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To investigate the effect of tree species on soil N dynamics in temperate forest ecosystems, total N (Nt), microbial N (Nmic), net N mineralization, net nitrification, and other soil chemical properties were comparatively examined in beech (64–68 years old) and Norway spruce (53–55 years old) on sites 1 and 2, and beech and Scots pine (45 years old) on site 3. The initial soil conditions of the two corresponding stands at each site were similar; soil types were dystric Planosol (site 1), stagnic Gleysols (site 2), and Podzols (site 3). In organic layers (LOf1, Of2, Oh), Nmic and Nmic/Nt, averaged over three sampling times (Aug., Nov., Apr.), were higher under the beech stands than under the corresponding coniferous ones. However, the Nmic in the organic layers under beech had a greater temporal variation. Incubation (10 weeks, 22 °C, samples from November) results showed that the net N mineralization rates in organic layers were relatively high with values of 8.1 to 24.8 mg N kg–1 d–1. Between the two corresponding stands, the differences in net N mineralization rates in most of the organic layers were very small. In contrast, initial net nitrification rates (0.2–17.1 mg N kg–1 day–1) were considerably lower in most of the organic layers under the conifer than under the beech. In the mineral soil (0–10 cm), Nmic values ranged from 4.1–72.7 mg kg–1, following a clear sequence: August>November>April. Nmic values under the beech stands were significantly higher than those under the corresponding coniferous stands for samples from August and April, but not from November. The net N mineralization rates were very low in all the mineral soils studied (0.05–0.33 mg N kg–1 day–1), and no significant difference appeared between the two contrasting tree species.  相似文献   

Tree legumes can serve as nitrogen (N) source for cereals in resource poor farms where chemical fertilizer is financially unaffordable. Despite the increasing importance of Paraserianthes falcataria in tropical agroforestry systems of Southeast Asia, little information is available on the decomposition and N release patterns of P. falcataria. Quality of P. falcataria roots and leaves, as individual components and as a mixture, was determined before incubating in an 15N labeled acidic Ultisol under controlled laboratory conditions. Decomposition was monitored as CO2 evolution and inorganic N released over time. The aim was to determine inorganic soil N and pH dynamics as affected by residue quality. Residue quality assessment based on (Polyphenol + Lignin): N was in the order of P. falcataria leaves > P. falcataria mixture of leaves and roots > P. falcataria roots. The same order was observed for nitrogen and carbon mineralization rate (P <0.05), indicating that mixing of residues of varying quality would provide a means of strategically modifying nutrient release. P. falcataria leaves and the mixture of leaves and roots significantly (P<0.05) mitigated soil acidity while P. falcataria roots alone did not.  相似文献   

In the future it may become common practice to return wood-ash to forest ecosystems in order to replenish nutrients removed when brash has been extracted as a source of bioenergy. Wood-ash contains most of the nutrients that are present in the brash before its removal and burning, with the important exception of nitrogen (N). In the present paper we report measurements of CO2 emissions and net N mineralisation in the humus layer and the upper 5 cm of mineral soil 12 years after the application of wood-ash to two study sites, representing different tree species, climatic conditions and N deposition histories. We hypothesized that application of wood-ash would increase both carbon (C) and net N mineralisation rates at Torup, an N-rich site with Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in the south, whereas the net N mineralisation rates would not be affected at Vindeln, an N-poor site with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the north, where a possible N-limitation would restrict any N mineralisation. The treatments, comprising additions of 0, 1, 3 or 6 Mg of granulated wood-ash ha−1, were applied in a randomised block design, replicated three times. Wood-ash from the same batch was used for all treatments at both sites. All factors were measured under laboratory conditions with controlled temperature and moisture levels. The potential CO2 emissions (kg ha−1 year−1 of CO2–C) at Torup were significantly higher in the 3 and 6 Mg ha−1 treatments than in the control treatment, and the highest application resulted in an extra loss of 0.5 Mg ha−1 of soil C annually as compared to the control. No such differences were detected at Vindeln. The results suggest that wood-ash application can deplete soil organic C at locations with similar characteristics (N-rich soil, spruce dominated, warm climate) as at Torup in this study.  相似文献   

To test effects of litter quality and soil conditions on N-dynamics, we selected seven forests in Luxembourg dominated by beech (Fagus sylvatica, L.) and hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.), and located on acid loam, decalcified marl or limestone, and measured organic matter characteristics, microbial C and N and net N-mineralization in a laboratory incubation experiment. Organic layer characteristics were significantly affected by species, with lower litter decay and higher accumulation under the less palatable beech, even on limestone. However, beech and hornbeam did not show any differences in N-cycling at all. Instead of species, N-cycling was affected by site conditions, albeit different than expected. Microbial N generally increased from acid loam to limestone, but acid loam showed higher net N-mineralization, especially in the organic layer. Also, acid loam showed high instead of low efficiency of N-mineralization per unit microbe, in both organic layer and mineral topsoil. In addition, acid loam showed net consumption of DOC instead of release in both soil layers, which suggests that not N, but C was a limiting factor to decomposition. In contrast, limestone showed low net N-mineralization in the organic layer, despite high mass and well-decomposed organic matter, and low efficiency of N-mineralization per unit microbe in both organic layer and mineral topsoil. DOC was net released instead of consumed, which supported that not C, but N was a limiting factor. The general lack of differences in net N-cycling between species, but relatively clear site effects, is discussed in relation to different microbial strategies. Acid soil may have high net N-release despite low biological activity, because N-requirements of fungi are also low, while in calcareous soil, high bacterial N-demand may counteract high gross N-release. Thus, species producing litter that decomposes rapidly may be planted to improve soil conditions and plant biodiversity, but litter quality effects on N-availability may be less important than soil conditions.  相似文献   

