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The Norwegian Monitoring Programme for Long-Range Transported Air Pollutants started in 1980. The biological part of this programme includes besides invertebrate studies in streams, (i) fish community status in lakes by means of interviews, test-fishing in lakes by using standard gill-net series, recruitment studies of brown trout in inland streams, and juvenile stock assess and monitoring of fish kills in salmon rivers. Damaged fish stocks are recognized within a land area of 51,500 km2 in southern Norway and 30 km2 in northern Norway. At least 6,000 lake-dwelling fish stocks have either been lost or are at various stages of reduction. Brown trout (Salmo trutta) is the most widespread and abundant species of fish in Norwegian watersheds, and is also most severe affected by acidification. More recently, there are some indications of an increase in the abundance of brown trout in some areas. However, analysis of age structure in lakes, and fry densities in streams in such areas revealed large annual variations in recruitment rate, which indicates unstable water chemical conditions. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is virtually extinct in 25 rivers in southernmost, southwestern and western Norway.  相似文献   

This paper documents population responses of Atlantic salmon and brown trout to fish kills in River Vikedal, an acidified river in SW Norway. The angling statistics show that the adult population of Atlantic salmon in the river has decreased to low numbers during recent years, whereas catches of migrant brown trout have increased in the same period. A total of 659 dead salmon and trout were either collected or observed during spring snowmelt in the years 1982–1985. Parr suffered the highest mortality, and most large specimens. Only a few dead kelts were registered. In the springs of most unfavourable water quality and most severe episods of fish kills (1983 and 1984), salmon parr mortality were significantly higher than that of brown trout. Episodic death of parr in the spring is thought to be an important cause of the reduction in the adult stock of Atlantic salmon in the river during recent years.  相似文献   

Acid deposition has led to acidification and loss of fish populations in thousands of lakes and streams in Norway. Since the peak in the late 1970s, acid deposition has been greatly reduced and acidified surface waters have shown chemical recovery. Biological recovery, in particular fish populations, however, has lagged behind. Long-term monitoring of water chemistry and fish populations in Lake Langtjern, south-eastern Norway, shows that around 2008, chemical recovery had progressed to the point at which natural reproduction of brown trout (Salmo trutta) reoccurred. The stocked brown trout reproduced in the period 2008–2014, probably for the first time since the 1960s, but reproduction and/or early life stage survival was very low. The results indicate that chemical thresholds for reproduction in this lake are approximately pH?=?5.1, Ali?=?26 μg l?1, ANC?=?47 μeq l?1, and ANCoaa?=?10 μeq l?1 as annual mean values. These thresholds agree largely with the few other cases of documented recovery of brown trout in sites in Norway, Sweden, and the UK. Occurrence and duration of acidic episodes have decreased considerably since the 1980s but still occur and probably limit reproduction success.  相似文献   

Up to 1978 51% of brown trout populations and 27% of perch populations in the four southernmost counties of Norway were lost. During 1983 the fish status of lakes in the two southernmost counties which in the period 1974 to 1978 still had fish were updated. During the period 1978 to 1983, 30% of the remaining brown trout populations and 12% of the perch populations were lost. By 1983 71% of brown trout populations and 43% of perch populations in this area have been lost. In October 1983, 623 (77%) of the lakes were sampled for analyses of water quality. The status and change in fish populations during the period from 1974–78 to 1983 were highly related to water quality status.  相似文献   

