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1.相关法律依据 《行政诉讼法》、《国家赔偿法》、《行政处罚法》、《行政复议法》、《行政许可法》。  相似文献   

1、农机法律法规。目前已经出台并生效的农机法律法规规章主要有:一是农机化法律。主要是《农机化促进法》,同时,还有涉及农机化内容的《农业法》、《农业技术推广法》、《道路交通安全法》、《产品质量法》、《消费者权益保护法》等国家法  相似文献   

(接上期)四、农机用户维权的法律依据 1.《中华人民共和国消费权益保护法》。 2.《中华人民共和国产品质量法》。 3.《中华人民共和国广告法》。 4.《农业机械产品修理、更换、退货责任规定》。 5.《中华人民共和国标准化法》。  相似文献   

王震宇 《农村电工》2003,11(4):16-16
某些供电企业在电力设施的新建、改建和维护中,由于对《电力法》、《森林法》等法律、法规的了解、重视不够,造成了一些不必要的麻烦,影响了工程进度。为此,笔者建议电力部门在今后的工作中应当注意以下几点。1新建、改建电力设施需砍伐林木,应当依法申请采伐许可证《电力设施保护条例》第二十四条第二款规定:“在依法划定的电力设施保护区内种植的或自然生长的可能危及电力设施安全的树木、竹子,电力企业应依法予以修剪或砍伐。”显然,电力法规并未授权电力部门有不经批准强行修剪或砍伐树木、竹子的权力。《森林法》第三十二条第…  相似文献   

《道路交通安全法》、《农业机械化促进法》的颁布实施,确立了农机部门的执法主体地位。农机部门依照主体法和《行政许可法》、《行政处罚法》、《国家赔偿法》、《行政复议  相似文献   

么虹 《农电管理》2004,(11):8-9
1996年,作为《电力法》颁布实施的配套法规,国务院颁布实施《电力供应与使用条例》(以下简称《条例》)。《条例》的实施在我国电力工业的法制化建设中发挥了重要作用,为促进我国电力工业的改革与发展提供了重要的法律保障。但是,由于受《条例》出台时经济历史背景的限制,《条例》不可避免地带有一些政企不分和经济转轨初期的烙印。在经过多年发展的今天,  相似文献   

认真学习相关法律法规,提高依法防范能力。早在1987年,国务院就制定了《电力设施保护条例》。现执行的相关法律、法规还有:《中华人民共和国电力法》、《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》、《刑法》等。尤其是《电力设施保护条例》以立法的形式对电力设施保护的对象、范围做出了明确具体的规定。我们不仅要认真学习,而且要深入掌握相关的法律法规知识,对违法行为予以处罚时,  相似文献   

同志们:《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》、《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》和《中华人民共和国行政许可法》,分别于5月1日、7月1日开始实施;上个月,全国人大常委会又表决通过了《中华人民共和国农业机械促进法》;6月29日,国务院第412号令公布了《国务院对确需保留的行政审批项目设定行政许可的决定》。这些法律法规进一步明确了农业(农机)主管部门负责农机安全生产,农业机械安全监督管理,特别是上道路行驶拖拉机及驾驶员、联合收割机及驾驶员的牌证管理职能。我们今天召开这次会议,主要任务就是贯彻落实国家这方面的法律、法规,…  相似文献   

用户在提起农机产品质量投诉时,面临的突出问题就是怎样找准对自己有利的法律根据。农机产品质量的归责问题,除了《农业机械产品修理更换退货责任规定》外,我国还有《产品质量法》、《合同法》、《消费者权益保护法》和《侵权责任法》等多部法律涉及到这一问题。  相似文献   

今年5月,在《道路交通安全法》正式施行之际。相继公布了国务院《道路交通安全法实施条例》和公安部《道路交通安全违法行为处理程序规定》。并且宣布1960年2月交通部发布的《机动车管理办法》、1988年3月国务院发布的《道路交通管理条例》、1991年9月国务院发布的《道路交通事故处理办法》以及1999年12月公安部发布的《交通违章处理程序规定》等4项法规同时废止。  相似文献   

About 30 years have passed since the Government of Egypt embarked on implementing a series of large scale drainage projects. At present, about 3.8 million acres have been provided with drainage systems on the basis of systematic pre-drainage investigations and designs. The target is to provide drains in approximately 6.4 million acres in the Nile Valley and Delta.The implementation of the subsurface drainage system is carried out by the public sector and private contractors under direct supervision of governmental regional departments. The implementation process depends on many factors related to the drainage material, machinery, manpower, site requirements, farmers and organizations involved. Problems and constraints are sometimes challenging, however, the annual rate of implementation has gradually increased to 170,000 acre/year.This paper discusses the different aspects involved in the implementation process of drainage systems. The development in materials, machinery and construction technologies will be reviewed. Institutional and management factors are going to be also considered.  相似文献   

