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Ecological and toxicological data from field studies on acidic rivers of Nova Scotia were examined to review the effects of low pH on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations in waters rich in organic acids where noexchangeable forms of Al dominate at all times. There were no survival of salmon past the dry stage at pH <4.7, and survival rates for salmon from egg to smolt only increased at pH >4.9. Annual production of juvenile salmon and potential yield of smolts were lower at pH 4.7 to 5.4 than at pH 5.6 to 6.3 because of reduced densities attributable to the high mortality of fry at pH ≤5.0. However, acidity episodes to pH <4.7 also resulted in mortality of parr, reducing densities and often completely eliminating year-classes. The physiological responses of juvenile salmon to chronic acid conditions and to acute acidity typical of episodic events were also reviewed in relation to toxicity. Decreased in plasma Na and Cl were well correlated with ambient pH, but not with exchangeable Al concentrations in rivers. These plasma electrolytes provided reliable indicators of the thresholds for sublethal effects on ionoregulatory mechanisms. There was no morphological evidence of damage or lesions in gill epithelia, indicating that accumulation of Al in the gills of parr was not a significant factor in the lethal effects observed in acidic rivers. High organic matter content in the water apparently protected gills from adverse Al effects. Toxicity was considered to result from the effect of low ambient pH on branchial ionoregulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

A watershed acidification model is modified to include organic acids and applied to the colored Moose Pit Brook and Mersey River in Nova Scotia. Comparison with 1983–1985 data confirmed the capability of the model to explain the different levels of organic and inorganic acidity exhibited in these two rivers. Based on the charge balance approach and a triprotic organic acid model, the charge density was found to be about 4 μeq organic anions per mg C of dissolved organic C for these two rivers.  相似文献   


Ranges for total, 0.1N HCl and EDTA‐(NH4)2CO3 extractable Zn in 69 samples of surface soil (0–15 cm), representing nine soil series, were 14–108, 0.9–10.5 and 0.5–8.0 ppm respectively. Total Zn in barley (Hordeum vulgare), carrot (Daucus carata sativa), corn (Zea mays L), grape (Vitis spp.), onion (Allium cepa), pea (Pisum sativum, strawberry (Fragaria spp.), and wheat (Triticum spp.) leaves and in barley and wheat grain ranged from 13.5 to 80.6 ppm.

The results suggest that, with the possible exception of corn leaf samples from one location, Zn levels in plant tissue were adequate. However, the results also indicate that liming strongly acid sandy soils reduces Zn availability and may induce a deficiency in Zn sensitive crops.  相似文献   

Although water chemistry of precipitation and lakes in Nova Scotia is dominated by C1 from sea salt, correction for marine influence reveals that the dominant anion in acidified lakes is SO4. Atmospheric deposition of non-marine SO4 (SO4) and NO3- for the period 1977–1980 at 4 stations in southwest Nova Scotia averaged 47 meq SO4 * m?2 yr?1 and 21 meq NI3-m?2 yr?1 compared with 38 and 13 meq, respectively, for the average of 3 stations in the northeastern third of the province. Precipitation pH increased from 4.5 to 4.8 along the same axis. Almost 50% of the SO4 deposition occurred when storms came from the southwest, indicating low pressure tracks which pass south of major Canadian sources of S. SO4 * deposition in metropolitan Halifax (1982 bulk data) was 87 meq m?2 yr?1, due to local emissions of ca. 28 300 tonne S in the area, as well as LRTAP. Concurrent deposition of NO3-N was 15 meq m?2 yr?1 (2.1 kg ha?1 yr ?1). Loadings from SO4 deposition in the Halifax area amount to 42 kg ha?1 yr?1 and clearly exceed the federal guideline (M.O.I., 1983) of 20 kg ha?1 yr?1. Water chemistry of southwest, northeast, and Halifax area lakes show the same general SOI trends as observed for atmospheric deposition. In addition we find a positive relationship between SOI concentrations in the urban lakes and proximity to the center of the urban area.  相似文献   