In this paper we document the effects of acidification on fish populations in lakes in Sør-Varanger near the Russian border in northern Norway. We used questionnaires in order to assess the current status and distribution of different fish species, and conducted test-fishing to determine relative abundance (CPUE-T) and age structure. Acidification of surface waters in this area is due to emissions of SO2 from smelters on the Kola Peninsula in Russia (Nikel and Zapoljarnij) between 10 and 30 km from the Norwegian border. Sulphur deposition in Sør-Varanger ranges from 0.6 to 2.0 g S m-2 yr-1, which is similar to levels in the most acidified areas in southern Norway. However, a dominant fraction of the acidic deposition reaches the ground in particulate form during summer and autumn. Coastal areas in Sør-Varanger receive small amounts of precipitation; the annual mean is 580 mm. We obtained fish status from 401 lakes, about 40% of all lakes larger than 3 ha, which were inhabited by 236 and 293 populations of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta), respectively. The extent of fish damage was small as only three populations of Arctic charr were lost, while three populations of Arctic charr and eight populations of brown trout were at various stages of reduction. Damaged and lost fish populations were identified in smaller lakes at relatively high elevations (172–349 m) in six areas in the Jarfjord Mountains, covering a land area of 30.0 km2. Most of the damage probably occurred during the 1970s and 1980s. In lakes that supported or had supported Arctic charr and brown trout, we found a significant relationship between CPUE-T, and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and pH, and also between alkalinity and the concentration of inorganic Al for brown trout. In both species, the catch of fish in age groups 1+ and 2+ (CPUE-R) increased significantly with CPUE-T. Affected populations typically exhibited irregular age composition, and age-classes were missing, indicating that reductions in fish populations were due to recruitment failure. The limited fish damage is related to relatively good catchment resistance to acidic inputs, small amounts of wet deposition as well as precipitation. These conditions result in low accumulation of acidic compounds, producing less acidic run-off waters and few episodes of unfavourable water quality.  相似文献   

Despite a slight reduction in the level of acidic deposition in Norway, acidification of lakes and rivers continues. The Norwegian Liming Project (1979–84) demonstrated that lime treatment can be an effective measure against acidification of watercourses given appropriate adaptation to local conditions. Liming in Norway is difficult because of (1) large amounts of precipitation, (2) short retention time of lakes, and (3) episodic changes in water chemistry. In 1988 NOK 14 mill. has been allocated to operational liming and research. We report here on chemical and biological responses from lime treatment of a lake, a river and a catchment. Lake Store Hovvatn was limed in 1981 and successfully stocked with brown trout. Before reliming in 1987, fish growth had ceased, but increased post liming. The River Audna has been continuously limed since 1985. Sea trout fisheries have improved, and the stocking of Atlantic salmon smolts at the mouth of the river in 1986 has already resulted in the return of spawners. Liming of the entire terrestrial catchment to the pond Tjønnstrond in 1983 by helicopter was also successful; stocked brown trout have survived to the present.  相似文献   

Due to acidification, 18 Norwegian stocks of Atlantic salmon are extinct and an additional 8 are threatened. In the two southernmost counties, salmon is eradicated. Due to the high acid sensitivity, production of salmon was greatly reduced as early as 1920, several decades before acid rain was recognized as an environmental problem. International agreements on reduced atmospheric emissions will reduce acidification effects in Norway substantially during the coming 20 to 50 years. However, the extreme acid sensitivity of salmon makes the destiny of this species in Southern Norway uncertain. Liming is an effective measure to protect and restore fish populations in acidified waters. Liming of acidified salmon rivers has become important in Norway in recent years which in combination with reduced emissions will be an important contribution to protection of the Atlantic salmon species. In this paper we give an overview of the effects of acidification on Norwegian salmon and discuss different aspects of mitigation measures; the expected effect of international agreements on reduced atmospheric emissions, the expected effect of liming on salmon production and the possibilities of re-establishing self sustaining salmon stocks in limed rivers.  相似文献   

The Lake Fjorda water system in southern Norway consists of several lakes which exhibit a gradient in acidification. The system is inhabited by populations of brown trout, Arctic char, whitefish, perch, European minnows and Crucian carp. Populations of Arctic char, whitefish and brown trout were nearly wiped out in some of the locations, as a result of acidification, In 1985, Lake Fjorda was limed in order to improve water quality so the fish community would be recovered. Fish stock assessment by means of gill-net fishing in the epibenthic and pelagic zones was carried out before (1983) and three years after liming (1991–1993). Populations of Arctic char and whitefish have not recovered after eight years of liming. Brown trout are almost extinct and do not seem to be recovering. Perch were less affected by acidification, exhibiting good recruitment also before liming.  相似文献   

Netting surveys of lakes varying in pH (4.4–7.1) showed that lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) populations fail to recruit at pH <5.5 and are lost from lakes with pH<5.2. Brook trout (S. fontinalis) were extirpated in lakes with pH <5.0. In regional chemical surveys of Ontario lakes, it was found that 2% of sampled brook trout lakes and 2.5% of lake trout lakes were acidified (alkalinity <0 uEq L?1). Threshold pH levels determined from fisheries assessments were used to estimate that 1% of lake trout and brook trout populations have been lost due to acidification.  相似文献   

