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To evaluate the potential for constructed wetlands to treat acid coal mine drainage, six model wetland mesocosms (each 2.4 m × 15 cm) were filled with Sphagnum peat (15 cm deep), planted either with cattails (Typha latifolia) and living Sphagnum, living Sphagnum only, or left as bare peat (2 mesocosms per treatment). The model wetlands were exposed to synthetic acid coal mine drainage (pH 3.5, concentrations of Fe2+, Al3+, Mn2*, Ca2+, and Mg2+ of 78.8, 10.0, 5.2, 12.0, and 4.5 mg L?1, respectively) at a rate of 90 mL min?1, 6 hr d?1, 5 d wk?1, over a 16 week period. Chemical analysis of peat at periodic intervals indicated that the model wetlands were net sources of Al3+, Mn2+ Ca2+ and Mg2+, but net sinks for Fe2+. Type of vegetation had no significant effect on Fe2+ retention; of the 204 g of Fe2+ added to the model wetland systems, 162 g were retained. Formation of Fe oxides accounted for 73 to 86% of the Fee' retention, with exchangeable Fe contributing 0.2 to 1.2%, organically bound Fe contributing 4 to 19%, and residual Fe contributing 7 to 15% of total Fee' retention. Fe retention was greatest at the inflow ends of the model wetlands where Fe retention appeared to reach saturation at a final Fe concentration in the peat of 235 mg g?1. At the rate of application of the synthetic acid mine drainage, we estimated that the model wetland systems would have reached complete Fe saturation after 157 days. We suggest that the mesocosm approach could be useful in generating site-specific data that can be applied to the formulation of cost-benefit analyses that can compare a proposed wetland treatment system with alternative conventional chemical methods for treating acid mine drainage.  相似文献   

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation activities lead to soil degradation in vicinity with the livestock breeding facilities, mainly due to ammonia emissions from the various stages of the process. In this research, the soil degradation effects of an intensive hog farming operation (IHFO) located at a Mediterranean limestone soil coastal area, have been investigated. Soil samples of the upper mineral soil were taken in various distances (10?C1,500?m) and directions from the IHFO boundaries. Thirteen experimental cycles were carried out in the duration of 1.5?years starting in March 2009 until October 2010. The soil samples were analysed on total, exchangeable and water-soluble Al, Fe and Mn. Significantly higher concentrations of the exchangeable and water-soluble Al, Fe and Mn were observed on soil samples at increasing proximity downwind from the farm (south). Southern soil average concentrations of exchangeable Al3+, Fe3+ and Mn2+ ranged between 3.56 and 7.45?mmol Al3+ kg?1 soil, 5.85 and 7.11?mmol Fe3+ kg?1 soil and 2.36 and 5.03?mmol Mn2+ kg?1 soil, respectively. Southern soil average concentrations of water-soluble Al, Fe and Mn forms ranged between 1.1 and 4.6?ppm Al, 0.5 and 0.8?ppm Fe and 0.4 and 1?ppm Mn, respectively.  相似文献   

The influence of organic matter in the translocation of metals between soil and soil solution of an acid forest soil Water extracts were prepared from soil samples which were collected from a soil profile showing very little variation in the texture down to a depth of 120 cm and thus only little translocation of clay in the soil profile. The aim of the study was to describe the distribution between soil and soil solution of several metals like Cu, Pb, Cd, Zn, Al and Mn as a function of humic substances, electrolyte concentration and pH. From the experimental results the following hypothesis on the reaction mechanisms involving metals and humus derived substances has been deduced. The metals Cu, Fe, Al and Pb are mobilized through complexation by soluble humus substances in addition to the usual pH dependent desorption and dissolution of hydroxides. This mobilization determines the solution concentration of Cu and Fe at pH > 3.7 and Al and Pb at pH > 4.2. Al, Fe and Pb are complexed selectively by high molecular weight humus derived substances which undergo adsorption on soil mineral surfaces. Cu interacts with low molecular weight humus derived substances which are not easily adsorbed by the mineral surfaces. Zn, Cd and Mn primarily undergo sorption and are thus controlled by pH and electrolyte concentration of solutions because their complexation with humus derived substances seems to be weak or nonexistant. It is further postulated that the humus derived substances mobilize Al3+ and Fe3+ ions. By this, other metals like Cd, Zn, Mn, Ca and Mg can occupy the free exchange sites.  相似文献   

