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Diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli (DEC) cause serious foodborne infections in humans. Total of 450 Shigatoxigenic E. coli (STEC) strains isolated from humans, animals and environment in Finland were examined by multiplex PCR targeting the virulence genes of various DEC pathogroups simultaneously. One per cent (3/291) of the human STEC and 14% (22/159) of the animal and environmental STEC had genes typically present in enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC). The strains possessed genes encoding both Shiga toxin 1 and/or 2 (stx1 and/or stx2) and ETEC‐specific heat‐stable (ST) enterotoxin Ia (estIa). The identified stx subtypes were stx1a, stx1c, stx2a, stx2d and stx2g. The three human STEC/ETEC strains were isolated from the patients with haemolytic uraemic syndrome and diarrhoea and from an asymptomatic carrier. The animal STEC/ETEC strains were isolated from cattle and moose. The human and animal STEC/ETEC strains belonged to 11 serotypes, of which O2:H27, O15:H16, O101:H‐, O128:H8 and O141:H8 have previously been described to be associated with human disease. Identification of multiple virulence genes offers further information for assessing the virulence potential of STEC and other DEC. The emergence of novel hybrid pathogens should be taken into account in the patient care and epidemiological surveillance.  相似文献   

The zoonotic potential of Escherichia coli from chicken‐source food products is important to define for public health purposes. Previously, genotypic and phenotypic screening of E. coli isolates from commercial chicken meat and shell eggs identified some E. coli strains that by molecular criteria resembled human‐source extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC). Here, to clarify the zoonotic risk of such chicken‐source E. coli, we compared selected E. coli isolates from chicken meat and eggs, stratified by molecularly defined ExPEC status, to human‐source ExPEC and to laboratory E. coli for virulence in rodent models of sepsis, meningitis and UTI, and evaluated whether specific bacterial characteristics predict experimental virulence. Multiple chicken‐source E. coli resembled human‐source ExPEC in their ability to cause one or multiple different ExPEC‐associated infections. Swimming ability corresponded with urovirulence, K1 capsule corresponded with ability to cause neonatal meningitis, and biofilm formation in urine corresponded with ability to cause sepsis. In contrast, molecularly defined ExPEC status and individual genotypic traits were uncorrelated with ability to cause sepsis, and neither complement sensitivity nor growth in human urine corresponded with virulence in any infection model. These findings establish that chicken‐derived food products contain E. coli strains that, in rodent models of multiple human‐associated ExPEC infections, are able to cause disease comparably to human‐source E. coli clinical isolates, which suggests that they may pose a significant food safety threat. Further study is needed to define the level of risk they pose to human health, which if appreciable would justify efforts to monitor for and reduce or eliminate them.  相似文献   

A total of 107 faecal samples were collected from diarrhoeic lambs of high altitude terrains (2,000 to 5,000 m above the mean sea level) of Tawang and West Kameng districts of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Total 234 Escherichia coli were isolated and further subjected to PCR for the study of virulence repertoire characteristics of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) and enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC). Out of the 234 isolated E. coli, 32% were found positive for STEC, and 9% were carrying virulence gene for ETEC. The isolated STEC serogroups were O159, O127, O120, O113, O60, O30, O25, O8 and O2. Of all the 74 STEC strains, PCR showed that 18% isolates carried stx 1 , 26% possessed stx 2 and 47% produced positive amplicon for both. Other virulent attributes like intimin (eaeA), enterohaemolysin (ehxA) and STEC auto-agglutinating adhesin (saa) were present in 18%, 43% and 44% of the isolates, respectively. The isolated ETEC serogroups were O172, O170, O159, O146, O127, O120, O113, O86, O75, O60, O30, O25, O8, O2, OR and OUT. Of the 22 ETEC-positive isolates, 23%, 18% and 4.5% possessed the gene only for LT, STa and STb, respectively, whereas 54% carried genes for both LT and STb. Some serogroups of E. coli like O159, O127, O120, O113, O60, O30, O25, O8 and O2 possessed genes for both Shiga toxin and enterotoxin. This study is the first report of ETEC isolation from diarrhoeic lambs in India. The moderately high proportion of STEC and ETEC in the diarrhoeic lambs implicated that these animals are important reservoir of STEC and ETEC. This is really a grave concern for the ‘brokpas’ and nomads (shepherds) who share a close relationship with this animals for their livelihood. This study also indicates that ETEC may be a major cause for frequent diarrhoeal episodes in lambs of this region.  相似文献   

