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为了能给白斑狗鱼耐高温性状的改良提供有效的分子标记,本研究基于白斑狗鱼热敏感组 (109尾)和耐高温组 (103尾)进行简化基因组测序,对25个染色体中的InDel标记,以前两个PCA为协变量,利用MLM模型(Masked Language Mode)与白斑狗鱼的耐热性状进行了关联分析。结果显示,大部分InDel分布在内含子 (63.69%),外显子分布的InDel位点较少 (1.30%)。通过GWAS分析,发现5个位点与白斑狗鱼耐热性状显著关联,分别位于safb基因、未知基因LOC117593903和CLSTN2基因内含子中。其中9N del、4N del-1和4N del-2三个InDel位点均位于CLSTN2基因第3内含子,这3个位点在212尾个体中基因型分布高度连锁。本研究中发现的5个InDel突变可能会对白斑狗鱼的耐热性状产生显著的影响,可作为白斑狗鱼耐热性状改良的候选分子标记。进一步在验证群体中利用KASP技术对部分位点进行了验证。发现9N del位点DD基因型个体在热敏感组中占优势,DI基因型个体在耐高温组中占优势,与简化基因组测序结果基本一致。位于CLSTN2基因第2内含子的3个InDel位点可能影响CLSTN2基因的转录,该基因可能是白斑狗鱼耐高温性状相关的重要候选基因。研究结果为白斑狗鱼分子标记辅助育种提供了理论依据,为白斑狗鱼耐热性状的改良提供了候选分子标记。


Abstract –  The movement of ten radio-tagged adult pikes (57–113 cm) in the River Gudenå, Denmark, was investigated from September 1998 to September 1999. The movements of pike were characterised by long resident periods in the submergent vegetation, interrupted by short excursions to nearby areas. Two periods with more intense movement were observed; one period during early winter; and one period during spring from mid-March to mid-May. The increased movement during early winter may have been initiated by a slight temperature increase at this time, whereas the increased movement during spring coincided with the spawning of pike. Despite suitable spawning areas nearby the areas where pike resided most of the year, several pike, mainly females, migrated to distant localities during spring.  相似文献   

Northern pike, Esox lucius, needs different habitats to survive and reproduce and thus depends on the availability and accessibility of these habitats. To efficiently manage pike, information is needed on its spatial and temporal patterns of migration. In this study, we investigated the occurrence of adult pike migration and which environmental variables influenced migration. From December 2010, we followed 15 pike for 1 year by use of radio telemetry in the River Yser, a typical lowland river characterised by anthropogenic impacts such as artificial embankments. Pike migrated most in February and March, which could indicate they frequented spawning habitat in this period. Four environmental variables significantly affected pike migration, ranging from the location where pike were observed (strongest effect), over water temperature and flow to diel water temperature change (weakest effect). The relation between migration and the location where pike were observed could demonstrate that pike preferred specific regions in the river. Increasing water temperature triggered migration for both sexes, and males started migrating at lower temperatures than females, which suggests that males start migrating earlier. This was the only substantial difference observed between male and female pike migration. The results suggest that migration was inhibited by high flow, as no migration was observed at high flow. River managers can use this information to efficiently manage their pike populations, for example, by removing or temporarily opening hydraulic structures like valves, weirs and sluices. This may facilitate access to suitable habitats at moments pike needs these habitats to fulfil its life cycle.  相似文献   

