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Soya bean is often grown in regions prone to periodic flooding, thus selecting cultivars that maintain production under waterlogged conditions is desirable. An experiment involving flooded soya beans was planted in southern Florida to examine (1) stem and leaf growth; (2) morphological adaptations; and (3) the relationship between early‐season and late‐season flood tolerance in flooded soya beans. Eleven soya bean genotypes previously defined as tolerant or sensitive to flooding were subjected to three treatments at 21 days after sowing (DAS): (1) no flood, (2) 2‐week flood and (3) 4‐week flood. All plants were harvested 49 DAS. Flooded plants exhibited lower stem dry weights but greater partitioning to the stem. Non‐flood treatments had greater leaf dry weight, leaf area and partitioning to leaves than flooded plants. There were positive correlations of genotype stem dry weight and leaf dry weight to early‐season flood tolerance but stem partitioning was negatively correlated with early‐season flood tolerance. Genotypic rankings of early‐season flood tolerance in this study were not correlated with earlier studies basing flood tolerance on seed yield. Our study highlights the range of soya bean morphological adaptations in response to flood. However, our results indicate that early‐season screening may not be an accurate predictor of soya bean genotypic response to late‐season flood.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of different levels of water deficit on yield and crop water requirement of soya beans in a sub‐humid environment (Southern Marmara region, Bursa, Turkey) in 2005 and 2006. One full‐irrigated treatment (T1), one non‐irrigated treatment (T5) and three different deficit irrigation (T2 = 25 % water deficit, T3 = 50 % water deficit, T4 = 75 % water deficit) treatments were applied to ‘Nova’ soya bean planted on a clay soil. Non‐irrigated and all deficit irrigation treatments significantly reduced biomass and seed yield and yield components. The full‐irrigated (T1) treatment had the highest yield (3760 kg ha?1), while the non‐irrigated (T5) treatment had the lowest yield (2069 kg ha?1), a 45.0 % seed yield reduction. T2, T3 and T4 deficit irrigation treatments produced 11.7–27.4 % less seed yield than the T1 treatment. Harvest index showed less and irregular variation among irrigation treatments. Both leaf area per plant and leaf area index were significantly reduced at all growth stages as amount of irrigation water was decreased. Evapotranspiration increased with increased amounts of irrigation water supplied. Our results indicate that higher amounts of irrigation resulted in higher seed yield, whereas water use efficiency and irrigation water use efficiency values decreased when irrigation amount increased.  相似文献   

