dried off, and those expected to calve. In addition, he will receive a bi-annual report on the fertility status of his herd. Among others, the following terms are listed: the pregnancy rate after first insemination, the interval between parturition and first insemination, the interval between parturition and conception, the number of inseminations per conception and the number of cows culled through failure to conceive. The initial results and advantages of operating such a programme are given.  相似文献   

在能源使用过程中,电力系统中的继电保护自动化,可以增强电能的使用质量及使用效率,符合社会需求,可以促进企业生产,因此,相关人员应对机电保护的自动化予以关注。文章针对这个话题进行探讨,希望可以用于进一步提高机电保护质量,为人们提供稳定安全的电能。  相似文献   

针对兖矿集团有限公司目前企业信息化现状,为了适应企业的快速发展,信息化建设急需跟上脚步,做到全面、统一、高效的实现办公自动化,提高办公效率。本文提出在企业管理中引入办公自动化系统,介绍了办公自动化系统在集团公司实现的功能,在集团公司集思广益下获得的成果及创新之处,并探讨了整合流程、提升管理效益的信息化OA平台建设思路和应用,以及带来的企业效益的提升,为集团公司企业信息化建设做好领头兵。  相似文献   

本文主要分析了配电网馈线自动化发展情况,探讨了馈线自动化中存在的不足,希望能够借此机会更好的促进配电网馈线自动化的发展,以提升馈线自动化质量,满足更大居民的用电需求。  相似文献   

随着信息化的发展,传统的办公已经不能满足快速传递和处理大量信息的需求,本文从学校的实际情况出发,在需求分析的基础上,对学校办公自动化系统进行设计,使学校办公管理中的公告管理和公文管理等环节更加可控和高效。  相似文献   

在日常生活中随着人口的增加和经济水平的提高,人们生活需要每天都产生许多生活垃圾,如果对垃圾没有进行及时的处理,垃圾的泛滥将给环境带来严重影响。本文通以处理生活垃圾为例分析目前在垃圾处理领域中的现状及主要技术,探讨将机械自动化技术与机械生物技术相结合在垃圾处理中的应用,阐述该技术应用带来的经济效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

阐述现有矿井排水系统存在的问题,认为目前我国大多的井下排水系统仍是传统的人工操作排水系统,其效率低、可靠性差及工人劳动强度大。因此需要对矿井排水系统进行自动化控制,来解决目前存在的问题,这也是矿井排水系统的发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步和科技的发展,电气自动化技术水平得到了很大的提升,电气工程生产中也融入了越来越多的先进技术水平,电气自动化技术涵盖范围较为广泛,包括了电子、自动化及计算机工程等方面的专业学科,笔者通过对电气自动化在电气工程中的具体应用情况进行梳理和分析,阐述两者的概念,并对电气自动化的发展趋势和发展前景作出分析,希望可以对将来电气自动化的发展贡献,谨以此文供读者参考。  相似文献   

随着电控及自动化设备的广泛应用,如何进一步加强电控及自动化设备的可靠性和安全性为人们的生产生活提供技术支撑和安全保障,这已成为了制约电控及自动化设备进一步开发利用的重要因素,已成为了受到广泛关注的热点。那么电控及自动化设备的可靠性的相关测试成为了回应这一热点的有力工具。  相似文献   

文中阐述了大型重工结构件焊接自动化生产的难点,并依据盾构机环体的焊接自动化改造,给出了该类产品自动化解决方案示例,并指出充分发挥机器人技术的优势,不断创新提高技术水平,大型重工结构件自动化生产水平必然逐步提高。  相似文献   

《智能建筑环境设备自动化》涉及建筑设备工艺流程及控制原理,涵盖的专业广泛、学习难度较大,结合学生特点和课程重点难点,在传统的教学模式上进行教学手段和方式的更新改革。通过丰富信息化教学手段,专题互动、学生答辩、现场实践教学等方式让教学过程多元化,很好的提升了教学效果。  相似文献   

机械自动化是当下各个国家都在研究的方向,它是评价一个国家工业化的标志。在如今的大环境之下,机械自动化有了很好的发展。但是由于我国环境的原因,需要将机械制造与自动化的研究重心向节能偏移一点。节能环保是现在社会普遍认同的观点,对于节能要从机械的材料等方面进行研究。本文将就此问题来对节能理念提出一些看法。  相似文献   

科学技术是第一生产力,随着科学技术的不断进步,以及现代科技在各产业领域的不断渗透,实现了社会生产力的快速提高,带动了全球经济发展。本文以自动化技术在机械设计制造中的应用为研究内容,通过阐述机械自动化的同时,对其意义加以分析,结合自动化技术在机械设计制造中的具体应用案例,加深人们对机械设计制造自动化的认识。  相似文献   

The application of MUMPS in a computerised recording system for herd health and production control on dairy farms is reviewed. MUMPS is an interactive multi-user database management system, which is both an operating system and a high level computer language. In this system, coding of veterinary and management events prior to data entry is not needed. Programmes and data structure can easily be adapted and extended due to the features of MUMPS. The system for dairy farms allows epidemiological analyses, due to the flexibility of the programme. The programme is used by farmers and veterinary surgeons by means of terminals linked to a central computer. The system provides action lists for farmers and veterinary surgeons; the information on these lists is presented in a multidisciplinary way. Several herd reports and analyses, including frequency distributions and graphs, are given. These reports enable the investigation of cross-relations between farm aspects, and aid in the detection of problem areas.  相似文献   

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