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番茄对酸性黄壤中铅的吸收特性与富集效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过盆栽试验,研究番茄对酸性黄壤中铅(Pb)的吸收和积累效应。试验结果表明,当土壤中加入不同比例的铅时(0~200mg/kg),基本没有观察到铅对番茄的毒害病症,铅对作物的生长发育没有明显的影响;但番茄具有强烈吸收土壤中铅的特性,并在番茄体内积累。随土壤中铅添加量的提高,番茄铅吸收量增加,其中根系的吸收最强,明显高于叶、茎和果实,特别是当土壤中铅添加量较高时,差异更为显著。在土壤铅浓度较低时,番茄对土壤铅的富集率较高(4.38%),当酸性黄壤中铅的浓度大于50mg/kg时,可引起番茄中铅含量超标。  相似文献   

The official final action acid hydrolysis method, 14.019, for the determination of fat in foods was successfully applied, with slight modifications, to the analysis of homogenates of food, feces, and animal tissues as well as dry samples of mixed foods. In samples containing sucrose or fructose, it was necessary to carry out a fermentation procedure before acid hydrolysis to avoid problems encountered when these sugars were present.  相似文献   

重金属污染土壤中菠菜对铅吸收和累积规律的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过盆栽试验对苗期和收获期菠菜地上部和地下部的重金属含量进行测定,并计算各元素的累积率和分配率,以了解土壤Pb污染和重金属复合污染条件下菠菜Pb的吸收和积累规律。结果表明,Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn复合污染条件下对Pb毒害起到抑制作用;在Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn复合污染条件下,Cd、Cu、Zn等金属离子的存在抑制了菠菜根系对Pb离子的吸收,而对菠菜植株内Pb离子的运转影响不大。在本试验条件下,Pb元素在地上部的分配率较低,为14.73%~28.72%。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to better understand the correspondence between sensory perception and in-nose compound concentration. Five aroma compounds at three different concentrations increasing by factors of 4 were added to four matrixes (water, skim milk, 2.7% fat milk, and 3.8% fat milk). These were evaluated by nosespace analysis with detection by proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS), using five panelists. These same panelists evaluated the perceived intensity of each compound in the matrixes at the three concentrations. PTR-MS quantification found that the percent released from an aqueous solution swallowed immediately was between 0.1 and 0.6%, depending on the compound. The nosespace and sensory results showed the expected effect of fat on release, where lipophilic compounds showed reductions in release as fat content increases. The effect is less than that observed in headspace studies. A general correlation between nosespace concentration and sensory intensity ratings was found. However, examples of perceptual masking were found where higher fat milks showed reductions in aroma compound intensity ratings, even if the nosespace concentrations were the same.  相似文献   

Punicic acid, one of the conjugated linolenic acid (CLN) isomers, exerts a body-fat reducing effect. Although punicic acid is found in pomegranate and Tricosanthes kirilowii seeds, the amount of this fatty acid is very low in nature. The goal of this study was to produce a transgenic oil containing punicic acid. A cDNA encoding conjugase that converts linoleic acid to punicic acid was isolated from T. kirilowii, and the plant expression vector, pKN-TkFac, was generated. The pKN-TkFac was introduced into Brassica napus by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. As a result, a genetically modified rapeseed oil (GMRO) containing punicic acid was obtained, although its proportion to the total fatty acids was very low (approximately 2.5%). The effects of feeding GMRO in ICR CD-1 male mice were then examined. Wild-type rapeseed (B. napus) oil (RSO) containing no CLN was used as a control oil. For reference oils, RSO-based blended oils were prepared by mixing with different levels of pomegranate oil (PO), either 2.5% (RSO + PO) or 5.0% (RSO + 2PO) punicic acid. Mice were fed purified diets containing 10% of either RSO, RSO + PO, RSO + 2PO, or GMRO for 4 weeks, and dietary PO dose-dependently reduced perirenal adipose tissue weight with a significant difference between the RSO group and the RSO + 2PO group. GMRO, as compared to RSO, lowered the adipose tissue weight to the levels observed with RSO + 2PO. The liver triglyceride level of the RSO + 2PO and GMRO groups but not that of the RSO + PO group was lower than that of the RSO group. The RSO + 2PO and GMRO groups, but not the RSO + PO group, had increased carnitine-palmitoyltransferase activity in the liver and brown adipose tissue. These results showed that dietary GMRO, even at a dietary punicic acid level as low as 0.25 wt % of diet, reduced body fat mass and altered liver lipid metabolism in mice and was more effective than an equal amount of punicic acid from PO.  相似文献   

