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The virtual endocast of MH1 (Australopithecus sediba), obtained from high-quality synchrotron scanning, reveals generally australopith-like convolutional patterns on the frontal lobes but also some foreshadowing of features of the human frontal lobes, such as posterior repositioning of the olfactory bulbs. Principal component analysis of orbitofrontal dimensions on australopith endocasts (MH1, Sts 5, and Sts 60) indicates that among these, MH1 orbitofrontal shape and organization align most closely with human endocasts. These results are consistent with gradual neural reorganization of the orbitofrontal region in the transition from Australopithecus to Homo, but given the small volume of the MH1 endocast, they are not consistent with gradual brain enlargement before the transition.  相似文献   

The fossil record of the hominin pelvis reflects important evolutionary changes in locomotion and parturition. The partial pelves of two individuals of Australopithecus sediba were reconstructed from previously reported finds and new material. These remains share some features with australopiths, such as large biacetabular diameter, small sacral and coxal joints, and long pubic rami. The specimens also share derived features with Homo, including more vertically oriented and sigmoid-shaped iliac blades, greater robusticity of the iliac body, sinusoidal anterior iliac borders, shortened ischia, and more superiorly oriented pubic rami. These derived features appear in a species with a small adult brain size, suggesting that the birthing of larger-brained babies was not driving the evolution of the pelvis at this time.  相似文献   

Hand bones from a single individual with a clear taxonomic affiliation are scarce in the hominin fossil record, which has hampered understanding the evolution of manipulative abilities in hominins. Here we describe and analyze a nearly complete wrist and hand of an adult female [Malapa Hominin 2 (MH2)] Australopithecus sediba from Malapa, South Africa (1.977 million years ago). The hand presents a suite of Australopithecus-like features, such as a strong flexor apparatus associated with arboreal locomotion, and Homo-like features, such as a long thumb and short fingers associated with precision gripping and possibly stone tool production. Comparisons to other fossil hominins suggest that there were at least two distinct hand morphotypes around the Plio-Pleistocene transition. The MH2 fossils suggest that Au. sediba may represent a basal condition associated with early stone tool use and production.  相似文献   

Newly exposed cave sediments at the Malapa site include a flowstone layer capping the sedimentary unit containing the Australopithecus sediba fossils. Uranium-lead dating of the flowstone, combined with paleomagnetic and stratigraphic analysis of the flowstone and underlying sediments, provides a tightly constrained date of 1.977 ± 0.002 million years ago (Ma) for these fossils. This refined dating suggests that Au. sediba from Malapa predates the earliest uncontested evidence for Homo in Africa.  相似文献   

The transition to full-time terrestrial bipedality is a hallmark of human evolution. A key correlate of human bipedalism is the development of longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot that provide a rigid propulsive lever and critical shock absorption during striding bipedal gait. Evidence for arches in the earliest well-known Australopithecus species, A. afarensis, has long been debated. A complete fourth metatarsal of A. afarensis was recently discovered at Hadar, Ethiopia. It exhibits torsion of the head relative to the base, a direct correlate of a transverse arch in humans. The orientation of the proximal and distal ends of the bone reflects a longitudinal arch. Further, the deep, flat base and tarsal facets imply that its midfoot had no ape-like midtarsal break. These features show that the A. afarensis foot was functionally like that of modern humans and support the hypothesis that this species was a committed terrestrial biped.  相似文献   

逆行腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣修复踝部软组织缺损   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的了解逆行腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣在足踝部软组织缺损中修复的临床效果。方法采用腓肠神经营养血管为蒂逆行岛状筋膜皮瓣修复踝部、足跟软组织缺损和或骨、肌腱外露创面共34例。皮瓣切取范围5cm×7cm~10cm×18cm,蒂长5~10cm。10例经皮下隧道转移,24例经明道转移。结果34例术后皮瓣全部成活,创面一期愈合,2例皮瓣远端部分淤血坏死,经清创换药后创面愈合。术后27例经3个月至4a随访,皮瓣外观、质地、弹性佳,踝关节功能恢复良好;皮肤感觉有所恢复,两点分辨率在9~16mm,平均13mm。结论逆行腓肠神经营养血管蒂岛状筋膜皮瓣血供确切,容易定位,手术步骤简单,不需牺牲小腿主要动脉,且皮瓣成活率高,质量好。  相似文献   