The effect of NaCl (?0.1, ?0.4 and ?0.7 MPa) on some physiological parameters in six 23‐day‐old soya bean cultivars (Glycine max L. Merr. namely A 3935, CX‐415, Mitchell, Nazl?can, SA 88 and Türksoy) at 25, 30 and 35 °C was investigated. Salt stress treatments caused a decline in the K+/Na+ ratio, plant height, fresh and dry biomass of the shoot and an increase in the relative leakage ratio and the contents of proline and Na+ at all temperatures. Effects of salt stress and temperature on Chl content, Chl a/b ratio (antenna size) and qN (heat dissipation in the antenna) varied greatly between cultivars and treatments; however, in all cases approximately the same qP value was observed. It indicates that the plants were able to maintain the balance between excitation pressure and electron transport activity. Pigment content and the quantum efficiency of photosystem II exhibited significant differences that depended on the cultivar, the salt concentration and temperature. The cultivars were relatively insensitive to salt stress at 30 °C however they were very sensitive both at 25 and 35 °C. Of the cultivars tested CX‐415 and SA 88 were the best performers at 25 °C compared with SA 88 and Türksoy at 35 °C.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) deficiency is a major abiotic stress that limits plant growth and crop productivity throughout the world. In the present study, 184 recombinant inbred line (RIL) families developed from soybean varieties Kefeng No. 1 and Nanong 1138-2 were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with P deficiency tolerance. Seven traits of plant height (HT), weight of fresh shoot (FSW), weight of fresh root (FRW), weight of dry root (DRW), length of main root (RL), phosphorus content in leaf (LP), phosphorus content in root (RP), were used as parameters to assess the phosphorus deficiency tolerance. The QTL mapping for the seven traits was performed using the program WinQTLCart. Seven QTLs were detected and mapped on two linkage groups for three traits of weight of fresh shoot, phosphorus contents in leaf and in root. The QTLs that had LOD scores more than three were detected for all of the three traits above. Most of the QTLs explained more than 10% of the total variation. The two QTLs for phosphorus content in leaf explained more than 20% of the total variation, respectively. Five QTLs were mapped on linkage group F2, and two on linkage F1. It was suggested that the genes related to phosphorus deficiency tolerance located on linkage group F in soybean.Contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Two old (Huangsedadou and Longxixiaohuangpi (LX)) and two new (Jindou 19 (JD) and Zhonghuang 30 (ZH)) soya bean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivars were used to investigate the influence of soil drying on the abscisic acid (ABA) accumulation in leaves, stomatal conductance (gs), leaf water relations, osmotic adjustment (OA), leaf desiccation tolerance, yield and yield components. The greater ABA accumulation was induced by soil drying, which also inducing gs decreased at higher soil water contents (SWC) and leaf relative water content (RWC) significantly decreased at lower SWC in the new soya bean cultivars than in the old soya bean cultivars. The soil water threshold between the value at which stomata began to close and the RWC began to decrease was significantly broader in the new cultivars than in the old cultivars. The new cultivars had significantly higher OA and lower lethal leaf water potential than old cultivars when the soil dried. The old cultivars had greater biomass, but lower grain yield than the new cultivars in well‐watered, moderate stress and severe stress conditions. Thus with soil drying, the new soya bean cultivars demonstrated greater adaptation to drought by inducing greater ABA accumulation, stomatal closure at higher SWC, enhanced OA and better water relations, associated with increased leaf desiccation tolerance, greater water use efficiency and higher yield.  相似文献   

大豆根区逆境耐性的种质鉴定及其与根系性状的关系   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
刘莹  盖钧镒  吕慧能 《作物学报》2005,31(9):1132-1137
依根系类型从黄淮海和长江中下游地区301份代表性材料中选取62份,以株高、叶龄、地上部干物重、地下部干物重为指标,采用平均隶属函数值方法鉴定了苗期耐旱性、苗期耐铝毒性,加上主茎节数、分枝数、单株荚数、单株粒数、百粒重等性状鉴定了后期耐旱性,并通过钒钼黄比色法测定植株P含量鉴定了苗期耐低磷性。筛选出1级苗期  相似文献   

从83份黄淮海地区代表性材料中按根系类型选取28份,在苗期以株高、叶龄、根干质量和茎叶干质量隶属函数的平均值为指标进行2年耐旱性重复鉴定,从中筛选出晋豆14强耐旱型材料。比根干质量、比总根长、比根体积与耐旱隶属函数值均呈极显著正相关,可作为耐旱性的根系性状指标。利用科丰1号×南农1138-2衍生的RIL群体为材料,对耐旱相关根系性状采用主基因 多基因混合遗传模型分离分析法进行遗传分析。结果表明,该两亲本间比根干质量、比总根长、比根体积的遗传均为两对主基因加多基因模型,后两者主基因间有连锁(重组率4.30%,1.93%);主基因遗传率为62.26%~91.81%,多基因遗传率为2.99%~24.75%;耐旱相关根系性状各主要由1对主基因控制,另1对效应较小,三性状的改良均着重在主基因加性效应。  相似文献   

The growth and development of seven soybean cultivars were studied under shade in a coconut garden. Higher shoot height, internodal elongation and lower leaf area index were the most significant growth changes noticed under shade. Leaf net photosynthesis, crop growth rate and seed yield were also reduced under shade. The cultivars CO 1, UGM 30 and UGM 37 recorded higher yield under shade when compared to other cultivars tested.  相似文献   

