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Allometric equations can be used to estimate the biomass and carbon stock of forests. However, so far the equations for Dipterocarp forests have not been developed in sufficient detail. In this research, allometric equations are presented based on the genera of commercial species and mixed species. Separate equations are developed for the Dipterocarpus, Hopea, Palaquium and Shorea genera, and an equation of a mix of these genera represents commercial species. The mixed species is constructed from commercial and non-commercial species. The data were collected in lowland mixed Dipterocarp forests in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The number of trees sampled in this research was 122, with diameters (1.30 m or above buttresses) ranging from 6 to 200 cm. Destructive sampling was used to collect the samples where diameter at breast height (DBH), commercial bole height (CBH), and wood density were used as predictors for dry weight of total above-ground biomass (TAGB). Model comparison and selection were based on Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), slope coefficient of the regression, average deviation, confidence interval (CI) of the mean, paired t-test. Based on these statistical indicators, the most suitable model is ln(TAGB) = c + αln(DBH). This model uses only a single predictor of DBH and produces a range of prediction values closer to the upper and lower limits of the observed mean. Model 1 is reliable for forest managers to estimate above-ground biomass, so the research findings can be extrapolated for managing forests related to carbon balance. Additional explanatory variables such as CBH do not really increase the indicators’ goodness of fit for the equation. An alternative model to incorporate wood density must be considered for estimating the above-ground biomass for mixed species. Comparing the presented equations to previously published data shows that these local species-specific and generic equations differ substantially from previously published equations and that site specific equations must be considered to get a better estimation of biomass. Based on the average deviation and the range of CI, the generalized equations are not sufficient to estimate the biomass for a certain type of forests, such as lowland Dipterocarp forests. The research findings are new for Dipterocarp forests, so they complement the previous research as well as the methodology of the Good Practice Guidance for Land Use and Land Use Change and Forestry (GPG-LULUCF).  相似文献   

–  • Radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) is the main exotic plantation tree species grown in New Zealand for wood production and as such represents a significant component of the terrestrial carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Moist tropical forests in Africa and elsewhere store large amounts of carbon and need accurate allometric regressions for their estimation. In Africa the absence of species-specific or mixed-species allometric equations has lead to broad use of pan moist tropical equations to estimate tree biomass. This lack of information has raised many discussions on the accuracy of these data, since equations were derived from biomass collected outside Africa.  相似文献   

Non-destructive methods for determining the biomass and leaf area of individual trees throughout their growing cycle are an essential tool in agroforestry research, but must be capable of providing reliable estimates despite the influence that management strategies such as pruning may have on tree form. In the present study, allometric methods involving measurements of the diameter of all branches provided reliable estimates of canopy leaf area and biomass for grevillea trees (Grevillea robusta A. Cunn.; Proteaceae) grown as poles, but proved unsuitable for routine measurements because of their time-consuming nature. An alternative, less laborious method based on measurements of trunk cross-sectional area immediately below the first branch of the canopy provided satisfactory allometric estimates of leaf area and canopy biomass. Trunk biomass was determined from measurements of tree height and diameter at breast height using established methodology based on the assumption that trunk volume may be calculated using a quadratic paraboloid model; biomass was determined as the product of trunk volume and the specific gravity of the wood. The theoretical basis, development and validation of allometric methods for estimating tree growth are discussed and their wider applicability to other agroforestry systems is assessed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Uncertainties in the rate of biomass variation with forest ageing in tropical secondary forests, particularly in belowground components, limit the accuracy of carbon pool estimates in tropical regions. We monitored changes in above- and belowground biomass, leaf area index (LAI), and biomass allocation to the leaf component to determine the variation in carbon accumulation rate with forest age after shifting cultivation in Sarawak, Malaysia. Nine plots in a 4-year-old forest and fourteen plots in a 10-year-old forest were monitored for 5 and 7 years, respectively. Forest and plant part biomass were calculated from an allometric equation obtained from the same forest stands. Both above- and belowground biomass increased rapidly during the initial decade after abandonment. In contrast, a much slower rate of biomass accumulation was observed after the initial decade. LAI also increased by approximately double from the 4-year-old to 10-year-old forest, and then gently increased to the 17-year-old forest. We also found that allocation variation in leaf biomass and nitrogen was closely related to the rate of biomass accumulation as a forest aged. During the first decade after abandonment, a high biomass and nitrogen allocation to the leaf component may have allowed for a high rate of biomass accumulation. However, reduction in those allocations to leaf component after the initial decade may have helped to suppress the biomass accumulation rate in older secondary forests. Roots accounted for 14.0–16.1% of total biomass in the 4–17-year-old abandoned secondary forests. We also verified the model predicted values for belowground biomass by Cairns et al. (1997) and Mokany et al. (2006), although both models overestimated the values throughout our data sets by 45–50% in the 10-year-old forest. The low root:shoot ratio in the secondary forests may have caused this overestimation. Therefore, our results suggest that we should modify the models to estimate belowground biomass considering the low root:shoot ratio in tropical secondary forests.  相似文献   

