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Endotoxin causes gastrointestinal motility disorder. Aim of this study is to clarify inhibitory mechanisms of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on smooth muscle contraction in rat ileum. Ileal tissues were isolated from control rat or from LPS-induced peritonitis model rat. Treatment with LPS inhibited carbachol (CCh)-mediated contraction in a time-dependent manner. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) genes were also upregulated, but iNOS expression was preceded by a rising of COX-2. All subtypes of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) receptors (EP1-EP4) were expressed in ileum, and PGE2 and selective EP2 or EP4 agonist inhibited CCh-mediated contraction. Selective iNOS inhibitor did not reverse LPS-induced inhibition of contraction by CCh at 1 and 2 hr, but reduced the inhibitory action at 4 hr after the LPS treatment. COX-2 inhibitor reversed the inhibitory action by LPS in all exposure time. Finally, in ileal tissues isolated from peritonitis model rat, iNOS expression was upregulated only at 4 hr after LPS administration, resulting in enhanced inhibitory action of LPS against CCh-induced contraction. In conclusion, LPS induces COX-2 to produce PGE2, which initially activates EP2 and/or EP4 on smooth muscle cells to inhibit the contractility in early phase of LPS exposure. Moreover, in late phase of LPS treatment, iNOS is expressed to produce NO, which in turn inhibited the contraction by CCh. The inhibitory cascade is similar in the ileum isolated from peritonitis model rat, indicating time-dependent changes of inhibitory action by LPS on intestinal motility in peritonitis.  相似文献   

Bovine endometrium undergoes various physiological and histological changes that are necessary for blastocyst implantation during oestrous cycle. From pro‐oestrus to late‐oestrus, endometrium thickens gradually for implantation preparation and exhibits remarkable capacity for self‐repair after uterine lining shedding while implantation does not occur. The prostaglandin E2 (PGE 2) secretion pattern is synchronized with endometrial growth during oestrous cycles in bovine endometrium; however, limited information is available regarding the association between PGE 2 secretion and endometrial growth. In this study, the concentration (10?9 to 10?5 M) and time effect (2–36 hr) of PGE 2 treatment on a series of growth factors are essential for endometrial growth including connective tissue growth factor (CTGF ), fibroblast growth factor‐2 (FGF ‐2), interleukin‐8 (IL ‐8), transforming growth factor‐β1 (TGF ‐β1), matrix metalloproteinase‐2 (MMP ‐2), and vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA ) mRNA and protein expression, and proliferation of epithelial and fibroblast cells was investigated in bovine endometrial explants in vitro. The results indicated that PGE 2 at concentration about 10?7 to 10?5 M could up‐regulate CTGF , FGF ‐2, IL ‐8, MMP ‐2, TGF ‐β1, VEGFA mRNA and protein expression, and could induce the proliferation of epithelial and fibroblast cells and reduce the proapoptotic factor (caspase‐3) expression in bovine endometrial explants in vitro. These results collectively improved the possibility of PGE 2 functions in endometrial growth during oestrous cycles.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted with eight adult wethers housed individually in metabolism crates to determine the suitability of alkanes to serve as passage rate markers in sheep. Two diets consisting of lucerne (800 g DM/d), without (treatment ‘Lucerne’) and with coarse maize meal (270 g DM/d; treatment ‘Lucerne–Maize’) were fed to four sheep per diet twice daily in equal proportions. Lucerne fibre was prepared from chopped lucerne silage and mordanted with chromium during 24 h cooking with sodium–lauryl–sulfate (Chromium–mordanted lucerne fibre: LF-Cr). The synthetic alkane C36 was dissolved in heptane and sprayed onto lucerne fibre which had been similarly prepared (LF-C36). C28 was dissolved in heptane and sprayed onto maize meal (M-C28). Markers were fed at the same time as a pulse dose. For a period of 10 days, rectal grab faeces samples were taken in intervals of increasing length (2–12 h). A multi-compartment-model was fitted to the marker excretion curves.Maximum marker excretion appeared earlier for alkane markers than for Cr in both treatments. Within treatment Lucerne no significant differences between Cr and C36 were detected for Rumen mean retention time (MRT) (P > 0.05). Numerical differences were observed for RumenMRT in treatment Lucerne–Maize between LF-Cr and LF-C36 and M-C28 (33, 25 and 25 h), respectively. Further numerical differences were observed in CaecumMRT for LF-Cr and LF-C36 in treatment Lucerne and for all markers in Lucerne–Maize. In treatment Lucerne, faecal recoveries of markers LF-Cr and LF-C36 were 95 and 85%, in treatment Lucerne–Maize 101 and 88%, and for M-C28 in the treatment Lucerne-Maize only 75%.It was shown that the lower faecal recovery of alkanes by itself does not cause biased estimates of passage rate parameters. However, further investigations are necessary to determine the relationship between the time a particle has spent in the digestive tract and the disappearance of the alkane marker, as this could introduce a bias to the estimate.The major shortcoming of alkanes as passage rate markers seemed to be migration between solid and liquid phases of the digesta. This problem could be overcome by new labelling procedures or the use of 13C-labelled native alkanes.  相似文献   

