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1. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of diet type, maternal feeding programme at 29 weeks of age and breeder feeder space change at photostimulation on broiler progeny performance and leg health at 6 weeks of age.

2. Fast-feathering Cobb 500 broiler breeders were fed on either maize- or wheat-based diets that had been formulated to have similar nutrient composition during growing and layer phases. Two feeding programmes, fast or flow, were used from 14 to 29 weeks of age. At 22 weeks, 69 females from each pen were placed in a layer house where feeder space was either similar to that in rearing (6.3 to 6.5 cm/female) or was increased from 6.3 to 8.4 cm/female. Eggs produced at 32 and 44 weeks of age were collected and incubated for two broiler experiments. A total of 16 male and 16 female one-d-old chicks were placed in floor pens in two experiments, respectively, with 6 and 4 replicate pens. Broiler gait scores and leg problem prevalence were evaluated at 6 weeks of age.

3. Data were analysed as a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design with diet type, feeding programme and feeder space change as main factors.

4. The wheat diet increased the probability of observing crooked toes in broiler progeny compared to the use of maize, but only when breeders were fed according to the fast feeding programme and given similar feeder space as during rearing.

5. Breeders given more feeder space in the laying period produced progeny with more locomotion problems compared with those provided similar feeder space, but only when maize was used and the slow feeding programme was applied to the breeders.

6. The maternal feeding programme interacted with other factors to influence progeny leg health, but it did not solely influence walking ability or leg problems of progeny.

7. In conclusion, an increased probability of observing walking impairment of broiler progeny was detected when breeders were given greater feeder space at photostimulation rather than no change and fed according to the slow feeding programme using maize diets in breeders and progeny.  相似文献   

1. The effects of diet type, feeding programme and fast- or slow-feed allocation in fast-feathering Cobb 500 broiler breeder hens on eggshell properties and broiler progeny bone development were investigated in a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial experiment.

2. The birds were fed on either maize- or wheat-based diets during rearing and production and on a fast- or slow-feed allocation programme from 14 to 29 weeks of age. At 22 weeks, 69 females from each pen were placed in a layer house where feeder space (FS) either remained similar or was increased.

3. Eggs produced at 33 weeks were incubated, eggshell conductance (G) was determined and a sample of 14 chicks from each treatment combination was taken to obtain bone traits at hatching.

4. Diet type did not influence G, yolk-free body weight (BW), residual yolk weight or relative asymmetry (RA) of any bilateral traits of leg bones of hatchlings. However, breeder diet type was involved on two-way and three-way interaction effects on progeny leg bone traits.

5. Breeders feed restricted according to the slow-feeding programme laid eggs with greater G compared to those managed with the fast-feeding programme, but there was no effect of feeding programme on progeny bone traits at hatching.

6. Eggs from breeders given more FS at photostimulation had greater G than those from breeders provided with similar FS. Maternal FS change did not influence hatchling yolk-free BW; however, breeders given more FS produced progeny with heavier tibias and shanks and longer femurs compared with those provided with similar FS, but only when breeders were fed on maize. Moreover, increased maternal FS at photostimulation was associated with an increased RA of femur length in the progeny.

7. It was concluded that breeder FS change at photostimulation influenced eggshell conductance and consistently affected bone development of the broiler progeny.  相似文献   

杨静 《广东饲料》2012,(4):39-42
本文主要研究添加角黄素对肉用种鸡生产性能和繁殖性能的影响。试验选用360只小母鸡和36只公鸡,饲养于12个面积为7m 2的圈中。以体重相近和均匀性为原则,于42周时将母鸡和公鸡平均分配到两个试验组中。在第46至66周龄时,给予试验组1每公斤饲粮6m g角黄素的添加量,试验组2不添加角黄素(对照组)。每4周称量一次体重,记录每周产蛋率,于试验结束时计算死亡率。孵化期为21天,计算孵化率和繁殖率。为了评价不同存储时间和孵化过程中角黄素的抗氧化作用,对所有处理组蛋品进行硫代巴比妥酸法分析。饲粮中添加角黄素对体重,死亡率和产蛋率没有影响,但孵化率(P≤0.0001)和受精率(P≤0.0003)却极显著增加。角黄素还能改善母鸡繁殖力,降低孵化前48小时和孵化结束前1周胚胎死亡率。两组间母鸡体重和小鸡品质没有显著性差异。试验组1蛋黄TBAR S值降低,在储存4 d和孵化7 d的蛋黄中也能观察到这种现象。在肉种鸡饲粮中添加角黄素能改善孵化率、繁殖率,降低蛋黄中TBAR S的产生。  相似文献   

1. Three experiments were carried out to study the effects of two experimental yeast cell wall (YCW) supplements, one from the yeast extract industry and the other from the brewery industry, added to maize or wheat based-diets, on performance and intestinal parameters of broiler chickens (Ross 308).