We have examined populations of brown trout in low-conductivity mountain lakes (5.0?C13.7 ??S/cm and 0.14?C0.41 mg/l Ca) in southwestern Norway during the period 2000?C2010. Inlets to the lakes were occasionally even more dilute (2007; conductivity?=?2.9?C4.8 ??S/cm and Ca?=?0.06?C0.17 mg/l). The combination of pH and conductivity was the best predictor to fish status (CPUE), indicating that availability of essential ions was the primary restricting factor to fish populations in these extremely diluted water qualities. We suggest that conductivity <5 ??S/cm is detrimental to early life stages of brown trout, and subsequently that there are lakes in these mountains having too low conductivity to support self-reproducing trout populations. Limited significance of alkalinity, Ca, Al, and color suggests that effects of ion deficit apparently overruled the effects of other parameters.  相似文献   

Extensive studies of precipitation chemistry during the last 20 yr have clearly shown that highly polluted precipitation falls over large areas of Scandinavia, and that this pollution is increasing in severity and geographical extent. Precipitation in southern Norway, Sweden, and Finland contains large amounts of H+, SO= 4, and NO? 3 ions, along with heavy metals such as Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb, that originate as air pollutants in the highly industrialized areas of Great Britain and central Europe and are transported over long distances to Scandinavia, where they are deposited in precipitation and dry-fallout. In Norway the acidification of fresh waters and accompanying decline and disappearance of fish populations were first reported in the 1920s, and since then in Sørlandet (southernmost Norway) the salmon have been eliminated from several rivers and hundreds of lakes have lost their fisheries. Justifiably, acid precipitation has become Norway's number-one environmental problem, and in 1972 the government launched a major research project entitled ‘Acid precipitation — effects on forest and fish’, (the SNSF-project). Studies of freshwater ecosystems conducted by the SNSF-project include intensive research at 10 gauged watersheds and lake basins in critical acid-areas of southern Norway, extensive surveys of the geographical extent and severity of the problem over all of Norway, and field and laboratory experiments on the effect of acid waters on the growth and physiology of a variety of organisms. Large areas of western, southern, and eastern Norway have been adversely affected by acid precipitation. The pH of many lakes is below 5.0, and sulfate, rather than bicarbonate, is the major anion. Lakes in these areas are particularly vulnerable to acid precipitation because their watersheds are underlain by highly resistant bedrock with low Ca and Mg contents. Apart from the well-documented decline in fish populations, relatively little is known about the effects of acid precipitation on the biology of these aquatic ecosystems. Biological surveys indicate that low pH-values inhibit the decomposition of allochthonous organic matter, decrease the species number of phyto-and zooplankton and benthic invertebrates, and promote the growth of benthic mosses. Acid precipitation is affecting larger and larger areas of Norway. The source of the pollutants is industrial Europe, and the prognosis is a continued increase in fossil-fuel consumption. The short-term effects of the increasing acidity of freshwater ecosystems involve interference at every trophic level. The long-term impact may be quite drastic indeed.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that acidification has reduced or eliminated fish populations in certain areas of the eastern United States was investigated by examining present and historical fishery survey records. The causes of acidification (e.g., atmospheric deposition) were not specifically considered, although instances of obvious alternative explanations (e.g., acid mine drainage, organic acids) were avoided. The number of usable data sets located was small. Trend analyses are severely limited by the lack of high quality historical data. The strongest evidence for fisheries declines associated with acidification is provided by data for the Adirondack Mountain region of New York. In some lakes, fish populations have declined or disappeared; lakes experiencing fishery declines are now acidic. Alternative explanations for changes in fish communities over time were examined. In 49 lakes, some or all fish populations have apparently been lost with no available explanation other than acidification. Extrapolation of these data to the entire Adirondack Mountain region suggests that perhaps 200 to 400 lakes may have lost fish populations as a result of acidification. Streams in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts also had documented declines in fish populations that were associated with acidity; however, the data are fewer and less complete than those for New York. Acidification effects on fishery resources in other regions of the eastern United States are apparently minimal. The extent of the damage to date appears small relative to the total resource.  相似文献   

