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Cerebrospinal fluid and serum were obtained from 16 clinically normal adult cows (11 dairy, 5 beef). Sodium, potassium, magnesium, total protein, and albumin concentrations, osmolality, and lactate dehydrogenase and creatine kinase activities, were quantified in CSF and serum. Total and differential cell counting, protein electrophoresis, and IgG quantification were performed on CSF. Statistical analyses of these variables, including mean, SEM, range, and 95% confidence intervals, were performed. Effects of blood contamination were evaluated, and were found to be negligible for all measured constituents. Correction factors for CSF creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase activities accounting for cellular contamination were developed. Total nucleated cell count was similar to counts in CSF of other species, but higher than values in healthy people. Differential leukocyte count in CSF was similar to that reported in CSF of other domestic animals: mostly lymphocytes, fewer monocytoid cells, and scant neutrophils. Cerebrospinal fluid protein concentration was higher than concentration reported for dogs, goats, and people, but was similar to values reported for horses. Beef cows had higher CSF total protein concentration than did dairy cows; also, beef cows had higher CSF gamma-globulin concentration. The concentration of sodium in CSF was slightly higher than the value in serum, and potassium concentration was lower than the value in serum. In contrast to studies of human beings, CSF osmolality was generally less than serum osmolality in the cows studied. Reference values for CSF electrolyte concentrations and osmolality are useful for diagnosis of salt poisoning and for assessment of the effects of fluid therapy. Magnesium concentration was lower in CSF, compared with serum.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether antibodies against Sarcocystis neurona could be detected in CSF from clinically normal neonatal (2 to 7 days old) and young (2 to 3 months old) foals. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 15 clinically normal neonatal Thoroughbred foals. PROCEDURE: Serum and CSF samples were obtained from foals at 2 to 7 days of age and tested for antibodies against S. neurona by means of western blotting. Serum samples from the mares were also tested for antibodies against S. neurona. Additional CSF and blood samples were obtained from 5 foals between 13 and 41 days after birth and between 62 and 90 days after birth. RESULTS: Antibodies against S. neurona were detected in serum from 13 mares and their foals; antibodies against S. neurona were detected in CSF from 12 of these 13 foals. Degree of immunoreactivity in serum and CSF decreased over time, and antibodies against S. neurona were no longer detected in CSF from 2 foals 83 and 84 days after birth. However, antibodies could still be detected in CSF from the other 3 foals between 62 and 90 days after birth. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicate that antibodies against S. neurona can be detected in CSF from clinically normal neonatal (2 to 7 days old) foals born to seropositive mares. This suggests that western blotting of CSF cannot be reliably used to diagnose equine protozoal myeloencephalitis in foals < 3 months of age born to seropositive mares.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and -9 in CSF of clinically normal dogs. SAMPLE POPULATION: Samples of CSF collected from 23 dogs. PROCEDURE: Dogs were anesthetized, CSF samples were collected, and dogs were then euthanatized. Each CSF sample was evaluated immediately for RBC count, WBC count, and protein and glucose concentrations, and cytologic examination also was performed. Samples were considered normal when protein concentration was < 25 mg/dL and CSF contained < 6WBCs/microL and < 25 RBCs/microL. Samples were stored at -70 degrees C. Sections of brain tissue were collected and processed for histologic examination. The MMPs were evaluated by use of gelatin zymography and a polyclonal antibody-based sandwich ELISA. RESULTS: Mean WBC count for CSF samples was < 1 WBC/microL (range, 0 to 3 WBCs/mL). Mean protein concentration was 12 mg/dL (range, 8 to 17 mg/dL). Mean RBC count was 3.65 RBCs/microL (range, 0 to 21 RBCs/microL). All CSF samples generated a clear band on zymography gels that corresponded to the human commercial standard of proenzyme MMP-2. Other major clear bands were not detected on zymography gels. Bands correlating to MMP-9 were not detected in any samples. The ELISA results revealed a mean +/- SD proenzyme MMP-2 concentration of 5.61 +/- 1.92 ng/mL (range, 3.36 to 10.83 ng/mL). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The proenzyme form of MMP-2 is detectable in CSF of clinically normal dogs, whereas MMP-9 is not detectable. Additional investigation of MMPs in CSF from dogs with various diseases of the nervous system is indicated.  相似文献   