白斑狗鱼雌性化诱导和雌雄同体现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究和开发白斑狗鱼雌性化诱导方法,实验将750尾白斑狗鱼仔鱼随机分为5组,其中4组为实验组,分别从不同的发育时间(孵出后第10、20、30和40天)开始投喂用20 mg/L雌二醇浸泡过的水蚯蚓,另外1组为空白对照组,投喂正常水蚯蚓。各实验组喂饲17β-雌二醇30 d,然后将实验组和对照组的所有鱼进行正常饲养。至206 d将实验组和对照组的鱼进行成活情况统计,然后分别进行解剖,取出性腺进行组织学观察。结果显示,投喂用20 mg/L雌二醇浸泡过的水蚯蚓对白斑狗鱼仔鱼具有非常明显的致死效应,成活率由对照组的43.5%下降到14.3%±8.3%;30 d喂药组和40 d喂药组获得较高的雌雄比例,特别是30 d喂药组最高,达到了15∶7,由此推断白斑狗鱼性腺分化的关键时间点可能在孵出后的30~40 d;各实验组和对照组都出现很高比例的雌雄同体现象,即在同一性腺中同时出现了大量的初级卵母细胞(第Ⅱ时相)和精母细胞,而且这些卵母细胞有明显的退化现象,推测其性别分化过程中存在雌性先熟的幼体雌雄同体现象。本研究将为采用激素诱导手段生产白斑狗鱼全雌化苗种以及探讨白斑狗鱼性别决定和分化机制提供依据。  相似文献   

Abstract– A bioenergetics model was used to estimate the food consumption of northern pike ( Esox lucius L.) in two lakes in northeastern Finland, and the results compared with those obtained by a method based on stomach contents and gastric evacuation rates. The annual specific food consumption was 7–5 g per one gram pike for one- and two-year-old pike, and 4–3 g g−1 in age groups 3–6 years old, according to the bioenergetics model. The proportion of ingested food used for growth was 10–30%, and was highest in the youngest age groups. The food consumption rates estimated by the stomach contents method were considerably lower, only about half those produced by the bioenergetics model. The method based on stomach contents tends to underestimate the food consumption. The bioenergetics model was considered more valid for estimating food consumption, but some of the parameter values for northern pike may differ in populations from different latitudes. According to a sensitivity analysis, the food consumption estimate of the bioenergetics model was most sensitive to parameters in the allometric function for respiration.  相似文献   

本研究应用18个微卫星分子标记,对白斑狗鱼(Esox lucius L.)3个中国新疆群体(乌伦古湖、吉力湖和6号湖)和1个匈牙利巴拉顿湖群体的遗传结构进行了分析.结果表明,3个中国白斑狗鱼群体的平均等位基因丰富度(AR)、平均观测杂合度(Ho)和平均期望杂合度(HE)均显著低于匈牙利巴拉顿湖群体(P<0.05),而匈牙利群体的平均近交系数(FIS)高于中国群体;经SMM和TPM模型检测,匈牙利白斑狗鱼群体存在显著的遗传瓶颈信号(P<0.001);AMOVA和群体两两比较的FST值表明,中国与匈牙利白斑狗鱼的遗传分化十分显著(P<0.01);NJ树、主成分分析(PCA)进一步证实中国白斑狗鱼与匈牙利白斑狗鱼群体间存在显著的遗传差异和分化.此外,贝叶斯遗传聚类结果表明,中国新疆6号湖白斑狗鱼群体极可能来源于乌伦古湖,而非吉力湖.  相似文献   

长非编码RNA(lncRNAs)作为一种新的表观遗传因子,在研究鱼类性别决定和性别分化过程中具有重要的作用。本研究利用RACE技术,对白斑狗鱼(EsoxLucius)性别特异性lncRNAs基因Novel01784进行克隆,获得了全长共1328bp的序列。在线预测工具CPC2和CPAT的分析结果显示,该基因不具有编码蛋白质的能力。通过Blast比对分析将其定位在9号染色体,且位于sp2和Abcc10基因之间,根据其位置关系将其命名为lincRNAAbcc10。从共定位分析结果显示, lincRNA-Abcc10可能参与调控离子运输、卵泡细胞发育和线粒体活性,其表达模式与部分邻近基因相似。其次,对白斑狗鱼lincRNA-Abcc103个时期在8个组织中的qRT-PCR结果显示,该基因在卵巢中特异性表达,随着时间增长表达量逐渐下降,说明其可能在卵巢早期分化过程中起着重要的作用。此外,通过对白斑狗鱼126 d卵巢核质RNA分离, qRT-PCR结果显示, lincRNA-Abcc10分布于细胞质内,可能以顺式或反式方式调控邻近基因的翻译水平。最后,利用CRISPR/Cas9技术建立了linc...  相似文献   

