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秋茄红树林北移引种造林技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经多年的引种观察表明:秋茄红树林在芦苇地块成活率低,在无芦苇地块成活率高,且生长茂盛,盖度大;对环境的盐度适应性进一步拓宽。秋茄红树林适应七都岛滩涂的生长环境,可以加工引种营造力度。  相似文献   

采集海南和福建共13个红树林的土壤,测定土壤孔隙水盐度、未校准的土壤盐度、经含水率校准的土壤盐度和土壤水溶性盐含量.结果 显示,盐度计测定的土壤盐度经土壤含水率校准后与土壤孔隙水盐度接近,且相关性最好.未校准的土壤盐度平均只有孔隙水盐度的38%.土壤水溶性盐含量与孔隙水盐度不相关.结果 表明,用盐度计测定土壤盐度再经土...  相似文献   

不同盐度对红树林植物--秋茄的胚轴生长发育的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了在不同浓度的人工海水(0.5%,1.5%,2.5%,3.5%)和淡水条件下,红树林植物秋茄(Kandelia candel)胚轴的生长发育情况。结果表明,秋茄胚轴在淡水和0.5%~3.5%盐度范围内发芽率和生根率都很高,在90%以上,没有明显的差异,但高浓度的人工海水(3.5%)对芽的生长有一定的抑制作用;淡水条件下,秋茄胚轴的生根数较少。  相似文献   

我国红树林有害生物研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着生态环境的破坏,大量有害生物侵入,给红树林造成严重威胁。红树林病害主要为真菌病害,如炭疽病、煤烟病以及锈病等;危害红树林的害虫种类多,危害重,主要是食叶性的蛾类,而且不断有新害虫出现,有严重危害广西红树林的可能;对于其它有害生物,螃蟹主要啃食幼苗,团水虱蛀干危害,藤壶虽不直接危害红树林,但因其在红树植物表面的附着性与营生性,影响了红树林的正常生长而成为危害红树林大面积的污染生物,也对红树林构成严重威胁。针对广西红树林有害生物防治中存在的问题,提出了解决办法。  相似文献   

广西山口红树林国家级自然保护区 位于广西壮族自治区合溥县境内,面积8000公顷。1990年经国务院批准建立,主要保护对象为红树林生态系统。  相似文献   

试论我国的红树林生态旅游   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
红树林是我国珍贵的自然资源 ,在红树林林区开展生态旅游有利于红树林的保护与发展。本文简要介绍了我国红树林生态旅游的现状 ,分析了其发展趋势 ,并为今后红树林生态旅游的开展提出了建议  相似文献   

海南岛红树林植物区系组成与特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章研究了海南岛红树林植物区系组成和分布类型,探讨了该植物区系热带北缘特性及其与周边地区的联系,并分析了红树林植物区系特有成分贫乏的原因,概述了海南岛红树林严峻的现状和影响海南岛红树林保护与发展的主要因素。  相似文献   

海南岛清澜港和东寨港红树林及其生境的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文根据调查材料,阐述海南省清澜港和东寨港红树林植物种类、群落类型及其分布。调查结果表明,河口港湾地区的红树林植物种类的分布应描述为以顺流水方向为纵向和横截流向为横向的二维空间状况,这才能确切地反映其天然分布。通过分析气候差异和引种情况,阐明了北热带滩涂能引种嗜热窄布性红树林植物种类。此外,还总结了一些红树林植物的适宜造林地,并指出在红树林中围堤养殖或垦植是有害的。  相似文献   

研究了广东深圳、福建龙海和海南海口3个地点红树林土壤微生物数量与土壤主要化学性质的关系,及其解磷菌在红树植物根际的分布状况.结果表明:3个地点的土壤微生物数量均以细菌类群占绝对优势,其次是放线菌和丝状真菌;深圳红树林土壤微生物总数、细菌、放线菌和丝状真菌数量在3个地点中最高,其中丝状真菌数量与其余两地差异显著(P<0.05);微生物总数、细菌数与土壤全N、全P呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),真菌数与全P呈显著正相关(P<0.05);多元统计分析结果表明,影响土壤微生物总数与细菌数量最主要的因子是全N,影响放线菌与真菌数量最主要的因子是全P;从根际不同部位筛选出31株解磷菌株,细菌占多数;三地红树林解磷菌在根际的分布均以土壤中含量最多.  相似文献   