镍污染对小麦幼苗矿质营养元素吸收与累积的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验研究Ni胁迫对小麦幼苗茎叶中Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn、Ca和Mg营养元素吸收及累积的影响结果表明 ,Ni胁迫下随土壤施Ni量的增加而小麦幼苗生长受抑 ,生物产量下降 ,小麦幼苗Cu、Fe、Ca和Mg累积量呈下降趋势 ,而Zn、Mn累积量呈增加趋势。小麦幼苗 6种营养元素累积率与其累积量的规律较吻合 ,表明作物受Ni毒害与营养元素代谢平衡失调有关  相似文献   

外源硒矿粉对玉米硒累积及矿质元素吸收的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
【目的】通过生物强化的方法获得生物安全形态的有机硒,是实现人体科学补硒的重要途径。研究外源硒矿粉在生产中的合理施用量及其对作物的影响,可为富硒农产品生产提供理论与技术指导。【方法】以玉米为试材,以湖北恩施的富硒矿粉(总硒含量为180 mg/kg)为硒源进行田间试验,研究了玉米对外源硒的吸收与转化及施硒对玉米矿质元素吸收的影响。设5个施硒处理: Se 0 (CK)、 750 (Se1)、 1500 (Se2)、 2250 (Se3) 和3000 g/hm2 (Se4)。于玉米大喇叭口期和成熟期取样,测定玉米不同部位总硒含量以及玉米籽粒中总硒、 有机硒及矿质元素含量。【结果】土壤施用富硒矿粉对玉米籽粒产量和总生物量没有显著影响,但可显著增加玉米籽粒及各器官硒含量。随硒施用量由0增加到3000 g/hm2,玉米籽粒中硒含量由14.2 μg/kg 增加到350.3 μg/kg。除Se2处理外,玉米根系中的硒含量在收获期高于抽穗期,而玉米茎和叶中的硒含量在收获期低于抽穗期。玉米不同器官对硒的富集能力依次为根叶籽粒茎,而玉米对硒的转移系数大小顺序亦为叶籽粒茎。与对照相比,施硒使玉米籽粒中有机硒含量显著增加,不同施硒处理玉米籽粒中有机硒含量范围为12.9~302.6 μg/kg,随土壤施硒量增加,有机硒占总硒的比例从86.87%增加到90.84%,不同处理之间有机硒所占比例差异不显著。玉米籽粒总硒、 有机硒与各器官硒含量之间均表现出显著的相关性,其中籽粒中有机硒与不同生育期根中硒含量达到极显著相关水平。施硒可显著抑制玉米籽粒对Na的吸收,对K、 Ca、 Mg、 Fe 的吸收无显著影响,一定的施硒水平下,可促进玉米籽粒对Mn、 Cu、 Zn的吸收。【结论】施用外源硒矿粉对玉米生物量与籽粒产量无显著影响。随施硒量增加,玉米籽粒中总硒含量和有机硒含量与对照相比显著增加,但对玉米籽粒中的有机硒与总硒的比例没有显著影响。一定施硒水平下,可促进玉米籽粒对Mn、 Cu、 Zn的吸收。以纯硒施用量为750~1500 g/hm2作为硒矿粉在富硒玉米生产中的推荐施硒量。  相似文献   