The amphipod Gammarus lacustris was earlier a main food item of brown trout in Lake Svartavatnet at the Hardangervidda mountain plateau in South Norway. In the middle of the 1980's, G. lacustris disappeared from the trout diet due to increased acidification. In order to preserve a unique genetic variant of brown trout living in the area, a liming programme was initiated in 1994. During the first years after liming, G. lacustris was absent both in fish stomachs and in lake littoral samples. In 1999, it reappeared in brown trout stomach samples together with two other strongly sensitive species, the tadpole shrimp Lepidurus arcticus and the freshwater gastropod Lymnaea peregra. Data from monitoring indicate that the water chemical conditions of L. Svartavatnet are still close to the critical limits of these animals. They have probably survived in small refuges of acceptable water quality, either in areas of inflowing groundwater or in the littoral, below the more acidic surface layer. The fact that these sensitive animals have not yet been found in benthic samples emphasise fish diet as an important tool in early registration of the presence/absence of invertebrates with low abundance or patchy distribution.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon are severely affected by acidification in Norway. Water quality criteria for the salmon have to be based on the most sensitive stage, the smolt stage. The sensitivity to acidic water increases enormously during smolting, the seawater tolerance being especially vulnerable. Even moderately acidic water (pH about 6) with low inorganic monomeric aluminium (LA1) concentrations (<20μg. L?1) and short-term episodes may be harmful. Mixing zones in limed or unlimed rivers may also represent a problem for seaward migrating smolts. In limed salmon rivers, the national liming goal has been increased to pH 6.5 during smolting (1 February to 1 July) and to 6.2 the rest of the year as a result of our experiments. In contrast to what has been found for brown trout, salmon strains originating from watercources undergoing acidification were not more tolerant than those from non-acidic watercourses. At the moment no such “tolerant” strains are available for restocking limed rivers in Norway.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of acidification on female sexual behavior in brown trout (Salmo trutta) and compared the results with those in hime (land-locked sockeye) salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) (Kitamura and Ikuta, 2000). The results were similar to those of sockeye salmon. Spawning brown trout were extremely sensitive to the acidity of ambient water, and nest-digging behavior was severely inhibited (p<0.05) by very slight acidification (pH below 6.4). However, there were some differences between the two species. Female trout and salmon showed almost no digging below pH 5.0 and 6.0 (Kitamura and Ikuta, 2000), respectively. When the ambient water was returned to nearly neutral (pH6.6) conditions, digging in hime salmon reappeared in 4 of the 6 fish tested (Kitamura and Ikuta, 2000), whereas digging in brown trout reappeared in all 6 fish tested. The above-mentioned differences in behavioral response between the two species appear to reflect the species difference in terms of vulnerability to acidification (Ikuta et al., 1992). Avoidance of slightly acidic water in selection of spawning site or cessation of spawning behavior in weakly acidic environments may be the most potent cause of the reduction of salmonid populations in the early stages of acidification.  相似文献   

Fish status in terms of ‘good, ‘sparse’, ‘lost’, ‘never had fish’, has previously been reported for several thousands of lakes in southermost Norway. In more than a thousand of these lakes pH and conductivity have also been measured. These data have been used to establish a relationship between pH and fish status (brown trout). It is estimated that a uniform pH increase of 0.2 units will result in status changes from category ‘lost’ to ‘sparse’ in 12% of the lakes (27% of the lakes which have lost the fish population). Altogether 21 % of the lakes are predicted to change to a better category. We have used a fixed pH shift in order to make the approach applicable. This is a rather drastic simplification since the lakes will respond very differently to a reduction in S deposition depending on the original acidity and a number of other factors. The limitations of the approach and an alternative method used by Chester (1982) are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

挪威大西洋鲑鱼工业化养殖现状及对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
挪威大西洋鲑鱼养殖起步于20世纪60年代,通过建立养殖许可证、最大生物许可量、环境信号灯等制度和规则,经过将近60 a的发展,目前已跃居成为全球大西洋鲑鱼第一大主产国。统计结果显示,2018年挪威养殖大西洋鲑鱼出口量110万t,出口额82.3亿美元;总销售量中Salmar、Cermaq、Marine Harvest等十大养殖企业占比63.9%;全国海上养殖场数量共986个,繁育和养殖从业人员共7499人。挪威大西洋鲑鱼养殖是陆海接力工业化生产的典型代表。从亲本产卵到规格苗种培育阶段主要采用循环水方式在陆基工厂化养殖车间内完成,然后转运至海上养殖场利用深水网箱进行养成。随着近岸水质和气候环境的变化以及对生产作业和管理更高的要求,挪威大西洋鲑养殖业正经历着从开放式网箱养殖向封闭式网箱、从近岸养殖朝深远海养殖发展的阶段。中国海水鱼养殖产业存在产业组织化程度低、养殖品种多样化、主养模式与产业技术亟待升级等问题。借鉴挪威大西洋鲑鱼养殖产业发展中碰到的问题和采取的对策,提出中国海水鱼养殖业发展应提高行业准入门槛,加强过程监督和环境影响评估;尽快建立针对不同养殖品种的市场发展策略,加快渔业结构升级转型;引进水产苗种工业化繁育技术体系;拓展深远海,建立陆海统筹的养殖新模式等建议。  相似文献   

