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Suspended sediments from the lower Changjiang (Yangtze River) were sampled to determine concentrations of Cu, Cd, Pb, Ni, and Cr. The particulate trace element values in the Changjiang are higher than in the Huanghe (Yellow River), but lower than in the other large Chinese rivers (e.g. Pearl River) and polluted rivers. A general pattern of high element levels in the clay minerals and low element concentrations in coarse sediment fractions are observed in the Changjiang. Sequential extraction shows the predominance of metals in the residual fraction relative to labile fractions in the Changjiang, emphasizing the importance of natural weathering and erosion in the drainage basin on the transport of particulate metals. Elevated Enrichment Factors (EF: the ratio of element concentration in microsurface to that in subsurface layer minus 1.0) suggest a potential influence of atmospheric input on the concentrations of particulate metals in the river.  相似文献   

Wet and dry deposition inputs and streamflow output of Cd, Mn, Pb, Zn, and Al were measured intermittently at four deciduous forested watersheds in the southeastern United States between 1976 and 1982. Atmospheric inputs to each site were similar, varying by factors of 1.1 to 2.2 for the different metals. Metal levels in precipitation indicate that these sites are representative of rural, continental areas. Metals in rain exhibit significant temporal and spatial trends, with concentrations generally higher during summer than winter at all sites and generally lowest at the more remote site. The concentrations of Cd and Pb in both wet and dry deposition decreased between the period 1976 to 1977 and 1981 to 1982. Ion ratios and enrichment factors suggest that Mn is largely soil derived in atmospheric samples while Cd, Pb, and Zn are enriched over typical soil levels. Factor analysis indicates that soil components influence both Al and Mn while fine aerosol components influence Cd in wet and dry deposition. Both components influence the behavior of Pb. Dry deposition dominated the input of Mn and Al to each site, while wet deposition was the major input process for the other metals (54 to 85% of total). On an annual basis, deposited Cd, Pb, and Zn are strongly retained in each watershed: 2% of the Pb, 8 to 29% of the Cd, and 8 to 34% of the Zn inputs were transported in stream flow. Deposited Mn and Al are retained to a lesser degree and show a net loss from two sites. Metal export is controlled by stream pH, organic carbon, bedrock geology, and hydrologic characteristics of each site.  相似文献   

Sediment samples have been collected downstream from a Pb smelter and analyzed for Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, and Zn. The concentrations of these trace metals decrease with increased distance from the smelter. The decrease in trace metal contant has been utilized to provide an indication of how rapidly artificially high levels of trace metals are reduced to the carrying capacity of a natural water. Equilibrium calculations are utilized to predict the water's intrinsic trace metal carrying capacity.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution maps depicting the concentrations of antimony, lead, tin, copper and zinc, and the presence of land-use units were generated for Mühlburg, a district of the City of Karlsruhe, Germany. The influence of the spatial land-use structure on the distributions of the element concentrations is statistically evaluated and discussed. The variography for Mühlburg shows an average range of 200-400 m for the spatial correlations of Sb, Pb, Sn and Zn. The variograms of Pb and Zn are characterised by hole effects at 300 m distances, i.e. the result of repeated stronger spatial correlations for certain distances between the sample sites. Most probably, this is an effect of the typical urban structure of streets, buildings, green spaces, and industry. Kriging method was used for the interpolation of Sb, Pb, Sn and Zn concentrations. Only Cu does not show a spatial correlation. In this case, the interpolation was carried out with a smoothed triangulation routine. Pollution plumes of point sources such as lead works, a bell foundry and a coal-fired thermal power station superimpose the more diffuse pollution from traffic, household heating processes, waste material disposal, etc. The trace element concentrations in soils of housing areas increase with the age of the developed area. Industrial areas show the highest level of pollution, followed by housing areas developed before 1920, traffic areas, allotments, housing areas developed between 1920 and 1980, parks and sports areas, cemetery and housing areas developed after 1980. It is demonstrated that spatial distribution maps of element concentrations indicate potential emission sources of harmful substances, even if the emission itself or the direct surrounding soil have not been analysed. The analytical tools presented enable town planners to discern areas of higher soil pollution. Detailed investigations can be focussed on these areas to evaluate the possibilities of soil usage and transfer. These methods enable one to manage urban soil in an adequate manner. For these reasons, the methods demonstrated support an urban environmental impact assessment and are a part of a sustainable urban soil management.  相似文献   