2. In the first and second experiments, a completely randomised block design with 4 experimental treatments was used: T-1) Negative control, no additives T-2) Positive control, avilamycin group (10 mg/kg feed), T-3) Yeast extract-YCW (500 mg/kg), and T-4) Brewery-YCW (500 mg/kg feed). There were 6 replicates of 20 (experiment 1) and 22 (experiment 2) chicks per treatment.

3. In experiment 1 (wheat based diets), yeast extract-YCW increased BW and daily feed intake (42 d). The effects were comparable to those of avilamycin. In experiment 2 (maize based diet), avilamycin, yeast extract-YCW and brewery-YCW treatments improved the feed conversion ratio with respect to the negative control group (0 to 14 d).

4. At 24 d, in both experiments, the ileal nutrient digestibility and ileal bacterial counts were not affected by any experimental treatment. In maize diets, lower intestinal viscosity was obtained with avilamycin, yeast extract-YCW and brewery-YCW than with the negative control. In wheat diets, yeast extract-YCW and brewery-YCW reduced intestinal viscosity.

5. A third experiment was conducted to study the effect of yeast extract-YCW on animal performance, intestinal mucosa morphology and intestinal viscosity. A 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was used; one factor was the dietary yeast extract-YCW supplementation (0 or 500 mg/kg feed) and the other the cereal in the diet (maize or wheat).

6. At 43 d, the heaviest BW was in chickens fed on yeast extract-YCW compared to those given the negative control. At 22 d, yeast extract-YCW increased villus height, mucus thickness and number of goblet cells with respect to negative control.

7. Results of these experiments suggest that supplementation of yeast extract-YCW to broiler chicken diets increased animal performance by favouring intestinal mucosal development.  相似文献   

(1) Tolerance to ad libitum feeding was compared in three genotypes of broiler breeder hens: a standard broiler breeder fed ad libitum (SA) or restricted (SR), a slow growing 'label' broiler breeder (L) and an experimental dwarf heavy broiler breeder (E). Two similar experiments were conducted in two distinct research centres. (2) Feed intake and body weight were measured every 3 weeks from hatch to 40 to 49 weeks of age. Egg production and egg abnormalities were recorded. The number of yellow follicles in ovaries was counted at the age of 32 weeks. (3) Body weight was stabilised at 2.2, 3.7 and 5.4 kg after 24 weeks of age in L, E and SA hens, respectively. Growth of the SR hens was similar to that of L up to 20 weeks and stabilised at a similar level to that of E hens after 30 weeks of age. (4) Sexual maturity was delayed by 6 weeks in restricted breeders compared to ad libitum fed hens that started to lay at 20 weeks. SA hens had low egg production and a high proportion of defective eggs, which was largely compensated for by feed restriction. However, productivity of SR hens remained lower than that of L breeders. (5) Compared to the low viability and reproductive fitness observed with SA hens, the E dwarf broiler breeder tolerated ad libitum feeding and had better egg production, fewer egg abnormalities and yellow follicles per ovary and a higher egg production. However, laying rate was still lower than that of the SR and L groups. Energy conversion (kJ/g egg) from 32 to 40 weeks of age was much higher in the SA group than in the other three groups. 6. The feasibility of feeding a dwarf broiler breeder ad libitum calls for further research on implications of specific IGF and GH-receptor expression at the level of the ovary in dw chickens.  相似文献   

1. Broiler parent stock (Marshall) were supplied with energy and protein from diets in amounts defined as percentages of an allowance such that nutrient intake increased or decreased in three consecutive periods from 23 to 63 weeks of age.