The seasonal patterns of flow and the concentrations of color, Mg, Ca, H+, Na, Cl, organic anions, SO4, and Gran alkalinity are examined for five streams or rivers in Kejimkujik National Park (Lower Mersey River, Atkins Brook, Grafton Brook, Pebbleloggitch Brook, and Beaverskin Brook). These range in organic color and acidity from very darkwater Atkins Brook (average 191 Hazen units, pH 4.2) to clearwater Beaverskin Brook (5 Hazen units, pH 5.5). In general, most dissolved substances are present in a relatively large concentration during the high-flow period of winter-spring (most notably color, Mg, H+, Ca, Na, organic anions, and SO4). In contrast, Gran alkalinity generally occurs in its highest concentration during the lowflow period. These observations suggest that during the high-flow period, substances are “flushed” from the terrestrial watersheds of these rivers and streams.  相似文献   

During the summer months, Nova Scotia is downwind of many of the large industrial areas of the eastern United States and central Canada. The studies described here were carried out in the summers of 1983 and 1984 in Antigonish, a small rural town in northeastern Nova Scotia with no local sources. Twenty-four hour samples were collected on Teflon filters using a dichotomous sampler, and were analyzed for sulphate, nitrate and chloride by ion chromatography and for strong acid using Gran titrations. Sulphate episodes (up to 27 μg m?3) were frequent. They usually occurred in warm, hazy weather and were often accompanied by strong acid (up to 9 μg m?3 as H2SO4).  相似文献   

The options for large scale liming of river systems are reviewed with particular reference to the River Tywi in Wales, a major salmonid river with a reservoir in the upper catchment. For hydrological source area liming the cost of lime transport is high due to remoteness and inaccessibility. The concern of potential damage to wetland mires of conservation value is considered. Re-treatment intervals are expected to be 5–10 years, but results from sub-catchment experiments indicate that treatment longevity and the pattern of ecological recovery are uncertain. Flow-related dosing systems for rivers avoid impacts on wetlands but would treat only the main river. Reliability may be problematical though the reservoir provides a margin of safety against system failure. Reservoirs can be limed to treat the main river outflow. This avoids the problems of power supply. For the River Tywi, the financial costs of both direct treatment methods are lower than for catchment liming and comparable with estimates of the economic benefit to the fishery. The system currently operated on the Tywi is reservoir treatment. Results from the first 3 years demonstrate colonization of the main river by acid intolerant invertebrate taxa and clear increases in populations of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. and sea/brown trout. Salmo trutta L.  相似文献   

During the summers of 1981-1984, 19,714 fish (23 species) were netted in 234 Nova Scotian lakes. Surface and mid-depth water samples were also analyzed for major ions, metals, and DOC. Lakewater pH varied from 4.4 to 7.7, including eight lakes which produced no fish in standard 23-hr net sets. Fish data were partitioned into 6 pH groupings for analysis. Stepwise multiple regressions of fish species vs. H+, S04,A1, Fe, and Mn showed little predictive power. Productive lakes ranged up to 530 μg L?1 Al, 1680 pg L?1 Fe, and 836 μg L?1 Mn. Apart from pH, fish distribution and abundance showed no significant relationships with water chemistry data. We note, however, that the more acidic lakes had fewer species of fish.  相似文献   

Studies of benthic animal communities in three limed Norwegian rivers showed different progress in the recovery response of sensitive animals. In River Vikedal highly sensitive species established populations in the limed part of the river after a few months. The response was slower in River Audna. Longer distances to parental populations was probably the main reason for this. The benthic community of the main River Ogna was unstable, while continuous liming of a highly acidified tributary did not result in improvement of the fauna. In River Vikedal, the bivoltine mayfly Baetis rhodani was more numerous in the autumn samples indicating critical water quality during spring. An adjustment of the pH of the limed water resulted in an increase of this species. The relative abundance of sensitive animals increased downstreams from the point of liming. This may partly be explained by clogging of powdered limestone in the areas closest to the lime doser. A better and more stable water chemistry in the downstream reaches is probably also important. Contrary, the suspended lime did not influence the abundance of filter-feeders.  相似文献   