中国红树林的害虫种类及其综合防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过查阅文献资料,共统计中国红树林害虫128种,隶属2纲7目55科,其中以鳞翅目、半翅目昆虫为主,分别占总数的52.4%和26.6%。危害无瓣海桑Sonneratia apetala、桐花树Aegiceras corniculatum、秋茄Kandelia obovata、白骨壤Avicennia marina、海桑Sonneratia caseolaris的害虫分别有45种、45种、37种、32种和20种。广东红树林害虫种类最多,共95种;广西其次,49种。鳞翅目害虫主要包括海榄雌瘤斑螟Acrobasis sp.、桐花树毛颚小卷蛾Lasiognatha cellifera Meyrick、棉古毒蛾Orgyia postica Walker、蜡彩袋蛾Chalia larminati Heylaerts、丽绿刺蛾Latoia lepida Cramer等,多以幼虫取食为害;半翅目害虫主要有考氏白盾蚧Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli(Cooley)、广翅蜡蝉Ricania sp.等,以幼虫、成虫吸食植物汁液为害。在害虫的综合防治中,以生物防治为主,如利用寄生蜂、苏云金杆菌、白僵菌、捕食性天敌和生物制剂等进行防治,结合物理防治可以提升防治效果。同时,探讨分析了红树林虫害暴发的原因和机制。  相似文献   

The study examines vegetation – environment relationships. Vegetation measurements included species frequency, density, diameter and tree height, while environmental measurements were soil particle size distribution, acid properties (pH, Al, SO4), nutrient cations (Ca, Na, Mg, K), organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and chloride content. Nypa fruticans was the dominant species in the A stratum (> 3 m tall) while Rhizophora mangle was dominant in the B stratum (1–3 m tall). The C stratum (< 1 m tall) was dominated by mangrove, Nypa and Raphia saplings. Silt was dominant and the most variable particle size fraction. A principal components analysis of the soil data indicated the first three dominant components influencing the vegetation were salinity, nutrient and soil texture. Tree height and density correlated highly with the salinity and soil texture gradients (P < 0.01), while basal area correlated with salinity and nutrient gradients (P < 0.01). While Avicannia africana in the A stratum was influenced largely by the salinity and soil texture gradients. Nypa fruticans in the B stratum was influenced by salinity and nutrients.  相似文献   

盐度与温度对红树植物无瓣海桑种子发芽的影响   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
采用培养皿-培养箱法和花盆育苗法研究了不同盐度与温度梯度对无瓣海桑种子发芽的影响,结果表明,不同盐度和温度梯度对种子芽影响极显著。  相似文献   

Leizhou Peninsula, located at southern end of mailand China, has 9284.3 ha mangrove distributed more than 100 sites along its inlets and open coastlines. This paper presents the surveys on mangrove area in Leizhou Peninsula during 2000 and 2008, especially the survey in the eight major mangrove areas in 2002. The flora recorded in mangrove systems includes 69 large algea species, 13 native true mangrove species, nine native semi-mangrove species, and another seven intoduced true mangrove species with Sonneratia apetala as the quickest growing exotic mangrove species dominatant in the mangrove plantations, and more than 100 land flora species, consisting of 17 main mangrove associations. The plant biodiversity habitats remained mainly small patches and diverse, and were becoming worse under the intensive disturbance of human acitivities and coastal pollutions, which decreased the value of mangrove coasts as the important sites for flying-by migrating birds in Leizhou Peninsula. The effective mangrove conservation measures should be implemented.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic characteristics were investigated in the geographically isolated and restricted mangrove species, P.rhizophoreae. Gas exchange measurements were made on two to seven years old hydroponically grown plants maintained in 10%, 50% and 100% seawater. CO2 exchange in the 50% and 100% seawater treatments was reduced by 10% and 26%, respectively, compared to the 10% seawater treatment. CO2 response curves indicated that carboxylation efficiency was greater in 10% than in 50% seawater, while stomatal limitation increased from 11% to 16% as salinity increased from 10% to 50% seawater. Carbon losses via photorespiration (31% and 41%) and CO2 compensation point (67 and 8111–1) were greater in 50% than in the 10% seawater treatment. Maximal CO2 exchange occurred at 30°C with no differences among the salinity treatments. The results indicate that P. rhizophoreae exhibits many gas exchange characteristics previously reported for other mangroves.  相似文献   

秋茄蛎盾蚧Lepidosaphes pallidula(Williams)是一种严重危害红树林树种秋茄Kandelia obo-vata的刺吸式害虫,为中国新记录种.分别从广东省珠海淇澳岛和惠东县红树林湿地的秋茄上采得该虫,并对其鉴别特征、寄主植物、地理分布和经济重要性进行介绍.  相似文献   

