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Epitheliocystis in the carp of a pet fish market were investigated by our diagnostic work and collecting information from department of laboratory animal medicine and fish & shellfish laboratory. The epitheliocystis was identified by using histopathological examination. Epitheliocystis was confirmed as inflammation, epithelial hyperplasia, and lamellar fusion of the gill tissue. Electron microscopic observation showed that the inclusions were filled with Chlamydia-like organism.  相似文献   

Epitheliocystis disease was diagnosed in a cultured pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1893) stock on the basis of gross pathological (greyish-white, pinpoint- or pinhead-sized focal areas, connected strongly to the gill lamellae) and histopathological examinations (hypertrophic cells 10-40 microns in size, having a well-defined wall and a central inclusion or characteristic granular content stained with Giemsa). The disease did not occur among fishes (Cyprinus carpio L., Ctenopharyngodon idella Cuv. and Val., Sarotherodon mosambicus Peters, Hoplias malabaricus Bloch) kept together with the affected pacus. About 30-40% of the pacu stock succumbed. Since branchial lesions and heavy mortality were observed in this pacu population, the aetiological role of the epitheliocystis agent could be suspected. Based upon ultrastructural examinations this agent is considered to be a chlamydia or a chlamydia-like organism.  相似文献   

果叶兼用型杂交桑种子园是既要采收桑叶养蚕又要采收桑果淘洗桑种子的桑园,根据多年的生产实践经验,从果叶兼用型杂交桑种子园的建成、桑园管护措施、桑叶的采收、桑果的采收等方面进行分析和探讨,总结出科学合理布局,选择配套实用的农机具,加强农机与农艺的结合,加强水肥管理,及时采收桑叶,震落法采果等一套果叶兼用型杂交桑种子园高产高效的栽培管理技术。  相似文献   

Yearling cattle (n = 25; 416.1 +/- 25.9 kg) were stratified by weight and gender across five groups. Group 1 (OAT) was offered oat/rape haylage (ORH) for ad libitum consumption during two daily feeding periods. Group 2 (SPURGE) was offered leafy spurge/grass haylage (LSGH) for ad libitum consumption during the same feeding periods. Group 3 was offered ORH in an amount equal to the average amount of LSGH consumed by SPURGE at the previous feeding. Group 4 (MIX) was offered LSGH mixed with ORH for ad libitum consumption during the two feeding periods. Group 5 (PAIR) received the equivalent amount of ORH consumed by MIX at the previous feeding. The DMI for OAT, SPURGE, and MIX were similar at the first feeding (P = .52). The SPURGE group consumed very little LSGH thereafter and was removed from the trial. The OAT and MIX groups consumed similar amounts of DM daily on d 1 to 4 when the ration offered to MIX was only 7% LSGH (P = .33). When LSGH made up > or = 21% of the mixture (d 7 to 32), the OAT group consumed more daily DM than did MIX (P < .05). The spurge/oatlage ration offered to MIX was less digestible than the oatlage-only ration offered to PAIR (P < or = .01). Even though blood chemistry did not indicate that LSGH consumption caused organ damage, its intake caused minor alterations (P < or = .05) in serum albumin, calcium, gamma glutamyltransferase, P, K, and urea nitrogen. No gross or microscopic lesions, infectious agents, or significant numbers of parasites were detected in any of the carcasses or tissues examined. The MIX group had diarrhea for much of the trial. In Trial 2, five yearling cattle were adapted to a mixture of 21% LSGH and 79% ORH. Then they were simultaneously offered three mixtures of spurge and oat haylages: 1) spurge ensiled with a microbial inoculant (LSGH); 2) spurge ensiled with the same inoculant and a cellulolytic/hemicellulolytic enzyme (ENZ); and 3) spurge ensiled with the same inoculant and molasses (MOL). The mixture with ENZ was preferred over those with MOL or LSGH (P < .001), but the amounts consumed were low and similar to those for LSGH-ORH in Trial 1 when amounts of ENZ and LSGH in the mixtures were similar. The ENZ mixture may have been more palatable than LSGH and MOL because it had less (P < .05) lactic acid, but intake of ENZ indicates that it had aversive characteristics, like LSGH. Ensiling leafy spurge did little, if anything, to improve its palatability to cattle.  相似文献   

