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Earthworms and mulch can have positive or negative effects on mycorrhizae (fungus-roots) and N uptake by plants. In the present experiment, maize plants were grown under greenhouse conditions with or without tropical earthworms (Balanteodrilus pearsei) and mulch of velvetbean (Mucuna pruriens var. utilis). The formation of vesicles and hyphae of arbuscular-mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in roots and N uptake by maize plants was measured at harvest. The addition of earthworms and velvetbean reduced AM root colonization. Earthworms had no effect on plant root or shoot biomass. In the absence of velvetbean, earthworms reduced AM colonization, but when velvetbean was present, this effect disappeared. The addition of velvetbean mulch, on the other hand, had an effect on plant biomass (above- and belowground) and a positive effect on AM fungal colonization of roots in presence of worms, but a negative effect when worms were absent. When both M. pruriens and B. pearsei were added, shoot and root biomass and N concentrations increased. Vesicle formation was related to velvetbean mulch decomposition as well as the higher N concentration in maize roots. Management of mulch–earthworm interactions may be of value, particularly in low-input and organic agricultural systems, and deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

Earthworms, which play a key role in biogeochemical processes in soil ecosystems, could be negatively affected by the cultivation of transgenic Bt crops. Studies to date have found few effects of Bt maize on earthworm species. If adverse effects occur, they are likely to be chronic or sub-lethal and expressed over large spatial and temporal scales. Our objective in the present study was to investigate potential effects on earthworm populations in soil cultivated with Bt maize in a large multiple-year field study. We surveyed the earthworm populations in 0.16-ha experimental field plots of two varieties of Cry1Ab Bt maize, one variety of Cry3Bb1 Bt maize, and three non-transgenic control varieties cultivated for four years. Four earthworm species were found in our sample: Aporrectodea caliginosa, Aporrectodea trapezoides, Aporrectodea tuberculata (collectively, the A. caliginosa species complex), and Lumbricus terrestris. We found no significant differences in the biomass of juveniles and adults for all four species between Bt and non-Bt maize varieties. From this and previous studies, we conclude that the effects of Cry1Ab and Cry3Bb1 Bt maize on the A. caliginosa species complex and L. terrestris are small. Nonetheless, general conclusions about the effects of Bt maize on earthworm populations are not warranted due to the small number of species tested. In future laboratory studies, earthworm species should be selected according to their association with a Bt crop and the impact of that species to valued soil ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

We analyzed the variability of a large maize (Zea mays L.) collection of152 tropical populations for photoperiod sensitivity and grain productivityunder long-day conditions to investigate their potential adaptation to temperateconditions. A multilocal experimental design was used: one location withshort-day conditions (Guadeloupe), one location with medium-day conditions (latesowing in the south of France) and two locations with long-day conditions (earlysowing in both the North and South of France). The photoperiod sensitivity wasestimated by the slope of the regression of thermal time from sowing to 50%anthesis on photoperiod. We found highly significant effects of latitude andaltitude of the collecting site of the population on photoperiod sensitivity anda significant but small interaction between these two factors. Populationsoriginated from low altitudes and low latitudes are highly sensitive tophotoperiod, whereas highland populations never display a high photoperiodsensitivity, whatever the latitude of origin. Grain productivity under long-dayconditions was not highly correlated with photoperiod sensitivity. Andeanpopulations were little sensitive to photoperiod and exhibited poor grainproduction under long-day conditions. In contrast, some populations from theCaribbean such as populations from Cuban Flint and Early Caribbean racesexhibited a good grain production although sensitive to photoperiod. The goodadaptation of some Caribbean material to temperate conditions is consistent withthe hypothesis of the successful introduction of Caribbean germplasm in southernregions of the Old World.  相似文献   