A comparative study of mangrove ? oras in China and India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Species compositions in the mangrove habitats of China and India, especially on Hainan Island (China) and on the Sundarbans and the Andaman & Nicobar Islands (India), are of interest, showing several similarities and differences. The total mangrove areas of India cover about 6419 km 2 with 43 species (23 major and 20 minor species), while the mangrove areas of China cover about 150 km 2 with 26 speices (19 major and 7 minor speices). We carried out a comparison of mangrove floras in the Indian Sundarbans, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and in Hainan Island. The mangrove areas of the Indian Sundarbans comprise about 66.5% of the total Indian mangroves, presently covering an area of 4267 km 2 with 35 species from 22 genera and 16 families. There are 34 species from 17 genera and 13 families in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Hainan Island is considered a distribution center of mangroves; it has the largest number of mangrove species in China, i.e., 25 species from 15 genera and 12 families, accounting for about 96% of the total number of mangrove species in China. The mangroves of Hainan Island and the Andaman & Nicobar Islands belong to island types, while those of Sundarbans belong to inter-tidal deltaic types. Differences in soil type, rainfall, temperature, tidal fluctuation and other climatic features possibly cause variations in floristic composition of these regions.  相似文献   

采用氢化物一原予荧光光谱法分析表明:特呈岛红树林中白骨壤古树群落和红海揽群落土壤无砷污染,总砷含量及五态砷合计含量均小于10mg/kg,其中以残渣态砷和Fe-结合态砷为主,后者占五种形态砷合计的25.6%-72.2%,土壤Fe-结合态砷〉交挟态砷〉AI-结合态砷〉Ca-结合态砷。  相似文献   

深圳湾福田保护区红树林生态系统服务功能价值评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对深圳湾福田保护区红树林的生态服务功能价值进行了研究,结果表明:深圳湾福田保护区现有生态系统服务功能年总价值4 894.4万元,深圳湾红树林湿地生态系统单位面积生态功能价值约10.74万元/hm2a,其中红树林价值2 702.4万元,河道价值282万元,淤泥滩涂价值674万元,海域价值1 840万元,基建填土区观光旅游价值260万元,林地价值76万元。深圳湾福田保护区红树林生态系统服务功能价值中,生产生态系统产品等9个分项的总和为2 928万元。对环境氮与磷的去除价值、重金属吸附价值、二氧化碳固定和氧气释放价值等在内的生态系统净化功能价值共占14.2%。深圳湾的所有红树林类型中,秋茄+桐花树+白骨壤生态系统类型单价最大值为12.3万/hm2a。深圳市梧桐山森林生态系统服务功能价值为1.076 4~1.148 4万元/hm2a,显著低于本研究红树林生态系统服务功能价值,约占单位面积红树林生态系统的生态价值10%。香港米埔红树林生态系统的生态服务功能价值(13.7万港元/hm2a)高于深圳湾红树林生态系统,约高出21%。改造后的深圳湾生态系统服务功能价值预期可达7 243.48万元。  相似文献   

This work quantified the total carbon and 12 other sediment characteristics at 10 soil depths, in planted and or natural mangrove forests in comparison with non-vegetated soil for four seasons of the year 2009-2010 in the Vellar-Coleroon estuarine complex, India. The sedi- ment characteristics varied significantly between mangrove-vegetated and non-vegetated habitats or seasons of analysis, but not between soil depths. The mangrove sediments were rich in total carbon and total or- ganic carbon as compared to non-mangrove sediments (p 〈0.01). Total carbon was 98.2% higher in mature mangroves and 41.8% in planted mangroves than that in non-mangrove soil. Total organic carbon was as much as 2.5 times greater in mature mangroves and 2 times greater in planted mangroves than that in unvegetated soil. Carbon contents also varied many fold by season. Total carbon content was 8.6 times greater during pre-monsoon, 4.1 times greater during post-monsoon and 2.5 times greater during monsoon than during summer (P〈0.01 in all cases). Similarly, total organic carbon was 5.9 times greater during pre-monsoon, 3.1 times greater during post-monsoon and 69% greater during monsoon than during summer. In general, higher levels of sediment carbon were recorded during pre and post-monsoon seasons than during other seasons. Total carbon concentration was correlated negatively to temperature, sand and phosphorus (P 〈0.01); positively correlated with redox potential, silt, clay, C/N ratio, potassium (P 〈0.01) and nitrogen (P〈0.05); but not correlated with soil depth, pH or salinity. This work revealed that the carbon burial was rapid at the annual rate of 2.8% for total carbon, and 6.7% for total organic carbon in mangrove-planted sediment. Cleating of mangroves can result in significantly and rapidly reduced carbon stores.Our study highlights the importance of natural and plantation mangrove stands for conserving sediment carbon in the tropical coastal domain.  相似文献   

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