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三峡库区支流域澎溪河浮游动物的季节性变化与水质评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究三峡库区北岸最大支流澎溪河中浮游动物与水质状况的关系。本研究分别于2009年春季(3月)、夏季(7月)在澎溪河流域上游至下游5个河流断面进行采样,对水体中浮游动物的种类及数量进行监测,并应用Margalef丰富度指数(d)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H)和Pielou均匀度指数(J)对水体营养状况进行评价。研究发现:使用浮游动物评价水质状况得出的结论与营养水平评价结论存在较大差异,基于浮游动物种类及优势度评价得出的水质富营养化程度轻于基于营养盐的评价。  相似文献   

In order to study the influences of water filled pore space (WFPS), temperature, the addition of nitrate (NO -3) and carbon source on N2O emission and denitrification in the soil of water-level-fluctuation zone in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, C2H2 in hibition incubation experiments are applied. Results from experiments in laboratory and in situ field are analyzed. Results show that the WFPS is a main factor determining N2O emission and denitrification. Denitrification rate increases while the WFPS increases, and the maximum denitrification rate and the maximum N2O emission rate appear when the WFPS is 100% and 60%, respectively. In addition, while the temperature is between 10 ℃ and 40 ℃, the increase of temperature contributes to the increase of the N2O emission and denitrification rates. Furthermore, it is found that the N2O emission and denitrification rates are significantly and positively correlated with temperature. The addition of carbon source could increase denitrification performance in soil. However, the addition of nitrate has a negative impact on the denitrification performance, because nitrogen source is not the main factor determining denitrification performance and excessive nitrate could inhibit the denitrification in these experiments. The addition of glucose, which is a carbon source easily be utilized by denitrifying bacteria, could significantly increase the denitrification rate in soil, and the maximum denitrification rate takes place while the carbon content in per kilogram soil is 240 mg.  相似文献   

In this paper, the possible geological disasters in Three Gorges Reservoir Area are reviewed. Firstly, the types of geological disasters are classified and their influencing factors and growth characteristics are analyzed, then the damages, which have happened in this area up to now, are listed. On this basis, five aspects of dangers brought by geological disasters to society and economic environment are analyzed. Finally, a conclusion was drawn that the geological disasters in Three Gorges Reservoir Area have done some harms to this area and the situation becomes worse than before. So some reasonable measures should be taken quickly.  相似文献   

After the dam of the Three Gorges is built, the raising water will inevitably cause the revival of the part of ancient landslide and the generation of new landslide ,which will influence the town development and traffic safety in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. In the light of the specific conditions of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, this paper, taking Fengdu's MingShan landslide in Chongqing for an example, has considered ten typical calculative projects, offered the correspondent load systems acting on the sliding mass and put forward the analytical and calculative method to evaluate the stability of a landslide. The ten typical calculative projects include dry season(natural state), raining season (rainstorm or rain for a long period of time), dry season and water level (175m ) of the reservoir, raining season and water level (175 m) of the reservoir, dry season and earthquake, raining season and earthquake, dry season and water level (175 m ) of the reservoir and earthquake, raining season and water level (175 m) of the reservoir and earthquake, dry season and water level lowered from 175 m to 145 m, raining seasons and water level lowered from 175 m to 145 m, and so on.  相似文献   

Suspended sediments play an important role in the transformation process of pollutants in rivers.The adsorption characteristic of suspended sediments in Three Gorges Reservoir Area to phosphate was studied in this paper.Based on the indoor adsorption balancing experiment and kinetic modeling experiment,the main factors for adsorption process of sediments(particle size of sediment,initial concentration etc.) were discussed.The major results of the experiment were as follows:(1) Three kinds of suspended sediments with different particle sizes were used for the study of adsorption characteristic with different sediment concentration.The amount of phosphate adsorption increased with the increase of the sediment concentration and sediment particle size.(2) With the help of Langmuir isotherm theory,the related parameters in kinetic model were estimated,the experiment results indicated that the adsorption isotherm of phosphate in Three Gorges Reservoir Area fitted with the fifth type of Langmuir adsorption isotherm,the maximum amount of phosphate adsorption would emerge when the phosphate concentration was relatively high,but it would move down when the phosphate concentration increased afterwards.(3) Phosphate adsorption increased with the increase of initial phosphate concentration,the average time for adsorption balance was 2-4 hours.  相似文献   

