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The precipitation chemistry in northern Japan, especially Hokkaido, has been investigated since 1982. This area has often been found to have high concentrations of alkaline road dust (asphalt dust) in the air, caused by the use of studded tires during the winter. It is well known that the composition of precipitation in these areas is often dominated by asphalt dust including calcium bicarbonate. However, recently the concentration of asphalt dust in the air has decreased owing to a ban on the use of studded tires. Simultaneously, in precipitation, the lowering of pH values and the increase of hydrogen ion depositions have been occurring owing to the decrease of non-sea-salt calcium ions (nss-Ca2+) concentrations and depositions derived from asphalt dust. In addition, we found that a decrease of nss-Ca2+ firstly leads to a decrease of bicarbonate ions (HCO3 ?), the counter ion to nss-Ca2+ in asphalt dust. Therefore, the increase of H+ concentrations and depositions was great in comparison with the decrease of nss-Ca2+ concentrations and depositions in areas where the HCO3 ?concentrations, varied by pH, and depositions had been low. Furthermore, this variation was mainly observed in the ionic composition of snow cover and snowfall at sites along the Japan Sea in northern Japan during winter. In this area, the Acid Shock effect may become a serious problem from the decline of pH values in melting snow. Moreover, we found that ammonium ions and non-sea-salt sulfate ions depositions have also been decreasing in response to a decrease of nss-Ca2+ depositions, derived from asphalt dust. It seems that this phenomenon is caused by the decrease of asphalt dust concentrations in the air.  相似文献   

The role of soil fauna in ecosystems: A historical review   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Veikko Huhta   《Pedobiologia》2007,50(6):489-495
The research development in this review is divided into successive periods: (1) “From Darwin to Satchell”, covering the “pre-experimental” decades dealing with the functions of earthworms, (2) “Litterbag Studies”, characterized by field experiments on the faunal influence on litter decomposition, (3) “The Time of IBP”, concentrating on community energetics, (4) “The Microcosm Era”, laboratory studies that started with simple systems, followed by increasing complexity of experimental setup and community of organisms, including living plants, and ending to laboratory-scale “ecosystems”, (5) the recent “Biodiversity Boom”, analysing the relations between soil biodiversity and ecosystem functions, and (6) the current “Holistic View” that tends to link the diversity and functions of aboveground and belowground communities. These “periods” started roughly in this order, but are largely overlapping, since the early techniques are in continuing use together with the modern ones. The current knowledge on the role of soil biota, their diversity and various components has accumulated mainly during the last 30 years, resulting in the modern view of soil fauna as a part of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

The chemistry of soil organic nitrogen: a review   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1. From the data presented herein it is possible to deduce the following distribution of total N in humic substances and soils: proteinaceous materials (proteins, peptides, and amino acids) – ca. 40%; amino sugars – 5–6%; heterocyclic N compounds (including purines and pyrimidines) – ca. 35%; NH3–19%; approximately 1/4 of the NH3 is fixed NH4 +. Thus, proteinaceous materials and heterocyclics appear to be major soil N components. 2. Natural 15N abundance levels in soils and humic materials are so low that direct analysis by 15N NMR is very difficult or impossible. To overcome this difficulty, the soil or humic material is incubated with 15N-enriched fertilizer. Even incubation in the laboratory for up to 630 days does not produce the same types of 15N compounds that are formed in soils and humic materials over hundreds or thousands of years. For example, very few 15N-labelled heterocyclics are detected by 15N NMR. Does this mean that heterocyclics are not present? Or are the heterocyclics that are present not labelled under these experimental conditions and therefore not detected by the 15N NMR spectrometer ? Another possibility is that a large number of N heterocyclics occur in soils, but each type occurs in very low concentrations. Until the sensitivity is improved, 15N NMR will not provide results that can be compared with data obtained from the same soil and humic material samples by chemical methods and mass spectroscopy. 3. What is most important with respect to agricultural is that all major N forms in soils are available to organisms and are sources of NH3 or NH4 + for plant roots and microbes. Naturally, some of the NH3 will enter the N cycle. 4. From chemical and pyrolysis-mass spectrometric analyses it appears that N heterocylics are significant components of the SOM, rather than degradation products of other molecules due to pyrolysis. The arguments in favor of N heterocyclics as genuine SOM components are the following: a) Some N-heterocyclics originate from biological precursors of SOM, such as proteinaceous materials, carbohydrates, chlorophyll, nucleic acids, and alkaloids, which enter the soil system as plant residues or remains of animals. b) In aquatic humic substances and dissolved organic matter (DOM) at considerably lower pyrolysis temperatures (200 to 300°C), free and substituted N-heterocyclics such as pyrroles, pyrrolidines, pyridines, pyranes, and pyrazoles, have been identified by analytical pyrolysis (Schulten et al 1997b). c) Their presence in humic substances and soils was also detected without pyrolysis by gel chromatography – GC/MS after reductive acetylation (Schnitzer and Spiteller 1986), by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (Patience et al. 1992), and also by spectroscopic, chromatographic, chemical, and isotopic methods (Ikan et al. 1992). 5. While we can see light at the end of the tunnel as far as soil-N is concerned, further research is needed to identify additional N-containing compounds such as N- heterocyclics, to determine whether these are present in the soil or humic materials in the form in which they were identified or whether they originate from more complex structures. If the latter is correct, then we need to isolate these complex N-molecules and attempt to identify them.  相似文献   