Abstract –  We measured the growth and mortality characteristics of northern pike ( Esox lucius ) in a northern Ontario river and examined the influence of flow on these characteristics by comparing our measurements with those estimated for a lake at the same latitude based on published studies. Pike ranged in total length from 229 to 784 mm, in mass from 70 to 4250 g, and in age from 1 to 10 years. The population showed a preponderance of 2–5-year olds, with few fish surviving beyond 7 years of age. Growth, in terms of length increase, was similar to that reported for circumpolar populations. Mean total length at 5 years of age was 577 mm, growth rate of young adults was 62.5 mm year−1, growth was isometric, longevity was 10 years of age, and the adult annual mortality rate was 49%. Growth and mortality characteristics of this riverine population were similar to those estimated for a lacustrine population at the same latitude. Flow thus had little measurable effect on the growth or mortality of pike possibly because of the overwhelming effect of other abiotic variables such as temperature, length of growing season and productivity. Consequently, growth characteristics of lacustrine populations can be used to assess the health and condition of riverine populations.  相似文献   

Circular whitish granular lesions, 5-12 mm in diameter, were observed on the skin and fins of a wild northern pike, Esox lucius, caught in a lake in the Republic of Ireland. Histological examination of the lesions revealed hypertrophied cells in the epidermis with deeply basophilic enlarged nuclei and dark-staining granular material in the cytoplasm. Transmission electron microscopy of these cells revealed naked hexagonal herpes-like virus nucleocapsids (97 +/- 7 nm) in their nuclei while the cytoplasm contained multiple aggregates of enveloped viral particles. This is the first report of herpes-like virus particles in northern pike originating outside North America, where esocid herpesvirus-1 (EsHV-1) has previously been reported. Shared clinical, histological, morphological and epidemiological findings suggest that the observed particles in this report may also be EsHV-1.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We performed a tagging study on one of the spawning populations of northern pike ( Esox lucius L.) of the River Kajaaninjoki in Finland. Northern pike is the main predator in many lakes and rivers in the northern hemisphere. Previous tagging studies have shown a general tendency to sedentary behaviour by pike. Whether individuals in a fish population adapt a sedentary or moving strategy may affect population persistence. To study if the spawning population consists of sedentary or moving individuals and the pattern of movements, we tagged 40 pike with radio transmitters and followed them from May 2002 to June 2003. Pike were caught and tagged during the spawning season in the mouth of the River Kajaaninjoki which flows into one of the largest lakes in Finland, Lake Oulujärvi. Our results suggest that the pike spawning population consisted of sedentary pike ( N  = 16) dwelling the whole year in the river, and moving pike ( N  = 24) which moved to Lake Oulujärvi after the spawning period. Pike exhibited homing behaviour, as most of the migrating pike returned to the same spawning area in the following year. Large pike had a higher movement rate than small pike during the summer and seasonally the movement rate was lowest during the spring and highest during the summer.  相似文献   