Five wetlands, each 6 m wide and 30 m long and containing 30 cm of an organic substrate (Sphagnum peat to which limestone and fertilizer were surface-applied on a quarterly basis, Sphagnum peat, sawdust, straw/manure, spent mushroom compost), were exposed to controlled inputs of acid coal mine drainage (AMD; pH 2.89, soluble Fe, Mn, and SO4 2? concentrations of 119, 19, and 3132 mg L?1, respectively) at a mean flow rate of 8513 L da?1 for 111 weeks, beginning in July of 1989. All wetlands were net sources, rather than sinks, for base cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+). The Sphagnum peat wetland was the least effective in treating the AMD, retaining 35% of the soluble Fe influx, but not retaining substantial H+, soluble Mn, soluble Al, SO4 2?, or acidity. The straw/manure and mushroom compost wetlands were the most effective in treating the AMD, retaining 53 and 67% of the H+ influx, 80 and 78% of the soluble Fe influx, 7 and 20% of the soluble Mn influx, 54 and 53% of the soluble Al influx, 15 and 11% of the SO4 2? influx, and 57 and 63% of the acidity influx. For these two wetlands especially, treatment effectiveness was substantially diminished during the cold winter months of January through March. Moreover, from March through July of the final year of the study, treatment effectiveness was minimal with outflow pH and concentrations of soluble Fe, Mn, Al, SO4 2? and acidity that were similar to inflow values. Decreases in treatment effectiveness over time appeared to be related to a decrease in the ability to counter the substantial acid load entering the wetlands in the AMD. Lime or limestone dissolution and bacterial dissimilatory sulfate reduction may have contributed substantially to pH improvement and acidity consumption in the straw/manure and mushroom compost wetlands, but after 2 years the cumulative input of acidity apparently had overwhelmed biotic and abiotic alkalinity generating mechanisms, as reflected in a progressive decrease in both substrate pH and abiotic acid neutralization capacity (ANC) over time, especially in the surface substrates. Also over time, effluent H+ and acidity concentrations became more like influent and H+ and acidity concentrations. Although samples of wetland interstitial water were not collected for chemical analysis, as substrate pH and ANC decreased and as influent and effluent water chemistry became more similar, it is likely that wetland interstitial water became progressively more acidic, potentially inhibiting bacterial processes that could contribute to effective treatment, favoring dissolution rather than formation of insoluble metal precipitates, and thereby contributing to the eventual failure of the wetlands to effectively treat the AMD. In general, when constructed wetlands are used to treat particularly acidic (pH<4) AMD, if abiotic and biotic alkalinity generation cannot balance the influent acid load, long-term effective treatment will not be achieved.  相似文献   

The hydrous oxides of Mn, Fe, and Al avidly sorbed Sb from μM Sb(OH), solutions, with uptake levelling off as initial Sb concentration increased. Capacity values decreased along the sequence MnOOH > Al(OH)3 > FeOOH. The amount sorbed by each substrate decreased gradually at pH values > 6. Addition of 0.4M CH3COONa to the aqueous phase (to minimise retention of weakly bound Sb) had little effect on MnOOH uptake capacity (~160 mmol, kg?1 at pH < 7) but retention dropped rapidly at higher pH. With the other two substrates (pH 6–7) the calculated capacity values for specific Sb sorption were ~ 45 mmol kg?1 FeOOH and ~ 33 mmol kg? Al(OH)3; about a third of the total capacity values. On these substrates specific Sb sorption tended to peak in the pH 7 to 8 region. The pH response pattern was modified using Sb tartrate sorbate solutions. Factors influencing Sb sorption included substrate surface charge, chemical form of Sb and surface interactions. Formation of a sparingly soluble metal coating was indicated by the uptake plateaus observed when increasing amounts of solid were added to Sb solutions containing acetate.  相似文献   