Effect of different nitrogen and carbon sources and their concentrations in liquid media on the mycelial growth of six different ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal species was studied. Differences were found in the utilization of the different nitrogen and carbon sources between the fungal species. All the species showed better mycelial growth in the medium containing ammonium as nitrogen source. Growth was low in all species in medium in which nitrogen was supplied in nitrate form. All the ECM isolates investigated showed reduced growth in the medium containing maleic acid as the carbon source. The effect of glucose and di-ammonium hydrogen orthophosphate concentrations on mycelia growth of all the six fungal species was studied with ranges for glucose of 2–40 g/l, and for di-ammonium hydrogen orthophosphate of 2–20 g/l. Cortinarius fulvoconicus and Cortinarius flexipes showed maximal mycelial growth at a glucose concentration greater than 20 g/l. Suillus luteus, Scleroderma citrinum, Laccaria laccata, and Tricholoma aurantium showed maximal growth at a glucose concentration of 20 g/l. All six species showed maximal mycelial growth at 5–10 g/l of di-ammonium hydrogen orthophosphate concentration and with increased concentration mycelial growth in all species decreased.  相似文献   

选择章古台地区三块典型樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolica)人工固沙林为研究对象,采用实验室好氧培养法测定了不同土壤层次和在不同水分条件下的N矿化过程.结果表明:土壤0-60 cm 层N净矿化速率垂直变化范围为1.06-7.52 mg·kg-1·month-1;土壤层次和含水量及其交互作用对土壤N净矿化速率的影响均达到差异显著(P<0.05);净矿化速率随着土壤层次的加深而明显下降,0-15 cm层占总净矿化量的60.52%;半饱和与饱和含水量处理差异不显著,但均高于不加水处理.为此,在半干旱地区必须进一步加强开展调控生态系统N矿化、循环及其收支平衡影响因素的研究.  相似文献   

选择章古台地区三块典型樟子松(Pinussylvestrisvar.mongolica)人工固沙林为研究对象,采用实验室好氧培养法测定了不同土壤层次和在不同水分条件下的N矿化过程。结果表明:土壤0-60cm层N净矿化速率垂直变化范围为1.06–7.52mg·kg-1·month-1;土壤层次和含水量及其交互作用对土壤N净矿化速率的影响均达到差异显著(P<0.05);净矿化速率随着土壤层次的加深而明显下降,0-15cm层占总净矿化量的60.52%;半饱和与饱和含水量处理差异不显著,但均高于不加水处理。为此,在半干旱地区必须进一步加强开展调控生态系统N矿化、循环及其收支平衡影响因素的研究。图1表4参20。  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of nitrogen content [N1(no fertilizer), N2(0.15 g?kg–1), and N3(0.3 g?kg–1)] on the growth and the hydraulic characteristics of peach seedlings under different soil moisture conditions(W1, W2 and W3, in which the soil water content was 45% to 55%, 60% to 70%, and 75% to 80% of the field water capacity, respectively) by using a specialized high pressure flow meter with a root chamber and a coupling, which was connected to plant organs. Leaf area and leaf hydraulic conductivity(KL) increased significantly in the seedlings because of increased soil moisture and N content. KL increased with leaf area. A linear correlation was documented between KL and leaf area. KL was higher in the morning and began to decline sharply after 16:00, at which KL declined after an initial increase. Soil moisture and N content enhanced shoot(Ks) and root(Kr) hydraulic conductivities, thereby improving the low soil moisture condition to a large extent. Ks and Kr of the seedlings were reduced by 32% and 27% respectively in N1, and by 14.7% and 9.4%, respectively in N2, and both in W1, compared with the control treatment. N3 had no significant effect on Ks and Kr under similar conditions. Linear negative correlations were observed between Kr and the excised root diameter as well as between Ks and the shoot stem diameter. The shoot-to-root ratio increased with increase in N content. The shoot-to-root ratio in N3 was increased by 14.37%, compared with N1 in W1 as well as by 12% and 4.39% in W2 and W3, respectively. Knowledge of the effects of soil moisture and N fertilizer on hydraulic characteristics and growth is important. Our results provide basic guidelines for the implementation of water-saving irrigation and fertilization management of nursery stock.  相似文献   

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