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SUMMARY: Australian lentogenic Newcastle disease viruses were evaluated as uninactivated vaccines in Australian chickens, the response being evaluated by the production of haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibodies. Two viruses, V4 and PM9, induced high levels of antibody and were readily transmissible between chickens by contact exposure. Three other viruses were poorly immunogenic and poorly transmissible. Chickens vaccinated intramuscularly with the V4 strain produced higher HI antibody titres than chickens vaccinated by the orotracheal, intranasal and intraocular routes. HI antibody titres in chickens vaccinated with the V4 strain reached peak levels 3 to 5 weeks after vaccination and waned considerably during the next 2 to 4 weeks. However, low levels of HI antibody persisted for at least 36 weeks after vaccination. Intramuscular vaccination with the V4 strain of one-day-old chicks lacking maternal antibody to Newcastle disease virus resulted in 42–70% mortality and the survivors developed very high titres of HI antibody. Similar chickens inoculated orotracheally showed signs of depression and developed high titres of HI antibody, but there were no mortalities. Chickens 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-weeks-old and lacking maternally derived HI antibody to Newcastle disease virus suffered no adverse reaction to intramuscular or orotracheal vaccination. The antibody response of the 1-week-old chickens was considerably poorer than that of the older chickens. Following orotracheal vaccination with the V4 strain, chickens with low levels of maternally derived antibody responded with low levels of HI antibody. On the other hand, in the progeny of hens hyperimmunised with the V4 strain the production of active antibody following orotracheal vaccination was delayed until the level of passive antibody had declined considerably. There was no response to intramuscular vaccination in congenitally hyperimmune chickens. The minimum HI antibody inducing dose of V4 vaccine, when measured 3 weeks after vaccination of 6-weeks-old chickens, was 105.6 50% egg infectious doses.  相似文献   

A total of 291 eight-week-old chickens were exposed to chickens infected with either of two Australian lentogenic strains (V4 and AVL NDV-1) of Newcastle disease virus (NDV). At 3 weeks after exposure, all chickens exposed to V4 infected chickens had developed haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibody. All chickens exposed to AVL NDV-1 virus infected chickens had developed HI antibody 5 weeks later. This sudden late appearance of HI antibody, to titres higher than those observed with V4 chickens, was explained by V4 virus being introduced to the AVL NDV-1 group of chickens. When groups of these chickens were challenged with Roakin virus (mesogenic NDV) at 3 weeks and Fontana 1083 virus (viscerotropic velogenic NDV) and Texas GB virus (neutrotropic NDV) at 3, 5, 10 and 21 weeks only three chickens developed clinical illness one of which died. These chickens were one AVL NDV-1 chicken contact challenged with Fontana 1083 virus at 3 weeks, one V4 chicken oronasally challenged with Texas GB virus at 5 weeks and one V4 chicken challenged oronasally with Fontana 1083 virus at 10 weeks. Susceptible non-vaccinated chickens died soon after challenge. Challenge by oronasal infection with 10(7.0) ELD50 of virus or contact with susceptible infected chickens enabled virulent virus to be isolated from most chickens and was accompanied by a large anamnestic increase in serum HI antibody.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Two-week-old chickens, free of detectable maternal antibody to Newcastle disease virus (NDV), or with low levels of maternal antibody, were vaccinated with the V4 strain of NDV. Haemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibodies were determined at intervals after vaccination. Two hundred chickens were vaccinated by exposure to an aerosol, a dose of 106 50% embryo infectious doses (EID50) being allowed per chicken. Forty unvaccinated chickens were placed in direct contact with vaccinated chickens. Most of the vaccinated chickens and the incontact chickens had developed HI antibodies of titre ≥ 8 within 2 weeks of vaccination. The HI antibodies in many chickens persisted for at least 8 weeks. Control chickens in a shed 15 metres from the shed containing the vaccinated chickens did not develop HI antibodies to NDV. NDV could be isolated from some vaccinated chickens for 15 days after vaccination. An aerosol dose of 105EID50 per chicken failed to induce a serological response in 2 groups of 40 chickens each. HI antibodies were produced in 1 of 2 groups, each of 40 chickens, vaccinated with 106EID50 and in both of 2 groups of 40 chickens each vaccinated with 107EID50. Duplicate groups of 40 chickens were vaccinated with 106EID50 of V4 virus per chicken administered either as an aerosol, a coarse spray or a droplet placed in the conjunctival sac. HI antibodies were produced in all the groups of chickens.  相似文献   