Using agarose as a supporting matrix, electrophoresis was conducted on 50 serum samples and 20 cerebrospinal fluid samples from clinically normal horses (n = 50) of various ages and breeds. The technique was shown to be reliable. A positive correlation between age and gamma-globulin concentration was found in young horses. Features of the electrophoretograms of serum and cerebrospinal fluid samples are discussed, and a nomenclature based on Rf values is proposed.  相似文献   

Electrocardiograms were recorded from 25 clinically normal male ferrets anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine and from 7 ferrets anesthetized with ketamine alone. Ferrets anesthetized with ketamine alone had excessive salivation, open eyes, muscle tremors, muscle twitching, paddling motions, attempts to stand, and an unstable ECG baseline. Because ketamine/xylazine combination resulted in induction and good muscle relaxation, the ECG had little interference resulting from muscular movement.  相似文献   

Samples of uncontaminated cerebrospinal fluid (csf) were collected from the cisterna magna of 20 healthy laboratory rabbits and 21 pet rabbits with vestibular disease and/or paresis due to clinically suspected encephalitozoonosis. In the healthy rabbits' csf the leucocyte count was 相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish reference range values for synovial fluid from clinically normal New World camelids. ANIMALS: 15 llamas and 15 alpacas. PROCEDURE: Llamas and alpacas were anesthetized with an IM injection of a xylazine hydrochloride, butorphanol tartrate, and ketamine hydrochloride combination. Synovial fluid (1 to 2 ml) was obtained by aseptic arthrocentesis from the radiocarpal and tarsocrural joints. Synovial fluid evaluation included determination of total nucleated cell count (NCC), absolute number and percentage of polymorphonuclear (PMN) and mononuclear leukocytes, total protein, and specific gravity. RESULTS: Synovial fluid evaluation revealed a total NCC of 100 to 1,400 cells/microl (mean +/- SD, 394.8+/-356.2 cells/microl; 95% confidence interval [CI], 295.2 to 494.6 cells/microl). Mononuclear leukocytes were the predominant cell type with lymphocytes, composing 50 to 90% (mean, 75.6+/-172%; 95% CI, 70.8 to 80.4%) of the mononuclear leukocytes. Approximately 0 to 12% (mean, 1.3+/-2.9%; 95% CI, 0.49 to 2.11%) of the cells were PMN leukocytes. Total protein concentrations ranged from 2.0 to 3.8 g/dl (mean, 2.54+/-0.29 g/dl; 95% CI, 2.46 to 2.62 g/dl); the specific gravity ranged between 1.010 and 1.026 (mean, 1.017+/-0.003; 95% CI, 1.016 to 1.018). CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In llamas and alpacas, significant differences do not exist between species or between limbs (left vs right) or joints (radiocarpal vs tarsocrural) for synovial fluid values. Total NCC and absolute number and percentage of PMN and mononuclear leukocyte are similar to those of other ruminants and horses. However, synovial fluid total protein concentrations in New World camelids are high, compared with other domestic species.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional, M4-mode, and color flow Doppler echocardiography was performed in 29 (18 females, 11 males) clinically healthy ferrets anesthetized with isoflurane. M-mode measurements of the left ventricle, left atrial appendage diameter (LAAD), and aorta (Ao) were obtained. The fractional shortening and LAAD/Ao ratio were calculated. The values of the M-mode measurements were compared between the male and female ferrets using a Student's t-test. No significant differences were found. The difference in body weight between the male and female ferrets was highly significant (P<0.001), but no significant correlation was found between body weight and M-mode measurements. Color flow Doppler examinations of the mitral, tricuspid, aortic, and pulmonary valves were recorded and there was minor valvular regurgitation in five ferrets, which was considered nonsignificant.  相似文献   