动物农家肥的应用与环境化学研究进展   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
Animal manure consists of predominantly urine and feces,but also may contain bedding materials,dropped feed,scurf,and other farming wastes.Manure is typically applied to soils as fertilizer for agricultural production.The estimated amount of manure produced in 12 major livestock-producing countries is 9 × 10~9 Mg of manure annually.Manure is rich in plant nutrients.However,manure is also considered as an environmental pollutant when it is over-applied to cropland or following runoff into surface water.Manure can also in?uence global climate change via emissions of methane(CH_4) and nitrous oxide(N_2O).Thus,increased and updated knowledge of applied and environmental chemistry of animal manure is needed to shed light on the research and development of animal manure utilization and minimization of its adverse environmental concerns.The advances in basic and applied studies of manure major components,organic matter,phosphorus,and nitrogen,primarily related to US livestock production are summarized in this review.Detailed focus was placed on three notable challenges for future manure research:1) soil application of animal manure,2)manure phytate phosphorus,and 3) manure nitrogen availability.This review may contribute to the global effort in sustainable and environmentally sound agriculture by stimulating new ideas and directions in animal manure research,and promoting application of knowledge and insight derived from manure research into improved manure management strategies.  相似文献   

Two methodological approaches used in the study of the mineral weathering in soils under the effect of biota were analyzed. According to one approach, which is based on the concepts of coordination chemistry, the dissolution of minerals is considered at the ion-molecule level and can be described using the terms and notions of classical thermodynamics. According to the other approach, the weathering of minerals in the supergenesis zone is considered at the ion-electron level within the framework of the corrosion model of supergenesis on the basis of anode-cathode processes, when the mineral in the electrolyte environment serves as an anode and is oxidized being an electron donor. Microorganisms act as a cathodic associate of minerals, i.e., an electron acceptor. The kinetic parameters related to the rate of the biological processes and the diffusion come out on top in this case. The review deals with the mechanisms of the direct and indirect effect of biota on the weathering of minerals in soils; the features of the soil in the rhizosphere and the ectomycorrhizosphere; the impact of fungi, bacteria, and higher plants on the minerals; and the generated synergistic effect.  相似文献   

The breeding densities of many bird-species which nest in tree cavities are in some areas limited by shortage of sites. This is evident from circumstantial evidence in which the numbers of breeding pairs in different areas correlate with the numbers of local nest sites, or where changes in the numbers of nest sites resulting from natural processes or human action are followed by changes in the numbers of pairs. It is also shown experimentally, where nest site provision or removal has been followed by a corresponding change in breeding density.

When nest boxes were provided, they were often occupied in the same year, leading to an immediate rise in breeding density. This implied that surplus birds were available in the vicinity and able to take them up. In future years, pair numbers often increased further but eventually they levelled off. This implied that, at this higher level, other limiting factors came into play. Experiments on nest site provision thus provide examples of different factors acting successively to limit breeding density at different levels.