雏鸡1日龄感染鸡贫血病毒(CAV),8日龄接种Lasota疫苗,以未感染免疫雏鸡为对照,于免疫后7、14、28d检测其哈德尔腺和盲肠扁桃体T细胞及IgG^ 、IgM^ 、IgA^ 抗体生成细胞数量,泪液、气管液、肠液、胆汁中IgG、IgM、IgA含量以及泪液、胆汁HI抗体滴度的动态变化。揭示了感染CAV雏鸡接种ND疫苗免疫后哈德尔腺、盲肠扁桃体的T细胞和IgG^ 、IgM^ 、IgA^ 抗体生成细胞数量,泪液、气管液、肠液、胆汁中免疫球蛋白IgG、IgM、IgA含量以及泪液、胆汁HI抗体滴度,均较未感染免疫雏鸡明显减少。表明眼部、呼吸道和消化道局部粘膜免疫防御能力减弱。  相似文献   

SUMMARY The serological response of two different age groups of turkeys and ducks to strain V4 of Newcastle disease virus was markedly inferior to that of similar age groups of chickens. This suggested that this strain might not be a suitable vaccine strain for use in turkeys and ducks, even though the correlation between specific serum antibody and immunity in these species is not clearly understood. The 20-week-old group of chickens required two doses of 107–1 50 per cent embryo infective doses (EID50) of the virus to develop a specific serum antibody titre comparable to 21-day-old chickens given one dose of 107–1 EID50 of virus.  相似文献   

雏鸡1日龄感染鸡贫血病毒,8日龄接种Lasota疫苗,以未感染免疫雏鸡为对照,于免疫后7、14、28d检测血清免疫球蛋白IgG、IgM、IgA,在凝抑制抗体(HI)滴度;胸腺、法氏囊、脾脏T细胞、IgG^ 、IgM^ 、IgA^ ,抗体生成细胞数量及T、B细胞增殖反应;胸腺、脾脏细胞因子IL-2、IFN活性的变化。结果发现,感染CAV雏鸡Lasota疫苗免疫后,其血清IgG、IgM、IgA免疫球蛋白含量明显减少,HI抗体滴度降低;胸腺、法氏囊、脾脏T细胞、抗体生成细胞数量降低及T、B细胞增殖反应减弱,胸腺、脾脏IL-2及TNF诱生活性降低,表明其细胞免疫和体流免疫功能以及细胞因子免疫调节作用均未感染免疫雏鸡明显减弱。  相似文献   

SUMMARY Experiments were conducted with vaccines containing the V4 strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV). Both living aqueous vaccines and vaccines consisting of virus incorporated in an oil emulsion were used. The calculated dose of virus contained in the oil emulsion vaccine was 108,7 50% embryo infectious doses (EID50) per bird dose. Haemagglutinin inhibition (HI) antibody levels of 8 are presumed protective. One-day-old chicks with low levels of maternal antibody were vaccinated intraocularly with 106,3EID50 of live vaccine, and concurrently with oil emulsion vaccine. Presumed protective levels of antibody were present at two weeks post vaccination and were maintained for at least seven weeks longer. When adult birds 15 weeks old with no previous exposure to NDV were vaccinated intraocularly with 106,7EID50 per bird, protective levels of antibody were produced within a week. Unvaccinated birds put in contact with the vaccinated birds produced similar antibody levels within 14 days. Revaccination with oil emulsion vaccine after antibody levels had fallen resulted in a rapid response with high levels of antibody. When antibody-free adult commercial birds with an unknown history of exposure to NDV were vaccinated intramuscularly with oil emulsion vaccine, high antibody levels were produced for at least 21 weeks. Concurrent intraocular inoculation with 107,0EID50 live virus did not enhance the response. Natural infection of unvaccinated birds occurred during the experiment. This was detected by the presence of HI antibody levels of short duration. When antibody-free commercial birds were inoculated intramuscularly with oil emulsion vaccine containing 106,0, 107,0, or 108,0EID50 per bird dose, 100% of birds inoculated with the highest dose produced presumed protective levels of antibody within two weeks, as compared with a 5-week delay when using the 107,0EID50 per bird dose.  相似文献   