选用9只体重为35~43 kg安装永久性瘤胃瘘管的内蒙古半细毛羯羊,随机分为3组,每组3只,分别饲喂三种不同氮源日粮(即豆粕、麻饼、尿素-麻饼型日粮),本试验通过非同位素标记烟酸的启动、连续灌注方法,测定绵羊瘤胃烟酸的产生、消失及流通速率。试验结果表明,饲喂豆粕、麻饼、尿素-麻饼型日粮的绵羊瘤胃烟酸的基本产生速率分别为2.50、2.69、2.92 mg/h。通过灌注的方法提高烟酸产量后,烟酸在瘤胃内的产生速率分别为5.06、5.09、5.62 mg/h;消失速率分别为1.90、1.77、2.65 mg/h;瘤胃内烟酸的外流速率分别为3.16、3.32、2.97 mg/h。  相似文献   

西藏饲草资源有限,牛羊生产性能低,特别是冬春季节,牛羊多处于半饥饿状态。提高西藏牛羊对饲草的利用率,是西藏牛羊养殖业的重要目标之一。本试验选用西藏农牧民最常用的燃料-牛粪灰,按一定的比例水浸提牛粪灰中的碱性物质和矿物质,再按一定的比例浸泡装入青稞秸秆的无纺布滤袋内,置入羊瘤胃内测定对主要物质的消失率。结果表明:牛粪灰中K+含量较高,达到(28.4594±1.6483)mg/g,Cu2+含量为(0.5492±0.0025)mg/g,同时含有大量的其他微量元素及CO32-盐和PO43-盐。经试验,当灰水比为0.88∶10时,pH值最高,达到10.18。用这一比例灰水浸提液浸泡填入青稞秸秆的滤袋48 h后,消化后再测定总养分、纯纤维素、NDF、ADF在瘤胃中的消失率,分别显著提高了4.45%、4.89%、6.95%和5.80%。由此可见,利用廉价的牛粪灰水浸提液浸泡秸秆能显著地提高纤维素在牛羊瘤胃中的利用率。  相似文献   

To testify the relevance of Jacobsson's equation for estimating bovine glomerular filtration rate (GFR), we prepared an integrated formula based on its equation using clinically healthy dairy (n = 99) and beef (n = 63) cows, and cows with reduced renal function (n = 15). The isotonic, nonionic, contrast medium iodixanol was utilized as a test tracer. The GFR values estimated from the integrated formula were well consistent with those from the standard multisample method in each cow strain, and the Holstein equation prepared by a single blood sample in Holstein dairy cows. The basal reference GFR value in healthy dairy cows was significantly higher than that in healthy beef cows, presumably due to a breed difference or physiological state difference. It is concluded that the validity for the application of Jacobsson's equation to estimate bovine GFR is proven and it can be used in bovine practices.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the rate of gut evacuation in Barbus aeneus was investigated in two ways. In the first, juvenile fish, kept under conditions of constant temperature, were fed marked food items and the time elapsing until these appeared in the faeces was noted. In the second, fish of a range of sizes were caught in the P.K. le Roux dam and immediately placed in cages in the dam to prevent their access to food. Groups of fish were sacrificed at intervals and the contents of standardized gut sections weighed. The field experiment was carried out in summer and in winter. The laboratory experiment yielded the relationship: P = 6270 × t-2,11 where P is the passage time in hours and T is the temperature in °C. This gives passage times of the order of 8 h at 25°C and 39 h at 11,5°C. The field experiment indicated that there was an exponential relationship between degree of fullness and rate of evacuation, and that complete evacuation required about 24 h in summer, but more than 5 days in winter.  相似文献   