By constraining breeding density, shortage of nest sites not only prevents some birds from breeding, but must also limit the total numbers of breeders and non-breeders, because no population can increase beyond a certain point, when the production of young is limited. Once all available nest sites are occupied, reproduction is inevitably density-dependent with respect to the total population of breeders and non-breeders.

Because several bird species can use the same type of site, competition is frequent, and the numbers of dominant species can affect the numbers and distribution of others. In extreme situations, a species may be totally absent from areas where all suitable nest sites are occupied by dominant competitors. In less extreme situations, the numbers of a subordinate species may vary from year to year or from place to place in inverse relation to the numbers of a dominant species. Both these situations can be changed by the provision of extra sites.

In managed woods and modern tree plantations, most hole-nesting bird species are excluded or kept at extremely low levels by shortage of nest sites. This is a direct result of forestry practice, which usually entails removal of the old and dying trees that normally provide the sites. The problem can be rectified by allowing a number of old and dead trees to remain in managed forests, or (on a more local scale) by the provision of nest boxes. By appropriate design and positioning of the boxes, the most desired species can be favoured.  相似文献   

149 samples of rainwater were collected in the proximity of a power station in northwestern Spain at three rainwater monitoring stations. We analyze the resulting data using multivariate statistical techniques. Firstly, the Principal Component Analysis shows that there are three main sources of pollution in the area (a marine source, a rural source and an acid source). The impact from pollution from these sources on the immediate environment of the stations is studied using Factorial Discriminant Analysis.  相似文献   

Rain event samples have been collected in Haifa, Israel, for nine hydrological years 1981 to 1990. Precipitation amount, pH, SO4 =, NO3 ?, Cl?, NH4 +, Na+, K+, Ca++, Mg++ and alkalinity of rainwater samples were recorded. The sampling and analysis program was based on WMO recommendations for background networks. The sampling was performed manually, and the analysis was based on wet chemistry for ions and atomic absorptions for metals. Data of 187 rain samples showed that the average pH was 5.3±1.1∶ 26% of the rain events were below pH of 5.6 and 23% above pH of 7.0. Some simple chemical mass-balance considerations indicate that natural sources, sea salt and soil carbonates are the main contributors to rain chemistry. However, the presence of low pH events observed over the years suggests that the impact of anthropogenic emissions may overwhelm the buffering capacity of the alkaline aerosol.  相似文献   

An effective device for keeping away birds during precipitation chemistry experiments is described. It is shown that bird-droppings can have a great influence on the P04- K- and NH4-content of precipitation samples.  相似文献   

We studied precipitation chemistry at the Rhode River on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay. We sampled on an event basis, beginning in 1973 for some constituents in bulk precipitation. Beginning in 1981, we also sampled wet precipitation separately from bulk precipitation. In this report, we examine temporal variability of precipitation chemistry at different time scales. Several constituents showed long-term trends. In bulk precipitation, hydronium concentration increased by 27% of its mean concentration per decade, calcium by 67%, ammonium by 28%, and nitrate by 25%, while organic nitrogen decreased by 41%, organic phosphorus by 31%, and organic carbon by 16%. In wet precipitation, ammonium increased by 33% and calcium by 100%, while magnesium decreased by 78% per decade. Concentrations differed greatly among precipitation events, increasing as the volume of precipitation decreased and as the interval since the previous event increased. Most constituents also showed marked seasonal variation. We used a regression model to predict concentrations for each event from month, precipitation volume, and the time since the previous event. We evaluated how much of the interannual variability could be explained by these factors. The event-scale model accounted for almost half of the variability among annual means for ammonium, sodium, and magnesium in bulk precipitation, and for potassium in wet precipitation. This suggests that much of the interannual variability of concentrations may result from interannual variation in the temporal distribution of precipitation.  相似文献   

