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Infiltration characteristics for border strip irrigation at two sites with swelling clay soils were examined. Volume infiltrated was calculated from flow onto the field monitored with flow meters; depth of water in the soil estimated from soil samples taken before and after irrigation; and the advance profile which was used to calculate the volume infiltrated with time. Volume infiltrated was compared with volume of cracks before irrigation.Linear advance and observed crack closing supported the hypothesis that infiltration approached zero after about 10 min. Volume of cracks was less than 20% of the volume infiltrated. Wetting front was 3–10 times greater than depth of observed surface cracks. There was no significant correlation between intake opportunity time and depth of infiltration, but elevation irregularities were related to infiltration.  相似文献   

Using the neutron scattering technique, with separate calibration for each measuring depth and temperature corrections, an over-sampling experiment with a worst case analysis was conducted in tenant irrigated fields under arid conditions. The purpose was to better understand actual on-farm soil moisture distribution as well as to determine minimum sampling density requirements for water use efficiency calculations in the heavy cracking clay soils of the Gezira irrigation scheme, central Sudan, under inhomogeneous watering conditions. Results show that actual soil moisture inhomogeneities can seriously distort the moisture distribution and water use pictures if the sampling density is too low. In a 2.1 ha end field under Gezira conditions 20 equally spaced neutron probe samples had to be collected from the 30 cm soil depth if the total experimental errors were to be kept within 12.5% of the average moisture content being measured. Sampling density requirements increased to 24, 28 and 33 samples for worst case error limits of 10%, 7.5% and 5% at 30 cm depth. At the agronomically more important lower depths, at or below 70 cm, less than 10 samples only could be afforded with an error of 10% at 70 cm, of 15% at 50 cm and of 20% at 30 cm, the errors typically becoming smaller at larger depths throughout. Credible soil water averages were obtained with this sampling. Field moisture patterns were well recognized when averaging several days of measurements.  相似文献   

Summary Knowledge of the flux of water flowing through macropores in soils is required to devise management strategies for efficient fertiliser use and to prevent fast movement of solutes and pollutants to groundwaters. Water and solute balances in soil profiles were used to develop a simple model for assessing the magnitude of macropore flow. Fluxes of water bypassing the soil matrix were calculated at 35 sites to be between 0 and 415 mm y–1, with the flux being < 200 mm y–1 at most sites. The maximum flux was three times the flux flowing through the soil matrix but only one third of that infiltrating the soil. The flux of macropore flow was not simply related to soil types or soil properties, although the highest fluxes did occur in cracking soils. A qualitative method of using soil chloride profiles to indicate the occurrence (but not magnitude) of bypass flux was also demonstrated. Both these quantitative and qualitative assessments of bypass flow should assist in interpreting root-zone hydrology in soils.  相似文献   

Summary A simple model is given, based on mass conservation of a non-transformed non-absorbed solute or ion (such as the chloride ion), which allows long term trends in the concentration of this solute to be predicted. The method involves solution of an implicit equation for the long term through-drainage flux below the maximum depth of sampling. A knowledge of the initial chloride ion concentration in the soil depth of interest, and its value after a known application via irrigation water provides sufficient information for the model to be applied. The model is applied to data from an irrigated slowly permeable swelling clay soil. A drainage flux of 8 cm yr–1 beneath paddy rice was inferred, and some twenty-five years after commencement of irrigation an equilibrium soil salinity of 22 meq/l at saturation was predicted.  相似文献   

Half of the world food production originates from irrigated and drained soils. Advanced soil water flow simulation models have the potential to contribute to the solution of relatively complex problems in irrigation and drainage science and management, provided that field data are available to calibrate and run them. Besides providing a literature review, this paper emphasizes on calibration and mathematical optimization procedures using GIS and remote sensing techniques. Unfortunately, the required level of expertise of integrated GIS, remote sensing and models make the application of sophisticated tools highly dependent on modeling experts. This is one of the chief reasons that soil water flow models have a low operational focus, especially in less developed countries with irrigation systems where they are most needed. The gap between the supply of various advanced models and the application by the irrigation and drainage community needs to be closed. The likelihood of adoption by a broader model user community will increase if models become more user- and data-friendly (or -tolerant) and heterogeneity-aware. During the next 10 years, simulation model development and application should focus on agricultural water savings, understanding recycling of water in the basin context, increase crop water productivity, bring groundwater-overexploitation to a halt and control the build up of soil salinity.  相似文献   