Conventional tillage creates soil physical conditions that may restrict earthworm movement and accelerate crop residue decomposition, thus reducing the food supply for earthworms. These negative impacts may be alleviated by retaining crop residues in agroecosystems. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of various tillage and crop residue management practices on earthworm populations in the field and earthworm growth under controlled conditions. Population assessments were conducted at two long-term (15+ years) experimental sites in Québec, Canada with three tillage systems: moldboard plow/disk harrow (CT), chisel plow or disk harrow (RT) and no tillage (NT), as well as two levels of crop residue inputs (high and low). Earthworm growth was assessed in intact soil cores from both sites. In the field, earthworm populations and biomass were greater with long-term NT than CT and RT practices, but not affected by crop residue management. Laboratory growth rates of Aporrectodea turgida (Eisen) in intact soil cores were affected by tillage and residue inputs, and were positively correlated with the soil organic C pool, suggesting that tillage and residue management practices that increase the soil organic C pool provide more organic substrates for earthworm growth. The highest earthworm growth rates were in soils from RT plots with high residue input, which differed from the response of earthworm populations to tillage and residue management treatments in the field. Our results suggest that tillage-induced disturbance probably has a greater impact than food availability on earthworm populations in cool, humid agroecosystems.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on a previously eroded Oxic Paleustalf in Ibadan, southwestern Nigeria to determine the extent of soil degradation under mound tillage with some herbaceous legumes and residue management methods. A series of factorial experiments was carried out on 12 existing runoff plots. The study commenced in 1996 after a 5-year natural fallow. Mound tillage was introduced in 1997 till 1999. The legumes – Vigna unguiculata (cowpea), Mucuna pruriens and Pueraria phaseoloides – were intercropped with maize in 1996 and 1998 while yam was planted alone in 1997 and 1999. This paper covers 1997–1999. At the end of each year, residues were either burned or mulched on respective plots. Soil loss, runoff, variations in mound height, bulk density, soil water retention and sorptivity were measured. Cumulative runoff was similar among interactions of legume and residue management in 1997 (57–151 mm) and 1999 (206–397 mm). However, in 1998, cumulative runoff of 95 mm observed for Mucuna-burned residue was significantly greater than the 46 mm observed for cowpea-burned residue and the 39–51 mm observed for mulched residues of cowpea, Mucuna and Pueraria. Cumulative soil loss of 7.6 Mg ha−1 observed for Mucuna-burned residue in 1997 was significantly greater than those for Pueraria-mulched (0.9 Mg ha−1) and Mucuna-mulched (1.4 Mg ha−1) residues whereas in 1999 it was similar to soil loss from cowpea treatments and Pueraria-burned residue (2.3–5.3 Mg ha−1). There were no significant differences in soil loss in 1998 (1–3.2 Mg ha−1) whereas Mucuna-burned residue had a greater soil loss (28.6 Mg ha−1) than mulched cowpea (6.9 Mg ha−1) and Pueraria (5.4 Mg ha−1). Mound heights (23 cm average) decreased non-linearly with cumulative rainfall. A cumulative rainfall of 500 mm removed 0.3–2.3 cm of soil from mounds in 1997, 3.5–6.9 cm in 1998 and 2.3–4.6 cm in 1999, indicating that (detached but less transported) soil from mounds was far higher than observed soil loss in each year. Soil water retention was improved at potentials ranging from −1 to −1500 kPa by Mucuna-mulched residue compared to the various burned-residue treatments. Also, mound sorptivity at −1 cm water head (14.3 cm h−1/2) was higher than furrow sorptivity (8.5 cm h−1/2), indicating differences in hydraulic characteristics between mound and furrow. Pueraria-mulched residues for mounds had the highest sorptivity of 17.24 cm h−1/2, whereas the least value of 6.96 cm h−1/2 was observed in furrow of Mucuna-burned residue. Pueraria phas eoloides was considered the best option for soil conservation on the previously eroded soil, cultivated with mound tillage.  相似文献   

The conversion of montane cloud forests into pastures for grazing cattle is the main cause of important impacts on rivers and streams in most of the Andes. In order to evaluate the effects of vegetation changes we need to understand water fluxes, particularly canopy interception. We measured net precipitation responses by the canopies of Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. ex Chiov. and Melinis minutiflora Beauv. under simulated rainfall. The samples were taken from grazed pastures during 1 year, digging out round mats of grass, placing them on wire-mesh devices after eliminating soil and underground biomass, and irrigating with different water amounts. The resulting data allow us to present a validated model for each species that predicts percentage of interception at different precipitation intensities taking into account previous canopy wetness within determined biomass ranges. We use these models to estimate 2 years of interception values for pastures of both species in the upper watershed of El Cañadón, Capaz River, Venezuelan Andes. Mean annual precipitation of El Cañadón is 1244 mm and the estimate of pasture interception was 36.5% and 31.8% for P. clandestinum and M. minutiflora, respectively. Interception models, such as the ones derived in this study, provide a basis for quantifying interception rates as a function of previous wetness of canopies and grass species.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the dominant diazotrophs associated with maize roots and rhizosphere soil originating from three different locations in France. An aseptically grown maize plantlet, the spermosphere model, was used to isolate N2-fixing (acetylene-reducing) bacteria. Bacillus circulans was the dominant N2-fixing bacterium in the rhizosphere of maize-growing soils from Ramonville and Trogny, but was not found in maize-growing sandy soil from Pissos. In the latter soil, Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella terrigena, and Pseudomonas sp. were the most abundant diazotrophs. Azospirillum sp., which has been frequently reported as an important diazotroph accociated with the maize rhizosphere, was not isolated from any of these soils. The strains were compared for their acetylene-reducing activity in the spermosphere model. The Bacillus circulans strains, which were more frequently isolated, also exhibited significantly greater acetylene-reducing activity (3100 nmol ethylene day-1 plant-1) than the Enterobacteriaceae strains (180 nmol ethylene day-1 plant-1). This work indicates for the first time that Bacillus circulans is an important maizerhizosphere-associated bacterium and a potential plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium.  相似文献   