As part of a study to determine the magnitude of atmospheric inputs of materials into the lakes of central Ontario, a four-station network of bulk deposition and wet-only precipitation samplers was established in the Muskoka-Haliburton and Sudbury regions to determine the deposition (mg m2? yr?1) and volume weighted concentration (μg 1?1) of Ph, Cu, Ni, Zn, Al, Mn and Fe in precipitation. Large temporal variations in the monthly deposition of all metals were observed. The variations for Cu and Ni exhibited seasonal patterns which could be attributed to a combination of source and wind direction factors. Concentration and deposition of all metals at Muskoka-Haliburton were generally as low or lower than median North American values from the literature. At Sudbury, the large local smelting industry contributed to the elevated Cu, Ni, Zn, and Fe deposition measured in the region (up to two orders of magnitude larger than Muskoka-Haliburton); Al and Mn values were not elevated. Deposition of Cu. Ni and Fe was inversely related to distance from the largest point source at Sudbury. The importance of dry deposition is greatest at Sudbury where dry inputs of Cu, Zn, Al, and Fe generally exceed wet inputs. In contrast, wet deposition of metals at Muskoka-Haliburton predominates over dry. Calculation of an enrichment factor (normalized against Mn) showed that the levels of Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn observed in the precipitation of central Ontario require an additional non-crustal source (either natural or anthropogenic) for explanation.  相似文献   

Samples of bulk precipitation were collected at six sites adjacent to the Arkansas River in Tulsa, Oklahoma for a period of 11 mo (June 1980 to April 1981). Collected samples were analyzed by flameless atomic absorbtion spectrophotometry for Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn. The data were reported as volume-weighted metal concentrations (μg L1) and metal deposition (mg m?2 yr?1). Metal deposition was fairly constant from site to site and appeared to be proportional to the amount of precipitation collected. Zinc was by far the largest contributing metal, 497 mg m?2 yr?1 followed by Pb. Cr, Ni, and Cd with depositions of 25.5, 25.7, 7.02, and 0.95 mg m?2 yr?1 respectively. Concentration data varied greatly over the collection period. Compared to data previously reported in the literature, all of the metal concentrations obtained in this study fall within the ranges observed by other investigators with the exception of Zn which was slightly higher. The average volume-weighted concentrations in μg L?1 were Cd-2.1, Cr-57.0, Ni-15.6, Pb-56.6, and Zn-1100.  相似文献   


The tolerance of rice (Oryza sativa L. C.V. Earlirose) to various trace metal excesses was tested to determine if high levels of the trace metals found in some field‐grown plants were at toxicity levels. In one experiment, levels of 2200 μg Zn/g dry weight, 44 μg Cu/g dry weight, 4400 μg Mn/g dry weight, and 32 μg Pb/g dry weight in shoots of young plants had no adverse effects on vegetative yields. A level of 3160μgZn/ g dry weight decreased yields about 40% (P = . 05). In another test 51 μg Cu/g dry weight or 94 μg Pb/g dry weight did not decrease vegetative yields. Boron supplied at 10‐3 MH3BO3 not only caused no toxicity but resulted in only 144 μg B/g dry weight in shoots. Root levels of Zn were about equal to those in shoots; Mn levels were lower in roots than in shoots (1/4 to 1/10); B levels were generally low in both shoots and roots with roots 1/10 that of shoots; Cu levels were higher in roots than in shoots. Rice was tolerant of a high level of Cr. The tolerance of rice to high levels of some trace metals in these experiments may be related to high P levels in plants.  相似文献   