The equilibria as well as the rates of adsorption and desorption of the ions Pb2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Zn2+, and Ca2+ by soil organic matter were determined in batch experiments as a function of the amount of metal ions added to an aqueous suspension of HCl-washed peat. Simultaneous determination of the metal ions and hydrogen ions in the solution by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and pH-measurements showed that the adsorption of one divalent metal ion by peat was coupled with the release of two hydrogen ions. Since this equivalent ion-exchange process causes a corresponding increase of the electric conductivity of the solution, the rates of the adsorption and desorption processes were determined by an immersed conductivity electrode. The distribution coefficients show that the selective order for the metal adsorption by peat is Pb2+ > Cu2+ > Cd2+≌ Zn2+ > Ca2+ in the pH range of 3·5 to 4·5. The slope of -2, as observed in a double logarithmic plot of the distribution coefficients versus the total solution concentration confirms the equivalence of the ion-exchange process of divalent metal ions for monovalent H3O+ -ions in peat. The absolute rates of adsorption, as well as the rates for the fractional attainment of the equilibrium, increase with increasing amounts of metal ions added. This behaviour is also observed for the subsequent desorption of the metal ions by H3O+-ions. At a given amount of metal ions added, the absolute rates of adsorption decrease in the order Pb2+ > Cu2+ > Cd2+ > Zn2+ > Ca2+, while the rates for the fractional attainment of the equilibrium decrease in the order Ca2+ > Zn2+≌ Cd2+ > Pb2+ > Cu2+. The half times for adsorption and desorption were in the range of 5 to 15 sec.  相似文献   

Published information, both theoretical and experimental, on As chemical behavior in soils is reviewed. Because of many emission sources, As is ubiquitous. Thermodynamic calculations revealed that As(V) species (HAsO 4 2- >H2AsO 4 - at pH 7) are more abundant in soil solutions that are oxidized more than pe+pH>9. Arsenic is expected to be in As(III) form (HAsO 2 0 =H3AsO 3 0 >AsO 2 - =H2AsO 3 - at pH 7) in relatively anoxic soil solutions with pe+pH<7. Adsorption on soil colloids is an important As scavenging mechanism. The adsorption capacity and behavior of these colloids (clay, oxides or hydroxides surfaces of Al, Fe and Mn, calcium carbonates, and/or organic matter) are dependent on ever-changing factors, such as hydration, soil pH, specific adsorption, changes in cation coordination, isomorphous replacement, crystallinity, etc. Because of the altering tendencies of soil colloids properties, adsorption of As has become a complex, empirical, ambiguous, and often a self contradicting process in soils. In general, Fe oxides/hydroxides are the most commonly involved in the adsorption of As in both acidic and alkaline soils. The surfaces of Al oxides/hydroxides and clay may play a role in As adsorption, but only in acidic soils. The carbonate minerals are expected to adsorb As in calcareous soils. The role of Mn oxides and biogenic particles in the As adsorption in soils appears to be limited to acidic soils. Kinetically, As adsorption may reach over 90% completion in terms of hours. Precipitation of a solid phase is another mechanism of As removal from soil solutions. Thermodynamic calculations showed that in the acidic oxic and suboxic soils, Fe-arsenate (Fe3(AsO4)4)2) may control As solubility, whereas in the anoxic soils, sulfides of As(III) may control the concentrations of the dissolved As in soil solutions. In alkaline acidic oxic and suboxic soils, precipitation of both Fe- and Ca-arsenate may limit As concentrations in soil solutions. Field observations suggest that direct precipitation of discrete As solid phases may not occur, except in contaminated soils. Chemisorption of As oxyanions on soil colloid surfaces, especially those of Fe oxide/hydroxides and carbonates, is believed to a common mechanisms for As solid phase formation in soils. It is suggested that As oxyanions gradually concentrate on colloid surfaces to a level high enough to precipitate a discrete or mixed As solid phase. Arsenic volatilization is another As scavenging mechanism operating in soils. Many soil organisms are capable of converting arsenate and arsenite to several reduced forms, largely methylated arsines which are volatile. These organisms may generate different or similar biochemical products. Methylation and volatilization of As can be affected by several biotic (such as type of organisms, ability of organism for methylation, etc.) and abiotic factors (soil pH, temperature, redox conditions, methyl donor, presence of other ions, etc.) factors. Information on the rate of As biotransformations in soils is limited. In comparison to the biologically assisted volatilization, the chemical volatilization of As in soils is negligible.  相似文献   