Isoflavonoids, as plant-to-bacteria signal molecules, play an important role in the establishment of the soybean ( Glycine max (L.) Merr.)– Bradyrhizobium japonicum nitrogen (N) fixing symbiosis. They are essential to the development of effective root nodules and responsible for inducing the nod genes of B. japonicum . Because N affects a broad range of infection events, especially the symbiotic events occurring within 18 h of inoculation, it is reasonable to hypothesize that mineral N disrupts the interorganismal signal exchange between soybean host plants and B. japonicum . High performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) analysis of root extracts of soybean, inoculated with B. japonicum or not, grown with various levels of mineral N in the rooting medium were performed to test this hypothesis. The results of these studies indicated that: (1) at early plant growth stages (before the onset of N fixation), a strong negative relationship between N application and soybean root isoflavonoid (genistein and daidzein) concentrations existed; (2) although isoflavonoid (genistein and daidzein) concentrations in both inoculated and non-inoculated soybean root systems were generally decreased by N application, at very low N levels (10 mg N l−1) genistein in the non-inoculated plant roots was not decreased relative to the 0 N plants; (3) averaged over all mineral N treatment levels and sampling times, inoculation of soybean with B. japonicum increased root daidzein concentrations (P > 0.05), but did not affect genistein. Overall, N application reduced the isoflavonoid concentration of soybean root systems, which probably plays a part in the regulation of soybean nodule formation by available N.  相似文献   

Summary Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain G49 has been the only inoculum used in French soils. Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) cultivars were selected and tested according to their performances with this rhizobial strain. The aim of the present study was to determine the consequences of strain substitution on N2 fixation abilities of various genotypes. Three genotypes and cultivar Weber, in combination with B. japonicum strain G49 or SMGS1, were cultivated in pots and tested for nitrogenase activity under differing nitrogen nutrition conditions. The reliability of ARA (acetylene reduction activity) measurement for assessing symbiotic nitrogen fixation under the experimental conditions used was checked. Genotypic variability for symbiotic fixation activity was observed with each strain under soil culture conditions; important genotype x strain interactions were also involved. These results were corroborated for the protein yield and other yield component performances of the various genotype-strain associations. Thus, in France, the replacement of strain G49 with another one might result in the alteration of the relative agronomic performances of the soybean cultivars, since N2 fixation is considered as a major factor of soybean productivity.  相似文献   

Summary A partial male sterility system in the soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) germplasm population AP6(SI)CI was found to be controlled monogenically by a recessive allele, msp. Observations of msp msp plants in different environments suggested that environmental conditions significantly affect expressivity of the msp allele with respect to male sterility. We obtained no experimental evidence of cytoplasmic effects on msp expression. Background genotypes, however, seem to affect msp expressivity through their determination of flowering dates and resultant interactions with varying environmental conditions.Homogeneous populations of partially male-sterile plants can be generated by increasing families of msp msp plants in fertility-inducing environments, if measures are implemented to prevent the introduction and/or build-up of fertile genotypes that arise from natural cross-pollinations.Joint contribution: North Central Region, Agricultural Research, Science and Education Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Journal Paper No. J-9596 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa 50011; Project 2107.  相似文献   

A 2-year trial has been carried out in northern Italy on soybean (cv. Hodgson) grown in lysimeters, comparing three soil water regimes (well-watered conditions and water stress during vegetative and reproductive stages) at two sowing dates. Plant evapotranspiration and water uptake depth were calculated from volumes of water independently supplied to eight lysimeter layers; at harvest, plant architecture, yield components and fruit distribution along the main stem and lateral branches were evaluated.
Although water stress intensity was not severe, crop evapotranspiration and water uptake depth were severely restricted by water shortage. Both low water-availability and late sowing significantly modified the architecture of plants, decreasing total height, number and length of internodes and lateral branches. Seed allocation along the stem was shifted downwards both by delaying the sowing date and by reducing the water supply; the component most responsible for yield decrease was the number of pods per plant, while unit seed weight was only slightly affected by water stress. Grain yield reduction was higher when water availability was inadequate during the reproductive phase in the early-sown crop and during the vegetative stage in the late-sown crop. This suggests that the intensity of the water shortage, plant phenological stage of stress application, as well as the date of stress application within the growing season determine the yield response of soybean.  相似文献   