Individual variability in dispersal strategies, where some individuals disperse and others remain resident, is a common phenomenon across many species. Despite its important ecological consequences, the mechanisms and individual consequences of dispersal remain poorly understood. Here, riverine Northern pike (Esox lucius) juveniles (age 0+ (young-of-the-year) and 1+ years) were used to investigate the influence of body size and trophic position (at capture) on the dispersal from off-channel natal habitats and the subsequent consequences for body sizes, specific growth rate and trophic position (at recapture). Individuals that dispersed into the river (“dispersers”) were not significantly different in body size than those remaining on nursery grounds (“stayers”). For trophic position, 0+ dispersers were of significantly lower trophic position than stayers, but with this not apparent in the 1+ fish. Following dispersal into the river, the dispersers grew significantly faster than stayers and, on recapture, were significantly larger, but with no significant differences in their final trophic positions. Early dispersal into the river was, therefore, not associated with early dietary shifts to piscivory and the attainment of larger body sizes of individuals whilst in their natal habitats, contrary to prediction. These results suggest that despite an increasing risk of mortality for individuals dispersing early from natal areas, there are long-term benefits via elevated growth rates and, potentially, higher fitness. Such early dispersal behaviour could be driven by early competitive displacement.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity between three farmed and four wild populations of Atlantic salmon from Ireland and Norway were analysed using 15 microsatellite markers. High levels of polymorphism were observed over all populations with the average number of alleles and average heterozygosity at 17.8 and 0.70, respectively. Farmed salmon showed less genetic variability than wild salmon in terms of allelic diversity but not necessarily in terms of overall heterozygosity. Between farmed populations significant differences were observed in expected heterozygosity suggesting that more intensive breeding practices may have resulted in a further erosion of genetic variability. Phylogenetic analysis using either populations or individuals as nodes show a clustering of populations into two groups, farmed and wild. This suggests that founder effects and subsequent selection have had more effect on the genetic differentiation between these strains than geographical separation. This technology has great potential for use in aquaculture situation where levels of genetic variation could be monitored and inbreeding controlled in a commercial breeding progra.  相似文献   

为探索我国珠江流域大鳞副泥鳅(Paramisgurnus dabryanus)群体的遗传分化及亲缘关系,本研究采用8个微卫星分子标记,对我国珠江流域9个大鳞副泥鳅群体(佛山、高要、封开、肇庆、乳源、乐昌、韶关、河源和惠州)进行了遗传多样性分析。结果显示,8个微卫星位点共检测到 69个等位基因,平均等位基因(Na)和有效等位基因(Ne)分别为8.6和4.0个,平均观测杂合度(Ho)和期望杂合度(He)分别为0.4426和0.7030。9个大鳞副泥鳅群体间的遗传分化系数(Fst)和基因流(Nm)分别为0.2452和0.7697,表明群体间遗传分化水平较高,遗传交流水平低。采用UPGMA法,对 9个群体基于遗传距离进行聚类,可分为两大支,韶关、佛山和乳源群体聚为一支;另一支包含了其余的6个大鳞副泥鳅群体,分为3个小分支,分别为乐昌与肇庆群体、河源与惠州群体及高要与封开群体。研究表明,珠江流域的9个大鳞副泥鳅群体具有较高的遗传多样性,且群体间存在着一定的遗传分化,具有进一步选育的价值。  相似文献   

利用12个微卫星标记对北海(BH)、陵水(LS)、硇洲(NZ)、徐闻(XW)和三亚(SY) 5个军曹鱼(Rachycentron canadum)养殖群体进行遗传多样性分析。结果显示,12对微卫星引物在5个军曹鱼养殖群体中共检测到129个等位基因。各养殖群体的平均等位基因数为3.833~6.750,平均有效等位基因数为2.284~3.645,平均观测杂合度和平均期望杂合度分别为0.481~0.635和0.533~0.681,平均多态信息含量为0.463~0.630;哈迪-温伯格平衡检测结果显示,各群体在多个微卫星位点上均显著偏离平衡(P<0.05);军曹鱼养殖群体间的遗传分化指数(Fst)为0.055~0.150,遗传距离(D)为0.240~0.635,其中,BH和NZ的Fst最大(0.150),D最远(0.635);AMOVA分析表明,军曹鱼养殖群体的84%遗传变异来自于个体之间;基于Nei´s遗传距离构建的UPGMA系统进化树显示,BH和SY聚为一支,LS和XW聚为一支,两支聚为一支后与NZ聚为一支。研究结果将为军曹鱼种质资源保护和改良等提供科学的数据参考。  相似文献   