Summary Cotton was grown under sprinkler irrigation on a silty clay soil at Keiser, Arkansas, for the 1987, 1988 and 1989 growing seasons. Irrigation treatments consisted of maximum soil water deficits (SWD) of 25, 50 and 75 mm and a nonirrigated control. While the irrigated treatments were significantly different from the control for plant height and total seedcotton yield, significant differences among the three irrigated treatments were only observed for plant height. Yields were significantly lower in 1989 than in the other two years of the study, due in part to later planting. The 3-year averages for total seedcotton yield were 3280 and 2870 kg ha–1 for irrigated and nonirrigated, respectively, for an average increase corresponding to irrigation of 416 kg ha–1 or 14.5% of the nonirrigated yield. The maximum increase was observed in 1988 as 602 kg ha–1 or 20.6% of the nonirrigated yield for that year. The 75 mm allowable SWD was the most efficient treatment and resulted in a 3-year average of 3.85 kg ha–1 additional seedcotton (above the nonirrigated) harvested for each 1 mm of irrigation applied. Maintaining the SWD below a 75 mm maximum required an average of four irrigations and 110 mm of irrigation water per year.  相似文献   

Summary To determine if drip irrigation increases fertilizer requirements and/or the efficiency of utilization compared to furrow irrigation, growth and nitrogen uptake were measured in a four-year experiment comparing surface (SD) and buried (BD) methods of drip irrigation with furrow irrigation (F) of cotton. The soil was a slowly-permeable cracking grey clay (vertisol) at Narrabri, N.S.W Drip-irrigated treatments were maintained at a deficit of 45 mm below the fully-irrigated soil water content, while F was irrigated when the deficit reached about 90 mm. Nitrogen (N) fertilizer was applied weekly with drip irrigation to BD and SD over the first half of the season, and as a conventional single application to F before sowing. Leaf area index (LAI), dry matter and N uptake were influenced more by season than by method of irrigation. LAI during boll filling averaged 2.4 and was 10% greater in BD than in SD and F. Final dry matter averaged 988 g m–2 and was 10% greater in BD and SD than in F. The efficiency of conversion of solar radiation into dry matter averaged 0.55 g MJ–1; lint yield as a fraction of dry matter averaged 0.18; neither parameter was consistently influenced by the method of irrigation. Total N uptake ranged from 97 to 170 kg ha–1 and was influenced by irrigation method in one season only, when it was less in F than in SD and BD. N was often taken up later under drip irrigation than under F: there was up to 40% less N taken up by SD than F in the early flowering stage. The delay was associated with later application of N to BD and SD compared with F, and the application of N to the surface of alternate furrows of SD. Plant factors such as root ageing and competition between roots and bolls, were also implicated. We conclude that all of the N should be applied to drip-irrigated cotton on these soils by mid flowering, and that some of the N should be applied in the soil before sowing.  相似文献   