A mass-balance approach was used to examine the role of macrophyte beds as a sink or source for 7 metals over time scales varying from two months (the growing season of the plants) to one year. During the growing season the macrophyte beds were found to be net sinks for particulate metals but were net sources of dissolved metals. During senescence, ca. 15–20% of the Al, Fe, and Mn and ca. 25–30% of the Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn within the macrophyte tissues at maximum seasonal biomass was lost to the surrounding waters in a dissolved form. The export of metals from the weeds during senescence was a very small fraction (<0.01% of Al, Fe to 3.5% of Zn) of the annual allochthonous metal loading to Fitch Bay in L. Memphremagog, Quebec. In L. Weedon however, metal export during senescence was 34% (Mn) to 57%(Cu) of the annual allochthonous load. The time estimated for the plants to recycle the metals within the rooting zone of the sediments was on the order of hundreds of years. These results demonstrate that while weedbeds are net sources of metals during the summer, only a small fraction of metals in littoral sediments are not permanently buried over the longer term.  相似文献   


Cyanide at levels of 50 to 100 μg NaCN/g soil was not only toxic to bush bean plants, but also resulted in increased uptake of Cu, Co, Ni, Al, Ti, and, to a slight extent, of Fe. Either the phytotoxicity from the cyanide or the metals resulted in increased transport of Na to leaves from roots. In studies with 14C‐cyanide the transport of some cyanide into plants and to leaves simultaneously with the metals was demonstrated. There was a root, stem, leaf gradient for 14C. From solutions, cyanide resulted in increased plant uptake somewhat of Cu, Zn, and Fe. The results have bearing on the use of cyanide as a metabolic inhibitor as well as on phytotoxicities of metals.  相似文献   

Atmospheric bulk deposition was collected on a monthly basis in the Lake Michigan basin from September 1975 through December 1976 to determine the atmospheric loading of trace elements to Lake Michigan. The sampling network consisted of bulk collectors located at 21 locations in the northern and southern basin. Atmospheric loading rates to Lake Michigan were estimated as (in units of 105 kg yr?1): Al-50; Fe-28; Mn-6.4; Zn-11; Cu-1.2; Pb-6.4; Cd-0.11; Co- <0.25; Ca-798; Mg-155; Na-110; K-64. Atmospheric deposition of all elements measured was greater in the southern basin than in the northern basin as a result of intense urban/industrial activity in the former. The percentage of total atmospheric deposition falling in the southern basin was: Fe-74%, Al-71%; Mn-75%; Zn-67%; Cu-62%; Pb-78%; Cd-74%; Co- ti 56%; Ca-79%; Mg-62%; Na-65%; K-61 %. Atmospheric loading rates reported are in general agreement with estimates made by others from emission inventories and aerosol concentrations. Atmospheric loadings were estimated to represent 10% or more of the total loadings to Lake Michigan from tributary and erosion sources for the trace elements Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb. Also, atmospheric deposition may account for recent accumulations of Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb and Co in southern Lake Michigan surficial sediments. The atmospheric Ph flux to southern Lake Michigan was estimated as ~1.7 μg sm?2 yr?1 for 1975–1976 which compares favorably with the 1972 anthropogenic Pb flux of 1.3 μg cm?2 yr?1 (total ? ~1.5 μg cm?2 yr?1) as determined from Pb-210 dating (Edgington and Robbins, 1976). The geographical distribution of trace element loading implicates the southern periphery of Lake Michigan as the principal emission source area.  相似文献   