In a 4-year period nine dogs have been met in which there was incomplete growth of the radius. The condition was unilateral in eight dogs and bilateral in one. Two were littermates. The defect is due to premature cessation of growth of the distal growth plate of the radius but the cause of this is not precisely known. It is recognized by characteristic radiographic changes in radius length, elbow joint space and premature closure of the distal growth plate of the radius. A method of surgical treatment has been devised and has proved beneficial in five dogs. Zusammenfassung. In einer Vierjahresperiode wurden neun Hunde beobachtet, bei denen ein unvollständiges Wachstum des Radius vorlag. Bei acht Hunden war der Zustand nur auf einer Seite zu finden, bei einem Hund auf beiden Seiten. Zwei der Hunde gehörten zum gleichen Wurf. Der Mangel ist auf verfrühte Wachstumseinstellung der distalen Wachstumsplatte des Radius zurückzuführen, jedoch ist die Ursache davon nicht genau bekannt. Er wird an charakteristischen radiographischen Veränderungen der Radiuslänge, des Ellbogengelenkzwischenraums und vorzeitigem Abschluss der distalen Wachstumsplatte des Radius erkannt. Es wurde eine chirurgische Behandlungsmethode entwickelt, die sich bei fünf Hunden als nutzlich erwies. Résumé. Au cows d'une période de 4 ans on a observé 9 cas de croissance incomplète du radius chez des chiens; l'anomalie était unilatérale dans 8 cas et bilatérale dans un cas; deux chiens appartenaient à la même portée. L'anomalie est due à l'arrêt prématuré de croissance de la plaque de croissance distale du radius, mais la cause n'en est pas encore connue d'une manière précise. Le diagnostic se fait par les signes radiologiques caractéristiques, modifications de la longueur du radius, de l'articulation du coude et soudure prématurée de la plaque de croissance du radius. On a élaboré une méthode de traitement chirurgical, qui s'est montrée favorable chez 5 chiens.  相似文献   

In the United Kingdom, the medical students of yesteryear undertook a detailed pathology course, often with its own major examinations. This contributed to the increasing overload of factual information that was common in medical curricula. Following General Medical Council reports on medical education, pathology is now more fully integrated into clinical work and into problem-based learning, albeit with greatly reduced contact time with pathologists. Teaching methods have shifted from didactic presentations, such as lectures, to more varied methods, with emphasis on self-access and interactivity. Technological advances have brought well-illustrated textbooks, computer-assisted learning programs, Web resources, and electronic communication. There has been a decline in the role of museum specimens, microscopy, and, partly following a worldwide trend and partly following adverse media publicity, the traditional autopsy. Assessment methods have evolved, with integration of pathology into wider examinations. The greater drive toward increasing funding through the Research Assessment Exercise has had an adverse effect on teaching throughout universities. Despite these setbacks, the importance of pathology as a clinical discipline will ensure its continued role in medical education.  相似文献   

Progesterone levels in peripheral blood of dogs were analysed during the cycle in which hysterectomy (n = 5) or sham surgery (n = 3) was performed as well as during the cycle of dogs (n = 5) hysterectomized at least one year prior to this study; the data were compared with the findings in control dogs (n = 3). The averages of the duration of the luteal period observed in the three experimental groups were not significantly different from those of control dogs. Immediately after surgery, the progesterone level decreased from 25 to 50% of the presurgical level, but returned to presurgical level in about four days. Prolactin levels were elevated for about 30 h after surgery. Nevertheless, the averages of the mean prolactin levels for each animal during the luteal period of the experimental groups were not significantly different from those of control dogs. It is concluded that in the dog, the uterus is not involved in the lifespan of the cyclic corpus luteum.  相似文献   

国内生态恢复研究进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文介绍了生态恢复的研究进展,从生态恢复的定义、退化生态系统的指标等方面进行阐述,重点对国内在恢复生态学方面的进展做了介绍。对当前的人工草地、草地农业的研究情况做了一些概述。  相似文献   

国内生态恢复研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了生态恢复的研究进展,从生态恢复的定义、退化生态系统的指标等方面进行阐述,重点对国内在恢复生态学方面的进展做了介绍.对当前的人工草地、草地农业的研究情况做了一些概述.  相似文献   

To find possible associations between antinuclear antibody (ANA) pattern, ANA titer, and certain clinical changes and clinical laboratory test results in dogs, the veterinary medical records of 111 ANA-positive and 126 ANA-negative dogs were examined. Variables could not be found that had significant associations with ANA pattern (unlike the results in persons), because of the predominance of 2 patterns. A log-linear model for ANA titer adequately fit the observed frequency and included 2-way interactions between titer and polyarthritis, titer and hematologic disorders, and polyarthritis and lymphadenopathy.  相似文献   

Physiological changes in the concentrations of biotin in the serum and milk and in the physical properties of the claw horn were examined in Holstein cows. A lower concentration of biotin in the serum and a higher concentration of biotin in milk were found during early and late lactation and during the dry period, and a significant (p<0.05) inverse correlation was found between serum and milk biotin concentrations. A high moisture content and a low level of hardness of the claw horn were found during mid-lactation. Our results indicate that change in the serum biotin concentration probably results from the loss of biotin in the milk of cows during each stage of lactation and also confirm that the moisture content and hardness of the claw horn undergo physiological changes.  相似文献   

通过对1~49日龄雏鸭胸腺组织学发育的增龄变化观察以及胸腺绝对重量、胸腺指数和外周血T淋巴细胞а-醋酸萘酯酶阳性率的测定,研究了雏鸭胸腺发育规律。结果表明:1~14日龄雏鸭胸腺生长较为缓慢;21~28日龄胸腺生长十分迅速,到28日龄时雏鸭胸腺中大部分T淋巴细胞已分化发育成熟,雏鸭胸腺已形成能有效产生细胞免疫的组织结构基础;35~49日龄胸腺发育已趋于稳定。文中对胸腺小体的形态进行了详细的描述,并对其功能进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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