The stoichiometry of resources is increasingly acknowledged as a major control of consumer activity and abundance. Chemical properties of litter, the main source of food for decomposers, are likely to be important drivers of decomposer activity.
Theory predicts a high control of resource stoichiometry on the abundance of consumer organisms that maintain strict homeostasis, due to costs associated with the regulation of nutrient balance in their body tissue. Decomposer efforts in nutrient acquisition should be related to imbalances in resource stoichiometry.
A 21 year old experimental plantation of monospecific plots of trees with leaves of contrasting chemistry was used to test four hypotheses: (i) soil and litter nutrient stoichiometry (C, N, P) are linked; (ii); soil enzyme activity ratios and stoichiometry are linked; (iii) earthworms’ tissue stoichiometry does not depend on soil and litter stoichiometry (homeostasis); (iv) earthworm density is dependent upon phosphorus availability, the most limiting nutrient in soils at this site, and, to a lesser extent, to nitrogen availability.
We found (i) no relationship between litter and soil stoichiometry, (ii) microbial activity was linked to soil stoichiometry, (iii) earthworms showed strict homeostasis in their tissue and (iv) earthworm abundance increased with P availability.
We discuss the mechanisms that might lead to these patterns.

The effect of soil fauna-mediated leaf litter (faecal pellets) versus mechanically fragmented (finely ground) leaf litter on biomass production of rice (Oryza sativa, var. Primavera) was assessed in pot tests. Rice seedlings were either grown in soil samples amended with faecal pellets of diplopods and isopods fed on leaf litter of a legume cover crop (Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth) and a peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) or in soil amended with finely ground leaf litter. The addition of faecal pellets caused a significant and dose-related increase in plant biomass compared to pure soil. Ground leaf litter induced a significantly smaller positive effect on plant biomass development with Pueraria litter > Bactris litter > mixed primary forest litter. In contrast, soil microbial biomass development during the 4 weeks plant test was higher in the soil amended with ground litter as compared to soil amended with feacal pellets. The results show a clear positive effect of the soil fauna on soil fertility and indicate differences in the availability of nutrients from the organic substrates to higher plants and soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

Using survey data from Jala, Mexico, this case-study evaluates in situ maize conservation of the variety ‘Jala’ (Zea mays L.). Though historically ‘Jala’ was the dominant variety grown in the valley of Jala, today less than 20% of farmers grow it on only 5% of the maize area. Younger growers of the ‘Jala’ variety specialize in it, growing relatively large amounts for niche markets. Older, diversified farmers grow small areas for household use and to compete in a local contest. Conservation of the ‘Jala’ variety has been heavily influenced by shifting ideal concepts of maize, as determined by market and consumption demands and by a contest designed to promote in situ conservation. The current move away from nationalized purchasing may favor ‘Jala’s’ continued conservation.  相似文献   

