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The experiments with sheep and young cattle were carried out to test the immunizing efficacy of inactivated adjuvant vaccine against Aujeszky's disease. The vaccine application at doses of 1 ml and 2 ml to lambs at the age of eight to ten months caused the neutralizing antibody production with a significant rise of titres after revaccination. A survival of infection induced with a dose of 10(5.5) TKID50 of virulent virus was recorded in 62.5% of once vaccinated animals and in 87.5% of twice vaccinated animals. When applying different doses of vaccines (from 1 to 10 ml) to young cattle, the antibody reaction level was directly dependent on the inoculum quantity. The double inoculation of animals with vaccines of 2 ml and 5 ml caused the neutralizing antibody production at titres of 1:35, or 1:46. The animals, immunized with the live or inactivated IBR-vaccine possessing high antibody titres against IBR-virus, reacted upon the vaccination with inactivated Aujeszky's vaccine anamnestically, by early production of antibodies in high titres. Metaphylactic vaccination (2 ml of vaccine) of cattle in herds with an acute course days, however earlier during five days from the revaccination when it was carried out in seven days following the first vaccination.  相似文献   

The effects of an inactivated strain of Aujeszky's disease vaccine in cattle were investigated. It has not been possible to use vaccines licensed for use in pigs successfully in cattle even though cattle develop neutralizing antibodies to these vaccines. The addition of zinc compounds to the vaccines resulted in protection in cattle. The basis for the use of zinc is discussed. A mutant based vaccine was effective following local administration, but was not when administered parenterally. Anti-prostaglandin was not effective either, despite its successful use in sheep when administered with BHV1. The vaccine presents a prospect for immunising dogs and cats, and the addition of zinc compounds to other drugs and inducers is discussed.  相似文献   

Groups of pigs from vaccinated and unvaccinated sows were vaccinated once or twice between the ages of eight and 20 weeks with a commercial inactivated, oil adjuvanted Aujeszky's disease virus vaccine. Pigs were challenged by the oronasal route when 22 to 27 weeks old. Pigs from unvaccinated sows developed neutralising antibodies after vaccination but no seroconversion was detected in eight-week-old pigs or in 80 per cent of 15-week-old pigs from vaccinated sows. Challenge resulted in severe disease and weight loss in control pigs. In vaccinated animals the duration and severity of clinical signs and the amount of weight lost decreased with increasing serum neutralisation titres. The results indicate that parenteral vaccination at weaning with the vaccine described will not protect pigs at slaughter age against infection and disease, particularly if they were born from seropositive mothers.  相似文献   

Intradermal vaccination with plasmid DNA encoding envelope glycoprotein C (gC) of pseudorabies virus (PrV) conferred protection of pigs against Aujeszky's disease when challenged with strain 75V19, but proved to be inadequate for protection against the highly virulent strain NIA-3. To improve the performance of the DNA vaccine, animals were vaccinated intradermally with a combination of plasmids expressing PrV glycoproteins gB, gC, gD, or gE under control of the major immediate-early promotor/enhancer of human cytomegalovirus. 12.5 microg per plasmid were used per immunization of 5-week old piglets which were injected three times at biweekly intervals. Five out of six animals survived a lethal challenge with strain NIA-3 without exhibiting central nervous signs, whereas all the control animals succumbed to the disease. This result shows the increased protection afforded by administration of the plasmid mixture over vaccination with a gC expressing plasmid alone. A comparative trial was performed using commercially available inactivated and modified-live vaccines and a mixture of plasmids expressing gB, gC, and gD. gE was omitted to conform with current eradication strategies based on gE-deleted vaccines. All six animals vaccinated with the live vaccine survived the lethal NIA-3 challenge without showing severe clinical signs. In contrast, five of six animals immunized with the inactivated vaccine died, as did two non-vaccinated controls. In this test, three of six animals vaccinated with the DNA vaccine survived without severe clinical signs, whereas three succumbed to the disease. Comparing weight reduction and virus excretion, the DNA vaccine also ranged between the inactivated and modified-live vaccines. Thus, administration of DNA constructs expressing different PrV glycoproteins was superior to an adjuvanted inactivated vaccine but less effective than an attenuated live vaccine in protection of pigs against PrV infection. Our data suggest a potential use of DNA vaccination in circumstances which do not allow administration of live attenuated vaccines.  相似文献   

In a large herd of pigs where a trial was performed to cure the animals from Aujeszky's disease (AD) by applying to all animals an inactivated vaccine, a post-vaccination antibody response was studied in piglets coming from the sows that were vaccinated several times. When the piglets were vaccinated at the age of eight weeks (the average virus-neutralizing titer (VNT) of colostral antibodies was 1:11.4) and revaccinated at the age of 11 weeks, 73% of the forty-five animals (examined at the age of 17 weeks) did not have any virus-neutralizing (VN) antibodies in the blood serum. After the third vaccination dose (at the age of 17 weeks), 11% of piglets did not have any VN antibodies if they were examined at the age of 22 weeks (the average antibody VNT was 1:15.3). Applying the ELISA procedure, the antibodies were demonstrated in the sera of all piglets after three vaccination doses. Shifting the time intervals of vaccination (at the age of 8, 13 and 19 weeks), the VN antibodies were found out after three vaccination doses in the sera of all piglets examined at the age of 23 weeks (the average VNT was 1:56.4). After three vaccination doses at the age of 12, 17 and 23 weeks, the VN antibodies were also demonstrated in all piglets at the age of 27 weeks (the average VNT was 1:208).  相似文献   

将分离的鸭副黏病毒,经0.1%的甲醛灭活后与白油、吐温-80、司盘-80,按一定比例混合后在胶体磨中快速乳化成油包水型,制备了鸭副黏病毒油乳佐剂灭活疫苗。并对制备的疫苗进行了物理性状、无菌检验、安全性、稳定性检验、抗体消长规律、交叉免疫保护及免疫效力检验。结果表明,该疫苗安全可靠,注射后鸭的精神状况良好,饮食、粪便无异常变化,注射部位未见明显变化,疫苗吸收良好。免疫后14d即可产生抗体(平均为41og2),60d可达到91og2。免疫后25d攻毒保护率可达90%以上。  相似文献   

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