通过兔制备了3株引起鸡败血症的埃希氏大肠杆菌(E.coli)高免血清,对分离自新疆不同地区的30余株鸡致病性E.coli进行了玻板凝集试验和双向免疫扩散试验。结果证明,在琼扩试验中,不同的E.coli菌株间存在着同源性抗原成份,这种同源性抗原在绝大多数E.coli间都有数种之多。但是,这种相互间的同源抗原在玻板凝集试验中有时并不能表现,甚至有沉淀线出现的血清与抗原之间在玻板凝集试验中也不能检测出来。  相似文献   

The majority of interactions between microorganisms and animals are based on convenient relations for both of them. Symbiotic microorganisms, like intestinal microbiota, produce important vitamins for animals and protects them from putative pathogens. In general, for monogastric animals, the main contribution of intestinal microorganisms is to supply with growth factors the animal diet, and in some cases they are responsible for providing essential vitamins (e.g. vitamin K). Some particular and relatively few microbes like viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and algae are responsible for animal illness. Because microorganisms are easily dispersed, display physiological diversity, and tolerate extreme conditions, they are ubiquitous and may contaminate and grow in many products, including food and raw materials. Foodborne diseases are caused by consumption of contaminated food or beverages. Many different disease-causing pathogens can contaminate food, so there are many different foodborne infections. In addition, poisonous chemicals and biological toxins can cause disease if they are present in food. To know how a particular disease is spreading is an important matter to take appropriate steps to stop it. For example Escherichia coli O157:H7 infections can spread through contaminated food (meat, vegetables, cheese, etc.), contaminated drinking water or juices, contaminated swimming water and from person to person. Among foodborne pathogens, the most frequently detected are bacteria, but also parasitic protozoa and worms, viruses, natural toxins and other pathogenic agents like prions are important agents for foodborne diseases. Particular pathogenic types of E. coli, classified by their specific pathogenic mechanisms (toxins, adhesins, invasiveness, etc.) are actually known as E. coli virotypes. Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), which constitute the main part of this review, were also named verotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC) or Shiga toxigenic E. coli (STEC). EHEC strains cause haemorrhagic colitis (HC), haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and thrombotic thrombocytopaenic purpura (TP) in humans. They synthetize shigatoxins (verotoxins) which are potent cytotoxic substances, adherence factors and enterohaemolysin. EHEC are responsible for many outbreaks of bloody diarrhoea caused by contaminated foods: beef, milk, fruits, juice, water, etc. The most important serogroups among EHEC are O26, O111 and O157, being O157:H7 the most relevant serotype in foodborne outbreaks. The normal intestinal microflora of cattle was found to be the most relevant reservoir of EHEC strains.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate the incidence of Salmonella, verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC)/Escherichia coli O157 and Campylobacter on four mixed farms and to characterize the isolates in terms of a range of virulence factors. Eighty-nine composite (five different samples from the same animal species combined) faecal [cattle (24), pigs (14), sheep (4), poultry (4), horses (7), deer (4), dogs (9), rodents (2) and wild birds (20)] samples, 16 composite soil samples plus 35 individual water samples were screened using culture-based, immunomagnetic separation and molecular methods. Salmonella was detected in bovine faeces, cattle and poultry house water. Salmonella serotypes/phage types included Dublin, Kiel and Typhimurium DT193, and most isolates were spvC, invA and rck positive. The pefA and rck genes were found exclusively in the non-Typhimurium strains, while Salmonella Dublin and Salmonella Kiel strains carried Salmonella genomic island I marker(s). VTEC/E. coli O157 were found in deer and dog faeces only. The E. coli O157 isolate was an enteroinvasive E. coli, while the VTEC isolate was untypable but carried the vt1, eaeA, hlyA, tir and eptD genes. This article reports the first confirmed carriage of E. coli O157 in Irish deer. Campylobacter species were not detected over the course of this study. It was concluded that [1] Salmonella, VTEC and Campylobacter have low (<5%) prevalence or are absent on the farms in this study; [2] water was an important source of bacterial pathogens; [3] both dogs and deer may act as a source of pathogenic E. coli and [4] key virulence and resistance determinants are widespread in farm Salmonella strains. This study highlights the need to control water as a source of pathogens and suggests that the domestic pets and deer should be considered in any farm risk assessment.  相似文献   

为了解江苏省水禽源大肠杆菌毒力基因分布情况,并分析其耐药性,采集了江苏部分地区64个养殖场疑似大肠杆菌性腹泻鸭的泄殖腔拭子510份,制备DNA模板,运用PCR技术进行检测,利用药敏纸片琼脂扩散法对100株分离株进行药敏试验.结果 表明:江苏部分地区水禽养殖场致病性大肠杆菌阳性率65%左右;分离株对磷霉素、多黏菌素B比较...  相似文献   