Overland water and salt flows in a set of rice paddies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cultivation of paddy rice in semiarid areas of the world faces problems related to water scarcity. This paper aims at characterizing water use in a set of paddies located in the central Ebro basin of Spain using experimentation and computer simulation. A commercial field with six interconnected paddies, with a total area of 5.31 ha, was instrumented to measure discharge and water quality at the inflow and at the runoff outlet. The soil was classified as a Typic Calcixerept, and was characterized by a mild salinity (2.5 dS m−1) and an infiltration rate of 5.8 mm day−1. The evolution of flow depth at all paddies was recorded. Data from the 2002 rice-growing season was elaborated using a mass balance approach to estimate the infiltration rate and the evolution of discharge between paddies. Seasonal crop evapotranspiration, estimated with the surface renewal method, was 731 mm (5.1 mm day−1), very similar to that of other summer cereals grown in the area, like corn. The irrigation input was 1874 mm, deep percolation was 830 mm and surface runoff was 372 mm. Irrigation efficiency was estimated as 41%. The quality of surface runoff water was slightly degraded due to evapoconcentration and to the contact with the soil. During the period 2001–2003, the electrical conductivity of surface runoff water was 54% higher than that of irrigation water. However, the runoff water was suitable for irrigation. A mechanistic mass balance model of inter-paddy water flow permitted to conclude that improvements in irrigation efficiency cannot be easily obtained in the experimental conditions. Since deep percolation losses more than double surface runoff losses, a reduction in irrigation discharge would not have much room for efficiency improvement. Simulations also showed that rice irrigation performance was not negatively affected by the fluctuating inflow hydrograph. These hydrographs are typical of turnouts located at the tail end of tertiary irrigation ditches. In fact, these are the sites where rice has been historically cultivated in the study area, since local soils are often saline-sodic and can only grow paddy rice taking advantage of the low salinity of the irrigation water. The low infiltration rate characteristic of these saline-sodic soils (an experimental value of 3.2 mm day−1 was obtained) combined with a reduced irrigation discharge resulted in a simulated irrigation efficiency of 60%. Paddy rice irrigation efficiency can attain reasonable values in the local saline-sodic soils, where the infiltration rate is clearly smaller than the average daily rice evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

借鉴SCADA系统结构,讨论了一种温室环境监控系统,系统采用CAN/1-Wire分级网络,布线方便,运行可靠;RTU以基于ARM CORTEX-M3核的STM32处理器为核心,外围模块丰富,数据处理能力强;HMI采用CAN TO USB模块,软件设计灵活,安装使用方便,同时给出了系统结构和实现关键细节。  相似文献   

品种选择是农作物生产的第1步,不同品种在生育期、抗病性、抗倒性、区域适应性等方面存在较大的差异。选择适合本地区种植条件的优良品种与种子对农业生产和农民增收至关重要。结合丹东地区的实际情况,阐述在玉米、水稻品种的优化选择上应把握的原则和注意的问题,并提出相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

对引进的谷子新品种金谷子耐旱TG118进行品种比较试验和多点试种。结果表明:该品种抗旱、耐瘠、适应性强,稳产、高产、抗病抗风抗倒伏强,品质优良,粮草兼用,种植简单,省工易管;一般产量在6000kg/hm2以上,比当地主栽品种增产20%以上。最高产量达9450kg/hm2,适于在辽西北地区推广应用。  相似文献   

利用三包服务期内故障数据评估汽车的可靠性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用汽车制造企业用户服务部门提供的三包服务期内的故障数据,可以对汽车的可靠性作出评估。通过对可靠性数据的整理,运用随机过程的理论建立整车可靠性评估的数学模型,并给出了算例。  相似文献   

为研究滴灌+冠层弥雾微喷(降温增湿措施)模式对葡萄光合特性,生理指标及产量品质的影响,试验设定微喷处理(WP1,WP2与WP3)与对照处理(CK)4个处理,在果粒膨大期测定不同处理的光合特性,果粒体积,产量与品质等数据结果显示:微喷处理胞间CO2浓度日变化幅度均低于对照处理,微喷处理中WP1处理的胞间CO2浓度最低;各处理的净光合速率均呈现“M”变化规律,在14:00出现“午休”现象,但微喷处理比对照处理“午休”时长较短,且WP1处理在14:00净光合速率降低幅度较小,各处理果粒体积与增长速率大小依次为WP1,WP2,WP3,CK,各处理的果粒体积增长速率均在7月15日达到最大.使用熵值法对各处理的产量与品质进行评价,各处理得分大小依次为WP1,WP2,CK,WP3.说明每日恰当的微喷处理可以显著提高葡萄净光合速率,果粒体积与果粒体积增长速率,产量与品质,但当微喷时间较长时也会影响葡萄产量与品质,因此以微喷1 h/d为最优.  相似文献   