Ten leguminous trees, four exotic species (Australian Acacia) and six indigenous species (three Sahelian Acacia spp. and three Sesbania spp.), were grown for 4 months in a natural Sahelian soil inoculated with or without the endomycorrhizal fungus, Glomus intraradices. In control trials, the determinant factor structuring the soil nematode fauna was the plant species, related plants having a similar influence on the nematode community in the soil. Soil nematode abundance increased from exotic acacias (3.3 g-1 dry soil) to native acacias (11.5 g-1 dry soil) and Sesbania species (17.6 g-1 dry soil). Plant feeding nematodes (mainly Scutellonema and Tylenchorhynchus) were significantly less abundant under exotic acacias (1.4 g-1 dry soil) than under native acacias (7.2 g-1 dry soil) or Sesbania species (7.3 g-1 dry soil). Bacterial feeding nematode density increased from exotic acacias (1.2 g-1 dry soil) to native acacias (3.0 g-1 dry soil) and Sesbania species (7.7 g-1 dry soil) as total densities. However, the differences in the structure of the nematode communities between plant groups were suppressed in the presence of the mycorrhizal fungus. In fact, no difference in nematode densities remained between plant groups when G. intraradices developed in several dominant taxa belonging to different trophic groups, particularly: Tylenchorhynchus, Apelenchina, Cephalobus and Dorylaimoidea. This study clearly indicated that inoculation with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus G. intraradices diminished the plant-specific effect on the structure of the soil nematode community.  相似文献   

Crayfish are amongst the most frequently introduced non-native aquatic organisms, with well-documented negative effects on a large number of freshwater taxa. Crayfish-control attempts often make use of manual removal by trapping, a method known preferentially to remove the largest individuals. Studies from aquaculture suggest that lowered population densities and the preferential removal of large individuals may result in non-removed individuals demonstrating increased growth rates. We test the hypothesis under wild conditions, that removal by trapping of American signal crayfish from a UK river would result in an improvement in body condition in the remaining crayfish. We studied four 100 m stretches of two rivers, the Evenlode and Thame, comprising two removal and two non-removal stretches. Each river supported both treatments. Half of the crayfish captured from the removal sections were removed and humanely destroyed by freezing. All crayfish captured from the non-removal sections were marked and returned at the point of capture. Crayfish were more likely to be captured if relatively large and with intact chelae. Catch per unit effort was reduced at the removal sites, and still remained significantly lower between capture sessions. The mean carapace length of crayfish was smaller at removal than non-removal sites. Over the course of the experiment, crayfish at the removal sites became progressively heavier for a given carapace length. The results of this study are consistent with expectations if removals reduced the population density, particularly of large, competitively dominant crayfish, resulting in higher growth rates in the remaining population. This study confirms the possibility that the effects of manual removal by trapping may be at least partially counteracted by density dependent effects improving the body condition of the non-removed portion of the population.  相似文献   

Tropical maize varieties were grown at a tropical lowland location in various -seasons and at a highland location in Mexico to study the general growth pattern of tropical maize. The following results were obtained.

1. The tropical maize variety grown at the lowland location in summer was characterized by (a) a high growth rate and a short growth duration, (b) a small leaf area duration during maturing, (c) a sizable loss of dry weight at late maturity, (d) a low harvest index, and (e) a small number of kernels formed per unit field area. Although these characters may be interrelated, the predominant cause of the former two appear to be environmental and that of the latter three, genetic.

2. The grain yield of tropical maize grown at the lowland location in summer was low mostly because of a small number of kernels and maybe also because of short leaf area duration. The senescence of leaves after silking was rapid and the growth duration was short under high temperatures.

3. Although the number of kernels was small, grain yield was higher at the highland than at the lowland location, and also was higher in the winter than in the summer plantings at the lowland location. At the highland location or in winter, the longer growth duration and the longer leaf area duration compensated for the smaller crop growth rate and resulted in a larger dry matter production after silking and a higher grain yield. Larger kernel size also contributed to the higher yield of highland maize.  相似文献   

Identification of areas which should be a subject of protection is crucial for safeguarding the marine ecosystems. Amongst the reasons for protecting a region or location, the existence of unique populations or evolutionary significant units for one or more key species is a priority. The North American silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis, is currently managed as two stocks (northern and southern) without considering gulf areas separately. Employing microsatellite and mitochondrial markers we have detected significant FST values between hake individuals inhabiting gulfs and those distributed in the open sea, and asymmetric gene flow, higher from the gulf to the open sea than in the opposite direction. These differences can be interpreted as signals of separate populations in gulfs which may act as sources of variability for hake species. Occurrence of similar phenomena in Atlantic waters in both the northern and the southern Hemisphere, for these two pelagic–demersal hake species, suggests that gulfs may constitute a target for designing marine protected areas and confirms the adequacy of gulf-specific management already employed in Argentina.  相似文献   