Four ryegrass (Lolium multiflorumLam.) cultivars were grown in 1/5 Steinberg nutrient solution supplemented with six Al levels (0, 37, 74, 148, 296, or 592 umol L‐1) at pH initially adjusted to 4.2. Average net Fe influx was stimulated at low nutrient solution Al levels. This stimulation was larger for more Al‐tolerant cultivars Marshall and Gulf. Decreases in average net Mn and Zn influxes were brought about by increasing Al levels in the nutrient solution. The average net influx of Fe, Mn, and Zn was positively correlated with the root tolerance index (relative root yield of plants grown with and without Al added to the nutrient solution). For more Al‐tolerant cultivars, increased total uptake of Fe and Cu was brought about by increased nutrient solution Al levels up to 74 umol L‐1. Decreases in total uptake of Mn and Zn were generally noted with increased nutrient solution Al levels. Percentage inhibition of total Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu uptake was negatively correlated with the mean pH of the Al‐containing nutrient solutions. The higher average net influx and the smaller percentage inhibition of total Fe uptake at nutrient solution Al levels up to 74 umol L‐1can be used as indicators in ranking ryegrass cultivars as more Al‐tolerant  相似文献   

Contents of major and trace elements in concretions of surface samples from marsh soils – Electron microprobe analysis The amounts of 14 elements (Ti, Fe, Mn, Si, Al, Ca, and P, S, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) in concretions of four A horizons of marsh soils were determined by electron microprobe analysis on thin sections. According to the major element compositions the following types of concretions can be distinguished: Ti-Fe(-Mn) concretions (31–39% Ti; 18–29% Fe; 0,3–5,5% Mn); Fe(-Mn) concretions (31–58% Fe; ≤ 1,8% Mn); Fe-Si(-Mn) concretions (6–28% Fe; 8–42% Si; ≤ 5% Mn); Mn-Fe and Mn-Fe-Si concretions (16–40% Mn; 2–9% Fe; 2–15% Si). The formation of Ti-Fe(-Mn) concretions can be explained by adsorption of Fe2+ ions under reducing conditions on surfaces of Ti minerals followed by oxidation to Fe(III) oxide. In this way pseudorutile may be formed. Concretions with high Fe and/or Mn content often contain occlusions of carbonates, silicates and/or SiO2 (bioopal) which may act as nuclei for their growth. Redox processes in marsh soils result in the formation of concretions with dominating Fe or Mn accumulation. Among the group of trace elements, P and S (like Ti and Si) reach their highest concentrations in Fe rich concretions (up to 54.000 mg P/kg and 4.200 mg S/kg). The accumulation of these elements is obviously influenced by anion competition, especially of P and Si, and probably also Ti. Likewise, high amounts of Pb were found in Fe(-Mn) concretions (up to 12.000 mg/kg). Co, Ni, Zn, and Cd show the highest amounts in Mn rich concretions (Co up to 3.400; Ni 1.800; Zn 13.200; Cd 1.000 mg/kg). Cu is also accumulated in some concretions (up to 1140 mg/kg) but no clear affinity to one of the different types of concretions was found.  相似文献   

Runoff from a highway interchange in western Maryland had Al concentrations averaging about 50 mg L?1, with a maximum of 206 mg L?1. As an alternative to expensive chemical treatment of this Al-rich water, in August 1984, the drainage was diverted through a 500 m2 man-made wetland, constructed from organic peat. For a 10 week period, Al concentrations in water leaving the wetland averaged 1.5 mg L?1. as compared to Al concentrations at the two major inflows to the wetland of 35.3 and 6.6 mg L?1. However, effective treatment of the drainage by the wetland was not observed over the entire 27 mo sampling period. Peat chemical analysis indicated that over the 27 mo, total Al concentration in the peat increased from 2375 μg g?1 to 13 634 μg g?1. Of this increase 5.5 % was contributed by exchangeable Al, 4.3% by adsorbed Al, 39.8% by organically bound Al, 33.1% by oxide bound Al, and 17.2% by precipitated and residual Al. Changes in Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg, K, and Na chemistry in the peat associated with Al retention are discussed.  相似文献   