Tree biomass plays a key role in sustainable management by providing different aspects of ecosystem. Estimation of above ground biomass by non-destructive means requires the development of allometric equations. Most researchers used DBH (diameter at breast height) and TH (total height) to develop allometric equation for a tree. Very few species-specific allometric equations are currently available for shrubs to estimate of biomass from measured plant attributes. Therefore, we used some of readily measurable variables to develop allometric equations such as girth at collar-height (GCH) and height of girth measuring point (GMH) with total height (TH) for A. rotundifolia, a mangrove species of Sundarbans of Bangladesh, as it is too dwarf to take DBH and too irregular in base to take Girth at a fixed height. Linear, non-linear and logarithmic regression techniques were tried to determine the best regression model to estimate the above-ground biomass of stem, branch and leaf. A total of 186 regression equations were generated from the combination of independent variables. Best fit regression equations were determined by examining co-efficient of determination (R2), co-efficient of variation (CV), mean-square of the error (MSerror), residual mean error (Rsme), and F-value. Multiple linear regression models showed more efficient over other types of regression equation. The performance of regression equations was increased by inclusion of GMH as an independent variable along with total height and GCH.  相似文献   

The research described in this paper was performed in the Niepolomice Forest (Southern Poland) in 2001 as part of the Forest Environmental Monitoring and Management System (FOREMMS; 5FP IST) project. The material for the present study consisted of the measurement results of the biomass of Scots pine shoots with needles and needles alone carried out on 113 felled sample trees. The purpose of this study was to construct empirical equations for estimating the foliage biomass of Scots pine from easy to measure parameters. To achieve this aim, the dependence of the foliage biomass of Scots pine on stem diameter, height, age, crown length, basal area increment of the trees was analyzed. Using the biometric characteristics such as: tree diameter at breast height (dbh), basal area increment, age, height, and crown length empirical equations for estimating the foliage biomass of Scots pine reasonably precisely have been established. The created empirical equation gives accurate foliage biomass estimates. The explained variability varies between 65 and 85%, it depends on the number of variables applied in the equation. The equations presented in this paper were created with a view to their possible use in ecological studies where biomass quantity may be used, for example, in modeling carbon circulation in the forest ecosystem. From the point of view of forestry practice, these equations may help to assess biomass production in Scots pine stands.  相似文献   

Estimates of above-ground biomass are required for better planning, sustainable management and monitoring of changes in carbon stocks in agroforestry systems. The objective of this study was to develop and compare biomass equations for Markhamia lutea, Casuarina equisetifolia, Maesopsis eminii and Grevillea robusta grown in a linear simultaneous agroforestry system in Uganda. These species were established in single rows in the middle of fields in 1995 from four-month old seedlings. A total of 57 trees were sampled for this study, 13 for M. lutea, 12 for C. equisetifolia, 16 for M. eminii and 16 for G. robusta. Biomass values of the various tree components (stem, branches and foliage) as well as the total above-ground biomass were fitted to linear and non-linear allometric models using total height, diameter-at-breast height (DBH), crown width as predictor variables. Although both DBH and height are typically used as independent variables for predicting above-ground biomass, the addition of height in biomass equations did not significantly improve model performance for M. eminii, M. lutea and G. robusta. However, addition of height significantly increased the proportion of variation explained in above-ground biomass for C. equisetifolia, while DBH did not significantly improve the prediction of biomass. The study confirmed the need for developing species-specific biomass equations.  相似文献   