施氮对大豆根瘤生长和结瘤固氮的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用框栽试验研究了施氮对大豆根瘤生长和结瘤固氮的影响,结果表明,施氮对大豆根瘤形成、生长和固氮能力有显著影响,随着N用量的增加,根瘤干质量、根瘤数量呈现先逐渐增加而后降低的趋势,而固氮酶活性和豆血红蛋白含量则表现为持续下降的趋势,适量施氮对根瘤生长有显著的促进作用,当氮素供应不足时则会抑制根瘤的生长,但当氮素供应过量时也会抑制根瘤的形成.从根瘤干质量和根瘤数量来看,各处理间表现为N100>N200>N50>N25>NO,以N100处理下根瘤干质量最大,根瘤数量最多,显著高于不施氮(N0)和其他施氮处理,从不同生育时期来看,根瘤干质量表现为从苗期到花期再到鼓粒期,大豆根瘤的数量呈现出先明显增加后逐渐减少的趋势,高峰出现在花期,而根瘤数量表现为花期>苗期.施氮显著抑制了固氮酶活性和豆血红蛋白含量,随施氮水平的增加,固氮酶活性和豆血红蛋白含量显著降低,表现为NO>N25>N50>N100>N200,表明施氮使大豆根瘤的固氮效率显著降低,因此,从大豆固氮效率来讲,施氮对大豆根瘤固氮具有抑制作用.方差分析结果表明,施氮和不施氮处理间均达到了5%的差异显著水平.因此,从大豆固氮和氮肥施用平衡的角度来看,应适量施用氮肥,既可以充分利用大豆的固氮功能,节约氮肥,又可以获得较高的产量.  相似文献   

The carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration of the global atmosphere has increased during the last decades. This increase is expected to impact the diurnal variation in temperature as well as the occurrence of extreme temperatures. This potentially could affect crop production through changes in growth and development that will ultimately impact yield. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of CO2 and its interaction with temperature on growth and development of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr., cv. Stonewall). The experiment was conducted in controlled environment chambers at the Georgia Envirotron under three different temperatures and two CO2 regimes. The day/night air temperatures were maintained at 20/15, 25/20 and 30/25 °C, while the CO2 levels were maintained at 400 and 700 ppm, resulting in six different treatments. Plants were grown under a constant irradiance of 850 μmoles m−2 s−1 and a day length of 12 h; a non-limiting supply of water and mineral nutrients were provided. Five growth analyses were conducted at the critical development stages V4, R3, R5, R6 and R8. No differences in start of flowering were observed as a function of the CO2 level, except for the temperature regime 25/20 °C, where flowering for the elevated CO2 level occurred 2 days earlier than for the ambient CO2 level. For aboveground biomass, an increase in the CO2 level caused a more vigorous growth at lower temperatures. An increase in temperature also decreased seed weight, mainly due to a reduction in seed size. For all temperature combinations, final seed weight was higher for the elevated CO2 level. This study showed that controlled environment chambers can be excellent facilities for conducting a detailed growth analysis to study the impact on the interactive effect of changes in temperature and CO2 on soybean growth and final yield.  相似文献   

大豆百粒重QTL定位   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
大豆百粒重是产量构成的重要因素之一,与产量呈正相关。本研究以溧水中子黄豆和南农493-1的504个F2正反交单株及其亲本间具有多态性的150个SSR标记信息构建连锁图谱,2008年分别在江苏南京和山东临沂两地种植其衍生的正反交F2:4家系,鉴定其百粒重,应用Win QTL CartographerV2.5复合区间作图法和两地正反交联合分析进行QTL定位。结果表明,复合区间作图法检测到16个主效QTL,联合分析检测到24个主效QTL、环境效应与细胞质效应、1个环境×QTL互作和12个细胞质×QTL互作。其中,两方法共同检测到10个主效QTL,正反交群体在两地中共同检测到3个主效QTL;Meta分析发现与其他研究一致的4个QTL。这些结果为大豆产量遗传与标记辅助育种实践提供理论基础。  相似文献   

R. J. Singh  T. Hymowitz 《Euphytica》1985,34(1):187-192
Summary The objective of the present paper is to provide information on the morphology and cytology of an intersub-generic hybrid (2n=59) between Glycine tomentella Hayata (2n=78) and G. max (L.) Merr. (2n=40) obtained through in vitro immature seed culture. The hybrid plant was slow in vegetative growth and twinning like the female parent but morphologically was intermediate between both parents for several traits. At metaphase I, the average chromosome associations and ranges for 25 cells were 44.0 I (37–51)+7.5 II (3–11). The plant was completely pollen and seed sterile. The present investigation suggests that wild perennial Glycine species can be exploited as either the male or female parent in wide hybridization programs with the soybean, G. max.  相似文献   