我国金花茶研究概述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文简述了我国在金花茶杂交育种、染色体数目及核型分析、金花茶的分类及其演化、金花茶孢粉学及应用研究等方面的最新进展及存在的问题,为今后金花茶的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Precipitation is currently collected by several methods, including several different designs of collection apparatus. We are investigating these differing methods and designs to determine which gives the most representative sample of precipitation for the analysis of some 25 chemical parameters. The experimental site, located in Ithaca, New York, has 22 collectors of 10 different designs. The designs include bulk (wet and dry deposition collected together), wet only (only rain and snow) and wet/dry (collects wet and dry deposition separately). In every sampling period, which varies from 1 day to 1 mo, depending on the time variable being tested, the following chemical parameters are determined: conductivity, pH, Ca, Mg, Na, K, NH4, N03, Ntotal Si04, PO4, Ptotal, Cl, SO4, DOC, Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, Al, Ni, Cd, Pb, Ag, DDT, DDE, Dieldrin and PCB's. The results of the investigation lead us to conclude that:
  1. Precipitation samples must exclude dry deposition if accurate information on the chemical content of precipitation is required.
  2. Substantial contamination results when glass and plastic collectors are used to sample precipitation for inorganic and organic components, respectively.
  3. The inorganic components of precipitation samples of low pH (3.5 to 4.5), with the exception of P04 and Cl, exhibited no significant change in concentration when stored at 4\dgC for a period of 8 mo. We believe this is due to the stabilizing influence of a large concentration of H ions.
  4. If quantitative information on the chemical composition is required, precipitation samples should be collected at no longer than weekly intervals if immediate collection is not possible.

Numerous scientific challenges arise when designing a soil monitoring network (SMN), especially when assessing large areas and several properties that are driven by numerous controlling factors of various origins and scales. Different broad approaches to the establishment of SMNs are distinguished. It is essential to establish an adequate sampling protocol that can be applied rigorously at each sampling location and time. We make recommendations regarding the within-site sampling of soil. Different statistical methods should be associated with the different types of sampling design. We review new statistical methods that account for different sources of uncertainty. Except for those parameters for which a consensus exists, the question of testing method harmonisation remains a very difficult issue. The establishment of benchmark sites devoted to harmonisation and inter-calibration is advocated as a technical solution. However, to our present knowledge, no study has addressed crucial scientific issues such as how many calibration sites are necessary and how to locate them.  相似文献   

Copper toxicity and chemistry in the environment: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Copper compounds have been widely used in industrial processes and agriculture. As a result, elevated Cu concentrations can be found in certain areas of the biosphere. To better understand the toxicity of Cu to organisms it is necessary to understand the mechanism by which Cu influences biological and chemical processes in the environment. This review will examine Cu toxicity, microbial resistance mechanisms and factors influencing Cu speciation and toxicity in the environment  相似文献   

In acid mineral soils excess of aluminium ions (AI) is one of the most important factors determining plant species and ecotype distribution, and limiting growth and yield of crops. Aluminium preferentially accumulates in the root tips as sites of cell division and cell elongation. Whether inhibition of cell-division rate is due to direct interaction of Al with the chromatin in the nuclei is rather questionable because of the low radial mobility of Al in the root and the rapidity of cessation of root elongation after Al addition to the growth medium. Externally applied Al instantaneously binds to binding sites in the apoplast. Cross binding of pectates by Al may affect extensibility and water permeability of the cell wall. Interaction of Al with other cell-wall constituents is most likely but needs clarification. Aluminium also affects plasma-membrane characteristics. Ca2+ influx and K+ efflux are inhibited, and synthesis of callose is induced. Induction of callose suggests an increase rather than a decrease in cytosolic Ca2+ as initial response to Al. There is little evidence suggesting major disruption of plasma membrane and cytoplasmic functions by AI. K+ uptake, H+ extrusion, Fe(III) reducing capacity and lipid peroxidation are hardly affected even in roots severely inhibited in elongation by Al. Al uptake and physiological/biochemical effects of Al on intact plant roots can be mimicked even more sensitively using cell suspension cultures which, therefore, represent a powerful tool for the study of Al toxicity. Large differences in Al resistance exist between plant species and cultivars of a species. Root elongation-rate and callose formation can be used as indicators for Al injury. Since short term Al injury is mainly expressed in the apoplast. Al resistance requires exclusion of Al from or/and inactivation of Al in the apoplast. Generally, Al-resistant genotypes are characterized by lower Al accumulation of the root apical meristems. This is achieved by a lower cation-exchange capacity/surface negativity or complexation of Al through root exudates (mucilage, organic acids). Long term exposure of plants to Al also inhibits shoot growth via induction of nutrient (Mg, Ca, P) deficiencies, drought stress and phytohormone imbalances. Such longer term effects have to be taken into consideration when selecting genotypes for high yielding capacity on acid soils high in available Al.  相似文献   