Environmental factors, such as global solar radiation, wind speed, air temperature, humidity, and CO2 concentration, were measured above and within the canopy of a tropical rainforest in Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia. Few data concerning the environment of this forest have been reported. Intensive observations were carried out in 1998, 1999, and 2000 with the following results: (1) The fraction of global solar radiation reaching the upper layer of the canopy varied with global solar radiation above the canopy. Even though the global solar radiation above the canopy fluctuated, the fraction of that reaching the lower canopy and the ground was constantly approximately 5%. (2) The fraction of wind speed reaching each layer of the canopy increased with wind speed above the canopy. Little wind was usually present at the lower canopy. (3) The daytime air temperature at the canopy top was higher than that near the ground. The maximum difference between the air temperature at the canopy top and that at the ground was about 5°C, and the diurnal temperature ranges at the canopy top and those at the ground were about 8°C and about 5°C, respectively. The highest daytime water vapor pressure occurred within the canopy and particularly near the ground. Vertical gradients of water vapor pressure during the day were steep, probably because of high transpiration. (4) In the 1998 observation the minimum and the maximum CO2 concentrations were 360 ppm in the day and 450 ppm at night, while in the 2000 observation the minimum and the maximum CO2 concentrations were 350 ppm in the day and 540 ppm at night. The higher CO2 concentration in the daytime and the lower concentration at night observed during the 1998 observation period were probably due to reduced photosynthesis and soil respiration caused by exceptional dry conditions during the observation period.  相似文献   

Empirical allometric equations relating biomass of aboveground components to dendrometric variables for Pinus brutia Ten. trees are derived in this paper. They are based on data collected from Lesvos (North Aegean Sea) and Crete (South Aegean Sea) Islands. Comparisons to published equations for the same species growing in northwestern and southeastern Turkey, for Pinus nigra A. growing in Turkey and Pinus halepensis Mill. found in Western Aegean (island of Evia), are also presented. The biomass of branches from destructively sampled trees (twelve in Crete and six in Lesvos) was divided into four size classes (0?C0.63 cm, 0.64?C2.5 cm, 2.51?C7.61 cm, and 7.62?C22.8 cm). Tree crown biomass was calculated as the sum of the biomass in the four classes plus the fraction of stem above crown base. Over bark stem biomass was estimated through bole volume conversion based on wood density. The results showed clearly that, for a given diameter, the Cretan trees had more crown biomass and a higher share of small branches than trees on Lesvos, probably due to differences in environment and stand structure. Comparisons to published diameter versus crown biomass equations reveal a lower crown biomass for Turkish sites of Calabrian pine and Aleppo pine on Evia Island, while only Turkish Black pine seems to be comparable to the Calabrian pine on Crete. The derived allometries can be used for landscape fire behavior modeling, for ecophysiological studies and for the Kyoto protocol requirements of carbon changes in Pinus brutia Ten. forests located in northern and southern Greek sites.  相似文献   

西非Sudanian热带林地11个树种地上生物量异速生长预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Allometric models are necessary for estimating biomass in terrestrial ecosystems. Generalized allometric relationship exists for many tropical trees, but species- and region-specific models are often lacking. We developed species-specific allometric models to predict aboveground biomass for 11 native tree species of the Sudanian savanna-woodlands. Diameters at the base and at breast height, with species means ranging respectively from 11 to 28 cm and 9 to 19 cm, and the height of the trees were used as predictor variables. Sampled trees spanned a wide range of sizes including the largest sizes these species can reach. As a response variable, the biomass of the trees was obtained through destructive sampling of 4 754 trees during wood harvesting. We used a stepwise multiple regression analysis with backward elimination procedure to develop models separately predicting, total biomass of the trees, stem biomass, and biomass of branches and twigs. All species-specific regression models relating biomass with measured tree dimensions were highly significant (p < 0.001). The biomass of branches and twigs was less predictable compared to stem biomass and total biomass, although their models required fewer predictors and predictor interactions. The best-fit equations for total above-ground biomass and stem biomass had R 2 > 0.70, except for the Acacia species; for branches including twig biomass, R2-values varied from 0.749 for Anogeissus leiocarpa to 0.183 for Acacia macrostachya. The use of these equations in estimating available biomass will avoid destructive sampling, and aid in planning for sustainable use of these species.  相似文献   