In order to provide normal morphological data and reference values for fibre type proportions, against which changes due to facial nerve paralysis or primary facial muscle myopathies can be compared, a histological and histochemical study was carried out on the buccinator muscle of clinically normal adult dogs. Using myosin adenosine triphosphatase under acidic pre-incubation (pH 4.3) conditions, three histochemical fibre types--1, 2A and 2C were recognised. There was no significant difference in mean diameter between left- and right-sided buccinator muscle samples for type 1 versus 2. Mean diameters of fibre types were: type 1, 27.02 +/- 6.61 microns and type 2, 29.05 +/- 7.75 microns. The histographical distribution of fibre type diameters was unimodal. The buccinator muscle had a type 2 fibre predominance with a mean type 1 to type 2 ratio of 32:68. The number of fibres with internal nuclei was less than or equal to 1 per cent, atrophy-hypertrophy factors typically were less than or equal to 200, and variability coefficients approximated 250. Muscle spindles were not observed in any muscle sample.  相似文献   

Physical, biochemical, and cytologic properties of synovial fluid from digital flexor tendon sheaths of clinically normal horses were investigated. Tendon sheath fluid was pale yellow, clear, and did not clot. Volume of fluid within a tendon sheath varied minimally, with a mean of 2.11 ml. Total erythrocyte counts were higher than values observed in normal equine joint fluid, whereas values for total leukocyte count (770 +/- 73 cells/mm3), viscosity (6.05 +/- 0.58 cs), and protein concentration (7.87 +/- 0.03 mg/ml) were similar to those in joint fluid. Large mononuclear cells were the predominant synovial fluid cell type. Mean hyaluronic acid concentration (0.74 +/- 0.02 mg/ml) and mucinous precipitate quality were lower than values in joint fluid.  相似文献   

Objectives : To assess the feasibility of performing electrocardiography (ECG) and echocardiography on conscious ferrets and to establish reference values for this species under these conditions. Methods : End‐systolic and end‐diastolic left ventricular (LV) diameters, LV and interventricular septal thicknesses were measured by M‐mode echocardiography, while left atrial, aortic and pulmonary trunk diameters were determined by two‐dimensional echocardiography in 46 ferrets. In some animals the maximum velocities of blood flow in the aorta and the pulmonary trunk were also measured by spectral Doppler. ECG examinations were performed by using limb leads both in right lateral recumbency and in the so‐called “hanging” position. In the course of the ECG examinations (n=43), the occurrences, directions, durations and amplitudes of the P, QRS and T waves and the duration of the PR‐ and QT intervals were recorded for all six leads. Results : ECG and echocardiography were successfully performed on non‐sedated ferrets in 90 and 96% of the cases, respectively. Males were significantly heavier and had larger cardiac dimensions compared to females. Clinical Significance : Performance of both echocardiography and ECG are feasible techniques in conscious ferrets, and reference values are now available for future comparisons.  相似文献   

Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed 5 times, sequentially, on 3 healthy foals when each was between 2 and 63 days of age. Total and differential counts were performed on recovered cells. The lungs of foals less than 19 days of age contained few alveolar macrophages recoverable by bronchoalveolar lavage. This number increased sharply during the first 2 to 3 weeks of life, but remained relatively constant subsequently. Approximately 86% of the alveolar cells in the lungs of foals up to 3 weeks of age were alveolar macrophages. During the first 2 months of life, this number decreased to approximately 71%, whereas the relative percentage of lymphocytes increased from 5% to 20%.  相似文献   

Cerebrospinal fluid samples from 2 groups of clinically normal dogs were compared after iopamidol (n = 9) and metrizamide (n = 8) myelography. Iopamidol (200 mg of I/ml) and metrizamide (170 mg of I/ml) were administered by cerebellomedullary injection at dosage of 0.45 ml/kg of body weight. In dogs of both groups, postmyelographic CSF changes included high specific gravity, Pandy score, protein concentration, and WBC count. The high specific gravity and Pandy score were false-positive effects attributed to nonionic contrast media. Although postmyelographic protein concentration and total WBC count were greater in CSF samples from dogs given metrizamide than in those given iopamidol, differences were not statistically significant. The differential WBC counts were consistent with mild, acute leptomeningitis; these findings were supported by results of histologic examination. Iopamidol and metrizamide should be considered low-grade leptomeningeal irritants in dogs.  相似文献   