在三江平原布置长期试验,研究连年施用有机肥后土壤腐殖质变化及其对白浆±Fe、Mn、Al形态转化及磷生物有效性的影响。结果表明,施用牛粪后土壤腐殖质含量升高,且以松结态腐殖质的增长为主;土壤的DTPA提取态和有机络合态Fe、Mn、Al含量上升,使土壤有效态磷含量上升。因此,生物措施是治理白浆土,促进土壤磷素养分有效性上升,增大土壤缓冲容量和抗逆性的有效措施。  相似文献   

Fluoride (F) sorption by acidified montmorillonite, montmorillonite and kaolinite has been investigated as a function of period of agitation, pH, initial fluoride concentration and clay amount. In case of montmorillonite and kaolinite, F sorption is insignificant at pH > 7, while it is maximum at pH 4. Enhanced F sorption by acidified montmorillonite is noted at pH < 10, maximum being at pH 6. Significant concentration of Al3+,Fe3+ and silica are released from acidified montmorillonite lattice (pH ≈ 2; 1:10 w/v), which decreased considerably owing to the formation of hydroxy (Al and Fe) silicates on subsequent base addition. Soluble fluoro-complexes at pH ≈ 2 and chemical interaction of F with hydroxy (Al and Fe) silicates at pH > 4, are potent sink for F in case of acidified montmorillonite. Soluble fluoro-complexes are also detected in case of montmorillonite and kaolinite at pH ≈ 4. Saturation indices (SIs) for acidified montmorillonite, over the studied pH range (2–10) has also been computed.  相似文献   

The distribution of iron‐cyanide complexes between ferrocyanide, [FeII(CN)6]4–, and ferricyanide, [FeIII(CN)6]3–, in soils on contaminated sites depends on the redox potential, EH. We carried out microcosm experiments in which ferrocyanide (20 mg l?1) was added to an uncontaminated moderately acidic subsoil (pH 5.2), and varied the EH of the soil suspension between 200 and 700 mV over up to 109 days. Ferrocyanide and ferricyanide were analysed by capillary isotachophoresis. At redox potentials ranging from 400 to 700 mV, small amounts of iron‐cyanide complexes were adsorbed, and ferrocyanide was almost completely oxidized to ferricyanide. Decreasing EH to 200 mV led to nearly complete removal of iron‐cyanide complexes from solution, and the complexes were not mobilized after subsequent aeration (EH > 350 mV). Under weakly to moderately reducing conditions (EH ≈ 200 mV), iron‐cyanide complexes were removed from solution by precipitation, which occurred, presumably in the form of e.g. Fe2[FeII(CN)6], Fe4[FeII(CN)6]3 or Mn2[FeII(CN)6], after reductive dissolution of Mn and Fe oxides. Four different sets of geochemical model calculations were carried out. The species distribution between ferrocyanide and ferricyanide in solution was predicted reliably under varying pH and redox conditions when iron‐cyanide complex concentrations and Fe concentrations, excluding Fe bound in iron‐cyanide complexes, were used in model calculations. In model calculations on the fate of iron‐cyanide complexes in soil, adsorption reactions must be considered, especially under oxidizing conditions. Otherwise, the calculated iron‐cyanide complex concentrations are larger than those actually measured.  相似文献   

Thin film A.S.V. was used to study the specific sorption of Cd, Pb and Cu by hydrous oxides (Mn, Fe, and Al) or clay mineral suspensions from acetate buffer solutions containing 10 to 100 μg L?1 of each metal ion. The amount sorbed varied with system pH (range 3 to 9), substrate crystal form, the ratio of adsorbent to absorbate present, and the metal ion involved. Uptake by hydrous Mn(IV) oxide was near total over the whole pH range. With other particulates the pH required for onset of sorption varied with solid phase composition, with uptake subsequently increasing steadily with increasing pH. In general, affinity and relative uptake values followed the sequences Pb > Cu > Cd and Mn(IV) oxides > Fe(III) oxides > A1(OH)3 > clays > iron ores. The solid phases loaded with sorbed metal were equilibrated with a range of extractant solutions used in soil/sediment studies, and the results confirmed that chemi-sorption was the main retention process. Significant release was achieved using extractants that attacked the substrate or formed stable complexes with the metal ion.  相似文献   