2. A 20% reduction in energy allowance from 23 to 34 weeks was associated with reduced body‐weight gain, egg weight and carcass constituents except ash, but had no significant effect on egg production or hatchability.

3. Increases in nutrient intake after 34 weeks were associated with an increase in body‐weight gain and carcass fat.

4. Moderate decreases in energy intake after 34 weeks were associated with reduced body‐weight gain, and a 15% reduction in nutrient intake resulted in a decrease in body weight and egg weight.

5. It is suggested that a feeding allowance which controls body‐weight gain during early lay, and then allows for a gradual increase in body weight over the breeding period may be the most efficient way of feeding the broiler breeder hen.  相似文献   

1. In previous studies, a lack of agreement in measurements of plasma corticosterone concentrations and heterophil:lymphocyte (H/L) ratio as physiological indices of stress, caused by hunger and frustration in restricted-fed broiler breeders, was observed. It could be suggested that the differences between previous studies were caused by differences in duration of restriction and time of the day of the measurements. Therefore, in the present study the plasma corticosterone concentration and the H/L ratio were again determined in restricted- and ad libitum-fed growing broiler breeders, taking possible causes of disagreement between previous studies into account. In addition, we measured the daily rhythm in body temperature and heart rate, and the corticosterone responses to an acute stressor as physiological indices of stress. 2. Female broiler breeders (64 per treatment, housed in groups of 4 birds) were used in the experiment. Behaviour, baseline plasma corticosterone concentrations and H/L ratio were determined at 21 d of age (immediately after the start of food restriction), and at 42 and 63 d of age. Body temperature, heart rate and activity were measured by radiotelemetry for 36 h at 49 and 70 d of age. In addition, the plasma corticosterone response to acute stress (5 min manual restraint) was measured at 77 or 78 d of age. 3. Restricted broiler breeders had higher plasma corticosterone concentrations at 42 and 63 d of age, but no differences in H/L. ratio were found between restricted birds and unrestricted control birds. Restricted broiler breeders had a higher corticosterone response to 5 min manual restraint than unrestricted birds. Restricted birds displayed a clear day-night rhythm in body temperature, heart rate and activity whereas such a rhythm was blunted in ad libitum-fed birds. 4. It is discussed that some physiological differences (plasma corticosterone concentrations, body temperature and heart rate) between ad libitum-fed and restricted broiler breeders may have been caused by differences in metabolic rate as well as by differences in the level of stress. It is concluded that a combination of behavioural measurements and a wide range of physiological parameters should be used for the assessment of stress in growing broiler breeders.  相似文献   

Typically, in a vertically integrated poultry (broiler or turkey) operation, maintaining adequate feed manufacturing production proves to be a challenge. To evaluate an alternative management strategy, 2 studies were conducted to examine the effects of feeding broilers cracked corn and a concentrated pellet on broiler growth performance from 0 to 41 d of age. Cracked corn (0, 25, 50, 75, or 100%) was used to replace the corn fraction in the diet for all 3 stages of growth. Cracked corn and concentrate pellets were blended together to be isonitrogenous and isocaloric among all treatments, so only feed form would differ. Experiment 1 diets included a control (0% cracked corn) and experimental diets (25, 50, 75, or 100%) in which cracked corn directly replaced the ground corn fraction. Overall (0 to 41 d), a linear decrease (P < 0.001) for ADG and ADFI and a linear increase (P < 0.003) for FCR was observed as cracked corn levels increased. In experiment 2, a “step-up” feeding program of cracked corn was evaluated with dietary treatments including the following: 1) control (0% cracked corn throughout feeding), 2) 0% cracked corn (0 to 17 d) and 25% (18 to 41 d), 3) 0% cracked corn (0 to 17 d) and 50% (18 to 41 d), 4) 25% cracked corn (0 to 41 d), and 5) 50% cracked corn (0 to 41 d). Overall (0 to 41 d), ADG for treatment 1, 2, and 4 was greater than 3 and 5 (P < 0.05). Feed conversion ratio was superior for treatments 2 and 4 (P < 0.05) in comparison with treatments 3 and 5. Up to 25% of the dietary corn can be fed to the broiler as cracked corn from 0 to 41 d without a negative response on growth performance.  相似文献   