大豆苗期耐淹性的遗传与QTL分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
涝害是世界上许多国家的重大自然灾害。耐涝性可分为耐湿(渍)性和耐淹性。以科丰1号(高度耐淹)×南农1138-2(不耐淹)衍生的RIL群体(NJRIKY)为材料, 以盆栽全淹条件下的存活率为耐淹性指标, 采用主基因+多基因混合遗传模型分离分析法进行遗传分析, 并利用WinQTL Cartographer Version 2.5程序的复合区间作图法(CIM)及多区间作图法(MIM)进行QTL定位。结果表明, 两次试验的耐淹性均存在超亲变异, 试验间、家系间以及试验与家系互作间的差异均极显著; NJRIKY大豆群体的耐淹性为3对等加性主基因遗传模型, 主基因遗传率为42.40%; 在QTL分析中, 用CIM和MIM共同检测到3个耐淹QTL, 分别位于A1、D1a和G连锁群上的Satt648~K418_2V、Satt531~A941V、Satt038~Satt275 (B53B~Satt038)区间, 表型贡献率为4.4%~7.6%。分离分析与QTL定位的结果相对一致, 可相互印证。  相似文献   

Soybean is little grown in the semi-arid zone of the northern fringes of the Sudan savannah belt of Nigeria despite a seemingly good potential for the early maturing varieties. To explore the potential of the crop in this region a determinate soybean line was sown at 2 sites in 1986 at four planting densities of 7.5, 10.0, 12.5 and 15.0 plants/m2 in three row spacings of 40, 60 and 75 cm. Both the above-ground biological and grain yields increased with planting density. Row spacing had significant effect on yield only at the early planted Site 1, where 40 cm row spacing outyielded other rows. The increase in yield at high densities and narrow row was mainly due to increased pod and grain numbers/m2
Onset of competition began to manifest as from flowering and intensified thereafter. However, the post anthesis competition did not affect grain filling and so mean grain weight and harvest index were similar in all treatments. Late planting at Site 2 reduced yield by between 20 and 30 % particularly at high densities and in narrow rows. The results indicate a fairly good potential for soybean in this region, and yield advantage due to moderately high planting densities and narrow spacing.  相似文献   

紫外线-B辐射增强对大豆生长、发育、色素和产量的影响   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
在田间条件下,模拟20%平流层臭氧层的减薄,研究了增强紫外线-B辐射(280~320nm)(UV-B)对10个大豆品种生长、发育、色素和产量的影响。结果表明:(1)增强的UV-B辐射使一些大豆品种的物候期发生改变。(2)明显降低多数品种光合作用色素和类胡萝卜素的含量,增加所有品种类黄酮类化合物的含量。(3)大豆品种的株高、根茎叶生物量  相似文献   

Co-inoculation of plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) with B. japonicum has been shown to increase soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] nodulation, nitrogen fixation, growth and physiological activity at suboptimal root zone temperatures (RZTs). We studied the survival and growth of seven PGPR inoculated on soybean in a sterile rooting medium at three RZTs (25, 17.5 and 15 °C) on a growth bench. The survival of the two most promising strains ( Serratia liquefaciens 2-68 and S. proteamaculans 1-102) was studied under field conditions in methyl bromide fumigated and non-fumigated soils. In general, population densities varied with temperature. PGPR strains generally colonized the rhizosphere and root surface effeciently at higher RZTs; however, S. proteamaculans 1-102 colonized best at a low RZT (15 °C). The population of PGPR applied to the rhizosphere either with or without addition of B. japonicum increased over time in fumigated soil as compared to non-fumigated soil, indicating that the PGPR survive and proliferate better under fumigated conditions. S. liquefaciens 2-68 had higher population densities both on the root and in the rhizosphere, demonstrating, their ability to colonize under short-season conditions. The possible interactions between the two cultivars (Maple Glen and AC Bravor) and the PGPR were generally not significant, despite observations that growth and yield of AC Bravor respond more strongly to PGPR inoculation.  相似文献   

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