The adsorption of carbendazim by peat and montmorillonite was studied as a function of the exchangeable cations and temperature. The adsorption on soils was also studied. The kinetics of carbendazim adsorption on peat showed that adsorption equilibrium was reached within 1 h. The order of adsorption of carbendazim on peat was as follows: H+-peat > Cu2+-peat > Co2+-peat > Mg2+-peat > K+-peat, and the thermodynamic parameters appeared to suggest an adsorption mechanism involving hydrogen bonds, although in the H+, Cu2+ and Co2+ samples a protonation process and adsorption of the protonated species were also likely. The kinetics of carbendazim adsorption on montmorillonite (mont.) showed that equilibrium was reached within 1 h. The order of adsorption was: H+-mont. > Cu2+-mont. > Co2+-mont. > Ca2+-mont., the adsorption on the H+ and Cu2+ samples being much greater than that on the other samples. For the H+ and Cu2+ samples, the thermodynamic parameters appeared to suggest a double mechanism: physical adsorption, and protonation and adsorption by ion exchange. The most probable mechanism for the adsorption of carbendazim on the Co2+ and Ca2+ samples was physical bonding. The capacity for adsorption of this fungicide on soil was dependent on the organic matter, nitrogen and clay content, as well as on the cation exchange capacity. No significant correlation was found with pH, C/N ratio or free iron content.  相似文献   

Cool white fluorescent (CWF) light reduces Fe3+ to Fe2+ while low pressure sodium (LPS) light does not. Cotton plants grown under CWF light are green, while those yrown under LPS light develop a chlorosis very similar to the chlorosis that develops when the plants are deficient in iron (Fe). It could be that CWF light (which has ultra violet) makes iron more available for plant use by maintaining more Fe2+ in the plant. Two of the factors commonly induced by Fe‐stress in dicotyledonous plants‐‐hydroyen ions and reductants released by the roots‐‐were measured as indicators of the Fe‐deficiency stress response mechanism in M8 cotton.

The plants were grown under LPS and CWF light in nutrient solutions containing either NO3‐N or NH4‐N as the source of nitrogen, and also in a fertilized alkaline soil. Leaf chlorophyll concentration varied significantly in plants grown under the two light sources as follows: CWF+Fe > LPS+Fe > CWF‐Fe ≥ LPS‐Fe. The leaf nitrate and root Fe concentrations were significantly greater and leaf Fe was generally lower in plants grown under LPS than CWF light. Hydrogen ions were extruded by Fe‐deficiency stressed roots grown under either LPS or CWF light, but “reductants”; were extruded only by the plants grown under CWF light. In tests demonstrating the ability of light to reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+ in solutions, enough ultra violet penetrated the chlorotic leaf of LPS yrown plants to reduce some Fe3+ in a beaker below, but no reduction was evident through a yreen CWF grown leaf.

The chlorosis that developed in these cotton plants appeared to be induced by a response to the source of liyht and not by the fertilizer added. It seems possible that ultra violet liyht could affect the reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ in leaves and thus control the availability of this iron to biological systems requiring iron in the plant.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in pore water and solid phase geochemistry were investigated in urbanized minerotrophic peat sediments located in southwestern Michigan, USA. Sediment pore waters were collected anaerobically, using pore water equilibrators with dialysis membranes (“peepers”) and analyzed for pH, alkalinity, dissolved ΣPO4 ?3, ΣNH4 +, ΣS?2, SO4 ?2, Fe+3, Fe+2, and Mn+2 at 1-2 cm intervals to a depth of 50 cm. Cores collected adjacent to the peepers during all four seasons were analyzed for reactive solid phase Fe according to extraction methods proposed by Kostka and Luther (1994). The association of Fe and trace metals (Mn, Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Co, Cd, U) with operationally defined solid phase fractions (carbonates, iron and manganese oxides, sulfides/organics and residual) was assessed for cores extracted during winter and spring using extraction methods proposed by Tessier et al. (1979, 1982). Pore water Fe and S data demonstrate a clear seasonal variation in redox stratification of these sediments. The redox stratification becomes more compressed in spring and summer, with relatively more reducing conditions closer to the sediment water interface (SWI), and less reducing conditions near the SWI in fall and winter. In the upper 10–15 cm of sediment, the pool of ascorbate extractable Fe, thought to be indicative of reactive Fe(III) oxides, diminishes during spring and summer, in agreement with seasonal changes in redox stratification indicated by the pore water data. Tessier extractions indicate that the total extractable quantity of all metals analyzed in this study decrease with depth, and that the majority of the non-residual Fe, Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Co, Cd, and U is typically associated with the sulfide/organic fraction of the sediments at all depths. Non-residual Mn, in contrast, is significantly associated with carbonates in the upper 15–25 cm of the sediment, and predominantly associated with the sulfide/organic fraction only in deeper sediments.  相似文献   