猪肠毒性大肠杆菌 (ETEC)是仔猪黄痢、白痢等腹泻疾病的主要病原菌 ,发病率和死亡率分别占总发病率和死亡率的 5 6 .2 %和 2 4 .7%。按其特异菌毛产生的粘附素不同有 K88、K99、987P等多种类型 ,K88又可分为 ab、ac、ad血清型 ,现已知 ETEC K88能否致病 ,取决于宿主小肠粘膜上皮细胞刷状缘有无受体 ,并受制于 1对等位基因 ,有受体 (敏感型 )为显性 (S) ,无受体 (抗性型 )为隐性 (s)。该位点位于 1 3号染色体长臂 3.1区段 ,与转铁蛋白 (Tf)连锁 (相距7.4 c M) ,且 Tf基因频率与 K88抗性存在一定关系 ,抗性型与敏感型的小肠粘液理化性质也存在差异 ,据此 ,有可能采用生化及分子生物技术筛选抗性遗传标记 ,开展抗病育种。  相似文献   

A total of 114 avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) isolates were collected from cases of colisepticaemia occurring in broilers (77) and layers (37) within Ireland. In addition 45 strains isolated from faeces of healthy birds were included for comparison. All isolates were serogrouped, and examined for known virulence factors, mostly by PCR. The O78 serogroup represented 55 and 27% of broiler and layer colisepticaemic isolates respectively. All isolates were positive for curli fimbriae (crl, csg) and negative for afimbrial adhesin (afa). S-fimbrial (sfa) sequences were present in 8.8% of septicaemic isolates and 8.9% of healthy bird isolates. The majority of E. coli from cases of colisepticaemia (97.4%) and healthy bird (95.6%) isolates were positive for aerobactin (aer), and temperature sensitive haemagglutinin (tsh) was similarly detected in high numbers in 93.9 and 93.3%, respectively. In comparison to E. coli isolates from the faeces of healthy birds, a significantly higher percentage of isolates from septicaemic cases possessed Type 1 fimbriae (fimC) and increased serum survival (iss) gene sequences. Forty-seven (41.2%) isolates from septicaemic birds possessed P-fimbriae (pap) gene sequences, compared with only 15.6% from E. coli isolated from healthy birds. Haemolysin (hlyE) sequences were detected in 46.7% of isolates from healthy birds in comparison with 6.1% of septicaemic isolates. Sequences encoding colicin V (cvaC) were detected in 99.1% of septicaemic isolates and 82.2% of isolates from healthy birds. The K1 capsule was only present in two septicaemic isolates, both taken from layers. Motility was detected in 36.8% of E. coli isolated from cases of septicaemia, compared with 93.3% of isolates from healthy birds. These results demonstrate the presence of 11 virulence genes in E. coli isolated from cases of colisepticaemia within Ireland, and indicate the prevalence of iss and fimC.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌作为一种条件致病菌和重要的耐药性指示菌,国内外已有大量猪源、鸡源大肠杆菌耐药性相关基因的研究报道.受动物种属、地域等来源性差异,以及耐药机制、亚型等因素的影响,研究中涉及很多种不同的耐药性相关基因,且检出率也不尽相同.根据耐受抗菌药物种类,对这些基因作用机理及分布情况等方面综述,以期为研究大肠杆菌耐药性产生机制...  相似文献   