鹌鹑对新城疫病毒的易感性试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用从新城疫病死鹌鹑中分离的新城疫病毒(NDV)株(QNDV-1)和鸡新城疫毒株(F_(48)E_8),对5日龄、10日龄、25日龄、35日龄和70日龄等不同日龄鹌鹑进行了感染试验,并用15日龄鹌鹑做了呼吸道、肌肉注射、皮下注射、脑内注射、静脉注射和消化道等不同途径的感染试验。结果表明:供试不同日龄鹌鹑均可被感染发病,并出现和自然病例同样的症状或死亡,随着日龄增长,死亡率有降低趋势,70日龄鹌鹑(成年产卵)出现同自然病例同样的产卵量下降和产出异常卵现象;不同途径均可使鹌鹑感染发病或死亡,其中以脑内注射和静脉注射所表现的发病或死亡最为急剧;从病死鹌鹑中可重新收回到新城疫病毒,发病耐过鹌鹑可产生特异性抗体。  相似文献   

鸡结膜结合淋巴组织(CALT)对新城疫疫苗点眼免疫应答   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
180只1日龄公雏平均分成A、B、C三组。A组于1日龄手术切除下眼睑结膜。A、B两组于10日龄和20日龄用鸡新城疫Ⅱ系(NDⅡ)弱毒疫苗点眼首免和二免,C组为对照组。定期收集泪液、血清、CALT和哈德氏腺,比较观察其抗体HI效价消长规律与免疫组织细胞变化特点。结果,C组非免鸡泪液HI效价比血清HI效价稍低,10至34日龄均呈直线下降,34至48日龄维持在极低的水平上(1.2 ̄2Log2)。B组点眼  相似文献   

The Australian strain of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), 002/73, affected the response of chickens to Newcastle disease virus (NDV). The titre of serum antibodies to NDV in chickens infected with IBDV was significantly lower than that of birds infected with NDV alone. It also appeared that IBDV affected NDV excretion from chickens as NDV was more frequently isolated from chickens infected with IBDV, IBDV infection did not alter the pathogenicity of NDV in chickens. This Australian strain of IBDV therefore appeared to be immunodepressive in one-day-old chickens.  相似文献   

本研究以新城疫病毒(NDV)V蛋白羧基端结构域(Vc)的重组蛋白为包被抗原,建立了用于检测NDV V蛋白抗体的间接ELISA方法,并采用该方法检测了鸡群免疫或接毒后血清中的V蛋白抗体水平。结果显示:两组不同NDV灭活疫苗组在免疫后的3周内检测结果均为阴性;两组灭活疫苗免疫3周后再人工感染NDV强毒的鸡群,攻毒后第7、14和21 d,NDV阳性率分别为60%、80%、70%和50%、80%、70%;两组不同的NDV弱毒疫苗免疫组鸡群,仅在免疫后第21 d阳性率分别为20%和10%。以上结果表明,NDV疫苗免疫组与强毒感染组的V蛋白抗体阳性率存在明显差异,本方法可在群体水平上区分新城疫疫苗免疫与强毒感染鸡群,为NDV血清学诊断和流行病学调查提供了一种新的检测手段。  相似文献   

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