In Sweden, approximately 16 000 of a total of about 85 000 lakes have been acidified due to acidic deposition. Of these about 8000 have been treated with limestone powder in order to detoxify the acidified waters and protect sensitive fauna. The present study was performed in ten lakes in the southern part of the country. The lakes belong to four different catchments and were in different stages of acidification at the time of lime treatment. The composition of the zooplankton and fish communities also differed and three lakes were empty of fish at the beginning of the studies. Quantitative sampling of planktonic crustaceans was performed during the ice free season between 1976–87 in five of the lakes and between 1977–87 in the other five. After treatment the pH increased significantly in all lakes except one. The average number of crustacean taxa found per sampling occasion increased in all lakes. Increases were statistically significant in four of the lakes. In the lakes empty of fish, increased abundances of chaoborids inhibited, by predation, the increase of species richness. Species richness increased after the introduction of fish and the subsequent reduction of the chaoborids. At the end of the study, more taxa were found in the limed study lakes than in non-treated west coast lakes with an alkalinity of 0.04–0.10 meq L-1. Most species normally occurring in oligotrophic forest lakes were found. It was shown that the water quality after liming made the occurrence of sensitive species possible and that predation from fish and interactions within the zooplankton assemblage were of great importance to the species composition and structure of the zooplankton community.  相似文献   

In 1990, a monitoring programme was initiated to survey the status of benthic invertebrate communities and fish populations over a wide range of subarctic rivers in northernmost Finnish Lapland (68°15′–70°N). A special emphasis was placed on detecting possible effects of acidification through sulfur emissions from Russian Kola Peninsula. Sampling in 13 rivers within four major river systems covered watercourses from small brooks to large 7th order rivers, and watersheds with different distances from the emission sources. The community structure of zoobenthos and the occurrence of acid-sensitive indicator species were assessed in 90 sampling sites. Sensitive fluvial fish species, including Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), brown trout (Salmo trutta), European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) and burbot (Lota lota), were monitored by studying their occurrence, abundance and juvenile recruitment. No signs of acid-induced failure in juvenile recruitment were detected in salmonid populations. The occurrence of minnow and burbot covered all the systems studied. In parallell, the structure of benthic communities with relatively high species diversity and wide distribution of a highly acid-sensitive caddisfly indicated no effects of acidification.  相似文献   

The effects of liming on juvenile stocks of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in the river Vikedalselva in southwestern Norway were assessed. From 1987 to 1989, the river was limed only during the spring snow melt, and pH varied in the range between 5.5 and 7.0. In 1990 to 1993, the river was limed to pH 6.2 from 15 February to 1 June and to pH 5.7 during the rest of the year. Since 1994, the pH during late winter and spring was maintained above 6.5. Prior to liming fish kills were evident during spring snow melt, but these have not occurred since liming. Electrofishing in the autumn between 1981 and 1994 showed no significant change in densities of juvenile salmon and brown trout after liming, mean densities ranged between 19–50 and 9–32 individuals 100 m–2 respectively. A significant linear correlation between production and biomass of both species was found, indicating that factors directly controlling density affect juvenile production and cause production to remain below carrying capacity. In spite of a clear increase in pH and a reduction in the concentration of labile aluminium after liming, the conditions still do not seem to be optimal for juvenile salmonids. We suggest that a complexity of different factors impose limitations on fish production in the river: inadequate egg deposition, environmental factors such as water temperature and flow, osmoregulatory failure in mixing zones between limed and acidic water and gill damage through deposition of aluminium and iron. However, there are several indications of a reduction in toxic effects after the pH was raised to 6.5 during spring snow melt.  相似文献   

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