Enset (Ensete ventricosum), commonly known as false banana, is a large thick, single-stemmed, perennial herbaceous banana-like plant growing in the wild of sub-Sahara Africa, Madagascar and parts of Asia. In Ethiopia it has been domesticated and serves as a food plant. While the productivity and management of enset for food (pseudostem and corm) has been studied, little attention has been given to total biomass production and associated carbon sequestration. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate allometric models for estimating above and belowground biomass and organic matter contents of enset grown in indigenous agroforestry systems in Rift Valley escarpment of south-eastern Ethiopia. Biomass harvesting of 40 plants was carried out at altitudes from 1900 to 2400 m.a.s.l. The mean plant dry weight was 9.4 ± 0.84 kg and organic matter content 94 %. Pseudostem biomass accounted for highest (64 %) of total biomass, followed by corm (24 %) and foliage (12 %). Basal diameter (d 10) was the best predictor variable for total and all biomass components (Spearman r = 0.775–0.980, p < 0.01). The power model using d 10 and height (H) (Y = 0.0007d 10 2.571 H 0.101; R 2 = 0.91) was found to be the best performing model (highest ranking over six good-of-fit statistics) for predicting total biomass. Model performance decreased in the order pseudostem > corm > foliage biomass. The models presented can be used to accurately predict biomass and organic matter of enset in the agroforestry systems of Rift Valley escarpments Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Gmelina arborea Roxb. is a fast-growing, deciduous tree species native to Bangladesh. It has been widely planted since 1992 for commercial production of pulpwood in hilly areas of Bangladesh. The purpose of this study was to derive well-fitting allometric models for estimation of aboveground biomass, and carbon and nutrient (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) stocks in G. arborea to ensure sustainable production and management of this species. Eight linear models with 64 regression equations were tested for estimation of aboveground biomass, carbon and nutrient stocks in different parts (leaves, branches, bark and stem) of the plant. The best-fitting allometric models were selected in accordance with various relevant statistical criteria.  相似文献   

人工补植通常用于增加低商业价值树种盛行的次生林中期望树种的密度。本研究评估了均格种植法(vis-à-vis gap)和行植法(line planting)2种人工补植方法,以及老挝过度采伐的热带混合落叶林中的青皮木(Vatica cinerea) 和龙脑香木(Dipterocarpus alatus)和3种豆科植物(缅茄 Afzeliax ylocarpa,大果紫檀Pterocarpus macrocarpus,酸枝木Dalbergia cochinchinensis)的表现。人工补植实验安捧在了一个随机完整的大块场地,做了7个重复。栽植7年后测定了存活率、高度和直径生长,并进行方差分析。用2种人工补植方法栽植的幼苗的存活率没有发生变化(p0.05)。然而,就直径和高度生长而言,均格种植法要比行植法效果更好。这与林冠在格间和行间块速封闭有关,这种情况在行间更加明显。在存活率,高度和直径生长方面,存在着明显的种间变异。耐阴的龙脑香科树种存活率和生长表现优于喜光树种(p0.0001)。个体的大小分布不规则,说明林下光照条件不均衡。考虑到行植法很难维持恒定线条宽度和均匀光线条件,及其每年用于清理的成本和僵硬的几何模式,我们推荐采用均格种植法。龙脑香木(Diperocarpus alatus)和青皮木(V.cinerea)可用于混合阔叶林人工补植的树种。缅茄、酸枝木和大果紫檀可作为人工林的混合树种,在较宽林隙地、直线区域和开放地种植或在火耕林幼林冠下种植。  相似文献   

Allometric equations are required for a rapid estimation of commercial timber volume and forest biomass stocks. In order to preserve the forest ecosystem, this study applied a non-destructive sampling approach to measure biophysical properties of living trees. From these measurements, volume and biomass models were developed for 11 dominant tree species in a semi-deciduous natural forest and for Acacia auriculiformis in a plantation located in southern Benin. The observations were combined to develop also generic models applicable to non-dominant tree species. Wood samples of the tree species were collected with an increment borer and analysed in the laboratory to determine species-specific wood densities. The sample size was composed of 243 trees in natural forest and 21 trees in plantation. The measurements were conducted in 30 plots of 50 m × 50 m. The graphical assessment of correlation between model outputs (biomass and volume) and variables (diameter and height) and the statistical analysis confirmed that the logarithmic model with two variables had the best predictions. The assessment also confirmed that the model using diameter only as a variable had good predictions when observations on height were unavailable. The comparative analysis of model predictions showed that the generic model in this study over-estimated biomass by up to 74.80% for certain species and under-estimated biomass by 21.18% for other species. The study shows that there are no statistically significant differences between the wood densities in this research and that published in previous studies.  相似文献   