Avian hepatitis E virus (avian HEV) is the primary causative agent of Hepatitis–Splenomegaly (HS) syndrome in chickens. Recently, a genetically unique strain of avian HEV, designated avian HEV-VA, was recovered from healthy chickens in Virginia. The objective of this study was to experimentally compare the pathogenicity of the prototype strain recovered from a chicken with HS syndrome and the avian HEV-VA strain in specific-pathogen-free chickens. An infectious stock of the avian HEV-VA strain was first generated and its infectivity titer determined in chickens. For the comparative pathogenesis study, 54 chickens of 6-week-old were assigned to 3 groups of 18 chickens each. The group 1 chickens were each intravenously inoculated with 5 × 102.5 50% chicken infectious dose of the prototype strain. The group 2 received the same dose of the avian HEV-VA strain, and the group 3 served as negative controls. Six chickens from each group were necropsied at 2, 3 and 4 weeks post-inoculation (wpi). Most chickens in both inoculated groups seroconverted by 3 wpi, and the mean anti-avian HEV antibody titers were higher for the prototype strain group than the avian HEV-VA strain group. There was no significant difference in the patterns of viremia and fecal virus shedding. Blood analyte profiles did not differ between treatment groups except for serum creatine phosphokinase levels which were higher for prototype avian HEV group than avian HEV-VA group. The hepatic lesion score was higher for the prototype strain group than the other two groups. The results indicateded that the avian HEV-VA strain is only slightly attenuated compared to the prototype strain, suggesting that the full spectrum of HS syndrome is likely associated with other co-factors.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of ruminal dosing of a mechanical stimulating brush on rumination time, ruminal passage rate and rumen fermentation status in steers fed a concentrate diet at maintenance level. Animals were dosed three Rumen Faibu (RF) per head through the rumen fistulae (RF treatment) and not dosed (control) in a change‐over design. The organic cell wall content of the concentrate diet was 12.7% of dry matter. Daily time spent on rumination was very short in both treatments with 24 min in RF treatment and 15 min in control. The turnover rate of ruminal fluid in RF treatment was higher than that in control. There were no differences in ruminal pH and total volatile fatty acid concentration between RF treatment and control. Acetic and butyric acid concentrations were not different between the treatments. Propionic acid concentration tended to be higher in the animals on RF treatment than in control animals. The RF dosing in Holstein steers fed a low fiber diet did not affect the rumination time, but increased rumen digesta passage rate and ruminal propionic acid production.  相似文献   

青藏高原退化高寒草地土壤氮矿化特征以及影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了明确青藏高原退化高寒草地土壤氮矿化特点以及影响因素,以高寒草甸和高寒草原为研究对象,运用原位培养法对健康与退化条件下2类型草地中土壤硝化速率、氨化速率以及氮素转化微生物、植物和土壤等因子进行了研究。结果表明:1)草地退化显著降低了高寒草甸和草原土壤净硝化速率和净氨化速率;2)草地退化降低了2类高寒草地土壤硝化细菌和氨化细菌数量,降低了土壤蛋白酶、脲酶活性;3)草地退化显著降低了NH4-N和NO3-N含量,降低了微生物生物量氮含量。相关分析表明,高寒草地中土壤硝化速率和氨化速率与土壤硝化细菌和氨化细菌的数量以及蛋白酶和脲酶密切相关。植物生物量、土壤含水量、有机碳、全氮含量通过影响微生物数量、微生物生物量及酶活性而成为影响土壤氮素转化的主要因素。因此,草地退化通过降低高寒草地硝化细菌和氨化细菌、土壤酶活性而降低土壤氮素转化速率和土壤有效氮的供给。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare xylazine and romifidine constant rate infusion (CRI) protocols regarding degree of sedation, and effects on postural instability (PI), ataxia during motion (A) and reaction to different stimuli.Study designBlinded randomized experimental cross-over study.AnimalsTen adult horses.MethodsDegree of sedation was assessed by head height above ground (HHAG). Effects on PI, A and reaction to visual, tactile and acoustic stimulation were assessed by numerical rating scale (NRS) and by visual analogue scale (VAS). After baseline measurements, horses were sedated by intravenous loading doses of xylazine (1 mg kg?1) or romifidine (80 μg kg?1) administered over 3 minutes, immediately followed by a CRI of xylazine (0.69 mg kg?1 hour?1) or romifidine (30 μg kg?1 hour?1) which was administered for 120 minutes. Degree of sedation, PI, A and reaction to the different stimuli were measured at different time points before, during and for one hour after discontinuing drug administration. Data were analysed using two-way repeated measures anova, a Generalized Linear Model and a Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test (p < 0.05).ResultsSignificant changes over time were seen for all variables. With xylazine HHAG was significantly lower 10 minutes after the loading dose, and higher at 150 and 180 minutes (i.e. after CRI cessation) compared to romifidine. Reaction to acoustic stimulation was significantly more pronounced with xylazine. Reaction to visual stimulation was greater with xylazine at 145 and 175 minutes. PI was consistently but not significantly greater with xylazine during the first 30 minutes. Reaction to touch and A did not differ between treatments. Compared to romifidine, horses were more responsive to metallic noise with xylazine.ConclusionsTime to maximal sedation and to recovery were longer with romifidine than with xylazine.Clinical relevanceWith romifidine sufficient time should be allowed for complete sedation before manipulation.  相似文献   