We examined the element pattern in the otoliths of a migratory fish species that inhabit the coastal areas in the brackish of the Baltic Sea. The northern pike (Esox lucius) show migratory behaviour, spawning in streams and rivers and foraging in the sea. We examined spawning migration in four nearby streams in the south‐west part of the Baltic. Otolith analysis by microPIXE revealed unique elemental patterns (Sr, Zn, Br, Co and Mn) for the juveniles in each of the different streams. The strontium signal in the otolith of the juveniles was used as an indicator of freshwater origin and the time spent in the stream. Adult pike in their migrating spawning phase were caught in each of the streams. The elemental composition in otoliths in their freshwater phase (using juvenile pike in the streams as references) was determined. A principal component analysis showed that the elemental fingerprint during the freshwater phase several years back in time was similar for the adult fish and for juveniles inhabiting the stream today. The results indicated natal homing of the adults to a specific stream, a conclusion that was strengthened by the fact that marked fish returned to spawn over consecutive years. Anadromous pike in the Baltic Sea may thus be divided in subpopulations. The results of the study may have implications for fishery management, as pike in the Baltic Sea cannot be seen as homogenous population.  相似文献   

王佳佳  王琼  秦桢  陈耀辉  李健  李吉涛 《水产学报》2023,47(6):069606-069606
为了探究SSR标记对凡纳滨对虾养殖群体的遗传多样性和群体遗传结构的影响,为凡纳滨对虾种质资源的遗传改良提供基础信息。实验利用MISA软件对凡纳滨对虾全基因组SSR位点进行搜索,通过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳获得多态性高的SSR标记,基于POPGENE 1.32、PIC-CALC和Mega 6.0软件分析6个不同来源的凡纳滨对虾养殖群体的遗传多样性和群体结构特征。在凡纳滨对虾全基因组数据中共鉴定出10 453 975个微卫星,约占基因组序列总长度的18.56%,其中,二碱基微卫星最丰富,占总数的82.15%。利用具有多态性的14个SSR标记分析3个国内群体[桂海1号(CG)、海兴农2号(CH)和山东养殖群体(CT)],及3个国外群体[厄瓜多尔1号(FO)、厄瓜多尔2号(FT)和墨西哥群体(FM)]的遗传特征。结果显示,14个SSR标记在6个群体中共检测到208个等位基因变异,等位基因数、观测杂合度、期望杂合度和多态性信息含量的范围分别为6~25、0.112~0.994、0.234~0.925和0.226~0.918;遗传多样性丰富程度为CH>FO>FM>CT>FT>...  相似文献   

To examine the ability of pike (Esox lucius L.) to modify exogenous PUFA by desaturation and elongation, 14C-labelled 18:2(n-6), 18:3(n-3), 20:4(n-6) and 20:5(n-3) were injected intraperitoneally and the distribution of radioactivity in tissue lipid classes and liver PUFA measured. In all tissues examined, radioactivity from all 14C-PUFA was recovered in many classes of acyl lipids and the level of recovery generally reflected the relative abundance of the lipid classes. Triacylglycerols, CGP and EGP usually contained high levels of all incorporated 14C-PUFA. PI contained higher levels of radioactivity from 14C-20:4(n-6) than from other injected substrates. In liver lipid, the 6 desaturation products of 14C-18:2(n-6) and 14C-18:3(n-3) contained no measurable radioactivity although the elongation products of the 6 desaturation products were labelled, as were the direct elongation products of these injected substrates. No radioactivity from 14C-18:2(n-6) or 14C-18:3(n-3) was detected in C20 or C22 products of 5 and 4 desaturation. Almost all radioactivity from injected 14C-20:4(n-6) was recovered in this PUFA. Of the total radioactivity from 14C-20:5(n-3) incorporated into liver lipid, 7% was present as 24:5 and 16.4% was recovered in hexaenoic fatty acids. In liver, 24:5(n-3) and 24:6(n-3) each accounted for 1% of the mass of total fatty acids and were located almost exclusively in triacylglycerols. The presence of radioactivity in these C24 PUFA suggests that in pike the synthesis of 22:6(n-3) from 20:5(n-3) may proceed without 4 desaturase via the pathway which involves chain shortening of 24:6(n-3). It is concluded that under the circumstances employed in this study pike, do not exhibit 5 desaturase activity and are unable to synthesize 20:4(n-6) and 20:5(n-3) from 18:2(n-6) and 18:3(n-3), respectively. This suggests that pike may require 20:4(n-6) and 20:5(n-3) preformed in the diet.Abbreviations CGP choline glycerophospholipids - CL cardiolipin - EGP ethanolamine glycerophospholipids - PG phosphatidylglycerol - PI phosphatidylinositol - PS phosphatidylserine - PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acids - SM sphingomyelin - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