Coffee, Coffea arabica L., which is native to Ethiopia, is the world’s most widely traded tropical agricultural commodity. While much is known about the productivity and management of coffee for coffee beans little attention has been given to the plants overall biomass production and carbon sequestration. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate allometric equations for estimating the aboveground biomass of C. arabica plants growing in indigenous agroforestry system in the Rift Valley escarpment of south-eastern Ethiopia. Coffee plays an important role in providing income and in sustaining these productive systems. Biomass harvesting of 31 plants with 54 stems was carried out in a 40 km2 area varying in elevation from 1,500 to 1,900 m. The stem accounted for most (56 %) of plant biomass, followed by branches (39 %) and twigs plus foliage (5 %). Plant mean biomass was 22.9 ± 15.8 kg. Power equations using stem diameter measured at either 40 cm (d 40) or at breast height (d, 1.3 m) with and without stem height (h) were evaluated. The square power equation, $ Y \; = \; b_{ 1} d_{ 40}^{ 2} $ , was found to be the best (highest ranked using goodness-of-fit statistics) for predicting total and component biomass. The reliability of the prediction decreased in the order: stem > branches > twigs plus foliage. A cross-validation procedure showed that equation parameterization was stable and coefficients reliable. Our parameterized square power equation for total aboveground biomass was also found to be better than the equations parameterized by Hairiah et al. (Carbon stocks of tropical land use systems as part of the global C balance: effects of forest conversion and options for clean development activities, International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, Bogor, 2001) and Segura et al. (Agroforest Syst 68:143–150, 2006) for C. arabica grown in agroforestry systems, confirming the importance of parameterization of allometric equations with site specific data when possible.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify the changes in tree diversity and above-ground biomass associated with six land-use types in Kodagu district of India's Western Ghats. We collected data on species richness,composition and above-ground biomass(AGB) of trees,shrubs and herbs from 96 sample plots of 0.1 ha. Totals of83 species from 26 families were recorded across the landuses. Tree species richness, diversity and composition were significantly higher in evergreen forest(EGF) than in other land-uses. Similarly, stem density and basal area were greater in EGF compared to other land-uses. Detrended correspondence analysis(DCA) yielded three distinct groups along the land-use intensities and rainfall gradient on the first and second axes, respectively. The first DCA axis accounted for 45% and second axis for 35% of the total variation in species composition. Together the first two axes accounted for over 2/3 of the variation in species composition across land-use types. Across the land-uses,AGB ranged from 58.6 Mg ha-1 in rubber plantation to327.3 Mg ha-1 in evergreen forest. Our results showed that species diversity and AGB were negatively impacted bythe land-use changes. We found that coffee agroforests resembled natural forest and mixed species plantation in terms of tree diversity and biomass production, suggesting that traditional coffee farms can help to protect tree species, sustain smallholder production and offer opportunities for conservation of biodiversity and climate change mitigation.  相似文献   

Several studies have been conducted in the past on carbon stock measurements in the tropical forests of Indonesia.This study is the first related research conducted in the New Guinea Island.In a degraded logged-over secondary forest in Manokwari Regency (West Papua,Indonesia),carbon stocks were measured for seven parts,i.e.,above-ground biomass (AGB),below-ground biomass (BGB),under-storey biomass (B u),necromass of dead leaves (N l),necromass of dead trees (N t),litter (L) and soil (S) using appropriate equations and laboratory analysis.Total carbon stocks were measured at 642.8 tC·ha-1 in the low disturbance area,536.9 tC·ha-1 in the moderate disturbance area and 490.4 tC·ha-1 in the high disturbance area.B u,N l and N t were not significant in the carbon stock and were collectively categorized as a total biomass complex.The carbon stock of litter was nearly equal to that of the total biomass complex,while the total carbon stock in the soil was eight times larger than the total biomass complex or the carbon stock of the litter.We confirmed that the average ratio of AGB and BGB to the total biomass (TB) was about 84.7% and 15.3%,respectively.Improvements were made to the equations in the low disturbance logged-over secondary forest area,applying corrections to the amounts of biomass of sample trees,based on representative commercial trees of category one.TB stocks before and after correction were estimated to be 84.4 and 106.7 tC·ha-1,indicating that these corrections added significant amounts of tree biomass (26.4%) during the sampling procedure.In conclusion,the equations for tree biomass developed in this study,will be useful for evaluating total carbon stocks,especially TB stocks in logged-over secondary forests throughout the Papua region.  相似文献   

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