Using the best available data, a comparison of the excess sulfate yields and median pH values of rivers in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland for the two periods 1971–1973 and 1982–1984 showed that the excess sulfate yields were significantly lower in the latter period, and the median pH values of the non-organically-dominated rivers were higher. The area] pattern of excess sulfate yields of rivers on the island of Newfoundland is in accord with the known pattern of precipitation across the island. Comparison of data for the Mersey River in Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia, with measured wet deposition of excess sulfate showed that the river yields of excess sulfate are higher than the wet deposition by amounts that are likely due to dry deposition.  相似文献   

A reanalysis of the diatom-inferred pH profile from a sediment core collected in 1980 from Kejimkujik Lake has been made in the light of improved techniques and ecological information. Using Index B calibrated for lakes in Atlantic Canada, the lake pH was 4.6 to 4.7 before anthropogenic disturbances in the watershed began ca. 1850. These disturbances had little immediate impact on pH, but minima of pH 4.5 were evident in the period 1916 to 1950. A diatom-inferred pH of 4.75 in the surface sediments compares with a measured pH of 4.96 in 1980. Disturbances in the watershed since ca. 1850 resulted in a large increase in a form of Asterionella ralfsii, a diatom associated with colored, humic water. A decline in this diatom since 1950 and an increase in taxa less typical of humic water is consistent with the hypothesis of loss of organic matter accompanying acidification from acidic precipitation.  相似文献   

The characteristics of acidic deposition at Kejimkujik National Park, a rural site in south-central Nova Scotia, were determined for the period from May 1979 to December 1983. The acidifying pollutants investigated were H+, sulphate ion and nitrate ion. Thirty per cent of the total annual amount of acidifying pollutants deposited by precipitation at Kejimkujik was deposited by only about 8% of the precipitation events during the year. These occasions of large deposition are referred to as episodes and occurred, on average, about five times per year, usually between March and November. The precipitation events that produced episodes were almost always rain events. The major meteorological feature producing deposition episodes at Kejimkujik is the sequence of a large high pressure area from mid-continent moving south of Nova Scotia, producing a prolonged southwesterly to westerly flow over the site, and then a weak frontal system, usually from south of the Great Lakes region, bringing moderate amounts of precipitation to the site. Since deposition episodes were almost always preceded by the above sequence of events, the ability to predict episodes was investigated. The results indicate that many “false alarms” could be anticipated because this sequence also occurs for non-episodes.  相似文献   

Sediment porewaters were recovered by the membrane dialysis technique from Kejimkujik Lake and Mountain Lake in Nova Scotia and analyzed for pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total (acid soluble) aluminum, total reactive monomeric aluminum (TRM-Al), organic monomeric aluminum and inorganic monomeric aluminum. The results show that in the colored lake water (Kejimkujik), close to 100% of the TRM-Al fraction is bound to organic matter and that 10 to 60% of the total-Al is in the monomeric form. In the clearwater lake (Mountain), 50 to 65% of TRM-Al fraction is associated with organic matter and less than 4 to 5% of the Total-Al is in the monomeric form. The concentrations of reactive monomeric species in organic-rich porewaters decrease with time of storage due to the precipitation of organo-Al compounds. Model calculations using the porewater profiles for Al suggest that the sediment can be an important source of dissolved Al to the overlying water.  相似文献   