为探讨中药对河南省规模化养猪场致病性大肠杆菌(E.coli)耐药质粒消除的效果,本研究在对87个猪致病性E.coli分离株进行耐药质粒检测的基础上,将各分离株分别于含有不同浓度的石榴皮、黄芩、黄连等中药提取液的培养液中培养,进行耐药质粒消除试验;并采用影印培养法和纸片扩散法进行耐药性消除菌落筛选及其对抗菌药物敏感性恢复的检测.结果表明:各分离株均含有2个~8个质粒,大小约为1.0 kb~87.0 kb;经石榴皮、黄芩、黄连作用后,各分离株均可以获得数量不等的耐药性消除菌落,消除率为0.34%~16.2%,以黄连的平均消除率最高,为9.33%;在耐药性消除的各分离株中,有25个分离株未发生质粒消除,其余均消除了1条~3条质粒,并且对7种抗菌药物的平均敏感率由消除前的5.39%分别提高至60.4%、75.2%和76.5%.表明石榴皮、黄芩、黄连对猪致病性E.coli具有质粒消除和耐药性逆转作用,其中黄连作用效果最好.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine aetiological agents of diarrhoea in neonatal calves and to investigate virulence gene markers of Escherichia coli strains isolated from calves by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Eighty-two diarrhoeic calves and 18 healthy calves were used as subjects. Faeces were taken from the rectums of all the calves and were subjected to bacterial culture. Antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed to detect rotavirus, coronavirus and E. coli K99 in faeces of all the calves. A multiplex PCR was used to characterize E. coli strains in all the calves. Escherichia coli was isolated from 37 faeces samples, Enterococcus ssp. was isolated from 22 faeces samples and Salmonella was isolated from one faeces sample in diarrhoeic calves. Furthermore, only E. coli was isolated from all 18 faeces samples of healthy calves. Of the 37 E. coli isolated from diarrhoeic calves, K99 (18.9%), F41 (18.9%), heat-stable enterotoxin a (STa) (18.9%), Shiga toxin 1 (Stx1; 13.5%) and Shiga toxin 2 (Stx2; 5.4%) and intimin (8.1%) genes were identified by multiplex PCR. Of the 18 E. coli isolated from healthy calves, K99 (16.6%) and intimin (55.5%) genes were identified by PCR. A total of 15 rotavirus, 11 coronavirus and 11 E. coli K99 were detected in diarrhoeic calves by the antigen ELISA. As a result, this study shows that rotavirus, coronavirus, E. coli and Enterococcus ssp. were determined to play a role in the aetiology of diarrhoea in the neonatal calves. K99, F41, STa, Stx1 and Stx2 were found as the most common virulence gene markers of E. coli strains isolated from calves with diarrhoea. Multiplex PCR may be useful for characterization of E. coli isolated from calves.  相似文献   

鸡大肠杆菌iss基因的克隆测序及原核表达   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本实验对鸡大肠杆菌O2血清型菌株进行iss基因克隆测序,并在此基础上设计出两对套式引物,分别对含信号肽Miss基因序列和不含信号肽Miss基因序列进行扩增,并与原核表达载体pGEX-6p-1连接进行原核表达。iss基因克隆测序的结果与两组国外发表Miss基因序列进行比对,其同源性达100%。SDS—PAGE鉴定显示融合蛋白获得了较理想的表达,融合蛋白分子量分别约为36kD和33kD。  相似文献   

从2014年和2016年保存的来自河南、广东、山东和湖北4个省1 100株食品动物肠道大肠杆菌中筛选出58株blaCTX-M-27阳性菌株,采用药敏试验测定产blaCTX-M-27的大肠杆菌对20种抗生素的敏感性,并用PCR的方法检测其所携带的其他耐药基因;通过脉冲场凝胶电泳分析各菌株之间的亲缘关系,通过接合或转化试验、复制子分型和Southern blot对携带blaCTX-M-27的质粒特征进行分析。结果显示,58株blaCTX-M-27阳性大肠杆菌对除了β-内酰胺类外的其他抗生素,尤其氟喹诺酮类呈现高水平耐药;大多数菌株还同时携带2~3种编码其他抗生素的耐药基因。PFGE分型结果表明,来源于同一采样地及不同省的菌株存在克隆现象,但不同省或来自于同一省份的不同采样地之间的菌株亲缘关系较远;菌株携带的blaCTX-M-27基因全部定位在质粒上,其中38株位于可接合的IncFIB质粒,另外20株位于不可分型的质粒。  相似文献   

黑龙江省某规模化奶牛场部分新生犊牛发生了严重腹泻且犊牛病死率较高。为了确诊,无菌采集病料,通过病毒检测、细菌分离、生化试验、细菌和病毒特异性基因PCR扩增、动物致病性试验及药敏试验等方法进行了病毒抗原和微生物检测。结果显示,病毒检测中牛轮状病毒(BRV)呈阳性,PCR扩增得到400 bp的特异性片段;从病料中分离到1株含K99和F41兼性菌毛抗原的高致病性产肠毒素大肠杆菌(ETEC),该分离菌株对恩诺沙星、头孢唑啉、氯霉素敏感,对其他抗生素有一定的耐药性。流行情况调查结合病原学检查确诊该牛场新生犊牛严重腹泻是由BRV和大肠杆菌混合感染造成的,根据诊断结果进行了针对性地防制,取得了良好的防控效果。  相似文献   