1. Field data on the reproductive performance of parent stock and grandparent female line and male line broiler breeders were extracted from a commercial database covering the years of hatch from 1989 to 2002. The data were from the UK, Western Europe, Central and South America and Japan. Quadratic regression curves were fitted to the data to estimate the long-term phenotypic trends in total egg production, hatching egg production, chick numbers, hatchability and female mortality. 2. Changes in performance over time were similar in the UK, Western Europe and Central and South America and are consistent with the suggestion that genetic selection in separate breeding programmes in the UK (supplying the UK and Western Europe) and Brazil (serving Central and South America) was associated with similar improvements in the performance of commercial parent stock and grandparent flocks. Changes in performance in Japan (supplied from the UK) were different but recent performance was similar to those in the other regions. 3. The mean annual improvements over 10 years to 2002 for male line, female line and parent stock, respectively, were 0.4, 1.7 and 1.7 for total egg number; 0.5, 1.8 and 1.6 for hatching egg number; 0.6, 1.8 and 1.3 for total chick production; 0.25, 0.47 and 0.09% for hatchability; and -0.69, -0.05 and -0.41% for female mortality. 4. The results are consistent with claims that significant genetic change in pedigree selection (nucleus) flocks by the primary breeding company are reflected in substantial improvements in reproductive performance in commercial flocks. The presence of similar rates of improvement in different geographical regions as a result of genetic selection in two continents representing tropical and temperate regions suggests that genotype-environment interactions for reproduction traits are not important.  相似文献   

1. A total of 4000 Ross broiler breeders were reared to a 20-week target body weight of 1.55, 2.16 (standard), 2.50 or 2.84 kg, using either a convex or concave growth curve. Each treatment group was either exposed to a conventional broiler breeder lighting regimen, with a series of weekly one-hour increments in photoperiod from 8h at 19 weeks to a 16-h maximum, or maintained from 4d on a 17-h photoperiod. 2. Each 100 g increment in body weight at 20 weeks was associated with a significant increase of 0.55 kg in cumulative food intake, and a 1.5-d advance in sexual maturity. However, leaner body weights at 20 weeks resulted in smaller body weight gains between 20 and 60 weeks (-2.4 g/d/kg body weight at 20 weeks), and an increased production of double-yolked eggs. Neither egg production nor mean egg weight was affected by 20-week body weight. 3. Birds fed to produce more rapid early growth had higher feed intakes to 20 weeks, but reached sexual maturity 7 d later than birds permitted accelerated growth from 15 weeks. Growth curve did not influence body weight gain in lay, egg production or mean egg weight. 4. Birds maintained on 17-h photoperiods reached sexual maturity 27 d later, produced 7 fewer eggs to 60 weeks, and had a mean egg weight 1.2 g heavier than birds photostimulated at 19 weeks. Lighting treatment did not affect food intake to 20 weeks, the proportion of double-yolked eggs or body weight gain between 20 and 60 weeks. 5. Birds fed to have a faster growth early in the rearing phase and maintained on 17-h photoperiods produced 11 fewer eggs than those fed to have accelerated growth at the end of the rearing phase, yet there was only one egg difference between the growth-curve groups for the conventionally lighted birds, which was not significant. 6. The earlier sexual maturity of the conventionally lighted birds compared with those maintained on 17-h photoperiods either indicates that broiler breeders require an increment in photoperiod to stimulate rapid gonadal development or that broiler breeders exhibit juvenile photorefractoriness that takes longer to be dissipated when birds are not given a period of short days. 7. The findings suggest that a nutritional stimulus late in rearing is only necessary for satisfactory egg production if birds have not received a concurrent increment in photoperiod.  相似文献   