Coregionalization of trace metals in the soil in the Swiss Jura   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The provenance of trace metals in soil, whether from the parent material or from pollution, is rarely known with certainty, and the metals' history must usually be pieced together from fragmentary statistical information. This is particularly true in the Swiss Jura where the concentrations of several heavy metals around La Chaux de Fonds exceed the statutory recommended thresholds for safety. The topsoil of the 14.5-km2 region was sampled on a square grid at 250-m intervals with additional nesting with distances of 100 m, 40 m, 16 m and 6 m. The concentrations of seven potentially toxic metals, namely Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn, were measured. Their coregionalization could be represented by a linear model consisting of a nugget component plus two spherical structures with ranges of 0.2 km and 1.3 km. The short-range component dominated the variograms of Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb; the long-range component dominated those of Co and Ni; the variogram of Zn combined the two in approximately equal proportions. The coregionalization matrices contain moderate correlation among the nugget and the short-range components, notably between Cu and Pb, between Cd and Zn, and between Cr, Ni and Zn. The strongest correlations are at the long range between Co, Cr and Ni, and to a somewhat smaller degree between Zn and Co. Analysis of variance showed Co and Ni to be related to geology, and to the Argovian formation in particular. The indicator variogram of this formation has also a short-range component. The analysis also showed Cr and Cu to be related to land use (in different ways). Copper and Pb are strongly correlated to one another and distinct from the five other metals. The long-range structure is almost certainly a geological effect, whereas the one of short range probably results from both the geology and human activities.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined in bulk atmospheric deposition collected at five stations in the Seine River basin (France), to evaluate sources and fluxes of atmospheric trace metals. Bulk deposition (wet + dry) was sampled weekly from March 2001 to February 2002 for 4 sites and from March to December 2001 for the last one. The concentrations of the elements in bulk deposition (dissolved + particulate form) followed the order: Zn > Pb > Cu > Ni > Cd. Concentrations of Zn, Pb and Ni were highly correlated with one another, suggesting a common source, related to the combustion of coal and heavy fuel. Metal concentrations in bulk deposition did not exhibit a high degree of temporal variability over the annual cycle and were not obviously related to meteorological parameters (rainfall, wind). Estimates of the total annual direct atmospheric deposition of metals to the Seine Estuary ranged from 16 kg yr? 1 for Cd to 5600 kg yr? 1 for Zn. Loadings of Cd, Cu and Ni from direct atmospheric inputs were less than 1% of those contributed by the Seine River and loadings of Pb and Zn represented 1.27% and 1.56% of the Seine contribution. Direct atmospheric inputs are negligible compared to fluvial inputs, but the indirect atmospheric deposition to the estuary was not estimated. Based on these results, trace metal concentrations in Paris have decreased by a factor of 4.6 for Zn and by a factor of 50 for Ni from 1988 to 2001. Of particular interest is the continued decrease in bulk deposition of Pb during this period, underlining the impact of policy initiatives concerning the reduction of lead on emissions in France.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - Sapropel is an organic-rich sediment formed under conditions that can result in sequestration of trace metals. Here, we determined the concentration of total...  相似文献   

Carpet-forming bryophytes (mosses) have been used extensively since the late 1960's in assessing regional and temporal variability of atmospheric heavy-metal deposition. A large-scale decrease in heavy-metal deposition occurred during the 1970's in Sweden, probably also in other parts of northern Europe. The decrease was closely related to known changes in atmospheric emissions.  相似文献   

 Composts made from biosolids and municipal solid wastes contain heavy metals which may be exported outside soil systems by plants, animals and surface and subsurface waters after the compost has been added to soils. Chemical distributions of Cu, Zn, Cr, Pb, Ni and Co were determined by eight sequential extractions of co-composted materials sampled on days 0, 13, 27 and 41. The concentrations of residual Zn, Cr, Cu and Pb increased by 145, 124, 73.6 and 26.3% during the composting period, respectively, whereas the concentration of residual Ni remained relatively constant and that of Co decreased by 60% over the same period. These results show that co-composting contaminated residues substantially reduces the extractability and exchangeability of four out of six heavy metals, suggesting that the risks of entering the food chain and contaminating crops, animals and water reserves would be equally reduced. Fourier-transform infrared spectra showed that heavy metals in the compost are bonded to COO- groups of the organic matter. Received: 20 March 1998  相似文献   

In this paper, three dissolution methods using pressure digestion vessels (low-, medium-, and high-pressure vessels) for the determination of metals in plant samples are described. The Plackett-Burman saturated factorial design was used to identify the significant factors influencing wet ashing and to select optimized dissolution conditions. The three methods were statistically compared (on-way ANOVA) on the same sample; no significant differences were obtained. In all cases the relative standard deviation values were <3%. The digestion method based on the use of low-pressure vessels and a microwave oven was validated against CRM GBW07605 tea leaves. This method was applied to the determination of Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Mg, and Ca in 22 different medicinal, aromatic, and seasoning plants by flame-atomic absorption spectrometry. The concentration intervals of metal in the plants analyzed were the following: Cu, 4 (Allium sativum)-35 (Thea sinensis) microg g(-1); Zn, 7 (Piper nigrum)-90 (Betula alba) microg g(-1); Mn, 9 (Allium sativum)-939 (Caryophylus aromaticus) microg g(-1); Fe, 33 (Allium sativum)-2486 (Anethum graveolens) microg g(-1); Mg, 495 (Allium sativum)-7458 (Ocimum basilicum) microg g(-1); Ca, 386 (Allium sativum)-21500 (Ocimum basilicum) microg g(-1).  相似文献   