Newborn calves in a dairy farms suffered from severe diarrhea disease with high mortality in Heilongjiang province.In order to make a definite diagnosis,the pathological samples were collected aseptically and the viral antigens and microorganism were detected by virus detection,bacteria separation,biochemical test,PCR for the specific gene of virus and bacteria,animal pathogenicity test and antimicrobial susceptibility test. The results showed that the virus detection of bovine rotavirus was positive and specific gene fragment of bovine rotavirus was amplified. One E. coli strain with K99 and F41 adhesin antigens which belonged to highly pathogenic enterotoxigenic E. coli was isolated. This strain was sensitive to enrofloxacin,cefamedin and chloramphenicol,however,it showed resistance for other antibiotics. A polyinfection of bovine rotavirus and E. coli were eventually confirmed through epidemic investigation and pathological diagnosis. It had significant preventive effect by taking effective measures according to the diagnosis results.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the prevalence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains, 197 fecal samples of healthy cattle from 10 dairy farms, four beef farms and one slaughterhouse at Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, were examined for Shiga toxin (Stx) gene sequences by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). For presumptive isolation of O157:H7 E. coli, the Cefixime-potassium tellurite-sorbitol MacConkey Agar (CT-SMAC) was used. A high occurrence (71%) of Stx was detected, and was more frequently found among dairy cattle (82% vs. 53% in beef cattle), in which no differences were observed regarding the age of the animals. Dot blot hybridization with stx1 and stx2 probes revealed that the predominant STEC type was one that had the genes for both stx1 and stx2 in dairy cattle and one that had only the stx1 gene for beef cattle. Three (1.5%) O157:H7 E. coli strains were isolated from one beef and two dairy animals by the use of CT-SMAC. To our knowledge, this is the first report of O157:H7 isolation in Brazil. A PCR-based STEC detection protocol led to the isolation of STEC in 12 of 16 randomly selected PCR-positive stool samples. A total of 15 STEC strains belonging to 11 serotypes were isolated, and most of them (60%) had both stx1 and stx2 gene sequences. Cytotoxicity assays with HeLa and Vero cells revealed that all strains except two of serotype O157:H7 expressed Stx. The data point to the high prevalence of STEC in our environment and suggest the need for good control strategies for the prevention of contamination of animal products.  相似文献   

[目的]为了探讨实际生产过程中酸奶和乳饮料感染大肠杆菌(E.coli)后的变化情况及影响因素。[方法]将大肠杆菌标准菌株接种至酸奶、乳饮料及培养基中,设置不同的储藏温度、pH,定期测定储藏过程中大肠杆菌含量变化情况。[结果]随着储藏时间延长,不同储藏温度(4℃和25℃),不同pH(4.2和3.6)的酸奶和乳饮料中大肠杆菌含量均减少,相对于储藏于4℃的产品,储藏于25℃的产品中菌含量降低更快;当产品pH为3.6时,菌含量减少速率高于pH为4.2的产品。将大肠杆菌置于不同pH的培养基中培养,结果表明,当pH<3.8时,大肠杆菌的活性将会受到抑制,证明了pH对大肠杆菌的影响。[结论]本研究为实际生产加工过程中产品冷藏及脱冷条件下大肠杆菌的检验检测和产品质量控制提供理论依据和理论指导。  相似文献   

奶牛乳和血中大肠杆菌和轮状病毒抗体检测比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用轮状病毒和大肠杆菌给妊娠后期奶牛免疫,使之产生抗这两种病原的抗体,定期采血和乳,分别用试管凝集反应和反向间接血凝抑制试验检测大肠杆菌和轮状病毒抗体,并比较血和乳中抗体相互关系,试验结果说明:奶牛在未免疫情况下,只在初乳中才能检出抗体;在人工免疫情况下,在初乳和近2个月的常乳中均可检测到抗体,但乳中抗体比血中抗体低2个滴度左右。  相似文献   

为调查新疆部分地区E.coli O157:H7的感染情况和菌株致病性,从新疆阿克苏、伊犁、塔城3个地区的牛场采集新鲜粪样564份,对E.coli O157:H7进行分离与鉴定。利用E.coli营养肉汤(EC肉汤)对样品进行增菌后,用山梨醇麦康凯培养基(SMAC)平板选择性培养,再经过4-甲基伞形酮-β-D葡萄糖醛酸苷培养基(MUG)的筛选,对疑似菌株进行生化和PCR鉴定,并将分离鉴定到的菌株进行小鼠攻毒试验。结果显示,从伊犁地区采集的样品中共分离出2株E.coli O157:H7(Y166和Y226),其检出率为0.88%;小鼠攻毒试验中,Y166和Y226试验组小鼠在48 h内全部死亡,具有一定致病性;从阿克苏、塔城所采样品中未分离到E.coli O157:H7。  相似文献   

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