The lack of an adequate hominid fossil record in eastern Africa between 2 and 3 million years ago (Ma) has hampered investigations of early hominid phylogeny. Discovery of 2.5 Ma hominid cranial and dental remains from the Hata beds of Ethiopia's Middle Awash allows recognition of a new species of Australopithecus. This species is descended from Australopithecus afarensis and is a candidate ancestor for early Homo. Contemporary postcranial remains feature a derived humanlike humeral/femoral ratio and an apelike upper arm-to-lower arm ratio.  相似文献   

The earliest hominid from South Africa, Australopithecus africanus, is known from only six specimens in which accurate assessment of endocranial capacity and cranial venous outflow pattern can be obtained. This places a severe limit on a number of hypotheses concerning early hominid evolution, particularly those involving brain-body size relationships and adaptations of the circulatory system to evolving upright posture. Advances in high-resolution two- and three-dimensional computed tomography (CT) now allow the inclusion of another important specimen to this list, MLD 37/38 from Makapansgat. A new computer imaging technique is described that "reconstructs" the missing portions of the endocranial cavity in order to determine endocranial capacity. In addition, CT evaluation allows assessment of cranial venous outflow pattern even in cases where the endocranial cavity is completely filled with stone matrix. Results show that endocranial capacity in this specimen is less than originally proposed and also support the view that gracile and robust australopithecines evolved different cranial venous outflow patterns in response to upright postures.  相似文献   

仔猪口蹄疫母源抗体消长规律监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在贵阳某规模化养猪场,随机选取20头仔猪,采用正向间接血凝试验(IHA)、液相阻斯ELISA(LPB—ELISA)两种血清学方法,对O型口蹄疫母源抗体的消长规律进行监测和分析。结果表明,13日龄左右抗体效价最高。IHA、LPB—ELISA监测的抗体平均效价分别是2.76、2.74,母源抗体免疫合格率分别为90%、85%,在23日龄左右平均效价均为为2.45,母源抗体免疫合格率均为75%,大部分仔猪仍被母源抗体保护,随着日龄的增加,抗体效价呈明显的线性下降,到36日龄左右抗体平均效价分别是1.98、1.95,母源抗体免疫合格率均为55%。45%的仔猪抗体效价低于保护临界值。因此,36日龄确定为仔猪首次免疫时间。两种方法监测的结果无显著差异(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

对22份盲样采用RIHA、RT—PCR、LB—ELISA和3ABC—I—ELISA进行了检测。结果表明,在RIHA试验中,X079、X100、X232盲样分别为口蹄疫A型、O型和Asia I型抗原阳性;X136为猪传染性水泡病抗原阳性;X141、X165为阴性样本。在LB—ELISA中,L222、L271、L323、L431、L502盲样为O型口蹄疫抗体阳性;L283、L307、L457、L550、L557为阴性样本。在3ABC—I—ELISA中,Y067、Y123盲样为口蹄疫感染抗体阳性;Y167为阴性样本。在RT—PCR检测中,Z075盲样扩增出分子长为634bp、483bp和278bp3条特异性的DNA片段,Z126盲样扩增出分子长为634bp和278bp2条特异性的DNA片段,确定为口蹄疫病毒;Z087为阴性样本。  相似文献   

水稻细菌性基腐病是一种危害我国长江以南多个稻区的细菌性病害,发病严重时可导致水稻田绝产失收。近年来该病害在我国江苏、云南等部分地区发生为害,对当地水稻高产、稳产造成严重威胁。本文将根据已有报道,结合最新研究进展,从该病害的国内外为害情况、病原物简介、发病症状、发病因素以及防治方法等方面对水稻细菌性基腐病进行简要综述,用以为生产上识别与防治该病害提供相应依据。  相似文献   