With the optimization of irrigation, more salts accumulate in the root zone of soils, due to less over-irrigation. On-farm irrigation management requires a certain amount of leaching to ensure sustainability. The objective is to quantify the pore volume of water required to efficiently leach excess salts from two saline soils, widely irrigated in central South Africa. A total of 30 lysimeters, 15 per soil type arranged in two parallel rows under a moveable rain shelter, were used. Five different salinity profiles per soil type, replicated three times, were leached using irrigation water with a 75 mS m−1 electrical conductivity. During irrigation the residual more saline pore water was displaced from the top downward through the root zone. The mean salinity of the soil profiles approached an equilibrium concentration equal to that of the irrigation water after 0.9 pore volume of soil was displaced by drainage water. For the sandy soil 0.2 and for the sandy loam soil 0.3 pore volumes were required to efficiently remove 70% of the excess salts. The remainder of the water was needed to leach the remaining 20% of the excess salts. This, however, was not efficient in terms of the amount of water required.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the distribution of salt and water in fields of both arable and grassland saline sodic clay soils were studied under temperate rainfed conditions. Leaching of the topsoils during winter rains was further investigated in soil columns. The field studies indicated the cyclical nature of leaching. During winter rains the water moving through the macropores uniformly leached salt from the soil profile to a depth of 1.2 m, but in late summer the salt content of the grassland and arable soils had increased again by 11% and 35% respectively compared with their early spring salinity levels. The results indicated that the salt leached in winter was mainly not lost, but leached below 1.2 m, only to rise again as the soil profile dried in the summer. The implications for managing and reclaiming these soils with gypsum are discussed.Undisturbed grassland topsoils were slow to release salt into the leaching water, maximum salt concentration in the leachate only being reached well into the winters rains. In disturbed arable soils the maximum leachate concentration was achieved shortly after leaching commenced. The changes in surface structure brought about by rainfall impact on bare restructured ploughlayer soils caused a significant decline in leaching efficiency (up to 40%).The observed pattern of leaching questions the validity of the basic assumptions used in most of the mathematical leaching models.  相似文献   

This study was devoted to the analysis of the evaporation process under natural conditions on a bare layered soil. The first and third layers are similar in all the plots. The intermediate layer differs from one plot to another by the rate of the clay amendment. The cumulative evaporation was estimated using the water balance method. Experimental results indicate that the amendment of 2% is the most efficient in preventing evaporation losses when a long time scale is considered. Whatever the non-zero rate of the amendment is, the evaporation curves coalesce in a single one when expressed in a dimensionless form. Differential calculus yields the optimal rate of the amendment for which cumulative evaporation is minimal at a fixed time.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on the analysis of a long-term energy balance monitoring programme, a Bowen ratio-based method (BR) was proposed to resolve the lack of closure of the eddy covariance technique to obtain reliable sensible (H) and latent heat fluxes (λE). Evapotranspiration (ET) values determined from the BR method (ETc,corr) were compared with the upscaled transpiration data determined by the sap flow heat pulse (HP) technique, evidencing the degree of correspondence between instantaneous transpirational flux at tree level and the micrometeorological measurement of ET at orchard level. Using the BR-corrected λE fluxes, a crop ET model implementing the Penman–Monteith approach, where the canopy surface resistance was determined from standard microclimatic variables, was applied to determine the crop coefficient values. The performance of the model was evaluated by comparing it with the sap flow HP data. The results of the comparison were satisfactory, and therefore, the proposed methodology may be considered valid for characterizing the ET process for orange orchards grown in a Mediterranean climate. By contrast to reports in the FAO 56 paper, the crop growth coefficient of the orange orchard being studied was not constant throughout the growing season.  相似文献   

A bi-porous model of the soil water regime is examined in the light of field data. It is proposed that the water level in macropores can be measured by auger holes, whereas the micropore component can be measured by the neutron probe. Field observations show rapid fluctuation in auger hole levels but only very slow changes in the neutron probe readings. These are in line with the predictions of the model which thus receives qualitative verification.  相似文献   