The soil of the former lake Texcoco is an ‘extreme’ alkaline saline soil with pH > 10 and electrolytic conductivity (EC) > 150 dS m−1. These conditions have created a unique environment. Application of wastewater sludge to Texcoco soil showed that large amounts of NH4+ were immobilized, NO3 was reduced aerobically, NO2 was formed and the mineralization of the organic material in the sludge was inhibited. A series of experiments were initiated to study the processes that inhibited the decomposition of organic material and affected the dynamics of mineral N. The large EC and pH inhibited the decomposition of easily decomposable organic material such as glucose and maize, although cellulolytic activity was observed in soil with pH 9.8 and EC 32.7 dS m−1. The high soil pH favoured NH3 volatilization of approximately 50 mg N kg−1 soil within a day and a similar amount could be fixed on the soil matrix due to the dispersed minerals and their volcanic origin. Soil microorganisms immobilized large amounts of NH4+ within a day when glucose was added to soil in excess of what was required for metabolic activity. Removal of NO3 from soil amended with glucose was not inhibited by 100% O2 and NH4+ indicating that the contribution of denitrification and assimilatory reduction to the reduction of NO3 was minimal while the formation of NO2 was not inhibited by 0.1% acetylene, known to inhibit nitrification. Additionally, the reduction of NO3 in the glucose-amended alkaline saline Texcoco soil was followed by an increase in the amount of NH4+, which could not be due to denitrification. It was concluded that the reduction of NO3 and the formation of NO2 and NH4+ in the glucose-amended soil was a result of aerobic NO3 reduction. A phylogenetic analysis of the archaeal community in the soil of the former lake Texcoco showed that some of the clones identified were capable of reducing NO3 aerobically to NO2 when glucose was added. A study of the diversity of the bacterial dissimilatory and respiratory nitrate-reducing communities indicated that bacteria could have contributed to the process.  相似文献   

Bulk precipitation was sampled every 2 weeks for more than 2 yr in a lowland catchment in the eastern part of the Netherlands and dissolved constituents were determined. This paper discusses only concentrations of the main constituents: S04, NH4, Cl, NO3, Na, Ca, H, Mg, and K (in decreasing order) and tries to delineate specific source regions for these ion species. Despite the complex character of precipitation chemistry and the rather long sampling interval, statistical evaluation (cluster- and discriminant analyses) of the data provided discriminating results. Four sources could be distinguished: seaspray supplying major part of Na, Mg, and CI; industrial activities (Ruhr area) contributing excess amounts of Cl and SO4 in association with NH4; rural activities supplying N03, while K, Ca and excess amounts of Na and Mg mainly derive from local dust. No clear source area could be detected for H, but it was shown that SO2-emission is the main source of acidification of precipitation at the study catchment.  相似文献   

The biology and chemistry of three northeastern Pennsylvania lakes was studied from summer 1981 through summer 1983 to evaluate lakes with different sensitivities to acidification. At the acidified lake (total alkalinity ≤ 0.0 μeq L?1) there were fewer phytoplankton and zooplankton species than at the moderately sensitive lakes. The most numerous plankton species in all three lakes are reportedly acid tolerant. Among the benthic macro- invertebrates (BMI) there were more acid tolerant Chironomidae at the acidified lake, but more acid intolerant Ephemeroptera and Mollusca and a higher wet weight at the least sensitive lake. There were no differences among the lakes' BMI mean total numbers or mean number of taxa. The fish community at the acidified lake was dominated by stunted Lepomis gibbosus, but L. machrochirous were most abundant in the other lakes. Principal component analysis suggested a shift in all three lakes over the sampling period toward combined lower pH, alkalinity, specific conductance, Ca and Mg and higher Al and Mn. Such chemical changes have been associated with acidification. The rate and extent of acidification appeared to be controlled by geological and hydrological characteristics of the drainage basins.  相似文献   

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