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Potomac horse fever agent in mice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Outbreaks of egg-drop syndrome-1976 in Japan and its etiological agent   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A condition similar to egg-drop syndrome-1976 (EDS-76) occurred in 14 broiler breeding flocks in 2 farms in Japan from December 1978 to January 1980, and it was diagnosed as EDS-76 by serologic and virological investigations. Egg production fell suddenly when the hens were 30 to 55 weeks of age, and the depression lasted 3 to 7 weeks. Production fell 6 to 25%. Depressed egg production was accompanied by the laying of shell-less, soft-shelled, and thin-shelled eggs associated with loss of egg-shell pigment. Eleven isolates of hemagglutinating adenovirus were isolated from cloacal swabs (10 isolates) and a uterus (1 isolate) of hens in one farm. One isolate, cloned and named JPA-1, had the same antigenicity in serologic tests and the same biological and physicochemical properties as the BC14 strain of EDS-76 virus.  相似文献   

Three series of critical tests were completed on a combined total of 46 horses to determine the efficacy of single doses of trichlorfon against bots, ascarids, pinworms, and large strongyles. Different formulations of trichlorfon were administered by tubing intragastrically, mixing with the daily grain ration, injecting intramuscularly, or pouring on the back at dose rates between 20 and 100 mg/kg. Administration by feeding tended to be more efficacious for removal of bots and less toxic to the horese than administration by stomach tube. In many of the tests, trichlorfon was given in the grain ration at the dose rate of 40 mg/kg of body weight, and the aggregate average removals of 2nd and 3rd instars of Gastrophilus intestinalis and Gasterophilus nasalis in the 3 series of tests were between 97 and 100%. Removal of Parascaris equorum was equally efficacious with both the intubation and the grain feeding methods of dosing, and at the dose rate of 40 mg/kg, the aggregate averages were 99 and 100% in the 3 series. Removal of Oxyuris equi was variable--aggregate averages were between 11 (1 infected horse in the initial series) and 96 (5 infected horses in the 3rd series) to 100% (7 infected horses in the 2nd series). Large strongyles, Strongylus vulgaris and Strongylus edentatus were almost completely refractory to the 40-mg/kg dose rate of trichlorfon. Dose rates of 40 mg/kg and less were generally well tolerated by the critical test horses. Higher dose rates (60 and 80 mg/kg) administered by stomach tube induced moderately severe to severe colic and diarrhea, whereas a dose of 80 mg/kg given in the feed resulted in only a transient softening of the feces. Likewise, 5 consecutive doses, 1 week between doses, of a bolus formulation given at the rate of 80 mg/kg to 4 horses were well tolerated. Clinical trials involving a total of 2,294 treatments of trichlorfon at dose rate of 35 to 40 mg/kg in pregnant and nonpregnant mares, stallions, suckling and weanling foals, yearlings, and horses in training on 38 farms in central Kentucky did not cause notable adverse clinical effects.  相似文献   

本研究对白地霉发酵麻疯树饼粕的工艺条件进行了单因素试验,并利用Minitab15软件设计了PlacketcBurman 筛选试验,筛选出温度、初始加水量及翻曲不翻曲3个显著性影响因素,经最陡爬坡试验,利用响应面中心组合设计对显著性影响因素进行优化,得出最适温度为 30℃,最适初始加水量为100%,模型预测精度达到98.63%.  相似文献   

犬皮肤真菌病研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着宠物事业的发展,犬与人类的关系日益密切,犬皮肤真菌病疾严重威胁到犬的身体健康及人类社会公共卫生状况。此病主要通过接触感染,临床特征主要有脱毛、瘙痒、红肿及炎症,易与其他寄生虫或细菌混合感染。此病常规诊断方法简单但不十分可靠,近几年出现的组织学及分子生物学检测快速而准确,在治疗方面,相对传统方法,中西医结合法与物理治疗法都有缩短治疗时间、减少耐药性及不易反复发作等优点。  相似文献   

Dental dolorimetry for the evaluation of an analgesic agent in the horse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A monopolar electrode was implanted surgically in the canine tooth dentine layer to evaluate pain threshold responses of horses. A constant-current stimulator was used to deliver a known electrical current to the tooth pulp nerve. A single stimulus of 2-ms duration, repeated at greater than or equal to 20-s intervals, was used to elicit a head lift response. The lowest current level that produced 3 positive head lift responses was recorded as the pain threshold of the horse. The testing technique, dental dolorimetry, was easily performed. Tooth pulp pain thresholds (TPPT) were established on 8 nonmedicated adult male horses. Electrodes were nonreactive and remained functional for up to 98 days. Base-line TPPT values were consistent with repeated measurements on the same day and measurements on subsequent test days. The quantity of electrical current necessary to elicit the TPPT was increased after administration of xylazine HCl as a test analgesic.  相似文献   