Ambient concentrations of particulate Fe, Zn, Ph, Ni, Cr, Cd and Hg were measured at nine sites located in the metropolitan area of Detroit from 1971 to 1992. The ambient concentrations of all the trace metals were found to be generally higher at industrial and commercial sites. The concentrations show significant variations between residential and commercial areas and between residential and industrial areas; however, no significant variation was found between the industrial and commercial settings. The spatial variation of trace metal levels within the urban area was influenced by the frequency distribution of the wind direction as well as type and location of emission sources. The ambient concentrations of the trace metals during the decade of 1971–1981 declined by 37–88%. In the 1980s many of the trace metals reversed this trend with the exception of Fe and Pb which continued to decline at annual rates of 2% and 9.8%, respectively. The sharp decrease in Pb concentrations during the 1980s, reflected the significant reduction of Pb content in gasoline from 0.28 g/liter in the 1982 to 0.026 g/liter in the 1989. The ambient concentrations of Zn, Ni, Cr, Cd and Hg showed an upward trend during the 1980s with an annual rate in the range of 0.6% to 10.6%. The long-term trends of selected U.S. market parameters, analyzed as potential long-term indicators of emission sources activityies, were consistent with the changes of ambient concentrations, the correlation coefficient being in the range of 0.58 to 0.84 for most of the trace metals.  相似文献   

The removal of five metals (Cu, Zn, Cr, Pb, Al) was studied in two reservoirs in series used for the seasonal storage of wastewater effluents for irrigation. The evaluation was made by two methods: (1) an anual budget which includes inputs and outputs and. (2) sediment traps. The concentrations of metals were reduced between 20 and 75%, to the base level found in unpolluted groundwater in the region. The amount of Pb was reduced in 5%, Cu in 10%, Al in 30%, Cr in 50%, and Zn in 90%. Sedimentation has an irregular pattern due to the effect of wind induced longshore and rip-currents. The release of bottom sediments in the outflow means a direct release of trace metals and other settling pollutants and clogging particles. It is recommended to take the effluents for irrigation from the uppermost water layer, to avoid strong outflow rates which may drag out part of the sediments by hydraulic turbulence, and to locate the outlet away from the dominant wind axis. The main tools to improve the removal of trace metals in seasonal reservoirs are not the control of the age distribution of the effluents and/or the loading of the reservoirs, but the proper location, design and flow rate of the outlet.  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was grown on a sandy soil given different doses of cadmium carbonate (salt), copper carbonate (malachite), lead carbonate (cerussite), and zinc carbonate (smithsonite) in a pot experiment conducted in a greenhouse. The element compounds were added to the soil in amounts equivalent to the following levels of the metals: Cd 5, 10, 50 μq ?1; Cu and Pb 50, 100, 500 μg g?1; Zn 150, 300, 1500 μg g?1. Sequential extraction was used for partition these metals into five operationally-defined fractions: exchangeable, bound to carbonates, bound to Fe-Mn oxides, bound to organic matter and residual. The residue was the most abundant fraction in the untreated soil for all the metals studied (43 to 61% of the total contents). The concentration of exchangeable Cd (0.2 μg g?1), Cu (0.01 μg g?1), Pb (0.1 μg g?1), and Zn (1.4 μg g?1) were relatively low in the untreated soil but increased markedly in the treated soils for Cd (up to 31 μg g?1) and Zn (up to 83 μg g?1), whereas only small changes were observed for Cu and Pb. The pot experiment showed a significant increase in the Cd and Zn contents of barley grown on the treated soils, but only small changes in Cu and Pb concentrations.  相似文献   

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