Serum pepsinogen levels and Ostertagia ostertugi populations in clinically normal grass-fed bullocks were investigated in three groups of 10 prime cattle aged between 2.5 and 2.75 years slaughtered in late summer (February), early autumn (March) and late autumn (May) respectively. Apart from occasional foci of mucosal hyperplasia abomasa were grossly normal. Serum pepsinogen levels ranged between 0.2 and 2.5 i.u./l with group means of 1.4,l.S and 1.3 i.u./l. O. ostertagi counts ranged between 0 and5,194 with group means of 734,630 and 701 worms. The composition of the worm populations varied with a higher proportion of adults recovered in February and very few worms from most cattle in March, suggesting the termination of a parasite generation. An increase in numbers of early fourth-stage larvae in May indicated exposure to a new generation. These changes were not reflected in the pepsinogen levels.

The findings are discussed in relation to the adequacy of the pepsinogen assay as a diagnostic aid in field infections, animal age, and correlations between pepsinogen levels and parasite populations.  相似文献   

Serum pepsinogen levels and Ostertagia ostertagi populations in clinically normal grass-fed bullocks were investigated in three groups of 10 prime cattle aged between 2.5 and 2.75 years slaughtered in late summer (February), early autumn (March) and late autumn (May) respectively. Apart from occasional foci of mucosal hyperplasia abomasa were grossly normal. Serum pepsinogen levels ranged between 0.2 and 2.5 i.u./l with group means of 1.4, l.5 and 1.3 i.u./l. O. ostertagi counts ranged between 0 and 5,194 with group means of 734,630 and 701 worms. The composition of the worm populations varied with a higher proportion of adults recovered in February and very few worms from most cattle in March, suggesting the termination of a parasite generation. An increase in numbers of early fourth-stage larvae in May indicated exposure to a new generation. These changes were not reflected in the pepsinogen levels. The findings are discussed in relation to the adequacy of the pepsinogen assay as a diagnostic aid in field infections, animal age, and correlations between pepsinogen levels and parasite populations.  相似文献   

To establish normal histologic and histochemical data and to determine reference values for fiber type proportions (percentages, mean fiber diameters, atrophy and hypertrophy factors, and variability coefficients), a histochemical study was carried out on intrinsic muscles of the larynx (cricothyroid, cricoarytenoid lateralis, cricoarytenoid dorsalis, and thyroarytenoid muscles) of clinically normal dogs. Using myosin adenosine triphosphatase stain under acidic preincubation (pH 4.3) conditions, 3 histochemical fiber types--1, 2A, and 2C--were recognized. The percentage of type-2C fibers varied from 1 to 2% in thyroarytenoid muscles to approximately 10% in cricoarytenoid lateralis muscles. There was no significant difference in mean diameter between left- and right-side specimens of each muscle for type 1 vs type 2. The largest fibers (mean +/- SD) of both types were observed in the cricothyroid muscles (type 1, 38.19 +/- 7.76 microns; type 2, 43.25 +/- 8.66 microns), and the smallest fibers were found in the thyroarytenoid muscles (type 1, 29.38 +/- 5.12 microns; type 2, 33.84 +/- 6.20 microns). Respective mean diameters of fiber types from cricoarytenoid dorsalis (type 1, 32.05 +/- 5.69 microns; type 2, 38.95 +/- 7.75 microns) and cricoarytenoid lateralis (type 1, 33.75 +/- 5.98 microns; type 2, 37.09 +/- 7.01 microns) muscles were similar. The histographic distribution of fiber type diameters was unimodal in all muscles. In each muscle, the mean fiber diameter of type-2 fibers was greater than that of type-1 fibers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A morphologic and morphometric study was carried out on the facial nerve: to determine normal histologic data in myelinated fibers of clinically normal young adult dogs; to establish reference values for mean fiber diameter, and to delineate the relative diameter frequency distribution curve. Few degenerative changes were observed in single teased-nerve fibers and semithin cross-sectional nerve preparations. Statistical difference was not observed between left and right facial nerves. The distribution of fiber diameters in the facial nerve was unimodal. Mean (+/- SD) fiber diameter of the facial nerve was 3.92 +/- 1.18 microns. Approximately 89% of fibers in the facial nerve had diameter between 3 and 6 microns. Fiber diameter ranged from 2 to 12 microns; however, less than 1% of fibers had diameter greater than 8 microns.  相似文献   

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