The root dynamics of young early-season peach trees (Prunus persica L. Batsch, cv. Flordastar) were studied during one growing season. The trees were submitted to three drip irrigation treatments: T1 (control) irrigated at 100% of the estimated crop evapotranspiration (ETc) requirements, T2 (continuous deficit) irrigated at 50% ETc and T3 (partial rootzone drying, PRD, treatment), alternating irrigation from one half to the other every 2–3 weeks. Root length was measured frequently using minirhizotrons and a circular-vision scanner. Overall, root length density was reduced by ≈73% in the continuous deficit irrigated treatment and by ≈42% in the T3 treatment with respect to the well irrigated treatment. A roughly similar amount of water was applied in both deficit irrigated treatments (44 and 56% of T1, for T2 and T3, respectively), but the continuous deficit irrigation applied to both sides of the root system in T2 resulted in a greater reduction in root growth than in T3. The dynamics of the root growth were similar in the three treatments. In general, root growth declined during the fruit growth period and increased after harvest, reaching its peak in mid July. By late July, root growth had declined again, and an alternating pattern of growth between the aerial and root parts of the tree was observed. Roots were mostly located in the upper 0.55 m of soil and were particularly concentrated at 0.40–0.55 m. More than 88% of these roots were very thin, with diameters of <0.5 mm. The study looks at the impact of deficit irrigation on the phenological processes related with root growth, and will help in making decisions concerning fertigation in areas with scarce water resources where deficit irrigation strategies are considered desirable.  相似文献   

Nitrate leaching was studied for 2 years in a structured clay soil (Evesham series) under grass, winter wheat and spring barley at N fertilizer inputs of 135–144 kg ha?1 year?1. Measurements of soil water to 2 m depth by neutron probe showed that the year could be divided into well defined periods of deficit, separated by a period when the soil was at its winter mean water content. Soil water potentials showed very little gradient for water flow below 1 m, and a persistent convergent zero flux plane at 40–60 cm depth during the autumn wetting-up period (September—November).Nitrate concentration in the drainage increased with discharge rates up to 3–6 mm day?1. Mean nitrate concentrations were generally highest during intermittent drain-flow in the autumn. Of the total N leached over the 2 years, 23 to 28% (5–7 kg N ha?1) was lost during this period. The remainder (13–25 kg N ha?1) was leached during winter and virtually no N was lost in the following spring-early summer. This seasonal pattern of N leaching was interpreted in terms of intermittent flow during rainfall of nitrate-rich water from surface layers, which bypassed the relatively dry soil matrix at 40–60 cm, but was intercepted by natural and artificial drainage channels. Implications for the prediction of N leaching loss based on the concept of excess winter rainfall are discussed. When predicting the start of N leaching in structured clay soils, the soil water status should be assessed from measurements of water potential rather than water content.  相似文献   

The principles of irrigation and drainage in cracking soils differ markedly from non-cracking soils, and are not thoroughly understood. This paper presents a conceptual model to simulate water and salt flows in cracking soils of the Imperial Valley, CA, in the presence of ground water that contributes partially to ET demand of crops. A salt reactivity function is introduced in the model to account for mineral precipitation (salt deposition) and mineral dissolution (salt pick up). The conceptual water flow model assumes that surface irrigation water moves into the cracks, infiltrates horizontally to wet the soil profile and a fraction bypasses below the root zone into the shallow ground water and is retained for later crop extraction via upflow. Then, water drains vertically through the soil profile step by step, and root water extractions are calculated. When ET exceeds available water upflow of ground water is calculated. Provision for reclamation leaching before the next crop is also made. The associated conceptual salt transport model involves complete mixing of invading and resident soil water. Salt concentration from ET is subjected to a salt reactivity function to obtain salt deposition of calcite and gypsum to obtain salt concentration after precipitation. This reactivity function is also used in the inverse when two or more waters mix to transform salt after precipitation to salt concentration after ET. The flow of salts follows the water transport algorithum. The model has been applied to a point in the Imperial Valley and observed data from Bali et al. (2001) was used for calibration. Simulated point data from four successive years of alfalfa, reclamation leaching, wheat and lettuce are evaluated in this paper.  相似文献   