A method for the determination of manganese in blood and animal tissue has been developed involving wet digestion of the sample by perchloric and nitric acids, complexing with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate, and extracting with methyl isobutyl ketone at pH 6.7. The methyl isobutyl ketone is removed, and the residue is dissolved in 0.05N HCl in acetone-water (9 + 1) and is aspirated into an air-acetylene flame of an atomic absorption spectrometer. The limit of detectability is about 10 ng Mn/ml in the solution aspirated or 2 ng Mn/ml in bovine blood for a 20 ml sample.  相似文献   

In 2007, it was determined that melamine, ammeline, ammelide, and cyanuric acid (abbreviated as MARC for melamine and related contaminants) had been added to wheat gluten and rice protein that were subsequently incorporated into pet food. The consumption of food tainted by MARC compounds was implicated in numerous instances of renal failure in cats and dogs. A method for the analysis of MARC compounds in kidney tissue using high-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS/MS) has been developed. MARC analytes were extracted by homogenization of kidney tissue in 50/40/10 acetonitrile/water/diethylamine. The homogenate was centrifuged, and an aliquot of supernatant was diluted with acetonitrile, concentrated, and fortified with a stable isotope-labeled analogue of melamine. Analytes were detected using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization and multiple reaction monitoring. Quantitation of positive samples was performed using the internal standard method and five-point calibration curves ranging between 50 and 1000 ng/mL of each analyte. The method was validated by analysis of replicate kidney tissue samples fortified with the individual analytes and by analysis of kidney samples fortified with melamine cyanurate powder at two different concentrations. This method was successfully used for routine postmortem diagnosis of melamine toxicosis in animals. Melamine was also detected by this method in paraffin-embedded tissue from animals suspected to have died of melamine toxicosis.  相似文献   

The air Hg content at and near the summit of Mt. Etna is approximately 500- to 2000-fold lower than it is in the atmospheres around Antarctic, Hawaiian and Icelandic volcanoes. In contrast, the soils and plants on Mt. Etna show only 10- to 30-fold reductions in Hg content; in other words, there is at least a ten-fold enrichment relative to air. This disparity called into question the source of Hg in the vegetation and upper soil layers. Soils and a variety of plant species were analyzed for Hg, Fe, Cu, and Mn content at a number of stations on Mt. Etna including several also sampled for air Hg, and compared with the data for plants and soils from other volcanic and non-volcanic locations, especially Hawaii, Africa and Iceland. Etna vascular plants do not accumulate Hg, and lichens do so only to a moderate extent. Relative to their Fe content, however, all the Etna soils are enriched in Hg, but the reverse is true for Cu relative to Hg. The plants, on the other hand, when compared with their soils, are enriched in Hg relative to Cu. By comparing Fe/Hg atomic ratios for plants and soil, we calculated an Enrichment Factor (EF) for Hg. This value ranged from 19 to 102 for Etna, and 19 to 184 for all subtropical plants discussed here. The Hg EF for Icelandic samples was ca. 823, reflecting other environmental/geochemical determinants. No net surface deposition of Hg takes place on Etna from plant or atmospheric sources, and the relative Hg contents of soils and plants do not show a consistent relation to air Hg concenctration. Nevertheless, the plant/soil Cu and Hg ratios (CR) vary similarly as do the atomic ratio (AR) values for Fe and Hg. We conclude from these relationships that the atmosphere is not a major source of plant (or soil) Hg and that the likely alternatives are: release at some relatively remote point in time, but not to any significant degree since; release into the atmosphere as Hg = species other than Hg0; or movement from very deep subsurface compartments. These alternatives are not mutually exclusive. It is highly improbable that summit emissions constitute a significant source of Hg in the Mediterrean Basin.  相似文献   

Vegetative growth of the aquatic monocotyledon Lemna minor L. (duckweed) under continuous irradiation in photoheterotrophic medium is log‐linear with a frond doubling‐time of about 1.4 d. This steady‐state frond multiplication rate was not altered (through six days) by concentrations of micronutrients (Fe,Mn,B,Cu, Zn,Mo) between 28 and 1000 times that contained in the routine growth medium. Using high but not inhibitory concentrations, the effect on steady‐state growth of all possible 2‐, 3‐, 4‐, 5‐, and 6‐way combinations has been studied. Lerma growing in the presence of high concentrations of any other micronutrient is least tolerant to the addition of Mo. Growth inhibition due to 2‐way combinations of certain elements (eg. MnMo) was prevented by the presence of a third (eg. MnMoZn) in patterns suggesting selective interaction between the elements. Moreover, in the absence of Mo in high concentration the combination of the other 5 micronutrients was not inhibitory even though separate 2‐, 3‐, and 4‐way combinations were.