The provision of fry and fingerlings, independent of the natural spawning season, can facilitate the implementation of innovative rearing strategies also in pike perch ( Sander lucioperca L.). As strict pharmaceutical acts or codes of conduct for organic aquaculture can constrain fish farmers in inducing spawning with hormonal applications, this study intended to develop protocols for advanced and postponed spawning just by simple photo-thermal treatments. After spending between 31 and 61 days at temperatures below 10 °C, different groups of pike perch spawners were treated with light and temperature programmes to advance spawning. Reproduction could be induced successfully 2 months before the natural spawning season when the mating pairs spent 43 or more days below 10 °C, followed by a maturation phase of 44–68 days at 15 °C and 16 h illumination per day. Advanced spawning could be documented for 32 out of 35 females (91%) that underwent photo-thermal treatments. Mean commercial fecundities up to 24% and average rates of developing eggs of 65% were observed in advanced spawning groups. Coldbanking of mature females allowed to postpone spawnings for 2 and 3 months. However, no egg development could be recorded in these treatment groups.  相似文献   

Abstract – Pike from two different waters were radio-tagged and released immediately upon recovery. In Bygholm Reservoir 19 pike (52–72 cm) and in Lake Ring 15 pike (53–77 cm) were tagged in late February and early March. Bygholm (58 ha) is a shallow eutrophic reservoir and Ring (22 ha) is a natural mesotrophic lake. The positions of the tagged fish were recorded through weekly trackings and a number of 3-day tracking sessions during a 9-month period. Diel activity patterns, home range sizes and habitat utilization by pike was compared between the reservoir and the lake. The pike in the lake occupied larger areas than the pike in the reservoir and were less associated with vegetation. In both waters pike were found more often in, or close to, vegetation during summer than during winter. No difference in average movement of pike was seen between the waters, but pike were more stationary in the reservoir than in the lake. There was no difference in the level of movement between different times of the day, but the diel rhythm of the pike changed significantly over the year. There were large behavioral differences between pike in the lake and in the reservoir and even more variation between individuals within each population.  相似文献   

为研究塔里木河流域叶尔羌高原鳅(Triplophysa yarkandensis)群体的遗传多样性,基于高通量测序平台,对叶尔羌高原鳅基因组进行测序,并筛选出符合条件的微卫星位点,设计100对用于PCR扩增的引物,最终筛选出39对具有多态性的引物,挑选多态性较高的15对在5个河段叶尔羌高原鳅种群中进行扩增,分析不同种群的遗传多样性和种群分化情况。结果显示,5个叶尔羌高原鳅群体的平均等位基因数(Na)和有效等位基因数(Ne)分别为48.467和15.181,平均观测杂合度(Ho)和期望杂合度(He)分别为0.578和0.929,多态性信息含量(PIC)为0.893,种群间遗传分化系数(Fst)为0.102。其中,车尔臣河群体等位基因数最多(18.143),阿克苏河群体等位基因数最少(10.429);阿克苏河群体的观测杂合度最高(0.706),台特玛湖群体的观测杂合度最低(0.517);阿尔干群体的多态信息含量最高(0.877),阿克苏河群体的多态信息含量最低(0.760);阿克苏河与台南河群体的遗传距离最小(0.606),阿尔干与台南河群体遗传距离最大(1.901);阿尔干群体与台南河群体遗传相似度最低(0.149),阿克苏河与台南河群体的遗传相似度最高(0.545)。群体遗传结构显示,车尔臣河与台特玛湖、阿克苏河与台南河、阿尔干群体分别聚为独立分支。研究表明,塔里木河各个河段叶尔羌高原鳅之间虽然有一定的差异,但仍然有基因交流现象。  相似文献   

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