There is a declining gradient of wet SO4 deposition from south to north in Nova Scotia with the highest values being in the south, along with a localized increase around the Halifax metropolitan area, due to local SO4 emission. Edaphic conditions such as drainage from soils containing gypsum or drainage on disturbed rocks containing pyrite, provide additional SO4 to surface waters.Acidity is usually absent in the former (pH > 7.0) and very high in the latter (as low as pH 3.6). By contrast peaty, organic drainages release water low in SO4 during the growing season but they release high amounts of organic anions (A?), consequently, these waters maintain decreased pH values, usually < 4.5. A study of over 80 wetlands and lakes during the ice free period in Nova Scotia showed that sea salt corrected SO4 concentrations range from 45 ueq L?1 in the south end of the province, ~30 ueq L?1 in the Kejimkujik area and < 17 ueq L?1 in the northern areas with values > 85 ueq L?1 in the Halifax area, reflecting the atmospheric deposition pattern of SO4 The SO4 concentrations may be > 2000 ueq L?1 in drainages containing gypsum, > 700 ueq L?1 in drainages over pyrite bearing socks but < 20 ueq/L?1 in streams draining bogs. The SO4 concentrations change considerably during the non-growing season when the ground is saturated with water or frozen, and the runoff is high (snow and rain often alternate in winter). Under such conditions SO4 concentration drops in the two former cases and increases in bog drainages, accompanied with a considerable drop in (A?) concentrations. Care should be taken when interpreting SO4 concentrations in surface waters in Nova Scotia with respect to atmospheric SO4 deposition.  相似文献   

Results are presented from an investigation of wetland chemistry in Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia. Significant differences in the major ionic constituents occurred between wetlands classified as bogs and those classified as fens, indicating the more minerotrophic status of the latter. The fens, however, were categorized as extremely poor, being very low in pH and base cations, indicating almost no buffering capacity. This type of wetland is regarded as transitional to bog and is viewed as highly sensitive to acid deposition by Gorham et al. (1987). Further alkalinity losses may result in abrupt changes in floral assemblages with rapid invasion of carpet forming Sphagnum species.  相似文献   

DOC concentrations in two streams of different hydrologic order are highly variable with the higher order stream exhibiting approximately a 3 mo response lag. Seasonal variation of SO4 concentration and flux are similar in both streams and do not reflect the seasonal patterns in precipitation. The basins store SO4 from May to November and lose SO4 from December to April. Consequently, SO4 concentrations and flux are maximum during January to March and reach a minimum during July to September. The highly organic lower order stream exhibits relatively stable pH controlled by two competing mechanisms. The pH is dominated by organic acids during the summer and autumn and by mineral acids during the late winter and early spring. In the higher order system, the pH tends to be inversely related to changes in SO4 concentration. These observations suggest that organic systems do respond to acidic deposition but that in some systems mineral acid influence may be restricted to the winter and spring.  相似文献   

Various species including nitrate, HN03 and Pb were sampled in Antigonish, Nova Scotia and their fluctuations were compared to those of simultaneously sampled acid and sulphate (reported previously). The 24 hr average aerosol nitrate, ~0.3 μg m?3, was similar in the summer and winter. Nitric acid made up ~42 % of the total (aerosol and gaseous) nitrate in the summer and winter, but nitrate and HN03 were correlated only in the summer. Windroses are used to show the dependence of sulphate, nitrate and aerosol acid on wind direction. Lead had a 24 hr average concentration of 71 ng m?3, was of mainly local origin and was not able to be correlated with other parameters.  相似文献   