Colonization and survival of the inoculated bacteria in rhizosphere of maize were investigated in field and pot experiments conducted for 3 consecutive years under rainfed conditions of Himalayan region. The effect of bacterial inoculations on growth and yield related parameters of maize were also evaluated. While three bacterial species, viz. Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas corrugata were tested in 1st year experiments, P. corrugata (based on the 1st year results) was chosen for inoculation in the subsequent experiments. All the three bacterial inoculants showed good rhizosphere competence giving high inoculum numbers (log10 11.13-11.34 cfu g−1). The bacterial inoculations by B. megaterium, B. subtilis and P. corrugata resulted in an increment in grain yield of maize up to 122.4%, 135.2% and 194.3%, respectively, as compared to respective control. In 1st year, the antibiotic marked (Nalr Rifr) inoculant P. corrugata resulted in the highest increase in grain yield, statistically significant (P<0.05) as compared to control, B. megaterium and B. subtilis. In 2nd and 3rd year experiments, P. corrugata increased the grain yield up to 147.28% and 149.93%, respectively, as compared to control. The best performance and consistent trend of P. corrugata to increase plant yields was credited to its initial isolation from rhizosphere of maize growing under temperate conditions. The overall beneficial effects of bacterial inoculations on maize were contributed to (1) the colonization and survival of the introduced bacteria, and (2) stimulation of the indigenous microflora in the rhizosphere. Based on the comprehensive results obtained in this study, P. corrugata may be recommended as suitable bioinoculant for maize fields of temperate climate grown under rainfed conditions.  相似文献   

The interactions of genetically modified (GM) crops with soil species and ecosystems is complex, requiring both specific and broad spectrum assessments. In the ECOGEN project we undertook experiments at three scales of increasing complexity, using Bt maize expressing the Cry1Ab protein from Bacillus thuringiensis as an example. Test species were selected for laboratory-scale experiments to represent taxonomic groups that we could also monitor at glasshouse and field scales (e.g., nematodes, protozoa, micro-arthropods, earthworms, and snails). In the laboratory, single species were exposed to purified Cry1Ab protein or to Bt maize leaf powder incorporated into simplified diets under controlled conditions. In the glasshouse, multiple test species and soil microbial communities taken from ECOGEN's field sites were exposed to Bt maize plants growing under glasshouse or mesocosm conditions. In the field, evaluations were conducted on our selected indicator groups over multiple sites and growing seasons. Field evaluation included assessment of effects due to the local environment, crop type, seasonal variation and conventional crop management practice (tillage and pesticide use), which cannot be assessed in the glasshouse. No direct effects of Cry1Ab protein or Bt leaf residues were detected on our laboratory test organisms, but some significant effects were detected in the glasshouse. Total nematode and protozoan numbers increased in field soil under Bt maize relative to conventional maize, whilst microbial community structure and activity were unaffected. Field results for the abundance of nematodes and protozoa showed some negative effects of Bt maize, thus contradicting the glasshouse results. However, these negative results were specific to particular field sites and sampling times and therefore were transient. Taking the overall variation found in maize ecosystems at different sites into account, any negative effects of Bt maize at field scale were judged to be indirect and no greater than the impacts of crop type, tillage and pesticide use. Although the ECOGEN results were not predictive between the three experimental scales, we propose that they have value when used with feedback loops between the scales. This holistic approach can used to address questions raised by results from any level of experimentation and also for putting GM crop risk:benefit into context with current agricultural practices in regionally differing agro-ecosystems.  相似文献   

设施蔬菜栽培长期施用过量化肥,往往导致土壤质量退化及作物产量降低等问题。因此,采用生态友好的农业生产方式已成为农业可持续发展的趋势。本研究在野外调控试验的第3年采集作物和土壤,研究了施用不同有机物料条件下,接种赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia foetida)对设施菜地土壤性质和作物生长的影响。结果表明,在不同有机物料施用下接种赤子爱胜蚓均显著地提高了黄瓜和菠菜的产量,其中在施用腐熟牛粪+食用菌渣条件下接种赤子爱胜蚓效果最显著。此外,在腐熟牛粪和腐熟牛粪+食用菌渣施用条件下,接种赤子爱胜蚓显著地提高土壤的硝态氮(NO3–-N)、团聚体平均重量直径(MWD)、微生物生物量碳(MBC)、微生物生物量氮(MBN)和代谢熵(q CO2),而在施用商品有机肥的处理中,接种赤子爱胜蚓仅显著地提高了土壤NO3–-N和q CO2。本研究促进了对蚯蚓在设施农业生态系统中服务功能的理解,并为设施农业生产提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

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