The effect of food deprivation on ova transport, hormonal profiles and metabolic changes was studied in 20 crossbred multiparous sows during their second oestrus after weaning. To determine the time of ovulation, transrectal ultrasonographic examination was performed. The sows were divided into 2 groups, one control group (C-group), which was fed according to Swedish standards, and one experimental group (E-group). The E-group sows were deprived of food from the first morning meal after ovulation until slaughter. Blood samples were collected every second hour from about 12 h before expected ovulation in the second oestrus after weaning until slaughter and were analysed for progesterone, prostaglandin F2 alpha-metabolite, insulin, glucose, free fatty acids and triglycerides. All sows were slaughtered approximately 48 h after ovulation and the genital tract was recovered. The isthmic part of the oviduct was divided into 3 equally long segments and flushed separately with phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Uterine horns were also flushed with PBS. A significantly greater number of ova were found in the first and second part of the isthmus in the E-group (p = 0.05) while in the C-group most of the ova were found in the third part of the isthmus or the uterus (p = 0.01). The level of prostaglandin F2 alpha-metabolite was significantly higher in the E-group compared with the C-group. The concentration of progesterone increased in both groups after ovulation but there were no significant differences between the groups. The other blood parameters showed that the food-deprived sows were in a catabolic state. The 48 h period of fasting results, directly or indirectly in an delayed ova transport, which may be due to a delayed relaxation in the smooth circular muscle layer of the isthmus.  相似文献   

It is well known that pigs are sensitive to heat stress, but few studies have assessed the critical temperature that affects farrowing rate. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to assess the effects of outside temperature on farrowing rate by using a multivariate logistic regression model. Data were obtained from 25 commercial farms, including 26,128 service records for gilts and 120,655 service records for sows. Two variables, maximum temperature (MAX) and temperature humidity index (THI), were used as an indicator for climate conditions. In gilts, an interaction between climate conditions and service number was associated with farrowing rate (< .05). In the first service, farrowing rate decreased as climate conditions increased, whereas no relationship was found in the second service or later. In sows, farrowing rate at first service decreased as MAX increased from 22°C or THI increased from 66 (< .05), but no apparent reduction under heat conditions was found in the second service or later. Additionally, effect of heat stress on farrowing rate in parities 1–2 was higher than those in parities 3–5 and ≥6 (< .05). These results can be applied to field conditions as a standard for the critical temperature for farrowing rate.  相似文献   

The successful application of an interstitial brachytherapy course is reported in a 14-month-old male Anglo European Studbook (AES) foal for the treatment of a recurrent dermal vascular hamartoma at the dorsal aspect of the pastern on the right hindlimb. The lesion was irradiated four times over 4 days to a total dose of 28 Gy. Progressive tumour shrinkage and necrosis were observed over 2 months. No significant acute side effect was reported at the end of the treatment, with excellent and long-lasting cosmetic results observed. The only reported late effect was permanent leukotrichia within the treated area, which remained otherwise tumour-free 1224 days after treatment. Results of this report suggest the potential use of radiation therapy (and specifically brachytherapy techniques), as an effective and safe treatment modality for vascular malformations in horses.  相似文献   

Simulated hypoxic normobaric devices have been used in human beings in order to enhance endurance capacity. These devices are sealed chambers where the athletes are supposed to stay for at least 6–8 hr daily. The current research assesses the changes in time‐domain, spectral and non‐geometrical heart rate variability (HRV) parameters in 6 horses subjected to progressive duration periods inside of a hermetically sealed chamber. It was pursued, firstly to evaluate the intensity of the stress experienced by the animals and secondly to elucidate whether the horses might require an acclimation period before implementation of hypoxic conditions. HRV parameters were monitored for 6 days: day 0 (6‐hr duration; in paddocks; basal conditions), and days 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 hr inside the chamber every day respectively). During day 1 and during the first hours of days 2 and 3, compared to day 0, horses presented increased HR and SDHR values and decreased RR interval duration. SD1 values decreased on some hours of days 2 and 3, but differences with day 0 were not found on day 1. Increased SDNN, RMSSD, SD1 and SD2 values were observed on days 4 and 5. These results showed an activation of the sympathetic activity together with an attenuation of the parasympathetic activity during the days 1 to 3. Increased parasympathetic activity was found only during the first hours of days 4 and 5. Spectral parameters experienced minor variations, with increased LFpeak and LF% during some hours of days 4 and 5. In conclusion, at least 3 days are needed to adapt the horse to a sealed environment before starting to subject the animals to hypoxic conditions. When the horses were acclimatized, however, a minor stress was detected with they spent more than 4 hr inside of the chamber.  相似文献   

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