The accumulation of micronutrients during steady‐state growth showed that each was absorbed against a chemical gradient at high external concentration (no data for B). In the absence of growth inhibition, Fe accumulated to 65 μg/g fresh weight, Mn to 221, Cu to 40, Zn to 139, and Mo to 705. Multiplying each by approximately 8 converts to μg/g dry weight.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of action by which aluminium affects phosphate absorption were evaluated in Stylosanthes guianensis (aluminium‐sensitive) and Stylosanthes macrocephala (aluminium‐tolerant), through kinetic studies with aluminium in pre‐ and co‐treatment. Multiphasic and cooperative models of ions absorption were tested. In the absence of aluminium, S. guianensis, a specie which normaly requires more phosphorus, showed lower rates of phosphate absorption, which was attributed to slower turnover of the carrier. In S. guianensis, the higher rates of absorption may be related to higher turnover and/or higher concentration of the carrier in the roots. Both species showed negative correlation in the absorption of phosphate, but it was more pronounced in S. guianensis. The effect of aluminium seems to be related to the decreased capacity of the carrier to associate with the ion. There may also be a reduction in the turnover of the carrier, which appears to be more pronounced in the tolerant species, reducing phosphate absorption. In the presence of aluminium, the association becomes positive or approaches Michaelis‐Menten kinetics in both species. However, the absorption of phosphate is not increased since there is also a reduction in the capacity of the carrier to bind to the ion.  相似文献   

苋菜对钾素吸收和利用上的基因型差异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The kinetics of K^ absorption and the utilization of both applied K and K in a calcareous alluvisol with low available K by different genotypes of grain amaranth(Amaranthus spp.),an ancient pseudo-cereal that produces a large biomass and a rich source of health nutrients and mineral elements,were studied by means of ion depletion technique and pot experiments.Grain amaranth had a high affinity for K^ absorption comparison with corn and cotton.However,there were differences among Amaranthus spp.in Kabsorption and utilization.Some cultivars such as R104,CX-4,Du001,Hy015 and Hr029 which had a higher rate of K absorption and stronger affinity for K^ were typical varieties with high K-use efficiency(KUE).The results showed that high KUE cultivars grew quickly,possessed stronger ability to take up soil slowly available K and Mineral K,and did not respond to K fertilization in the soil with low available K.Correspondingly,grain amaranth cultivars CX-77,Cr024,Vd001,Re003 and Sn003 were relatively low in KUE,Compared with high KUE cultivars,they took up more soil available K and both of their dry matter accumulation and K uptake responded to K applied significalty.  相似文献   

A sensitive measure of growth in the duckweed, Lernna minor, was used to demonstrate the tolerance of this higher plant to boron [B(OH)3] at levels of 10 to 20 μg/mL in the growth medium at pH 5.0. Growth inhibition by B in concentrations up to 100 μg/mL in the external medium was reversible after transfer to control medium. At pH 4.0 and in the presence of 20 μg/mL B for 7 days, the plants accumulated 93 μg B/g fresh weight (148% of the control) and this increased with pH up to pH 7.0 where the plants accumulated 257 μg B/g fresh weight (525% of the control). Only at pH 7.0 in the presence of B was growth inhibited. Thus, plants which had accumulated more than 100 μg B/g fresh weight still grew normally. This corresponds to about 800 μg B/g dry weight accumulated by this monocot without effect upon growth rate.  相似文献   

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