Such the geological hazards as landslide, rockfall, debris-flow and so on frequently occur in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, so it is a very practical and immediate job to explore the mechanism caused the geological hazards and how to forecast and control the geological hazards. For this reason, this paper introduces the situation of the geological hazards occurred in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and the major type and feature of the geological hazards occurred in Chongqing, and discusses the basic principle about the modern nonlinear science applied to the geological hazards and the creep-slip, stick-slip occurred on the joints of rock mass and the monitoring technology of the geological hazards.The basic thinking is put forward which can be applied the modern nonlinear science to the geological hazards occurred in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.  相似文献   

作为控制食品安全的一种手段,很多国家和地区已经实施了HACCP体系,对羊肉生产过程中的各个环节可能存在的潜在危害进行了生物的、化学的、物理的分析,根据HACCP原理确定相应的关键控制点(CCP)和关键限值,并制定了相应的预防措施,建立了监控方法,将生产过程中的危害因素降低到最低程度,从而最大限度提高羊肉的食用安全性,旨在促进库区肉羊屠宰加工产业的发展。  相似文献   

The present study is to investigate the differences of Hg,Cr,Pb,Cd and Zn contents among water area ecology stystems of the three gorges Reservoir from water,dirt mud of the bottom and benthic fishes.The result show that content distribution of trace elements is:dirt mud of the bottom>benthic fishes>water;content distribution of trace elements in benthic fishes is:viscera>muscle>bone.The distribution factor of dirt mud of the bottom versus water,adsorption coefficient of benthic fishes versus dirt mud of the bottom and enrich coefficient of benthic fishes versus water is constant value in three Gorges Reservoir.Mercury is harm element to human in food chain.Besides,transform model of food chain in trace element are studied.  相似文献   

Once the water level of the reservoir of the Three Gorges rises above 175 m, Yangtz River in Kaixian County will be changed into a lake-like reservoir which will be rare in the Three Gorges areas, and water pollution would be seriously deteriorated. In order to testify whether water quality meets the requirements of the function divisions, two-dimension water dynamics quality model and homogeneous-mixed water quality model are used to simulate polluted water disposal of Kaixian County before and after sewage purification. The analysis indicates that sewage disposal without any pretreatment will cause serious and continuous pollution; while sewage disposal after purificaiton up to standard, there are two kinds of results: in abundant and normal period , the water quality improves obviously, the water quality can meet the function of river area, but in dry seasons, the water quality improvement is not so effective, and still exceeds the control standard of the water function. To guarantee water quality of Xiaojiang River, it is proposed that, first, sewage treatment plant should run normally and continuously; second, other measures must be added to control sewage discharges in dry season.  相似文献   

Complexity of mutual act and different sensation of different tourists are important factors influencing regional tourism resources evaluation. Fuzzy mathematic method can be used to up quantitative evaluation method on tourism resources evaluation. Taking Wushan Small Three Gorges as an example, the author carries out the evaluation of the tourism resources in the Three Gorges Reservoir. At the same time, the authors consider that five factors, such as improvement of the comunication of tourism resources, quickening the Steps of urbanization in reservior area, must be done well.  相似文献   

There is a promising future for lateral aviation in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of the Yangtze River because of the abundant natural and cultural tourism resources.The advantage of the lateral aviation is its low investment,convenience,speed,and wide service area.It is an important factor for the future development of tourism in cities in this area.This paper analyzes the realities and problems facing lateral aviation in this area and suggests some countermeasures and planning suggestions for lateral aviation development.  相似文献   

三峡库区农业非点源污染的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
三峡水库建成后,三峡库区生态系统服务价值将减少8852.90×104 ̄9708.35×104元。特殊生态环境有助于三峡库区农业非点源污染的发生,将对三峡水库水体安全造成极大威胁。建立不同土地利用类型下土壤养分流失模型是三峡库区农业非点源污染调控研究的核心,农业非点源污染防治的关键在于库区内土地利用结构的调整及拦截缓冲带的建立。  相似文献   

针对三峡库区资源环境和农业生产现状及存在问题,探讨了农业资源持续高效利用的主要生产模式,即:种—养—加—销一体化模式、农林牧复合模式、农林复合模式、种—养立体农业模式和庭院高效生态农业模式等,并结合典型案例进行分析。此外,提出了实现农业资源持续高效利用的建议和对策。  相似文献   