Onion (Allium sativum) plants grown without iron (Fe) in sterile nutrient solutions readily developed chlorosis symptoms. Iron deficiency in the sterile‐grown plants stimulated the rates of root extracellular reduction of Fe3+, copper (Cu2+), manganese (Mn4+), and other artificial electron acceptors. While rapid reduction occurred with the synthetic chelate Fe3+HEDTA, no short‐term reduction occurred with the fungal siderophore Fe3+ferrioxamine B (FeFOB). In addition to the increased rate of extracellular electron transfer at the root surfaces, the Fe‐deficient plants showed greater rates of Fe uptake and translocation than the onion plants grown with Fe. The rates of uptake and translocation of Fe were sharply higher for the Fe‐deficient plants supplied with FeHEDTA than for similar plants supplied with FeFOB. Inhibition by BPDS of the Fe uptake by the Fe‐deficient onion plants further supported the importance of Fe3+ chelate reduction for the uptake of Fe into the roots. Rates of Fe uptake and translocation by Fe‐deficient onion plants supplied with 55FeFOB were identical to the rates of uptake of ferrated [14C]‐FOD; a result that gives evidence of the uptake and translocation of the intact ferrated siderophore, presumably by a mechanism not involving prior extracellular Fe3+ reduction. Differences in the rates of transport of other micronutrients into the roots of the Fe‐deficient onion plants were evident by the significantly higher Zn and Mn levels in the shoots of the Fe‐deficient onion.  相似文献   

我国几种土壤中铁锰结核的元素组成和地球化学特点   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The objective of this research was to isolate a dichlorvos (2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate)-degrading strain of Ochrobactrum sp., and determine its effectiveness in remediation of a dichlorvos-contaminated soil. A dichlorvos-degrading bacterium (strain DDV-1) was successfully isolated and identified as an Ochrobactrum sp. based on its 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Strain DDV-1 was able to utilize dichlorvos as a sole carbon source, and the optimal pH and temperature for its cell growth and degradation were 7.0 and 30 ℃, respectively. Also, the growth and degradation of strain DDV-1 showed the same response to dissolved oxygen. In addition, the soil degradation test indicated that in soil spiked with 100 mg L^-1 or 500 mg L^-1 dichlorvos and inoculated with 0.5% or 1.0% (v/v) strain DDV-1, complete degradation of dichlorvos could be achieved in 24 h. The present study showed that strain DDV-1 was a fast dichlorvos-degrading bacterium in soil. However, further research will be needed to clarify the degradation pathway and the properties of the key enzymes involved in its biodegradation.  相似文献   

Cattle manure vermicompost has been used for the adsorption of Al(III) and Fe(II) from both synthetic solution and kaolin industry wastewater. The optimum conditions for Al(III) and Fe(II) adsorption at pH?2 (natural pH of the wastewater) were particle size of ≤250?µm, 1 g/10 mL adsorbent dose, contact time of 4 h, and temperature of 25°C. Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms fitted reasonably well in the experimental data, and their constants were evaluated, with R 2 values from 0.90 to 0.98. In synthetic solution, the maximum adsorption capacity of the vermicompost for Al(III) was 8.35 mg g?1 and for Fe(II) was 16.98 mg g?1 at 25°C when the vermicompost dose was 1 g 10 mL?1, and the initial adjusted pH was 2. The batch adsorption studies of Al(III) and Fe(II) on vermicompost using kaolin wastewater have shown that the maximum adsorption capacities were 1.10 and 4.30 mg g?1, respectively, at pH?2. The thermodynamic parameter, the Gibbs free energy, was calculated for each system, and the negative values obtained confirm that the adsorption processes were spontaneous.  相似文献   

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