1. Three experiments of 39 d were simultaneously conducted to assess the efficacy of three carbohydrase combinations on performance, apparent nutrient digestibility, intestinal morphology and digestive organ relative weights of chickens fed on a wheat-based diet. 2. Experiment 1 was performed under laboratory conditions, with the birds housed in cages. In experiment 2, the birds were placed in floor pens built in a commercial farm, and raised with their contemporaries at the farm. In experiment 3, broilers were reared under industrial management circumstances in commercial farms. A two-phase feeding programme was used: starter from 1 to 21 d of age and finisher from 22 to 39 d. The basal diet without supplementation (BD) and three enzyme preparations (BDF, BDP and BDR) were evaluated. 3. No differences in growth traits were observed among treatments in experiments 1 and 2. 4. When overall growing period was evaluated, all enzyme combinations improved apparent DM ileal digestibility of feed in the three experiments, but significant differences were only found in experiments 2 and 3. For this same period, an increase in apparent CP ileal digestibility of broiler chickens fed supplemented diets against the control group was found in experiment 3. Moreover, a significant greater apparent ileal fat digestibility in the enzyme treatments compared with the control group was shown when broilers were raised under industrial conditions (experiment 3). 5. Enzyme combinations had no effect on villus heights and crypt depths of broilers in experiment 1, whereas, in experiment 2, a greater villus height was found in BDF and BDP treatments than in control birds. 6. There were no differences in digestive organ relative weights among dietary treatments except for pancreas in experiment 1.  相似文献   

1. This study was conducted to determine the effects of enzyme supplementation of maize/wheat-based diets on the performance, egg quality, and serum and bone parameters of laying hens.

2. During the 12-week experimental period, a total of 72 laying hens aged 52 weeks were randomly distributed among 6 experimental groups. Each experimental group contained 4 replicates, each with three birds. The experiment was a randomised design consisting of a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement, with three levels of wheat substitution and two levels of enzyme (xylanase: 1500.00 U/kg, β-glucanase: 100 000 U/kg, cellulase: 1 000 000 U/kg, α-amylase: 160 000 U/kg) inclusion in the diet. Wheat replaced 0, 50, or 100% of maize with or without 1.0 g/kg enzyme supplementation in iso-nitrogenous and iso-caloric experimental diets.

3. Body weight, egg production, egg weight, egg mass, eggshell thickness, and the feed conversion ratio were adversely affected by the wheat-based diet. The eggshell quality parameters decreased with enzyme supplementation to the diet.

4. Wheat-based diets adversely affected calcium and phosphorus concentrations in the tibia, but the addition of the enzymes to the wheat-based diet prevented the negative effects of wheat-based diets on tibia mineralisation in laying hens. The wheat-based diets tended to reduce plasma mineral contents, and the addition of enzymes tended to affect plasma minerals and biomechanical properties of the tibia positively in laying hens.

5. These results indicate that wheat-based diets in aged laying hens adversely affected the mineral metabolism compared with maize-based diets, and the negative effects of wheat on bone mineralisation can be prevented by enzyme supplementation to the diets in laying hens.  相似文献   

1. Two hundred and sixty four dwarf broiler breeder hens were subjected to ad libitum or restricted feeding and to four lighting patterns: 15L (bright light):9D (dark), 15L:9d (dim light), 2L:10d: 1L:11d, (0.5L:3.5d) × 6.

2. Breeder hens fed ad libitum and subjected to either conventional or intermittent lighting ingested respectively, 25 g and 14 to 17 g more than hens restricted to 115 g/d.

3. Body weight was greater in hens fed ad libitum irrespective of the lighting pattern and of the amount of food intake.

4. Persistency of egg production was impaired by intermittent lighting.

5. Ad libitum feeding reduced egg fertility. The decrease was larger in breeder hens on intermittent lighting.

6. Hatchability was increased in hens submitted to the symmetrical lighting pattern (0.5L:3.5d).

7. Egg and chick weights were higher in hens fed ad libitum.

8. Shell index and shell breaking strength increased in restricted hens on the intermittent lighting pattern (0.5L:3.5d) × 6.