Ketoconazole (Nizoral®, Janssen Pharmaceutica) a new systemic antimycotic was tested in dermatomycosis in cats and dogs. The daily dose (10 mg/kg body weight) was administered for 10 or 20 days without any other measures being taken. After the 20‐day treatments new hair growth was observed in 96.7 per cent of the cats and 89.9 percent of the dogs. Clinical cure was complete in 96.8 per cent of the cats and 90.5 per cent of the dogs.

Particularly the good tolerance in the cat was appreciated. There were practically no side‐effects in dogs (except vomiting in two pups) or in cats.  相似文献   

宋友文  谢珍  胥洪灿 《中国兽医学报》1999,19(2):136-136,139
羊皮癣是一种高度接触传染性皮肤病。常发生于颜面、鼻梁,尤其眼、耳周围更为多发。此病与疥螨病症状较为相似,无全身体征反应,仅见局部丘疹,瘙痒不安,擦破后流出淡黄色渗出液,日久形成结痂或鳞屑,被毛脱落。皮癣的传染性强,发病率高,难以治愈,有的陷于恶病质而...  相似文献   

Ketoconazole (Nizoral, Janssen Pharmaceutica) a new systemic antimycotic was tested in dermatomycosis in cats and dogs. The daily dose (10 mg/kg body weight) was administered for 10 or 20 days without any other measures being taken. After the 20-day treatments new hair growth was observed in 96.7 per cent of the cats and 89.9 per cent of the dogs. Clinical cure was complete in 96.8 per cent of the cats and 90.5 per cent of the dogs. Particularly the good tolerance in the cat was appreciated. There were practically no side-effects in dogs (except vomiting in two pups) or in cats.  相似文献   

A serological study was undertaken to determine whether dogs in Ontario are being exposed to Borrelia burgdorferi, the etiological agent of Lyme disease. This study consisted of a survey of randomly selected dogs and testing of diagnostic submissions from candidate Lyme disease cases. The survey of 1,095 dogs, bled between January 1988 and August 1989, revealed a total of 65 (5.9%) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) reactors, of which 22 had immuno-fluorescent antibody assay (IFA) titers ≥1:32. All but one of the IFA-positive and 10 of the ELISA-positive, IFA-negative sera were further tested by western blot. Eight western blot positive and three equivocal reactors were obtained. Three of the eight confirmed reactors had visited areas known to be endemic for Lyme disease, leaving five reactors that might have been infected in previously undocumented areas for B. burgdorferi activity in Ontario. Diagnostic submissions of sera from 223 dogs were received between August 1987 and February 1992. Test results revealed 21 (9.4%) IFA reactors, of which only six had significant titers (≥1:256) and were reactive by an immunodot Borrelia test. All six dogs had travelled to known Lyme endemic areas. Based on results obtained from this study, it seems likely that the agent of Lyme disease is not widespread in Ontario.  相似文献   

Dust in horse barns is assumed to contribute to pulmonary disease, it is attempted to reduce the airborne dust by soaking or sprinkling the hay before feeding. Both means cause considerable efforts and increase the relative humidity of the air. This is why a commercial dust-binding agent (Revesto pur) was used in a pilot investigation which was carried out during 2 weeks - one week for control and one week using the agent - in a private horse barn where three horses were regularly stable. The airborne dust was measured by a continuously working instrument. Once a day (7.00 a.m.) the number of airborne germs was estimated. The dust is reduced to 0.03 mg/m3 during the night, (8.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m.), as compared to the control (0.05 mg/m3). However, the total dust content during 24 h increases after spraying with the aid of the instruments supplied by the manufacturer to 0.12 mg/m3 (control 0.07 mg/m3). The airborne germs show a decreasing tendency after application of the agent. The use of the sprayers is very time-consuming, their use inside of the barn obviously increases the particles in the air. Thus, it seems advisable to spray outside of the stable. Further investigations are necessary in order to evaluate whether the reduction of the dust during night which was indicated in this study may have a positive clinical effect.  相似文献   

Diarrhoea in the horse as a result of alimentary lymphosarcoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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