Dilute waters (Ca = 0.3 to 0.8 mg L?1) respond by depressed pH levels throughout the year to existing atmospheric wet deposition of sulphate (20 kg ha?1yr?1).This occurs in southwest Nova Scotia particularly during the cold, wet season when runoff is high. Colored waters of similar Ca levels receiving runoff from peaty catchments exhibit pH values one unit lower (4.7 to 4.1) than those of catchments of similar Ca levels but free from peat deposits (pH > 5.3). In colored streams sulphate and organic anions show opposing cyclic patterns while the negative gran alkalinity is the near mirror image of sulphate. Sulphate anion peaks during the high spring discharge when the organic anion concentration is lowest. Sulphate suddenly drops during the summer months during periods of high evapotranspiration, low water table and runoff, when the concentration of organic anions is highest. Both Al and Fe follow cyclic patterns similar to that of the organic anions while H+ reflects that of the sulphate anion. Hydrogen ion concentration is always higher than that of sulphate in very colored waters, particularly during the summer months when organic anion concentrations are very high. Analysis of data in the tributaries in the Kejimkujik watersheds indicates that while considerable organic acidity is present in colored waters, anthropogenic sulphate further increases the free acidity of these waters, particularly at times of high discharge.  相似文献   

Boudala  F. S.  Folkins  I.  Beauchamp  S.  Tordon  R.  Neima  J.  Johnson  B. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2000,122(1-2):183-202
Mercury flux measurements were conducted at two lakes and three soil sites in Kejimkujik National Park, located in the eastern Canadian province of Nova Scotia. One of the lakes had high levels of both mercury and Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC). Two of the soil sites were located under the forestcanopy, while the other was in a small clearing surrounded by forest. Flux measurements were performed using the dynamic chamber method. Mercury concentrations in the air were measured with a TEKRAN mercury analyzer. Mercury fluxes over the two lakes were most strongly correlated with solar radiation, although the flux was also significantly correlated with water temperature, air temperature, and negatively correlated with relative humidity. The flux from the high DOC lake (Big Dam West) was especially high when the conditions were both sunny and windy (wind speed greater than 1.3 m s-1) and the average flux measured was 5.4 ng m-2 h-1. The mercury flux from this lake was wellparameterized in terms of a simple expression involving solar radiation and a nonlinear dependence on wind speed. The flux measured from the low DOC lake (North Cranberry) tended to be lower than from the high DOC lake. The averageflux measured was 1.1 ng m-2 h-1, but was again strongly correlated with solar radiation. The flux was low during windy conditions in the absence of sunlight, suggesting that wind enhances mercury evasion from lakes only in the presence of solar radiation. Mercury fluxes measured over the soil sites tended to be smaller than those over water (a range of –1.4–4.3 ng m-2 h-1). At one of the forest sites, mercury flux was very strongly correlated with 0.5 cm soil temperature, and this dependence was well described by an Arrhenius-typeexpression with an activation energy of 14.6 kcal-1 mole, quite close to the heat of vaporization of mercury (14.5 kcal-1 mol-1 at 20 °C). At the clearing, where there was direct exposure to the sun, the mercury flux was most strongly correlated with solar radiation.  相似文献   

Sulphate in precipitation is an index of atmospheric pollution but natural sources also contribute to its concentration. One of the dominant natural sources of sulphate is seasalt and reseachers have routinely calculated its proportion using reference species such as Cl?, Na+ and Mg2+. Such a method of estimation assumes conservatism of, and a purely marine origin for, the reference species. The stable isotopes of sulphur were utilized to assess the validity of these assumptions for a coastal area in Canada by taking advantage of the sulphur isotopic signature of seasalt sulphate (+20‰). The seaspray component (PSS) was calculated for 39 coastal rain events using Cl?, Na+ and Mg2+ as reference species and these parameters were plotted against the sulphur isotopic composition of sulphate in the sample. All three regression lines yielded a value of ≈ +4‰ for a sample containing no seasalt. The regression lines extrapolated to δ 34S≈+20, +17 and +16‰ using Cl?, Na+ and Mg2+ respectively for a theoretical sample whose sulphate was derived totally from seasalt. This observation confirms that for this locality, the marine component of precipitation sulphate utilizing Cl? is isotopically equivalent to sea spray sulphate, suggesting that Cl? is a suitable reference species. It also supports the use of δ 34SSO4 as a constraint on the selection of the correct reference species for estimation of the seasalt component in a particular study area.  相似文献   

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