Pasture productivity depends on soil hydro-physical properties, which in turn are deeply affected by livestock grazing. However, the comparative response of different soil types, and particularly gypseous soil types, to grazing has hardly been studied before. This paper compares the effect of grazing on the soil hydro-physical properties of silty gypseous (Gy) and non-gypseous (NGy) soils located in a semi-arid region (Middle Ebro Valley, NE, Spain). Two different soil managements were selected: ungrazed natural shrubland (N) and grazed shrubland (GR) soils. The gypsum, CaCO3 and organic matter content (OM), soil texture, soil bulk density (ρb), penetration resistance (PR), saturated sorptivity (S), hydraulic conductivity (K), and the water retention curve (WRC) for undisturbed soil samples from 1 to 10 cm depth soil layer were measured. The ρb and PR in NGy soils were significantly higher than those observed in the Gy ones. Soil compaction due to grazing treatment tended to increase ρb and decrease the K and S values. While no differences in PR were observed in the Gy soils between grazing treatments, the PR measured in the NGy soils under GR was significantly higher than the corresponding values observed under N. Differences in K and S between GR and N treatments were only significant (p < 0.05) in NGy soils, where K and S values under the N treatment were almost four times greater than the corresponding values measured under GR. Overall, no differences in the WRCs were observed between soil types and grazing treatments. While the WRCs of NGy soils were not significantly affected by the grazing treatment, Gy soils under N treatment present a significantly higher level of soil macropores than under GR treatment. The hydro-physical features of Gy soils tended to be less affected by grazing than those of the NGy soils. These results suggest that livestock grazing, in both Gy and NGy soils, has a negative effect on the physical soil properties, which should be taken into account by land managers of these semi-arid regions where silty gypseous and non-gypseous areas coexist.  相似文献   

Using EPIC model to manage irrigated cotton and maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Simulation models are becoming of interest as a decision support system for management and assessment of crop water use and of crop production. The Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model was used to evaluate its application as a decision support tool for irrigation management of cotton and maize under South Texas conditions. Simulation of the model was performed to determine crop yield, crop water use, and the relationships between the yield and crop water use parameters such as crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and water use efficiency (WUE). We measured actual ETc using a weighing lysimeter and crop yields by field sampling, and then calibrated the model. The measured variables were compared with simulated variables using EPIC. Simulated ETc agreed with the lysimeter, in general, but some simulated ETc were biased compared with measured ETc. EPIC also simulated the variability in crop yields at different irrigation regimes. Furthermore, EPIC was used to simulate yield responses at various irrigation regimes with farm fields’ data. Maize required ∼700 mm of water input and ∼650 mm of ETc to achieve a maximum yield of 8.5 Mg ha−1 while cotton required between 700 and 900 mm of water input and between 650 and 750 mm of ETc to achieve a maximum yield of 2.0-2.5 Mg ha−1. The simulation results demonstrate that the EPIC model can be used as a decision support tool for the crops under full and deficit irrigation conditions in South Texas. EPIC appears to be effective in making long-term and pre-season decisions for irrigation management of crops, while reference ET and phenologically based crop coefficients can be used for in-season irrigation management.  相似文献   

Adequate control of excess water in fine textured, low permeable soils often requires an uneconomical, highly intensive drainage system. Solutions to this problem can be found by using a less intensive drainage system that removes only part of the excess water, complemented by adaptations in farming practices. Two cases are presented to illustrate this principle. The usefulness of soil moisture regime studies in the planning of such solutions is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the water stress effect on yield and some physiological parameters including crop water stress index for drip irrigated second crop watermelon. Irrigations were scheduled based on replenishment of 100, 75, 50, 25, and 0% soil water depletion from 90 cm soil depth with 3-day irrigation interval. Seasonal crop evapotranspiration (ET) for I100, I75, I50, I25, and I0 were 660, 525, 396, 210, and 70 mm in 2003 and 677, 529, 405, 221, and 75 mm in 2004. Fruit yield was significantly lowered by irrigation water stress. Average water-yield response factor for both of the years was 1.14. The highest yield was obtained from full irrigated treatment as 34.5 and 38.2 t ha−1 in 2003 and 2004, respectively. Lower ET rates and irrigation amounts in water stress treatments resulted in reductions in all measured parameters, except water-soluble dry matter concentrations (SDM). Canopy dry weights, leaf relative water content, and total leaf chlorophyll content were significantly lowered by water stress. Yield and seasonal ET were linearly correlated with mean CWSI values. An average threshold CWSI value of 0.17 before irrigation produced the maximum yield and it could be used to initiate the irrigation for watermelon.  相似文献   

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