概述了口蹄疫的生物学试验、血清学诊断技术与分子生物学诊断技术。在生物学诊断技术方面,对口蹄疫的诊断主要依靠动物实验、细胞培养。血清学诊断技术包括补体结合试验、病毒中和试验、凝集试验、免疫扩散、酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)等。随着分子生物学的发展,对口蹄疫的诊断从细胞水平发展到分子水平,国内外相继建立了口蹄疫核酸杂交、反转录聚合酶链反应(RT—PER)、核酸序列分析等分子生物学诊断技术。这些方法比传统诊断方法具有更高的敏感性和特异性。  相似文献   

根据对贺兰山东麓葡萄产业发展历程的论述,分析了葡萄产业的现状与存在的主要问题,提出葡萄产业发展目标,旨在为发展贺兰山东麓葡萄产业、增加生态效益、社会效益和经济效益提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Several groups of tetrapods have expanded sesamoid (small, tendon-anchoring) bones into digit-like structures ("predigits"), such as pandas' "thumbs." Elephants similarly have expanded structures in the fat pads of their fore- and hindfeet, but for three centuries these have been overlooked as mere cartilaginous curiosities. We show that these are indeed massive sesamoids that employ a patchy mode of ossification of a massive cartilaginous precursor and that the predigits act functionally like digits. Further, we reveal clear osteological correlates of predigit joint articulation with the carpals/tarsals that are visible in fossils. Our survey shows that basal proboscideans were relatively "flat-footed" (plantigrade), whereas early elephantiforms evolved the more derived "tip-toed" (subunguligrade) morphology, including the predigits and fat pad, of extant elephants. Thus, elephants co-opted sesamoid bones into a role as false digits and used them for support as they changed their foot posture.  相似文献   

用猪抗口蹄疫病毒IgG制备荧光抗体,检测口蹄疫病毒感染BHK-21细胞中的病毒抗原,结果表明,该方法可以检出口蹄疫病毒感染BHK-21细胞中的病毒抗原,荧光抗体的工作浓度确定为1:40,且这种荧光能被FMDV阳性血清特异性地抑制。用制备的荧光抗体检测感染口蹄疫病毒CS株和LB株的BHK~21细胞抹片和飞片,结果均为阳性,空白对照均为阴性。对于低代次的分离毒,即使感染细胞产生明显的CPE,采用反向间接血凝试验也不能检出收获细胞液中的病毒抗原,本试验弥补了这一缺陷。采用直接荧光抗体法可确定病毒在感染细胞中增殖的位置,可作为兽医临床诊断方法之一。  相似文献   

临床治疗骨折的传统内固定物主要由金属材料制成.金属内固定物的不足主要是与骨组织力学性能不匹配,用于骨折内固定时过高的刚性引起的应力遮挡作用易导致骨质疏松、骨萎缩或二次骨折,且受损骨骼可以负重后,还需再次手术取出;其次是生物相容性差,金属在体液环境中会因溶蚀产生有毒物而引起组织刺激反应.  相似文献   

【目的】分离鉴定浙江省宁波市宁海县甘薯基腐病病原菌,明确其生物学特性,为甘薯基腐病的预防和田间防治提供理论指导。【方法】采用组织分离法对浙江省宁波市宁海县甘薯基腐病病原进行分离,通过柯赫氏法则对病原菌进行验证;通过形态学方法及分子生物学方法鉴定病原菌种类;用菌丝培养法测定分离获得的病原菌菌株在不同培养基及不同温度、pH、氮源和碳源等环境中的生长状态,确定分离菌株的生物学特性。【结果】从甘薯基腐病样品中分离纯化获得1株菌株,标记为RF-NH,通过柯赫氏法则验证为甘薯基腐病致病菌。利用ITS、His3和Cal基因的通用引物对菌株RF-NH DNA进行扩增,获得的基因片段长度分别为579、480和537 bp;系统发育进化树分析显示,菌株RF-NH与Diaporthe batatas聚类在一起;综合形态学和分子生物学鉴定结果,将菌株RF-NH鉴定为甘薯间座壳菌(D.batatas)。病原菌生物学特性测定结果显示,菌株RF-NH在15~35℃内均可生长,最适生长温度为25℃;在pH 4~12内均可生长,最适pH为4;最适培养基是SPDA培养基,最适碳源是糊精,最适氮源是硝酸钠。菌株RF-NH孢...  相似文献   

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