9. The best performance was obtained in restricted hens on the conventional lighting pattern.  相似文献   

1. The influence of a microbial phytase on the performance, toe ash contents and nutrient utilisation of male broilers fed diets based on maize and wheat was investigated. The experiment was conducted as 2 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Within the factorial, two diet types (maize-soy or wheat-soy) containing two levels of non-phytate phosphorus (3.0 or 4.5 g/kg) were evaluated and each level of non-phytate phosphorus was supplemented with 0 or 500 PU phytase/kg diet. Each of the 8 dietary treatments were fed to 6 pens of 8 birds from d 1 to 21 post-hatching. 2. Main effects of diet type and phytase were observed for all parameters. Main effect of non-phytate phosphorus was significant only for feed/gain and toe ash contents. Phytase addition improved weight gains irrespective of diet type or non-phytate phosphorus level, but the magnitude of improvement in the phosphorus-deficient wheat-soy diet was greater, resulting in a diet type x non-phytate phosphorus interaction. Responses in toe ash contents were noted only in phosphorus-deficient diets, as indicated by a non-phytate phosphorus x phytase interaction. 3. Phytase addition improved apparent metabolisable energy values of wheat-based diets, but had little effect on the apparent metabolisable energy of maize-based diets as shown by a diet type x phytase interaction. The apparent metabolisable energy was not influenced by dietary non-phytate P. 4. Phytase improved ileal nitrogen digestibility in both diet types, but the responses to added phytase tended to be higher in wheat-based diets, as shown by a diet type x phytase interaction. 5. Increasing the dietary non-phytate phosphorus level reduced phosphorus digestibility and increased excreta phosphorus content. Addition of phytase improved phosphorus digestibility, but the increments were higher in low phosphorus diets resulting in a non-phytate phosphorus x phytase interaction. Phytase addition tended to lower the excreta phosphorus content, but the effects were greater in birds fed low phosphorus diets, as shown by a non-phytate phosphorus x phytase interaction.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of 1) long-acting oxytetracycline injection at market arrival, 2) feed or water access at the auction market and 3) receiving diet management on commingled feeder pig performance. A total of 288 commingled feeder pigs transported over 1,000 km after market management treatments were used in two trials. Pigs given access to feed and water (FW) at the market weighed more (P less than .001) following marketing and transport than pigs given water only (W). Pigs given neither feed nor water (N) were intermediate in arrival weight (19.7, 18.7 and 18.9 kg). There was no effect (P greater than .1) of feed and water offering at the market on final weight (96.6, 95.9 and 96.6 kg), overall average daily gain (.70, .69 and .70 kg/d), overall gain/feed (.31, .31, .32) or percentage death loss (1.0, 2.1 and 4.2%). Injection of long-acting oxytetracycline upon arrival at auction market had no effect (P greater than .1) on pig weight following marketing and transport (19.0 vs 19.2 kg), final weight (96.1 vs 97.0 kg), percentage death loss (3.4 vs 1.4%) or percentage of pigs treated (3.4 vs 4.9%). Compared to providing ad libitum access to feed, restricting feed intake by floor feeding for the first 7 d post-arrival reduced (P less than .01) rate of gain for the first 9 d (-.04 vs. .08 kg/d), but overall there was no effect (P greater than .1) on daily gain (.70 vs .69 kg/d) or gain/feed (.31 vs .31).  相似文献   

1. An experiment was conducted to study causes of low ileal starch digestibilities when broiler chickens were fed on wheat-based diets. Each of 5 cold-pelleted diets containing 771 g/kg DM wheat and one cold-pelleted diet containing 694 g/kg DM wheat were fed to 24 male broiler chickens in 8 cages from 10 to 21 d of age. 2. Feed intake and weight gain were significantly reduced when the wheat diet was crushed and fed in a mash form. 3. Ileal starch digestibility increased significantly from 0.79 to 0.95, 0.93 and 0.91, respectively, when the diet was crushed and fed in a mash form, was diluted with cellulose prior to pelleting, or when parts of the wheat were fed as whole grains. Correspondingly, random variation between individual birds was reduced. 4. These results indicate that an overload of wheat starch in the digestive tract may be the cause of poor digestibility for some broilers in a flock. Grinding of the wheat may also influence starch digestibility.  相似文献   

Effects of growth hormone on female reproductive organs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
During the last decade many experiments have been performed to study the effects of growth hormone (GH, somatotropin) on reproductive functions. Most of the studies found only slight or no effects of GH treatment, both on the oestrous cycle and on gonadotropin, progesterone. or oestrogen serum levels. In GH-treated animals, elevated levels of insulin-like growth factor I and GH in the serum could be correlated with an increased number of small (< 5 mm in diameter) ovarian follicles, possibly as a consequence of a reduction of apoptosis and follicular atresia. There is still controversy over the effects of GH on in vivo and in vitro embryo production and on the gestation period. Recent studies produced some evidence that GH-receptor is expressed in ovarian tissue, implying a direct role for GH in the ovary.  相似文献   

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