This paper based on the relationship between the natural geographic environment of the city and its form, analyses the effect of the Three Gorges reservoir on the city form in this area. The author believes that the round and ribbon form of the city in this area will be broken, and the group and ribbon group and constellation forms will be developed. It is pointed out that this is because of the diversity of natural environment so as "design with considering the nature".  相似文献   

After the completion of the Three Gorges project,the navigation conditions of the reservoir region will be improved evidently,which has laid the foundation for straight run of the 10,000-ton-class fleet to Chongqing Port,and is the promotion of the development of shipping in Yangtze River.But according to the standard of the 10,000-ton-class fleet,there are still some reaches of the reservoir region can not meet the requirements of the waterway on smooth and safe navigation.Therefore,some regulation measures should be adopted to eliminate these obstructions.It is one of the important parts in the reservoir region waterway regulation work for the Fuling to Tongluo canyon reach blasting project.30 reef obstacle blocks of 14 reaches in this project were removed by blasting.Based on the analysis of obstruct features of various rocks,according to the standard of the 10,000-ton-class fleet,the design parameters and blasting regulation program were put forward,and the regulation effect is analyzed and forecasted.  相似文献   

研究了三峡库区澎溪河落干期消落带不同地点、不同高程段、不同土地利用方式下土壤硝化强度及影响因素。结果表明,研究区域消落带硝化强度范围为0.76~9.76 mg/kg·d,平均值为3.76±0.76 mg/kg·d,明显低于国内其他研究区域土壤硝化强度。澎溪河消落带从上游汉丰湖到下游黄石,土壤硝化强度呈现递减的趋势。随着高程的增加,消落带土壤硝化强度逐渐降低,但没有显著差异(P >0.05)。消落带不同土地利用方式中,河滩地土壤硝化强度显著高于耕地土壤硝化强度(P<0.05),是耕地土壤硝化强度的1.82倍。消落带土壤硝化强度与土壤pH值呈显著正相关(P<0.05),与有机质含量及亚硝化菌数量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),周期性的淹水影响了消落带土壤pH值和有机质含量,从而影响了消落带土壤硝化强度。  相似文献   

Perilous rock is a dominant geological hazard in Three Gorges Reservoir area of P. R. China. The Taibaiyan cliff at Wanzhou is a representative case of massive perilous rocks in the area. Using this cliff as an example, the conditions triggering massive perilous rocks were studied and described. This included examining the following three conditions: alternating layers of mudstone and sandstone; steep landforms such as cliffs or scarps; and intense rainfall. The massive development mechanism for perilous rocks was discussed, including micro chained pattern gradual and interval evolution from the bottom to the summit of the cliffs individually as perilous rock, and a macro chained pattern evolving stage by stage from the cliff face backward up the mountain. In some respects, rock cells below sandstone in cliffs serves as the pulsating valve of the massive development mechanism for perilous rock. In any micro chained pattern, perilous rock situated on summits is the easiest to rupture due to the fissure pressure. For any single perilous rock, two load compositions were derived. In addition, methods for analyzing perilous rock stability were established in detail using the limit equilibrium principle. Two key techniques, a union scheme that both supports and anchors and a union scheme that nails and anchors, are proposed in light of the massive development mechanism for perilous rock.  相似文献   

周期性淹水对消落区水土环境的影响及控制对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
三峡库区消落区生态脆弱,在水土交互作用下消落区土壤母岩风化成土进度加快、土壤侵蚀加剧、土壤氮磷等营养物质及重金属大量溶出,其中N、P、COD和重金属是主要的溶出因子,淹没的耕地是主要的污染源。成库初期消落区生态脆弱性增强、水土流失加剧、地质灾难增加、岸边污染加重,尤其在水流缓慢的库湾将会出现局部的富营养化现象;随着消落区稳定的库岸湿地生态系统的形成,水土耦合呈现正的环境效应。为了尽快构建健康的消落区生态系统,防止三峡库区消落区水土环境的退化,必须加强和发挥政府宏观调控职能、建立消落区土地保护区域、推广复合生态技术并做好库区污染防治与修复工作。  相似文献   

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