The East African region exhibits considerable climatic and topographic variability. Much spatial and temporal variation in the response of different crops to climate change can thus be anticipated. In previous work we showed that a large part of this variation can be explained in terms of temperature and, to a lesser extent, water effects. Here, we summarise simulated yield response in two crops that are widely grown in the region, maize and beans, and investigate how the impacts of climate change might be addressed at two levels: the agricultural system and the household. Regionally, there are substantial between-country and within-system differences in maize and bean production responses projected to 2050. The arid-semiarid mixed crop-livestock systems are projected to see reductions in maize and bean production throughout most of the region to 2050. Yields of these crops in the tropical highland mixed systems are projected to increase, sometimes substantially. The humid-subhumid mixed systems show more varied yield responses through time and across space. Some within-country shifts in cropping away from the arid-semiarid systems to cooler, higher-elevation locations may be possible, but increased regional trade should be able to overcome the country-level production deficits in maize and beans caused by climate change to 2050, all other things being equal. For some places in the tropical highlands, maize and bean yield increases could have beneficial effects on household food security and income levels. In the other mixed systems, moderate yield losses can be expected to be offset by crop breeding and agronomic approaches in the coming decades, while more severe yield losses may necessitate changes in crop types, movement to more livestock-orientated production, or abandonment of cropping altogether. These production responses are indicative only, and their effects will be under-estimated because the methods used here have not accounted for increasing weather variability in the future or changes in the distribution and impacts of biotic and other abiotic stresses. These system-level shifts will take place in a context characterised by high population growth rates; the demand for food is projected to nearly triple by the middle of this century. Systems will have to intensify substantially in response, particularly in the better-endowed mixed systems in the region. For the more marginal areas, the variability in yield response, and the variability in households’ ability to adapt, suggest that, even given the limitations of this analysis, adaptation options need to be assessed at the level of the household and the local community, if research for development is to meet its poverty alleviation and food security targets in the face of global change.  相似文献   

为了解决针对型孔轮式排种器播量调节困难的问题,在偏心轮型孔轮式排种器的基础上,设计了一种由型孔轮和调节环(舌)组成的变容量型孔轮式排种器,以排种器的转速、调节舌类型、播量调节档位、行进速度、调节舌宽度为变量对油菜种子进行了单因素和多因素试验。试验结果表明:影响排种均匀性、各行排量一致性和种子破碎率的主要因素为排种器的转速、调节舌类型和型孔大小。变容量型孔轮式排种器的转速以30~50 r/min为宜,调节舌类型凹圆头优于平头,型孔长度增大对提高排种均匀性和各行排量一致性及降低破碎率有利。在所设计的结构尺寸条件下,该排种器适应于各类小粒度种子的条播。  相似文献   

In the 1970s in southern NSW, Australia, information was delivered to farmers through the transfer of technology (TOT) model. It was ‘top down’ with knowledge generated by researchers being passed onto farmers by extension officers. Farmers’ knowledge was not respected by research and extension workers. In contrast Cropcheck is a farmer participatory program which benchmarks farmer crops to identify practices for lifting yields. With TOT there was good adoption of single factor technologies such as wheat varieties but by the late 1970s to early 1980s wheat yields were stagnant or only slowly improving. There was the realisation that farmers had valuable knowledge and that multiple factors were needed to increase productivity. To address these needs in developing countries many farmer participatory models were developed. This paper, based on my experiences as an extension officer, records development in a developed country of a farmer participatory crop benchmarking model called Cropcheck. This program benchmarks farmer crops to identify the checks (best practices) related to high yields. It has been successful in lifting crop yields and profitability. This paper discusses the development of the model for irrigated wheat, i.e. the Finley Five Tonne Irrigated Wheat Club (referred to hereafter as “Wheat Club”) and adaption of the model for irrigated subterranean clover pasture, i.e. Subcheck. Since farmer participatory extension theory was undeveloped at that time, the development of the model was an intuitive learning process. The process was a planning, action and review cycle. Several years involving crop monitoring, farmer training, crop recording and reviewing results were needed to identify the objective checks consistently improving yields and gross margins. The results showed the more checks adopted the higher the yield and profitability. Farmers were trained in the learning steps of observing, monitoring, measuring, interpreting and recording their own crop practices. Farmer discussion groups were important for communication. Cropcheck has high farmer credibility because the checks are identified from farmer crops. Over a period of 6 years, yields of the “Wheat Club” increased by 50%. With Subcheck the problem of reddened subclover and inconsistent production disappeared. The Cropcheck model has been adapted for many crops in eastern Australia. Precision agriculture and electromagnetic mapping and geographic information systems (GIS) have followed on as new technology and monitoring tools for farmers but it is still important to ground truth these technologies with crop monitoring.  相似文献   

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